def test_chopped_url(): msg = MailRequest('fakeperr', sender, list_addr, open("tests/data/chopped-url.msg").read()) Router.deliver(msg) mlist = MailingList.objects.filter(email = list_addr)[0] links = mlist.link_set.all() assert len(links) == 2 assert '' in [link.url for link in links]
def test_gzip_attachment(): clear_queue() # set up list and message name, address = parseaddr(gzip_msg['from']) client = RouterConversation(address, 'Files Tests') client.begin() mlist = mailinglist.find_list(list_name) test_subscribe_user(sender=address, client=client, mlist=mlist) test_subscribe_user(sender=parseaddr(sender)[1], client=sender_client, mlist=mlist) gzip_msg['to'] = list_addr # deliver the message. clear_queue() Router.deliver(gzip_msg) assert len(mlist.message_set.all()) == 1 msg = mlist.message_set.all()[0] assert len(msg.file_set.all()) == 1 attached = msg.file_set.all()[0] path = os.path.join(attached.pathprefix, attached.sha) assert in os.listdir(path) assert queue().count() == 1, "Should be 1 message in queue, but there are %s" % queue().count()
def test_long_url_1(): msg = MailRequest('fakeperr', sender, list_addr, open("tests/data/long-url-1.msg").read()) Router.deliver(msg) mlist = MailingList.objects.filter(email = list_addr)[0] links = mlist.link_set.all() assert len(links) == 1 assert '' in [link.url for link in links]
def test_two_urls(): msg = MailRequest('fakeperr', sender, list_addr, open("tests/data/two-urls.msg").read()) Router.deliver(msg) mlist = MailingList.objects.filter(email = list_addr)[0] links = mlist.link_set.all() assert len(links) == 2 assert '' in [link.url for link in links] assert '' in [link.url for link in links]
def test_complicated_archive_message(): msg = MailRequest("fakeperr", sender, list_addr, open("tests/data/archive.msg").read()) Router.deliver(msg) mlist = MailingList.objects.filter(email=list_addr)[0] messageid = mlist.message_set.all()[0].id jsmsg = json.loads(arch[str(messageid)]) assert jsmsg["body"] == None assert len(jsmsg["parts"]) == 2 assert "opted" in jsmsg["parts"][0]["body"] assert len(mlist.message_set.all()) == 1
def test_talking(): """ This message should move the state into TALKING. """ msg = MailRequest('fakepeer', sender, "*****@*****.**", open(home("tests/data/emails/question.msg")).read()) msg['From'] = sender Router.deliver(msg) q = queue.Queue(email('run/work')) assert q.count() == 2, "Queue count is actually %s" % str(q.count()) assert delivered('Hi There!')
def test_get_work(): """ This message should move the state into TALKING. """ # add some work to the work queue test_talking() msg = MailRequest('fakepeer', '*****@*****.**', "*****@*****.**", open(home("tests/data/emails/question.msg")).read()) msg['From'] = '*****@*****.**' Router.deliver(msg) q = queue.Queue(email('run/work')) assert q.count() == 3, "Queue count is actually %s" % str(q.count()) assert len(Answer.objects.all()) == 4, "Oops. There are actually %s answers in the db, expected 4." % str(len(Answer.objects.all()))
def test_good_confirmation(msg=None): """ This message should move the state into ALERTING. """ alert = create_alert() addr = "*****@*****.**" % if not msg: msg = MailRequest('fakepeer', sender, addr, open(home("tests/data/emails/confirmation.msg")).read()) msg['to'] = addr Router.deliver(msg) q = queue.Queue(email('run/alerts')) assert q.count() == 0 assert_in_state('app.handlers.alerts', msg['to'], sender, 'ALERTING')
def test_two_attachments(): name, address = parseaddr(deneen_msg['from']) client = RouterConversation(address, 'Files Tests') test_subscribe_user(sender=address, client=client) Router.deliver(two_msg) mlist = mailinglist.find_list(list_name) assert len(mlist.message_set.all()) == 1 msg = mlist.message_set.all()[0] assert len(msg.file_set.all()) == 2 attached = msg.file_set.all()[0] path = os.path.join(attached.pathprefix, attached.sha) assert os.listdir(path)[0] == attached = msg.file_set.all()[1] path = os.path.join(attached.pathprefix, attached.sha) assert os.listdir(path)[0] ==
def test_add_karma(): test_get_work() ans_u = User.objects.filter(email='*****@*****.**')[0] u = User.objects.filter(email=sender).all()[0] conv = Conversation.objects.filter(user=u).all()[0] s = Snip.objects.filter(conversation=conv).all()[0] answer = Answer.objects.filter(snip=s).all()[0] ans = MailRequest('fakepeer', '*****@*****.**', "*****@*****.**" %, open(home("tests/data/emails/answer.msg")).read()) ans['From'] = '*****@*****.**' ans['To'] = "*****@*****.**" % Router.deliver(ans) ans_u = User.objects.filter(email='*****@*****.**')[0] assert ans_u.karma == 0
def test_incoming_alert(): """ Verify an incoming alert generates the correct database records. """ alert = create_alert() msg = MailRequest('fakepeer', sender, "*****@*****.**" %, open(home("tests/data/emails/alerts.msg")).read()) msg['to'] = "*****@*****.**" % Router.deliver(msg) #Should error out in the handlers module in CONFIRMING #because these messages are dumped in the alertsq to be handled asyncronously, #but the testing environment just sends it to both modules at the same time. q = queue.Queue(email('run/error')) assert q.count() == 1 assert len(Blurb.objects.all()) == 26, "There are %s blurbs." % len(Blurb.objects.all())
def test_soft_bounce_tells_them(): setup() # get them into a posting state admin_tests.test_existing_user_posts_message() assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'POSTING') clear_queue() assert mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # force them to soft bounce msg = create_bounce(list_addr, sender) msg.bounce.primary_status = (3, bounce.PRIMARY_STATUS_CODES[u'3']) assert msg.bounce.is_soft() Router.deliver(msg) assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') assert_in_state('app.handlers.bounce', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') assert not delivered('unbounce'), "We shouldn't be sending on bounde." assert_equal(len(queue(queue_dir=settings.BOUNCE_ARCHIVE).keys()), 1) assert not mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # make sure that any attempts to post return a "you're bouncing dude" message client.say(list_addr, 'So anyway as I was saying.') assert not delivered('unbounce') assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') # now have them try to unbounce msg = client.say('*****@*****.**', "Please put me back on, I'll be good.", 'unbounce-confirm') # handle the bounce confirmation client.say(msg['from'], "Confirmed to unbounce.", 'noreply') # alright they should be in the unbounce state for the global bounce handler assert_in_state('app.handlers.bounce', list_addr, sender, 'UNBOUNCED') # and they need to be back to POSTING for regular operations assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'POSTING') assert mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # and make sure that only the original bounce is in the bounce archive assert_equal(len(queue(queue_dir=settings.BOUNCE_ARCHIVE).keys()), 1)
def test_soft_bounce_tells_them(): setup() # get them into a posting state admin_tests.test_existing_user_posts_message() assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'POSTING') clear_queue() assert mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # force them to soft bounce msg = create_bounce(list_addr, sender) msg.bounce.primary_status = (3, bounce.PRIMARY_STATUS_CODES[u'3']) assert msg.bounce.is_soft() Router.deliver(msg) assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') assert_in_state('app.handlers.bounce', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') assert delivered('unbounce'), "Looks like unbounce didn't go out." assert_equal(len(queue(queue_dir=settings.BOUNCE_ARCHIVE).keys()), 1) assert not mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # make sure that any attempts to post return a "you're bouncing dude" message unbounce = client.say(list_addr, 'So anyway as I was saying.', 'unbounce') assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') # now have them try to unbounce msg = client.say(unbounce['from'], "Please put me back on, I'll be good.", 'unbounce-confirm') # handle the bounce confirmation client.say(msg['from'], "Confirmed to unbounce.", 'noreply') # alright they should be in the unbounce state for the global bounce handler assert_in_state('app.handlers.bounce', list_addr, sender, 'UNBOUNCED') # and they need to be back to POSTING for regular operations assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'POSTING') assert mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # and make sure that only the original bounce is in the bounce archive assert_equal(len(queue(queue_dir=settings.BOUNCE_ARCHIVE).keys()), 1)
def test_one_attachment(): #subscribe the original sender name, address = parseaddr(deneen_msg['from']) client = RouterConversation(address, 'Files Tests') test_subscribe_user(sender=address, client=client) # add someone else to the list test_subscribe_user(sender=sender, client=sender_client) # update the message to send to the list we just created. deneen_msg['to'] = list_addr Router.deliver(deneen_msg) mlist = mailinglist.find_list(list_name) assert len(mlist.message_set.all()) == 1 msg = mlist.message_set.all()[0] assert len(msg.file_set.all()) == 1 attached = msg.file_set.all()[0] path = os.path.join(attached.pathprefix, attached.sha) assert in os.listdir(path) assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', deneen_msg['to'], address, 'POSTING')
def test_continue_conversation(): """ Start a conversation, get a response, continue the conversation. """ test_talking() assert len(Conversation.objects.all()) == 1 assert len(User.objects.all()) == 1 u = User.objects.all()[0] c = Conversation.objects.all()[0] talking.continue_conversation(u) assert delivered('Hmmm...') c = Conversation.objects.all()[0] assert c.pendingprompt == True to = "*****@*****.**" % str( msg = MailRequest('fakepeer', sender, to, open(home("tests/data/emails/question.msg")).read()) msg['to'] = to msg['from'] = sender #TODO: this doesn't affect state for some reason. Router.deliver(msg) assert len(Conversation.objects.all()) == 1 assert len(User.objects.all()) == 1
def test_hard_bounce_disables_user(): # get them into a posting state admin_tests.test_existing_user_posts_message() assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'POSTING') clear_queue() assert mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # force them to HARD bounce msg = create_bounce(list_addr, sender) Router.deliver(msg) assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') assert_in_state('app.handlers.bounce', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') assert not delivered('unbounce'), "A HARD bounce should be silent." assert_equal(len(queue(queue_dir=settings.BOUNCE_ARCHIVE).keys()), 1) assert not mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # make sure that any attempts to post return a "you're bouncing dude" message unbounce = client.say(list_addr, 'So anyway as I was saying.', 'unbounce') assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'BOUNCING') # now have them try to unbounce msg = client.say(unbounce['from'], "Please put me back on, I'll be good.", 'unbounce-confirm') # handle the bounce confirmation client.say(msg['from'], "Confirmed to unbounce.", 'noreply') # alright they should be in the unbounce state for the global bounce handler assert_in_state('app.handlers.bounce', list_addr, sender, 'UNBOUNCED') # and they need to be back to POSTING for regular operations assert_in_state('app.handlers.admin', list_addr, sender, 'POSTING') assert mailinglist.find_subscriptions(sender, list_addr) # and make sure that only the original bounce is in the bounce archive assert_equal(len(queue(queue_dir=settings.BOUNCE_ARCHIVE).keys()), 1)
def test_confirm_then_alert(): """ An alert sent after an account is confirmed should go right into ALERTING and alert objects should be created in the database. """ alert = create_alert() addr = "*****@*****.**" % confirm = MailRequest('fakepeer', sender, addr, open(home("tests/data/emails/confirmation.msg")).read()) confirm['to'] = addr test_good_confirmation(msg=confirm) alertsmsg = MailRequest('fakepeer', "different@sender", addr, open(home("tests/data/emails/alerts.msg")).read()) alertsmsg['to'] = addr Router.deliver(alertsmsg) # there are 10 alerts in this alert email. since this is the test environment it will be dumped # into the alerts queue automatically, which will create the 10 alerts. Then it should be processed # by the alerts handler module, dumped into the queue again, thereby upping the alerts queue by one. assert len(Blurb.objects.all()) == 26, "There are %s blurbs." % len(Blurb.objects.all()) q = queue.Queue(email('run/alerts')) assert q.count() == 1
def test_bounce_to_decorator(): import bounce_filtered_mod msg = mail.MailRequest(None,None,None, open("tests/bounce.msg").read()) Router.deliver(msg) assert Router.in_state(bounce_filtered_mod.START, msg) assert bounce_filtered_mod.HARD_RAN, "Hard bounce state didn't actually run: %r" % msg.route_to msg.bounce.primary_status = (4, u'Persistent Transient Failure') Router.clear_states() Router.deliver(msg) assert Router.in_state(bounce_filtered_mod.START, msg) assert bounce_filtered_mod.SOFT_RAN, "Soft bounce didn't actually run." msg = mail.MailRequest(None, None, None, open("tests/signed.msg").read()) Router.clear_states() Router.deliver(msg) assert Router.in_state(bounce_filtered_mod.END, msg), "Regular messages aren't delivering."
def test_bounce_to_decorator(): import bounce_filtered_mod msg = mail.MailRequest(None, None, None, open("tests/bounce.msg").read()) Router.deliver(msg) assert Router.in_state(bounce_filtered_mod.START, msg) assert bounce_filtered_mod.HARD_RAN, "Hard bounce state didn't actually run: %r" % msg.route_to msg.bounce.primary_status = (4, u'Persistent Transient Failure') Router.clear_states() Router.deliver(msg) assert Router.in_state(bounce_filtered_mod.START, msg) assert bounce_filtered_mod.SOFT_RAN, "Soft bounce didn't actually run." msg = mail.MailRequest(None, None, None, open("tests/signed.msg").read()) Router.clear_states() Router.deliver(msg) assert Router.in_state(bounce_filtered_mod.END, msg), "Regular messages aren't delivering."
def test_spam_sent_by_confirmed_user(): test_confirmed_user_comments() clear_queue("run/posts") Router.deliver(make_spam())
def test_spam_sent_by_unconfirmed_user(): setup() client.begin() Router.deliver(make_spam())
def test_log_handler(): Router.deliver(message_tests.test_mail_request())
def test_bad_confirmation(): Router.deliver(badmsg) q = queue.Queue(email('run/error')) assert q.count() == 2 #one for the alertsq module and one for alerts assert_in_state('app.handlers.alerts', badmsg['to'], sender, 'CONFIRMING')
def test_queue_handler(): Router.deliver(message_tests.test_mail_request())