Пример #1
    def get_fix_user_raw(self):
        offsetX = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "system60_offsetX"))
        offsetY = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "system60_offsetY"))
        width = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "system60_width"))

        #Apply width to timings
        #self.timing_add("H_Res", (2*width))
        #if width < 0:
        #    self.timing_add("H_BP", abs(width))
        #    self.timing_add("H_FP", abs(width))
        #    self.timing_add("H_BP", -width)
        #    self.timing_add("H_FP", -width)

        #Apply offsetX to timings
        self.timing_add("H_BP", offsetX)
        if offsetX < 0:
            self.timing_add("H_FP", abs(offsetX))
            self.timing_add("H_FP", -offsetX)

        #Apply offsetY to timings
        self.timing_add("V_BP", offsetY)
        if offsetY < 0:
            self.timing_add("V_FP", abs(offsetY))
            self.timing_add("V_FP", -offsetY)
Пример #2
def get_config():
    global opt
    # create configuration file if not exists
    if not os.path.exists(CRT_UTILITY_FILE):
        os.system('echo %s > %s' % \

    # get configuration values
    opt[0][2] = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "game_rotation"))
    opt[2][2] = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "handheld_bezel"))
    opt[3][2] = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "freq_selector"))
    opt[6][2] = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "integer_scale"))
    opt[7][2] = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "scummvm_arc"))

    # get current emulationstation side
    if os.path.exists(ROTMODES_TATE1_FILE):
        opt[1][2] = 90
        opt[1][3] = 90
        opt[0][2] = 0
    elif os.path.exists(ROTMODES_TATE3_FILE):
        opt[1][2] = -90
        opt[1][3] = -90
        opt[0][2] = 0
        opt[1][2] = 0
        opt[1][3] = 0
Пример #3
 def get_mode(self):
     value = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, self.ini_mode)
     if not value:
         value = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, self.ini_mode)
     if value == value:
         if value == "H": return "host"
         elif value == "C": return "client"
     return value
Пример #4
 def get_host(self):
     value = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, self.ini_host)
     if not value:
         value = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, self.ini_host)
     if not self.check_ip_format(value):
         line = self.ini_host + '=' + '""'
         modify_line(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, self.ini_host, line)
         value = ""
     return value
Пример #5
 def _prepare_cfg(self):
     """ Take config from utility.cfg """
     self.m_dConfigFile["offsetX"] = int(
         ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, self.m_sEnv + "_offsetX"))
     self.m_dConfigFile["offsetY"] = int(
         ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, self.m_sEnv + "_offsetY"))
     self.m_dConfigFile["width"] = int(
         ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, self.m_sEnv + "_width"))
     self.m_dConfigFile["height"] = int(
         ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, self.m_sEnv + "_height"))
Пример #6
    def ingame_get_info(self):
        self.m_sNetplay = "NETPLAY: DISABLED"
        self.m_sPublic = "LOCAL PLAYING"
        self.m_sRate = ""
        p_iTime = 0
        """ Get Retroarch Netplay info if launched by CRT scripts """
        p_bNetplay = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "netplay")
        p_sNetMode = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, "__netplaymode")
        p_sNetRemo = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, "__netplayhostip")
        p_sNetPort = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, "__netplayport")
        if p_bNetplay and p_bNetplay.lower() == "true": p_bNetplay = True
        else: p_bNetplay = None

        while not STOP_SCREEN and not STOP_SERVICE:
            if p_iTime == 0 or time.time() - p_iTime >= 5:
                """ Get Retroarch Netplay info if launched by runcommand """
                if p_bNetplay == None:
                    if os.path.exists(RETROPIE_RUNCOMMAND_LOG):
                        with open(RETROPIE_RUNCOMMAND_LOG, "r") as f:
                            for line in f:
                                if "-H" in line or "-C" in line:
                                    p_bNetplay = True
                """ Get current resolution """
                cmd = "vcgencmd hdmi_timings"
                p_sOutput = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
                p_lTimings = p_sOutput.strip().split("=")[1].split(' ')
                self.m_sTimings = p_lTimings[0] + "x" + p_lTimings[5] + "@" + p_lTimings[13] + "hz"
                text_width = self.m_oDraw.textsize(self.m_sTimings, font=self.m_oFont10)[0]
                self.m_iTimingPosX = 81 - int(text_width / 2)
                """ Get if NTSC or PAL and its screen position """
                if int(p_lTimings[0]) == 320 and int(p_lTimings[5]) == 240: self.m_sRate = "240p"
                elif int(p_lTimings[5]) <= 240: self.m_sRate = "NTSC"
                elif int(p_lTimings[5]) > 240: self.m_sRate = "PAL"
                text_width = self.m_oDraw.textsize(self.m_sRate, font=self.m_oFont10)[0]
                self.m_iRatePosX = 15 - int(text_width / 2)            
                """ Get IP and connection for Netplay"""
                if p_bNetplay:
                    if p_sNetMode == "C" or  p_sNetMode == "c":
                        self.m_sNetplay = "NETPLAY: CLIENT MODE"
                        self.m_sPublic = chr(8594) + " " + p_sNetRemo + ":" + p_sNetPort
                    elif p_sNetMode == "H" or  p_sNetMode == "h":
                        p_sIP = self.get_ip_address("public")
                        if not p_sIP: p_sIP = self.get_ip_address("eth0")
                        if not p_sIP: p_sIP = self.get_ip_address("wlan0")
                        if not p_sIP: p_sIP = "NOT CONNECTED"
                        self.m_sNetplay = "NETPLAY: HOST MODE"
                        if p_sIP == "NOT CONNECTED": self.m_sPublic = "NO NETWORK AVAILABLE"
                        else: self.m_sPublic = p_sIP + ":" + p_sNetPort + " " + chr(8592)
                p_iTime = time.time()
Пример #7
 def opt11_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {
         'text': "Runcommand Allow Config",
         'color_val': "type_color_1"
     if ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "fast_boot").lower() == "true":
         value = "N/A"
         p_lLines.update({'color_val': "type_color_7"})
         value = ini_get(RETROPIE_RUNCOMMAND_CFG_FILE, "disable_menu")
         if value == "0": value = True
         else: value = False
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #8
 def get_lframes(self):
     value = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "netplay_lframes")
         frame = int(value)
         frame = 0
     return frame
Пример #9
 def validate_host(self):
     value1 = self.get_host()
     value2 = ini_get(CRT_NETPLAY_FILE, self.ini_host_cfile)
     if self.get_mode == "client":
         if value1 == value2:
             if self.check_ip_format(value1): return True
Пример #10
    def reset_config(self):
        p_bCheck = False
        self.m_sTemp = generate_random_temp_filename(RASP_BOOTCFG_FILE)
        p_lBaseCfg = {
            'pi4': [['dtoverlay', 'vc4-fkms-v3d'], ['max_framebuffers', '2']],
            'all': [['gpu_mem_256', '128'], ['gpu_mem_512', '256'],
                    ['gpu_mem_1024', '256']]

        timings = " ".join(ini_getlist(RASP_BOOTCFG_FILE, 'hdmi_timings'))
        if not timings:
            res = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, 'default') + '_timings'
            timings = " ".join(ini_getlist(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, res))
        line = 'hdmi_timings=' + timings
        add_line(self.m_sTemp, line)

        section_order = ['pi4', 'all']  # pi4 section must be before of all
        for section in section_order:
            list = p_lBaseCfg[section]
            for key, value in list:
                ini_sect_add_key(self.m_sTemp, section, key, value)

        self.set_cable(self.m_sTemp, 0)  # create cable config ID0 (default)
        ini_sect_create_section(self.m_sTemp, "CUSTOM-USER")

        os.system('sudo cp %s %s' % (self.m_sTemp, RASP_BOOTCFG_FILE))
        if md5_file(self.m_sTemp) == md5_file(RASP_BOOTCFG_FILE):
            p_bCheck = True
        return p_bCheck
Пример #11
    def _set_new_theme(self):
        Identify saved theme for next orientation in utility.cfg
        If theme not found, default ones will be applied.        
        p_sTheme = None
        p_sTail = self.sTailSideH

        if self.iCurSide != 0:
            p_sTail = self.sTailSideV
        p_sIniTheme = str(self.iToRes) + p_sTail
        p_sTheme = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, p_sIniTheme)
        """ If theme was not found then apply by default """
        # by default vertical theme
        if self.iCurSide != 0 and not p_sTheme:
            if self.RES_Y == 270: p_sTheme = "V270P-CRT-BASE"
            elif self.RES_Y == 240: p_sTheme = "V270P-CRT-BASE"
            else: p_sTheme = "V270P-CRT-BASE"
        # by default horizontal theme
        elif self.iCurSide == 0 and not p_sTheme:
            if self.RES_Y == 270: p_sTheme = "270P-CRT-SNES-MINI"
            elif self.RES_Y == 240: p_sTheme = "240P-CRT-BUBBLEGUM"
            else: p_sTheme = "270P-CRT-BASE"
        # no change if current configuration is the same
        if p_sTheme != get_xml_value_esconfig("ThemeSet"):
            set_xml_value_esconfig("ThemeSet", p_sTheme)
Пример #12
 def opt11_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {'text': "ScummVM ARC"}
     value = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "scummvm_arc")
     if value.lower() == "true": value = True
     else: value = False
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #13
 def opt3_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {'text': "RA Handled Bezels"}
     value = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "handheld_bezel")
     if value.lower() == "true": value = True
     else: value = False
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #14
    def _scummvm_change_aspect(self):
        If aspect ratio correction is enabled game will fit vertically
        the screen although we lost pixel perfect.
        If disabled, most of the games are 320x200 so will show two 
        horizontal bars up and down on the screen.
        If auto will ask just before of game launching for an option
        p_sARValue = 'aspect_ratio'

        # get aspect ratio configuration from CRT config
        sAspect = None
        p_sScummARC = int(ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "scummvm_arc"))
        if p_sScummARC == 0:
            If Aspect Ratio Correction is not enabled leave this
            config as it is, only change if forced required or asked.
        if p_sScummARC == 1:
            sAspect = "FIT"
        elif p_sScummARC == 2:
            sAspect = menu_options(self.m_lOptARC)

        if sAspect == "PIXEL":
            self._scummvm_change_ini(SCUMMVMCFG_FILE, p_sARValue, "false")
        elif sAspect == "FIT":
            self._scummvm_change_ini(SCUMMVMCFG_FILE, p_sARValue, "true")
Пример #15
 def opt2_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {'text': "RA Integer Scale"}
     value = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "integer_scale")
     if value.lower() == "true": value = True
     else: value = False
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #16
 def opt2_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {'text': "Selector Info", 'color_val': "type_color_1"}
     if ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "fast_boot").lower() == "true":
         value = "N/A"
         p_lLines.update({'color_val': "type_color_7"})
         mode = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "freq_selector")
         if mode.lower() == "manual":
             value = "--"
             p_lLines.update({'color_val': "type_color_7"})
             value = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "autosel_info")
             if value.lower() == "true": value = True
             else: value = False
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #17
 def get_country(self):
     if not self.m_sCountry:
         os.system('cp %s %s > /dev/null 2>&1' %
                   (self.WPA_FILE, self.TMP_FILE))
         ctry = ini_get(self.TMP_FILE, "country")
         os.system("sudo rm %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % self.TMP_FILE)
         if not ctry:
             ctry = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "wifi_country")
             if not ctry: ctry = "ES"
         for item in self.COUNTRY:
             if self.COUNTRY[item] == ctry:
                 self.m_sCountry = item
         if not self.m_sCountry:
             self.m_sCountry = "Spain"
     return self.m_sCountry
Пример #18
 def _get_boot_timing(self):
     """ Take current system base timings from utility.cfg"""
     self.m_sEnv = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "default")
     self.m_lBootTimings = ini_getlist(CRT_UTILITY_FILE,
                                       "%s_timings" % self.m_sEnv)
     self.m_lBootTimings = list(map(int, self.m_lBootTimings))
     if not self._apply_fix_tv():
         logging.info("INFO: not fix tv to apply")
     logging.info("INFO: default system resolution: %s" % self.m_sEnv)
Пример #19
 def opt1_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {'text': "Daphne Controls Remap",
                 'color_val': "type_color_1",
                 'icon': None}
     value = False
     if ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "daphne_remap") == "true":
         value = True
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #20
 def get_frequency(self):
     # first i try to find an allowed freq
     self.m_sSelectFreq = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "freq_selector")
     if self.m_sSelectFreq in ALLOWED_FREQS:
         logging.info("Frequency selector always %sHz" % self.m_sSelectFreq)
         if self.m_sSelectFreq == "50":
             AutoSelection = "FORCED TO 50Hz / PAL"
         elif self.m_sSelectFreq == "60":
             AutoSelection = "FORCED TO 60Hz / NTSC"
         if ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "autosel_info").lower() != "false":
             if not self.m_bFastBoot: show_info(AutoSelection)
     elif self.m_sSelectFreq == "auto":
         logging.info("Frequency selector mode auto")
         self.m_sSelectFreq = self.frecuency_auto()
         logging.info("Frequency selector mode manual")
         self.m_sSelectFreq = self.frequency_manual()
     return self.m_sSelectFreq
Пример #21
 def __init__(self, p_sFileName=""):
     if not p_sFileName:
         logging.info("WARNING: NO filename passed, setting " % \
                      "60Hz by default")
         return "60"
     self.m_sFileName = p_sFileName
     self.m_sCompactedName = compact_rom_name(p_sFileName)
     self.m_oFreqDB = dbfreq()
     if ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "fast_boot").lower() == "true":
         self.m_bFastBoot = True
Пример #22
 def opt12_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {
         'text': "Retroarch Allow Config",
         'color_val': "type_color_1"
     value = ini_get(RA_CFG_FILE, "menu_driver")
     if value == "Null": value = False
     else: value = True
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #23
 def _save_current_theme(self):
     # identify element theme to find in CRT config
     p_sIni = "h_theme"
     if self.iCurSide != 0:
         p_sIni = "v_theme"
     # get current saved theme for current side
     p_sTheme = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, p_sIni)
     p_sCurTheme = get_xml_value_esconfig("ThemeSet")
     if p_sTheme != p_sCurTheme:
         ini_set(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, p_sIni, p_sCurTheme)
Пример #24
 def _joy_get_cfg(self, p_sCfgFile, p_sINI):
     temp = ini_get(p_sCfgFile, p_sINI)
     if temp:
             temp = temp.replace('"', '')
             logging.info("INFO: found %s = %s" % (p_sINI, temp))
             logging.info("WARNING: value no found for %s in %s" %
                          (p_sINI, p_sCfgFile))
             return False
     return temp
Пример #25
 def _save_current_theme(self):
     # identify element theme to find in CRT config
     p_sElement = str(self.RES_Y) + self.sTailSideH
     if self.iCurSide != 0:
         p_sElement = str(self.RES_Y) + self.sTailSideV
     # get current saved theme for current side
     p_sTheme = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, p_sElement)
     self.sCurTheme = get_xml_value_esconfig("ThemeSet")
     if p_sTheme != self.sCurTheme:
         modify_line(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, p_sElement,
                     "%s %s" % (p_sElement, self.sCurTheme))
Пример #26
 def opt1_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {
         'text': "TV Modes",
         'es_restart': True,
         'color_val': "type_color_1"
     value = ini_get(CRT_FIXMODES_FILE, "mode_default")
     if value.lower() == "default": value = 'Default'
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     p_lLines.update({'options': get_modes()})
     return p_lLines
Пример #27
 def opt4_datas(self):
     p_lLines = {
         'text': "Game Launcher",
         'options': ["Runcommand", "FastBoot"],
         'color_val': "type_color_1"
     value = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "fast_boot").lower()
     if value == "true": value = "FastBoot"
     else: value = "Runcommand"
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #28
 def opt2_datas(self):
     try: self.m_oSYSVOLClass
     except: self.m_oSYSVOLClass = sys_volume()
     p_lLines = {'text': "EQ Preset",
                 'color_val': "type_color_1"}
     m_lOpt = self.m_oSYSVOLClass.get_presets()
     m_lOpt = list(map(lambda x:x.title(),m_lOpt))
     p_lLines.update({'options': m_lOpt})
     value = (ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "audio_presets")).title()
     p_lLines.update({'value': value})
     return p_lLines
Пример #29
    def opt8_datas(self):
        p_lLines = {'color_val': "type_color_1"}
        p_lLines.update({'text': "Time Played"})
        value = 0
        if os.path.exists(CRT_STATS_FILE):
            value = int(ini_get(CRT_STATS_FILE, 'timer'))
        m, s = divmod(value, 60)
        h, m = divmod(m, 60)

        value = "%sh %sm" % (h, m)
        p_lLines.update({'value': value})
        return p_lLines
Пример #30
 def opt1(self, p_iJoy = None, p_iLine = None):
     p_lLines = {}
     if p_iJoy == None:
         return self.opt1_datas()
     if p_iJoy & CRT_OK:
         list = self.m_lLines[p_iLine]['options']
         value = self.m_lLines[p_iLine]['value']
         new = explore_list(p_iJoy, value, list)
         if new: ini_set(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "daphne_remap", "true")
         else: ini_set(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "daphne_remap", "false")
         value = ini_get(CRT_UTILITY_FILE, "daphne_remap") == "true"
         self.m_lLines[p_iLine]['value'] = value