Пример #1
    def setUp(self):
        Set up the test.

        Load in a bunch of real data from AHN3.

        _TEST_FILE_NAME = 'AHN3.las'
        _TEST_DATA_SOURCE = 'testdata'

        _CYLINDER = InfiniteCylinder(4)
        _PC_260807 = read_las.read(
            os.path.join(_TEST_DATA_SOURCE, _TEST_FILE_NAME))
        _PC_1000 = copy_point_cloud(
        _1000_NEIGHBORHOODS_IN_260807 = next(
            compute_neighbors.compute_neighborhoods(_PC_260807, _PC_1000,

        self.point_cloud = _PC_260807
        self.neigh = _1000_NEIGHBORHOODS_IN_260807
Пример #2
 def test_height_stats_without_neighbors(self):
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     neighborhood = []
     max_z, min_z, range_z = RangeFeatureExtractor().extract(pc_in, neighborhood, pc_in, None, None)
     assert np.isnan(range_z)
     assert np.isnan(max_z)
     assert np.isnan(min_z)
 def test_height_stats(self):
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     neighborhood = [89664, 23893, 30638, 128795, 62052, 174453, 29129, 17127, 128215, 29667, 116156, 119157, 98591,
                     61494, 65194, 117931, 62971, 10474, 90322]
     median_z = self.extractor.extract(pc_in, neighborhood, None, None, None)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(median_z, 0.69999997377395629)
Пример #4
    def test_valid(self):
        """Compute the echo ratio for a sphere/cylinder at different target points without crashing."""
        # read the data
        self.point_cloud = read_las.read(
            os.path.join(self._test_data_source, self._test_file_name))

        # get the target point clouds
        self.target_point_cloud = self._get_random_targets()
        self.target_point_cloud_index = 0

        # volume descriptions
        radius = 0.5
        self.cyl = InfiniteCylinder(radius)
        neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(self.point_cloud,
                                          self.target_point_cloud, self.cyl)

        cylinder_index = []
        for x in neighbors:
            cylinder_index += x

        # extractor
        extractor = PulsePenetrationFeatureExtractor()
        for index in cylinder_index:
            extractor.extract(self.point_cloud, index, None, None, None)
 def test_wkt_polygons_contains_original_not_changed(self):
     """Point cloud in should not change by filtering."""
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     len_x_before = len(pc_in[point]['x']['data'])
     _pc_out = points_in_polygon_wkt(pc_in, self.polygon_around_1_point_ahn2)
     len_x_after = len(pc_in[point]['x']['data'])
     assert_equal(len_x_after, len_x_before)
 def test_shp_polygons_containsEmpty():
     """ Selecting all points within a Polygon. """
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     pc_out = points_in_polygon_shp_file(pc_in, "testdata/ahn2_geometries_shp/ahn2_polygon_empty.shp")
     x = pc_out[point]['x']['data']
     y = pc_out[point]['y']['data']
     assert (len(x) == 0)
     assert (len(y) == 0)
Пример #7
 def test_height_stats_without_neighbors(self):
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     neighborhood = []
     mean_z, std_z, coeff_var_z = self.extractor.extract(
         pc_in, neighborhood, pc_in, None, None)
     assert np.isnan(mean_z)
     assert np.isnan(std_z)
     assert np.isnan(coeff_var_z)
Пример #8
 def test_height_stats(self):
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     neighborhood = [89664, 23893, 30638, 128795, 62052, 174453, 29129, 17127, 128215, 29667, 116156, 119157, 98591,
                     61494, 65194, 117931, 62971, 10474, 90322]
     max_z, min_z, range_z = RangeFeatureExtractor().extract(pc_in, neighborhood, None, None, None)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(range_z, 5.5)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(max_z, 5.979999973773956)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(min_z, 0.47999997377395631)
 def test_wkt_polygons_containsEmpty():
     """ Selecting all points within a Polygon. """
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     pc_out = points_in_polygon_wkt(pc_in,
                                    "POLYGON(( 253590.0 582110.0, 253640.0 582160.0, 253700.0 582110.0, 253640.0 582060.0, 253590.0 582110.0 ))")
     x = pc_out[point]['x']['data']
     y = pc_out[point]['y']['data']
     assert (len(x) == 0)
     assert (len(y) == 0)
 def test_shp_polygons_contains():
     """ Selecting all points within a Polygon. """
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     pc_out = points_in_polygon_shp_file(pc_in, "testdata/ahn2_geometries_shp/ahn2_polygon.shp")
     x = pc_out[point]['x']['data']
     y = pc_out[point]['y']['data']
     # Seemingly redundant 'astype' call: since pandas 0.24 Dataframe() doesn't enforce the given dtype as before
     df_out = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y}, dtype=np.int32).astype(dtype=np.int32)
     df = pd.read_csv("testdata/ahn2_polygon.out", sep=',', header=0, index_col=0, dtype=np.int32)
     assert (pd.DataFrame.equals(df, df_out))
Пример #11
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up the test."""
        self.point_cloud = read_las.read(os.path.join(
            self._test_data_source, self._test_file_name))

        self.targetpc = self._get_random_targets()

        radius = 0.5
        self.sphere = Sphere(radius)
        self.cyl = InfiniteCylinder(radius)
 def test_wkt_polygons_contains_single_point(self):
     """Selecting a single point with a tiny polygon. Test for https://github.com/eEcoLiDAR/eEcoLiDAR/issues/64. """
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     pc_out = points_in_polygon_wkt(pc_in, self.polygon_around_1_point_ahn2)
     x = pc_out[point]['x']['data']
     y = pc_out[point]['y']['data']
     expected_x = 243627.841248
     expected_y = 572073.440002
     assert_equal(len(x), 1)
     assert_almost_equal(x[0], expected_x, 4)
     assert_almost_equal(y[0], expected_y, 4)
Пример #13
 def test_height_stats(self):
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     neighborhood = [
         89664, 23893, 30638, 128795, 62052, 174453, 29129, 17127, 128215,
         29667, 116156, 119157, 98591, 7018, 61494, 65194, 117931, 62971,
         10474, 90322
     mean_z, std_z, coeff_var_z = self.extractor.extract(
         pc_in, neighborhood, None, None, None)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(mean_z, 1.3779999737739566)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(std_z, 1.3567741153191268)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(coeff_var_z, 0.9845966191155302)
Пример #14
 def test_load_CorrectFirstX(self):
     """ Should . """
     point_cloud = read(self.test_file_path)
     point = [
             [-1870.480059509277, 338897.281499328557, 192.363999260664]))
Пример #15
    def test_percentile(self):
        """Compute the percentile of a given selection."""
        _test_file_name = 'AHN3.las'
        _test_data_source = 'testdata'

        point_cloud = read_las.read(os.path.join(_test_data_source, _test_file_name))
        index = [
            89664, 23893, 30638, 128795, 62052, 174453, 29129, 17127, 128215, 29667, 116156, 119157, 98591, 7018, 61494,
            65194, 117931, 62971, 10474, 90322
        extractor = PercentileFeatureExtractor()

        extractor.extract(point_cloud, index, None, None, None)
Пример #16
 def test_load_CorrectFirstX(self):
     """Should run without exception and compare equal."""
     point_cloud = read(self.test_file_path)
     data = {
         'x': 131999.984125,
         'y': 549718.375,
         'z': -0.34100002,
         'gps_time': 78563787.97322202,
         'intensity': 41,
         'raw_classification': 9,
     names = sorted(data)
     print("Order:", names)
     point = [point_cloud[keys.point][name]['data'][0] for name in names]
     np.testing.assert_allclose(np.array(point), np.array([data[name] for name in names]))
 def setUp(self):
     # read the data
     self.point_cloud = read_las.read(
         os.path.join(self._test_data_source, self._test_file_name))
     # get the target point clouds
     self.target_pc_sequential = self._get_random_targets()
     self.target_pc_vector = utils.copy_point_cloud(
     self.target_pc_index = 0
     # volume descriptions
     radius = 0.5
     self.cyl = InfiniteCylinder(radius)
     self.neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(self.point_cloud,
     self.cylinder_index = []
     for x in self.neighbors:
         self.cylinder_index += x
Пример #18
    def test_eigenvalues_in_cylinders(self):
        """Test provenance added (This should actually be part the general feature extractor test suite)."""
        point_cloud = read_las.read(os.path.join('testdata', 'AHN3.las'))
        num_all_pc_points = len(point_cloud[keys.point]["x"]["data"])
        rand_indices = [
            random.randint(0, num_all_pc_points) for _ in range(20)
        target_point_cloud = utils.copy_point_cloud(point_cloud, rand_indices)
        radius = 2.5
        neighbors = compute_neighbors.compute_cylinder_neighborhood(
            point_cloud, target_point_cloud, radius)

        target_idx_base = 0
        for x in neighbors:
                point_cloud, x, target_idx_base, target_point_cloud,
                ["eigenv_1", "eigenv_2", "eigenv_3"], InfiniteCylinder(5))
            target_idx_base += len(x)

Пример #19
 def test_load_nonexistentFile(self):
     """ Should raise exception. """
     with pytest.raises(OSError):
Пример #20
 def test_load_PointsContainX(self):
     """ Should run without exception and return points. """
     point_cloud = read(self.test_file_path)
     self.assertIn('data', point_cloud['points']['x'])
Пример #21
from laserchicken import read_las
from laserchicken.keys import point
from laserchicken.spatial_selections import points_in_polygon_wkt
from laserchicken import compute_neighbors
from laserchicken.feature_extractor.height_statistics_feature_extractor import HeightStatisticsFeatureExtractor

import numpy as np

# Import
pc = read_las.read(
pc_out = points_in_polygon_wkt(
    "POLYGON((196550 446510,196550 446540,196580 446540,196580 446510,196550 446510))"

# Neighborhood calculation
indices_cyl = compute_neighbors.compute_cylinder_neighborhood_indices(
    pc_out, pc_out, 0.5)
indices_sph = compute_neighbors.compute_sphere_neighborhood_indices(
    pc_out, pc_out, 1)

# Statistical descriptor feature calculation
output_text = ""

for i in range(len(indices_sph)):
    extractor = HeightStatisticsFeatureExtractor()
    max_z, min_z, mean_z, median_z, std_z, var_z, range_z, coeff_var_z, skew_z, kurto_z = extractor.extract(
        pc_out, indices_sph[i], None, None, None)
out_LAS.x = x
out_LAS.y = y
out_LAS.z = z
out_LAS.intensity = false_intensity

end1 = time.time()
difftime1 = end1 - start1
print(("create target point: %f sec") % (difftime1))

# Calculate features

start1 = time.time()
print("------ Import is started ------")

pc = read_las.read(workingdirectory + filename + ".las")
target = read_las.read(workingdirectory + filename + "_target.las")
radius = 10

print(("Number of points: %s ") % (pc[point]['x']['data'].shape[0]))
print(("Number of points in target: %s ") %

print("------ Computing neighborhood is started ------")

#compute_neighborhoods is now a generator. To get the result of a generator the user
#needs to call next(compute_neighborhoods). The following shows how to get the results.
#indices_cyl=compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(args.radius)))
neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(radius)))
Пример #23
 def test_load_containsPoints(self):
     """ Should run without exception and return points. """
     point_cloud = read(self.test_file_path)
     self.assertIn('points', point_cloud)
Пример #24
 def setUp(self):
     self.point_cloud = read_las.read(
         os.path.join(self._test_data_source, self._test_file_name))
Пример #25
parser.add_argument('output', help='absolute path of output point cloud')
args = parser.parse_args()

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, args.path_of_laserchicken)

from laserchicken import read_las
from laserchicken.keys import point
from laserchicken.volume_specification import Cell
from laserchicken.compute_neighbors import compute_neighborhoods
from laserchicken.feature_extractor import compute_features
from laserchicken.write_ply import write

print("------ Import is started ------")

pc = read_las.read(args.input)
target = read_las.read(args.target)

print(("Number of points: %s ") % (pc[point]['x']['data'].shape[0]))
print(("Number of points in target: %s ") %

print("------ Computing neighborhood is started ------")

start = time.time()

#compute_neighborhoods is now a generator. To get the result of a generator the user
#needs to call next(compute_neighborhoods). The following shows how to get the results.
#indices_cyl=compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(args.radius)))
Пример #26
# global variables

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                    help='absolute path of input point cloud (las file)')
args = parser.parse_args()

filename = args.input
resolution = 2.5

# Calculate features

start1 = time.time()
print("------ Import is started ------")

pc = read_las.read(filename + ".las")
target = read_las.read(filename + "_target.las")
radius = resolution

print(("Number of points: %s ") % (pc[point]['x']['data'].shape[0]))
print(("Number of points in target: %s ") %

print("------ Computing neighborhood is started ------")

#compute_neighborhoods is now a generator. To get the result of a generator the user
#needs to call next(compute_neighborhoods). The following shows how to get the results.
#indices_cyl=compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(args.radius)))
neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(radius)))
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/develop-branch/eEcoLiDAR/')

## Import libraries
from laserchicken import read_las
from laserchicken.spatial_selections import points_in_polygon_wkt

from laserchicken.keys import point

from laserchicken.compute_neighbors import compute_neighbourhoods, compute_cylinder_neighborhood_indices, compute_sphere_neighborhood_indices
from laserchicken.feature_extractor.height_statistics_feature_extractor import HeightStatisticsFeatureExtractor

from laserchicken import write_ply

## Read-Write
pc = read_las.read("D:/NAEM/Data/ALS_AHN2/SelStudyArea2_v2.las")
pc_sub = points_in_polygon_wkt(
    "POLYGON((196550 446510,196550 446540,196580 446540,196580 446510,196550 446510))"

#write_ply.write(pc_sub, "D:/NAEM/Data/ALS_AHN2/SelStudyArea2_v3.ply")

## Compute neighborhood

#indices_cyl=compute_cylinder_neighborhood_indices(pc_sub, pc_sub,1)
indices_sph = compute_sphere_neighborhood_indices(pc_sub, pc_sub, 1)

output_text = ""

for i in range(len(indices_sph)):
parser.add_argument('output', help='absolute path of output point cloud')
parser.add_argument('radius', help='radius of the volume')
args = parser.parse_args()

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, args.path_of_laserchicken)

from laserchicken import read_las
from laserchicken.keys import point
from laserchicken.volume_specification import Sphere
from laserchicken.compute_neighbors import compute_neighborhoods

print("------ Building kd-tree is started ------")

# Import
pc = read_las.read(args.input)

print(("Number of points: %s ") % (pc[point]['x']['data'].shape[0]))

# Neighborhood calculation

start = time.time()
#compute_neighborhoods is now a generator. To get the result of a generator the user
#needs to call next(compute_neighborhoods). The following shows how to get the results.
#indices_cyl=compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Sphere(args.radius))
neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(pc, pc, Sphere(np.float(args.radius)))
indices_cyl = []
for x in neighbors:
    print("Iteration %d" % num_iterations)
Пример #29
from laserchicken import read_las
from laserchicken.spatial_selections import points_in_polygon_wkt
from laserchicken import write_ply

pc = read_las.read("D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/eEcoLiDAR/testdata/AHN2.las")
pc_out = points_in_polygon_wkt(
    "POLYGON(( 243590.0 572110.0, 243640.0 572160.0, 243700.0 572110.0, 243640.0 572060.0, 243590.0 572110.0 ))"

Пример #30
 def test_height_stats_without_neighbors(self):
     pc_in = read_las.read("testdata/AHN2.las")
     neighborhood = []
     skew_z = self.extractor.extract(pc_in, neighborhood, pc_in, None, None)
     assert np.isnan(skew_z)