def buildSectorNet(self): sectorNet = InputLayer(self.inputShape, self.inputVar) for i, layer in enumerate(self.layerCategory): self.logger.debug('Build {}th conv layer'.format(i)) self.logger.debug('The output shape of {}th layer equal {}'.format( i - 1, get_output_shape(sectorNet))) kernelXDim = int(layer[-1]) kernelDim = (kernelXDim, ) * 3 conv3D = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(incoming=sectorNet, num_filters=self.numOfFMs[i], filter_size=kernelDim, W=HeUniform(gain='relu'), nonlinearity=rectify, name='Conv3D')) self.logger.debug( 'The shape of {}th conv3D layer equals {}'.format( i, get_output_shape(conv3D))) sectorNet = ConcatLayer( [conv3D, sectorNet], 1, cropping=['center', 'None', 'center', 'center', 'center']) self.logger.debug( 'The shape of {}th concat layer equals {}'.format( i, get_output_shape(sectorNet))) assert get_output_shape(sectorNet) == (None, sum(self.numOfFMs) + 1, 1, 1, 1) sectorNet = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(incoming=sectorNet, num_filters=2, filter_size=(1, 1, 1), W=HeUniform(gain='relu'))) self.logger.debug('The shape of last con3D layer equals {}'.format( get_output_shape(sectorNet))) sectorNet = ReshapeLayer(sectorNet, ([0], -1)) self.logger.debug('The shape of ReshapeLayer equals {}'.format( get_output_shape(sectorNet))) sectorNet = NonlinearityLayer(sectorNet, softmax) self.logger.debug( 'The shape of output layer, i.e. NonlinearityLayer, equals {}'. format(get_output_shape(sectorNet))) assert get_output_shape(sectorNet) == (None, self.numOfOutputClass) return sectorNet
def __init__(self, input_shape=(None, 1, 33, 33, 33)): self.cubeSize = input_shape[-1] # Theano variables self.input_var = T.tensor5('input_var') # input image self.target_var = T.ivector('target_var') # target self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) input_layer = InputLayer(input_shape, self.input_var)'The shape of input layer is {}'.format( get_output_shape(input_layer))) hidden_layer1 = Conv3DLayer(incoming=input_layer, num_filters=16, filter_size=(3, 3, 3), W=HeUniform(gain='relu'), nonlinearity=rectify)'The shape of first hidden layer is {}'.format( get_output_shape(hidden_layer1))) hidden_layer2 = Conv3DLayer(incoming=hidden_layer1, num_filters=32, filter_size=(3, 3, 3), W=HeUniform(gain='relu'), nonlinearity=rectify)'The shape of second hidden layer is {}'.format( get_output_shape(hidden_layer2))) hidden_layer3 = Conv3DLayer(incoming=hidden_layer2, num_filters=2, filter_size=(1, 1, 1), W=HeUniform(gain='relu'), nonlinearity=rectify)'The shape of third hidden layer is {}'.format( get_output_shape(hidden_layer3))) shuffledLayer = DimshuffleLayer(hidden_layer3, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1))'The shape of shuffled layer is {}'.format( get_output_shape(shuffledLayer))) reshapedLayer = ReshapeLayer(shuffledLayer, ([0], -1))'The shape of reshaped layer is {}'.format( get_output_shape(reshapedLayer))) self.output_layer = NonlinearityLayer(reshapedLayer, softmax)'The shape of output layer is {}'.format( get_output_shape(self.output_layer)))
def lrelu_conv(l_in, feat_out, stride=1, filter_size=3): l = NonlinearityLayer(l_in, nonlin) return Conv3DLayer(l, feat_out, filter_size, stride, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu'))
def norm_lrelu_conv(l_in, feat_out, stride=1, filter_size=3): if do_norm: l_in = BatchNormLayer(l_in, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l_in, nonlin) return Conv3DLayer(l, feat_out, filter_size, stride, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu'))
def conv_norm_lrelu(l_in, feat_out): l = Conv3DLayer(l_in, feat_out, 3, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) return NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin)
def norm_lrelu_upscale_conv_norm_lrelu(l_in, feat_out): if do_norm: l_in = BatchNormLayer(l_in, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l_in, nonlin) l = Upscale3DLayer(l, 2) l = Conv3DLayer(l, feat_out, 3, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) return l
from lasagne.layers import * import pickle import theano.misc.pkl_utils cachefile = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/model6tissues.pkl" if not os.path.exists(cachefile): l = InputLayer(shape=(None, 1, 64, 64, 64), name="input") l_input = l l = Conv3DLayer(l, num_filters=16, filter_size=(3, 3, 3), pad='same', name="conv", nonlinearity=elu) l = Conv3DLayer(l, num_filters=16, filter_size=(3, 3, 3), pad='same', name="conv", nonlinearity=elu) l = batch_norm(l) li0 = l l = MaxPool3DLayer(l, pool_size=2, name='maxpool') l = Conv3DLayer(l, num_filters=24, filter_size=(3, 3, 3),
def cascade_model(options): """ 3D cascade model using Nolearn and Lasagne Inputs: - model_options: - weights_path: path to where weights should be saved Output: - nets = list of NeuralNets (CNN1, CNN2) """ # model options channels = len(options['modalities']) train_split_perc = options['train_split'] num_epochs = options['max_epochs'] max_epochs_patience = options['patience'] # save model to disk to re-use it. Create an experiment folder # organize experiment if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'])): os.mkdir(os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'])) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'], 'nets')): os.mkdir( os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'], 'nets')) # -------------------------------------------------- # first model # -------------------------------------------------- layer1 = InputLayer(name='in1', shape=(None, channels) + options['patch_size']) layer1 = batch_norm(Conv3DLayer(layer1, name='conv1_1', num_filters=32, filter_size=3, pad='same'), name='BN1') layer1 = Pool3DLayer(layer1, name='avgpool_1', mode='max', pool_size=2, stride=2) layer1 = batch_norm(Conv3DLayer(layer1, name='conv2_1', num_filters=64, filter_size=3, pad='same'), name='BN2') layer1 = Pool3DLayer(layer1, name='avgpoo2_1', mode='max', pool_size=2, stride=2) layer1 = DropoutLayer(layer1, name='l2drop', p=0.5) layer1 = DenseLayer(layer1, name='d_1', num_units=256) layer1 = DenseLayer(layer1, name='out', num_units=2, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax) # save weights net_model = 'model_1' net_weights = os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'], 'nets', net_model + '.pkl') net_history = os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'], 'nets', net_model + '_history.pkl') net1 = NeuralNet( layers=layer1, objective_loss_function=objectives.categorical_crossentropy, batch_iterator_train=Rotate_batch_Iterator(batch_size=128), update=updates.adadelta, on_epoch_finished=[ SaveWeights(net_weights, only_best=True, pickle=False), SaveTrainingHistory(net_history), EarlyStopping(patience=max_epochs_patience) ], verbose=options['net_verbose'], max_epochs=num_epochs, train_split=TrainSplit(eval_size=train_split_perc), ) # -------------------------------------------------- # second model # -------------------------------------------------- layer2 = InputLayer(name='in2', shape=(None, channels) + options['patch_size']) layer2 = batch_norm(Conv3DLayer(layer2, name='conv1_1', num_filters=32, filter_size=3, pad='same'), name='BN1') layer2 = Pool3DLayer(layer2, name='avgpool_1', mode='max', pool_size=2, stride=2) layer2 = batch_norm(Conv3DLayer(layer2, name='conv2_1', num_filters=64, filter_size=3, pad='same'), name='BN2') layer2 = Pool3DLayer(layer2, name='avgpoo2_1', mode='max', pool_size=2, stride=2) layer2 = DropoutLayer(layer2, name='l2drop', p=0.5) layer2 = DenseLayer(layer2, name='d_1', num_units=256) layer2 = DenseLayer(layer2, name='out', num_units=2, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax) # save weights net_model = 'model_2' net_weights2 = os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'], 'nets', net_model + '.pkl') net_history2 = os.path.join(options['weight_paths'], options['experiment'], 'nets', net_model + '_history.pkl') net2 = NeuralNet( layers=layer2, objective_loss_function=objectives.categorical_crossentropy, batch_iterator_train=Rotate_batch_Iterator(batch_size=128), update=updates.adadelta, on_epoch_finished=[ SaveWeights(net_weights2, only_best=True, pickle=False), SaveTrainingHistory(net_history2), EarlyStopping(patience=max_epochs_patience) ], verbose=options['net_verbose'], max_epochs=num_epochs, train_split=TrainSplit(eval_size=train_split_perc), ) return [net1, net2]
def build_cnn3d(input_var=None, w_init=None, n_layers=(4, 2, 1), n_filters_first=32, imsize=[32, 32], n_colors=3, n_timewin=5, isMaxpool=True, filter_size=[(3, 1, 1), (3, 3, 3), (3, 3, 3)], dropout=0.0, input_dropout=0.0, batch_norm_conv=False, padding='same', pool_size=[(2, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (2, 2, 2)], factor=2): """ Builds a VGG style 3D CNN network followed by a fully-connected layer and a softmax layer. Stacks are separated by a maxpool layer. Number of kernels in each layer is twice the number in previous stack. input_var: Theano variable for input to the network outputs: pointer to the output of the last layer of network (softmax) :param input_var: theano variable as input to the network :param w_init: Initial weight values :param n_layers: number of layers in each stack. An array of integers with each value corresponding to the number of layers hesain each stack. (e.g. [4, 2, 1] == 3 stacks with 4, 2, and 1 layers in each. :param n_filters_first: number of filters in the first layer :param imSize: Size of the image :param n_colors: Number of color channels (depth) :return: a pointer to the output of last layer """ weights = [] # Keeps the weights for all layers count = 0 # If no initial weight is given, initialize with GlorotUniform if w_init is None: w_init = [lasagne.init.GlorotUniform()] * sum(n_layers) # Input layer network = InputLayer(shape=(n_timewin, None, n_colors, imsize[0], imsize[1]), input_var=input_var) network = DimshuffleLayer(network, (1, 2, 0, 3, 4)) if input_dropout: network = lasagne.layers.dropout(network, p=input_dropout) for i, s in enumerate(n_layers): for l in range(s): network = Conv3DLayer(network, num_filters=n_filters_first * (factor**i), filter_size=filter_size[i], W=w_init[count], pad=padding) count += 1 weights.append(network.W) if dropout: network = lasagne.layers.dropout(network, p=dropout) if batch_norm_conv: network = batch_norm(network) if isMaxpool: network = MaxPool3DLayer(network, pool_size=pool_size[i]) return network, weights
def build_net(nz=200): input_depth = 160 input_rows = 64 input_columns = 64 #Encoder enc = InputLayer(shape=(None, 1, input_depth, input_rows, input_columns)) #5D tensor enc = Conv3DLayer(incoming=enc, num_filters=64, filter_size=5, stride=2, nonlinearity=lrelu(0.2), pad=2) enc = Conv3DLayer(incoming=enc, num_filters=128, filter_size=5, stride=2, nonlinearity=lrelu(0.2), pad=2) enc = Conv3DLayer(incoming=enc, num_filters=256, filter_size=5, stride=2, nonlinearity=lrelu(0.2), pad=2) enc = Conv3DLayer(incoming=enc, num_filters=256, filter_size=5, stride=2, nonlinearity=lrelu(0.2), pad=2) enc = reshape(incoming=enc, shape=(-1, 256 * 4 * 4 * 10)) enc = DenseLayer(incoming=enc, num_units=nz, nonlinearity=sigmoid) #Decoder dec = InputLayer(shape=(None, nz)) dec = DenseLayer(incoming=dec, num_units=256 * 4 * 4 * 10) dec = reshape(incoming=dec, shape=(-1, 256, 10, 4, 4)) dec = Deconv3D(incoming=dec, num_filters=256, filter_size=4, stride=2, crop=1, nonlinearity=relu) dec = Deconv3D(incoming=dec, num_filters=128, filter_size=4, stride=2, crop=1, nonlinearity=relu) dec = Deconv3D(incoming=dec, num_filters=64, filter_size=4, stride=2, crop=1, nonlinearity=relu) dec = Deconv3D(incoming=dec, num_filters=1, filter_size=4, stride=2, crop=1, nonlinearity=sigmoid) return enc, dec
def build_network(self): self.input_var = tensor5() self.output_var = matrix() net = OrderedDict() if self.instance_norm: norm_fct = batch_norm norm_kwargs = {'axes': (2, 3, 4)} else: norm_fct = batch_norm norm_kwargs = {'axes': 'auto'} self.input_layer = net['input'] = InputLayer( (self.batch_size, self.n_input_channels, self.input_dim[0], self.input_dim[1], self.input_dim[2]), self.input_var) net['contr_1_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['input'], self.base_n_filters, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['contr_1_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['contr_1_1'], self.base_n_filters, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['pool1'] = Pool3DLayer(net['contr_1_2'], (1, 2, 2)) net['contr_2_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['pool1'], self.base_n_filters * 2, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['contr_2_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['contr_2_1'], self.base_n_filters * 2, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) l = net['pool2'] = Pool3DLayer(net['contr_2_2'], (1, 2, 2)) if self.dropout is not None: l = DropoutLayer(l, p=self.dropout) net['contr_3_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(l, self.base_n_filters * 4, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['contr_3_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['contr_3_1'], self.base_n_filters * 4, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) l = net['pool3'] = Pool3DLayer(net['contr_3_2'], (1, 2, 2)) if self.dropout is not None: l = DropoutLayer(l, p=self.dropout) net['contr_4_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(l, self.base_n_filters * 8, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['contr_4_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['contr_4_1'], self.base_n_filters * 8, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) l = net['pool4'] = Pool3DLayer(net['contr_4_2'], (1, 2, 2)) if self.dropout is not None: l = DropoutLayer(l, p=self.dropout) net['encode_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(l, self.base_n_filters * 16, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) l = net['encode_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['encode_1'], self.base_n_filters * 16, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['upscale1'] = Upscale3DLayer(l, (1, 2, 2)) l = net['concat1'] = ConcatLayer([net['upscale1'], net['contr_4_2']], cropping=(None, None, "center", "center", "center")) if self.dropout is not None: l = DropoutLayer(l, p=self.dropout) net['expand_1_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(l, self.base_n_filters * 8, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) l = net['expand_1_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['expand_1_1'], self.base_n_filters * 8, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['upscale2'] = Upscale3DLayer(l, (1, 2, 2)) l = net['concat2'] = ConcatLayer([net['upscale2'], net['contr_3_2']], cropping=(None, None, "center", "center", "center")) if self.dropout is not None: l = DropoutLayer(l, p=self.dropout) net['expand_2_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(l, self.base_n_filters * 4, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) ds2 = l = net['expand_2_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['expand_2_1'], self.base_n_filters * 4, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['upscale3'] = Upscale3DLayer(l, (1, 2, 2)) l = net['concat3'] = ConcatLayer([net['upscale3'], net['contr_2_2']], cropping=(None, None, "center", "center", "center")) if self.dropout is not None: l = DropoutLayer(l, p=self.dropout) net['expand_3_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(l, self.base_n_filters * 2, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) l = net['expand_3_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['expand_3_1'], self.base_n_filters * 2, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['upscale4'] = Upscale3DLayer(l, (1, 2, 2)) net['concat4'] = ConcatLayer([net['upscale4'], net['contr_1_2']], cropping=(None, None, "center", "center", "center")) net['expand_4_1'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['concat4'], self.base_n_filters, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['expand_4_2'] = norm_fct( Conv3DLayer(net['expand_4_1'], self.base_n_filters, 3, nonlinearity=self.nonlinearity, pad=self.pad, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain="relu")), **norm_kwargs) net['output_segmentation'] = Conv3DLayer(net['expand_4_2'], self.num_classes, 1, nonlinearity=None) ds2_1x1_conv = Conv3DLayer(ds2, self.num_classes, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.linear, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain='relu')) ds1_ds2_sum_upscale = Upscale3DLayer(ds2_1x1_conv, (1, 2, 2)) ds3_1x1_conv = Conv3DLayer(net['expand_3_2'], self.num_classes, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.linear, W=lasagne.init.HeNormal(gain='relu')) ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum = ElemwiseSumLayer( (ds1_ds2_sum_upscale, ds3_1x1_conv)) ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum_upscale = Upscale3DLayer( ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum, (1, 2, 2)) self.seg_layer = l = ElemwiseSumLayer( (net['output_segmentation'], ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum_upscale)) net['dimshuffle'] = DimshuffleLayer(l, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1)) batch_size, n_z, n_rows, n_cols, _ = lasagne.layers.get_output( net['dimshuffle']).shape net['reshapeSeg'] = ReshapeLayer( net['dimshuffle'], (batch_size * n_rows * n_cols * n_z, self.num_classes)) self.output_layer = net['output_flattened'] = NonlinearityLayer( net['reshapeSeg'], nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)
def buildBaseNet(self, inputShape=(None, 4, 25, 25, 25), forSummary=False): if not forSummary: message = 'Building the Architecture of BaseNet''+', message)) baseNet = InputLayer(self.inputShape, self.inputVar) if not forSummary: message = 'Building the convolution layers''-', message)) kernelShapeListLen = len(self.kernelNumList) summary = '\n' + '.' * 130 + '\n' summary += ' {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( 'Layer', 'Input shape', 'W shape', 'Output shape') summary += '.' * 130 + '\n' summary += '{:<3} {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( 1, 'Input', inputShape, '', get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape)) for i in xrange(kernelShapeListLen - 1): kernelShape = self.kernelShapeList[i] kernelNum = self.kernelNumList[i] conv3D = Conv3DLayer(incoming=baseNet, num_filters=kernelNum, filter_size=kernelShape, W=HeNormal(gain='relu'), nonlinearity=linear, name='Conv3D{}'.format(i)) # Just for summary the fitler shape. WShape = conv3D.W.get_value().shape summary += '{:<3} {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( i + 2, 'Conv3D', get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape), WShape, get_output_shape(conv3D, input_shapes=inputShape)) batchNormLayer = BatchNormLayer(conv3D) preluLayer = prelu(batchNormLayer) concatLayerInputShape = '{:<25}{:<25}'.format( get_output_shape(conv3D, input_shapes=inputShape), get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape)) baseNet = ConcatLayer( [preluLayer, baseNet], 1, cropping=['center', 'None', 'center', 'center', 'center']) summary += ' {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( 'Concat', concatLayerInputShape, '', get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape)) if not forSummary: message = 'Finish Built the convolution layers''-', message)) message = 'Building the last classfication layers''-', message)) assert self.kernelShapeList[-1] == [1, 1, 1] kernelShape = self.kernelShapeList[-1] kernelNum = self.kernelNumList[-1] conv3D = Conv3DLayer(incoming=baseNet, num_filters=kernelNum, filter_size=kernelShape, W=HeNormal(gain='relu'), nonlinearity=linear, name='Classfication Layer') receptiveFieldList = [ inputShape[idx] - get_output_shape(conv3D, input_shapes=inputShape)[idx] + 1 for idx in xrange(-3, 0) ] assert receptiveFieldList != [] receptiveFieldSet = set(receptiveFieldList) assert len(receptiveFieldSet) == 1, (receptiveFieldSet, inputShape, get_output_shape( conv3D, input_shapes=inputShape)) self.receptiveField = list(receptiveFieldSet)[0] # Just for summary the fitler shape. WShape = conv3D.W.get_value().shape summary += '{:<3} {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( kernelShapeListLen + 1, 'Conv3D', get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape), WShape, get_output_shape(conv3D, input_shapes=inputShape)) # The output shape should be (batchSize, numOfClasses, zSize, xSize, ySize). # We will reshape it to (batchSize * zSize * xSize * ySize, numOfClasses), # because, the softmax in theano can only receive matrix. baseNet = DimshuffleLayer(conv3D, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1)) summary += ' {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( 'Dimshuffle', get_output_shape(conv3D, input_shapes=inputShape), '', get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape)) batchSize, zSize, xSize, ySize, _ = get_output(baseNet).shape reshapeLayerInputShape = get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape) baseNet = ReshapeLayer(baseNet, (batchSize * zSize * xSize * ySize, kernelNum)) summary += ' {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( 'Reshape', reshapeLayerInputShape, '', get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape)) nonlinearityLayerInputShape = get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape) baseNet = NonlinearityLayer(baseNet, softmax) summary += ' {:<15} {:<50} {:<29} {:<29}\n'.format( 'Nonlinearity', nonlinearityLayerInputShape, '', get_output_shape(baseNet, input_shapes=inputShape)) if not forSummary: message = 'Finish Built the last classfication layers''-', message)) message = 'The Receptivr Field of BaseNet equal {}'.format( self.receptiveField)'*', message)) message = 'Finish Building the Architecture of BaseNet''+', message)) summary += '.' * 130 + '\n' self._summary = summary return baseNet
output = self.merge_function(output, input) else: output = input return output # Definition of the network conv_num_filters = 48 l = InputLayer(shape=(None, 1, 48, 72, 64), name="input") l_input = l # # # # # encoding # # # # l = Conv3DLayer(l, flip_filters=False, num_filters=16, filter_size=(1, 1, 3), pad='valid', name="conv") l = Conv3DLayer(l, flip_filters=False, num_filters=16, filter_size=(1, 3, 1), pad='valid', name="conv") l_conv_0 = l = Conv3DLayer(l, flip_filters=False, num_filters=16, filter_size=(3, 1, 1), pad='valid', name="conv")
def build_model(input_var=None): # Define common parameters input_shape = (None, 1, 145, 182, 155) n_filters = { 'l1': 32, 'l2': 64, 'l3': 128, 'l4': 256, 'l5': 256, 'fc': 512 } kws_conv = { 'filter_size': (3, 3, 3), 'stride': (1, 1, 1), 'pad': 'same', # (1,1,1) -- same might be faster 'W': GlorotUniform(gain='relu'), 'nonlinearity': rectify, 'flip_filters': False } kws_maxpool = {'pool_size': (2, 2, 2), 'stride': (2, 2, 2)} # 'pad': (0,0,0)} -- should be defined per layer kws_dense = {'W': GlorotUniform(gain='relu'), 'nonlinearity': rectify} kws_dropout = {'p': 0.5} # Define network architecture net = InputLayer(input_shape, input_var, name='input') # ----------- 1st layer group --------------- net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l1'], name='conv1a', **kws_conv)) net = MaxPool3DLayer(net, name='pool1', pad=(1, 0, 1), **kws_maxpool) # ------------- 2nd layer group -------------- net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l2'], name='conv2a', **kws_conv)) net = MaxPool3DLayer(net, name='pool2', pad=(1, 1, 0), **kws_maxpool) # ----------------- 3rd layer group -------------- net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l3'], name='conv3a', **kws_conv)) net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l3'], name='conv3b', **kws_conv)) net = MaxPool3DLayer(net, name='pool3', pad=(1, 0, 1), **kws_maxpool) # ----------------- 4th layer group -------------- net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l4'], name='conv4a', **kws_conv)) net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l4'], name='conv4b', **kws_conv)) net = MaxPool3DLayer(net, name='pool4', pad=(1, 1, 0), **kws_maxpool) # ----------------- 5th layer group -------------- net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l5'], name='conv5a', **kws_conv)) net = batch_norm( Conv3DLayer(net, n_filters['l5'], name='conv5b', **kws_conv)) net = MaxPool3DLayer(net, name='pool5', **kws_maxpool) # ----------------- FC layers group -------------- net = batch_norm(DenseLayer(net, n_filters['fc'], name='fc6', **kws_dense)) net = DropoutLayer(net, name='fc6_dropout', **kws_dropout) net = batch_norm(DenseLayer(net, n_filters['fc'], name='fc7', **kws_dense)) net = DropoutLayer(net, name='fc7_dropout', **kws_dropout) # ----------------- Output layers group -------------- net = batch_norm(DenseLayer(net, 3, nonlinearity=None, name='fc8')) net = NonlinearityLayer(net, nonlinearity=softmax, name='prob') return net
def build_net(input_var=None, input_shape=(128, 128, 128), num_output_classes=4, num_input_channels=4, base_n_filter=8, do_instance_norm=True, batch_size=None, dropout_p=0.3, do_norm=True): nonlin = lasagne.nonlinearities.leaky_rectify if do_instance_norm: axes = (2, 3, 4) else: axes = 'auto' def conv_norm_lrelu(l_in, feat_out): l = Conv3DLayer(l_in, feat_out, 3, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) return NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) def norm_lrelu_conv(l_in, feat_out, stride=1, filter_size=3): if do_norm: l_in = BatchNormLayer(l_in, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l_in, nonlin) return Conv3DLayer(l, feat_out, filter_size, stride, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) def lrelu_conv(l_in, feat_out, stride=1, filter_size=3): l = NonlinearityLayer(l_in, nonlin) return Conv3DLayer(l, feat_out, filter_size, stride, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) def norm_lrelu_upscale_conv_norm_lrelu(l_in, feat_out): if do_norm: l_in = BatchNormLayer(l_in, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l_in, nonlin) l = Upscale3DLayer(l, 2) l = Conv3DLayer(l, feat_out, 3, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) return l l_in = InputLayer(shape=(batch_size, num_input_channels, input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2]), input_var=input_var) l = r = Conv3DLayer(l_in, num_filters=base_n_filter, filter_size=3, stride=1, nonlinearity=linear, pad='same', W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) l = Conv3DLayer(l, num_filters=base_n_filter, filter_size=3, stride=1, nonlinearity=linear, pad='same', W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = DropoutLayer(l, dropout_p) l = lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter, 1, 3) l = ElemwiseSumLayer((l, r)) skip1 = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) l = r = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 2, 3, 2, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 2) l = DropoutLayer(l, dropout_p) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 2) l = ElemwiseSumLayer((l, r)) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) l = skip2 = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) l = r = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 4, 3, 2, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 4) l = DropoutLayer(l, dropout_p) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 4) l = ElemwiseSumLayer((l, r)) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) l = skip3 = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) l = r = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 8, 3, 2, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 8) l = DropoutLayer(l, dropout_p) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 8) l = ElemwiseSumLayer((l, r)) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) l = skip4 = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) l = r = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 16, 3, 2, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 16) l = DropoutLayer(l, dropout_p) l = norm_lrelu_conv(l, base_n_filter * 16) l = ElemwiseSumLayer((l, r)) l = norm_lrelu_upscale_conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter * 8) l = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 8, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) if do_norm: l = BatchNormLayer(l, axes=axes) l = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlin) l = ConcatLayer((skip4, l), cropping=[None, None, 'center', 'center']) l = conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter * 16) l = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 8, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = norm_lrelu_upscale_conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter * 4) l = ConcatLayer((skip3, l), cropping=[None, None, 'center', 'center']) l = ds2 = conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter * 8) l = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 4, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = norm_lrelu_upscale_conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter * 2) l = ConcatLayer((skip2, l), cropping=[None, None, 'center', 'center']) l = ds3 = conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter * 4) l = Conv3DLayer(l, base_n_filter * 2, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) l = norm_lrelu_upscale_conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter) l = ConcatLayer((skip1, l), cropping=[None, None, 'center', 'center']) l = conv_norm_lrelu(l, base_n_filter * 2) l_pred = Conv3DLayer(l, num_output_classes, 1, pad='same', nonlinearity=None) ds2_1x1_conv = Conv3DLayer(ds2, num_output_classes, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) ds1_ds2_sum_upscale = Upscale3DLayer(ds2_1x1_conv, 2) ds3_1x1_conv = Conv3DLayer(ds3, num_output_classes, 1, 1, 'same', nonlinearity=linear, W=HeNormal(gain='relu')) ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum = ElemwiseSumLayer( (ds1_ds2_sum_upscale, ds3_1x1_conv)) ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum_upscale = Upscale3DLayer( ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum, 2) l = seg_layer = ElemwiseSumLayer( (l_pred, ds1_ds2_sum_upscale_ds3_sum_upscale)) l = DimshuffleLayer(l, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1)) batch_size, n_rows, n_cols, n_z, _ = lasagne.layers.get_output(l).shape l = ReshapeLayer(l, (batch_size * n_rows * n_cols * n_z, num_output_classes)) l = NonlinearityLayer(l, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax) return l, seg_layer