Пример #1
def autobk(energy, mu=None, group=None, rbkg=1, nknots=None, e0=None,
           edge_step=None, kmin=0, kmax=None, kweight=1, dk=0,
           win='hanning', k_std=None, chi_std=None, nfft=2048, kstep=0.05,
           pre_edge_kws=None, nclamp=4, clamp_lo=1, clamp_hi=1,
           calc_uncertainties=False, _larch=None, **kws):
    """Use Autobk algorithm to remove XAFS background

      energy:    1-d array of x-ray energies, in eV, or group
      mu:        1-d array of mu(E)
      group:     output group (and input group for e0 and edge_step).
      rbkg:      distance (in Ang) for chi(R) above
                 which the signal is ignored. Default = 1.
      e0:        edge energy, in eV.  If None, it will be determined.
      edge_step: edge step.  If None, it will be determined.
      pre_edge_kws:  keyword arguments to pass to pre_edge()
      nknots:    number of knots in spline.  If None, it will be determined.
      kmin:      minimum k value   [0]
      kmax:      maximum k value   [full data range].
      kweight:   k weight for FFT.  [1]
      dk:        FFT window window parameter.  [0]
      win:       FFT window function name.     ['hanning']
      nfft:      array size to use for FFT [2048]
      kstep:     k step size to use for FFT [0.05]
      k_std:     optional k array for standard chi(k).
      chi_std:   optional chi array for standard chi(k).
      nclamp:    number of energy end-points for clamp [2]
      clamp_lo:  weight of low-energy clamp [1]
      clamp_hi:  weight of high-energy clamp [1]
      calc_uncertaintites:  Flag to calculate uncertainties in
                            mu_0(E) and chi(k) [False]

    Output arrays are written to the provided group.

    Follows the 'First Argument Group' convention.
    msg = _larch.writer.write
    if 'kw' in kws:
        kweight = kws.pop('kw')
    if len(kws) > 0:
        msg('Unrecognized a:rguments for autobk():\n')
        msg('    %s\n' % (', '.join(kws.keys())))

    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy, members=('energy', 'mu'),
                                         defaults=(mu,), group=group,

    energy = remove_dups(energy)
    # if e0 or edge_step are not specified, get them, either from the
    # passed-in group or from running pre_edge()
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)

    if edge_step is None and isgroup(group, 'edge_step'):
        edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None and isgroup(group, 'e0'):
        e0 = group.e0
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        # need to run pre_edge:
        pre_kws = dict(nnorm=3, nvict=0, pre1=None,
                       pre2=-50., norm1=100., norm2=None)
        if pre_edge_kws is not None:
        pre_edge(energy, mu, group=group, _larch=_larch, **pre_kws)
        if e0 is None:
            e0 = group.e0
        if edge_step is None:
            edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        msg('autobk() could not determine e0 or edge_step!: trying running pre_edge first\n')

    # get array indices for rkbg and e0: irbkg, ie0
    ie0 = index_of(energy, e0)
    rgrid = np.pi/(kstep*nfft)
    if rbkg < 2*rgrid: rbkg = 2*rgrid
    irbkg = int(1.01 + rbkg/rgrid)

    # save ungridded k (kraw) and grided k (kout)
    # and ftwin (*k-weighting) for FT in residual
    enpe = energy[ie0:] - e0
    kraw = np.sign(enpe)*np.sqrt(ETOK*abs(enpe))
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = max(kraw)
        kmax = max(0, min(max(kraw), kmax))
    kout  = kstep * np.arange(int(1.01+kmax/kstep), dtype='float64')
    iemax = min(len(energy), 2+index_of(energy, e0+kmax*kmax/ETOK)) - 1

    # interpolate provided chi(k) onto the kout grid
    if chi_std is not None and k_std is not None:
        chi_std = np.interp(kout, k_std, chi_std)
    # pre-load FT window
    ftwin = kout**kweight * ftwindow(kout, xmin=kmin, xmax=kmax,
                                     window=win, dx=dk)
    # calc k-value and initial guess for y-values of spline params
    nspl = max(4, min(128, 2*int(rbkg*(kmax-kmin)/np.pi) + 1))
    spl_y, spl_k, spl_e  = np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl)
    for i in range(nspl):
        q  = kmin + i*(kmax-kmin)/(nspl - 1)
        ik = index_nearest(kraw, q)
        i1 = min(len(kraw)-1, ik + 5)
        i2 = max(0, ik - 5)
        spl_k[i] = kraw[ik]
        spl_e[i] = energy[ik+ie0]
        spl_y[i] = (2*mu[ik+ie0] + mu[i1+ie0] + mu[i2+ie0] ) / 4.0

    # get spline represention: knots, coefs, order=3
    # coefs will be varied in fit.
    knots, coefs, order = splrep(spl_k, spl_y)

    # set fit parameters from initial coefficients
    params = Group()
    for i in range(len(coefs)):
        name = FMT_COEF % i
        p = Parameter(coefs[i], name=name, vary=i<len(spl_y))
        setattr(params, name, p)

    initbkg, initchi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax-ie0+1], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                                   knots, coefs, order, kout)

    # do fit
    fit = Minimizer(__resid, params, _larch=_larch, toler=1.e-4,
                    fcn_kws = dict(ncoefs=len(coefs), chi_std=chi_std,
                                   knots=knots, order=order,
                                   mu=mu[ie0:iemax+1], irbkg=irbkg, kout=kout,
                                   ftwin=ftwin, kweight=kweight,
                                   nfft=nfft, nclamp=nclamp,
                                   clamp_lo=clamp_lo, clamp_hi=clamp_hi))

    # write final results
    coefs = [getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i) for i in range(len(coefs))]
    bkg, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax-ie0+1], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                           knots, coefs, order, kout)
    obkg = np.copy(mu)
    obkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = bkg

    # outputs to group
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.bkg  = obkg
    group.chie = (mu-obkg)/edge_step
    group.k    = kout
    group.chi  = chi/edge_step

    # now fill in 'autobk_details' group
    params.init_bkg = np.copy(mu)
    params.init_bkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = initbkg
    params.init_chi = initchi/edge_step
    params.knots_e  = spl_e
    params.knots_y  = np.array([coefs[i] for i in range(nspl)])
    params.init_knots_y = spl_y
    params.nfev = params.fit_details.nfev
    params.kmin = kmin
    params.kmax = kmax  
    group.autobk_details = params

    # uncertainties in mu0 and chi:  fairly slow!!
    if HAS_UNCERTAIN and calc_uncertainties:
        vbest, vstd = [], []
        for n in fit.var_names:
            par = getattr(params, n)
        uvars = uncertainties.correlated_values(vbest, params.covar)
        # uncertainty in bkg (aka mu0)
        # note that much of this is working around
        # limitations in the uncertainty package that make it
        #  1. take an argument list (not array)
        #  2. work on returned scalars (but not arrays)
        #  3. not handle kw args and *args well (so use
        #     of global "index" is important here)
        nkx = iemax-ie0 + 1
        def my_dsplev(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            return splev(kraw[:nkx], [knots, coefs, order])[index]
        fdbkg = uncertainties.wrap(my_dsplev)
        dmu0  = [fdbkg(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(bkg))]
        group.delta_bkg = np.zeros(len(mu))
        group.delta_bkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = np.array(dmu0)

        # uncertainty in chi (see notes above)
        def my_dchi(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            b,chi = spline_eval(kraw[:nkx], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                                knots, coefs, order, kout)
            return chi[index]
        fdchi = uncertainties.wrap(my_dchi)
        dchi  = [fdchi(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(kout))]
        group.delta_chi = np.array(dchi)/edge_step
Пример #2
def autobk(energy,
    """Use Autobk algorithm to remove XAFS background

      energy:    1-d array of x-ray energies, in eV, or group
      mu:        1-d array of mu(E)
      group:     output group (and input group for e0 and edge_step).
      rbkg:      distance (in Ang) for chi(R) above
                 which the signal is ignored. Default = 1.
      e0:        edge energy, in eV.  If None, it will be determined.
      edge_step: edge step.  If None, it will be determined.
      pre_edge_kws:  keyword arguments to pass to pre_edge()
      nknots:    number of knots in spline.  If None, it will be determined.
      kmin:      minimum k value   [0]
      kmax:      maximum k value   [full data range].
      kweight:   k weight for FFT.  [1]
      dk:        FFT window window parameter.  [0]
      win:       FFT window function name.     ['hanning']
      nfft:      array size to use for FFT [2048]
      kstep:     k step size to use for FFT [0.05]
      k_std:     optional k array for standard chi(k).
      chi_std:   optional chi array for standard chi(k).
      nclamp:    number of energy end-points for clamp [2]
      clamp_lo:  weight of low-energy clamp [1]
      clamp_hi:  weight of high-energy clamp [1]
      calc_uncertaintites:  Flag to calculate uncertainties in
                            mu_0(E) and chi(k) [False]

    Output arrays are written to the provided group.

    Follows the 'First Argument Group' convention.
    msg = _larch.writer.write
    if 'kw' in kws:
        kweight = kws.pop('kw')
    if len(kws) > 0:
        msg('Unrecognized a:rguments for autobk():\n')
        msg('    %s\n' % (', '.join(kws.keys())))
    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy,
                                         members=('energy', 'mu'),
                                         defaults=(mu, ),

    energy = remove_dups(energy)
    # if e0 or edge_step are not specified, get them, either from the
    # passed-in group or from running pre_edge()
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)

    if edge_step is None and isgroup(group, 'edge_step'):
        edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None and isgroup(group, 'e0'):
        e0 = group.e0
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        # need to run pre_edge:
        pre_kws = dict(nnorm=3,
        if pre_edge_kws is not None:
        pre_edge(energy, mu, group=group, _larch=_larch, **pre_kws)
        if e0 is None:
            e0 = group.e0
        if edge_step is None:
            edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        msg('autobk() could not determine e0 or edge_step!: trying running pre_edge first\n'

    # get array indices for rkbg and e0: irbkg, ie0
    ie0 = index_of(energy, e0)
    rgrid = np.pi / (kstep * nfft)
    if rbkg < 2 * rgrid: rbkg = 2 * rgrid
    irbkg = int(1.01 + rbkg / rgrid)

    # save ungridded k (kraw) and grided k (kout)
    # and ftwin (*k-weighting) for FT in residual
    enpe = energy[ie0:] - e0
    kraw = np.sign(enpe) * np.sqrt(ETOK * abs(enpe))
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = max(kraw)
        kmax = max(0, min(max(kraw), kmax))
    kout = kstep * np.arange(int(1.01 + kmax / kstep), dtype='float64')
    iemax = min(len(energy), 2 + index_of(energy, e0 + kmax * kmax / ETOK)) - 1

    # interpolate provided chi(k) onto the kout grid
    if chi_std is not None and k_std is not None:
        chi_std = np.interp(kout, k_std, chi_std)
    # pre-load FT window
    ftwin = kout**kweight * ftwindow(
        kout, xmin=kmin, xmax=kmax, window=win, dx=dk)
    # calc k-value and initial guess for y-values of spline params
    nspl = max(4, min(128, 2 * int(rbkg * (kmax - kmin) / np.pi) + 1))
    spl_y, spl_k, spl_e = np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl)
    for i in range(nspl):
        q = kmin + i * (kmax - kmin) / (nspl - 1)
        ik = index_nearest(kraw, q)
        i1 = min(len(kraw) - 1, ik + 5)
        i2 = max(0, ik - 5)
        spl_k[i] = kraw[ik]
        spl_e[i] = energy[ik + ie0]
        spl_y[i] = (2 * mu[ik + ie0] + mu[i1 + ie0] + mu[i2 + ie0]) / 4.0

    # get spline represention: knots, coefs, order=3
    # coefs will be varied in fit.
    knots, coefs, order = splrep(spl_k, spl_y)

    # set fit parameters from initial coefficients
    params = Group()
    for i in range(len(coefs)):
        name = FMT_COEF % i
        p = Parameter(coefs[i], name=name, vary=i < len(spl_y))
        setattr(params, name, p)

    initbkg, initchi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1], mu[ie0:iemax + 1],
                                   knots, coefs, order, kout)

    # do fit
    fit = Minimizer(__resid,
                                 kraw=kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1],
                                 mu=mu[ie0:iemax + 1],

    # write final results
    coefs = [getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i) for i in range(len(coefs))]
    bkg, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1], mu[ie0:iemax + 1], knots,
                           coefs, order, kout)
    obkg = np.copy(mu)
    obkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = bkg

    # outputs to group
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.bkg = obkg
    group.chie = (mu - obkg) / edge_step
    group.k = kout
    group.chi = chi / edge_step

    # now fill in 'autobk_details' group
    params.init_bkg = np.copy(mu)
    params.init_bkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = initbkg
    params.init_chi = initchi / edge_step
    params.knots_e = spl_e
    params.knots_y = np.array([coefs[i] for i in range(nspl)])
    params.init_knots_y = spl_y
    params.nfev = params.fit_details.nfev
    params.kmin = kmin
    params.kmax = kmax
    group.autobk_details = params

    # uncertainties in mu0 and chi:  fairly slow!!
    if HAS_UNCERTAIN and calc_uncertainties:
        vbest, vstd = [], []
        for n in fit.var_names:
            par = getattr(params, n)
        uvars = uncertainties.correlated_values(vbest, params.covar)
        # uncertainty in bkg (aka mu0)
        # note that much of this is working around
        # limitations in the uncertainty package that make it
        #  1. take an argument list (not array)
        #  2. work on returned scalars (but not arrays)
        #  3. not handle kw args and *args well (so use
        #     of global "index" is important here)
        nkx = iemax - ie0 + 1

        def my_dsplev(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            return splev(kraw[:nkx], [knots, coefs, order])[index]

        fdbkg = uncertainties.wrap(my_dsplev)
        dmu0 = [fdbkg(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(bkg))]
        group.delta_bkg = np.zeros(len(mu))
        group.delta_bkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = np.array(dmu0)

        # uncertainty in chi (see notes above)
        def my_dchi(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            b, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:nkx], mu[ie0:iemax + 1], knots, coefs,
                                 order, kout)
            return chi[index]

        fdchi = uncertainties.wrap(my_dchi)
        dchi = [fdchi(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(kout))]
        group.delta_chi = np.array(dchi) / edge_step
Пример #3
def autobk(energy, mu, group=None, rbkg=1, nknots=None, e0=None,
           edge_step=None, kmin=0, kmax=None, kweight=1, dk=0,
           win='hanning', k_std=None, chi_std=None, nfft=2048, kstep=0.05,
           pre_edge_kws=None, debug=False, _larch=None, **kws):

    """Use Autobk algorithm to remove XAFS background
    Options are:
      rbkg -- distance out to which the chi(R) is minimized
    if _larch is None:
        raise Warning("cannot calculate autobk spline -- larch broken?")

    if 'kw' in kws:
        kweight = kws['kw']

    energy = remove_dups(energy)

    # if e0 or edge_step are not specified, get them, either from the
    # passed-in group or from running pre_edge()
    if edge_step is None:
        if _larch.symtable.isgroup(group) and hasattr(group, 'edge_step'):
            edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None:
        if _larch.symtable.isgroup(group) and hasattr(group, 'e0'):
            e0 = group.e0
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        # need to run pre_edge:
        pre_kws = dict(nnorm=3, nvict=0, pre1=None,
                       pre2=-50., norm1=100., norm2=None)
        if pre_edge_kws is not None:
        edge_step, e0 = pre_edge(energy, mu, group=group,
                                 _larch=_larch, **pre_kws)

    # get array indices for rkbg and e0: irbkg, ie0
    ie0 = index_nearest(energy, e0)
    rgrid = np.pi/(kstep*nfft)
    if rbkg < 2*rgrid: rbkg = 2*rgrid
    irbkg = int(1.01 + rbkg/rgrid)

    # save ungridded k (kraw) and grided k (kout)
    # and ftwin (*k-weighting) for FT in residual
    kraw = np.sqrt(ETOK*(energy[ie0:] - e0))
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = max(kraw)
    kout  = kstep * np.arange(int(1.01+kmax/kstep), dtype='float64')

    # interpolate provided chi(k) onto the kout grid
    if chi_std is not None and k_std is not None:
        chi_std = np.interp(kout, k_std, chi_std)

    ftwin = kout**kweight * ftwindow(kout, xmin=kmin, xmax=kmax,
                                     window=win, dx=dk)

    # calc k-value and initial guess for y-values of spline params
    nspline = max(4, min(60, 2*int(rbkg*(kmax-kmin)/np.pi) + 1))
    spl_y  = np.zeros(nspline)
    spl_k  = np.zeros(nspline)
    spl_e  = np.zeros(nspline)
    for i in range(nspline):
        q = kmin + i*(kmax-kmin)/(nspline - 1)
        ik = index_nearest(kraw, q)

        i1 = min(len(kraw)-1, ik + 5)
        i2 = max(0, ik - 5)
        spl_k[i] = kraw[ik]
        spl_e[i] = energy[ik+ie0]
        spl_y[i] = (2*mu[ik+ie0] + mu[i1+ie0] + mu[i2+ie0] ) / 4.0

    # get spline represention: knots, coefs, order=3
    # coefs will be varied in fit.
    knots, coefs, order = splrep(spl_k, spl_y)

    # set fit parameters from initial coefficients
    ncoefs = len(coefs)
    params = Group()
    for i in range(ncoefs):
        name = FMT_COEF % i
        p = Parameter(coefs[i], name=name, vary=i<len(spl_y))
        setattr(params, name, p)

    initbkg, initchi = spline_eval(kraw, mu[ie0:], knots, coefs, order, kout)

    fitkws = dict(ncoefs=len(coefs), chi_std=chi_std,
                  knots=knots, order=order, kraw=kraw, mu=mu[ie0:],
                  irbkg=irbkg, kout=kout, ftwin=ftwin, nfft=nfft)
    # do fit
    fit = Minimizer(__resid, params, fcn_kws=fitkws, _larch=_larch, toler=1.e-4)

    # write final results
    coefs = [getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i) for i in range(ncoefs)]

    bkg, chi = spline_eval(kraw, mu[ie0:], knots, coefs, order, kout)
    obkg  = np.zeros(len(mu))
    obkg[:ie0] = mu[:ie0]
    obkg[ie0:] = bkg
    if _larch.symtable.isgroup(group):
        group.bkg  = obkg
        group.chie = (mu-obkg)/edge_step
        group.k    = kout
        group.chi  = chi/edge_step
        if debug:
            group.spline_params = params
            ix_bkg = np.zeros(len(mu))
            ix_bkg[:ie0] = mu[:ie0]
            ix_bkg[ie0:] = initbkg
            group.init_bkg = ix_bkg
            group.init_chi = initchi/edge_step
            group.spline_e = spl_e
            group.spline_y = np.array([coefs[i] for i in range(nspline)])
            group.spline_yinit = spl_y
Пример #4
def autobk(energy,
    """Use Autobk algorithm to remove XAFS background

      energy:    1-d array of x-ray energies, in eV, or group
      mu:        1-d array of mu(E)
      group:     output group (and input group for e0 and edge_step).
      rbkg:      distance (in Ang) for chi(R) above
                 which the signal is ignored. Default = 1.
      e0:        edge energy, in eV.  If None, it will be determined.
      edge_step: edge step.  If None, it will be determined.
      pre_edge_kws:  keyword arguments to pass to pre_edge()
      nknots:    number of knots in spline.  If None, it will be determined.
      kmin:      minimum k value   [0]
      kmax:      maximum k value   [full data range].
      kweight:   k weight for FFT.  [1]
      dk:        FFT window window parameter.  [0]
      win:       FFT window function name.     ['hanning']
      nfft:      array size to use for FFT [2048]
      kstep:     k step size to use for FFT [0.05]
      k_std:     optional k array for standard chi(k).
      chi_std:   optional chi array for standard chi(k).
      nclamp:    number of energy end-points for clamp [2]
      clamp_lo:  weight of low-energy clamp [1]
      clamp_hi:  weight of high-energy clamp [1]
      calc_uncertaintites:  Flag to calculate uncertainties in
                            mu_0(E) and chi(k) [True]
      err_sigma: sigma level for uncertainties in mu_0(E) and chi(k) [1]

    Output arrays are written to the provided group.

    Follows the 'First Argument Group' convention.
    msg = _larch.writer.write
    if 'kw' in kws:
        kweight = kws.pop('kw')
    if len(kws) > 0:
        msg('Unrecognized a:rguments for autobk():\n')
        msg('    %s\n' % (', '.join(kws.keys())))
    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy,
                                         members=('energy', 'mu'),
                                         defaults=(mu, ),
    if len(energy.shape) > 1:
        energy = energy.squeeze()
    if len(mu.shape) > 1:
        mu = mu.squeeze()

    energy = remove_dups(energy)
    # if e0 or edge_step are not specified, get them, either from the
    # passed-in group or from running pre_edge()
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)

    if edge_step is None and isgroup(group, 'edge_step'):
        edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None and isgroup(group, 'e0'):
        e0 = group.e0
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        # need to run pre_edge:
        pre_kws = dict(nnorm=3,
        if pre_edge_kws is not None:
        pre_edge(energy, mu, group=group, _larch=_larch, **pre_kws)
        if e0 is None:
            e0 = group.e0
        if edge_step is None:
            edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        msg('autobk() could not determine e0 or edge_step!: trying running pre_edge first\n'

    # get array indices for rkbg and e0: irbkg, ie0
    ie0 = index_of(energy, e0)
    rgrid = np.pi / (kstep * nfft)
    if rbkg < 2 * rgrid: rbkg = 2 * rgrid
    irbkg = int(1.01 + rbkg / rgrid)

    # save ungridded k (kraw) and grided k (kout)
    # and ftwin (*k-weighting) for FT in residual
    enpe = energy[ie0:] - e0
    kraw = np.sign(enpe) * np.sqrt(ETOK * abs(enpe))
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = max(kraw)
        kmax = max(0, min(max(kraw), kmax))
    kout = kstep * np.arange(int(1.01 + kmax / kstep), dtype='float64')
    iemax = min(len(energy), 2 + index_of(energy, e0 + kmax * kmax / ETOK)) - 1

    # interpolate provided chi(k) onto the kout grid
    if chi_std is not None and k_std is not None:
        chi_std = np.interp(kout, k_std, chi_std)
    # pre-load FT window
    ftwin = kout**kweight * ftwindow(
        kout, xmin=kmin, xmax=kmax, window=win, dx=dk)
    # calc k-value and initial guess for y-values of spline params
    nspl = max(4, min(128, 2 * int(rbkg * (kmax - kmin) / np.pi) + 1))
    spl_y, spl_k, spl_e = np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl)
    for i in range(nspl):
        q = kmin + i * (kmax - kmin) / (nspl - 1)
        ik = index_nearest(kraw, q)
        i1 = min(len(kraw) - 1, ik + 5)
        i2 = max(0, ik - 5)
        spl_k[i] = kraw[ik]
        spl_e[i] = energy[ik + ie0]
        spl_y[i] = (2 * mu[ik + ie0] + mu[i1 + ie0] + mu[i2 + ie0]) / 4.0

    # get spline represention: knots, coefs, order=3
    # coefs will be varied in fit.
    knots, coefs, order = splrep(spl_k, spl_y)

    # set fit parameters from initial coefficients
    params = Group()
    for i in range(len(coefs)):
        name = FMT_COEF % i
        p = Parameter(coefs[i], name=name, vary=i < len(spl_y))
        setattr(params, name, p)

    initbkg, initchi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1], mu[ie0:iemax + 1],
                                   knots, coefs, order, kout)

    # do fit
    fit = Minimizer(__resid,
                                 kraw=kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1],
                                 mu=mu[ie0:iemax + 1],

    # write final results
    coefs = [getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i) for i in range(len(coefs))]
    bkg, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1], mu[ie0:iemax + 1], knots,
                           coefs, order, kout)
    obkg = np.copy(mu)
    obkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = bkg

    # outputs to group
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.bkg = obkg
    group.chie = (mu - obkg) / edge_step
    group.k = kout
    group.chi = chi / edge_step

    # now fill in 'autobk_details' group
    params.init_bkg = np.copy(mu)
    params.init_bkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = initbkg
    params.init_chi = initchi / edge_step
    params.knots_e = spl_e
    params.knots_y = np.array([coefs[i] for i in range(nspl)])
    params.init_knots_y = spl_y
    params.nfev = params.fit_details.nfev
    params.kmin = kmin
    params.kmax = kmax
    group.autobk_details = params

    # uncertainties in mu0 and chi: can be fairly slow.
    if calc_uncertainties:
        nchi = len(chi)
        nmue = iemax - ie0 + 1
        redchi = params.chi_reduced
        covar = params.covar / redchi
        jac_chi = np.zeros(nchi * nspl).reshape((nspl, nchi))
        jac_bkg = np.zeros(nmue * nspl).reshape((nspl, nmue))

        cvals, cerrs = [], []
        for i in range(len(coefs)):
            par = getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i)
            cvals.append(getattr(par, 'value', 0.0))
            cdel = getattr(par, 'stderr', 0.0)
            if cdel is None:
                cdel = 0.0
            cerrs.append(cdel / 2.0)
        cvals = np.array(cvals)
        cerrs = np.array(cerrs)

        # find derivatives by hand!
        _k = kraw[:nmue]
        _m = mu[ie0:iemax + 1]
        for i in range(nspl):
            cval0 = cvals[i]
            cvals[i] = cval0 + cerrs[i]
            bkg1, chi1 = spline_eval(_k, _m, knots, cvals, order, kout)

            cvals[i] = cval0 - cerrs[i]
            bkg2, chi2 = spline_eval(_k, _m, knots, cvals, order, kout)

            cvals[i] = cval0
            jac_chi[i] = (chi1 - chi2) / (2 * cerrs[i])
            jac_bkg[i] = (bkg1 - bkg2) / (2 * cerrs[i])

        dfchi = np.zeros(nchi)
        dfbkg = np.zeros(nmue)
        for i in range(nspl):
            for j in range(nspl):
                dfchi += jac_chi[i] * jac_chi[j] * covar[i, j]
                dfbkg += jac_bkg[i] * jac_bkg[j] * covar[i, j]

        prob = 0.5 * (1.0 + erf(err_sigma / np.sqrt(2.0)))
        dchi = t.ppf(prob, nchi - nspl) * np.sqrt(dfchi * redchi)
        dbkg = t.ppf(prob, nmue - nspl) * np.sqrt(dfbkg * redchi)

        group.delta_chi = dchi
        group.delta_bkg = 0.0 * mu
        group.delta_bkg[ie0:ie0 + len(dbkg)] = dbkg
Пример #5
def autobk(energy, mu=None, group=None, rbkg=1, nknots=None, e0=None,
           edge_step=None, kmin=0, kmax=None, kweight=1, dk=0,
           win='hanning', k_std=None, chi_std=None, nfft=2048, kstep=0.05,
           pre_edge_kws=None, nclamp=4, clamp_lo=1, clamp_hi=1,
           calc_uncertainties=True, err_sigma=1, _larch=None, **kws):
    """Use Autobk algorithm to remove XAFS background

      energy:    1-d array of x-ray energies, in eV, or group
      mu:        1-d array of mu(E)
      group:     output group (and input group for e0 and edge_step).
      rbkg:      distance (in Ang) for chi(R) above
                 which the signal is ignored. Default = 1.
      e0:        edge energy, in eV.  If None, it will be determined.
      edge_step: edge step.  If None, it will be determined.
      pre_edge_kws:  keyword arguments to pass to pre_edge()
      nknots:    number of knots in spline.  If None, it will be determined.
      kmin:      minimum k value   [0]
      kmax:      maximum k value   [full data range].
      kweight:   k weight for FFT.  [1]
      dk:        FFT window window parameter.  [0]
      win:       FFT window function name.     ['hanning']
      nfft:      array size to use for FFT [2048]
      kstep:     k step size to use for FFT [0.05]
      k_std:     optional k array for standard chi(k).
      chi_std:   optional chi array for standard chi(k).
      nclamp:    number of energy end-points for clamp [2]
      clamp_lo:  weight of low-energy clamp [1]
      clamp_hi:  weight of high-energy clamp [1]
      calc_uncertaintites:  Flag to calculate uncertainties in
                            mu_0(E) and chi(k) [True]
      err_sigma: sigma level for uncertainties in mu_0(E) and chi(k) [1]

    Output arrays are written to the provided group.

    Follows the 'First Argument Group' convention.
    msg = _larch.writer.write
    if 'kw' in kws:
        kweight = kws.pop('kw')
    if len(kws) > 0:
        msg('Unrecognized a:rguments for autobk():\n')
        msg('    %s\n' % (', '.join(kws.keys())))
    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy, members=('energy', 'mu'),
                                         defaults=(mu,), group=group,
    if len(energy.shape) > 1:
        energy = energy.squeeze()
    if len(mu.shape) > 1:
        mu = mu.squeeze()

    energy = remove_dups(energy)
    # if e0 or edge_step are not specified, get them, either from the
    # passed-in group or from running pre_edge()
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)

    if edge_step is None and isgroup(group, 'edge_step'):
        edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None and isgroup(group, 'e0'):
        e0 = group.e0
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        # need to run pre_edge:
        pre_kws = dict(nnorm=3, nvict=0, pre1=None,
                       pre2=-50., norm1=100., norm2=None)
        if pre_edge_kws is not None:
        pre_edge(energy, mu, group=group, _larch=_larch, **pre_kws)
        if e0 is None:
            e0 = group.e0
        if edge_step is None:
            edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        msg('autobk() could not determine e0 or edge_step!: trying running pre_edge first\n')

    # get array indices for rkbg and e0: irbkg, ie0
    ie0 = index_of(energy, e0)
    rgrid = np.pi/(kstep*nfft)
    if rbkg < 2*rgrid: rbkg = 2*rgrid
    irbkg = int(1.01 + rbkg/rgrid)

    # save ungridded k (kraw) and grided k (kout)
    # and ftwin (*k-weighting) for FT in residual
    enpe = energy[ie0:] - e0
    kraw = np.sign(enpe)*np.sqrt(ETOK*abs(enpe))
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = max(kraw)
        kmax = max(0, min(max(kraw), kmax))
    kout  = kstep * np.arange(int(1.01+kmax/kstep), dtype='float64')
    iemax = min(len(energy), 2+index_of(energy, e0+kmax*kmax/ETOK)) - 1

    # interpolate provided chi(k) onto the kout grid
    if chi_std is not None and k_std is not None:
        chi_std = np.interp(kout, k_std, chi_std)
    # pre-load FT window
    ftwin = kout**kweight * ftwindow(kout, xmin=kmin, xmax=kmax,
                                     window=win, dx=dk)
    # calc k-value and initial guess for y-values of spline params
    nspl = max(4, min(128, 2*int(rbkg*(kmax-kmin)/np.pi) + 1))
    spl_y, spl_k, spl_e  = np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl)
    for i in range(nspl):
        q  = kmin + i*(kmax-kmin)/(nspl - 1)
        ik = index_nearest(kraw, q)
        i1 = min(len(kraw)-1, ik + 5)
        i2 = max(0, ik - 5)
        spl_k[i] = kraw[ik]
        spl_e[i] = energy[ik+ie0]
        spl_y[i] = (2*mu[ik+ie0] + mu[i1+ie0] + mu[i2+ie0] ) / 4.0

    # get spline represention: knots, coefs, order=3
    # coefs will be varied in fit.
    knots, coefs, order = splrep(spl_k, spl_y)

    # set fit parameters from initial coefficients
    params = Group()
    for i in range(len(coefs)):
        name = FMT_COEF % i
        p = Parameter(coefs[i], name=name, vary=i<len(spl_y))
        setattr(params, name, p)

    initbkg, initchi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax-ie0+1], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                                   knots, coefs, order, kout)

    # do fit
    fit = Minimizer(__resid, params, _larch=_larch, toler=1.e-4,
                    fcn_kws = dict(ncoefs=len(coefs), chi_std=chi_std,
                                   knots=knots, order=order,
                                   mu=mu[ie0:iemax+1], irbkg=irbkg, kout=kout,
                                   ftwin=ftwin, kweight=kweight,
                                   nfft=nfft, nclamp=nclamp,
                                   clamp_lo=clamp_lo, clamp_hi=clamp_hi))

    # write final results
    coefs = [getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i) for i in range(len(coefs))]
    bkg, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax-ie0+1], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                           knots, coefs, order, kout)
    obkg = np.copy(mu)
    obkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = bkg

    # outputs to group
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.bkg  = obkg
    group.chie = (mu-obkg)/edge_step
    group.k    = kout
    group.chi  = chi/edge_step

    # now fill in 'autobk_details' group
    params.init_bkg = np.copy(mu)
    params.init_bkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = initbkg
    params.init_chi = initchi/edge_step
    params.knots_e  = spl_e
    params.knots_y  = np.array([coefs[i] for i in range(nspl)])
    params.init_knots_y = spl_y
    params.nfev = params.fit_details.nfev
    params.kmin = kmin
    params.kmax = kmax
    group.autobk_details = params

    # uncertainties in mu0 and chi: can be fairly slow.
    if calc_uncertainties:
        nchi = len(chi)
        nmue = iemax-ie0 + 1
        redchi = params.chi_reduced
        covar = params.covar / redchi
        jac_chi = np.zeros(nchi*nspl).reshape((nspl, nchi))
        jac_bkg = np.zeros(nmue*nspl).reshape((nspl, nmue))

        cvals, cerrs = [], []
        for i in range(len(coefs)):
             par = getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i)
             cvals.append(getattr(par, 'value', 0.0))
             cdel = getattr(par, 'stderr', 0.0)
             if cdel is None:
                 cdel = 0.0
        cvals = np.array(cvals)
        cerrs = np.array(cerrs)

        # find derivatives by hand!
        _k = kraw[:nmue]
        _m = mu[ie0:iemax+1]
        for i in range(nspl):
            cval0 = cvals[i]
            cvals[i] = cval0 + cerrs[i]
            bkg1, chi1 = spline_eval(_k, _m, knots, cvals, order, kout)

            cvals[i] = cval0 - cerrs[i]
            bkg2, chi2 = spline_eval(_k, _m, knots, cvals, order, kout)

            cvals[i] = cval0
            jac_chi[i] = (chi1 - chi2) / (2*cerrs[i])
            jac_bkg[i] = (bkg1 - bkg2) / (2*cerrs[i])

        dfchi = np.zeros(nchi)
        dfbkg = np.zeros(nmue)
        for i in range(nspl):
            for j in range(nspl):
                dfchi += jac_chi[i]*jac_chi[j]*covar[i,j]
                dfbkg += jac_bkg[i]*jac_bkg[j]*covar[i,j]

        prob = 0.5*(1.0 + erf(err_sigma/np.sqrt(2.0)))
        dchi = t.ppf(prob, nchi-nspl) * np.sqrt(dfchi*redchi)
        dbkg = t.ppf(prob, nmue-nspl) * np.sqrt(dfbkg*redchi)

        group.delta_chi = dchi
        group.delta_bkg = 0.0*mu
        group.delta_bkg[ie0:ie0+len(dbkg)] = dbkg