Пример #1
    def execute(self,obj):
        nOfStrings = len(obj.Strings)
        lattice = screen(obj.ArrayLink)
        if lattice is None:
            plms = [App.Placement() for i in range(0,nOfStrings)]
            if not lattice2BaseFeature.isObjectLattice(lattice):
                lattice2Executer.warning(obj,"ShapeString's link to array must point to a lattice. It points to a generic shape. Results may be unexpected.")
            leaves = LCE.AllLeaves(lattice.Shape)
            plms = [leaf.Placement for leaf in leaves]
        #update foolObj's properties
        self.makeFoolObj(obj) #make sure we have one - fixes defunct Lattice ShapeString after save-load
        for (proptype, propname, group, hint) in self.foolObj.properties:
            if propname != "String": #ignore "String", that will be taken care of in the following loop
                setattr(self.foolObj, propname, getattr(obj, propname))
        self.foolObj.FontFile = findFont(obj.FontFile)
        obj.FullPathToFont = self.foolObj.FontFile
        shapes = []
        for i in range(  0 ,  min(len(plms),len(obj.Strings))  ):
            if len(obj.Strings[i]) > 0:
                #generate shapestring using Draft
                self.foolObj.String = obj.Strings[i]
                self.foolObj.Shape = None
                shape = self.foolObj.Shape
                #calculate alignment point
                if obj.XAlign == 'None' and obj.YAlign == 'None':
                    pass #need not calculate boundbox
                    if obj.AlignPrecisionBoundBox:
                        bb = getPrecisionBoundBox(shape)
                        bb = shape.BoundBox

                alignPnt = App.Vector()
                if obj.XAlign == 'Left':
                    alignPnt.x = bb.XMin
                elif obj.XAlign == 'Right':
                    alignPnt.x = bb.XMax
                elif obj.XAlign == 'Middle':
                    alignPnt.x = bb.Center.x

                if obj.YAlign == 'Bottom':
                    alignPnt.y = bb.YMin
                elif obj.YAlign == 'Top':
                    alignPnt.y = bb.YMax
                elif obj.YAlign == 'Middle':
                    alignPnt.y = bb.Center.y
                #Apply alignment
                shape.Placement = App.Placement(alignPnt*(-1.0), App.Rotation()).multiply(shape.Placement)
                #Apply placement from array
                shape.Placement = plms[i].multiply(shape.Placement)
        if len(shapes) == 0:
            scale = 1.0
            if lattice is not None:
                scale = lattice.Shape.BoundBox.DiagonalLength/math.sqrt(3)/math.sqrt(len(shps))
            if scale < DistConfusion * 100:
                scale = 1.0
            obj.Shape = markers.getNullShapeShape(scale)
            raise ValueError('No strings were converted into shapes') #Feeding empty compounds to FreeCAD seems to cause rendering issues, otherwise it would have been a good idea to output nothing.
        result = Part.makeCompound(shapes)
        result.Placement = obj.Placement
        obj.Shape = result
Пример #2
    def derivedExecute(self,obj):
        # cache stuff
        if lattice2BaseFeature.isObjectLattice(obj.ShapeLink):
            lattice2Executer.warning(obj,"ShapeLink points to a placement/array of placements. The placement/array will be reinterpreted as a generic shape; the results may be unexpected.")

        base = obj.ShapeLink.Shape
        if obj.CompoundTraversal == "Use as a whole":
            baseChildren = [base]
            if base.ShapeType != 'Compound':
                base = Part.makeCompound([base])
            if obj.CompoundTraversal == "Recursive":
                baseChildren = LCE.AllLeaves(base)
                baseChildren = base.childShapes()
        #cache mode comparisons, for speed
        posIsNone = obj.TranslateMode == '(none)'
        posIsParent = obj.TranslateMode == 'parent'
        posIsChild = obj.TranslateMode == 'child'
        posIsCenterM = obj.TranslateMode == 'child.CenterOfMass'
        posIsCenterBB = obj.TranslateMode == 'child.CenterOfBoundBox'
        posIsVertex = obj.TranslateMode == 'child.Vertex'
        oriIsNone = obj.OrientMode == '(none)'
        oriIsParent = obj.OrientMode == 'parent'
        oriIsChild = obj.OrientMode == 'child'
        oriIsInertial = obj.OrientMode == 'child.InertiaAxes'
        oriIsEdge = obj.OrientMode == 'child.Edge'
        oriIsFace = obj.OrientMode == 'child.FaceAxis'
        # initialize output containers and loop variables
        outputPlms = [] #list of placements
        # the essence
        for child in baseChildren:
            pos = App.Vector()
            ori = App.Rotation()
            if posIsNone:
            elif posIsParent:
                pos = base.Placement.Base
            elif posIsChild:
                pos = child.Placement.Base
            elif posIsCenterM:
                leaves = LCE.AllLeaves(child)
                totalW = 0
                weightAttrib = {"Vertex":"",
                #Center of mass of a compound is a weghted average of centers
                # of mass of individual objects.
                for leaf in leaves:
                    w = 1.0 if not weightAttrib else (getattr(leaf, weightAttrib))
                    if leaf.ShapeType == 'Vertex':
                        leafCM = leaf.Point
                    #elif child.ShapeType == 'CompSolid':
                        leafCM = leaf.CenterOfMass
                    pos += leafCM * w
                    totalW += w
                pos = pos * (1.0/totalW)
            elif posIsCenterBB:
                import lattice2BoundBox
                bb = lattice2BoundBox.getPrecisionBoundBox(child)
                pos = bb.Center
            elif posIsVertex:
                v = child.Vertexes[obj.TranslateElementIndex - 1]
                pos = v.Point
                raise ValueError(obj.Name + ": translation mode not implemented: "+obj.TranslateMode)
            if oriIsNone:
            elif oriIsParent:
                ori = base.Placement.Rotation
            elif oriIsChild:
                ori = child.Placement.Rotation
            elif oriIsInertial:
                leaves = LCE.AllLeaves(child)
                if len(leaves)>1:
                    raise ValueError(obj.Name + ": calculation of principal axes of compounds is not supported yet")
                props = leaves[0].PrincipalProperties
                XAx = props['FirstAxisOfInertia']
                ZAx = props['ThirdAxisOfInertia']
                ori = Utils.makeOrientationFromLocalAxes(ZAx, XAx)
            elif oriIsEdge:
                edge = child.Edges[obj.OrientElementIndex - 1]
                XAx = edge.Curve.tangent(edge.Curve.FirstParameter)[0]
                ori1 = Utils.makeOrientationFromLocalAxes(ZAx= XAx)
                ori2 = Utils.makeOrientationFromLocalAxes(ZAx= App.Vector(1,0,0),XAx= App.Vector(0,0,1))
                ori = ori1.multiply(ori2)
            elif oriIsFace:
                face = child.Faces[obj.OrientElementIndex - 1]
                ZAx = face.Surface.Axis
                raise ValueError(obj.Name + ": orientation mode not implemented: "+obj.OrientMode)

            plm = App.Placement(pos, ori)
        return outputPlms
Пример #3
    def execute(self,obj):
        nOfStrings = len(obj.Strings)
        lattice = obj.ArrayLink
        if lattice is None:
            plms = [App.Placement() for i in range(0,nOfStrings)]
            if not lattice2BaseFeature.isObjectLattice(lattice):
                lattice2Executer.warning(obj,"ShapeString's link to array must point to a lattice. It points to a generic shape. Results may be unexpected.")
            leaves = LCE.AllLeaves(lattice.Shape)
            plms = [leaf.Placement for leaf in leaves]
        #update foolObj's properties
        self.makeFoolObj(obj) #make sure we have one - fixes defunct Lattice ShapeString after save-load
        for (proptype, propname, group, hint) in self.foolObj.properties:
            if propname != "String": #ignore "String", that will be taken care of in the following loop
                setattr(self.foolObj, propname, getattr(obj, propname))
        self.foolObj.FontFile = findFont(obj.FontFile)
        obj.FullPathToFont = self.foolObj.FontFile
        shapes = []
        for i in range(  0 ,  min(len(plms),len(obj.Strings))  ):
            if len(obj.Strings[i]) > 0:
                #generate shapestring using Draft
                self.foolObj.String = obj.Strings[i]
                self.foolObj.Shape = None
                shape = self.foolObj.Shape
                #calculate alignment point
                if obj.XAlign == 'None' and obj.YAlign == 'None':
                    pass #need not calculate boundbox
                    if obj.AlignPrecisionBoundBox:
                        bb = getPrecisionBoundBox(shape)
                        bb = shape.BoundBox

                alignPnt = App.Vector()
                if obj.XAlign == 'Left':
                    alignPnt.x = bb.XMin
                elif obj.XAlign == 'Right':
                    alignPnt.x = bb.XMax
                elif obj.XAlign == 'Middle':
                    alignPnt.x = bb.Center.x

                if obj.YAlign == 'Bottom':
                    alignPnt.y = bb.YMin
                elif obj.YAlign == 'Top':
                    alignPnt.y = bb.YMax
                elif obj.YAlign == 'Middle':
                    alignPnt.y = bb.Center.y
                #Apply alignment
                shape.Placement = App.Placement(alignPnt*(-1.0), App.Rotation()).multiply(shape.Placement)
                #Apply placement from array
                shape.Placement = plms[i].multiply(shape.Placement)
        if len(shapes) == 0:
            scale = 1.0
            if lattice is not None:
                scale = lattice.Shape.BoundBox.DiagonalLength/math.sqrt(3)/math.sqrt(len(shps))
            if scale < DistConfusion * 100:
                scale = 1.0
            obj.Shape = markers.getNullShapeShape(scale)
            raise ValueError('No strings were converted into shapes') #Feeding empty compounds to FreeCAD seems to cause rendering issues, otherwise it would have been a good idea to output nothing.

        obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(shapes)
Пример #4
    def derivedExecute(self,obj):
        # cache stuff
        if lattice2BaseFeature.isObjectLattice(screen(obj.ShapeLink)):
            lattice2Executer.warning(obj,"ShapeLink points to a placement/array of placements. The placement/array will be reinterpreted as a generic shape; the results may be unexpected.")

        base = screen(obj.ShapeLink).Shape
        if obj.CompoundTraversal == "Use as a whole":
            baseChildren = [base]
            if base.ShapeType != 'Compound':
                base = Part.makeCompound([base])
            if obj.CompoundTraversal == "Recursive":
                baseChildren = LCE.AllLeaves(base)
                baseChildren = base.childShapes()
        #cache mode comparisons, for speed
        posIsNone = obj.TranslateMode == '(none)'
        posIsParent = obj.TranslateMode == 'parent'
        posIsChild = obj.TranslateMode == 'child'
        posIsCenterM = obj.TranslateMode == 'child.CenterOfMass'
        posIsCenterBB = obj.TranslateMode == 'child.CenterOfBoundBox'
        posIsVertex = obj.TranslateMode == 'child.Vertex'
        oriIsNone = obj.OrientMode == '(none)'
        oriIsParent = obj.OrientMode == 'parent'
        oriIsChild = obj.OrientMode == 'child'
        oriIsInertial = obj.OrientMode == 'child.InertiaAxes'
        oriIsEdge = obj.OrientMode == 'child.Edge'
        oriIsFace = obj.OrientMode == 'child.FaceAxis'
        # initialize output containers and loop variables
        outputPlms = [] #list of placements
        # the essence
        for child in baseChildren:
            pos = App.Vector()
            ori = App.Rotation()
            if posIsNone:
            elif posIsParent:
                pos = base.Placement.Base
            elif posIsChild:
                pos = child.Placement.Base
            elif posIsCenterM:
                leaves = LCE.AllLeaves(child)
                totalW = 0
                weightAttrib = {"Vertex":"",
                #Center of mass of a compound is a weghted average of centers
                # of mass of individual objects.
                for leaf in leaves:
                    w = 1.0 if not weightAttrib else (getattr(leaf, weightAttrib))
                    if leaf.ShapeType == 'Vertex':
                        leafCM = leaf.Point
                    #elif child.ShapeType == 'CompSolid':
                        leafCM = leaf.CenterOfMass
                    pos += leafCM * w
                    totalW += w
                pos = pos * (1.0/totalW)
            elif posIsCenterBB:
                import lattice2BoundBox
                bb = lattice2BoundBox.getPrecisionBoundBox(child)
                pos = bb.Center
            elif posIsVertex:
                v = child.Vertexes[obj.TranslateElementIndex - 1]
                pos = v.Point
                raise ValueError(obj.Name + ": translation mode not implemented: "+obj.TranslateMode)
            if oriIsNone:
            elif oriIsParent:
                ori = base.Placement.Rotation
            elif oriIsChild:
                ori = child.Placement.Rotation
            elif oriIsInertial:
                leaves = LCE.AllLeaves(child)
                if len(leaves)>1:
                    raise ValueError(obj.Name + ": calculation of principal axes of compounds is not supported yet")
                props = leaves[0].PrincipalProperties
                XAx = props['FirstAxisOfInertia']
                ZAx = props['ThirdAxisOfInertia']
                ori = Utils.makeOrientationFromLocalAxes(ZAx, XAx)
            elif oriIsEdge:
                edge = child.Edges[obj.OrientElementIndex - 1]
                XAx = edge.Curve.tangent(edge.Curve.FirstParameter)[0]
                ori1 = Utils.makeOrientationFromLocalAxes(ZAx= XAx)
                ori2 = Utils.makeOrientationFromLocalAxes(ZAx= App.Vector(1,0,0),XAx= App.Vector(0,0,1))
                ori = ori1.multiply(ori2)
            elif oriIsFace:
                face = child.Faces[obj.OrientElementIndex - 1]
                ZAx = face.Surface.Axis
                raise ValueError(obj.Name + ": orientation mode not implemented: "+obj.OrientMode)

            plm = App.Placement(pos, ori)
        return outputPlms