Пример #1
from os.path import realpath, exists, join

from larch import (Group, Parameter, isParameter, param_value, use_plugin_path,
from xdi import read_xdi
from columnfile import write_ascii
from feffit import feffit_dataset, feffit_transform, feffit, feffit_report
from feffdat import feffpath
from plotter import (_newplot, _plot)

import pystache

def do_fit(self, which, firstshell=False, fittest='baseline'):

    if which == 'testrun':
        folder = self.testrun
    elif which == 'baseline':
        folder = self.baseline
        folder = realpath(join(self.folder, fittest, which))

    data = read_xdi(join(self.path, 'NiO.chik'), _larch=self._larch)
    if hasattr(data, 'wavenumber'):
        data.k = data.wavenumber

    gds = Group(amp=Parameter(1, vary=True, _larch=self._larch),
Пример #2
import json
import numpy as np
import glob
from .file_utils import nativepath
from .site_config import get_fileroot, LARCH_SCANDB, LARCH_INSTDB
from .utils import plain_ascii
from .scandb import InstrumentDB
from . import scandb

import epics

import larch
from larch.utils import OrderedDict
larch_site_config = larch.site_config

from stepscan_utils import EpicsScanDB

class LarchScanDBWriter(object):
    """Writer for Larch Interface that writes to both Stdout
    and Messages table of scandb
    def __init__(self, stdout=None, scandb=None, _larch=None):
        if stdout is None:
            stdout = sys.stdout
        self.scandb = scandb
        self.writer = stdout
        self._larch = _larch

    def write(self, text, color=None, bkg=None, **kws):
Пример #3
import wx.lib.agw.flatnotebook as flat_nb
import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as scrolled
import wx.lib.mixins.inspection
    from wx._core import PyDeadObjectError
    PyDeadObjectError = Exception

import epics
from epics.wx import DelayedEpicsCallback, EpicsFunction

from larch import Interpreter, use_plugin_path, isParameter
from larch.fitting import fit_report

from fitpeak import fit_peak

from wxmplot import PlotFrame, PlotPanel
from ..datafile import StepScanData
from ..scandb import ScanDB
from ..file_utils import fix_filename

from .gui_utils import (SimpleText, FloatCtrl, Closure, pack, add_button,
                        add_menu, add_choice, add_menu, check,
                        CEN, RCEN, LCEN, FRAMESTYLE, Font)

CEN |=  wx.ALL
FILE_WILDCARDS = "Scan Data Files(*.0*,*.dat,*.xdi)|*.0*;*.dat;*.xdi|All files (*.*)|*.*"
Пример #4

from os.path import realpath, exists, join

from larch import (Group, Parameter, isParameter, param_value, use_plugin_path, isNamedClass)
from xdi import read_xdi
from columnfile import write_ascii
from feffit import feffit_dataset, feffit_transform, feffit, feffit_report
from feffdat import feffpath
from plotter import (_newplot, _plot)

import pystache

def do_fit(self, which, firstshell=False, fittest='baseline'):

    if which == 'testrun':
        folder = self.testrun
    elif which == 'baseline':
        folder = self.baseline
        folder = realpath(join(self.folder, fittest, which))

    data = read_xdi(join(self.path, 'NiO.chik'), _larch=self._larch)
    if hasattr(data, 'wavenumber'):
        data.k = data.wavenumber
Пример #5
from os.path import realpath, exists, join

from larch import Group, Parameter, isParameter, param_value, use_plugin_path, isNamedClass

from xdi import read_xdi

from feffit import feffit_dataset, feffit_transform, feffit, feffit_report
from feffdat import feffpath

from plotter import _newplot, _plot

def do_fit(self, which):

    if which == "testrun":
        folder = self.testrun
        folder = self.baseline

    data = read_xdi(join(self.path, "UO2.chik"), _larch=self._larch)

    gds = Group(
        amp=Parameter(1, vary=True, _larch=self._larch),
        enot=Parameter(0.01, vary=True, _larch=self._larch),
        sso=Parameter(0.003, vary=True, _larch=self._larch),
        ssu=Parameter(0.003, vary=True, _larch=self._larch),
        sso2=Parameter(0.003, vary=True, _larch=self._larch),
        dro=Parameter(0.0001, vary=True, _larch=self._larch),
Пример #6
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:  # Python2 only, for now
    from io import StringIO
    from configparser import ConfigParser

    from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
    from cStringIO import StringIO

from larch import use_plugin_path, Group

from fileutils import get_homedir, get_timestamp

    from epics import PV, caget, caput, get_pv, poll
    HAS_EPICS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_EPICS = False

    from larch_plugins.epics.larchscan import LarchStepScan

    import epicsscan
    from epicsscan.positioner import Positioner
    from epicsscan.detectors import get_detector, Counter
    import wx.dataview as dv
    HAS_DV = True

from wxutils import (SimpleText, EditableListBox, Font, FloatCtrl, pack, Popup,
                     Button, get_icon, Check, MenuItem, Choice, FileOpen,
                     FileSave, fix_filename, HLine, GridPanel, CEN, LEFT,

import larch
from larch_plugins.wx import (PeriodicTablePanel, XRFDisplayFrame,
                              FILE_WILDCARDS, CalibrationFrame)

ROI_WILDCARD = 'Data files (*.dat)|*.dat|ROI files (*.roi)|*.roi|All files (*.*)|*.*'
    from larch_plugins.epics import Epics_MultiXMAP, Epics_Xspress3
    from scandb import ScanDB

class DetectorSelectDialog(wx.Dialog):
    """Connect to an Epics MCA detector
    Can be either XIA xMAP  or Quantum XSPress3
    msg = '''Select XIA xMAP or Quantum XSPress3 MultiElement MCA detector'''
    det_types = ('ME-4', 'other')
    def_prefix = '13QX4:'  # SDD1:'
    def_nelem = 4
Пример #8
4/14/2011:  fluo_det.py: detection dependent part in fluorescence yield.
            Original fluo.py was modified to fluo_new.py.
            readf1f2a.py is used instead of original readf1f2.py
            fluo_new.py is being split into two.
            fluo_elem.py is for elemtnal dependence: fluorescenc yield, crosssection.
            fluo_det.py is for detection dependnece: detector efficiency, attenuation, sample
            * for attenuation, total cross-section([4]) is used instead of photoelectric ([2]).
            ** for fluorescence yield, photoelectric is used.

import math
import numpy
import sys
from larch import use_plugin_path


from physical_constants import AVOGADRO, BARN

pre_edge_margin = 150.  # FY calculated from 150 eV below the absorption edge.
fluo_emit_min = 500.  # minimum energy for emitted fluorescence.  ignore fluorescence emissions below 500eV
det_res = 100.  # detector resoltuion in eV, used in sim_GaussPeaks
class: Material, ElemFY, SampleMatrix2

class Material:
Пример #9
# make up the Python Interface to the feffpath library.  While information
# about Authorship may be retained in some files for historical reasons,
# this work is hereby placed in the Public Domain.  This work is
# published from: United States.
# Note that the onepath and feffpath libraries themselves are NOT
# public domain, nor is the Fortran source code for Feff that it
# relies upon.
# Author: Bruce Ravel (bravel AT bnl DOT gov).
# Last update: 12 December, 2014

import larch
from larch import (Group, Parameter, isParameter, ValidateLarchPlugin, param_value,
                   use_plugin_path, isNamedClass, Interpreter)
from   xraydb_plugin import atomic_symbol

import sys
from   os            import name
from   os.path       import isfile
from   numpy         import array

#installdir = larch.site_config.larchdir
installdir = larch.larchlib.larchdir
dlldir     = larch.larchlib.get_dlldir()

if not dllfile in sys.path:
Пример #10
4/14/2011:  fluo_det.py: detection dependent part in fluorescence yield.
            Original fluo.py was modified to fluo_new.py.
            readf1f2a.py is used instead of original readf1f2.py
            fluo_new.py is being split into two.
            fluo_elem.py is for elemtnal dependence: fluorescenc yield, crosssection.
            fluo_det.py is for detection dependnece: detector efficiency, attenuation, sample
            * for attenuation, total cross-section([4]) is used instead of photoelectric ([2]).
            ** for fluorescence yield, photoelectric is used.

import math
import numpy
import sys
from larch import use_plugin_path

from physical_constants import AVOGADRO, BARN

pre_edge_margin=150.    # FY calculated from 150 eV below the absorption edge.
fluo_emit_min=500.      # minimum energy for emitted fluorescence.  ignore fluorescence emissions below 500eV
det_res=100.            # detector resoltuion in eV, used in sim_GaussPeaks

class: Material, ElemFY, SampleMatrix2
class Material:
    def __init__(self, composition, density, thickness=1,_larch=None):
Пример #11
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import copy
import time
import gc

import numpy as np
from larch import Group, ValidateLarchPlugin, use_plugin_path
from larch.utils import OrderedDict

from larch_plugins.io import XDIFile, XDIFileException, iso8601_time

from xsp3_hdf5 import XSPRESS3_TAUS, estimate_icr

def read_gsexdi(fname, _larch=None, nmca=4, bad=None, **kws):
    """Read GSE XDI Scan Data to larch group,
    summing ROI data for MCAs and apply deadtime corrections
    group = _larch.symtable.create_group()
    group.__name__ ='GSE XDI Data file %s' % fname
    xdi = XDIFile(str(fname))

    group._xdi = xdi
    group.filename = fname
    group.npts = xdi.npts
    group.bad_channels = bad
    group.dtc_taus = XSPRESS3_TAUS
Пример #12
Triggers, Counters, Detectors for Step Scan

import time
from ordereddict import OrderedDict

from epics_interface import PV, caget, caput, poll
from epics.devices import Scaler, MCA, Struck

from larch import use_plugin_path

from xspress3 import Xspress3

from .saveable import Saveable

    "scaler": {"use_calc": True, "nchans": 8},
    "areadetector": {"file_plugin": "TIFF1", "auto_increment": True},
    "mca": {"nrois": 32, "use_full": False, "use_net": False},
    "xspress3": {"MultiChannelScaler": "", "nmcas": 4, "nrois": 32, "nbins": 10},
    "multimca": {"nrois": 32, "nmcas": 4, "use_full": False, "use_net": False},

AD_FILE_PLUGINS = ("TIFF1", "JPEG1", "NetCDF1", "HDF1", "Nexus1", "Magick1")

class Trigger(Saveable):
    """Detector Trigger for a scan. The interface is:
    trig = Trigger(pvname, value=1)
Пример #13
## feff85exafs unit testing system using larch
## see HEADERS/license.h for feff's license information

import os

import nose
from os.path import isfile, isdir, join
import sys

sys.path.append(join('wrappers', 'python'))
from math import isnan

import larch
from f85ut import ut

from feffdat import feffpath

from columnfile import read_ascii

import re

#folders = ('Copper',)
#folders = ('ferrocene',)
#folders = ('Copper', 'NiO', 'UO2', 'Zircon', 'ferrocene', 'bromoadamantane')
folders = ('Copper', 'NiO', 'UO2', 'Zircon', 'ferrocene', 'bromoadamantane',
           'LCO-para', 'LCO-perp')
tests = dict()
doscf = os.getenv('FEFF_TEST_SCF', 'False')
Пример #14
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import copy
import time
import gc

import numpy as np
from larch import Group, ValidateLarchPlugin, use_plugin_path
from larch.utils import OrderedDict

from larch_plugins.io import XDIFile, XDIFileException, iso8601_time

from xsp3_hdf5 import XSPRESS3_TAUS, estimate_icr

def read_gsexdi(fname, _larch=None, nmca=4, bad=None, **kws):
    """Read GSE XDI Scan Data to larch group,
    summing ROI data for MCAs and apply deadtime corrections
    group = _larch.symtable.create_group()
    group.__name__ = 'GSE XDI Data file %s' % fname
    xdi = XDIFile(str(fname))

    group._xdi = xdi
    group.filename = fname
    group.npts = xdi.npts
    group.bad_channels = bad
Пример #15
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import copy
import time
import gc

import numpy as np
from larch import Group, ValidateLarchPlugin, use_plugin_path
from larch.utils import OrderedDict

from larch_plugins.io import XDIFile, XDIFileException, iso8601_time

from xsp3_hdf5 import XSPRESS3_TAUS, estimate_icr

def read_gsexdi(fname, _larch=None, nmca=4, bad=None, **kws):
    """Read GSE XDI Scan Data to larch group,
    summing ROI data for MCAs and apply deadtime corrections
    group = _larch.symtable.create_group()
    group.__name__ ='GSE XDI Data file %s' % fname
    xdi = XDIFile(str(fname))

    group._xdi = xdi
    group.filename = fname
    group.npts = xdi.npts
    group.bad_channels = bad
    group.dtc_taus = XSPRESS3_TAUS
Пример #16
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import copy
import time
import gc

import numpy as np
from larch import Group, ValidateLarchPlugin, use_plugin_path
from larch.utils import OrderedDict

from larch_plugins.io import XDIFile, XDIFileException, iso8601_time

from xsp3_hdf5 import XSPRESS3_TAUS, estimate_icr

def read_gsexdi(fname, _larch=None, nmca=4, bad=None, **kws):
    """Read GSE XDI Scan Data to larch group,
    summing ROI data for MCAs and apply deadtime corrections
    group = _larch.symtable.create_group()
    group.__name__ = 'GSE XDI Data file %s' % fname
    xdi = XDIFile(str(fname))

    group._xdi = xdi
    group.filename = fname
    group.npts = xdi.npts
    group.bad_channels = bad
Пример #17
yet to be implemented:
    -- th2th tth_start_rel tth_finish_rel intervals time
    -- automatic plotting
    -- save/read configuration
import os
import time
import numpy as np
from ConfigParser import  ConfigParser
from cStringIO import StringIO

from larch import use_plugin_path, Group

from larch.utils.ordereddict import OrderedDict
from fileutils import get_homedir, get_timestamp

    from epics import PV, caget, caput, get_pv, poll
    HAS_EPICS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_EPICS = False

    from larch_plugins.epics.larchscan   import LarchStepScan

    import epicsscan
    from epicsscan.positioner import Positioner