Пример #1
    def lookup_xml_id(self, url):
        """A helper method for locating a part of a WADL document.

        :param url: The URL (with anchor) of the desired part of the
        WADL document.
        :return: The XML ID corresponding to the anchor.
        markup_uri = URI(self.markup_url).ensureNoSlash()
        markup_uri.fragment = None

        if url.startswith('http'):
            # It's an absolute URI.
            this_uri = URI(url).ensureNoSlash()
            # It's a relative URI.
            this_uri = markup_uri.resolve(url)
        possible_xml_id = this_uri.fragment
        this_uri.fragment = None

        if this_uri == markup_uri:
            # The URL pointed elsewhere within the same WADL document.
            # Return its fragment.
            return possible_xml_id

        # XXX leonardr 2008-05-28:
        # This needs to be implemented eventually for Launchpad so
        # that a script using this client can navigate from a WADL
        # representation of a non-root resource to its definition at
        # the server root.
        raise NotImplementedError("Can't look up definition in another "
                                  "url (%s)" % url)
    def _validate(self, value):
        # import here to avoid circular import
        from lp.services.webapp import canonical_url
        from lazr.uri import URI

        super(DistroMirrorURIField, self)._validate(value)
        uri = URI(self.normalize(value))

        # This field is also used when creating new mirrors and in that case
        # self.context is not an IDistributionMirror so it doesn't make sense
        # to try to get the existing value of the attribute.
        if IDistributionMirror.providedBy(self.context):
            orig_value = self.get(self.context)
            if orig_value is not None and URI(orig_value) == uri:
                return  # url was not changed

        mirror = self.getMirrorByURI(str(uri))
        if mirror is not None:
            message = _(
                'The distribution mirror <a href="${url}">${mirror}</a> '
                'is already registered with this URL.',
                    'url': html_escape(canonical_url(mirror)),
                    'mirror': html_escape(mirror.title)
            raise LaunchpadValidationError(structured(message))
Пример #3
def compose_public_url(scheme, unique_name, suffix=None):
    # Accept sftp as a legacy protocol.
    accepted_schemes = set(SUPPORTED_SCHEMES)
    assert scheme in accepted_schemes, "Unknown scheme: %s" % scheme
    host = URI(config.codehosting.supermirror_root).host
    # After quoting and encoding, the path should be perfectly
    # safe as a plain ASCII string, str() just enforces this
    path = '/' + str(urllib.quote(six.ensure_binary(unique_name), safe='/~+'))
    if suffix:
        path = os.path.join(path, suffix)
    return str(URI(scheme=scheme, host=host, path=path))
    def _test_one_semaphore_for_each_host(self, mirror1, mirror2, mirror3,
        """Check that we create one semaphore per host when probing the given
        mirrors using the given probe_function.

        mirror1.base_url and mirror2.base_url must be on the same host while
        mirror3.base_url must be on a different one.

        The given probe_function must be either probe_cdimage_mirror or
        request_manager = RequestManager()
        mirror1_host = URI(mirror1.base_url).host
        mirror2_host = URI(mirror2.base_url).host
        mirror3_host = URI(mirror3.base_url).host

        probe_function(mirror1, StringIO(), [], logging)
        # Since we have a single mirror to probe we need to have a single
        # DeferredSemaphore with a limit of PER_HOST_REQUESTS, to ensure we
        # don't issue too many simultaneous connections on that host.
        self.assertEquals(len(request_manager.host_locks), 1)
        multi_lock = request_manager.host_locks[mirror1_host]
        self.assertEquals(multi_lock.host_lock.limit, PER_HOST_REQUESTS)
        # Note that our multi_lock contains another semaphore to control the
        # overall number of requests.
        self.assertEquals(multi_lock.overall_lock.limit, OVERALL_REQUESTS)

        probe_function(mirror2, StringIO(), [], logging)
        # Now we have two mirrors to probe, but they have the same hostname,
        # so we'll still have a single semaphore in host_semaphores.
        self.assertEquals(mirror2_host, mirror1_host)
        self.assertEquals(len(request_manager.host_locks), 1)
        multi_lock = request_manager.host_locks[mirror2_host]
        self.assertEquals(multi_lock.host_lock.limit, PER_HOST_REQUESTS)

        probe_function(mirror3, StringIO(), [], logging)
        # This third mirror is on a separate host, so we'll have a second
        # semaphore added to host_semaphores.
        self.failUnless(mirror3_host != mirror1_host)
        self.assertEquals(len(request_manager.host_locks), 2)
        multi_lock = request_manager.host_locks[mirror3_host]
        self.assertEquals(multi_lock.host_lock.limit, PER_HOST_REQUESTS)

        # When using an http_proxy, even though we'll actually connect to the
        # proxy, we'll use the mirror's host as the key to find the semaphore
        # that should be used
        orig_proxy = os.getenv('http_proxy')
        os.environ['http_proxy'] = 'http://squid.internal:3128/'
        probe_function(mirror3, StringIO(), [], logging)
        self.assertEquals(len(request_manager.host_locks), 2)
Пример #5
    def test_switch_branches(self):
        # switch_branches moves a branch to the new location and places a
        # branch (with no revisions) stacked on the new branch in the old
        # location.

        chroot_server = ChrootServer(self.get_transport())
        scheme = chroot_server.get_url().rstrip('/:')

        old_branch = FakeBranch(1)
        tree = self.make_branch_and_tree(old_branch.unique_name)
        # XXX: AaronBentley 2010-08-06 bug=614404: a bzr username is
        # required to generate the revision-id.
        with override_environ(BZR_EMAIL='*****@*****.**'):

        new_branch = FakeBranch(2)

        switch_branches('.', scheme, old_branch, new_branch)

        # Post conditions:
        # 1. unstacked branch in new_branch's location
        # 2. stacked branch with no revisions in repo at old_branch
        # 3. last_revision() the same for two branches

        old_location_bzrdir = BzrDir.open(
            str(URI(scheme=scheme, host='',
                    path='/' + old_branch.unique_name)))
        new_location_bzrdir = BzrDir.open(
            str(URI(scheme=scheme, host='',
                    path='/' + new_branch.unique_name)))

        old_location_branch = old_location_bzrdir.open_branch()
        new_location_branch = new_location_bzrdir.open_branch()

        # 1. unstacked branch in new_branch's location
        self.assertRaises(NotStacked, new_location_branch.get_stacked_on_url)

        # 2. stacked branch with no revisions in repo at old_branch
        self.assertEqual('/' + new_branch.unique_name,

        # 3. last_revision() the same for two branches
Пример #6
    def assertResolves(self, lp_url_path, public_branch_path, lp_path=None):
        """Assert that `lp_url_path` resolves to the specified paths.

        :param public_branch_path: The path that is accessible over http.
        :param lp_path: The short branch alias that will be resolved over
            bzr+ssh.  The branch alias prefix is prefixed to this path.
            If it is not set, the bzr+ssh resolved name will be checked
            against the public_branch_path instead.
        api = PublicCodehostingAPI(None, None)
        results = api.resolve_lp_path(lp_url_path)
        if lp_path is None:
            ssh_branch_path = public_branch_path
            if lp_path.startswith('~'):
                ssh_branch_path = lp_path
                ssh_branch_path = '%s/%s' % (BRANCH_ALIAS_PREFIX, lp_path)
        # This improves the error message if results happens to be a fault.
        if isinstance(results, LaunchpadFault):
            raise results
        for url in results['urls']:
            uri = URI(url)
            if uri.scheme == 'http':
                self.assertEqual('/' + public_branch_path, uri.path)
                self.assertEqual('/' + ssh_branch_path, uri.path)
Пример #7
 def test_normal_resolution(self):
     # Normal URI resolution examples from Section 5.4.1 of RFC 3986:
     base = URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?q')
     def resolve(relative):
         return str(base.resolve(relative))
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g:h'),     'g:h')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g'),       'http://a/b/c/g')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('./g'),     'http://a/b/c/g')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g/'),      'http://a/b/c/g/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('/g'),      'http://a/g')
     # The extra slash here comes from normalisation:
     self.assertEqual(resolve('//g'),     'http://g/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('?y'),      'http://a/b/c/d;p?y')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g?y'),     'http://a/b/c/g?y')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('#s'),      'http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g#s'),     'http://a/b/c/g#s')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g?y#s'),   'http://a/b/c/g?y#s')
     self.assertEqual(resolve(';x'),      'http://a/b/c/;x')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g;x'),     'http://a/b/c/g;x')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('g;x?y#s'), 'http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s')
     self.assertEqual(resolve(''),        'http://a/b/c/d;p?q')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('.'),       'http://a/b/c/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('./'),      'http://a/b/c/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('..'),      'http://a/b/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('../'),     'http://a/b/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('../g'),    'http://a/b/g')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('../..'),   'http://a/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('../../'),  'http://a/')
     self.assertEqual(resolve('../../g'), 'http://a/g')
Пример #8
 def test_underDomain_doesnt_match_non_subdomain(self):
     # URI.underDomain should return False when asked whether the url is
     # under a domain which isn't one of its parents.
     uri = URI('http://code.launchpad.dev/foo')
Пример #9
 def test_underDomain_matches_subdomain(self):
     # URI.underDomain should return True when asked whether the url is
     # under one of its parent domains.
     uri = URI('http://code.launchpad.dev/foo')
Пример #10
    def setRequestId(self, request, id):
        """As per CookieClientIdManager.setRequestID, except
        we force the domain key on the cookie to be set to allow our
        session to be shared between virtual hosts where possible, and
        we set the secure key to stop the session key being sent to
        insecure URLs like the Librarian.

        We also log the referrer url on creation of a new
        requestid so we can track where first time users arrive from.
        CookieClientIdManager.setRequestId(self, request, id)

        cookie = request.response.getCookie(self.namespace)
        uri = URI(request.getURL())

        # Forbid browsers from exposing it to JS.
        cookie['HttpOnly'] = True

        # Set secure flag on cookie.
        if uri.scheme != 'http':
            cookie['secure'] = True
            cookie['secure'] = False

        # Set domain attribute on cookie if vhosting requires it.
        cookie_domain = get_cookie_domain(uri.host)
        if cookie_domain is not None:
            cookie['domain'] = cookie_domain
Пример #11
    def makeBranchFromURL(self, url):
        """Make a mirrored branch for `url`.

        The product and owner of the branch are derived from information in
        the launchbag. The name of the branch is derived from the last segment
        of the URL and is guaranteed to be unique for the product.

        :param url: The URL to mirror.
        :return: An `IBranch`.
        # XXX: JonathanLange 2008-12-08 spec=package-branches: This method
        # needs to be rewritten to get the sourcepackage and distroseries out
        # of the launch bag.
        url = unicode(URI(url).ensureNoSlash())
        if getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUrl(url) is not None:
            raise AlreadyRegisteredError('Already a branch for %r' % url)
        # Make sure the URL is valid.
        product = self.getProduct()
        if product is None:
            raise NoProductError("Could not find product in LaunchBag.")
        owner = self.getPerson()
        name = self.getBranchNameFromURL(url)
        namespace = get_branch_namespace(person=owner, product=product)
        branch = namespace.createBranchWithPrefix(BranchType.MIRRORED,
            structured('Registered %s' %
        return branch
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, authorizer, service_root, cache=None,
                 timeout=None, proxy_info=None, version=None,
                 base_client_name='', max_retries=Browser.MAX_RETRIES):
        """Root access to a lazr.restful API.

        :param credentials: The credentials used to access the service.
        :param service_root: The URL to the root of the web service.
        :type service_root: string
        if version is not None:
            if service_root[-1] != '/':
                service_root += '/'
            service_root += str(version)
            if service_root[-1] != '/':
                service_root += '/'
        self._root_uri = URI(service_root)

        # Set up data necessary to calculate the User-Agent header.
        self._base_client_name = base_client_name

        # Get the WADL definition.
        self.credentials = authorizer
        self._browser = Browser(
            self, authorizer, cache, timeout, proxy_info, self._user_agent,
        self._wadl = self._browser.get_wadl_application(self._root_uri)

        # Get the root resource.
        root_resource = self._wadl.get_resource_by_path('')
        bound_root = root_resource.bind(
            self._browser.get(root_resource), 'application/json')
        super(ServiceRoot, self).__init__(None, bound_root)
Пример #13
    def _validate(self, value):
        """Ensure the value is a valid URI."""

        uri = URI(self.normalize(value))

        if self.allowed_schemes and uri.scheme not in self.allowed_schemes:
            raise LaunchpadValidationError(
                'The URI scheme "%s" is not allowed.  Only URIs with '
                'the following schemes may be used: %s'
                % (uri.scheme, ', '.join(sorted(self.allowed_schemes))))

        if not self.allow_userinfo and uri.userinfo is not None:
            raise LaunchpadValidationError(
                'A username may not be specified in the URI.')

        if not self.allow_port and uri.port is not None:
            raise LaunchpadValidationError(
                'Non-default ports are not allowed.')

        if not self.allow_query and uri.query is not None:
            raise LaunchpadValidationError(
                'URIs with query strings are not allowed.')

        if not self.allow_fragment and uri.fragment is not None:
            raise LaunchpadValidationError(
                'URIs with fragment identifiers are not allowed.')

        super(URIField, self)._validate(value)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, baseurl):
        """Create a new Roundup instance.

        :baseurl: The starting URL for accessing the remote Roundup
            bug tracker.

        The fields/columns to fetch from the remote bug tracker are
        derived based on the host part of the baseurl.
        super(Roundup, self).__init__(baseurl)
        self.host = URI(self.baseurl).host

        self._status_fields = (self._status_fields_map.get(
            self.host, ('status', )))
        fields = ('title', 'id', 'activity') + self._status_fields

        # Roundup is quite particular about URLs, so although several
        # of the parameters below seem redundant or irrelevant, they
        # are needed for compatibility with the broadest range of
        # Roundup instances in the wild. Test before changing them!
        self.query_base = [
            ("@action", "export_csv"),
            ("@columns", ",".join(fields)),
            ("@sort", "id"),
            ("@group", "priority"),
            ("@filter", "id"),
            ("@pagesize", "50"),
            ("@startwith", "0"),
Пример #15
def get_method_and_path(request):
    """Extract the method of the request and path of the requested file."""
    method, ignore, rest = request.partition(' ')
    # In the below, the common case is that `first` is the path and `last` is
    # the protocol.
    first, ignore, last = rest.rpartition(' ')
    if first == '':
        # HTTP 1.0 requests might omit the HTTP version so we cope with them.
        path = last
    elif not last.startswith('HTTP'):
        # We cope with HTTP 1.0 protocol without HTTP version *and* a
        # space in the path (see bug 676489 for example).
        path = rest
        # This is the common case.
        path = first
    if path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith('https://'):
            uri = URI(path)
            path = uri.path
        except InvalidURIError:
            # The URL is not valid, so we can't extract a path. Let it
            # pass through, where it will probably be skipped when no
            # download key can be determined.
    return method, path
Пример #16
    def items(self):
        """Return a list of `IBreadcrumb` objects visible in the hierarchy.

        The list starts with the breadcrumb closest to the hierarchy root.
        breadcrumbs = []
        for obj in self.objects:
            breadcrumb = IBreadcrumb(obj, None)
            if breadcrumb is not None:

        host = URI(self.request.getURL()).host
        mainhost = allvhosts.configs['mainsite'].hostname
        if (len(breadcrumbs) != 0 and
            host != mainhost and
            # We have breadcrumbs and we're not on the mainsite, so we'll
            # sneak an extra breadcrumb for the vhost we're on.
            vhost = host.split('.')[0]

            # Iterate over the context of our breadcrumbs in reverse order and
            # for the first one we find an adapter named after the vhost we're
            # on, generate an extra breadcrumb and insert it in our list.
            for idx, breadcrumb in reversed(list(enumerate(breadcrumbs))):
                extra_breadcrumb = queryAdapter(
                    breadcrumb.context, IBreadcrumb, name=vhost)
                if extra_breadcrumb is not None:
                    breadcrumbs.insert(idx + 1, extra_breadcrumb)
        if len(breadcrumbs) > 0:
            page_crumb = self.makeBreadcrumbForRequestedPage()
            if page_crumb:
        return breadcrumbs
Пример #17
    def initLink(self, linkname, request_url=None):
        link = self._get_link(linkname)
        link.name = linkname

        # Set the .enabled attribute of the link to False if it is not
        # in enable_only.
        if linkname not in self._enable_only_set:
            link.enabled = False

        # Set the .url attribute of the link, using the menu's context.
        if link.site is None:
            rootsite = self._contexturlobj.resolve('/')
            rootsite = self._rootUrlForSite(link.site)
        # Is the target a full URI already?
            link.url = URI(link.target)
        except InvalidURIError:
            if link.target.startswith('/'):
                link.url = rootsite.resolve(link.target)
                link.url = rootsite.resolve(self._contexturlobj.path).append(

        # Make the link unlinked if it is a link to the current page.
        if request_url is not None:
            if request_url.ensureSlash() == link.url.ensureSlash():
                link.linked = False

        idx = self.links.index(linkname)
        link.sort_key = idx
        return link
Пример #18
    def getByUrl(self, url):
        """See `IBranchLookup`."""
        if url is None:
            return None
        url = url.rstrip('/')
            uri = URI(url)
        except InvalidURIError:
            return None

        path = self.uriToHostingPath(uri)
        if path is not None:
            branch, trailing = self.getByHostingPath(path)
            if branch is not None:
                return branch

        if uri.scheme == 'lp':
            if not self._uriHostAllowed(uri):
                return None
                return self.getByLPPath(uri.path.lstrip('/'))[0]
            except (CannotHaveLinkedBranch, InvalidNamespace,
                    InvalidProductName, NoSuchBranch, NoSuchPerson,
                    NoSuchProduct, NoSuchProductSeries, NoSuchDistroSeries,
                    NoSuchSourcePackageName, NoLinkedBranch):
                return None

        return Branch.selectOneBy(url=url)
Пример #19
    def _init_link_data(self):
        if self._initialized:
        self._initialized = True
        links_set = set(self.links)
        assert not links_set.intersection(self._forbiddenlinknames), (
            "The following names may not be links: %s" %
            ', '.join(self._forbiddenlinknames))

        if isinstance(self.context, LaunchpadView):
            # It's a navigation menu for a view instead of a db object. Views
            # don't have a canonical URL, they use the db object one used as
            # the context for that view.
            context = self.context.context
            context = self.context

        self._contexturlobj = URI(canonical_url(context))

        if self.enable_only is ALL_LINKS:
            self._enable_only_set = links_set
            self._enable_only_set = set(self.enable_only)

        unknown_links = self._enable_only_set - links_set
        if len(unknown_links) > 0:
            # There are links named in enable_only that do not exist in
            # self.links.
            raise AssertionError(
                "Links in 'enable_only' not found in 'links': %s" %
                ', '.join(sorted(unknown_links)))
Пример #20
    def getNonRestrictedURL(self, request):
        """Returns the non-restricted version of the request URL.

        The intended use is for determining the equivalent URL on the
        production Launchpad instance if a user accidentally ends up
        on a restrict_to_team Launchpad instance.

        If a non-restricted URL can not be determined, None is returned.
        base_host = config.vhost.mainsite.hostname
        production_host = config.launchpad.non_restricted_hostname
        # If we don't have a production hostname, or it is the same as
        # this instance, then we can't provide a nonRestricted URL.
        if production_host is None or base_host == production_host:
            return None

        # Are we under the main site's domain?
        uri = URI(request.getURL())
        if not uri.host.endswith(base_host):
            return None

        # Update the hostname, and complete the URL from the request:
        new_host = uri.host[:-len(base_host)] + production_host
        uri = uri.replace(host=new_host, path=request['PATH_INFO'])
        query_string = request.get('QUERY_STRING')
        if query_string:
            uri = uri.replace(query=query_string)
        return str(uri)
Пример #21
def make_bugtracker_name(uri):
    """Return a name string for a bug tracker based on a URI.

    :param uri: The base URI to be used to identify the bug tracker,
        e.g. http://bugs.example.com or mailto:[email protected]
    base_uri = URI(uri)
    if base_uri.scheme == 'mailto':
        if valid_email(base_uri.path):
            base_name = base_uri.path.split('@', 1)[0]
            raise AssertionError(
                'Not a valid email address: %s' % base_uri.path)
    elif base_uri.host == 'github.com' and base_uri.path.endswith('/issues'):
        repository_id = base_uri.path[:-len('/issues')].lstrip('/')
        base_name = 'github-' + repository_id.replace('/', '-').lower()
    elif (('gitlab' in base_uri.host or
           base_uri.host == 'salsa.debian.org') and
        repository_id = base_uri.path[:-len('/issues')].lstrip('/')
        base_name = '%s-%s' % (
            base_uri.host, repository_id.replace('/', '-').lower())
        base_name = base_uri.host

    return 'auto-%s' % sanitize_name(base_name)
Пример #22
    def _normalize_stacked_on_url(self, branch):
        """Normalize and return the stacked-on location of `branch`.

        In the common case, `branch` will either be unstacked or stacked on a
        relative path, in which case this is very easy: just return the

        If `branch` is stacked on the absolute URL of another Launchpad
        branch, we normalize this to a relative path (mutating the branch) and
        return the relative path.

        If `branch` is stacked on some other absolute URL we don't recognise,
        we just return that and rely on the `branchChanged` XML-RPC method
        recording a complaint in the appropriate place.
        stacked_on_url = get_stacked_on_url(branch)
        if stacked_on_url is None:
            return None
        if '://' not in stacked_on_url:
            # Assume it's a relative path.
            return stacked_on_url
        uri = URI(stacked_on_url)
        if uri.scheme not in ['http', 'bzr+ssh', 'sftp']:
            return stacked_on_url
        launchpad_domain = config.vhost.mainsite.hostname
        if not uri.underDomain(launchpad_domain):
            return stacked_on_url
        # We use TransportConfig directly because the branch
        # is still locked at this point!  We're effectively
        # 'borrowing' the lock that is being released.
        branch_config = TransportConfig(branch._transport, 'branch.conf')
        branch_config.set_option(uri.path, 'stacked_on_location')
        return uri.path
Пример #23
    def lp_save(self):
        """Save changes to the entry."""
        representation = self._transform_resources_to_links(

        # If the entry contains an ETag, set the If-Match header
        # to that value.
        headers = {}
        etag = getattr(self, 'http_etag', None)
        if etag is not None:
            headers['If-Match'] = etag

        # PATCH the new representation to the 'self' link.  It's possible that
        # this will cause the object to be permanently moved.  Catch that
        # exception and refresh our representation.
        response, content = self._root._browser.patch(URI(self.self_link),
                                                      representation, headers)
        if response.status == 301:

        content_type = response['content-type']
        if response.status == 209 and content_type == self.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE:
            # The server sent back a new representation of the object.
            # Use it in preference to the existing representation.
            new_representation = simplejson.loads(unicode(content))
            self._wadl_resource.representation = new_representation
            self._wadl_resource.media_type = content_type
Пример #24
    def test_abnormal_resolution(self):
        # Abnormal URI resolution examples from Section 5.4.2 of RFC 3986:
        base = URI('http://a/b/c/d;p?q')

        def resolve(relative):
            return str(base.resolve(relative))

        self.assertEqual(resolve('../../../g'), 'http://a/g')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('../../../../g'), 'http://a/g')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('/./g'), 'http://a/g')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('/../g'), 'http://a/g')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g.'), 'http://a/b/c/g.')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('.g'), 'http://a/b/c/.g')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g..'), 'http://a/b/c/g..')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('..g'), 'http://a/b/c/..g')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('./../g'), 'http://a/b/g')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('./g/.'), 'http://a/b/c/g/')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g/./h'), 'http://a/b/c/g/h')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g/../h'), 'http://a/b/c/h')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g;x=1/./y'), 'http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g;x=1/../y'), 'http://a/b/c/y')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g?y/./x'), 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g?y/../x'), 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g#s/./x'), 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x')
        self.assertEqual(resolve('g#s/../x'), 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x')
Пример #25
    def getBranchNameFromURL(self, url):
        """Return a branch name based on `url`.

        The name is based on the last path segment of the URL. If there is
        already another branch of that name on the product, then we'll try to
        find a unique name by appending numbers.
        return URI(url).ensureNoSlash().path.split('/')[-1]
Пример #26
    def test_getBranchNameFromURL(self):
        """getBranchNameFromURL() gets a branch name from a url.

        In general, the name is the last path segment of the URL.
        url = self.factory.getUniqueURL()
        name = self.popup.getBranchNameFromURL(url)
        self.assertEqual(URI(url).path.split('/')[-1], name)
Пример #27
 def uriToHostingPath(uri):
     """See `IBranchLookup`."""
     schemes = ('http', 'sftp', 'bzr+ssh')
     codehosting_host = URI(config.codehosting.supermirror_root).host
     if uri.scheme in schemes and uri.host == codehosting_host:
         return uri.path.lstrip('/')
         return None
Пример #28
 def archive_url(self):
     """Return a custom archive url for basic authentication."""
     normal_url = URI(self.archive.archive_url)
     if self.name:
         name = '+' + self.name
         name = self.person.name
     auth_url = normal_url.replace(userinfo="%s:%s" % (name, self.token))
     return str(auth_url)
Пример #29
 def uriToPath(uri):
     """See `IGitLookup`."""
     schemes = ('git', 'git+ssh', 'https', 'ssh')
     codehosting_host = URI(config.codehosting.git_anon_root).host
     if ((uri.scheme in schemes and uri.host == codehosting_host)
             or (uri.scheme == "lp" and uri.host is None)):
         return uri.path.lstrip("/")
         return None
Пример #30
 def test_makeBranchTrailingSlash(self):
     """makeBranch creates a mirrored branch even if the URL ends with /.
     uri = URI(self.factory.getUniqueURL())
     expected_name = self.popup.getBranchNameFromURL(
     branch = self.popup.makeBranchFromURL(str(uri.ensureSlash()))
     self.assertEqual(str(uri.ensureNoSlash()), branch.url)
     self.assertEqual(expected_name, branch.name)