for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals) # Loop over sky localization methods for method in opts.method:"%s:method '%s':computing sky map", coinc.coinc_event_id, method) if opts.chain_dump: chain_dump = '%s.chain.npy' % int(coinc.coinc_event_id) else: chain_dump = None try: sky_map, epoch, elapsed_time = ligolw_sky_map.ligolw_sky_map( sngl_inspirals, approximant, amplitude_order, phase_order, f_low, opts.min_distance, opts.max_distance, opts.prior_distance_power, psds=psds, method=method, nside=opts.nside, chain_dump=chain_dump) except (ArithmeticError, ValueError): log.exception("%s:method '%s':sky localization failed", coinc.coinc_event_id, method) count_sky_maps_failed += 1 if not opts.keep_going: raise else:"%s:method '%s':saving sky map", coinc.coinc_event_id, method) fits.write_sky_map('%s.%s.fits.gz' % (int(coinc.coinc_event_id), method), sky_map, objid=str(coinc.coinc_event_id), gps_time=float(epoch), creator=parser.get_prog_name(), runtime=elapsed_time, instruments=instruments, nest=True) if count_sky_maps_failed > 0: raise RuntimeError("{0} sky map{1} did not converge".format( count_sky_maps_failed, 's' if count_sky_maps_failed > 1 else ''))
fits_nest = True if not args.enable_distance_map: hpmap = skypost.as_healpix(args.nside, nest=fits_nest, fast=not(args.slowsmoothskymaps)) else: print('Constructing 3D clustered posterior.') try: skypost3d = sac.Clustered3DKDEPosterior(np.column_stack((data['ra'], data['dec'], data['dist']))) except: print("ERROR, cannot use skypost3d with LIB output. Exiting..\n") import sys sys.exit(1) print('Producing distance map') hpmap = skypost3d.as_healpix(args.nside, nest=fits_nest) names=data.dtype.names if 'time' in names: gps_time=data['time'].mean() elif 'time_mean' in names: gps_time=data['time_mean'].mean() elif 'time_maxl' in names: gps_time=data['time_maxl'].mean() else: print("Cannot find time, time_mean, or time maxl variable in posterior. Not saving sky_pos obj.\n") exit(0) fits.write_sky_map(os.path.join(args.outdir, args.fitsoutname), hpmap, creator=parser.get_prog_name(), objid=args.objid, gps_time=gps_time, nest=fits_nest)
opts.min_distance, opts.max_distance, opts.prior_distance_power, phase_convention=opts.phase_convention, nside=opts.nside, f_high_truncate=opts.f_high_truncate, method=opts.method, chain_dump=chain_dump) prob, distmu, distsigma, _ = sky_map distmean, diststd = distance.parameters_to_marginal_moments( prob, distmu, distsigma)"sky localization complete") # upload FITS file fitsdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fitspath = os.path.join(fitsdir, opts.output) fits.write_sky_map(fitspath, sky_map, gps_time=float(epoch), creator=parser.prog, objid=str(graceid), url='{0}'.format(graceid), runtime=elapsed_time, instruments=instruments, distmean=distmean, diststd=diststd, origin='LIGO/Virgo', nest=True) if not opts.dry_run: gracedb.writeLog(graceid, "INFO:BAYESTAR:uploaded sky map", filename=fitspath, tagname=("sky_loc", "lvem")) else: command.rename(fitspath, os.path.join('.', opts.output)) finally: shutil.rmtree(fitsdir) except: # Produce log message for any otherwise uncaught exception log.exception("sky localization failed") # Then re-raise the exception raise
# perform sky localization"starting sky localization") sky_map, epoch, elapsed_time, instruments = gracedb_sky_map( coinc_file, psd_file, "TaylorF2threePointFivePN", 10)"sky localization complete") # upload FITS file fitsdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fitspath = os.path.join(fitsdir, "skymap.fits.gz") fits.write_sky_map( fitspath, sky_map, gps_time=float(epoch), creator=parser.get_prog_name(), objid=str(graceid), url='{0}'.format(graceid), runtime=elapsed_time, instruments=instruments, origin='LIGO/Virgo', nest=True) gracedb.writeLog(graceid, "INFO:BAYESTAR:uploaded sky map", filename=fitspath, tagname="sky_loc") finally: shutil.rmtree(fitsdir) except: # Produce log message for any otherwise uncaught exception log.exception("sky localization failed") # Then re-raise the exception
def make_skyview(directory='.', mdc=None, NSIDE=128, ra=None, dec=None, results=None, npost=5000): # -- Close any open figures plt.close('all') # ---------------- # Read S6 MDC log file # ----------------- if mdc is None: print "No MDC log provided." # -- Save PWD for future reference topdir = os.getcwd() # -- Enter requested directory os.chdir(directory) print "Entered", os.getcwd() jobname = glob.glob('*')[0] # --------------------------------------- # Extract information from # Note: We may only need the trigger time from this # --------------------------------------- bayeswave = open(jobname, 'r') ifoNames = [] for line in bayeswave: spl = line.split() if len(spl) < 1: continue # Determine names of IFOs and MDC scale factor if spl[0] == 'Command' and spl[1] == 'line:': for index, splElement in enumerate(spl): if splElement == '--ifo': ifoNames.append(spl[index + 1]) del spl[-1] # Determine number of IFOs if ' '.join(spl) == 'number of detectors': spl = line.split() ifoNum = spl[3] continue # Determine gps trigger time if ' '.join(spl) == 'trigger time (s)': spl = line.split() gps = spl[3] break bayeswave.close() # -------------------------------- # Create skymap summary statistics # -------------------------------- # -- Get run name params = BwbParams() jobname = params.jobname # -- Input skymap data # num, L, ralist, sin_dec, psi, e, dA, dphi, dt = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True) print "Extracting RA/DEC samples" filename = './chains/' + jobname + 'signal_params.dat.0' data = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) ralist = data[1] sin_dec = data[2] print "Total samples are {0}".format(ralist.size) # -- Remove burn in samples burnin = ralist.size / 4 ralist = ralist[burnin:] sin_dec = sin_dec[burnin:] print "After removing burn-in samples are {0}".format(ralist.size) declist = np.arcsin(sin_dec) thetalist = np.pi / 2.0 - declist radec = np.column_stack((ralist, declist)) if radec.shape[0] > npost: radec = np.random.permutation(radec)[:npost, :] kde = sky.ClusteredSkyKDEPosterior(radec) # -- Get the sidereal time print "Finding sidereal time" print "Using GPS {0}".format(gps) trigtime = float(gps) lalgps = LIGOTimeGPS(trigtime) sidtime = XLALGreenwichSiderealTime(lalgps, 0) sidtime = sidtime % (np.pi * 2) # -- Get the injection location print "GOT MDC?" print mdc if mdc is None: injtheta = 0 injphi = 0 injdec = 0 injra = 0 else: injtheta, injphi = mdc.get_theta_phi(trigtime) injra = injphi + sidtime injdec = np.pi / 2 - injtheta print "GOT INJECTION PARAMTERS" print injtheta, injra # -- Special handling for injections drawn from prior if params.ra is not None: injdec = params.dec injra = params.ra injtheta = np.pi / 2 - injdec mdc = True # -- Make plots directory, if needed plotsDir = './plots' if not os.path.exists(plotsDir): os.makedirs(plotsDir) # Add markers (e.g., for injections or external triggers). if (ra is not None and dec is not None): # Convert the right ascension to either a reference angle from -pi to pi # or a wrapped angle from 0 to 2 pi, depending on the version of Matplotlib. #for rarad, decrad in [np.deg2rad([ra, dec])]: (rarad, decrad) = np.deg2rad([ra, dec]) if geo: dlon = -sidtime # + or -? #rarad = lalinference.plot.reference_angle(rarad + dlon) rarad = rarad + dlon while rarad > np.pi: rarad = rarad - 2 * np.pi while rarad < -np.pi: rarad = rarad + 2 * np.pi else: #rarad = lalinference.plot.wrapped_angle(rarad) while rarad > 2 * np.pi: rarad = rarad - 2 * np.pi while rarad < 0: rarad = rarad + 2 * np.pi # Shift the declination to match hp.projscatter conventions decrad = np.pi * 0.5 - decrad # -- Plot the skymap and injection location skymap = kde.as_healpix(NSIDE, nest=True) #fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), frameon=False) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='astro mollweide') ax.cla() ax.grid() lp.healpix_heatmap(skymap, nest=True, vmin=0.0, vmax=np.max(skymap), cmap=plt.get_cmap('cylon')) if (ra is not None and dec is not None): plt.plot(rarad, dec, 'kx', ms=30, mew=1) if mdc is not None: plt.plot(injra, injdec, 'kx', ms=30, mew=1) plt.savefig(plotsDir + '/skymap.png') plt.close() lf.write_sky_map('skymap_{0}.fits'.format(gps), skymap, nest=True, gps_time=trigtime) # -- Calculate the 50 and 90% credible intervals sq_deg = (180.0 / np.pi)**2 print "Calculating sky area ..." (area50, area90) = kde.sky_area([0.5, 0.9]) * sq_deg print "Got area50 of {0}".format(area50) # -- Get the found contour and searched areas if mdc is not None: print "Calculating p value of injection" injcontour = kde.p_values(np.array([[injra, injdec]]))[0] print "Got contour of {0}".format(injcontour) print "Calculating searched area..." searcharea = (kde.searched_area(np.array([[injra, injdec]])) * sq_deg)[0] print "Got searched area of {0}".format(searcharea) else: injcontour = 0 searcharea = 0 pixarea = hp.nside2pixarea(NSIDE, degrees=True) print("here") if results is not None: for name in ['injcontour', 'area50', 'area90', 'searcharea']: if name not in results: results[name] = [] results[name].append(eval(name)) # -- Make an output file with key statistics outfile = open('skystats.txt', 'w') outfile.write("# area50 area90 searcharea injcontour \n") outfile.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}".format(area50, area90, searcharea, injcontour)) outfile.close()
if opts.chain_dump: chain_dump = '%s.chain.npy' % int(coinc.coinc_event_id) else: chain_dump = None try: sky_map, epoch, elapsed_time = ligolw_sky_map.ligolw_sky_map( sngl_inspirals, opts.waveform, opts.f_low, opts.min_distance, opts.max_distance, opts.prior_distance_power, psds=psds, method=method, nside=opts.nside, chain_dump=chain_dump, phase_convention=opts.phase_convention) prob, distmu, distsigma, _ = sky_map distmean, diststd = distance.parameters_to_marginal_moments( prob, distmu, distsigma) except (ArithmeticError, ValueError): log.exception("%s:method '%s':sky localization failed", coinc.coinc_event_id, method) count_sky_maps_failed += 1 if not opts.keep_going: raise else:"%s:method '%s':saving sky map", coinc.coinc_event_id, method) fits.write_sky_map('%s.%s.fits.gz' % (int(coinc.coinc_event_id), method), sky_map, objid=str(coinc.coinc_event_id), gps_time=float(epoch), creator=parser.prog, runtime=elapsed_time, distmean=distmean, diststd=diststd, instruments=instruments, nest=True) if count_sky_maps_failed > 0: raise RuntimeError("{0} sky map{1} did not converge".format( count_sky_maps_failed, 's' if count_sky_maps_failed > 1 else ''))
def make_skyview(directory='.', mdc=None, NSIDE=128, ra=None, dec=None, results=None, npost=5000): # -- Close any open figures plt.close('all') # ---------------- # Read S6 MDC log file # ----------------- if mdc is None: print "No MDC log provided." # -- Save PWD for future reference topdir = os.getcwd() # -- Enter requested directory os.chdir(directory) print "Entered", os.getcwd() jobname = glob.glob('*')[0] # --------------------------------------- # Extract information from # Note: We may only need the trigger time from this # --------------------------------------- bayeswave = open(jobname, 'r') ifoNames = [] for line in bayeswave: spl = line.split() if len(spl) < 1: continue # Determine names of IFOs and MDC scale factor if spl[0] == 'Command' and spl[1] == 'line:': for index, splElement in enumerate(spl): if splElement == '--ifo': ifoNames.append(spl[index+1]) del spl[-1] # Determine number of IFOs if ' '.join(spl) == 'number of detectors': spl = line.split() ifoNum = spl[3] continue # Determine gps trigger time if ' '.join(spl) == 'trigger time (s)': spl = line.split() gps = spl[3] break bayeswave.close() # -------------------------------- # Create skymap summary statistics # -------------------------------- # -- Get run name params = BwbParams() jobname = params.jobname # -- Input skymap data # num, L, ralist, sin_dec, psi, e, dA, dphi, dt = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True) print "Extracting RA/DEC samples" filename = './chains/' + jobname + 'signal_params.dat.0' data = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,2)) ralist = data[1] sin_dec = data[2] print "Total samples are {0}".format(ralist.size) # -- Remove burn in samples burnin = ralist.size/4 ralist = ralist[burnin:] sin_dec = sin_dec[burnin:] print "After removing burn-in samples are {0}".format(ralist.size) declist = np.arcsin(sin_dec) thetalist = np.pi/2.0 - declist radec = np.column_stack((ralist, declist)) if radec.shape[0] > npost: radec = np.random.permutation(radec)[:npost,:] kde = sky.ClusteredSkyKDEPosterior(radec) # -- Get the sidereal time print "Finding sidereal time" print "Using GPS {0}".format(gps) trigtime = float(gps) lalgps = LIGOTimeGPS(trigtime) sidtime = XLALGreenwichSiderealTime(lalgps, 0) sidtime = sidtime % (np.pi*2) # -- Get the injection location print "GOT MDC?" print mdc if mdc is None: injtheta = 0 injphi = 0 injdec = 0 injra = 0 else: injtheta, injphi = mdc.get_theta_phi(trigtime) injra = injphi + sidtime injdec = np.pi/2 - injtheta print "GOT INJECTION PARAMTERS" print injtheta, injra # -- Special handling for injections drawn from prior if params.ra is not None: injdec = params.dec injra = params.ra injtheta = np.pi/2 - injdec mdc = True # -- Make plots directory, if needed plotsDir = './plots' if not os.path.exists(plotsDir): os.makedirs(plotsDir) # Add markers (e.g., for injections or external triggers). if (ra is not None and dec is not None): # Convert the right ascension to either a reference angle from -pi to pi # or a wrapped angle from 0 to 2 pi, depending on the version of Matplotlib. #for rarad, decrad in [np.deg2rad([ra, dec])]: (rarad, decrad) = np.deg2rad([ra, dec]) if geo: dlon = -sidtime # + or -? #rarad = lalinference.plot.reference_angle(rarad + dlon) rarad = rarad + dlon while rarad > np.pi: rarad = rarad - 2*np.pi while rarad < -np.pi: rarad = rarad + 2*np.pi else: #rarad = lalinference.plot.wrapped_angle(rarad) while rarad > 2*np.pi: rarad = rarad - 2*np.pi while rarad < 0: rarad = rarad + 2*np.pi # Shift the declination to match hp.projscatter conventions decrad = np.pi*0.5 - decrad # -- Plot the skymap and injection location skymap = kde.as_healpix(NSIDE, nest=True) #fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), frameon=False) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='astro mollweide') ax.cla() ax.grid() lp.healpix_heatmap(skymap, nest=True, vmin=0.0, vmax=np.max(skymap), cmap=plt.get_cmap('cylon')) if (ra is not None and dec is not None): plt.plot(rarad, dec, 'kx', ms=30, mew=1) if mdc is not None: plt.plot(injra, injdec, 'kx', ms=30, mew=1) plt.savefig(plotsDir+'/skymap.png') plt.close() lf.write_sky_map('skymap_{0}.fits'.format(gps), skymap, nest=True, gps_time=trigtime) # -- Calculate the 50 and 90% credible intervals sq_deg = (180.0/np.pi)**2 print "Calculating sky area ..." (area50, area90) = kde.sky_area( [0.5, 0.9] )*sq_deg print "Got area50 of {0}".format(area50) # -- Get the found contour and searched areas if mdc is not None: print "Calculating p value of injection" injcontour = kde.p_values( np.array([[injra, injdec]]) )[0] print "Got contour of {0}".format(injcontour) print "Calculating searched area..." searcharea = (kde.searched_area( np.array([[injra, injdec]]) )*sq_deg)[0] print "Got searched area of {0}".format(searcharea) else: injcontour = 0 searcharea = 0 pixarea = hp.nside2pixarea(NSIDE, degrees=True) print("here") if results is not None: for name in ['injcontour', 'area50', 'area90', 'searcharea']: if name not in results: results[name] = [] results[name].append(eval(name)) # -- Make an output file with key statistics outfile = open('skystats.txt', 'w') outfile.write("# area50 area90 searcharea injcontour \n") outfile.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}".format(area50, area90, searcharea, injcontour)) outfile.close()