def main():
    In this simple tutorial example, the main function does all the work:
    it sets the parameter values, creates and initializes a grid, sets up
    the state variables, runs the main loop, and cleans up.

    import time

    start_time = time.time()


    # User-defined parameter values
    num_shells=10         # number of radial "shells" in the grid
    #numcols = 30         # not needed for a radial model grid
    dr = 10.0             # grid cell spacing
    kd = 0.01             # diffusivity coefficient, in m2/yr
    uplift_rate = 0.0001  # baselevel/uplift rate, in m/yr
    num_time_steps = 1000 # number of time steps in run

    # Derived parameters
    dt = 0.1*dr**2 / kd    # time-step size set by CFL condition

    # Create and initialize a radial model grid
    mg = RadialModelGrid(num_shells, dr)

    # Set up scalar values: elevation and time rate of change of elevation.
    # Note use of CSDMS standard names for these variables.
    z = mg.add_zeros('node', 'Land_surface__elevation')
    dzdt = mg.add_zeros('node', 'Land_surface__time_derivative_of_elevation')

    # Get a list of the core nodes
    core_nodes = mg.core_nodes

    # Display a message
    print( 'Running' )
    print( 'Time-step size has been set to ' + str( dt ) + ' years.' )

    # RUN

    # Main loop
    for i in range(0, num_time_steps):

        # Calculate the gradients and sediment fluxes
        g = mg.calculate_gradients_at_active_links(z)
        qs = -kd*g

        # Calculate the net deposition/erosion rate at each node
        dqsds = mg.calculate_flux_divergence_at_nodes(qs)

        # Calculate the total rate of elevation change
        dzdt = uplift_rate - dqsds

        # Update the elevations
        z[core_nodes] = z[core_nodes] + dzdt[core_nodes] * dt


    # Plot the points, colored by elevation
    import numpy
    maxelev = numpy.amax(z)
    for i in range(mg.number_of_nodes):
        mycolor = str(z[i]/maxelev)
        pylab.plot(mg.node_x[i], mg.node_y[i], 'o', color=mycolor, ms=10)


    # Plot the points from the side, with analytical solution
    L = num_shells*dr
    xa = numpy.arange(-L, L+dr, dr)
    z_analytical = (uplift_rate/(4*kd))*(L*L-xa*xa)
    pylab.plot(mg.node_x, z, 'o')
    pylab.plot(xa, z_analytical, 'r-')
    pylab.xlabel('Distance from center (m)')
    pylab.ylabel('Height (m)')

    end_time = time.time()

    print 'Elapsed time',end_time-start_time
Пример #2
def main():
    In this simple tutorial example, the main function does all the work:
    it sets the parameter values, creates and initializes a grid, sets up
    the state variables, runs the main loop, and cleans up.

    import time

    start_time = time.time()


    # User-defined parameter values
    num_shells = 10  # number of radial "shells" in the grid
    #numcols = 30         # not needed for a radial model grid
    dr = 10.0  # grid cell spacing
    kd = 0.01  # diffusivity coefficient, in m2/yr
    uplift_rate = 0.0001  # baselevel/uplift rate, in m/yr
    num_time_steps = 1000  # number of time steps in run

    # Derived parameters
    dt = 0.1 * dr**2 / kd  # time-step size set by CFL condition

    # Create and initialize a radial model grid
    mg = RadialModelGrid(num_shells, dr)

    # Set up scalar values: elevation and time rate of change of elevation.
    # Note use of CSDMS standard names for these variables.
    z = mg.add_zeros('node', 'Land_surface__elevation')
    dzdt = mg.add_zeros('node', 'Land_surface__time_derivative_of_elevation')

    # Get a list of the core nodes
    core_nodes = mg.core_nodes

    # Display a message
    print('Time-step size has been set to ' + str(dt) + ' years.')

    # RUN

    # Main loop
    for i in range(0, num_time_steps):

        # Calculate the gradients and sediment fluxes
        g = mg.calculate_gradients_at_active_links(z)
        qs = -kd * g

        # Calculate the net deposition/erosion rate at each node
        dqsds = mg.calculate_flux_divergence_at_nodes(qs)

        # Calculate the total rate of elevation change
        dzdt = uplift_rate - dqsds

        # Update the elevations
        z[core_nodes] = z[core_nodes] + dzdt[core_nodes] * dt


    # Plot the points, colored by elevation
    import numpy
    maxelev = numpy.amax(z)
    for i in range(mg.number_of_nodes):
        mycolor = str(z[i] / maxelev)
        pylab.plot(mg.node_x[i], mg.node_y[i], 'o', color=mycolor, ms=10)


    # Plot the points from the side, with analytical solution
    L = num_shells * dr
    xa = numpy.arange(-L, L + dr, dr)
    z_analytical = (uplift_rate / (4 * kd)) * (L * L - xa * xa)
    pylab.plot(mg.node_x, z, 'o')
    pylab.plot(xa, z_analytical, 'r-')
    pylab.xlabel('Distance from center (m)')
    pylab.ylabel('Height (m)')

    end_time = time.time()

    print 'Elapsed time', end_time - start_time