def build(self, input_shape=(28, 28, 1), classes=10): inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape) outputs = conv2d(filters=6, kernel_size=(6, 6))(inputs) outputs = max_pooling2d(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = conv2d(filters=16, kernel_size=(6, 6))(inputs) outputs = max_pooling2d(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = flatten()(outputs) outputs = dense(120)(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = dense(64)(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = dense(classes)(outputs) outputs = softmax()(outputs) model = keras.Model(inputs, outputs) model.summary() return model
def encoder(self, x, training=True, reuse=None, name=None): # [None, 28, 28, 1] --> [None, 14, 14, 64] h = conv2d(x, 64, kernel_size=4, strides=2, activation=tf.nn.leaky_relu, reuse=reuse, name='e_conv_1') # [None, 14, 14, 64] --> [None, 7, 7, 128] h = conv2d(h, 128, kernel_size=4, strides=2, reuse=reuse, name='e_conv_2') h = batch_norm(h, training=training, reuse=reuse, name='e_bn_1') h = tf.nn.leaky_relu(h) # [None, 7, 7, 128] --> [None, 7*7*128] h = tf.reshape(h, [-1, 7*7*128]) # [None, 7*7*128] --> [None, 1024] h = dense(h, 1024, reuse=reuse, name='e_dense_1') h = batch_norm(h, training=training, reuse=reuse, name='e_bn_2') h = tf.nn.leaky_relu(h) # [None, 1024] --> [None, 2*self.z_dim] h = dense(h, 2*self.z_dim, reuse=reuse, name='e_dense_2') # Assign names to final outputs mean = tf.identity(h[:,:self.z_dim], name=name+"_mean") log_sigma = tf.identity(h[:,self.z_dim:], name=name+"_log_sigma") return mean, log_sigma
def decoder(state, training=True): x = tf.reshape(state, [batch_size, -1]) x = lyr.dense('decoder.dense1.matrix', 'decoder.dense1.bias', 'decoder', latent_dim, 512, x) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x) x = lyr.batchnorm(x, 'decoder.batchnorm1.offset', 'decoder.batchnorm1.scale', 'decoder') x = lyr.dense('decoder.dense2.matrix', 'decoder.dense2.bias', 'decoder', 512, 512, x) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x) x = lyr.batchnorm(x, 'decoder.batchnorm2.offset', 'decoder.batchnorm2.scale', 'decoder') x = lyr.dense('decoder.dense3.matrix', 'decoder.dense3.bias', 'decoder', 512, 256, x) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x) x = lyr.batchnorm(x, 'decoder.batchnorm3.offset', 'decoder.batchnorm3.scale', 'decoder') x = lyr.dense('decoder.dense4.matrix', 'decoder.dense4.bias', 'decoder', 256, max_size * encode_length, x) x = tf.reshape(x, [batch_size, max_size, encode_length]) x = lyr.batchnorm(x, 'decoder.batchnorm4.offset', 'decoder.batchnorm4.scale', 'decoder') return x
def _stochastic(self, x, dim, scope, ema): b_init_var = tf.constant_initializer(0. if self.is_log_var else 1.) x = self.activation(x) if isinstance(dim, int): flatten = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(x) mean = dense(flatten, dim, scope=scope + "_mean", training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) var = dense(flatten, dim, scope=scope + "_var", bias_initializer=b_init_var, training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) else: mean = conv2d(x, dim, scope=scope + "_mean", training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) var = conv2d(x, dim, scope=scope + "_var", bias_initializer=b_init_var, training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) var = tf.nn.softplus(var) + self.eps z = stochastic_gaussian(mean, var, is_log_var=self.is_log_var) return z, mean, var
def network(x, weights, biases): x = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, input_size_h, input_size_w, num_channels]) x = tf.subtract(x, mean) x = tf.divide(x, std) x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=1) x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[0, 4, 2, 3, 1]) conv0 = tf.nn.conv3d(x, weights["wc0"], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME") conv0 = tf.nn.bias_add(conv0, biases["bc0"]) conv0 = tf.nn.relu(conv0) conv0 = tf.transpose(conv0, perm=[0, 1, 4, 2, 3]) conv0 = tf.reshape(conv0, shape=[-1, 12, 192, 256]) conv0 = tf.transpose(conv0, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) conv1 = conv2d(conv0, weights["wc1"], biases["bc1"], strides=2) conv2 = conv2d(conv1, weights["wc2"], biases["bc2"], strides=2) conv3 = conv2d(conv2, weights["wc3"], biases["bc3"], strides=2) conv4 = conv2d(conv3, weights["wc4"], biases["bc4"], strides=2) conv5 = conv2d(conv4, weights["wc5"], biases["bc5"], strides=2) conv6 = conv2d(conv5, weights["wc6"], biases["bc6"], strides=2) fc1 = flatten(conv6) fc1 = dense(fc1, weights["wd1"], biases["bd1"]) fc2 = dense(fc1, weights["wd2"], biases["bd2"]) fc3 = dense(fc2, weights["wd3"], biases["bd3"]) out = tf.add(tf.matmul(fc3, weights["out"]), biases["bias_out"]) return out
def __init__(self, sess, input_shape, num_actions, reuse=False, is_training=True, name='train'): super().__init__(sess, reuse) self.initial_state = [] with tf.name_scope(name + "policy_input"): self.X_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, input_shape) with tf.variable_scope("policy", reuse=reuse): conv1 = conv2d('conv1', tf.cast(self.X_input, tf.float32) / 255., num_filters=32, kernel_size=(8, 8), padding='VALID', stride=(4, 4), initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) conv2 = conv2d('conv2', conv1, num_filters=64, kernel_size=(4, 4), padding='VALID', stride=(2, 2), initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) conv3 = conv2d('conv3', conv2, num_filters=64, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='VALID', stride=(1, 1), initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) conv3_flattened = flatten(conv3) fc4 = dense('fc4', conv3_flattened, output_dim=512, initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) self.policy_logits = dense('policy_logits', fc4, output_dim=num_actions, initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(1.0)), is_training=is_training) self.value_function = dense('value_function', fc4, output_dim=1, initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(1.0)), is_training=is_training) with tf.name_scope('value'): self.value_s = self.value_function[:, 0] with tf.name_scope('action'): self.action_s = noise_and_argmax(self.policy_logits)
def decoder(self, z, training=True, reuse=None, name=None): # [None, z_dim] --> [None, 1024] h = dense(z, 1024, reuse=reuse, name='d_dense_1') h = batch_norm(h, training=training, reuse=reuse, name='d_bn_1') h = tf.nn.relu(h) # [None, 1024] --> [None, 7*7*128] h = dense(h, self.min_res*self.min_res*self.min_chans, reuse=reuse, name='d_dense_2') h = batch_norm(h, training=training, reuse=reuse, name='d_bn_2') h = tf.nn.relu(h) # [None, 7*7*128] --> [None, 7, 7, 128] h = tf.reshape(h, [-1, self.min_res, self.min_res, self.min_chans]) # [None, 7, 7, 128] --> [None, 14, 14, 64] h = conv2d_transpose(h, 64, kernel_size=4, strides=2, reuse=reuse, name='d_tconv_1') h = batch_norm(h, training=training, reuse=reuse, name='d_bn_3') h = tf.nn.relu(h) # [None, 14, 14, 64] --> [None, 28, 28, 1] h = conv2d_transpose(h, 1, kernel_size=4, strides=2, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, reuse=reuse, name='d_tconv_2') # Assign name to final output return tf.identity(h, name=name)
def build_model(t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, optimizer): ''' Build the whole model for training ''' x = tensor.tensor3('x', config.floatX) mask_x = tensor.matrix('mask_x', 'int8') # Encoder(s) and initialization of hidden layer enc = gru(mask_x, dropout(x), t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, 'enc')[-1] init_h = tensor.tanh(dense(enc, t_params, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, 'init_h')) y = tensor.matrix('y', 'int32') mask_y = tensor.matrix('mask_y', 'int8') n_steps, n_samples = y.shape # Word embedding emb = embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb').reshape((n_steps, n_samples, n_dim_txt))[: -1] emb = tensor.concatenate([tensor.zeros((1, n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX), emb]) # Decoder(s) dec = gru(mask_y, emb, t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_dec, 'dec', init_h=init_h) # Full-connected layer fc = dense(dropout(dec), t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc') # Classifier prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc.reshape((n_steps * n_samples, n_dim_vocab))) # Cost function cost = prob[tensor.arange(n_steps * n_samples), y.flatten()].reshape((n_steps, n_samples)) cost = ((-tensor.log(cost + 1e-6) * mask_y).sum(0) / mask_y.astype(config.floatX).sum(0)).mean() grads = tensor.grad(cost, list(t_params.values())) f_cost, f_update = optimizer(tensor.scalar('lr'), t_params, grads, [x, mask_x, y, mask_y], cost) return f_cost, f_update
def __call__(self, x, reuse=True): with tf.variable_scope( as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() _x = dense(x, 500, activation_='lrelu') _x = dense(_x, 500, activation_='lrelu') _x = dense(_x, 1, activation_=None) return _x
def __call__(self, x, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope( as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() with tf.variable_scope('Encoder'): _x = conv_block(x, filters=16, sampling='same', **self.conv_block_params) _x = conv_block(_x, filters=16, sampling='down', **self.conv_block_params) _x = conv_block(_x, filters=32, sampling='same', **self.conv_block_params) _x = conv_block(_x, filters=32, sampling='down', **self.conv_block_params) current_shape = _x.get_shape().as_list()[1:] _x = flatten(_x) _x = dense(_x, 512, activation_='lrelu') encoded = dense(_x, self.latent_dim) with tf.variable_scope('Decoder'): _x = dense(encoded, 512, activation_='lrelu') _x = dense(_x, current_shape[0] * current_shape[1] * current_shape[2], activation_='lrelu') _x = reshape(_x, current_shape) _x = conv_block(_x, filters=32, sampling=self.upsampling, **self.conv_block_params) _x = conv_block(_x, filters=16, sampling='same', **self.conv_block_params) _x = conv_block(_x, filters=16, sampling=self.upsampling, **self.conv_block_params) _x = conv_block(_x,, sampling='same', **self.last_conv_block_params) return encoded, _x
def add_prediction_op(self): """Applies a GRU RNN over the input data, then an affine layer projection. Steps to complete in this function: - Roll over inputs_placeholder with GRUCell, producing a Tensor of shape [batch_s, max_timestep, hidden_size]. - Apply a W * f + b transformation over the data, where f is each hidden layer feature. This should produce a Tensor of shape [batch_s, max_timesteps, num_classes]. Set this result to "logits". Remember: * Use the xavier initialization for matrices (W, but not b). * W should be shape [hidden_size, num_classes]. """ # Non-recurrent hidden layers inputs = self.inputs_placeholder for i in range(self.config.num_hidden_layers): with tf.variable_scope('hidden%d' % (i + 1)) as vs: inputs = layers.dense(inputs=inputs, output_size=self.config.hidden_size, activation=tf.nn.relu) # Construct forward and backward cells of bidirectional RNN fwdcell = layers.FactorizedLSTMCell( self.config.hidden_size, num_proj=self.config.svd_rank, activation=self.config.activation_func, ) bckcell = layers.FactorizedLSTMCell( self.config.hidden_size, num_proj=self.config.svd_rank, activation=self.config.activation_func, ) # TODO: look into non-zero initial hidden states? rnn_outputs, rnn_last_states = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( fwdcell, bckcell, inputs=inputs, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=self.seq_lens_placeholder) # Reuse projection matrices with tf.variable_scope('final'): with tf.variable_scope('fw'): fw_logits = layers.dense( inputs=rnn_outputs[0], output_size=self.config.num_classes, bias=True, ) with tf.variable_scope('bw'): bw_logits = layers.dense( inputs=rnn_outputs[1], output_size=self.config.num_classes, bias=False, ) self.logits = fw_logits + bw_logits
def __call__(self, x): x = tf.cast(x, dtype=tf.float32) self.conv1 = ll.conv2dx(x, self.model_weights[0], 1) # 1st Layer self.conv1 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv1, self.model_weights[1], 1) self.conv1 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv1, self.model_weights[2], 1) self.pool1 = ll.maxpool(self.conv1, 2, 2) self.conv2 = ll.conv2dx(self.pool1, self.model_weights[3], 1) # 2nd Layer self.conv2 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv2, self.model_weights[4], 1) self.conv2 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv2, self.model_weights[5], 1) self.pool2 = ll.maxpool(self.conv2, 2, 2) self.conv3 = ll.conv2dx(self.pool2, self.model_weights[6], 1) # 3rd Layer self.conv3 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv3, self.model_weights[7], 1) self.conv3 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv3, self.model_weights[8], 1) self.pool3 = ll.maxpool(self.conv3, 2, 2) self.conv4 = ll.conv2dx(self.pool3, self.model_weights[9], 1) # 4th Layer self.conv4 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv4, self.model_weights[10], 1) self.conv4 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv4, self.model_weights[11], 1) self.pool4 = ll.maxpool(self.conv4, 2, 2) self.conv5 = ll.conv2dx(self.pool4, self.model_weights[12], 1) # 5th Layer self.conv5 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv5, self.model_weights[13], 1) self.conv5 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv5, self.model_weights[14], 1) self.pool5 = ll.maxpool(self.conv5, 2, 2) self.conv6 = ll.conv2dx(self.pool5, self.model_weights[15], 1) # 6th Layer self.conv6 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv6, self.model_weights[16], 1) self.conv6 = ll.conv2dx(self.conv6, self.model_weights[17], 1) self.pool6 = ll.maxpool(self.conv6, 2, 2) self.flatten_layer = tf.reshape(self.pool6, shape=(tf.shape(self.pool6)[0], -1)) # flatten self.dense1 = ll.dense(self.flatten_layer, self.model_weights[18], self.dropout_rate) self.dense2 = ll.dense(self.dense1, self.model_weights[19], self.dropout_rate) self.dense3 = ll.dense(self.dense2, self.model_weights[20], self.dropout_rate) self.dense4 = ll.dense(self.dense3, self.model_weights[21], self.dropout_rate) self.dense5 = ll.dense(self.dense4, self.model_weights[22], self.dropout_rate) self.dense6 = tf.matmul(self.dense5, self.model_weights[23]) return tf.nn.softmax(self.dense6)
def __init__(self): self._epochs = 20 self._learning_rate = 0.01 self._batch_size = 20 self._data = self.getData() self._model = layers.Model(lr=self._learning_rate, blr=self._learning_rate) self._model.add_layer( layers.conv(ems=1, nodes=20, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation_function_="relu")) self._model.add_layer( layers.conv(ems=20, nodes=20, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation_function_="relu")) self._model.add_layer(layers.max_pool(kernel_size=2)) self._model.add_layer( layers.conv(ems=20, nodes=12, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation_function_="relu")) self._model.add_layer( layers.conv(ems=12, nodes=12, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation_function_="relu")) self._model.add_layer(layers.max_pool(kernel_size=2)) self._model.add_layer( layers.conv(ems=12, nodes=6, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation_function_="relu")) self._model.add_layer( layers.conv(ems=6, nodes=6, kernel_size=3, padding=1, activation_function_="relu")) self._model.add_layer(layers.max_pool(kernel_size=2)) self._model.add_layer(layers.dense(eis=96, nodes=48, act_func="tanh")) self._model.add_layer(layers.dense(eis=48, nodes=3, act_func="none"))
def add_prediction_op(self): """Applies a GRU RNN over the input data, then an affine layer projection. Steps to complete in this function: - Roll over inputs_placeholder with GRUCell, producing a Tensor of shape [batch_s, max_timestep, hidden_size]. - Apply a W * f + b transformation over the data, where f is each hidden layer feature. This should produce a Tensor of shape [batch_s, max_timesteps, num_classes]. Set this result to "logits". Remember: * Use the xavier initialization for matrices (W, but not b). * W should be shape [hidden_size, num_classes]. """ # Non-recurrent hidden layers inputs = self.inputs_placeholder for i in range(self.config.num_hidden_layers): with tf.variable_scope('hidden%d' % (i + 1)) as vs: inputs = layers.dense(inputs=inputs, output_size=self.config.hidden_size, activation=tf.nn.relu) # Construct forward and backward cells of bidirectional RNN construct_cell = getattr(tf.contrib.rnn, self.config.cell_type) fwdcell = construct_cell( self.config.hidden_size, activation=self.config.activation_func, ) bckcell = construct_cell( self.config.hidden_size, activation=self.config.activation_func, ) # TODO: look into non-zero initial hidden states? rnn_outputs, rnn_last_states = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( fwdcell, bckcell, inputs=inputs, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=self.seq_lens_placeholder) # Concatenate the forward and backward hidden states together for the scores # scores.shape = [batch_s, max_timestep, 2*num_hidden] scores = tf.concat([rnn_outputs[0], rnn_outputs[1]], axis=2, name='scores') # Push the scores through an affine layer # logits.shape = [batch_s, max_timestep, num_classes] with tf.variable_scope('final') as vs: self.logits = layers.dense(inputs=scores, output_size=self.config.num_classes)
def _build(self): layer = self.input_state init_b = tf.constant_initializer(0.01) for i, num_unit in enumerate(self.hidden_layers): if i != 1: layer = dense(layer, num_unit, init_b=init_b, name='hidden_layer_{}'.format(i)) else: layer = tf.concat([layer, self.input_action], axis=1, name='concat_action') layer = dense(layer, num_unit, init_b=init_b, name='hidden_layer_{}'.format(i)) output = dense(layer, 1, activation=None, init_b=init_b, name='output') return tf.reshape(output, shape=(-1,))
def __call__(self, x, is_training=True, reuse=False, *args, **kwargs): with tf.variable_scope(self.__class__.__name__) as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() conv_params = {'is_training': is_training, 'activation_': 'relu'} x = conv_block(x, 16, **conv_params) x = conv_block(x, 16, **conv_params, sampling='pool') x = conv_block(x, 32, **conv_params) x = conv_block(x, 32, **conv_params, sampling='pool') x = flatten(x) x = dense(x, 512, activation_='relu') x = dense(x, self.nb_classes) return x
def encoder(current, reuse_variables=False): """ Creates encoder network. @param current: tensor of size 96x96x3 @return: tensor of size config.num_z_channels """ if reuse_variables: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() with tf.variable_scope("encoder") as scope: # -- transposed convolutional layer 1-4 for index, num_filters in enumerate([64, 128, 256, 512]): name = 'E_conv' + str(index) current = conv2d(current, num_filters, name=name, reuse=reuse_variables) current = tf.nn.relu(current) # reshape current = tf.reshape(current, [size_batch, -1]) # -- fc layer name = 'E_fc' current = dense(current, num_z_channels, name=name, reuse=reuse_variables) return tf.nn.tanh(current)
def build_dec(t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, beam_size): ''' Build the decoder for texts ''' def _step(_prob): _y = _prob.argmax(-1) _log_prob = tensor.log(_prob[tensor.arange(_y.shape[0]), _y] + 1e-6) tensor.set_subtensor(_prob[tensor.arange(_y.shape[0]), _y], 0) return _y, _log_prob y = tensor.vector('y', 'int32') init_h = tensor.matrix('init_h', config.floatX) n_samples = y.shape[0] # Word embedding emb = tensor.switch(y[:, None] < 0, tensor.zeros((n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX), embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb')) # Decoder(s) - Initialization of hidden layer in the next step next_h = gru(tensor.ones_like(y, 'int8'), emb, t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_dec, 'dec', True, init_h) # Full-connected layer fc = dense(0.5 * next_h, t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc') # Classifier prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc) # Hypo words [next_y, next_log_prob], _ = theano.scan(_step, non_sequences=prob, n_steps=beam_size) return theano.function([y, init_h], [next_y, next_log_prob, next_h], name='f_dec')
def __call__(self, x, reuse=True, is_feature=False, is_training=True): nb_downsampling = int(np.log2(self.input_shape[0] // 4)) with tf.variable_scope(, reuse=reuse) as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() _x = x first_filters = 32 for i in range(nb_downsampling): filters = first_filters * (2**i) _x = conv_block(_x, is_training=is_training, filters=filters, activation_='lrelu', sampling='down', normalization=self.normalization) _x = flatten(_x) if self.normalization == 'spectral': _x = sn_dense(_x, is_training=is_training, units=1, activation_=None) else: _x = dense(_x, units=1, activation_=None) return _x
def first_block(x, target_size, noise_dim, upsampling='deconv', normalization='batch', is_training=True): if upsampling == 'deconv': _x = reshape(x, (1, 1, noise_dim)) _x = conv2d_transpose(_x, 1024, target_size, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid') elif upsampling == 'dense': _x = dense(x, target_size[0] * target_size[1] * 1024) _x = reshape(_x, (target_size[1], target_size[0], 1024)) else: raise ValueError if normalization == 'batch': _x = batch_norm(_x, is_training=is_training) elif normalization == 'layer': _x = layer_norm(_x, is_training=is_training) elif normalization is None: pass else: raise ValueError _x = activation(_x, 'relu') return _x
def discriminator(self, img, const_init=False, trainable=True, reuse=False): # (n, 1, 28, 28) h0 = layers.conv2d( img, 64, 5, name="d_conv1", const_init=const_init, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse, ) h0 = flow.nn.leaky_relu(h0, 0.3) h0 = flow.nn.dropout(h0, rate=0.3) # (n, 64, 14, 14) h1 = layers.conv2d( h0, 128, 5, name="d_conv2", const_init=const_init, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse, ) h1 = flow.nn.leaky_relu(h1, 0.3) h1 = flow.nn.dropout(h1, rate=0.3) # (n, 128 * 7 * 7) out = flow.reshape(h1, (self.batch_size, -1)) # (n, 1) out = layers.dense( out, 1, name="d_fc", const_init=const_init, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse ) return out
def get_opt_dict(self): x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.hw, self.hw]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, ]) is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=[]) embedding = self.encoder(tf.expand_dims(x,-1)) attn = None if self.use_attn: embedding, attn = self.attention(embedding) else: embedding = tf.reduce_mean( tf.expand_dims(embedding, axis=0), axis=1) logits = dense(embedding, 1) logits = tf.reshape(logits, [-1]) loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=logits)) var_total = tf.trainable_variables() decay_var = [v for v in var_total if 'kernel' in] optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.AdamWOptimizer( weight_decay=self.wd, train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss=loss, var_list=var_total, decay_var_list=decay_var) return EasyDict( x=x, y=y, is_training=is_training, attn=attn, logits=logits, loss=loss, train_op=train_op)
def discriminator_img(current, valence, arousal, reuse_variables=False): """ Creates discriminator network on generated image + desired emotion. @param current: tensor of size 96x96x3 @param valence: tensor of size 1 @param arousal: tensor of size 1 @return: sigmoid(output), output (output tensor is of size 1) """ if reuse_variables: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() with tf.variable_scope("discriminator_img") as scope: # -- convolutional blocks (= convolution+batch_norm+relu) 1-4 for index, num_filters in enumerate([16, 32, 64, 128]): # convolution name = 'D_img_conv' + str(index + 1) current = conv2d(current, num_filters, name=name, reuse=reuse_variables) # batch normalization name = 'D_img_bn' + str(index + 1) current = batch_norm(current, name, reuse=reuse_variables) # relu activation current = tf.nn.relu(current) if index == 0: current = concat_label(current, valence, 16) current = concat_label(current, arousal, 16) # reshape current = tf.reshape(current, [size_batch, -1]) # -- fc 1 name = 'D_img_fc1' current = lrelu(dense(current, 1024, name=name, reuse=reuse_variables)) # -- fc 2 name = 'D_img_fc2' current = dense(current, 1, name=name, reuse=reuse_variables) return tf.nn.sigmoid(current), current
def _build(self): layer = self.x init_b = tf.constant_initializer(0.01) for i, num_unit in enumerate(self.hidden_layers): layer = dense(layer, num_unit, init_b=init_b, name='hidden_layer_{}'.format(i)) output = dense(layer, self.output_dim, activation=self.activation, init_b=init_b, name='output') return output
def encoder(self, x): out = conv2d(x, 20, 5, activation=tf.nn.relu) out = max_pool(out, 2, 2) out = conv2d(out, 50, 5, activation=tf.nn.relu) out = max_pool(out, 2, 2) out = tf.layers.flatten(out) out = dense(out, 500, activation=tf.nn.relu) return out
def __init__(self): conv_stride = [4, 4] self.conv1 = layers.conv2d(filters=96, kernel=[11, 11], padding='SAME', name='conv1', activation='relu', normalization='local_response_normalization', stride=conv_stride) self.conv2 = layers.conv2d(filters=256, kernel=[5, 5], padding='SAME', name='conv2', activation='relu', normalization="local_response_normalization", stride=[1, 1]) self.conv1 = layers.conv2d(filters=96, kernel=[11, 11], padding='SAME', name='conv1', activation='relu', normalization='local_response_normalization', stride=conv_stride) self.conv2 = layers.conv2d(filters=256, kernel=[5, 5], padding='SAME', name='conv2', activation='relu', normalization="local_response_normalization", stride=[1, 1]) self.conv3 = layers.conv2d(filters=384, kernel=[3, 3], padding='SAME', name='conv3', activation='relu', stride=[1, 1]) self.conv4 = layers.conv2d(filters=384, kernel=[3, 3], padding='SAME', name='conv4', activation='relu', stride=[1, 1]) self.conv5 = layers.conv2d(filters=256, kernel=[3, 3], padding='SAME', name='conv5', activation='relu', stride=[1, 1]) self.fc6 = layers.dense(4096, activation='relu', dropout=True, name='fc6') self.fc7 = layers.dense(4096, activation='relu', dropout=True, name='fc7') self.fc8 = layers.dense(1000, activation='relu', name='fc8') self.max_pool1 = layers.max_pool2d(ksize=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2]) self.max_pool2 = layers.max_pool2d(ksize=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2]) self.max_pool5 = layers.max_pool2d(ksize=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2])
def build(self, input_shape=(28, 28, 1), classes=10): inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape) outputs = flatten()(inputs) outputs = dense(300)(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = dense(100)(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = dense(10)(outputs) outputs = softmax()(outputs) model = keras.Model(inputs, outputs) model.summary() return model
def classifier_aux(self, inputs, classes): filters = 128 outputs = average_pooling2d(pool_size=(5, 5), strides=3, padding='valid')(inputs) outputs = conv2d(filters=filters, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=1, padding='same')(outputs) outputs = flatten()(outputs) outputs = relu()(outputs) outputs = dense(1024)(outputs) outputs = relu()(outputs) outputs = dropout(0.7)(outputs) outputs = dense(classes)(outputs) outputs = softmax()(outputs) return outputs
def __call__(self, x, reuse=True, is_feature=False): with tf.variable_scope( as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() x = conv_block(x, 32, kernel_size=(4, 4), sampling='down', **self.conv_kwargs) for i in range(2): x = discriminator_block(x, 32, **self.conv_kwargs) x = conv_block(x, 64, kernel_size=(4, 4), sampling='down', **self.conv_kwargs) for i in range(4): x = discriminator_block(x, 64, **self.conv_kwargs) x = conv_block(x, 128, kernel_size=(4, 4), sampling='down', **self.conv_kwargs) for i in range(4): x = discriminator_block(x, 128, **self.conv_kwargs) x = conv_block(x, 256, kernel_size=(4, 4), sampling='down', **self.conv_kwargs) for i in range(4): x = discriminator_block(x, 256, **self.conv_kwargs) x = conv_block(x, 512, kernel_size=(4, 4), sampling='down', **self.conv_kwargs) for i in range(4): x = discriminator_block(x, 512, **self.conv_kwargs) x = conv_block(x, 1024, kernel_size=(4, 4), sampling='down', **self.conv_kwargs) if is_feature: return x x = global_average_pool2d(x) x = dense(x, units=1, activation_=None) return x
def __call__(self, x, is_training=True, reuse=False, *args, **kwargs): with tf.variable_scope(self.__class__.__name__) as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() conv_params = {'is_training': is_training, 'activation_': 'relu', 'normalization': 'batch'} x = conv_block(x, 64, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.3) x = conv_block(x, 64, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.3) x = conv_block(x, 128, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 128, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 256, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 256, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 256, **conv_params) l1 = x x = max_pool2d(x) x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params) l2 = x x = max_pool2d(x) x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params, dropout_rate=0.4) x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params) l3 = x x = max_pool2d(x) x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params, sampling='pool') x = conv_block(x, 512, **conv_params, sampling='pool') x = flatten(x) g = dense(x, 512, activation_='relu') x, attentions = attention_module([l1, l2, l3], g) x = dense(x, self.nb_classes) return x, attentions
def classifier_main(self, inputs, classes): outputs = average_pooling2d(pool_size=(7, 7), strides=1, padding='valid')(inputs) outputs = flatten()(outputs) outputs = dropout(0.4)(outputs) outputs = dense(classes)(outputs) outputs = softmax()(outputs) return outputs
def build_enc(t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec): ''' Build the encoder for images ''' x = tensor.tensor3('x', config.floatX) mask_x = tensor.matrix('mask_x', 'int8') # Encoder(s) and initialization of hidden layer enc = gru(mask_x, 0.5 * x, t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, 'enc')[-1] init_h = tensor.tanh(dense(enc, t_params, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, 'init_h')) return theano.function([x, mask_x], [init_h], name='f_enc')
def build_dec(t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab): ''' Build the decoder for texts ''' y = tensor.vector('y', 'int32') prev_h = tensor.matrix('init_h', config.floatX) n_samples = y.shape[0] # Word embedding emb = tensor.switch(y[:, None] < 0, tensor.zeros((n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX), embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb')) # Decoder(s) - Initialization of hidden layer in the next step next_h = gru(tensor.ones_like(y, 'int8'), emb, t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_dec, 'dec', True, prev_h) # Full-connected layer fc = dense(0.5 * next_h, t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc') # Classifier prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc) return theano.function([y, prev_h], [prob.argmax(-1), next_h], name='f_dec')