Пример #1
def chamfer_callback(event):
    '''Initiates the chamfer tool based on existing settings.'''
    net = None
    layer = None
    center = pcbnew.wxPoint(0, 0)
    spads = Layout.get_selected_pads()
    stracks = Layout.get_selected_tracks()
    if len(spads) == 2:
        if spads[0].GetNetname() != spads[1].GetNetname():
            gui.menu_dialog('Pads must be assigned\nto the same net.')
        net = spads[0].GetNet()
        layer = spads[0].GetParent().GetLayer()

        p0 = spads[0].GetPosition()
        p1 = spads[1].GetPosition()

        center = pcbnew.wxPoint((p0.x + p1.x)/2, (p0.y + p1.y)/2)
    elif len(stracks) == 2:
        if stracks[0].GetNetname() != stracks[1].GetNetname():
            gui.menu_dialog('Tracks must be assigned\nto the same net.')
        net = stracks[0].GetNet()
        layer = stracks[0].GetLayer()

        # Find closest selected endpoints
        p0, p1 = Layout.closest_track_endpoints(stracks)
        center = pcbnew.wxPoint((p0.x + p1.x)/2, (p0.y + p1.y)/2)
    elif len(stracks) == 1 and len(spads) == 1:
        net = stracks[0].GetNet()
        layer = stracks[0].GetLayer()

        # Find closest endpoints
        p0, p1 = Layout.closest_track_pad_endpoints(spads[0], stracks[0])
        center = pcbnew.wxPoint((p0.x + p1.x)/2, (p0.y + p1.y)/2)
        gui.menu_dialog('Select two tracks, two pads, or a track and pad.')

    cfgSettings = settings.ChamferSettings()
    lw = float(cfgSettings.lineWidth)
    bh = float(cfgSettings.boardHeight)
    ca = float(cfgSettings.chamferAngle)
    if cfgSettings.lineUnit == '1': lw = lw * 0.0254
    elif cfgSettings.lineUnit == '2': lw = lw * 25.4
    if cfgSettings.heightUnit == '1': bh = bh * 0.0254
    elif cfgSettings.heightUnit == '2': bh = bh * 25.4
    if cfgSettings.angleUnit == '1': ca = ca * 57.2958

    c = chamfer.Chamfer(lw, bh, ca, net, layer)
Пример #2
def taper_callback(event):
    net = None
    layer = None
    center = pcbnew.wxPoint(0, 0)
    spads = Layout.get_selected_pads()
    stracks = Layout.get_selected_tracks()
    if len(spads) == 2:
        if spads[0].GetNetname() != spads[1].GetNetname():
            gui.menu_dialog('Pads must be assigned\nto the same net.')
        net = spads[0].GetNet()
        layer = spads[0].GetParent().GetLayer()

        p0 = spads[0].GetPosition()
        p1 = spads[1].GetPosition()

        center = pcbnew.wxPoint((p0.x + p1.x)/2, (p0.y + p1.y)/2)
    elif len(stracks) == 2:
        if stracks[0].GetNetname() != stracks[1].GetNetname():
            gui.menu_dialog('Tracks must be assigned\nto the same net.')
        net = stracks[0].GetNet()
        layer = stracks[0].GetLayer()

        # Find closest selected endpoints
        p0, p1 = Layout.closest_track_endpoints(stracks)
        center = pcbnew.wxPoint((p0.x + p1.x)/2, (p0.y + p1.y)/2)
    elif len(stracks) == 1 and len(spads) == 1:
        net = stracks[0].GetNet()
        layer = stracks[0].GetLayer()

        # Find closest endpoints
        p0, p1 = Layout.closest_track_pad_endpoints(spads[0], stracks[0])
        center = pcbnew.wxPoint((p0.x + p1.x)/2, (p0.y + p1.y)/2)
        gui.menu_dialog('Select two tracks, two pads, or a track and pad.')

    cfgSettings = settings.TaperSettings()

    w1 = float(cfgSettings.width1)
    w2 = float(cfgSettings.width2)
    length = float(cfgSettings.length)
    # if not cfgSettings.width1Auto:
    #     # w1 should be extracted from the largest pad
    # if not cfgSettings.width2Auto:
    #     # w2 should be extracted from the largest pad
    # if not cfgSettings.lengthAuto:
    #     # length should be calculated from the distance from pad/track to pad/track
    #     # need to figure out track endpoint; it will be closest to other object
    if cfgSettings.width1Unit == '1': w1 = w1 * 0.0254
    elif cfgSettings.width1Unit == '2': w1 = w1 * 25.4
    if cfgSettings.width2Unit == '1': w2 = w2 * 0.0254
    elif cfgSettings.width2Unit == '2': w2 = w2 * 25.4
    if cfgSettings.lengthUnit == '1': length = length * 0.0254
    elif cfgSettings.lengthUnit == '2': length = length * 25.4

    t = taper.Taper(w1, w2, length, net, layer)