def mask_mesh_from_pattern(base_mask, mask_pattern, color):
    """Get a Rhino mesh of a mask from a pattern aligned to the faces of a base mesh."""
        mask_mesh = base_mask.remove_faces_only(mask_pattern)
    except AssertionError:  # all mesh faces have been removed
        return None
    mask_mesh.colors = [color] * len(mask_mesh.faces)
    return from_mesh3d(mask_mesh)
Пример #2
def create_rhino_mesh(_graphic, _lb_mesh):
    """Copied from Ladybug 'IncidentRadiation' Component 
        _graphic: (ladybug.graphic.GraphicContainer) The Laybug Graphic object
        _lb_mesh: (Ladybug Mesh) A single joined mesh of the entire scene
    Returns: (tuple)
        mesh: (_)
        legend: (_)

    # Create all of the visual outputs

    _lb_mesh.colors = _graphic.value_colors
    mesh = from_mesh3d(_lb_mesh)
    legend = legend_objects(_graphic.legend)

    return mesh, legend
Пример #3
def build_window_meshes(_window_surface, _grid_size, _mesh_params):
    """Create the Ladybug Mesh3D grided mesh for the window being analysed
        _window_surface: (Brep) A single window Brep from the scene
        _grid_size: (float)
        _mesh_params: (Rhino.Geometry.MeshingParameters)
    Returns: (tuple)
        points: (list: Ladybug Point3D) All the analysis points on the window
        normals: (list: Ladybug Normal) All the normals for the analysis points
        window_mesh: (ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.Mesh3D) The window
        window_back_mesh: (ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.Mesh3D) A copy of the window shifted 'back'
        just a little bit (0.1 units). Used when solving the 'unshaded' situation.

    # create the gridded mesh for the window surface
    offset_dist = 0.001
    window_mesh = to_joined_gridded_mesh3d([_window_surface], _grid_size,
    window_rh_mesh = from_mesh3d(window_mesh)
    points = [from_point3d(pt) for pt in window_mesh.face_centroids]

    # Create a 'back' for the window
    # Mostly this is done so it can be passed to the ladybug_rhino.intersect.intersect_mesh_rays()
    # solver as a surfce which is certain to *not* shade the window at all
    window_back_mesh = None
    for sr in _window_surface.Surfaces:
        window_normal = sr.NormalAt(0.5, 0.5)
        window_normal = window_normal * -1 * 0.1

        window_back = _window_surface.Duplicate()
        window_back_mesh = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(
            window_back, _mesh_params)[0]

    normals = [from_vector3d(vec) for vec in window_mesh.face_normals]

    return points, normals, window_mesh, window_back_mesh, window_rh_mesh
Пример #4
                     for ival, ang in zip(int_vals, angles))
            weight_result = sum(r * w for r, w in zip(w_res, patch_wghts))
            results.append(weight_result * 100 / vec_count)
        if patch_wghts:
            for int_list in int_matrix:
                weight_result = sum(r * w
                                    for r, w in zip(int_list, patch_wghts))
                results.append(weight_result * 100 / vec_count)
            results = [
                sum(int_list) * 100 / vec_count for int_list in int_matrix

    # create the mesh and legend outputs
    graphic = GraphicContainer(results, study_mesh.min, study_mesh.max,
    graphic.legend_parameters.title = '%'
    if legend_par_ is None or legend_par_.are_colors_default:
        graphic.legend_parameters.colors = Colorset.view_study()
    title_txt = vt_str if vt_str in ('Sky Exposure', 'Sky View') else \
        '{} View'.format(vt_str)
    title = text_objects(title_txt, graphic.lower_title_location,
                         graphic.legend_parameters.text_height * 1.5,

    # create all of the visual outputs
    study_mesh.colors = graphic.value_colors
    mesh = from_mesh3d(study_mesh)
    legend = legend_objects(graphic.legend)
Пример #5
    # generate Ladybug objects for the graphic
    lb_meshes = [to_mesh3d(mesh) for mesh in _mesh]
    lb_mesh = Mesh3D.join_meshes(lb_meshes)
    graphic = GraphicContainer(values,

    # set titles and set default colors and color ranges
    if graphic.legend_parameters.are_colors_default:
        graphic.legend_parameters.colors = colors_from_data_type(
    if isinstance(header.data_type, TemperatureDelta) and graphic.legend.is_min_default \
            and graphic.legend.is_max_default:
        graphic.legend_parameters.min = -5
        graphic.legend_parameters.max = 5
    graphic.legend_parameters.title = header.unit
    global_title = '{}\n{}'.format(, time_text)
    title = text_objects(global_title, graphic.lower_title_location,
                         graphic.legend_parameters.text_height * 1.5,

    # draw rhino objects
    lb_mesh.colors = graphic.value_colors
    mesh = from_mesh3d(lb_mesh)
    legend = legend_objects(graphic.legend)
    colors = [color_to_color(col) for col in lb_mesh.colors]
Пример #6
            lb_mesh = to_joined_gridded_mesh3d(floor_faces, _grid_size,

            # remove points outside of the room volume if requested
            if remove_out_:
                pattern = [
                    for pt in lb_mesh.face_centroids
                lb_mesh, vertex_pattern = lb_mesh.remove_faces(pattern)

            # extract positions and directions from the mesh
            base_points = [from_point3d(pt) for pt in lb_mesh.face_centroids]
            base_poss = [(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z) for pt in lb_mesh.face_centroids]
            base_dirs = [(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z) for vec in lb_mesh.face_normals]

            # create the sensor grid
            s_grid = SensorGrid.from_position_and_direction(
                room.identifier, base_poss, base_dirs)
            s_grid.display_name = clean_rad_string(room.display_name)
            s_grid.room_identifier = room.identifier
            s_grid.mesh = lb_mesh

            # append everything to the lists

    # convert the lists of points to data trees
    points = list_to_data_tree(points)
Пример #7
def draw_dome(dome_data, center, dome_name, legend_par):
    """Draw the dome mesh, compass, legend, and title for a sky dome.

        dome_data: List of radiation values for the dome data
        center: Point3D for the center of the sun path.
        dome_name: Text for the dome name, which will appear in the title.
        legend_par: Legend parameters to be used for the dome

        dome_mesh: A colored mesh for the dome based on dome_data.
        dome_compass: A compass for the dome.
        dome_legend: A leend for the colored dome mesh.
        dome_title: A title for the dome.
        values: A list of radiation values that align with the dome_mesh faces.
    # create the dome mesh and ensure patch values align with mesh faces
    if len(dome_data) == 145:  # tregenza sky
        lb_mesh = view_sphere.tregenza_dome_mesh_high_res.scale(radius)
        values = []  # high res dome has 3 x 3 faces per patch; we must convert
        tot_i = 0  # track the total number of patches converted
        for patch_i in view_sphere.TREGENZA_PATCHES_PER_ROW:
            row_vals = []
            for val in dome_data[tot_i:tot_i + patch_i]:
                row_vals.extend([val] * 3)
            for i in range(3):
            tot_i += patch_i
        values = values + [dome_data[-1]
                           ] * 18  # last patch has triangular faces
    else:  #reinhart sky
        lb_mesh = view_sphere.reinhart_dome_mesh.scale(radius)
        values = dome_data + [dome_data[-1]
                              ] * 11  # last patch has triangular faces

    # move and/or rotate the mesh as needed
    if north != 0:
        lb_mesh = lb_mesh.rotate_xy(math.radians(north), Point3D())
    if center != Point3D():
        lb_mesh = lb_mesh.move(Vector3D(center.x, center.y, center.z))

    # project the mesh if requested
    if projection_ is not None:
        if projection_.title() == 'Orthographic':
            pts = (Compass.point3d_to_orthographic(pt)
                   for pt in lb_mesh.vertices)
        elif projection_.title() == 'Stereographic':
            pts = (Compass.point3d_to_stereographic(pt, radius, center)
                   for pt in lb_mesh.vertices)
            raise ValueError(
                'Projection type "{}" is not recognized.'.format(projection_))
        pts3d = tuple(Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z) for pt in pts)
        lb_mesh = Mesh3D(pts3d, lb_mesh.faces)

    # output the dome visualization, including legend and compass
    move_fac = radius * 0.15
    min_pt = lb_mesh.min.move(Vector3D(-move_fac, -move_fac, 0))
    max_pt = lb_mesh.max.move(Vector3D(move_fac, move_fac, 0))
    graphic = GraphicContainer(values, min_pt, max_pt, legend_par)
    graphic.legend_parameters.title = 'kWh/m2'
    lb_mesh.colors = graphic.value_colors
    dome_mesh = from_mesh3d(lb_mesh)
    dome_legend = legend_objects(graphic.legend)
    dome_compass = compass_objects(
        Compass(radius, Point2D(center.x, center.y), north), z, None,
        projection_, graphic.legend_parameters.font)

    # construct a title from the metadata
    st, end = metadata[2], metadata[3]
    time_str = '{} - {}'.format(st, end) if st != end else st
    title_txt = '{} Radiation\n{}\n{}'.format(
        dome_name, time_str, '\n'.join([dat for dat in metadata[4:]]))
    dome_title = text_objects(title_txt, graphic.lower_title_location,

    return dome_mesh, dome_compass, dome_legend, dome_title, values
Пример #8
    from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.pointvector import Point3D
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_geometry:\n\t{}'.format(e))

try:  # import core honeybee dependencies
    from honeybee.model import Model
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee:\n\t{}'.format(e))

try:  # import ladybug_rhino dependencies
    from ladybug_rhino.fromgeometry import from_point3d, from_mesh3d
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, list_to_data_tree
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    assert isinstance(_model, Model), \
        'Expected Honeybee Model. Got {}.'.format(type(_model))
    # get the honeybee-radiance objects
    views =
    grids =

    # get the visualizable attributes
    points = [[from_point3d(Point3D.from_array(s.pos)) for s in sg]
              for sg in grids]
    points = list_to_data_tree(points)
    meshes = []
    for grid in grids:
        if grid.mesh is not None:
            pass  # no plane connected; juse use default orientation
        lb_meshes = []
        for geo in lb_faces:
                lb_meshes.append(geo.mesh_grid(_grid_size, offset=_offset_dist_))
            except AssertionError:  # tiny geometry not compatible with quad faces
        if len(lb_meshes) == 0:
            lb_mesh = None
        elif len(lb_meshes) == 1:
            lb_mesh = lb_meshes[0]
        elif len(lb_meshes) > 1:
            lb_mesh = Mesh3D.join_meshes(lb_meshes)
    else:  # use Rhino's default meshing
        try:  # assume it's a Rhino Brep
            lb_mesh = to_gridded_mesh3d(_geometry, _grid_size, _offset_dist_)
        except TypeError:  # assume it's a Rhino Mesh
                lb_mesh = to_mesh3d(_geometry)
            except TypeError:  # unidientified geometry type
                raise TypeError(
                    '_geometry must be a Brep or a Mesh. Got {}.'.format(type(_geometry)))

    # generate the test points, vectors, and areas.
    if lb_mesh is not None:
        points = [from_point3d(pt) for pt in lb_mesh.face_centroids]
        vectors = [from_vector3d(vec) for vec in lb_mesh.face_normals]
        face_areas = lb_mesh.face_areas
        mesh = [from_mesh3d(lb_mesh)]
        mesh = []
Пример #10
    title = []
    all_legends = []
    all_borders = []
    all_labels = []

    for i, data_coll in enumerate(_data):
        try:  # sense when several legend parameters are connected
            lpar = legend_par_[i]
        except IndexError:
            lpar = None if len(legend_par_) == 0 else legend_par_[-1]

        # create the hourly plot object and get the main pieces of geometry
        hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll, lpar, _base_pt_, _x_dim_, _y_dim_,
                               _z_dim_, reverse_y_)
        msh = from_mesh2d(hour_plot.colored_mesh2d, _base_pt_.z) if _z_dim_ == 0 else \
        border = [from_polyline2d(hour_plot.chart_border2d, _base_pt_.z)] + \
            [from_linesegment2d(line, _base_pt_.z) for line in hour_plot.hour_lines2d] + \
            [from_linesegment2d(line, _base_pt_.z) for line in hour_plot.month_lines2d]
        legnd = legend_objects(hour_plot.legend)
        tit_txt = text_objects(hour_plot.title_text,

        # create the text label objects
        label1 = [