Пример #1
def test_LatLonRadiusToXyz():
    Test the rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz() function.
    # For (0/0)
        rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
    # At the North Pole
        rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(90.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
    # At the South Pole
        rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(-90.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]),
    # At the "West Pole"
        rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, -90.0, 1.0),
        np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]),
    # At the "East Pole"
        rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, 90.0, 1.0),
        np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]),
Пример #2
    def find_outside_point(self) -> tuple:
        Find a point which is not inside the domain

        :return: Points in normalized x, y, z coordinates
        :rtype: tuple
        found_latitude = False
        found_longitude = False
        if self.max_lat < 80.0:
            outside_lat = self.max_lat + 8.0
            found_latitude = True
        elif self.min_lat > -80.0:
            outside_lat = self.min_lat - 8.0
            found_latitude = True
        if self.max_lon < 170.0:
            outside_lon = self.max_lon + 8.0
            found_longitude = True
        elif self.min_lon > -170.0:
            outside_lon = self.min_lon - 8.0
            found_longitude = True

        if found_latitude and not found_longitude:
            # We can assign a random longitude as it is outside the latitudes
            outside_lon = 0.0
            found_longitude = True
        elif found_longitude and not found_latitude:
            # We can assign a random latitude as it is outside the longitudes
            outside_lat = 0.0
            found_latitude = True
        if not found_latitude and not found_longitude:
            # I might want to give the option of providing a point
            raise LASIFError("Could not find an outside point")
        return lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(outside_lat, outside_lon, 1.0)
Пример #3
    def point_in_domain(self,
                        longitude: float,
                        latitude: float,
                        depth: float = None):
        Test whether a point lies inside the domain. It is done in a step
        by step process of elimination:
            * First one checks depth and sees whether the point is too deep
              and falls into the absorbing boundaries at depth.
            * Second is a box check seeing whether point falls outside
              of minimum and maximum latitude.
            * Third one uses the edge polygon to see whether point is inside
              it or not.
            * Last one checks whether the point is too close to the edge
              meaning that it would fall into the absorbing boundaries.

        :param longitude: longitude in degrees
        :type longitude: float
        :param latitude: latitude in degrees
        :type latitude: float
        :param depth: depth of event in meters
        :type depth: float
        if not self.is_read:

        if self.is_global_mesh:
            return True

        if not self.KDTrees_initialized:

        # Assuming a spherical Earth without topography
        point_on_surface = lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(latitude, longitude,

        dist, _ = self.domain_edge_tree.query(point_on_surface, k=2)

        # First elimination:
        # Check whether domain is deep enough to include the point.
        # Multiply element width with 1.5 since they are larger at the bottom
        if depth:
            if depth > (self.max_depth - self.absorbing_boundary_length * 1.2):
                return False

        # Second elimination:
        if latitude >= self.max_lat or latitude <= self.min_lat:
            return False
        if longitude >= self.max_lon or longitude <= self.min_lon:
            return False

        # Third elimination:
        if not self.edge_polygon.contains_point((latitude, longitude)):
            return False

        # Fourth elimination
        if np.min(dist) < self.absorbing_boundary_length * 1.2:
            return False

        return True
Пример #4
 def test_LatLonRadiusToXyz(self):
     Test the rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz() function.
     # For (0/0)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
         rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
         np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
     # At the North Pole
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
         rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(90.0, 0.0, 1.0),
         np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))
     # At the South Pole
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
         rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(-90.0, 0.0, 1.0),
         np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]))
     # At the "West Pole"
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
         rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, -90.0, 1.0),
         np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]))
     # At the "East Pole"
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
         rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, 90.0, 1.0),
         np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]))
Пример #5
    def generate_input_files(self, iteration_name, event_name,
        Generate the input files for one event.

        :param iteration_name: The name of the iteration.
        :param event_name: The name of the event for which to generate the
            input files.
        :param simulate_type: The type of simulation to perform. Possible
            values are: 'normal simulate', 'adjoint forward', 'adjoint
        from wfs_input_generator import InputFileGenerator

        # =====================================================================
        # read iteration xml file, get event and list of stations
        # =====================================================================

        iteration = self.comm.iterations.get(iteration_name)

        # Check that the event is part of the iterations.
        if event_name not in iteration.events:
            msg = ("Event '%s' not part of iteration '%s'.\nEvents available "
                   "in iteration:\n\t%s" %
                   (event_name, iteration_name, "\n\t".join(
            raise ValueError(msg)

        event = self.comm.events.get(event_name)
        stations_for_event = iteration.events[event_name]["stations"].keys()

        # Get all stations and create a dictionary for the input file
        # generator.
        stations = self.comm.query.get_all_stations_for_event(event_name)
        stations = [{"id": key, "latitude": value["latitude"],
                     "longitude": value["longitude"],
                     "elevation_in_m": value["elevation_in_m"],
                     "local_depth_in_m": value["local_depth_in_m"]}
                    for key, value in stations.iteritems()
                    if key in stations_for_event]

        # =====================================================================
        # set solver options
        # =====================================================================

        solver = iteration.solver_settings

        # Currently only SES3D 4.1 is supported
        solver_format = solver["solver"].lower()
        if solver_format not in ["ses3d 4.1", "ses3d 2.0",
                                 "specfem3d cartesian", "specfem3d globe cem"]:
            msg = ("Currently only SES3D 4.1, SES3D 2.0, SPECFEM3D "
                   "CARTESIAN, and SPECFEM3D GLOBE CEM are supported.")
            raise ValueError(msg)
        solver_format = solver_format.replace(' ', '_')
        solver_format = solver_format.replace('.', '_')

        solver = solver["solver_settings"]

        # =====================================================================
        # create the input file generator, add event and stations,
        # populate the configuration items
        # =====================================================================

        # Add the event and the stations to the input file generator.
        gen = InputFileGenerator()

        if solver_format in ["ses3d_4_1", "ses3d_2_0"]:
            # event tag
            gen.config.event_tag = event_name

            # Time configuration.
            npts = solver["simulation_parameters"]["number_of_time_steps"]
            delta = solver["simulation_parameters"]["time_increment"]
            gen.config.number_of_time_steps = npts
            gen.config.time_increment_in_s = delta

            # SES3D specific configuration
            gen.config.output_folder = solver["output_directory"].replace(
                "{{EVENT_NAME}}", event_name.replace(" ", "_"))
            gen.config.simulate_type = simulation_type

            gen.config.adjoint_forward_wavefield_output_folder = \
                    "{{EVENT_NAME}}", event_name.replace(" ", "_"))
            gen.config.adjoint_forward_sampling_rate = \

            # Visco-elastic dissipation
            diss = solver["simulation_parameters"]["is_dissipative"]
            gen.config.is_dissipative = diss

            # Only SES3D 4.1 has the relaxation parameters.
            if solver_format == "ses3d_4_1":
                gen.config.Q_model_relaxation_times = \
                gen.config.Q_model_weights_of_relaxation_mechanisms = \

            # Discretization
            disc = solver["computational_setup"]
            gen.config.nx_global = disc["nx_global"]
            gen.config.ny_global = disc["ny_global"]
            gen.config.nz_global = disc["nz_global"]
            gen.config.px = disc["px_processors_in_theta_direction"]
            gen.config.py = disc["py_processors_in_phi_direction"]
            gen.config.pz = disc["pz_processors_in_r_direction"]
            gen.config.lagrange_polynomial_degree = \

            # Configure the mesh.
            domain = self.comm.project.domain
            gen.config.mesh_min_latitude = \
            gen.config.mesh_max_latitude = \
            gen.config.mesh_min_longitude = \
            gen.config.mesh_max_longitude = \
            gen.config.mesh_min_depth_in_km = \
            gen.config.mesh_max_depth_in_km = \

            # Set the rotation parameters.
            gen.config.rotation_angle_in_degree = domain["rotation_angle"]
            gen.config.rotation_axis = domain["rotation_axis"]

            # Make source time function
            gen.config.source_time_function = \
        elif solver_format == "specfem3d_cartesian":
            gen.config.NSTEP = \
            gen.config.DT = \
            gen.config.NPROC = \
            if simulation_type == "normal simulation":
                msg = ("'normal_simulate' not supported for SPECFEM3D "
                       "Cartesian. Please choose either 'adjoint_forward' or "
                raise NotImplementedError(msg)
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint forward":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 1
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint reverse":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 2
                raise NotImplementedError
            solver_format = solver_format.upper()

        elif solver_format == "specfem3d_globe_cem":
            cs = solver["computational_setup"]
            gen.config.NPROC_XI = cs["number_of_processors_xi"]
            gen.config.NPROC_ETA = cs["number_of_processors_eta"]
            gen.config.NCHUNKS = cs["number_of_chunks"]
            gen.config.NEX_XI = cs["elements_per_chunk_xi"]
            gen.config.NEX_ETA = cs["elements_per_chunk_eta"]
            gen.config.OCEANS = cs["simulate_oceans"]
            gen.config.ELLIPTICITY = cs["simulate_ellipticity"]
            gen.config.TOPOGRAPHY = cs["simulate_topography"]
            gen.config.GRAVITY = cs["simulate_gravity"]
            gen.config.ROTATION = cs["simulate_rotation"]
            gen.config.ATTENUATION = cs["simulate_attenuation"]
            gen.config.ABSORBING_CONDITIONS = True
            if cs["fast_undo_attenuation"]:
                gen.config.PARTIAL_PHYS_DISPERSION_ONLY = True
                gen.config.UNDO_ATTENUATION = False
                gen.config.PARTIAL_PHYS_DISPERSION_ONLY = False
                gen.config.UNDO_ATTENUATION = True
            gen.config.GPU_MODE = cs["use_gpu"]
            gen.config.SOURCE_TIME_FUNCTION = \

            if simulation_type == "normal simulation":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 1
                gen.config.SAVE_FORWARD = False
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint forward":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 1
                gen.config.SAVE_FORWARD = True
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint reverse":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 2
                gen.config.SAVE_FORWARD = True
                raise NotImplementedError

            # Use the current domain setting to derive the bounds in the way
            # SPECFEM specifies them.
            domain = self.comm.project.domain

            lat_range = domain["bounds"]["maximum_latitude"] - \
            lng_range = domain["bounds"]["maximum_longitude"] - \

            c_lat = \
                domain["bounds"]["minimum_latitude"] + lat_range / 2.0
            c_lng = \
                domain["bounds"]["minimum_longitude"] + lng_range / 2.0

            # Rotate the point.
            c_lat_1, c_lng_1 = rotations.rotate_lat_lon(
                c_lat, c_lng, domain["rotation_axis"],

            # SES3D rotation.
            A = rotations._get_rotation_matrix(
                domain["rotation_axis"], domain["rotation_angle"])

            latitude_rotation = -(c_lat_1 - c_lat)
            longitude_rotation = c_lng_1 - c_lng

            # Rotate the latitude. The rotation axis is latitude 0 and
            # the center longitude + 90 degree
            B = rotations._get_rotation_matrix(
                rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, c_lng + 90, 1.0),
            # Rotate around the North pole.
            C = rotations._get_rotation_matrix(
                [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], longitude_rotation)

            D = A * np.linalg.inv(C * B)

            axis, angle = rotations._get_axis_and_angle_from_rotation_matrix(D)
            rotated_axis = rotations.xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(*axis)

            # Consistency check
            if abs(rotated_axis[0] - c_lat_1) >= 0.01 or \
                    abs(rotated_axis[1] - c_lng_1) >= 0.01:
                axis *= -1.0
                angle *= -1.0
                rotated_axis = rotations.xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(*axis)

            if abs(rotated_axis[0] - c_lat_1) >= 0.01 or \
                        abs(rotated_axis[1] - c_lng_1) >= 0.01:
                msg = "Failed to describe the domain in terms that SPECFEM " \
                raise LASIFError(msg)

            gen.config.ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES = lng_range
            gen.config.ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES = lat_range
            gen.config.CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES = c_lat_1
            gen.config.CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES = c_lng_1
            gen.config.GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH = angle

            gen.config.MODEL = cs["model"]

            pp = iteration.get_process_params()
            gen.config.RECORD_LENGTH_IN_MINUTES = \
                (pp["npts"] * pp["dt"]) / 60.0
            solver_format = solver_format.upper()

            msg = "Unknown solver '%s'." % solver_format
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

        # =================================================================
        # output
        # =================================================================
        output_dir = self.comm.project.get_output_folder(
            "input_files___ITERATION_%s__%s__EVENT_%s" % (
                iteration_name, simulation_type.replace(" ", "_"),

        gen.write(format=solver_format, output_dir=output_dir)
        print "Written files to '%s'." % output_dir
Пример #6
    def generate_input_files(self, iteration_name, event_name,
        Generate the input files for one event.

        :param iteration_name: The name of the iteration.
        :param event_name: The name of the event for which to generate the
            input files.
        :param simulate_type: The type of simulation to perform. Possible
            values are: 'normal simulate', 'adjoint forward', 'adjoint
        from wfs_input_generator import InputFileGenerator

        # =====================================================================
        # read iteration xml file, get event and list of stations
        # =====================================================================

        iteration = self.comm.iterations.get(iteration_name)

        # Check that the event is part of the iterations.
        if event_name not in iteration.events:
            msg = ("Event '%s' not part of iteration '%s'.\nEvents available "
                   "in iteration:\n\t%s" %
                   (event_name, iteration_name, "\n\t".join(
            raise ValueError(msg)

        event = self.comm.events.get(event_name)
        stations_for_event = list(

        # Get all stations and create a dictionary for the input file
        # generator.
        stations = self.comm.query.get_all_stations_for_event(event_name)
        stations = [{
            "id": key,
            "latitude": value["latitude"],
            "longitude": value["longitude"],
            "elevation_in_m": value["elevation_in_m"],
            "local_depth_in_m": value["local_depth_in_m"]
        } for key, value in stations.items() if key in stations_for_event]

        # =====================================================================
        # set solver options
        # =====================================================================

        solver = iteration.solver_settings

        # Currently only SES3D 4.1 is supported
        solver_format = solver["solver"].lower()
        if solver_format not in [
                "ses3d 4.1", "ses3d 2.0", "specfem3d cartesian",
                "specfem3d globe cem"
            msg = ("Currently only SES3D 4.1, SES3D 2.0, SPECFEM3D "
                   "CARTESIAN, and SPECFEM3D GLOBE CEM are supported.")
            raise ValueError(msg)
        solver_format = solver_format.replace(' ', '_')
        solver_format = solver_format.replace('.', '_')

        solver = solver["solver_settings"]

        # =====================================================================
        # create the input file generator, add event and stations,
        # populate the configuration items
        # =====================================================================

        # Add the event and the stations to the input file generator.
        gen = InputFileGenerator()

        if solver_format in ["ses3d_4_1", "ses3d_2_0"]:
            # event tag
            gen.config.event_tag = event_name

            # Time configuration.
            npts = solver["simulation_parameters"]["number_of_time_steps"]
            delta = solver["simulation_parameters"]["time_increment"]
            gen.config.number_of_time_steps = npts
            gen.config.time_increment_in_s = delta

            # SES3D specific configuration
            gen.config.output_folder = solver["output_directory"].replace(
                "{{EVENT_NAME}}", event_name.replace(" ", "_"))
            gen.config.simulation_type = simulation_type

            gen.config.adjoint_forward_wavefield_output_folder = \
                    "{{EVENT_NAME}}", event_name.replace(" ", "_"))
            gen.config.adjoint_forward_sampling_rate = \

            # Visco-elastic dissipation
            diss = solver["simulation_parameters"]["is_dissipative"]
            gen.config.is_dissipative = diss

            # Only SES3D 4.1 has the relaxation parameters.
            if solver_format == "ses3d_4_1":
                gen.config.Q_model_relaxation_times = \
                gen.config.Q_model_weights_of_relaxation_mechanisms = \

            # Discretization
            disc = solver["computational_setup"]
            gen.config.nx_global = disc["nx_global"]
            gen.config.ny_global = disc["ny_global"]
            gen.config.nz_global = disc["nz_global"]
            gen.config.px = disc["px_processors_in_theta_direction"]
            gen.config.py = disc["py_processors_in_phi_direction"]
            gen.config.pz = disc["pz_processors_in_r_direction"]
            gen.config.lagrange_polynomial_degree = \

            # Configure the mesh.
            domain = self.comm.project.domain
            gen.config.mesh_min_latitude = domain.min_latitude
            gen.config.mesh_max_latitude = domain.max_latitude
            gen.config.mesh_min_longitude = domain.min_longitude
            gen.config.mesh_max_longitude = domain.max_longitude
            gen.config.mesh_min_depth_in_km = domain.min_depth_in_km
            gen.config.mesh_max_depth_in_km = domain.max_depth_in_km

            # Set the rotation parameters.
            gen.config.rotation_angle_in_degree = \
            gen.config.rotation_axis = domain.rotation_axis

            # Make source time function
            gen.config.source_time_function = \
        elif solver_format == "specfem3d_cartesian":
            gen.config.NSTEP = \
            gen.config.DT = \
            gen.config.NPROC = \
            if simulation_type == "normal simulation":
                msg = ("'normal_simulate' not supported for SPECFEM3D "
                       "Cartesian. Please choose either 'adjoint_forward' or "
                raise NotImplementedError(msg)
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint forward":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 1
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint reverse":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 2
                raise NotImplementedError
            solver_format = solver_format.upper()

        elif solver_format == "specfem3d_globe_cem":
            cs = solver["computational_setup"]
            gen.config.NPROC_XI = cs["number_of_processors_xi"]
            gen.config.NPROC_ETA = cs["number_of_processors_eta"]
            gen.config.NCHUNKS = cs["number_of_chunks"]
            gen.config.NEX_XI = cs["elements_per_chunk_xi"]
            gen.config.NEX_ETA = cs["elements_per_chunk_eta"]
            gen.config.OCEANS = cs["simulate_oceans"]
            gen.config.ELLIPTICITY = cs["simulate_ellipticity"]
            gen.config.TOPOGRAPHY = cs["simulate_topography"]
            gen.config.GRAVITY = cs["simulate_gravity"]
            gen.config.ROTATION = cs["simulate_rotation"]
            gen.config.ATTENUATION = cs["simulate_attenuation"]
            gen.config.ABSORBING_CONDITIONS = True
            if cs["fast_undo_attenuation"]:
                gen.config.PARTIAL_PHYS_DISPERSION_ONLY = True
                gen.config.UNDO_ATTENUATION = False
                gen.config.PARTIAL_PHYS_DISPERSION_ONLY = False
                gen.config.UNDO_ATTENUATION = True
            gen.config.GPU_MODE = cs["use_gpu"]
            gen.config.SOURCE_TIME_FUNCTION = \

            if simulation_type == "normal simulation":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 1
                gen.config.SAVE_FORWARD = False
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint forward":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 1
                gen.config.SAVE_FORWARD = True
            elif simulation_type == "adjoint reverse":
                gen.config.SIMULATION_TYPE = 2
                gen.config.SAVE_FORWARD = True
                raise NotImplementedError

            # Use the current domain setting to derive the bounds in the way
            # SPECFEM specifies them.
            domain = self.comm.project.domain

            lat_range = domain.max_latitude - \
            lng_range = domain.max_longitude - \

            c_lat = \
                domain.min_latitude + lat_range / 2.0
            c_lng = \
                domain.min_longitude + lng_range / 2.0

            # Rotate the point.
            c_lat_1, c_lng_1 = rotations.rotate_lat_lon(
                c_lat, c_lng, domain.rotation_axis,

            # SES3D rotation.
            A = rotations._get_rotation_matrix(domain.rotation_axis,

            latitude_rotation = -(c_lat_1 - c_lat)
            longitude_rotation = c_lng_1 - c_lng

            # Rotate the latitude. The rotation axis is latitude 0 and
            # the center longitude + 90 degree
            B = rotations._get_rotation_matrix(
                rotations.lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(0.0, c_lng + 90, 1.0),
            # Rotate around the North pole.
            C = rotations._get_rotation_matrix([0.0, 0.0, 1.0],

            D = A * np.linalg.inv(C * B)

            axis, angle = rotations._get_axis_and_angle_from_rotation_matrix(D)
            rotated_axis = rotations.xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(*axis)

            # Consistency check
            if abs(rotated_axis[0] - c_lat_1) >= 0.01 or \
                    abs(rotated_axis[1] - c_lng_1) >= 0.01:
                axis *= -1.0
                angle *= -1.0
                rotated_axis = rotations.xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(*axis)

            if abs(rotated_axis[0] - c_lat_1) >= 0.01 or \
                    abs(rotated_axis[1] - c_lng_1) >= 0.01:
                msg = "Failed to describe the domain in terms that SPECFEM " \
                      "understands. The domain definition in the output " \
                      "files will NOT BE CORRECT!"
                warnings.warn(msg, LASIFWarning)

            gen.config.ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES = lng_range
            gen.config.ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES = lat_range
            gen.config.CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES = c_lat_1
            gen.config.CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES = c_lng_1
            gen.config.GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH = angle

            gen.config.MODEL = cs["model"]

            pp = iteration.get_process_params()
            gen.config.RECORD_LENGTH_IN_MINUTES = \
                (pp["npts"] * pp["dt"]) / 60.0
            solver_format = solver_format.upper()

            msg = "Unknown solver '%s'." % solver_format
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

        # =================================================================
        # output
        # =================================================================
        output_dir = self.comm.project.get_output_folder(
            tag="ITERATION_%s__%s__EVENT_%s" %
            (iteration_name, simulation_type.replace(" ", "_"), event_name))

        gen.write(format=solver_format, output_dir=output_dir)
        print("Written files to '%s'." % output_dir)