Пример #1
def _get_session_keystone_v3():
    Returns a keystone session variable.
    from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
    from keystoneauth1 import session
    from keystoneclient.v3 import client

    user, password, auth_uri, project_name, project_id, user_domain_name = _get_connection_info(

    auth = v3.Password(auth_url=auth_uri,
    envs = [
        user, password, auth_uri, project_name, project_id, user_domain_name
    msg = "AUTH with user ({e[0]}), password (****), auth_uri ({e[2]}), " \
          " project_name ({e[3]}), project_id ({e[4]}) " \
          "and user_domain_name ({e[5]}).".format(e=envs)
    sess = session.Session(auth=auth)

    return sess
Пример #2
def put_geolocation():
    Stores the geolocation of the nodes to the database
    LOG.info("Accessing URL %s", request.url)
    now_ts = time.time()
    error_log = []
    if not request.data:
        err_msg = "No coordinate data"
        abort(400, err_msg)

    data = ast.literal_eval(request.data)

    for obj in data:
        LOG.info("Updating coordinates of nodes %s", obj['id'])
        geo_string = json.dumps(obj['geo'])
        attrs = {"geo": geo_string}
        updated, msg = LANDSCAPE.graph_db.update_node(obj['id'],
        if not updated:
            error_log.append((obj["id"], msg))

    if error_log:
        err_msg = "Error with the following nodes:" + str(error_log)
        abort(400, err_msg)

    return Response(status=200, mimetype=MIME)
Пример #3
 def _add_task(self, task, timestamp):
     Adds a Docker task node to the graph database.
     :param task: Docker task object.
     :param timestamp: timestamp.
     LOG.info("[DOCKER] Adding a task node the Graph")
     if task['DesiredState'] == 'running':
         identity, state = self._create_docker_task_nodes(task)
         uuid = task["ID"]
         node_id = task["NodeID"]
         container_id = task["Status"]['ContainerStatus']['ContainerID']
         service_id = task["ServiceID"]
         task_node = self.graph_db.add_node(uuid, identity, state,
         if task_node is not None:
             docker_node = self.graph_db.get_node_by_uuid(node_id)
             container_node = self.graph_db.get_node_by_uuid(container_id)
             service_node = self.graph_db.get_node_by_uuid(service_id)
             if docker_node and container_node:
                 self.graph_db.add_edge(container_node, docker_node,
                                        timestamp, RELS['docker_container'])
             if container_node and task_node:
                 self.graph_db.add_edge(task_node, container_node,
                                        timestamp, RELS['container_task'])
             if task_node and service_node:
                 self.graph_db.add_edge(service_node, task_node, timestamp,
Пример #4
 def _add_physical_machine(self, machine, timestamp):
     Add a machine to graph database using the hwloc and cpuinfo files for a
     :param machine: Machine name.
     :param timestamp: Epoch timestamp
     identity = self.graph_db.get_node_by_uuid(machine)
     if identity:
             "Machine : %s exists in an inactive state in the landscape.",
     hwloc = self._get_hwloc(machine)
     if hwloc is not None:
         LOG.info("HWLocCollector - Adding machine: %s", machine)
         graph = self._create_nxgraph_from_hwloc(hwloc, machine)
         cpu_info = self._get_cpu_info(machine)
         if cpu_info is not None:
             self._enrich_graph_cpuinfo(graph, cpu_info)
             LOG.error("No cpu info for machine: %s", machine)
         # Store the physical host in the graph database.
         self._add_coordinates(graph, machine)
         self.store_nxgraph_to_graph_db(graph, self.graph_db, timestamp)
         LOG.error("No hwloc details for machine: %s", machine)
Пример #5
 def _remove_physical_machine(self, machine, timestamp):
     identity = self.graph_db.get_node_by_uuid(machine)
     if identity:
         self.graph_db.delete_node(identity, timestamp)
         LOG.info("Machine : %s deleted from landscape", machine)
         LOG.error("Machine : %s not in the landscape to delete!", machine)
    def get_devices(self):
        # try:
        cimi_url = self.cnf.get_variable(CONFIG_SECTION_GENERAL,
        if cimi_url is None:
                "'CIMI_URL' has not been set in the 'general' section of the config file"
            return dict()

        # TODO: certificate authentication issues
        if cimi_url.lower().find('https') > 0:

        res = requests.get(cimi_url + '/device',
                           headers={'slipstream-authn-info': 'internal ADMIN'},

        if res.status_code == 200:
            LOG.info("CIMI Connection OK. Devices returned: " +
            return res.json()['devices']

        LOG.error("Request failed: " + str(res.status_code))
        LOG.error("Response: " + str(res.text))
        return dict()
Пример #7
 def init_graph_db(self):
     Adds the instances to the graph database and connects them to the
     relevant machine nodes.
         "ContainerCollector - Adding Docker infrastructure components to the landscape."
     now_ts = time.time()
     nodes = [
         x for x in self.swarm_manager.nodes.list()
         if x.attrs["Status"]["State"] == 'ready'
     for node in nodes:
         node_id = node.attrs["ID"]
         hostname = node.attrs['Description']['Hostname']
         if 'ManagerStatus' in node.attrs:
             addr = node.attrs['ManagerStatus']['Addr']
             addr = node.attrs['Status']['Addr']
         state_attributes = self._get_instance_info(node)
         self._add_instance(node_id, addr, hostname, state_attributes,
         "ContainerCollector - Docker infrastructure components added.")
Пример #8
    def update_graph_db(self, event, body):
        Updates, adds and deletes cinder volumes based on the event type.
        :param event: Event type.
        :param body: Event details.
        LOG.info("[CINDER] Cinder event received: %s.", event)
        now_ts = time.time()
        uuid = body.get("payload", dict()).get("volume_id", "UNDEFINED")
        size = body.get("payload", dict()).get("size", "UNDEFINED")
        hostname = body.get("payload", dict()).get("host", "UNDEFINED")
        if hostname:
            if "#" in hostname:
                hostname = hostname.split("#")[0]
            if "@" in hostname:
                hostname = hostname.split('@')[0]

        attachments = body.get("payload", dict()).get('volume_attachment', [])

        vm_id = "UNDEFINED"
        for attachment in attachments:
            attach_status = attachment.get("attach_status", "UNDEFINED")
            if attach_status == "attached":
                vm_id = attachment.get('instance_uuid', "UNDEFINED")

        if event in DELETE_EVENTS:
            self._delete_volume(uuid, now_ts)
        elif event in UPDATE_EVENTS:
            self._update_volume(uuid, size, hostname, vm_id, now_ts)
        elif event in ADD_EVENTS:
            self._add_volume(uuid, size, hostname, vm_id, now_ts)
Пример #9
def get_subgraph(node_id):
    Returns the subgraph using a node id as the start.
    LOG.info("Retrieving Subgraph with url %s", request.url)
    timestamp = request.args.get("timestamp")
    time_frame = request.args.get("timeframe", 0)
    geo = _bool(request.args.get("geo", False))

    # filter arguments.
    filter_these = _bool(request.args.get("filter-these", True))
    filter_node = request.args.get("filter-nodes", [])

    # Fetch the subgraph.
    subgraph = LANDSCAPE.graph_db.get_subgraph(node_id,

    if not subgraph:
        err_msg = "Node with ID '{}', not in the landscape.".format(node_id)
        abort(400, err_msg)
    if filter_node:
        filter_node = ast.literal_eval(filter_node)
        subgraph = util_graph.filter_nodes(subgraph, filter_node, filter_these)
    if geo:
        subgraph = Geo.extract_geo(subgraph)

    return Response(subgraph, mimetype=MIME)
Пример #10
def add_new_device():
    Adds a new device to the physical layer
    LOG.info("Accessing URL %s", request.url)
    now_ts = time.time()
    error_log = []
    if not request.data:
        err_msg = "No device data in body"
        abort(400, err_msg)

    data = ast.literal_eval(request.data)

    # get config manager
    from landscaper.utilities import configuration
    conf_manager = configuration.ConfigurationManager()

    # save file to disk
    from landscaper.collector.cimi_physicalhost_collector import CimiPhysicalCollector
    cimi_updater = CimiPhysicalCollector(None, conf_manager, None, None)

    if error_log:
        err_msg = "Error with the following nodes:" + str(error_log)
        abort(400, err_msg)

    return Response(status=201, mimetype=MIME)
Пример #11
    def get_swarm_manager(docker_conf):
        Retrieves Docker client object or error
        :return client object or error
        # if docker_conf[2] and docker_conf[3]:
        #     tls_config = docker.tls.TLSConfig(
        #         client_cert=(docker_conf[2], docker_conf[3])
        #     )
        # else:
        #     tls_config = False
        # manager_address = ContainerCollectorV1.get_connection_string(docker_conf)
        # client = docker.DockerClient(base_url=manager_address, tls=tls_config)
        client = docker.from_env()

            if client.swarm.init():
                LOG.info("Node joined swarm")
        except docker.errors.APIError:
            LOG.info("Node already part of swarm")

            return client
        except KeyError as err:
            raise err
Пример #12
    def init_graph_db(self):
        Adds all neutron ports, nets and subnets to the graph database.
        LOG.info("[NEUTRON] Adding Neutron components to the landscape.")
        now_ts = time.time()
        # Collect Networks
        networks = self.neutron.list_networks()
        for net in networks.get('networks', list()):
            net_id = net.get('id', "UNDEFINED")
            net_name = net.get('name', "UNDEFINED")
            self._add_network(net_id, net_name, now_ts)

        # Collect subnets
        subnets = self.neutron.list_subnets()
        for subnet in subnets.get('subnets', list()):
            subnet_id = subnet.get('id', "UNDEFINED")
            cidr = subnet.get('cidr', "UNDEFINED")
            network_id = subnet.get('network_id', "UNDEFINED")
            self._add_subnet(subnet_id, cidr, network_id, now_ts)

        # Collect ports
        ports = self.neutron.list_ports()
        for port in ports.get('ports', list()):
            port_id = port.get("id", "UNDEFINED")
            mac, fixed_ip, device_id, net_id = self._get_port_info(port)
            self._add_port(port_id, mac, fixed_ip, device_id, net_id, now_ts)
Пример #13
 def on_connection_revived(self):
     Method called when a connection to the broker is successfully made.
     super(OSMQueueConsumer, self).on_connection_revived()
     self.retry_tracker = 0
     info_msg = "Connected to Openstack message queue at address: %s."
     LOG.info(info_msg, self.connection.as_uri())
Пример #14
 def init_graph_db(self):
     LOG.info("[PHYS NETWORK] Adding physical network.")
     net_description = self._network_description(paths.NETWORK_DESCRIPTION)
     # Use two loops for inter switch connections.
     for switch, switch_info in net_description.iteritems():
         self._add_switch(switch, switch_info, time.time())
     for switch, switch_info in net_description.iteritems():
         self._connect_switches(switch, switch_info, time.time())
Пример #15
 def update_graph_db(self, event, body):
     Updates instances.  This method is called by the events manager.
     :param event: The event that has occurred.
     :param body: The details of the event that occurred.
     LOG.info("Processing event received: %s", event)
     now_ts = time.time()
     self._process_event(now_ts, event, body)
Пример #16
 def init_graph_db(self):
     Add Volume nodes to the landscape.
     LOG.info("[CINDER] Adding Cinder components to the landscape.")
     now_ts = time.time()
     for volume in self.cinder.volumes.list():
         volume_id, size, hostname, vm_id = self._get_volume_info(volume)
         self._add_volume(volume_id, size, hostname, vm_id, now_ts)
Пример #17
 def init_graph_db(self):
     Build the physical layer machines and constituent components and add to
     the graph database.
     LOG.info("Adding physical machines to the landscape...")
     now_ts = time.time()
     machines = self.conf_mgr.get_machines()
     self._add_physical_machine_threads(machines, now_ts)
     LOG.info("Finished adding physical machines to the landscape.")
Пример #18
 def init_graph_db(self):
     Adds the instances to the graph database and connects them to the
     relevant machine nodes.
     LOG.info("[NOVA] Adding Nova components to the landscape.")
     now_ts = time.time()
     for instance in self.nova.servers.list():
         vcpus, mem, name, hostname = self._get_instance_info(instance)
         self._add_instance(instance.id, vcpus, mem, name, hostname, now_ts)
Пример #19
 def init_graph_db(self):
     Adds the instances to the graph database and connects them to the
     relevant machine nodes.
     LOG.info("[EDISK] Adding ephemeral_disk components to the landscape.")
     now_ts = time.time()
     for instance_id, disk_obj in self.instance_disks.iteritems():
         self.attach_disk_to_instance(instance_id, disk_obj, now_ts)
Пример #20
 def _add_service(self, service, timestamp):
     Adds a Docker service node to the graph database.
     :param service: Docker Service object.
     :param timestamp: timestamp.
     LOG.info("[DOCKER] Adding a service node the Graph")
     identity, state = self._create_docker_service_nodes(service)
     uuid = service.attrs["ID"] # WHY IS THIS DIFFERENT TO CONT? WHY DOCKER WHY?
     service_node = self.graph_db.add_node(uuid, identity, state, timestamp)
Пример #21
    def _consume_notifications(self):
        Consume notification from Swarm notification queue.
        LOG.info("Attempting to connect to address: %s",
        client = self._get_leader_client()

        for event in client.events():
Пример #22
    def init_graph_db(self):
        Adds stack nodes to the graph database and connects them to the
        stack's vms.

        LOG.info("[HEAT] Adding Heat components to the landscape.")
        now_ts = time.time()
        for stack in self.heat.stacks.list():
            if stack.stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE':
                self._add_stack(stack, now_ts)
    def generate_files(self, device, dynamic={}):
        Queries the hwloc and cpuinfo methods and writes them to a file
        :param device: CIMI Device object containing hwloc and cpu_info methods
        :param dynamic: CIMI device-dynamic object pertaining to the device object
        :return: True if file successfully saved and hostname, False if errors encountered
        hostname = ""
        device_id = device['id']
            hwloc = device.get("hwloc")
            if hwloc is None:
                LOG.error("hwLoc data has not been set for this device: " +
                          device_id + ". No HwLoc file will be saved.")
                return False

            cpu_info = device.get("cpuinfo")
            if cpu_info is None:
                LOG.error("CPU_info data has not been set for this device: " +
                          device_id + ". No CPU_info file will be saved.")

            if dynamic:
                hwloc, hostname = self._parse_hwloc(device, hwloc, dynamic)
                LOG.info("Dynamic data has been set for this device: " +
                hwloc, hostname = self._parse_hwloc(device, hwloc)
                LOG.error("Dynamic data has not been set for this device: " +
                          device_id + ". No dynamic file will be saved.")

            self.device_dict[device_id] = hostname
            # save the dynamic info to file
            if dynamic:
                dynamic_path = os.path.join(paths.DATA_DIR,
                                            hostname + "_dynamic.add")
                self._write_to_file(dynamic_path, json.dumps(dynamic))

            # save the cpu info to file
            if cpu_info:
                cpu_path = os.path.join(paths.DATA_DIR,
                                        hostname + "_cpuinfo.txt")
                self._write_to_file(cpu_path, cpu_info)

            # save the hwloc to file
            hwloc_path = os.path.join(paths.DATA_DIR, hostname + "_hwloc.xml")
            self._write_to_file(hwloc_path, hwloc)

        except Exception as ex:
                "General Error hwloc/cpuinfo for device: {} - Error message: {}"
                .format(device['id'], ex.message))
            return False, None
        return True, hostname
Пример #24
 def get_variable(self, section, variable):
     Returns the value of a variable from a given section.
     :param section: section to be loaded (string)
     :param variable: name of the variable (string)
     :return: string
     if variable in self.get_variable_list(section):
         sect = getattr(self, section)
         return sect[variable]
     LOG.info('Config: Cannot find %s in section %s', variable, section)
     return None
Пример #25
 def get_variable_list(self, section):
     Returns the list of the available variables in a section
     :param section: section to be loaded (string)
     :return: list
         return getattr(self, section)
     except AttributeError:
         err_msg = 'Config: Section {} not found'.format(section)
         raise ValueError(err_msg)
Пример #26
    def _consume_notifications(self):
        Consume notification from Swarm notification queue.
        LOG.info("Subscribing to Docker events...")
        client = self._get_leader_client()

        for event in client.events():

Пример #27
 def listen_for_events(self):
     Entry point for the child event listener.
     msg = "Connecting to Openstack message queue at address: %s."
     with Connection(self.connection_string) as conn:
         consumer = OSMQueueConsumer(conn, self._queues(), self._cb_event)
             LOG.info(msg, self.connection_string)
         except exceptions.KombuError as exc:
             LOG.error(exc, exc_info=1)
Пример #28
 def _cb_event(self, body, message):
     Callback which is automatically called when an event is received on the
     notification queue. It dispatches the event to the registered handler.
         event = body['event_type']
         LOG.info("event: %s", event)
         if event in EVENTS:
             self.events_manager.dispatch_event(event, body)
     except TypeError:
Пример #29
 def update_graph_db(self, event, body):
     Updates the heat elements in the graph database.
     :param event: The event that has occurred.
     :param body: The details of the event that occurred.
     from heatclient.exc import NotFound
     LOG.info("[HEAT] Processing event received: %s", event)
     now_ts = time.time()
     uuid = body.get('payload', dict()).get('stack_identity', 'UNDEFINED')
     if '/' in uuid:
         uuid = uuid.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
         stack = self.heat.stacks.get(uuid)
         if event in ADD_EVENTS:
             LOG.info("HEAT: Adding stack: %s", stack)
             self._add_stack(stack, now_ts)
         elif event in UPDATE_EVENTS:
             LOG.info("HEAT: Updating stack: %s", stack)
             self._update_stack(stack, now_ts)
         elif event in DELETE_EVENTS:
             LOG.info("HEAT: deleting stack: %s", stack)
             self._delete_stack(uuid, now_ts)
     except NotFound:
         LOG.warn("HEAT: Stack with UUID %s not found", uuid)
Пример #30
 def update_graph_db(self, event, body):
     Adds new hosts to the physical layer when new hwloc file added to /data directory
     LOG.info("HWLocCollector - event received: %s %s", event, body)
     folder, filename = os.path.split(body)
     # only process hwloc files added
     if filename[-10:] == "_hwloc.xml":
         device_id = filename[:-10]
         if event == pyinotify.IN_CREATE:
             LOG.info("HWLocCollector - processing: %s", filename[:-10])
             self._add_physical_machine(device_id, time.time())
         elif event == pyinotify.IN_DELETE:
             self._remove_physical_machine(device_id, time.time())