def __init__(self, number_of_vectors, number_of_input_elements, number_of_output_elements, number_of_neurons, number_of_hidden_layers, problem_type, function_types, seed): self.number_of_vectors = number_of_vectors self.number_of_input_elements = number_of_input_elements self.number_of_output_elements = number_of_output_elements self.number_of_neurons = number_of_neurons self.number_of_hidden_layers = number_of_hidden_layers self.function_types = function_types self.problem_type = problem_type # Генерация входных и выходных данных при задаче классификации if problem_type == 'classification': self.input_layer = lrs.InputLayer(number_of_vectors, number_of_input_elements, seed) lrs.InputLayer.generate_classification(self.input_layer) self.output_layer = lrs.OutputLayer(number_of_vectors, number_of_output_elements) lrs.OutputLayer.generate_classification(self.output_layer, self.input_layer) # Генерация входных и выходных данных при задаче регрессии else: self.input_layer = lrs.InputLayer(number_of_vectors, number_of_input_elements, seed) lrs.InputLayer.generate_regression(self.input_layer) self.output_layer = lrs.OutputLayer(number_of_vectors, number_of_output_elements) lrs.OutputLayer.generate_regression(self.output_layer, self.input_layer) # Список всех слоев, включая слои входных, выходных данных и слои функций активации self.layers = list() self.layers.append(self.input_layer) for i in range(number_of_hidden_layers): self.layers.append( lrs.HiddenLayer(number_of_vectors, number_of_input_elements, number_of_neurons, i)) self.layers.append( lrs.ActivationFunction(number_of_vectors, number_of_input_elements, number_of_neurons, function_types[i])) # Выходной слой self.layers.append(self.output_layer) # Функция потерь self.layers.append( lrs.ActivationFunction(number_of_vectors, number_of_input_elements, number_of_neurons, function_types[-1])) # Веса выходного слоя генерируются здесь lrs.OutputLayer.generate_weights(self.output_layer, self.layers[-4].number_of_neurons)
def __init__(self, data_dim, target_dim, hidden_dims): self._hidden_layers = [] self._output_layer = None previous_dim = data_dim for hidden_dim in hidden_dims: self._hidden_layers.append( layers.HiddenLayer(previous_dim, hidden_dim)) previous_dim = hidden_dim self._output_layer = layers.OutputLayer(previous_dim, target_dim)
def get_hidden_layers(self, hidden_layer_sizes): for hidden_layer_size in hidden_layer_sizes: self.hidden_layers.append(layers.HiddenLayer(hidden_layer_size))
n_valid_batches /= batch_size index = T.lscalar() # index to a [mini]batch # x = T.matrix('x') # the data is presented as rasterized images x = sparse.csr_matrix( name='x', dtype='int64') # the data is presented as rasterized images # y = sparse.csr_matrix(name='y', dtype='int8') # the labels are presented as 1D vector of multi y = T.bmatrix('y') # the labels are presented as 1D vector of multi print '... building the computional Graph' rng = numpy.random.RandomState(23455) if MLP: layer1 = layers.HiddenLayer(rng, input=x, n_in=in_trn_matrix.shape[1], n_out=num_of_hidden_units, sparse=True) out_layer = layers.OutputLayer(input=layer1.output, n_in=num_of_hidden_units, n_out=numtype) params = layer1.params + out_layer.params #weights = T.concatenate[layer1.W, out_layer.W] else: out_layer = layers.OutputLayer(input=x, n_in=in_trn_matrix.shape[1], n_out=numtype, sparse=True) params = out_layer.params #weights = [out_layer.W]
index = T.lscalar() # index to a [mini]batch x = T.matrix('x') # the data is presented as rasterized images y = T.imatrix('y') # the labels are presented as 1D vector of # [int] labels # y_all = T.ivector('y_all') ###################### # BUILD ACTUAL MODEL # ######################'... building the model') layer2_input = x.reshape((batch_size, 1, ishape[0], ishape[1])).flatten(2) # construct a fully-connected sigmoidal layer layer2 = layers.HiddenLayer(rng, input=layer2_input, n_in=ishape[0] * ishape[1], n_out=num_of_hidden_units, activation=T.tanh) outlayers = [] cost = 0. out_errors = [] total_errs = 0 params = layer2.params'n_in in each softmax: %d and n_out: %d', num_of_hidden_units, 2) for i in range(n_targets): oneOutLayer = layers.OutputLayer(input=layer2.output, n_in=num_of_hidden_units, n_out=2) # oneOutLayer = MyLogisticRegression(input=layer1.output, n_in=num_of_hidden_units, n_out=2)
e2simmatrix_test) dt = theano.config.floatX # @UndefinedVariable index = T.lscalar() # index to a [mini]batch x = T.matrix('x') # the data is presented as rasterized images y = T.imatrix('y') # the labels are presented as 1D vector of # [int] labels ###################### # BUILD ACTUAL MODEL # ###################### print '... building the model' rng = numpy.random.RandomState(23455) layer1 = layers.HiddenLayer(rng, input=x, n_in=input_matrix_test.shape[1], n_out=num_of_hidden_units, activation=T.tanh) outlayers = [] cost = 0. out_errors = [] predicted_probs = [] for i in range(n_targets): oneOutLayer = layers.OutputLayer(input=layer1.output, n_in=num_of_hidden_units, n_out=2) onelogistic = layers.SoftmaxLoss(input=oneOutLayer.score_y_given_x, n_in=2, n_out=2)