Пример #1
def import_book(pp_path=None, bookID=None):

    # Separated this into a function so we can more easily import books from an alternate directory
    # and move them into LL folder structure given just the bookID, returns True or False
    # eg if import_book(source_directory, bookID):
    #         ppcount = ppcount + 1
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    data = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s"' % bookID)
    if data:
        authorname = data[0]['AuthorName']
        bookname = data[0]['BookName']

        # try:
        #    auth_dir = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, authorname).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        #    os.chmod(auth_dir, 0777)
        # except Exception, e:
        #    logger.debug("Could not chmod author directory: " + str(auth_dir))

        if 'windows' in platform.system().lower() and '/' in lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER:
            logger.warn('Please check your EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER setting')
            lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('/', '\\')

        dest_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
        global_name = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
        global_name = common.remove_accents(global_name)
        # Remove characters we don't want in the filename BEFORE adding to DESTINATION_DIR
        # as windows drive identifiers have colon, eg c:  but no colons allowed elsewhere?
        dic = {'<': '', '>': '', '...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's',
               ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': '', '\'': ''}
        dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
        dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

        processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname, global_name)

        if processBook:
            # update nzbs
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookID}
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Processed", "NZBDate": formatter.now()}  # say when we processed it
            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            processExtras(myDB, dest_path, global_name, data)
            logger.info('Successfully processed: %s' % global_name)
            notifiers.notify_download(formatter.latinToAscii(global_name) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
            return True
            logger.error('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' % global_name)
            logger.error('Warning - Residual files remain in %s.fail' % pp_path)
                os.rename(pp_path, pp_path + '.fail')
                logger.debug("Unable to rename %s" % pp_path)
            return False
Пример #2
def import_book(pp_path=None, bookID=None):

    # Separated this into a function so we can more easily import books from an alternate directory
    # and move them into LL folder structure given just the bookID, returns True or False
    # eg if import_book(source_directory, bookID):
    #         ppcount = ppcount + 1
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    data = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s"' % bookID)
    if data:
        authorname = data[0]['AuthorName']
        bookname = data[0]['BookName']

        # try:
        #    auth_dir = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, authorname).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        #    os.chmod(auth_dir, 0777)
        # except Exception, e:
        #    logger.debug("Could not chmod author directory: " + str(auth_dir))

        if 'windows' in platform.system().lower() and '/' in lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER:
            logger.warn('Please check your EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER setting')
            lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('/', '\\')

        dest_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
        global_name = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
        global_name = common.remove_accents(global_name)
        # Remove characters we don't want in the filename BEFORE adding to DESTINATION_DIR
        # as windows drive identifiers have colon, eg c:  but no colons allowed elsewhere?
        dic = {'<': '', '>': '', '...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's',
               ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': '', '\'': ''}
        dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
        dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

        processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname, global_name)

        if processBook:
            # update nzbs
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookID}
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Processed", "NZBDate": formatter.now()}  # say when we processed it
            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            processExtras(myDB, dest_path, global_name, data)
            logger.info('Successfully processed: %s' % global_name)
            notifiers.notify_download(formatter.latinToAscii(global_name) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
            return True
            logger.error('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' % global_name)
            logger.error('Warning - Residual files remain in %s.fail' % pp_path)
                os.rename(pp_path, pp_path + '.fail')
                logger.debug("Unable to rename %s" % pp_path)
            return False
Пример #3
def processResultList(resultlist, book, searchtype):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    dictrepl = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
                ',': '', '*': '', '(': '', ')': '', '[': '', ']': '', '#': '', '0': '', '1': '', '2': '',
                '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', '9': '', '\'': '', ':': '', '!': '',
                '-': '', '\s\s': ' ', ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ', ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ',
                ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}

    for tor in resultlist:
        tor_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(tor['tor_title']), dictrepl)).strip()
        tor_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", tor_Title)  # remove extra whitespace
        match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
        tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(book['searchterm'], tor_Title)
        logger.debug("Torrent Title Match %: " + str(tor_Title_match) + " for " + tor_Title)
        if (tor_Title_match > match_ratio):
            logger.debug(u'Found Torrent: %s using %s search' % (tor['tor_title'], searchtype))
            bookid = book['bookid']
            tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] +
                         ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
            tor_url = tor['tor_url']
            tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']

            tor_size_temp = tor['tor_size']  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
            if tor_size_temp is None:
                tor_size_temp = 1000
            tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
            newValueDict = {
                "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                "BookID": bookid,
                "NZBsize": tor_size,
                "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                "NZBmode": "torrent",
                "Status": "Skipped"
            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s" and Status="Snatched"' %
            if not snatchedbooks:
                snatch = TORDownloadMethod(bookid, tor_prov, tor_Title, tor_url)
                if snatch:
                    notifiers.notify_snatch(formatter.latinToAscii(tor_Title) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                    return True

    logger.debug("No torrent's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' +
                 book['bookName']).strip() + " using searchtype " + searchtype)
    return False
Пример #4
    def log(self, message, level):

        logger = logging.getLogger('lazylibrarian')

        threadname = threading.currentThread().getName()

        if level != 'DEBUG' or lazylibrarian.LOGFULL is True:
            # Limit the size of the "in-memory" log, as gets slow if too long
            # Set a fairly arbitrary 500 message limit for now
            # TODO make this configurable?
            # Ensure messages are ascii as some author names contain accents and the web page doesnt like them
            lazylibrarian.LOGLIST.insert(0, (formatter.now(), formatter.latinToAscii(message), level, threadname))
            if len(lazylibrarian.LOGLIST) > 500:
                del lazylibrarian.LOGLIST[-1]

        message = threadname + ' : ' + message

        if level == 'DEBUG':
        elif level == 'INFO':
        elif level == 'WARNING':
Пример #5
    def log(self, message, level):

        logger = logging.getLogger('lazylibrarian')

        threadname = threading.currentThread().getName()

        # Ensure messages are ascii as some author names contain accents and the web page doesnt like them
        message = formatter.latinToAscii(message)

        if level != 'DEBUG' or lazylibrarian.LOGFULL is True:
            # Limit the size of the "in-memory" log, as gets slow if too long
            lazylibrarian.LOGLIST.insert(0, (formatter.now(), level, message))
            if len(lazylibrarian.LOGLIST) > lazylibrarian.LOGLIMIT:
                del lazylibrarian.LOGLIST[-1]

        message = threadname + ' : ' + message

        if level == 'DEBUG':
        elif level == 'INFO':
        elif level == 'WARNING':
Пример #6
def processOPF(
    opfinfo = (
        '<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\
<package version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" >\n\
	<metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf">\n\
		<dc:identifier scheme="GoogleBooks">%s</dc:identifier>\n'
        % (bookname, authorname, booklang, bookid)

    if bookisbn:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:identifier scheme="ISBN">%s</dc:identifier>\n' % bookisbn

    if bookpub:
        opfinfo += "        <dc:publisher>%s</dc:publisher>\n" % bookpub

    if bookdate:
        opfinfo += "        <dc:date>%s</dc:date>\n" % bookdate

    if bookdesc:
        opfinfo += "        <dc:description>%s</dc:description>\n" % bookdesc

    opfinfo += '        <guide>\n\
			<reference href="cover.jpg" type="cover" title="Cover"/>\n\

    dic = {"...": "", " & ": " ", " = ": " ", "$": "s", " + ": " ", ",": "", "*": ""}

    opfinfo = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(opfinfo, dic))

    # handle metadata
    opfpath = os.path.join(dest_path, global_name + ".opf")
    if not os.path.exists(opfpath):
        opf = open(opfpath, "wb")

            os.chmod(opfpath, 0777)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info("Could not chmod path: " + str(opfpath))

        logger.debug("Saved metadata to: " + opfpath)
Пример #7
def processOPF(dest_path=None,
    opfinfo = '<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\
<package version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" >\n\
    <metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf">\n\
        <dc:identifier scheme="GoogleBooks">%s</dc:identifier>\n' % (
        bookname, authorname, booklang, bookid)

    if bookisbn:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:identifier scheme="ISBN">%s</dc:identifier>\n' % bookisbn

    if bookpub:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:publisher>%s</dc:publisher>\n' % bookpub

    if bookdate:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:date>%s</dc:date>\n' % bookdate

    if bookdesc:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:description>%s</dc:description>\n' % bookdesc

    opfinfo += '        <guide>\n\
            <reference href="cover.jpg" type="cover" title="Cover"/>\n\

    dic = {
        '...': '',
        ' & ': ' ',
        ' = ': ' ',
        '$': 's',
        ' + ': ' ',
        ',': '',
        '*': ''

    opfinfo = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(opfinfo, dic))

    #handle metadata
    opfpath = os.path.join(dest_path, 'metadata.opf')
    if not os.path.exists(opfpath):
        opf = open(opfpath, 'wb')
        logger.info('Saved metadata to: ' + opfpath)
        logger.info('%s allready exists. Did not create one.' % opfpath)
Пример #8
def MakeSearchTermWebSafe(insearchterm=None):

    dic = {"...": "", " & ": " ", " = ": " ", "?": "", "$": "s", " + ": " ", '"': "", ",": "", "*": ""}

    searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(insearchterm, dic))

    searchterm = re.sub("[\.\-\/]", " ", searchterm).encode("utf-8")

    logger.debug("Converting Search Term [%s] to Web Safe Search Term [%s]" % (insearchterm, searchterm))

    return searchterm
Пример #9
def MakeSearchTermWebSafe(insearchterm=None):

        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':''}

        searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(insearchterm, dic))

        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        logger.debug("Converting Search Term [%s] to Web Safe Search Term [%s]" % (insearchterm, searchterm))
        return searchterm
Пример #10
def MakeSearchTermWebSafe(insearchterm=None):

        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':''}

        searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(insearchterm, dic))

        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        logger.debug("Converting Search Term [%s] to Web Safe Search Term [%s]" % (insearchterm, searchterm))
        return searchterm
Пример #11
def processOPF(dest_path=None, authorname=None, bookname=None, bookisbn=None, bookid=None,
               bookpub=None, bookdate=None, bookdesc=None, booklang=None, global_name=None):
    opfinfo = '<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\
<package version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" >\n\
    <metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf">\n\
        <dc:identifier scheme="GoogleBooks">%s</dc:identifier>\n' % (bookname, authorname, booklang, bookid)

    if bookisbn:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:identifier scheme="ISBN">%s</dc:identifier>\n' % bookisbn

    if bookpub:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:publisher>%s</dc:publisher>\n' % bookpub

    if bookdate:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:date>%s</dc:date>\n' % bookdate

    if bookdesc:
        opfinfo += '        <dc:description>%s</dc:description>\n' % bookdesc

    opfinfo += '        <guide>\n\
            <reference href="cover.jpg" type="cover" title="Cover"/>\n\

    dic = {'...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', ',': '', '*': ''}

    opfinfo = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(opfinfo, dic))

    # handle metadata
    opfpath = os.path.join(dest_path, global_name + '.opf')
    if not os.path.exists(opfpath):
        with open(opfpath, 'wb') as opf:
        # try:
        #    os.chmod(opfpath, 0777)
        # except Exception, e:
        #    logger.error("Could not chmod path: " + str(opfpath))
        logger.debug('Saved metadata to: ' + opfpath)
        logger.debug('%s allready exists. Did not create one.' % opfpath)
Пример #12
    def openBook(self, bookLink=None, action=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookLink=\'' +
                               bookLink + '\'')
            ('SELECT * from books WHERE BookLink=\'' + bookLink + '\''))
        if bookdata:
            authorName = bookdata[0]["AuthorName"]
            bookName = bookdata[0]["BookName"]

            dic = {
                '<': '',
                '>': '',
                '=': '',
                '?': '',
                '"': '',
                ',': '',
                '*': '',
                ':': '',
                ';': '',
                '\'': ''
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(
                formatter.replace_all(bookName, dic))
            if (lazylibrarian.INSTALL_TYPE == 'win'):
                dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR + '\\' + authorName + '\\' + bookName
                dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR + '//' + authorName + '//' + bookName

            logger.debug('bookdir ' + dest_dir)
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):
                    if ((file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) &
                        (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0)):
                        logger.info('Openning file ' + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2),
Пример #13
    def openMag(self, bookid=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select("SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title=?", [bookid])
        if bookdata:
            Title = bookdata[0]["Title"]
            IssueDate = bookdata[0]["IssueDate"]

            dic = {"<": "", ">": "", "=": "", "?": "", '"': "", ",": "", "*": "", ":": "", ";": "", "'": ""}
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(Title, dic))

            pp_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR
            mag_path = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FOLDER.replace("$IssueDate", IssueDate).replace("$Title", Title)
            dest_dir = os.path.join(pp_dir, mag_path)

            logger.debug("bookdir " + dest_dir)
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):
                    if (file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) & (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0):
                        logger.info("Opening file " + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2), "application/x-download", "attachment")
Пример #14
    def openMag(self, bookid=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select('SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title=?', [bookid])
        if bookdata:
            Title = bookdata[0]["Title"];
            IssueDate = bookdata[0]["IssueDate"];

            dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '=':'', '?':'', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':'', '\'':''}
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(Title, dic))
            pp_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR
            mag_path = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$IssueDate', IssueDate).replace('$Title', Title)
            dest_dir = os.path.join(pp_dir, mag_path)

            logger.debug('bookdir ' + dest_dir);
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):  
                    if ((file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) & (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0)):
                        logger.info('Opening file ' + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2), "application/x-download", "attachment")
Пример #15
    def openBook(self, bookid=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=?', [bookid])
        if bookdata:
            authorName = bookdata[0]["AuthorName"];
            bookName = bookdata[0]["BookName"];

            dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '=':'', '?':'', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':'', '\'':''}
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(bookName, dic))
            pp_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR
            ebook_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorName).replace('$Title', bookName)
            dest_dir = os.path.join(pp_dir, ebook_path)

            logger.debug('bookdir ' + dest_dir);
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):	
                    if ((file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) & (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0)):
                        logger.info('Opening file ' + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2), "application/x-download", "attachment")
Пример #16
    def openMag(self, bookid=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select('SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title=?', [bookid])
        if bookdata:
            Title = bookdata[0]["Title"];
            IssueDate = bookdata[0]["IssueDate"];

            dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '=':'', '?':'', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':'', '\'':''}
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(Title, dic))
            pp_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR
            mag_path = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$IssueDate', IssueDate).replace('$Title', Title)
            dest_dir = os.path.join(pp_dir, mag_path)

            logger.debug('bookdir ' + dest_dir);
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):  
                    if ((file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) & (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0)):
                        logger.info('Opening file ' + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2), "application/x-download", "attachment")
Пример #17
    def openBook(self, bookid=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select("SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=?", [bookid])
        if bookdata:
            authorName = bookdata[0]["AuthorName"]
            bookName = bookdata[0]["BookName"]

            dic = {"<": "", ">": "", "=": "", "?": "", '"': "", ",": "", "*": "", ":": "", ";": "", "'": ""}
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(bookName, dic))

            pp_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR
            ebook_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace("$Author", authorName).replace("$Title", bookName)
            dest_dir = os.path.join(pp_dir, ebook_path)

            logger.debug("bookdir " + dest_dir)
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):
                    if (file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) & (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0):
                        logger.info("Opening file " + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2), "application/x-download", "attachment")
Пример #18
    def openBook(self, bookid=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=?', [bookid])
        if bookdata:
            authorName = bookdata[0]["AuthorName"];
            bookName = bookdata[0]["BookName"];

            dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '=':'', '?':'', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':'', '\'':''}
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(bookName, dic))
            pp_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR
            ebook_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorName).replace('$Title', bookName)
            dest_dir = os.path.join(pp_dir, ebook_path)

            logger.debug('bookdir ' + dest_dir);
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):    
                    if ((file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) & (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0)):
                        logger.info('Opening file ' + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2), "application/x-download", "attachment")
Пример #19
def import_book(pp_path=None, bookID=None):

    # Separated this into a function so we can more easily import books from an alternate directory 
    # and move them into LL folder structure given just the bookID, returns True or False
    # eg if import_book(source_directory, bookID): 
    #         ppcount = ppcount + 1
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    data = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s"' % bookID)
    if data:
        authorname = data[0]['AuthorName']
        bookname = data[0]['BookName']
            auth_dir = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, authorname).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
            os.chmod(auth_dir, 0777)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.debug("Could not chmod author directory: " + str(auth_dir))
        dest_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
        global_name = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
        dic = {'<': '', '>': '', '...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': '', '\'': ''}
        dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
        dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

        processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname, global_name, bookID)

        if processBook:
            # update nzbs
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookID}
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Processed", "NZBDate": formatter.today()} # say when we processed it
            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            processExtras(myDB, dest_path, global_name, data)
            return True
            logger.error('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' % global_name)
            logger.error('Warning - Residual files remain in %s' % pp_path)
            return False
Пример #20
    def openBook(self, bookLink=None, action=None, **args):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # find book
        bookdata = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookLink=\'' + bookLink + '\'')
        logger.debug(('SELECT * from books WHERE BookLink=\'' + bookLink + '\''))
        if bookdata:
            authorName = bookdata[0]["AuthorName"];
            bookName = bookdata[0]["BookName"];

            dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '=':'', '?':'', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':'', '\'':''}
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(bookName, dic))
            if (lazylibrarian.INSTALL_TYPE == 'win'):
                dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR + '\\' + authorName + '\\' + bookName
                dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR + '//' + authorName + '//' + bookName

            logger.debug('bookdir ' + dest_dir);
            if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
                for file2 in os.listdir(dest_dir):	
                    if ((file2.lower().find(".jpg") <= 0) & (file2.lower().find(".opf") <= 0)):
                        logger.info('Openning file ' + str(file2))
                        return serve_file(os.path.join(dest_dir, file2), "application/x-download", "attachment")
Пример #21
def search_tor_book(books=None, mags=None):
    if not (lazylibrarian.USE_TOR):
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHTORBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select(
            'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"'

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        if books != False:
            for book in books:
                searchbook = myDB.select(
                    'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"',
                for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            '.': ' ',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': '',
            ':': '',
            ';': ''
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.': ' +', ' + ': ' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(
            formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ",
                            searchterm)  # strip any double white space
            "bookid": bookid,
            "bookName": searchbook[2],
            "authorName": searchbook[1],
            "searchterm": searchterm.strip()

    if not lazylibrarian.KAT:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        #print book.keys()
        resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'book')

        #if you can't find teh book specifically, you might find under general search
        if not resultlist:
                "Searching for type book failed to find any books...moving to general search"
            resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'general')

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {
                '...': '',
                '.': ' ',
                ' & ': ' ',
                ' = ': ' ',
                '?': '',
                '$': 's',
                ' + ': ' ',
                '"': '',
                ',': '',
                '*': '',
                '(': '',
                ')': '',
                '[': '',
                ']': '',
                '#': '',
                '0': '',
                '1': '',
                '2': '',
                '3': '',
                '4': '',
                '5': '',
                '6': '',
                '7': '',
                '8': '',
                '9': '',
                '\'': '',
                ':': '',
                '!': '',
                '-': '',
                '\s\s': ' ',
                ' the ': ' ',
                ' a ': ' ',
                ' and ': ' ',
                ' to ': ' ',
                ' of ': ' ',
                ' for ': ' ',
                ' my ': ' ',
                ' in ': ' ',
                ' at ': ' ',
                ' with ': ' '
            logger.debug(u'searchterm %s' % book['searchterm'])
            addedCounter = 0

            for tor in resultlist:
                tor_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(
                        str(tor['tor_title']).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                tor_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ",
                                   tor_Title)  #remove extra whitespace
                logger.debug(u'torName %s' % tor_Title)

                match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
                tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(
                    book['searchterm'].lower(), tor_Title)
                logger.debug("Torrent Title Match %: " + str(tor_Title_match))

                if (tor_Title_match > match_ratio):
                    logger.info(u'Found Torrent: %s' % tor['tor_title'])
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = book['bookid']
                    tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' +
                                 book['bookName'] + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] +
                    tor_url = tor['tor_url']
                    tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']

                    tor_size_temp = tor[
                        'tor_size']  #Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
                    if tor_size_temp is None:
                        tor_size_temp = 1000
                    tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576,
                                         2)) + ' MB'

                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBsize": tor_size,
                        "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"',
                    if not snatchedbooks:
                        snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, tor_prov, tor_Title,
                        notifiers.notify_snatch(tor_Title + ' at ' +
            if addedCounter == 0:
                logger.info("No torrent's found for " +
                            (book["authorName"] + ' ' +
                             book['bookName']).strip() +
                            ". Adding book to queue.")
        counter = counter + 1

# if not books or books==False:
#     snatched = searchmag.searchmagazines(mags)
#     for items in snatched:
#         snatch = DownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['tor_prov'], items['tor_title'], items['tor_url'])
#         notifiers.notify_snatch(items['tor_title']+' at '+formatter.now())
    logger.info("Search for Wanted items complete")
Пример #22
def search_tor_book(books=None, mags=None):
    if not(lazylibrarian.USE_TOR):
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHTORBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        if books != False:
            for book in books:
                searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"', [book['bookid']])
                for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {'...':'', '.':' ', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':''}
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.':' +', ' + ':' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE 
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+" , " ", searchterm) # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName":searchbook[2], "authorName":searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm.strip()})
    if not lazylibrarian.KAT:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist: 
        #print book.keys()
        resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book,'book')

        #if you can't find teh book specifically, you might find under general search
        if not resultlist:
            logger.info("Searching for type book failed to find any books...moving to general search")
            resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book,'general')

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("No result found, Adding book %s to queue " % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {'...':'', '.':' ', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', '(':'', ')':'', '[':'', ']':'', '#':'', '0':'', '1':'', '2':'', '3':'', '4':'', '5':'', '6':'', '7':'', '8':'' , '9':'', '\'':'', ':':'', '!':'', '-':'', '\s\s':' ', ' the ':' ', ' a ':' ', ' and ':' ', ' to ':' ', ' of ':' ', ' for ':' ', ' my ':' ', ' in ':' ', ' at ':' ', ' with ':' ' }
            logger.debug(u'searchterm %s' % book['searchterm'])
            addedCounter = 0

            for tor in resultlist:
                tor_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(tor['tor_title']).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                tor_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+" , " ", tor_Title) #remove extra whitespace
                logger.debug(u'torName %s' % tor_Title)          

                match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
                tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(book['searchterm'].lower(), tor_Title)
                logger.debug("Torrent Title Match %: " + str(tor_Title_match))
                if (tor_Title_match > match_ratio):
                    logger.info(u'Found Torrent: %s' % tor['tor_title'])
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = book['bookid']
                    tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
                    tor_url = tor['tor_url']
                    tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']
                    tor_size_temp = tor['tor_size']  #Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
                    if tor_size_temp is None:
                        tor_size_temp = 1000
                    tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576,2))+' MB'
                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBsize": tor_size,
                        "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"', [bookid]).fetchone()
                    if not snatchedbooks:
                        snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, tor_prov, tor_Title, tor_url)
                        notifiers.notify_snatch(tor_Title+' at '+formatter.now()) 
            if addedCounter == 0:
                logger.info("No torrent's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' + book['bookName']).strip() + ". Adding book to queue.")
        counter = counter + 1

   # if not books or books==False:
   #     snatched = searchmag.searchmagazines(mags)
   #     for items in snatched:
   #         snatch = DownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['tor_prov'], items['tor_title'], items['tor_url'])
   #         notifiers.notify_snatch(items['tor_title']+' at '+formatter.now()) 
    logger.info("Search for Wanted items complete")
Пример #23
def searchbook(books=None):

    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"', [book['bookid']])
            for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':''}
        dicSearchFormatting = {' ':' +', '.':' +', ' + ':' '}
        dicSearchFormatting1 = {' + ':' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+" , " ", searchterm) # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName":searchbook[2], "authorName":searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm.strip()})

        # TRY A SECCOND SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting1))
        searchterm1 = '+' + author + ' +' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE 
        searchterm1 = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm1).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm1 = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm1).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm1 = re.sub(r"\s\s+" , " ", searchterm1) # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName":searchbook[2], "authorName":searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm1.strip()})

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not lazylibrarian.NZBMATRIX:
        logger.info('No providers are set. use NEWZNAB or NZBMATRIX')

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not resultlist:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' % lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB_HOST)
            resultlist = providers.NewzNab(book)

        if lazylibrarian.NZBMATRIX and not resultlist:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB at provider NZBMatrix ...')
            resultlist = providers.NZBMatrix(book)

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', '(':'', ')':'', '[':'', ']':'', '#':'', '0':'', '1':'', '2':'', '3':'', '4':'', '5':'', '6':'', '7':'', '8':'' , '9':'', '\'':'', ':':'', '\s\s':' ' }
            bookName = book['bookName']
            bookName = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', bookName)
            bookName = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', bookName)
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(bookName, dictrepl)).strip()
            logger.debug(u'bookName %s' % bookName)
            addedCounter = 0

            for nzb in resultlist:
				nzbTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(nzb['nzbtitle'], dictrepl)).strip()
				logger.debug(u'nzbName %s' % nzbTitle)
				nameFound = 0
				bookNameList = bookName.split()

				for word in bookNameList:
					if nzbTitle.lower().find(word.lower()) == -1:
						nameFound = -1
				if nameFound == 0:
					logger.debug(u'FOUND %s' % nzbTitle.lower())
					addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
					bookid = nzb['bookid']
					nzbTitle = (book["authorName"] + ' ' + bookName).strip()
					nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
					nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']

					controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
					newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBdate": formatter.today(),
                        "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
					myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

					snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"', [bookid]).fetchone()
					if not snatchedbooks:
						snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
            if addedCounter == 0:
            	logger.info("No nzb's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' + bookName).strip() + ". Adding book to queue.")
        counter = counter + 1
Пример #24
def search_magazines(mags=None, reset=False):
    # produce a list of magazines to search for, tor, nzb, torznab

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHMAGS"

    if mags is None:  # backlog search
        searchmags = myDB.select('SELECT Title, LastAcquired, \
                                 IssueDate from magazines WHERE Status="Active"')
        searchmags = []
        for magazine in mags:
            searchmags_temp = myDB.select('SELECT Title, LastAcquired, IssueDate from magazines \
                                          WHERE Title="%s" AND Status="Active"' % (magazine['bookid']))
            for terms in searchmags_temp:

    if len(searchmags) == 1:
        logger.info('Searching for one magazine')
        logger.info('Searching for %i magazines' % len(searchmags))

    for searchmag in searchmags:
        bookid = searchmag[0]
        searchterm = searchmag[0]
        # frequency = searchmag[1]
        # last_acquired = searchmag[2]
        # issue_date = searchmag[3]

        dic = {'...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': ''}

        searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(searchterm, dic))
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "searchterm": searchterm})

    if searchlist == []:
        logger.warn('There is nothing to search for.  Mark some magazines as active.')

    for book in searchlist:

        resultlist = []
        tor_resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.USE_NZB():
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, 'mag')
            if not nproviders:
                logger.warn('No nzb providers are set. Check config for NEWZNAB or TORZNAB providers')

        if lazylibrarian.USE_TOR():
            tor_resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'mag')
            if not nproviders:
                logger.warn('No torrent providers are set. Check config for TORRENT providers')

            for item in tor_resultlist:  # reformat the torrent results so they look like nzbs
                    'bookid': item['bookid'],
                    'nzbprov': item['tor_prov'],
                    'nzbtitle': item['tor_title'],
                    'nzburl': item['tor_url'],
                    'nzbdate': 'Fri, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0100',  # fake date as none returned from torrents
                    'nzbsize': item['tor_size'],
                    'nzbmode': 'torrent'

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding magazine %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            bad_regex = 0
            bad_date = 0
            old_date = 0
            total_nzbs = 0
            new_date = 0
            to_snatch = 0
            maglist = []
            issues = []
            reject_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.REJECT_WORDS)
            for nzb in resultlist:
                total_nzbs = total_nzbs + 1
                bookid = nzb['bookid']
                nzbtitle = (u'%s' % nzb['nzbtitle'])
                nzbtitle = nzbtitle.replace('"', '').replace("'", "")  # suppress " in titles
                nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
                nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']
                nzbdate_temp = nzb['nzbdate']
                nzbsize_temp = nzb['nzbsize']
                if nzbsize_temp is None:  # not all torrents returned by torznab have a size
                    nzbsize_temp = 1000
                nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
                nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)
                nzbmode = nzb['nzbmode']
                checkifmag = myDB.select('SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title="%s"' % bookid)
                if checkifmag:
                    for results in checkifmag:
                        control_date = results['IssueDate']
                        # frequency = results['Frequency']
                        # regex = results['Regex']

                    nzbtitle_formatted = nzbtitle.replace('.', ' ').replace('-', ' ').replace('/', ' ').replace(
                        '+', ' ').replace('_', ' ').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').strip()
                    # Need to make sure that substrings of magazine titles don't get found
                    # (e.g. Maxim USA will find Maximum PC USA) - token_set_ratio takes care of this
                    # keyword_check = nzbtitle_formatted.replace(bookid, '')
                    # remove extra spaces if they're in a row
                    nzbtitle_exploded_temp = " ".join(nzbtitle_formatted.split())
                    nzbtitle_exploded = nzbtitle_exploded_temp.split(' ')

                    if ' ' in bookid:
                        bookid_exploded = bookid.split(' ')
                        bookid_exploded = [bookid]

                    # check nzb starts with magazine title, and ends with a date
                    # eg The MagPI Issue 22 - July 2015
                    # do something like check left n words match title
                    # then check last n words are a date

                    name_match = 1  # assume name matches for now
                    if len(nzbtitle_exploded) > len(bookid_exploded):  # needs to be longer as it has to include a date
                        # check (nearly) all the words in the mag title are in the nzbtitle - allow some fuzz
                        mag_title_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(common.remove_accents(bookid), common.remove_accents(nzbtitle_formatted))
                        if mag_title_match < lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO:
                            logger.debug(u"Magazine token set Match failed: " + str(mag_title_match) + "% for " + nzbtitle_formatted)
                            name_match = 0
                    lower_title = common.remove_accents(nzbtitle_formatted).lower()
                    lower_bookid = common.remove_accents(bookid).lower()
                    for word in reject_list:
                        if word in lower_title and not word in lower_bookid:
                            name_match = 0
                            logger.debug("Rejecting %s, contains %s" % (nzbtitle_formatted, word))

                    if name_match:
                        # some magazine torrent uploaders add their sig in [] or {}
                        # Fortunately for us, they always seem to add it at the end
                        # also some magazine torrent titles are "magazine_name some_form_of_date pdf"
                        # so strip all the trailing junk...
                        while nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1][0] in '[{' or \
                                nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1].lower() == 'pdf':
                                nzbtitle_exploded.pop()  # gotta love the function names
                        # need at least one word magazine title and two date components
                        if len(nzbtitle_exploded) > 2:
                            # regexA = DD MonthName YYYY OR MonthName YYYY or Issue nn MonthName YYYY
                            regexA_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                            regexA_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2]
                            regexA_month = formatter.month2num(common.remove_accents(regexA_month_temp))
                            if not regexA_year.isdigit() or int(regexA_year) < 1900 or int(regexA_year) > 2100:
                                regexA_year = 'fail'  # force date failure
                            #if frequency == "Weekly" or frequency == "BiWeekly":
                            regexA_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3].zfill(2)
                            if regexA_day.isdigit():
                                if int(regexA_day) > 31:  # probably issue number nn
                                    regexA_day = '01'
                                regexA_day = '01'  # just MonthName YYYY
                            #    regexA_day = '01'  # monthly, or less frequent

                                newdatish = regexA_year + '-' + regexA_month + '-' + regexA_day
                                # try to make sure the year/month/day are valid, exception if not
                                # ie don't accept day > 31, or 30 in some months
                                # also handles multiple date format named issues eg Jan 2014, 01 2014
                                # datetime will give a ValueError if not a good date or a param is not int
                                date1 = datetime.date(int(regexA_year), int(regexA_month), int(regexA_day))
                            except ValueError:
                                # regexB = MonthName DD YYYY
                                regexB_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                                regexB_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3]
                                regexB_month = formatter.month2num(common.remove_accents(regexB_month_temp))
                                regexB_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2].zfill(2)
                                if not regexB_year.isdigit() or int(regexB_year) < 1900 or int(regexB_year) > 2100:
                                    regexB_year = 'fail'

                                    newdatish = regexB_year + '-' + regexB_month + '-' + regexB_day
                                    # datetime will give a ValueError if not a good date or a param is not int
                                    date1 = datetime.date(int(regexB_year), int(regexB_month), int(regexB_day))
                                except ValueError:
                                    # regexC = YYYY MM or YYYY MM DD
                                    # (can't get MM/DD if named YYYY Issue nn)
                                    # First try  YYYY MM
                                    regexC_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2]
                                    if regexC_year.isdigit() and int(regexC_year) > 1900 and int(regexC_year) < 2100:
                                        regexC_month = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1].zfill(2)
                                        regexC_day = '01'
                                    else:  # try YYYY MM DD
                                        regexC_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3]
                                        if regexC_year.isdigit() and int(regexC_year) > 1900 and int(regexC_year) < 2100:
                                            regexC_month = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2].zfill(2)
                                            regexC_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1].zfill(2)
                                            regexC_year = 'fail'
                                        newdatish = regexC_year + '-' + regexC_month + '-' + regexC_day
                                        # datetime will give a ValueError if not a good date or a param is not int
                                        date1 = datetime.date(int(regexC_year), int(regexC_month), int(regexC_day))
                                        logger.debug('Magazine %s not in proper date format.' % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                        bad_date = bad_date + 1
                                        # allow issues with good name but bad date to be included
                                        # so user can manually select them, incl those with issue numbers
                                        newdatish = "1970-01-01"  # provide a fake date for bad-date issues
                                        # continue

                        if control_date is None:  # we haven't got any copies of this magazine yet
                            # get a rough time just over a month ago to compare to, in format yyyy-mm-dd
                            # could perhaps calc differently for weekly, biweekly etc
                            start_time = time.time()
                            start_time -= 31 * 24 * 60 * 60  # number of seconds in 31 days
                            control_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(start_time))

                        # only grab a copy if it's newer than the most recent we have,
                        # or newer than a month ago if we have none
                        comp_date = formatter.datecompare(newdatish, control_date)
                        if comp_date > 0:
                            # Should probably only upsert when downloaded and processed in case snatch fails
                            # keep track of what we're going to download so we don't download dupes
                            new_date = new_date + 1
                            issue = bookid + ',' + newdatish
                            if issue not in issues:
                                    'bookid': bookid,
                                    'nzbprov': nzbprov,
                                    'nzbtitle': nzbtitle,
                                    'nzburl': nzburl,
                                    'nzbmode': nzbmode
                                logger.debug('This issue of %s is new, downloading' % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                to_snatch = to_snatch + 1
                                controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                                newValueDict = {
                                    "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                                    "BookID": bookid,
                                    "NZBdate": formatter.now(),  # when we asked for it
                                    "NZBtitle": nzbtitle,
                                    "AuxInfo": newdatish,
                                    "Status": "Wanted",
                                    "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                                    "NZBmode": nzbmode
                                myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                                logger.debug('This issue of %s is already flagged for download' % issue)
                            if newdatish != "1970-01-01":  # this is our fake date for ones we can't decipher
                                logger.debug('This issue of %s is old; skipping.' % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                old_date = old_date + 1
                        logger.debug('Magazine [%s] does not completely match search term [%s].' % (
                                     nzbtitle_formatted, bookid))
                        bad_regex = bad_regex + 1

            logger.info('Found %s results for %s.  %s are new, %s are old, %s fail date, %s fail name matching' % (
                        total_nzbs, bookid, new_date, old_date, bad_date, bad_regex))
            logger.info("%s, %s issues to download" % (bookid, to_snatch))

            for items in maglist:
                if items['nzbmode'] == "torznab":
                    snatch = TORDownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['nzbprov'], items['nzbtitle'], items['nzburl'])
                elif items['nzbmode'] == "torrent":
                    snatch = TORDownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['nzbprov'], items['nzbtitle'], items['nzburl'])
                    snatch = NZBDownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['nzbprov'], items['nzbtitle'], items['nzburl'])
                if snatch:
                    notifiers.notify_snatch(formatter.latinToAscii(items['nzbtitle']) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                    common.schedule_job(action='Start', target='processDir')
            maglist = []

    if reset == True:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='search_magazines')
    logger.info("Search for magazines complete")    
Пример #25
def search_rss_book(books=None, reset=False):
    if not(lazylibrarian.USE_RSS()):
        logger.warn('RSS search is disabled')
        common.schedule_job(action='Stop', target='search_rss_book')
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHRSSBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID="%s" \
                                     AND Status="Wanted"' % book['bookid'])
            for terms in searchbook:

    if len(searchbooks) == 0:
        logger.debug("RSS search requested for no books")
    elif len(searchbooks) == 1:
        logger.info('RSS Searching for one book')
        logger.info('RSS Searching for %i books' % len(searchbooks))

    resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverRSSSites()
    if not nproviders:
        logger.warn('No rss providers are set, check config')
        return  # No point in continuing

    dic = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
           ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': ''}

    rss_count = 0
    for book in searchbooks:
        bookid = book['BookID']
        author = book['AuthorName']
        title = book['BookName']

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(title, dic))

        found = processResultList(resultlist, author, title, book)

        # if you can't find the book, try author without initials, 
        # and title without any "(extended details, series etc)"
        if not found:
            if author[1] in '. ' or '(' in title:  # anything to shorten?
                while author[1] in '. ':  # strip any initials
                    author = author[2:].strip()  # and leading whitespace
                if '(' in title:
                    title = title.split('(')[0]
                found = processResultList(resultlist, author, title, book)

        if not found:
            logger.debug("Searches returned no results. Adding book %s - %s to queue." % (author, title))
            rss_count = rss_count + 1

    if rss_count == 1:
        logger.info("RSS Search for Wanted items complete, found %s book" % rss_count)
        logger.info("RSS Search for Wanted items complete, found %s books" % rss_count)

    if reset == True:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='search_rss_book')
Пример #26

    if len(searchbooks) == 1:
        logger.info('TOR Searching for one book')
        logger.info('TOR Searching for %i books'  % len(searchbooks))

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': ''}
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.': ' +', ' + ': ' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", searchterm)  # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName": searchbook[2], "authorName": searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm.strip()})

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'book')
        if not nproviders:
            logger.warn('No torrent providers are set, check config for TORRENT providers')
Пример #27
def processDir():
    logger.debug('Postprocessing has begun.')

    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

    processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR
    downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted')

    if snatched is None:
        logger.info('No books are snatched. Nothing to process.')
    elif downloads is None:
        logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')
        ppcount = 0

        for directory in downloads:
            if "LL.(" in directory:
                bookID = str(directory).split("LL.(")[1].split(")")[0]
                logger.debug("Book with id: " + str(bookID) +
                             " is in downloads")
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, directory)

                if (os.path.exists(pp_path)):
                    logger.debug('Found folder %s.' % pp_path)

                    data = myDB.select(
                        "SELECT * from books WHERE BookID='%s'" % bookID)
                    for metadata in data:
                        authorname = metadata['AuthorName']
                        authorimg = metadata['AuthorLink']
                        bookname = metadata['BookName']
                        bookdesc = metadata['BookDesc']
                        bookisbn = metadata['BookIsbn']
                        bookrate = metadata['BookRate']
                        bookimg = metadata['BookImg']
                        bookpage = metadata['BookPages']
                        booklink = metadata['BookLink']
                        bookdate = metadata['BookDate']
                        booklang = metadata['BookLang']
                        bookpub = metadata['BookPub']

                        except Exception, e:
                            logger.debug("Could not chmod author directory")

                        dest_path = authorname + os.sep + bookname
                        dic = {
                            '<': '',
                            '>': '',
                            '...': '',
                            ' & ': ' ',
                            ' = ': ' ',
                            '?': '',
                            '$': 's',
                            ' + ': ' ',
                            '"': '',
                            ',': '',
                            '*': '',
                            ':': '',
                            ';': '',
                            '\'': ''
                        dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(
                            formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
                        dest_path = os.path.join(

                        processBook = processDestination(
                            pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname)

                        if processBook:

                            ppcount = ppcount + 1

                            # try image
                            processIMG(dest_path, bookimg)

                            # try metadata
                            processOPF(dest_path, authorname, bookname,
                                       bookisbn, bookID, bookpub, bookdate,
                                       bookdesc, booklang)

                            #update nzbs
                            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": directory}
                            newValueDict = {"Status": "Success"}
                            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict,

                            #update books
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookID}
                            newValueDict = {"Status": "Open"}
                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            #update authors
                            query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND (Status="Have" OR Status="Open")' % authorname
                            countbooks = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
                            havebooks = int(countbooks[0])
                            controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
                            newValueDict = {"HaveBooks": havebooks}
                            myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict,

                            logger.info('Successfully processed: %s - %s' %
                                        (authorname, bookname))
                            logger.info('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' %
        if ppcount:
            logger.debug('%s books are downloaded and processed.' % ppcount)
            logger.debug('No snatched books have been found')
Пример #28
def searchbook(books=None):

    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"', [book['bookid']])
            for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':''}
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.':' +', ' + ':' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm1 = author # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE 
        searchterm1 = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm1).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm1 = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm1).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm1 = re.sub(r"\s\s+" , " ", searchterm1) # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName":searchbook[2], "authorName":searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm1.strip()})

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2:
        logger.info('No providers are set. use NEWZNAB.')

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' % lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB_HOST)
            resultlist = providers.NewzNab(book, "1")

        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' % lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB_HOST2)
            resultlist += providers.NewzNab(book, "2")

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', '(':'', ')':'', '[':'', ']':'', '#':'', '0':'', '1':'', '2':'', '3':'', '4':'', '5':'', '6':'', '7':'', '8':'' , '9':'', '\'':'', ':':'', '!':'', '-':'', '\s\s':' ', ' the ':' ', ' a ':' ', ' and ':' ', ' to ':' ', ' of ':' ', ' for ':' ', ' my ':' ', ' in ':' ', ' at ':' ', ' with ':' ' }
            bookName = book['bookName']
            bookID = book['bookid']
            bookName = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', bookName)
            bookName = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', bookName)
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(bookName.lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
            logger.debug(u'bookName %s' % bookName)
            addedCounter = 0

            for nzb in resultlist:
				nzbTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(nzb['nzbtitle']).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
				logger.debug(u'nzbName %s' % nzbTitle)
				logger.debug("NZB Match %: " + str(fuzz.partial_ratio(bookName, nzbTitle)))	
				if (fuzz.partial_ratio(bookName, nzbTitle) > 80):
					logger.debug(u'FOUND %s' % nzbTitle.lower())
					addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
					bookid = nzb['bookid']
					nzbTitle = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] + ' LL.(' + bookID + ')').strip()
					nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
					nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']

					controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
					newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBdate": formatter.today(),
                        "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
					myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

					snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"', [bookid]).fetchone()
					if not snatchedbooks:
						snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
            if addedCounter == 0:
            	logger.info("No nzb's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' + bookName).strip() + ". Adding book to queue.")
        counter = counter + 1
Пример #29
def processDir():
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

    logger.debug('Postprocessing has begun.')

    processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR
    downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted')

    if snatched is None:
        logger.info('No books are snatched. Nothing to process.')
    elif downloads is None:
        logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')

        for directory in downloads:
            if "LL.(" in directory:
                bookID = str(directory).split("LL.(")[1].split(")")[0];
                logger.debug("Book with id: " + str(bookID) + " is in downloads");
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, directory)

                if (os.path.exists(pp_path)):
                	logger.debug('Found folder %s.' % pp_path)

                	data = myDB.select("SELECT * from books WHERE BookID='%s'" % bookID)
                	for metadata in data:
                		authorname = metadata['AuthorName']
                		authorimg = metadata['AuthorLink']
                		bookname = metadata['BookName']
                		bookdesc = metadata['BookDesc']
                		bookisbn = metadata['BookIsbn']
                		bookrate = metadata['BookRate']
                		bookimg = metadata['BookImg']
                		bookpage = metadata['BookPages']
                		booklink = metadata['BookLink']
                		bookdate = metadata['BookDate']
                		booklang = metadata['BookLang']
                		bookpub = metadata['BookPub']

                		    os.chmod(os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, authorname).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING), 0777);
                		except Exception, e:
                		    logger.debug("Could not chmod author directory");

                		dest_path = authorname + os.sep + bookname
                		dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':'', '\'':''}
                		dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
                		dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

                		processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname)

                		if processBook:

                		    ppcount = ppcount+1

                		    # try image
                		    processIMG(dest_path, bookimg)

                		    # try metadata
                		    processOPF(dest_path, authorname, bookname, bookisbn, bookID, bookpub, bookdate, bookdesc, booklang)

                		    #update nzbs
                		    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": directory}
                		    newValueDict = {"Status": "Success"}
                		    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                		    #update books
                		    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookID}
                		    newValueDict = {"Status": "Open"}
                		    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                		    #update authors
                		    query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND (Status="Have" OR Status="Open")' % authorname
                		    countbooks = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
                		    havebooks = int(countbooks[0])
                		    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
                		    newValueDict = {"HaveBooks": havebooks}
                		    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                		    logger.info('Successfully processed: %s - %s' % (authorname, bookname))
                		    logger.info('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' % bookname)
        if ppcount:
            logger.debug('%s books are downloaded and processed.' % ppcount)
            logger.debug('No snatched books have been found')
Пример #30
def search_magazines(mags=None, reset=False):
    # produce a list of magazines to search for, tor, nzb, torznab

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHMAGS"

    if mags is None:  # backlog search
        searchmags = myDB.select('SELECT Title, LastAcquired, \
                                 IssueDate from magazines WHERE Status="Active"')
        searchmags = []
        for magazine in mags:
            searchmags_temp = myDB.select('SELECT Title, LastAcquired, IssueDate from magazines \
                                          WHERE Title="%s" AND Status="Active"' % (magazine['bookid']))
            for terms in searchmags_temp:

    if len(searchmags) == 1:
        logger.info('Searching for one magazine')
        logger.info('Searching for %i magazines' % len(searchmags))

    for searchmag in searchmags:
        bookid = searchmag[0]
        searchterm = searchmag[0]
        # frequency = searchmag[1]
        # last_acquired = searchmag[2]
        # issue_date = searchmag[3]

        dic = {'...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': ''}

        searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(searchterm, dic))
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "searchterm": searchterm})

    if searchlist == []:
        logger.warn('There is nothing to search for.  Mark some magazines as active.')

    for book in searchlist:

        resultlist = []
        tor_resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.USE_NZB():
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, 'mag')
            if not nproviders:
                logger.warn('No nzb providers are set. Check config for NEWZNAB or TORZNAB providers')

        if lazylibrarian.USE_TOR():
            tor_resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'mag')
            if not nproviders:
                logger.warn('No torrent providers are set. Check config for TORRENT providers')

            for item in tor_resultlist:  # reformat the torrent results so they look like nzbs
                    'bookid': item['bookid'],
                    'nzbprov': item['tor_prov'],
                    'nzbtitle': item['tor_title'],
                    'nzburl': item['tor_url'],
                    'nzbdate': 'Fri, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0100',  # fake date as none returned from torrents
                    'nzbsize': item['tor_size'],
                    'nzbmode': 'torrent'

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding magazine %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            bad_regex = 0
            bad_date = 0
            old_date = 0
            total_nzbs = 0
            new_date = 0
            to_snatch = 0
            maglist = []
            issues = []
            reject_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.REJECT_WORDS)
            for nzb in resultlist:
                total_nzbs = total_nzbs + 1
                bookid = nzb['bookid']
                nzbtitle = (u'%s' % nzb['nzbtitle'])
                nzbtitle = nzbtitle.replace('"', '').replace("'", "")  # suppress " in titles
                nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
                nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']
                nzbdate_temp = nzb['nzbdate']
                nzbsize_temp = nzb['nzbsize']
                if nzbsize_temp is None:  # not all torrents returned by torznab have a size
                    nzbsize_temp = 1000
                nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
                nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)
                nzbmode = nzb['nzbmode']

                checkifmag = myDB.select('SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title="%s"' % bookid)
                if checkifmag:
                    for results in checkifmag:
                        control_date = results['IssueDate']
                        # frequency = results['Frequency']
                        # regex = results['Regex']

                    nzbtitle_formatted = nzbtitle.replace('.', ' ').replace('-', ' ').replace('/', ' ').replace(
                        '+', ' ').replace('_', ' ').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').strip()
                    # Need to make sure that substrings of magazine titles don't get found
                    # (e.g. Maxim USA will find Maximum PC USA) - token_set_ratio takes care of this
                    # keyword_check = nzbtitle_formatted.replace(bookid, '')
                    # remove extra spaces if they're in a row
                    nzbtitle_exploded_temp = " ".join(nzbtitle_formatted.split())
                    nzbtitle_exploded = nzbtitle_exploded_temp.split(' ')

                    if ' ' in bookid:
                        bookid_exploded = bookid.split(' ')
                        bookid_exploded = [bookid]

                    # check nzb starts with magazine title, and ends with a date
                    # eg The MagPI Issue 22 - July 2015
                    # do something like check left n words match title
                    # then check last n words are a date

                    name_match = 1  # assume name matches for now
                    if len(nzbtitle_exploded) > len(bookid_exploded):  # needs to be longer as it has to include a date
                        # check (nearly) all the words in the mag title are in the nzbtitle - allow some fuzz
                        mag_title_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(
                        if mag_title_match < lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO:
                                u"Magazine token set Match failed: " + str(
                                    mag_title_match) + "% for " + nzbtitle_formatted)
                            name_match = 0

                    lower_title = common.remove_accents(nzbtitle_formatted).lower()
                    lower_bookid = common.remove_accents(bookid).lower()
                    for word in reject_list:
                        if word in lower_title and not word in lower_bookid:
                            name_match = 0
                            logger.debug("Rejecting %s, contains %s" % (nzbtitle_formatted, word))

                    if name_match:
                        # some magazine torrent uploaders add their sig in [] or {}
                        # Fortunately for us, they always seem to add it at the end
                        # also some magazine torrent titles are "magazine_name some_form_of_date pdf"
                        # so strip all the trailing junk...
                        while nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1][0] in '[{' or \
                                nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1].lower() == 'pdf':
                                nzbtitle_exploded.pop()  # gotta love the function names

                        # need at least one word magazine title and two date components
                        if len(nzbtitle_exploded) > 2:
                            # regexA = DD MonthName YYYY OR MonthName YYYY or Issue nn, MonthName YYYY
                            regexA_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                            regexA_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2]
                            regexA_month = formatter.month2num(common.remove_accents(regexA_month_temp))
                            if not regexA_year.isdigit() or int(regexA_year) < 1900 or int(regexA_year) > 2100:
                                regexA_year = 'fail'  # force date failure

                            # if frequency == "Weekly" or frequency == "BiWeekly":
                            regexA_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3].rstrip(',').zfill(2)
                            if regexA_day.isdigit():
                                if int(regexA_day) > 31:  # probably issue number nn
                                    regexA_day = '01'
                                regexA_day = '01'  # just MonthName YYYY
                            # else:
                            # regexA_day = '01'  # monthly, or less frequent

                                newdatish = regexA_year + '-' + regexA_month + '-' + regexA_day
                                # try to make sure the year/month/day are valid, exception if not
                                # ie don't accept day > 31, or 30 in some months
                                # also handles multiple date format named issues eg Jan 2014, 01 2014
                                # datetime will give a ValueError if not a good date or a param is not int
                                date1 = datetime.date(int(regexA_year), int(regexA_month), int(regexA_day))
                            except ValueError:
                                # regexB = MonthName DD YYYY or MonthName DD, YYYY
                                regexB_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                                regexB_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3]
                                regexB_month = formatter.month2num(common.remove_accents(regexB_month_temp))
                                regexB_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2].rstrip(',').zfill(2)
                                if not regexB_year.isdigit() or int(regexB_year) < 1900 or int(regexB_year) > 2100:
                                    regexB_year = 'fail'

                                    newdatish = regexB_year + '-' + regexB_month + '-' + regexB_day
                                    # datetime will give a ValueError if not a good date or a param is not int
                                    date1 = datetime.date(int(regexB_year), int(regexB_month), int(regexB_day))
                                except ValueError:
                                    # regexC = YYYY MM or YYYY MM DD
                                    # (can't get MM/DD if named YYYY Issue nn)
                                    # First try  YYYY MM
                                    regexC_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2]
                                    if regexC_year.isdigit() and int(regexC_year) > 1900 and int(regexC_year) < 2100:
                                        regexC_month = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1].zfill(2)
                                        regexC_day = '01'
                                    else:  # try YYYY MM DD
                                        regexC_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3]
                                        if regexC_year.isdigit() and int(regexC_year) > 1900 and int(regexC_year) < 2100:
                                            regexC_month = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2].zfill(2)
                                            regexC_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1].zfill(2)
                                            regexC_year = 'fail'
                                        newdatish = regexC_year + '-' + regexC_month + '-' + regexC_day
                                        # datetime will give a ValueError if not a good date or a param is not int
                                        date1 = datetime.date(int(regexC_year), int(regexC_month), int(regexC_day))
                                        logger.debug('Magazine %s not in proper date format.' % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                        bad_date = bad_date + 1
                                        # allow issues with good name but bad date to be included
                                        # so user can manually select them, incl those with issue numbers
                                        newdatish = "1970-01-01"  # provide a fake date for bad-date issues
                                        # continue

                        #  store all the _new_ matching results, marking as "skipped" for now
                        #  we change the status to "wanted" on the ones we want to snatch later
                        #  don't add a new entry if this issue has been found on an earlier search
                        #  because status might have been user-set
                        mag_entry = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted WHERE NZBtitle="%s" and NZBprov="%s"' % (nzbtitle, nzbprov))
                        if not mag_entry:
                            controlValueDict = {
                                "NZBtitle": nzbtitle,
                                "NZBprov": nzbprov
                            newValueDict = {
                                "NZBurl": nzburl,
                                "BookID": bookid,
                                "NZBdate": nzbdate,
                                "AuxInfo": newdatish,
                                "Status": "Skipped",
                                "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                                "NZBmode": nzbmode
                            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                        if control_date is None:  # we haven't got any copies of this magazine yet
                            # get a rough time just over a month ago to compare to, in format yyyy-mm-dd
                            # could perhaps calc differently for weekly, biweekly etc
                            start_time = time.time()
                            start_time -= 31 * 24 * 60 * 60  # number of seconds in 31 days
                            control_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(start_time))

                        # only grab a copy if it's newer than the most recent we have,
                        # or newer than a month ago if we have none
                        comp_date = formatter.datecompare(newdatish, control_date)
                        if comp_date > 0:
                            # Should probably only upsert when downloaded and processed in case snatch fails
                            # keep track of what we're going to download so we don't download dupes
                            new_date = new_date + 1
                            issue = bookid + ',' + newdatish
                            if issue not in issues:
                                    'bookid': bookid,
                                    'nzbprov': nzbprov,
                                    'nzbtitle': nzbtitle,
                                    'nzburl': nzburl,
                                    'nzbmode': nzbmode
                                logger.debug('This issue of %s is new, downloading' % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                to_snatch = to_snatch + 1

                                controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                                newValueDict = {
                                    "NZBdate": formatter.now(),  # when we asked for it
                                    "Status": "Wanted"
                                myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                                logger.debug('This issue of %s is already flagged for download' % issue)
                            if newdatish != "1970-01-01":  # this is our fake date for ones we can't decipher
                                logger.debug('This issue of %s is old; skipping.' % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                old_date = old_date + 1
                        logger.debug('Magazine [%s] does not completely match search term [%s].' % (
                                     nzbtitle_formatted, bookid))
                        bad_regex = bad_regex + 1

            logger.info('Found %i results for %s. %i new, %i old, %i fail date, %i fail name: %i to download' % (
                        total_nzbs, bookid, new_date, old_date, bad_date, bad_regex, to_snatch))

            for items in maglist:
                if items['nzbmode'] == "torznab":
                    snatch = TORDownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['nzbprov'], items['nzbtitle'], items['nzburl'])
                elif items['nzbmode'] == "torrent":
                    snatch = TORDownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['nzbprov'], items['nzbtitle'], items['nzburl'])
                    snatch = NZBDownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['nzbprov'], items['nzbtitle'], items['nzburl'])
                if snatch:
                    notifiers.notify_snatch(formatter.latinToAscii(items['nzbtitle']) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                    common.schedule_job(action='Start', target='processDir')
            maglist = []

    if reset:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='search_magazines')

    logger.info("Search for magazines complete")
Пример #31
def processResultList(resultlist, author, title, book):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    dictrepl = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
                ',': ' ', '*': '', '(': '', ')': '', '[': '', ']': '', '#': '', '0': '', '1': '', '2': '',
                '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', '9': '', '\'': '', ':': '', '!': '',
                '-': ' ', '\s\s': ' '}
                # ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ', ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ',
                # ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}

    match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
    reject_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.REJECT_WORDS)

    matches = []
    # bit of a misnomer now, rss can search both tor and nzb rss feeds
    for tor in resultlist:
        torTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(tor['tor_title'], dictrepl)).strip()
        torTitle = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", torTitle)  # remove extra whitespace

        tor_Author_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(author, torTitle)
        tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(title, torTitle)
        logger.debug("RSS Author/Title Match: %s/%s for %s" % (tor_Author_match, tor_Title_match, torTitle))

        rejected = False
        for word in reject_list:
            if word in torTitle.lower() and not word in author.lower() and not word in book.lower():
                rejected = True
                logger.debug("Rejecting %s, contains %s" % (torTitle, word))

            tor_size_temp = tor['tor_size']  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
            if tor_size_temp is None:
                tor_size_temp = 1000
            tor_size = round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576, 2)

            maxsize = formatter.check_int(lazylibrarian.REJECT_MAXSIZE, 0)
            if maxsize and tor_size > maxsize:
                rejected = True
                logger.debug("Rejecting %s, too large" % torTitle)

        if (tor_Title_match >= match_ratio and tor_Author_match >= match_ratio and not rejected):
            #logger.debug(u'Found RSS: %s' % tor['tor_title'])
            bookid = book['bookid']
            tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] +
                         ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
            tor_url = tor['tor_url']
            tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']
            tor_feed = tor['tor_feed']

            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
            newValueDict = {
                "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                "BookID": bookid,
                "NZBdate": formatter.now(),  # when we asked for it
                "NZBsize": tor_size,
                "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                "NZBmode": "torrent",
                "Status": "Skipped"
            score = (tor_Title_match + tor_Author_match)/2  # as a percentage
            # lose a point for each extra word in the title so we get the closest match
            words = len(formatter.getList(torTitle))
            words -= len(formatter.getList(author))
            words -= len(formatter.getList(title))
            score -= abs(words)
            matches.append([score, torTitle, newValueDict, controlValueDict])

    if matches:
        highest = max(matches, key=lambda x: x[0])
        score = highest[0]
        nzb_Title = highest[1]
        newValueDict = highest[2]
        controlValueDict = highest[3]
        logger.info(u'Best match RSS (%s%%): %s using %s search' % 
            (score, nzb_Title, searchtype))
        myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s" and Status="Snatched"' %

        if not snatchedbooks:  # check if one of the other downloaders got there first
            tor_url = controlValueDict["NZBurl"]
            if '.nzb' in tor_url:
                snatch = NZBDownloadMethod(newValueDict["BookID"], newValueDict["NZBprov"],
                                           newValueDict["NZBtitle"], controlValueDict["NZBurl"])
                #  http://baconbits.org/torrents.php?action=download&authkey=<authkey>&torrent_pass=<password.hashed>&id=185398
                if not tor_url.startswith('magnet'):  # magnets don't use auth
                    pwd = lazylibrarian.RSS_PROV[tor_feed]['PASS']
                    auth = lazylibrarian.RSS_PROV[tor_feed]['AUTH']
                    # don't know what form of password hash is required, try sha1
                    tor_url = tor_url.replace('<authkey>', auth).replace('<password.hashed>', sha1(pwd))
                snatch = TORDownloadMethod(newValueDict["BookID"], newValueDict["NZBprov"],
                                           newValueDict["NZBtitle"], tor_url)

            if snatch:
                notifiers.notify_snatch(newValueDict["NZBtitle"] + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                common.schedule_job(action='Start', target='processDir')
                return True

    logger.debug("No RSS found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' +
    return False
Пример #32
def search_rss_book(books=None, reset=False):
    if not(lazylibrarian.USE_RSS()):
        logger.warn('RSS search is disabled')
        common.schedule_job(action='Stop', target='search_rss_book')
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHRSSBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname, BookAdded from books WHERE Status="Wanted" order by BookAdded desc')
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID="%s" \
                                     AND Status="Wanted"' % book['bookid'])
            for terms in searchbook:

    if len(searchbooks) == 0:
        logger.debug("RSS search requested for no books or invalid BookID")
    elif len(searchbooks) == 1:
        logger.info('RSS Searching for one book')
        logger.info('RSS Searching for %i books' % len(searchbooks))

    resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverRSSSites()
    if not nproviders:
        logger.warn('No rss providers are set, check config')
        return  # No point in continuing

    dic = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
           ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': ''}

    rss_count = 0
    for book in searchbooks:
        bookid = book['BookID']
        author = book['AuthorName']
        title = book['BookName']

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(title, dic))

        found = processResultList(resultlist, author, title, book)

        # if you can't find the book, try author without initials,
        # and title without any "(extended details, series etc)"
        if not found:
            if author[1] in '. ' or '(' in title:  # anything to shorten?
                while author[1] in '. ':  # strip any initials
                    author = author[2:].strip()  # and leading whitespace
                if '(' in title:
                    title = title.split('(')[0]
                found = processResultList(resultlist, author, title, book)

        if not found:
            logger.debug("Searches returned no results. Adding book %s - %s to queue." % (author, title))
            rss_count = rss_count + 1

    plural = "s"
    if rss_count == 1:
        plural = ""
    logger.info("RSS Search for Wanted items complete, found %s book%s" % (rss_count, plural))

    if reset:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='search_rss_book')
Пример #33
def processResultList(resultlist, book, searchtype):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    dictrepl = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
                ',': '', '*': '', '(': '', ')': '', '[': '', ']': '', '#': '', '0': '', '1': '',
                '2': '', '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', '9': '', '\'': '',
                ':': '', '!': '', '-': '', '\s\s': ' ', ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ',
                ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ', ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}

    match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
    for nzb in resultlist:
        nzbTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(nzb['nzbtitle'], dictrepl)).strip()
        nzbTitle = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", nzbTitle)  # remove extra whitespace
        #nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(book['searchterm'], nzbTitle)
        #logger.debug(u"NZB Title sort Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match) + " for " + nzbTitle)
        if searchtype == 'book' or searchtype == 'shortbook':
            nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(book['searchterm'], nzbTitle)
            logger.debug(u"NZB token set Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match) + " for " + nzbTitle)
        elif searchtype == 'author':
            nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(book['authorName'].encode('utf-8'), nzbTitle)
            logger.debug(u"NZB author Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match) + " for " + nzbTitle)
            if nzbTitle_match > match_ratio:
                nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(book['bookName'].encode('utf-8'), nzbTitle)
                logger.debug(u"NZB book Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match) + " for " + nzbTitle)
        else:  # searchtype == 'general':
            nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(book['searchterm'], nzbTitle)
            logger.debug(u"NZB Title general Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match) + " for " + nzbTitle)
        if (nzbTitle_match > match_ratio):
            logger.debug(u'Found NZB: %s using %s search' % (nzb['nzbtitle'], searchtype))
            bookid = book['bookid']
            nzbTitle = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
            nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
            nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']
            nzbdate_temp = nzb['nzbdate']
            nzbsize_temp = nzb['nzbsize']  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
            if nzbsize_temp is None:
                nzbsize_temp = 1000
            nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
            nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)
            nzbmode = nzb['nzbmode']
            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
            newValueDict = {
                "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                "BookID": bookid,
                "NZBdate": nzbdate,
                "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                "NZBmode": nzbmode,
                "Status": "Skipped"
            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s" and Status="Snatched"' %
            if not snatchedbooks:
                if nzbmode == "torznab":
                    snatch = TORDownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
                    snatch = NZBDownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
                if snatch:
                    notifiers.notify_snatch(formatter.latinToAscii(nzbTitle) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                    return True
    logger.debug("No nzb's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' + book['bookName']).strip() +
                     " using searchtype " + searchtype)
    return False
Пример #34
def searchbook(bookid=None):

    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    if bookid:
        searchbooks = myDB.select(
            'SELECT AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"',
        searchbooks = myDB.select(
            'SELECT AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        author = searchbook[0]
        book = searchbook[1]
        logger.info('Searching for %s - %s.' % (author, book))

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': ''

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        searchterm = author + ' ' + book
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')

        resultlist = []

        if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.BLACKHOLE:
            logger.info('No downloadmethod is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

        if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB:
            logger.info('No providers are set.')

        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB:
            logger.info('Searching NZB at provider %s ...' %
            resultlist = providers.NewzNab(searchterm, resultlist)

#        if lazylibrarian.NEWZBIN:
#            logger.info('Searching NZB at provider %s ...' % lazylibrarian.NEWZBIN)
#            resultlist = providers.Newzbin(searchterm, resultlist)

#        if lazylibrarian.NZBMATRIX:
#            logger.info('Searching NZB at provider %s ...' % lazylibrarian.NZBMATRIX)
#            resultlist = providers.NZBMatrix(searchterm, resultlist)

#        if lazylibrarian.NZBSORG:
#            logger.info('Searching NZB at provider %s ...' % lazylibrarian.NZBSORG)
#            resultlist = providers.NZBsorg(searchterm, resultlist)

        if resultlist is None:
                "Search didn't have results. Adding book %s - %s to queue." %
                (author, book))

            for nzb in resultlist:
                nzbtitle = nzb['nzbtitle']
                nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
                nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']

                #save nzb's to database for later use
                snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
                    'SELECT * from wanted WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"',
                if snatchedbooks:
                    "Book with BookID %s allready snatched, skipped this NZB."
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                        "NZBdate": formatter.today(),
                        "NZBurl": nzburl,
                        "NZBtitle": nzbtitle,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbtitle, nzburl)
Пример #35
def search_nzb_book(books=None, reset=False):
    if not lazylibrarian.USE_NZB():
        logger.warn('No NEWZNAB/TORZNAB providers set, check config')
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHNZBBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname, BookAdded from books WHERE Status="Wanted" order by BookAdded desc')
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID="%s" \
                                     AND Status="Wanted"' % book['bookid'])
            for terms in searchbook:

    if len(searchbooks) == 0:
        logger.debug("NZB search requested for no books or invalid BookID")
    elif len(searchbooks) == 1:
        logger.info('NZB Searching for one book')
        logger.info('NZB Searching for %i books' % len(searchbooks))

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
               ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': ''}
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.': ' +', ' + ': ' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))
        if '(' in book:  # may have title (series/extended info)
            book = book.split('(')[0]
        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", searchterm)  # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName": searchbook[2], "authorName": searchbook[1],
                           "searchterm": searchterm.strip()})

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.NZB_DOWNLOADER_BLACKHOLE and not lazylibrarian.NZBGET_HOST:
        logger.warn('No download method is set, use SABnzbd/NZBGet or blackhole, check config')

    nzb_count = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        # first attempt, try author/title in category "book"
        resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, 'book')

        if not nproviders:
            logger.warn('No NewzNab or TorzNab providers are set, check config')
            return  # no point in continuing

        found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "book")

        # if you can't find the book, try author/title without any "(extended details, series etc)"
        if not found and '(' in book['bookName']:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, 'shortbook')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "shortbook")

        # if you can't find the book under "books", you might find under general search
        if not found:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, 'general')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "general")

        # if you still can't find the book, try with author only
        if not found:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, 'author')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "author")

        if not found:
            logger.debug("NZB Searches returned no results. Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])
            nzb_count = nzb_count + 1

    if nzb_count == 1:
        logger.info("NZBSearch for Wanted items complete, found %s book" % nzb_count)
        logger.info("NZBSearch for Wanted items complete, found %s books" % nzb_count)

    if reset:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='search_nzb_book')
Пример #36
def searchbook(books=None):

    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select(
            'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"'

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select(
                'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"',
            for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': '',
            ':': '',
            ';': ''
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.': ' +', ' + ': ' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(
            formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm1 = author  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm1 = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm1).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm1 = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm1).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm1 = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ",
                             searchterm1)  # strip any double white space
            "bookid": bookid,
            "bookName": searchbook[2],
            "authorName": searchbook[1],
            "searchterm": searchterm1.strip()

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2:
        logger.info('No providers are set. use NEWZNAB.')

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' %
            resultlist = providers.NewzNab(book, "1")

        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' %
            resultlist += providers.NewzNab(book, "2")

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {
                '...': '',
                ' & ': ' ',
                ' = ': ' ',
                '?': '',
                '$': 's',
                ' + ': ' ',
                '"': '',
                ',': '',
                '*': '',
                '(': '',
                ')': '',
                '[': '',
                ']': '',
                '#': '',
                '0': '',
                '1': '',
                '2': '',
                '3': '',
                '4': '',
                '5': '',
                '6': '',
                '7': '',
                '8': '',
                '9': '',
                '\'': '',
                ':': '',
                '!': '',
                '-': '',
                '\s\s': ' ',
                ' the ': ' ',
                ' a ': ' ',
                ' and ': ' ',
                ' to ': ' ',
                ' of ': ' ',
                ' for ': ' ',
                ' my ': ' ',
                ' in ': ' ',
                ' at ': ' ',
                ' with ': ' '
            bookName = book['bookName']
            bookID = book['bookid']
            bookName = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', bookName)
            bookName = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', bookName)
            bookName = formatter.latinToAscii(
                formatter.replace_all(bookName.lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
            logger.debug(u'bookName %s' % bookName)
            addedCounter = 0

            for nzb in resultlist:
                nzbTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(
                        str(nzb['nzbtitle']).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                logger.debug(u'nzbName %s' % nzbTitle)
                logger.debug("NZB Match %: " +
                             str(fuzz.partial_ratio(bookName, nzbTitle)))
                if (fuzz.partial_ratio(bookName, nzbTitle) > 80):
                    logger.debug(u'FOUND %s' % nzbTitle.lower())
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = nzb['bookid']
                    nzbTitle = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] +
                                ' LL.(' + bookID + ')').strip()
                    nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
                    nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']

                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBdate": formatter.today(),
                        "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"',
                    if not snatchedbooks:
                        snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle,
            if addedCounter == 0:
                logger.info("No nzb's found for " +
                            (book["authorName"] + ' ' + bookName).strip() +
                            ". Adding book to queue.")
        counter = counter + 1
Пример #37
def search_tor_book(books=None, reset=False):
    if not lazylibrarian.USE_TOR():
        logger.warn('No Torrent providers set, check config')
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHTORBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname, BookAdded from books WHERE Status="Wanted" order by BookAdded desc')
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID="%s" \
                                     AND Status="Wanted"' % book['bookid'])
            for terms in searchbook:

    if len(searchbooks) == 0:
        logger.debug("TOR search requested for no books or invalid BookID")
    elif len(searchbooks) == 1:
        logger.info('TOR Searching for one book')
        logger.info('TOR Searching for %i books' % len(searchbooks))

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook['BookID']
        author = searchbook['AuthorName']
        book = searchbook['BookName']

        dic = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
               ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': ''}
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.': ' +', ' + ': ' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", searchterm)  # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName": searchbook[2], "authorName": searchbook[1],
                           "searchterm": searchterm.strip()})

    tor_count = 0
    for book in searchlist:

        resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'book')
        if not nproviders:
            logger.warn('No torrent providers are set, check config')
            return  # No point in continuing

        found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "book")

        # if you can't find the book, try author/title without any "(extended details, series etc)"
        if not found and '(' in book['bookName']:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'shortbook')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "shortbook")

        # if you can't find the book under "books", you might find under general search
        if not found:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'general')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "general")

        # if you still can't find the book, try with author only
        if not found:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'author')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "author")

        if not found:
            logger.debug("Searches returned no results. Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])
            tor_count = tor_count + 1

    if tor_count == 1:
        logger.info("TORSearch for Wanted items complete, found %s book" % tor_count)
        logger.info("TORSearch for Wanted items complete, found %s books" % tor_count)

    if reset:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='search_tor_book')
Пример #38
def processDir():
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

    processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR

    logger.debug(' Checking [%s] for files to post process' % processpath)

    # TODO - try exception on os.listdir - it throws debug level
    # exception if dir doesn't exist - bloody hard to catch
        downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
    except OSError:
        logger.error('Could not access [%s] directory ' % processpath)
        return False
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted WHERE Status="Snatched"')

    if snatched is None:
        logger.info('No books are snatched. Nothing to process.')
    elif downloads is None:
        logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')
        ppcount = 0
        for book in snatched:
            if book['NZBtitle'] in downloads:
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, book['NZBtitle'])
                logger.debug('Found book/mag folder %s.' % pp_path)

                data = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s"' % book['BookID'])
                if data:
                    authorname = data[0]['AuthorName']
                    bookname = data[0]['BookName']
                    # Default destination path, should be allowed change per config file.
                    dest_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
                    global_name = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
                    # dest_path = authorname+'/'+bookname
                    # global_name = bookname + ' - ' + authorname
                    dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
                    data = myDB.select('SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title="%s"' % book['BookID'])
                    if data:
                        # AuxInfo was added for magazine release date, normally housed in 'magazines' but if multiple
                        # files are downloading, there will be an error in post-processing, trying to go to the
                        # same directory.
                        mostrecentissue = data[0]['IssueDate'] # keep this for processing issues arriving out of order
                        dest_path = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$IssueDate', book['AuxInfo']).replace('$Title', book['BookID'])
                        # dest_path = '_Magazines/'+title+'/'+book['AuxInfo']
                        if lazylibrarian.MAG_RELATIVE:
                            if dest_path[0] not in '._':
                                dest_path = '_' + dest_path
                            dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
                            dest_path = dest_path.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
                        authorname = None
                        bookname = None
                        global_name = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FILE.replace('$IssueDate', book['AuxInfo']).replace('$Title', book['BookID'])
                        # global_name = book['AuxInfo']+' - '+title
                        logger.debug("Snatched magazine %s is not in download directory" % (book['BookID']))
                logger.debug("Snatched NZB %s is not in download directory" % (book['NZBtitle']))

            dic = {'<': '', '>': '', '...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': '', '\'': ''}
            dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
                os.chmod(dest_path, 0777)
            except Exception, e:
                logger.debug("Could not chmod post-process directory: " + str(dest_path))

            processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname, global_name, book['BookID'])

            if processBook:

                ppcount = ppcount + 1

                # update nzbs
                controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": book['NZBurl']}
                newValueDict = {"Status": "Processed", "NZBDate": formatter.today()} # say when we processed it
                myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                if bookname is not None: # it's a book, if None it's a magazine
                    processExtras(myDB, dest_path, global_name, data)
                    # update mags
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": book['BookID']}
                    if mostrecentissue > book['AuxInfo']: # check this in case processing issues arriving out of order
                        newValueDict = {"LastAcquired": formatter.today(), "IssueStatus": "Open"}
                        newValueDict = {"IssueDate": book['AuxInfo'], "LastAcquired": formatter.today(), "IssueStatus": "Open"}
                    myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                    # dest_path is where we put the magazine after processing, but we don't have the full filename
                    # so look for any "book" in that directory
                    dest_file = book_file(dest_path)
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": book['BookID'], "IssueDate": book['AuxInfo']}
                    newValueDict = {"IssueAcquired": formatter.today(), "IssueFile": dest_file}
                    myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                logger.info('Successfully processed: %s' % global_name)
                notifiers.notify_download(formatter.latinToAscii(global_name) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                logger.error('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' % global_name)
                logger.error('Warning - Residual files remain in %s' % pp_path)
        # TODO Seems to be duplication here. Can we just scan once for snatched books 
        # instead of scan for snatched and then scan for directories with "LL.(bookID)" in?
        # Should there be any directories with "LL.(bookID)" that aren't in snatched?
        # Maybe this was put in for manually downloaded books?
        downloads = os.listdir(processpath) # check in case we processed/deleted some above      
        for directory in downloads:
            if "LL.(" in directory:
                bookID = str(directory).split("LL.(")[1].split(")")[0]
                logger.debug("Book with id: " + str(bookID) + " is in downloads")
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, directory)

                if os.path.isfile(pp_path):
                    pp_path = os.path.join(processpath) 

                if (os.path.isdir(pp_path)):
                    logger.debug('Found LL folder %s.' % pp_path)
                if import_book(pp_path, bookID):
                    ppcount = ppcount + 1
        if ppcount:
            logger.info('%s books/mags have been processed.' % ppcount)
            logger.info('No snatched books/mags have been found')
Пример #39
def processResultList(resultlist, book, searchtype):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    dictrepl = {
        "...": "",
        ".": " ",
        " & ": " ",
        " = ": " ",
        "?": "",
        "$": "s",
        " + ": " ",
        '"': "",
        ",": " ",
        "*": "",
        "(": "",
        ")": "",
        "[": "",
        "]": "",
        "#": "",
        "0": "",
        "1": "",
        "2": "",
        "3": "",
        "4": "",
        "5": "",
        "6": "",
        "7": "",
        "8": "",
        "9": "",
        "'": "",
        ":": "",
        "!": "",
        "-": " ",
        "\s\s": " ",
    # ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ',
    # ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ', ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}

    dic = {
        "...": "",
        ".": " ",
        " & ": " ",
        " = ": " ",
        "?": "",
        "$": "s",
        " + ": " ",
        '"': "",
        ",": "",
        "*": "",
        ":": "",
        ";": "",
        "'": "",

    match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
    reject_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.REJECT_WORDS)
    author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book["authorName"], dic))
    title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book["bookName"], dic))

    matches = []
    for nzb in resultlist:
        nzb_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(nzb["nzbtitle"], dictrepl)).strip()
        nzb_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", nzb_Title)  # remove extra whitespace

        nzbAuthor_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(author, nzb_Title)
        nzbBook_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(title, nzb_Title)
        logger.debug(u"NZB author/book Match: %s/%s for %s" % (nzbAuthor_match, nzbBook_match, nzb_Title))

        rejected = False
        for word in reject_list:
            if word in nzb_Title.lower() and not word in author.lower() and not word in title.lower():
                rejected = True
                logger.debug("Rejecting %s, contains %s" % (nzb_Title, word))

        nzbsize_temp = nzb["nzbsize"]  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
        if nzbsize_temp is None:
            nzbsize_temp = 1000
        nzbsize = round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)

        maxsize = formatter.check_int(lazylibrarian.REJECT_MAXSIZE, 0)
        if maxsize and nzbsize > maxsize:
            rejected = True
            logger.debug("Rejecting %s, too large" % nzb_Title)

        if nzbAuthor_match >= match_ratio and nzbBook_match >= match_ratio and not rejected:
            # logger.debug(u'Found NZB: %s using %s search' % (nzb['nzbtitle'], searchtype))
            bookid = book["bookid"]
            nzbTitle = (author + " - " + title + " LL.(" + book["bookid"] + ")").strip()
            nzburl = nzb["nzburl"]
            nzbprov = nzb["nzbprov"]
            nzbdate_temp = nzb["nzbdate"]
            nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)
            nzbmode = nzb["nzbmode"]
            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
            newValueDict = {
                "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                "BookID": bookid,
                "NZBdate": formatter.now(),  # when we asked for it
                "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                "NZBmode": nzbmode,
                "Status": "Skipped",

            score = (nzbBook_match + nzbAuthor_match) / 2  # as a percentage
            # lose a point for each extra word in the title so we get the closest match
            words = len(formatter.getList(nzb_Title))
            words -= len(formatter.getList(author))
            words -= len(formatter.getList(title))
            score -= abs(words)
            matches.append([score, nzb_Title, newValueDict, controlValueDict])

    if matches:
        highest = max(matches, key=lambda x: x[0])
        score = highest[0]
        nzb_Title = highest[1]
        newValueDict = highest[2]
        controlValueDict = highest[3]
        logger.info(u"Best match NZB (%s%%): %s using %s search" % (score, nzb_Title, searchtype))

        myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
            'SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s" and Status="Snatched"' % newValueDict["BookID"]
        if not snatchedbooks:
            if nzbmode == "torznab":
                snatch = TORDownloadMethod(
                snatch = NZBDownloadMethod(
            if snatch:
                notifiers.notify_snatch(newValueDict["NZBtitle"] + " at " + formatter.now())
                common.schedule_job(action="Start", target="processDir")
                return True

        "No nzb's found for "
        + (book["authorName"] + " " + book["bookName"]).strip()
        + " using searchtype "
        + searchtype
    return False
Пример #40
def processDir():
	# rename this thread
	threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

	processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR
	logger.debug(' Checking [%s] for files to post process' % processpath)
	#TODO - try exception on os.listdir - it throws debug level 
	#exception if dir doesn't exist - bloody hard to catch
	try :
		downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
	except OSError:
			logger.error('Could not access [%s] directory ' % processpath)
	myDB = database.DBConnection()
	snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted WHERE Status="Snatched"')

	if snatched is None:
		logger.info('No books are snatched. Nothing to process.')
	elif downloads is None:
		logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')
		for book in snatched:
			if book['NZBtitle'] in downloads:
				pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, book['NZBtitle'])
				logger.info('Found folder %s.' % pp_path)

				data = myDB.select("SELECT * from books WHERE BookID='%s'" % book['BookID'])
				if data:
					for metadata in data:
						authorname = metadata['AuthorName']
						authorimg = metadata['AuthorLink']
						bookname = metadata['BookName']
						bookdesc = metadata['BookDesc']
						bookisbn = metadata['BookIsbn']
						bookrate = metadata['BookRate']
						bookimg = metadata['BookImg']
						bookpage = metadata['BookPages']
						booklink = metadata['BookLink']
						bookdate = metadata['BookDate']
						booklang = metadata['BookLang']
						bookpub = metadata['BookPub']

					#Default destination path, should be allowed change per config file.
					dest_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
					#dest_path = authorname+'/'+bookname
					global_name = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE.replace('$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
					#global_name = bookname + ' - ' + authorname
					data = myDB.select("SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title='%s'" % book['BookID'])
					for metadata in data:
						title = metadata['Title']
					#AuxInfo was added for magazine release date, normally housed in 'magazines' but if multiple
					#files are downloading, there will be an error in post-processing, trying to go to the 
					#same directory.
					dest_path = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$IssueDate', book['AuxInfo']).replace('$Title', title)
					#dest_path = '_Magazines/'+title+'/'+book['AuxInfo']
					authorname = None
					bookname = None
					global_name = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FILE.replace('$IssueDate', book['AuxInfo']).replace('$Title', title)
					#global_name = book['AuxInfo']+' - '+title
				logger.info("Snatched NZB %s is not in download directory" % (book['NZBtitle']))

				os.chmod(os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING), 0777);
			except Exception, e:
				logger.debug("Could not chmod post-process directory");

			dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':'', '\'':''}
			dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
			dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

			processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname, global_name)

			if processBook:

				ppcount = ppcount+1
				# If you use auto add by Calibre you need the book in a single directory, not nested
				#So take the file you Copied/Moved to Dest_path and copy it to a Calibre auto add folder.
				if lazylibrarian.IMP_AUTOADD:

				#update nzbs
				controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": book['NZBurl']}
				newValueDict = {"Status": "Processed"}
				myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

				# try image
				if bookname is not None:
					processIMG(dest_path, bookimg, global_name)

					# try metadata
					processOPF(dest_path, authorname, bookname, bookisbn, book['BookID'], bookpub, bookdate, bookdesc, booklang, global_name)

					#update books
					controlValueDict = {"BookID": book['BookID']}
					newValueDict = {"Status": "Open"}
					myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

					#update authors
					query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND (Status="Have" OR Status="Open")' % authorname
					countbooks = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
					havebooks = int(countbooks[0])
					controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
					newValueDict = {"HaveBooks": havebooks}
					author_query = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % authorname
					countauthor = myDB.action(author_query).fetchone()
					if countauthor:
						myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

					#update mags
					controlValueDict = {"Title": book['BookID']}
					newValueDict = {"IssueStatus": "Open"}
					myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

				logger.info('Successfully processed: %s' % (global_name))
				notifiers.notify_download(global_name+' at '+formatter.now())
				logger.error('Postprocessing for %s has failed. Warning - AutoAdd will be repeated' % global_name)
		if ppcount:
			logger.debug('%s books are downloaded and processed.' % ppcount)
			logger.debug('No snatched books have been found')
Пример #41
def processResultList(resultlist, author, title, book):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    dictrepl = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
                ',': ' ', '*': '', '(': '', ')': '', '[': '', ']': '', '#': '', '0': '', '1': '', '2': '',
                '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', '9': '', '\'': '', ':': '', '!': '',
                '-': ' ', '\s\s': ' '}
                # ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ', ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ',
                # ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}

    match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
    reject_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.REJECT_WORDS)

    # bit of a misnomer now, rss can search both tor and nzb rss feeds
    for tor in resultlist:
        tor_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(tor['tor_title'], dictrepl)).strip()
        tor_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", tor_Title)  # remove extra whitespace

        tor_Author_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(author, tor_Title)
        tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(title, tor_Title)
        logger.debug("RSS Author/Title Match: %s/%s for %s" %(tor_Author_match, tor_Title_match, tor_Title))

        rejected = False
        for word in reject_list:
            if word in tor_Title.lower() and not word in author.lower() and not word in book.lower():
                rejected = True
                logger.debug("Rejecting %s, contains %s" % (tor_Title, word))

        if (tor_Title_match >= match_ratio and tor_Author_match >= match_ratio and not rejected):
            logger.debug(u'Found RSS: %s' % tor['tor_title'])
            bookid = book['bookid']
            tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] +
                         ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
            tor_url = tor['tor_url']
            tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']
            tor_feed = tor['tor_feed']

            tor_size_temp = tor['tor_size']  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
            if tor_size_temp is None:
                tor_size_temp = 1000
            tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
            newValueDict = {
                "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                "BookID": bookid,
                "NZBdate": formatter.now(),  # when we asked for it
                "NZBsize": tor_size,
                "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                "NZBmode": "torrent",
                "Status": "Skipped"
            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s" and Status="Snatched"' %
            if not snatchedbooks:  # check if one of the other downloaders got there first
                if '.nzb' in tor_url:
                    snatch = NZBDownloadMethod(bookid, tor_prov, tor_Title, tor_url)
                    #  http://baconbits.org/torrents.php?action=download&authkey=<authkey>&torrent_pass=<password.hashed>&id=185398
                    if not tor_url.startswith('magnet'):  # magnets don't use auth
                        pwd  = lazylibrarian.RSS_PROV[tor_feed]['PASS']
                        auth = lazylibrarian.RSS_PROV[tor_feed]['AUTH']
                        # don't know what form of password hash is required, try sha1    
                        tor_url = tor_url.replace('<authkey>', auth).replace('<password.hashed>', sha1(pwd))
                    snatch = TORDownloadMethod(bookid, tor_prov, tor_Title, tor_url)

                if snatch:
                    notifiers.notify_snatch(formatter.latinToAscii(tor_Title) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                    common.schedule_job(action='Start', target='processDir')
                    return True

    logger.debug("No RSS found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' +
    return False
Пример #42
def search_nzb_book(books=None, mags=None):
    if not (lazylibrarian.USE_NZB):
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHNZBBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        if books != False:
            for book in books:
                searchbook = myDB.select(
                    'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"',
                for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {
            "...": "",
            ".": " ",
            " & ": " ",
            " = ": " ",
            "?": "",
            "$": "s",
            " + ": " ",
            '"': "",
            ",": "",
            "*": "",
            ":": "",
            ";": "",
        dicSearchFormatting = {".": " +", " + ": " "}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + " " + book  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub("[\.\-\/]", " ", searchterm).encode("utf-8")
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\(.*?\)", "", searchterm).encode("utf-8")
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", searchterm)  # strip any double white space
            {"bookid": bookid, "bookName": searchbook[2], "authorName": searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm.strip()}

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.NZB_DOWNLOADER_BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info("No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole")

    # TODO - Move the newznab test to providers.py
    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2 and not lazylibrarian.USENETCRAWLER:
        logger.info("No providers are set. try use NEWZNAB.")

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        # print book.keys()
        resultlist = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, "book")

        # if you can't find teh book specifically, you might find under general search
        if not resultlist:
            logger.info("Searching for type book failed to find any books...moving to general search")
            resultlist = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, "general")

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book["searchterm"])

            dictrepl = {
                "...": "",
                ".": " ",
                " & ": " ",
                " = ": " ",
                "?": "",
                "$": "s",
                " + ": " ",
                '"': "",
                ",": "",
                "*": "",
                "(": "",
                ")": "",
                "[": "",
                "]": "",
                "#": "",
                "0": "",
                "1": "",
                "2": "",
                "3": "",
                "4": "",
                "5": "",
                "6": "",
                "7": "",
                "8": "",
                "9": "",
                "'": "",
                ":": "",
                "!": "",
                "-": "",
                "\s\s": " ",
                " the ": " ",
                " a ": " ",
                " and ": " ",
                " to ": " ",
                " of ": " ",
                " for ": " ",
                " my ": " ",
                " in ": " ",
                " at ": " ",
                " with ": " ",
            logger.debug(u"searchterm %s" % book["searchterm"])
            addedCounter = 0

            for nzb in resultlist:
                nzbTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(nzb["nzbtitle"]).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                nzbTitle = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", nzbTitle)  # remove extra whitespace
                logger.debug(u"nzbName %s" % nzbTitle)

                match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
                nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(book["searchterm"].lower(), nzbTitle)
                logger.debug("NZB Title Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match))

                if nzbTitle_match > match_ratio:
                    logger.info(u"Found NZB: %s" % nzb["nzbtitle"])
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = book["bookid"]
                    nzbTitle = (book["authorName"] + " - " + book["bookName"] + " LL.(" + book["bookid"] + ")").strip()
                    nzburl = nzb["nzburl"]
                    nzbprov = nzb["nzbprov"]
                    nzbdate_temp = nzb["nzbdate"]
                    nzbsize_temp = nzb["nzbsize"]  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
                    if nzbsize_temp is None:
                        nzbsize_temp = 1000
                    nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + " MB"
                    nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)

                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBdate": nzbdate,
                        "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                        "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                        "Status": "Skipped",
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"', [bookid]
                    if not snatchedbooks:
                        snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
                        notifiers.notify_snatch(nzbTitle + " at " + formatter.now())
            if addedCounter == 0:
                    "No nzb's found for "
                    + (book["authorName"] + " " + book["bookName"]).strip()
                    + ". Adding book to queue."
        counter = counter + 1

    if not books or books == False:
        snatched = searchmag.searchmagazines(mags)
        for items in snatched:
            snatch = DownloadMethod(items["bookid"], items["nzbprov"], items["nzbtitle"], items["nzburl"])
            notifiers.notify_snatch(items["nzbtitle"] + " at " + formatter.now())
    logger.info("Search for Wanted items complete")
Пример #43
def processDir():
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

    processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR

    logger.debug(' Checking [%s] for files to post process' % processpath)

    #TODO - try exception on os.listdir - it throws debug level
    #exception if dir doesn't exist - bloody hard to catch
        downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
    except OSError:
        logger.error('Could not access [%s] directory ' % processpath)

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted WHERE Status="Snatched"')

    if snatched is None:
        logger.info('No books are snatched. Nothing to process.')
    elif downloads is None:
        logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')
        ppcount = 0
        for book in snatched:
            if book['NZBtitle'] in downloads:
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, book['NZBtitle'])
                logger.info('Found folder %s.' % pp_path)

                data = myDB.select("SELECT * from books WHERE BookID='%s'" %
                if data:
                    for metadata in data:
                        authorname = metadata['AuthorName']
                        authorimg = metadata['AuthorLink']
                        bookname = metadata['BookName']
                        bookdesc = metadata['BookDesc']
                        bookisbn = metadata['BookIsbn']
                        bookrate = metadata['BookRate']
                        bookimg = metadata['BookImg']
                        bookpage = metadata['BookPages']
                        booklink = metadata['BookLink']
                        bookdate = metadata['BookDate']
                        booklang = metadata['BookLang']
                        bookpub = metadata['BookPub']

                    #Default destination path, should be allowed change per config file.
                    dest_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace(
                        '$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
                    #dest_path = authorname+'/'+bookname
                    global_name = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE.replace(
                        '$Author', authorname).replace('$Title', bookname)
                    #global_name = bookname + ' - ' + authorname
                    data = myDB.select(
                        "SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title='%s'" %
                    for metadata in data:
                        title = metadata['Title']
                    #AuxInfo was added for magazine release date, normally housed in 'magazines' but if multiple
                    #files are downloading, there will be an error in post-processing, trying to go to the
                    #same directory.
                    dest_path = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FOLDER.replace(
                        book['AuxInfo']).replace('$Title', title)
                    #dest_path = '_Magazines/'+title+'/'+book['AuxInfo']
                    authorname = None
                    bookname = None
                    global_name = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FILE.replace(
                        book['AuxInfo']).replace('$Title', title)
                    #global_name = book['AuxInfo']+' - '+title
                logger.info("Snatched NZB %s is not in download directory" %

            except Exception, e:
                logger.debug("Could not chmod post-process directory")

            dic = {
                '<': '',
                '>': '',
                '...': '',
                ' & ': ' ',
                ' = ': ' ',
                '?': '',
                '$': 's',
                ' + ': ' ',
                '"': '',
                ',': '',
                '*': '',
                ':': '',
                ';': '',
                '\'': ''
            dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(
                formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
            dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR,

            processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname,
                                             bookname, global_name)

            if processBook:

                ppcount = ppcount + 1

                # If you use auto add by Calibre you need the book in a single directory, not nested
                #So take the file you Copied/Moved to Dest_path and copy it to a Calibre auto add folder.
                if lazylibrarian.IMP_AUTOADD:

                #update nzbs
                controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": book['NZBurl']}
                newValueDict = {"Status": "Processed"}
                myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                # try image
                if bookname is not None:
                    processIMG(dest_path, bookimg, global_name)

                    # try metadata
                    processOPF(dest_path, authorname, bookname, bookisbn,
                               book['BookID'], bookpub, bookdate, bookdesc,
                               booklang, global_name)

                    #update books
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": book['BookID']}
                    newValueDict = {"Status": "Open"}
                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    #update authors
                    query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND (Status="Have" OR Status="Open")' % authorname
                    countbooks = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
                    havebooks = int(countbooks[0])
                    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
                    newValueDict = {"HaveBooks": havebooks}
                    author_query = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % authorname
                    countauthor = myDB.action(author_query).fetchone()
                    if countauthor:
                        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    #update mags
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": book['BookID']}
                    newValueDict = {"IssueStatus": "Open"}
                    myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                logger.info('Successfully processed: %s' % (global_name))
                notifiers.notify_download(global_name + ' at ' +
                    'Postprocessing for %s has failed. Warning - AutoAdd will be repeated'
                    % global_name)
        if ppcount:
            logger.debug('%s books are downloaded and processed.' % ppcount)
            logger.debug('No snatched books have been found')
Пример #44
def processDir():
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

    processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR

    logger.debug(' Checking [%s] for files to post process' % processpath)

    #TODO - try exception on os.listdir - it throws debug level
    #exception if dir doesn't exist - bloody hard to catch
        downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
    except OSError:
        logger.error('Could not access [%s] directory ' % processpath)

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted WHERE Status="Snatched"')

    if snatched is None:
        logger.info('No books are snatched. Nothing to process.')
    elif downloads is None:
        logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')
        ppcount = 0
        for book in snatched:
            if book['NZBtitle'] in downloads:
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, book['NZBtitle'])
                logger.info('Found folder %s.' % pp_path)

                data = myDB.select("SELECT * from books WHERE BookID='%s'" %
                for metadata in data:
                    authorname = metadata['AuthorName']
                    authorimg = metadata['AuthorLink']
                    bookname = metadata['BookName']
                    bookdesc = metadata['BookDesc']
                    bookisbn = metadata['BookIsbn']
                    bookrate = metadata['BookRate']
                    bookimg = metadata['BookImg']
                    bookpage = metadata['BookPages']
                    booklink = metadata['BookLink']
                    bookdate = metadata['BookDate']
                    booklang = metadata['BookLang']
                    bookpub = metadata['BookPub']

                dest_path = authorname + '/' + bookname
                dic = {
                    '<': '',
                    '>': '',
                    '=': '',
                    '?': '',
                    '"': '',
                    ',': '',
                    '*': '',
                    ':': '',
                    ';': ''
                dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(
                    formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
                dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR,

                processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path,
                                                 authorname, bookname)

                if processBook:

                    ppcount = ppcount + 1

                    # If you use auto add by Calibre you need the book in a single directory, not nested
                    #So take the file you Copied/Moved to Dest_path and copy it to a Calibre auto add folder.

                    # try image
                    processIMG(dest_path, bookimg)

                    # try metadata
                    processOPF(dest_path, authorname, bookname, bookisbn,
                               book['BookID'], bookpub, bookdate, bookdesc,

                    #update nzbs
                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": book['NZBurl']}
                    newValueDict = {"Status": "Success"}
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    #update books
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": book['BookID']}
                    newValueDict = {"Status": "Have"}
                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    #update authors
                    query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND Status="Have"' % authorname
                    countbooks = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
                    havebooks = int(countbooks[0])
                    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
                    newValueDict = {"HaveBooks": havebooks}
                    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    logger.info('Successfully processed: %s - %s' %
                                (authorname, bookname))
                        'Postprocessing for %s has failed. Warning - AutoAdd will be repeated'
                        % bookname)
        if ppcount:
            logger.info('%s books are downloaded and processed.' % ppcount)
    logger.debug(' - Completed all snatched/downloaded files')
Пример #45
def processResultList(resultlist, book, searchtype):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    dictrepl = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
                ',': ' ', '*': '', '(': '', ')': '', '[': '', ']': '', '#': '', '0': '', '1': '', '2': '',
                '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', '9': '', '\'': '', ':': '', '!': '',
                '-': ' ', '\s\s': ' '}
                # ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ', ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ',
                # ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}

    dic = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
           ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': ''}

    match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
    reject_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.REJECT_WORDS)

    matches = []
    for tor in resultlist:
        torTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(tor['tor_title']), dictrepl)).strip()
        torTitle = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", torTitle)  # remove extra whitespace

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book['authorName'], dic))
        title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book['bookName'], dic))

        torAuthor_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(author, torTitle)
        torBook_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(title, torTitle)
        logger.debug(u"TOR author/book Match: %s/%s for %s" % (torAuthor_match, torBook_match, torTitle))

        rejected = False

        for word in reject_list:
            if word in torTitle.lower() and not word in author.lower() and not word in title.lower():
                rejected = True
                logger.debug("Rejecting %s, contains %s" % (torTitle, word))

        if (torAuthor_match >= match_ratio and torBook_match >= match_ratio and not rejected):
            #logger.debug(u'Found Torrent: %s using %s search' % (tor['tor_title'], searchtype))
            bookid = book['bookid']
            tor_Title = (author + ' - ' + title + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
            tor_url = tor['tor_url']
            tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']

            tor_size_temp = tor['tor_size']  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
            if tor_size_temp is None:
                tor_size_temp = 1000
            tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
            newValueDict = {
                "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                "BookID": bookid,
                "NZBdate": formatter.now(),  # when we asked for it
                "NZBsize": tor_size,
                "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                "NZBmode": "torrent",
                "Status": "Skipped"

            score = (torBook_match + torAuthor_match)/2  # as a percentage
            # lose a point for each extra word in the title so we get the closest match
            words = len(formatter.getList(torTitle))
            words -= len(formatter.getList(author))
            words -= len(formatter.getList(title))
            score -= abs(words)
            matches.append([score, torTitle, newValueDict, controlValueDict])

    if matches:
        highest = max(matches, key=lambda x: x[0])
        score = highest[0]
        nzb_Title = highest[1]
        newValueDict = highest[2]
        controlValueDict = highest[3]
        logger.info(u'Best match TOR (%s%%): %s using %s search' % 
            (score, nzb_Title, searchtype))
        myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s" and Status="Snatched"' %
        if not snatchedbooks:
            snatch = TORDownloadMethod(newValueDict["BookID"], newValueDict["NZBprov"],
                                           newValueDict["NZBtitle"], controlValueDict["NZBurl"])
            if snatch:
                notifiers.notify_snatch(newValueDict["NZBtitle"] + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                common.schedule_job(action='Start', target='processDir')
                return True

    logger.debug("No torrent's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' +
                 book['bookName']).strip() + " using searchtype " + searchtype)
    return False
def searchbook(books=None):

    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
	#If user did not pass a book, then return all wanted books
    if books is None:
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')
	#Otherwise return all books with matching ID
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"', [book['bookid']])
            for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]
	#Strip illegal chars
        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':''}
	#Convert Author and Book to ASCII
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))
	#Build Searchlist
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "searchterm": searchterm})

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info('No downloadmethod is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB:
        logger.info('No providers are set.')
	#Conatct all usenet providers and search
    for book in searchlist:
        resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not resultlist:
            logger.info('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' % lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB_HOST)
            resultlist = providers.NewzNab(book)

        if lazylibrarian.NZBMATRIX and not resultlist:
            logger.info('Searching NZB at provider NZBMatrix ...')
            resultlist = providers.NZBMatrix(book)

        if not resultlist:
            logger.info("Search didn't have results. Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            for nzb in resultlist:
                bookid = nzb['bookid']
                nzbtitle = nzb['nzbtitle']
                nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
                nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']

                controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                newValueDict = {
                    "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                    "BookID": bookid,
                    "NZBdate": formatter.today(),
                    "NZBtitle": nzbtitle,
                    "Status": "Skipped"
                myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"', [bookid]).fetchone()
                if not snatchedbooks:
                    snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbtitle, nzburl)
Пример #47
def processDir():
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

    processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR
    downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted WHERE Status="Snatched"')

    if snatched is None:
        logger.info('No books are snatched. Nothing to process.')
    elif downloads is None:
        logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')
        for book in snatched:
            if book['NZBtitle'] in downloads:
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, book['NZBtitle'])
                logger.info('Found folder %s.' % pp_path)

                data = myDB.select("SELECT * from books WHERE BookID='%s'" % book['BookID'])
                for metadata in data:
                    authorname = metadata['AuthorName']
                    authorimg = metadata['AuthorLink']
                    bookname = metadata['BookName']
                    bookdesc = metadata['BookDesc']
                    bookisbn = metadata['BookIsbn']
                    bookrate = metadata['BookRate']
                    bookimg = metadata['BookImg']
                    bookpage = metadata['BookPages']
                    booklink = metadata['BookLink']
                    bookdate = metadata['BookDate']
                    booklang = metadata['BookLang']
                    bookpub = metadata['BookPub']

                dest_path = authorname+'/'+bookname
                dic = {'<':'', '>':'', '=':'', '?':'', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':''}
                dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
                dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

                processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname)

                if processBook:

                    ppcount = ppcount+1

                    # try image
                    processIMG(dest_path, bookimg)

                    # try metadata
                    processOPF(dest_path, authorname, bookname, bookisbn, book['BookID'], bookpub, bookdate, bookdesc, booklang)

                    #update nzbs
                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": book['NZBurl']}
                    newValueDict = {"Status": "Success"}
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    #update books
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": book['BookID']}
                    newValueDict = {"Status": "Have"}
                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    #update authors
                    query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND Status="Have"' % authorname
                    countbooks = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
                    havebooks = int(countbooks[0])
                    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
                    newValueDict = {"HaveBooks": havebooks}
                    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    logger.info('Successfully processed: %s - %s' % (authorname, bookname))
                    logger.info('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' % bookname)
        if ppcount:
            logger.info('%s books are downloaded and processed.' % ppcount)
Пример #48
def searchmagazines(mags=None):
    maglist = []
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHMAGS"

    if mags is None:
        searchmags = myDB.select(
            'SELECT Title, Frequency, LastAcquired, IssueDate from magazines WHERE Status="Active"'
        searchmags = []
        for magazine in mags:
            searchmags_temp = myDB.select(
                'SELECT Title, Frequency, LastAcquired, IssueDate from magazines WHERE Title=? AND Status="Active"',
            for terms in searchmags_temp:

    for searchmag in searchmags:
        bookid = searchmag[0]
        searchterm = searchmag[0]
        frequency = searchmag[1]
        last_acquired = searchmag[2]
        issue_date = searchmag[3]

        dic = {"...": "", " & ": " ", " = ": " ", "?": "", "$": "s", " + ": " ", '"': "", ",": "", "*": ""}

        searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(searchterm, dic))
        searchterm = re.sub("[\.\-\/]", " ", searchterm).encode("utf-8")
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "searchterm": searchterm})

    if (
        not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST
        and not lazylibrarian.NZB_DOWNLOADER_BLACKHOLE
        and not lazylibrarian.NZB_DOWNLOADER_NZBGET
        logger.info("No download method is set, use SABnzbd/NZBGet or blackhole")

    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2 and not lazylibrarian.USENETCRAWLER:
        logger.info("No providers are set. try use NEWZNAB.")

    if searchlist == []:
        logger.info("There is nothing to search for.  Mark some magazines as active.")

    for book in searchlist:

        resultlist = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, "mag")

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding magazine %s to queue." % book["searchterm"])

            bad_regex = 0
            old_date = 0
            total_nzbs = 0
            new_date = 0
            for nzb in resultlist:
                total_nzbs = total_nzbs + 1
                bookid = nzb["bookid"]
                nzbtitle = nzb["nzbtitle"]
                nzburl = nzb["nzburl"]
                nzbprov = nzb["nzbprov"]
                nzbdate_temp = nzb["nzbdate"]
                nzbsize_temp = nzb["nzbsize"]
                nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + " MB"
                nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)

                checkifmag = myDB.select("SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title=?", [bookid])
                if checkifmag:
                    for results in checkifmag:
                        control_date = results["IssueDate"]
                        frequency = results["Frequency"]
                        regex = results["Regex"]

                    nzbtitle_formatted = (
                        .replace(".", " ")
                        .replace("-", " ")
                        .replace("/", " ")
                        .replace("+", " ")
                        .replace("_", " ")
                        .replace("(", "")
                        .replace(")", "")
                    # Need to make sure that substrings of magazine titles don't get found (e.g. Maxim USA will find Maximum PC USA)
                    keyword_check = nzbtitle_formatted.replace(bookid, "")
                    # remove extra spaces if they're in a row
                    nzbtitle_exploded_temp = " ".join(nzbtitle_formatted.split())
                    nzbtitle_exploded = nzbtitle_exploded_temp.split(" ")

                    bookid_exploded = bookid.split(" ")

                    # check nzb starts with magazine title, and ends with a date
                    # eg The MagPI Issue 22 - July 2015
                    # do something like check left n words match title
                    # then check last n words are a date

                    name_match = 1  # assume name matches for now
                    name_len = len(bookid_exploded)
                    if len(nzbtitle_exploded) > name_len:  # needs to be longer as it should include a date
                        while name_len:
                            name_len = name_len - 1
                            if nzbtitle_exploded[name_len].lower() != bookid_exploded[name_len].lower():
                                name_match = 0  # name match failed
                    if name_match:
                        if len(nzbtitle_exploded) > 1:
                            # regexA = DD MonthName YYYY OR MonthName YYYY
                            regexA_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                            regexA_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2]
                            regexA_month = formatter.month2num(regexA_month_temp)

                            if frequency == "Weekly" or frequency == "BiWeekly":
                                regexA_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3].zfill(2)
                                regexA_day = "01"
                            newdatish_regexA = regexA_year + regexA_month + regexA_day

                                newdatish = regexA_year + "-" + regexA_month + "-" + regexA_day
                                # regexB = MonthName DD YYYY
                                regexB_year = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                                regexB_day = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2].zfill(2)
                                regexB_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3]
                                regexB_month = formatter.month2num(regexB_month_temp)
                                newdatish_regexB = regexB_year + regexB_month + regexB_day

                                    newdatish = regexB_year + "-" + regexB_month + "-" + regexB_day
                                    # regexC = YYYY-MM
                                    regexC_last = nzbtitle_exploded[len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                                    regexC_exploded = regexC_last.split("-")
                                    if len(regexC_exploded) == 2:
                                        regexC_year = regexC_exploded[0]
                                        regexC_month = regexC_exploded[1].zfill(2)
                                        regexC_day = "01"
                                        newdatish_regexC = regexC_year + regexC_month + regexC_day
                                    elif len(regexC_exploded) == 3:
                                        regexC_year = regexC_exploded[0]
                                        regexC_month = regexC_exploded[1].zfill(2)
                                        regexC_day = regexC_exploded[2].zfill(2)
                                        newdatish_regexC = regexC_year + regexC_month + regexC_day
                                        newdatish_regexC = "Invalid"

                                        newdatish = regexC_year + "-" + regexC_month + "-" + regexC_day
                                        logger.debug("NZB %s not in proper date format." % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                        bad_regex = bad_regex + 1


                            # Don't want to overwrite status = Skipped for NZBs that have been previously found
                        wanted_status = myDB.select("SELECT * from wanted WHERE NZBtitle=?", [nzbtitle])
                        if wanted_status:
                            for results in wanted_status:
                                status = results["Status"]
                            status = "Skipped"

                        controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                        newValueDict = {
                            "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                            "BookID": bookid,
                            "NZBdate": nzbdate,
                            "NZBtitle": nzbtitle,
                            "AuxInfo": newdatish,
                            "Status": status,
                            "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                        myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                        if control_date is None:  # we haven't got any copies of this magazine yet
                            # get a rough time just over a month ago to compare to, in format yyyy-mm-dd
                            # could perhaps calc differently for weekly, biweekly etc
                            start_time = time.time()
                            start_time -= 31 * 24 * 60 * 60  # number of seconds in 31 days
                            control_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(start_time))

                            # only grab a copy if it's newer than the most recent we have, or newer than a month ago if we have none
                        comp_date = formatter.datecompare(newdatish, control_date)
                        if comp_date > 0:
                                "magazines", {"LastAcquired": nzbdate, "IssueDate": newdatish}, {"Title": bookid}
                                {"bookid": bookid, "nzbprov": nzbprov, "nzbtitle": nzbtitle, "nzburl": nzburl}
                            logger.debug("This issue of %s is new, downloading" % nzbtitle_formatted)
                            new_date = new_date + 1
                            logger.debug("This issue of %s is old; skipping." % nzbtitle_formatted)
                            old_date = old_date + 1
                        logger.debug("NZB [%s] does not completely match search term [%s]." % (nzbtitle, bookid))
                        bad_regex = bad_regex + 1

                "Found %s NZBs for %s.  %s are new, %s are old, and %s fail name or date matching"
                % (total_nzbs, bookid, new_date, old_date, bad_regex)
    return maglist
Пример #49
def searchbook(books=None):

    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    if books is None:
        searchbooks = myDB.select(
            'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"'
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select(
                'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"',
            for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': ''

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        searchterm = author + ' ' + book
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "searchterm": searchterm})

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info('No downloadmethod is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB:
        logger.info('No providers are set.')

    for book in searchlist:
        resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not resultlist:
            logger.info('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' %
            resultlist = providers.NewzNab(book)

        if lazylibrarian.NZBMATRIX and not resultlist:
            logger.info('Searching NZB at provider NZBMatrix ...')
            resultlist = providers.NZBMatrix(book)

        if not resultlist:
                "Search didn't have results. Adding book %s to queue." %

            for nzb in resultlist:
                bookid = nzb['bookid']
                nzbtitle = nzb['nzbtitle']
                nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
                nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']

                controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                newValueDict = {
                    "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                    "BookID": bookid,
                    "NZBdate": formatter.today(),
                    "NZBtitle": nzbtitle,
                    "Status": "Skipped"
                myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
                    'SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"',
                if not snatchedbooks:
                    snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbtitle, nzburl)
Пример #50
def processDir(force=False, reset=False):
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "POSTPROCESS"

    if not lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR or not os.path.isdir(lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR):
        processpath = os.getcwd()
        processpath = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR

    logger.debug(' Checking [%s] for files to post process' % processpath)

        downloads = os.listdir(processpath)
    except OSError as why:
        logger.error('Could not access [%s] directory [%s]' % (processpath, why.strerror))
        return False

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    snatched = myDB.select('SELECT * from wanted WHERE Status="Snatched"')

    if force is False and len(snatched) == 0:
        logger.info('Nothing marked as snatched. Stopping postprocessor job.')
        common.schedule_job(action='Stop', target='processDir')
    elif len(downloads) == 0:
        logger.info('No downloads are found. Nothing to process.')
        logger.debug("Checking %s downloads for %s snatched files" % (len(downloads), len(snatched)))
        ppcount = 0
        for book in snatched:
            found = False
            for fname in downloads:
                if not fname.endswith('.fail'):  # has this failed before?
                    # this is to get round differences in torrent filenames.
                    # Torrents aren't always returned with the name we searched for
                    # there might be a better way...
                    if isinstance(fname, str):
                        matchname = fname.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
                        matchname = fname
                    if ' LL.(' in matchname:
                        matchname = matchname.split(' LL.(')[0]
                    matchtitle = book['NZBtitle']
                    if ' LL.(' in matchtitle:
                        matchtitle = matchtitle.split(' LL.(')[0]
                    match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(matchtitle, matchname)
                    if match >= 95:
                        fname = matchname
                        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(processpath, fname)):
                            # handle single file downloads here...
                            if formatter.is_valid_booktype(fname, booktype="book") \
                                or formatter.is_valid_booktype(fname, booktype="mag"):
                                dirname = os.path.join(processpath, os.path.splitext(fname)[0])
                                if not os.path.exists(dirname):
                                    except OSError as why:
                                        logger.debug('Failed to create directory %s, %s' % (dirname, why.strerror))
                                if os.path.exists(dirname):
                                        shutil.move(os.path.join(processpath, fname), os.path.join(dirname, fname))
                                        fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
                                    except Exception as why:
                                        logger.debug("Failed to move file %s to %s, %s" % 
                                            (fname, dirname, str(why)))                                         
                        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(processpath, fname)): 
                            pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, fname)
                            logger.debug('Found folder %s for %s' % (pp_path, book['NZBtitle']))
                            found = True
                        logger.debug('No match (%s%%) %s for %s' % (match, matchname, matchtitle))
                    logger.debug('Skipping %s' % fname)
            if found:
                data = myDB.select('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s"' % book['BookID'])
                if data:
                    authorname = data[0]['AuthorName']
                    bookname = data[0]['BookName']
                    if 'windows' in platform.system().lower() and '/' in lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER:
                        logger.warn('Please check your EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER setting')
                        lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('/', '\\')

                    # Default destination path, should be allowed change per config file.
                    dest_path = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER.replace('$Author', authorname).replace(
                        '$Title', bookname)
                    global_name = lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE.replace('$Author', authorname).replace(
                        '$Title', bookname)
                    global_name = common.remove_accents(global_name)
                    # dest_path = authorname+'/'+bookname
                    # global_name = bookname + ' - ' + authorname
                    # Remove characters we don't want in the filename BEFORE adding to DESTINATION_DIR
                    # as windows drive identifiers have colon, eg c:  but no colons allowed elsewhere?
                    dic = {'<': '', '>': '', '...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's',
                           ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': '', '\'': ''}
                    dest_path = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(dest_path, dic))
                    dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(
                    data = myDB.select('SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title="%s"' % book['BookID'])
                    if data:
                        # AuxInfo was added for magazine release date, normally housed in 'magazines' but if multiple
                        # files are downloading, there will be an error in post-processing, trying to go to the
                        # same directory.
                        mostrecentissue = data[0]['IssueDate']  # keep for processing issues arriving out of order
                        # Remove characters we don't want in the filename before (maybe) adding to DESTINATION_DIR
                        # as windows drive identifiers have colon, eg c:  but no colons allowed elsewhere?
                        dic = {'<': '', '>': '', '...': '', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's',
                               ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': '', '\'': ''}
                        mag_name = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book['BookID'], dic))
                        # book auxinfo is a cleaned date, eg 2015-01-01
                        dest_path = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FOLDER.replace(
                        # dest_path = '_Magazines/'+title+'/'+book['AuxInfo']
                        if lazylibrarian.MAG_RELATIVE:
                            if dest_path[0] not in '._':
                                dest_path = '_' + dest_path
                            dest_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR, dest_path).encode(
                            dest_path = dest_path.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
                        authorname = None
                        bookname = None
                        global_name = lazylibrarian.MAG_DEST_FILE.replace('$IssueDate', book['AuxInfo']).replace(
                            '$Title', mag_name)
                        global_name = common.remove_accents(global_name)
                        # global_name = book['AuxInfo']+' - '+title
                        logger.debug("Snatched magazine %s is not in download directory" % (book['BookID']))
                logger.debug("Snatched %s %s is not in download directory" % (book['NZBmode'], book['NZBtitle']))

            # try:
            #    os.chmod(dest_path, 0777)
            # except Exception, e:
            #    logger.debug("Could not chmod post-process directory: " + str(dest_path))

            processBook = processDestination(pp_path, dest_path, authorname, bookname, global_name)

            if processBook:
                logger.debug("Processing %s, %s" % (global_name, book['NZBurl']))
                # update nzbs, only update the snatched ones in case multiple matches for same book / magazine issue
                controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": book['NZBurl'], "Status": "Snatched"}
                newValueDict = {"Status": "Processed", "NZBDate": formatter.now()}  # say when we processed it
                myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                if bookname is not None:  # it's a book, if None it's a magazine
                    processExtras(myDB, dest_path, global_name, data)
                    # update mags
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": book['BookID']}
                    if mostrecentissue > book['AuxInfo']:  # check this in case processing issues arriving out of order
                        newValueDict = {"LastAcquired": formatter.today(), "IssueStatus": "Open"}
                        newValueDict = {"IssueDate": book['AuxInfo'], "LastAcquired": formatter.today(),
                                        "IssueStatus": "Open"}
                    myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                    # dest_path is where we put the magazine after processing, but we don't have the full filename
                    # so look for any "book" in that directory
                    dest_file = book_file(dest_path, booktype='mag')
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": book['BookID'], "IssueDate": book['AuxInfo']}
                    newValueDict = {"IssueAcquired": formatter.today(),
                                    "IssueFile": dest_file,
                                    "IssueID": magazinescan.create_id("%s %s" % (book['BookID'], book['AuxInfo']))
                    myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    # create a thumbnail cover for the new issue

                logger.info('Successfully processed: %s' % global_name)
                ppcount = ppcount + 1
                notifiers.notify_download(formatter.latinToAscii(global_name) + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                logger.error('Postprocessing for %s has failed.' % global_name)
                logger.error('Warning - Residual files remain in %s.fail' % pp_path)
                # at this point, as it failed we should move it or it will get postprocessed
                # again (and fail again)
                    os.rename(pp_path, pp_path + '.fail')
                    logger.debug("Unable to rename %s" % pp_path)

        downloads = os.listdir(processpath)  # check in case we processed/deleted some above
        for directory in downloads:
            if "LL.(" in directory and not directory.endswith('.fail'):
                bookID = str(directory).split("LL.(")[1].split(")")[0]
                logger.debug("Book with id: " + str(bookID) + " is in downloads")
                pp_path = os.path.join(processpath, directory)

                if os.path.isfile(pp_path):
                    pp_path = os.path.join(processpath)

                if (os.path.isdir(pp_path)):
                    logger.debug('Found LL folder %s.' % pp_path)
                if import_book(pp_path, bookID):
                    ppcount = ppcount + 1

        if ppcount:
            logger.info('%s books/mags have been processed.' % ppcount)
            logger.info('No snatched books/mags have been found')
    if reset:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='processDir')
Пример #51
def processResultList(resultlist, book, searchtype):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    dictrepl = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
                ',': ' ', '*': '', '(': '', ')': '', '[': '', ']': '', '#': '', '0': '', '1': '',
                '2': '', '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', '9': '', '\'': '',
                ':': '', '!': '', '-': ' ', '\s\s': ' '}
                # ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ',
                # ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ', ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}

    dic = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '',
           ',': '', '*': '', ':': '', ';': ''}

    match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
    reject_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.REJECT_WORDS)

    for nzb in resultlist:
        nzbTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(nzb['nzbtitle'], dictrepl)).strip()
        nzbTitle = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", nzbTitle)  # remove extra whitespace

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book['authorName'], dic))
        title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book['bookName'], dic))
        # nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(book['searchterm'], nzbTitle)
        # logger.debug(u"NZB Title sort Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match) + " for " + nzbTitle)
        nzbAuthor_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(author, nzbTitle)
        nzbBook_match = fuzz.token_set_ratio(title, nzbTitle)
        logger.debug(u"NZB author/book Match: %s/%s for %s" % (nzbAuthor_match, nzbBook_match, nzbTitle))

        rejected = False
        for word in reject_list:
            if word in nzbTitle.lower() and not word in author.lower() and not word in title.lower():
                rejected = True
                logger.debug("Rejecting %s, contains %s" % (nzbTitle, word))

        if (nzbAuthor_match >= match_ratio and nzbBook_match >= match_ratio and not rejected):
            logger.debug(u'Found NZB: %s using %s search' % (nzb['nzbtitle'], searchtype))
            bookid = book['bookid']
            nzbTitle = (author + ' - ' + title + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
            nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
            nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']
            nzbdate_temp = nzb['nzbdate']
            nzbsize_temp = nzb['nzbsize']  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
            if nzbsize_temp is None:
                nzbsize_temp = 1000
            nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
            nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)
            nzbmode = nzb['nzbmode']
            controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
            newValueDict = {
                "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                "BookID": bookid,
                "NZBdate": formatter.now(),  # when we asked for it
                "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                "NZBmode": nzbmode,
                "Status": "Skipped"
            myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID="%s" and Status="Snatched"' %
            if not snatchedbooks:
                if nzbmode == "torznab":
                    snatch = TORDownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
                    snatch = NZBDownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
                if snatch:
                    notifiers.notify_snatch(nzbTitle + ' at ' + formatter.now())
                    common.schedule_job(action='Start', target='processDir')
                    return True

    logger.debug("No nzb's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' + book['bookName']).strip() +
                 " using searchtype " + searchtype)
    return False
Пример #52
def processCSV(search_dir=None):
    """ Find a csv file in the search_dir and process all the books in it,
    adding authors to the database if not found, and marking the books as "Wanted" """

    if not search_dir or os.path.isdir(search_dir) is False:
        logger.warn(u"Alternate Directory must not be empty")
        return False

    csvFile = csv_file(search_dir)

    headers = None
    content = {}

    if not csvFile:
        logger.warn(u"No CSV file found in %s" % search_dir)
        logger.debug(u'Reading file %s' % csvFile)
        reader = csv.reader(open(csvFile))
        for row in reader:
            if reader.line_num == 1:
                # If we are on the first line, create the headers list from the first row
                # by taking a slice from item 1  as we don't need the very first header.
                headers = row[1:]
                # Otherwise, the key in the content dictionary is the first item in the
                # row and we can create the sub-dictionary by using the zip() function.
                content[row[0]] = dict(zip(headers, row[1:]))

        # We can now get to the content by using the resulting dictionary, so to see
        # the list of lines, we can do:
        # print content.keys() # to get a list of bookIDs
        # To see the list of fields available for each book
        # print headers

        if 'Author' not in headers or 'Title' not in headers:
            logger.warn(u'Invalid CSV file found %s' % csvFile)

        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        bookcount = 0
        authcount = 0
        skipcount = 0
        logger.debug(u"CSV: Found %s entries in csv file" % len(content.keys()))
        for bookid in content.keys():

            authorname = formatter.latinToAscii(content[bookid]['Author'])
            authmatch = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' % (authorname)).fetchone()

            if authmatch:
                logger.debug(u"CSV: Author %s found in database" % (authorname))
                logger.debug(u"CSV: Author %s not found, adding to database" % (authorname))
                authcount = authcount + 1

            bookmatch = 0
            isbn10 = ""
            isbn13 = ""
            bookname = formatter.latinToAscii(content[bookid]['Title'])
            if 'ISBN' in headers:
                isbn10 = content[bookid]['ISBN']
            if 'ISBN13' in headers:
                isbn13 = content[bookid]['ISBN13']

            # try to find book in our database using isbn, or if that fails, name matching
            if formatter.is_valid_isbn(isbn10):
                bookmatch = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM books where Bookisbn=%s' % (isbn10)).fetchone()
            if not bookmatch:
                if formatter.is_valid_isbn(isbn13):
                    bookmatch = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM books where BookIsbn=%s' % (isbn13)).fetchone()
            if not bookmatch:
                bookid = librarysync.find_book_in_db(myDB, authorname, bookname)
                if bookid:
                    bookmatch = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM books where BookID="%s"' % (bookid)).fetchone()
            if bookmatch:
                authorname = bookmatch['AuthorName']
                bookname = bookmatch['BookName']
                bookid = bookmatch['BookID']
                bookstatus = bookmatch['Status']
                if bookstatus == 'Open' or bookstatus == 'Wanted' or bookstatus == 'Have':
                    logger.info(u'Found book %s by %s, already marked as "%s"' % (bookname, authorname, bookstatus))
                else:  # skipped/ignored
                    logger.info(u'Found book %s by %s, marking as "Wanted"' % (bookname, authorname))
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                    newValueDict = {"Status": "Wanted"}
                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                    bookcount = bookcount + 1
                logger.warn(u"Skipping book %s by %s, not found in database" % (bookname, authorname))
                skipcount = skipcount + 1
        logger.info(u"Added %i new authors, marked %i books as 'Wanted', %i books not found" %
                    (authcount, bookcount, skipcount))
Пример #53
def searchmagazines(mags=None):
    maglist = []
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHMAGS"

    if mags is None:
        searchmags = myDB.select(
            'SELECT Title, Frequency, LastAcquired, IssueDate from magazines WHERE Status="Active"'
        searchmags = []
        for magazine in mags:
            searchmags_temp = myDB.select(
                'SELECT Title, Frequency, LastAcquired, IssueDate from magazines WHERE Title=? AND Status="Active"',
            for terms in searchmags_temp:

    for searchmag in searchmags:
        bookid = searchmag[0]
        searchterm = searchmag[0]
        frequency = searchmag[1]
        last_acquired = searchmag[2]
        issue_date = searchmag[3]

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': ''

        searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(
            formatter.replace_all(searchterm, dic))
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "searchterm": searchterm})

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2 and not lazylibrarian.USENETCRAWLER:
        logger.info('No providers are set. try use NEWZNAB.')

    if searchlist == []:
            'There is nothing to search for.  Mark some magazines as active.')

    for book in searchlist:
        resultlist = []
        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' %
            resultlist = providers.NewzNab(book, "1")

        if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2:
            logger.debug('Searching NZB\'s at provider %s ...' %
            resultlist += providers.NewzNab(book, "2")

        if lazylibrarian.USENETCRAWLER:
            logger.info('Searching NZB\'s at provider UsenetCrawler ...')
            resultlist += providers.UsenetCrawler(book, 'mag')

            #AHHH pass the book not the search book - bloody names the same, so wrong keys passing over

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            bad_regex = 0
            old_date = 0
            total_nzbs = 0
            new_date = 0
            for nzb in resultlist:
                total_nzbs = total_nzbs + 1
                bookid = nzb['bookid']
                nzbtitle = nzb['nzbtitle']
                nzburl = nzb['nzburl']
                nzbprov = nzb['nzbprov']
                nzbdate_temp = nzb['nzbdate']
                nzbsize_temp = nzb['nzbsize']
                nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
                nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)

                checkifmag = myDB.select(
                    'SELECT * from magazines WHERE Title=?', [bookid])
                if checkifmag:
                    for results in checkifmag:
                        control_date = results['IssueDate']
                        frequency = results['Frequency']
                        regex = results['Regex']

                    nzbtitle_formatted = nzb['nzbtitle'].replace(
                        '.', ' ').replace('/', ' ').replace('+', ' ').replace(
                            '_', ' ').replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
                    #Need to make sure that substrings of magazine titles don't get found (e.g. Maxim USA will find Maximum PC USA)
                    keyword_check = nzbtitle_formatted.replace(bookid, '')
                    #remove extra spaces if they're in a row
                    nzbtitle_exploded_temp = " ".join(
                    nzbtitle_exploded = nzbtitle_exploded_temp.split(' ')

                    bookid_exploded = bookid.split(' ')

                    #Make sure that NZB contains exact magazine phrase, and that NZB title begins with magazine title
                    #logger.debug('[%s] !=[%s] & [%s] == [%s]' %(keyword_check.lower(),nzbtitle_formatted.lower(),nzbtitle_exploded[0].lower(),bookid_exploded[0].lower()))
                    if keyword_check.lower() != nzbtitle_formatted.lower(
                    ) and nzbtitle_exploded[0].lower(
                    ) == bookid_exploded[0].lower():

                        if len(nzbtitle_exploded) > 1:
                            #regexA = DD MonthName YYYY OR MonthName YYYY
                            regexA_year = nzbtitle_exploded[
                                len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                            regexA_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[
                                len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2]
                            regexA_month = formatter.month2num(

                            if frequency == "Weekly" or frequency == "BiWeekly":
                                regexA_day = nzbtitle_exploded[
                                    len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3].zfill(2)
                                regexA_day = '01'
                            newdatish_regexA = regexA_year + regexA_month + regexA_day

                                newdatish = regexA_year + '-' + regexA_month + '-' + regexA_day
                                #regexB = MonthName DD YYYY
                                regexB_year = nzbtitle_exploded[
                                    len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                                regexB_day = nzbtitle_exploded[
                                    len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 2].zfill(2)
                                regexB_month_temp = nzbtitle_exploded[
                                    len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 3]
                                regexB_month = formatter.month2num(
                                newdatish_regexB = regexB_year + regexB_month + regexB_day

                                    newdatish = regexB_year + '-' + regexB_month + '-' + regexB_day
                                    #regexC = YYYY-MM
                                    regexC_last = nzbtitle_exploded[
                                        len(nzbtitle_exploded) - 1]
                                    regexC_exploded = regexC_last.split('-')
                                    if len(regexC_exploded) == 2:
                                        regexC_year = regexC_exploded[0]
                                        regexC_month = regexC_exploded[
                                        regexC_day = '01'
                                        newdatish_regexC = regexC_year + regexC_month + regexC_day
                                    elif len(regexC_exploded) == 3:
                                        regexC_year = regexC_exploded[0]
                                        regexC_month = regexC_exploded[
                                        regexC_day = regexC_exploded[2].zfill(
                                        newdatish_regexC = regexC_year + regexC_month + regexC_day
                                        newdatish_regexC = 'Invalid'

                                        newdatish = regexC_year + '-' + regexC_month + '-' + regexC_day
                                            'NZB %s not in proper date format.'
                                            % nzbtitle_formatted)
                                        bad_regex = bad_regex + 1


                        #Don't want to overwrite status = Skipped for NZBs that have been previously found
                        wanted_status = myDB.select(
                            'SELECT * from wanted WHERE NZBtitle=?',
                        if wanted_status:
                            for results in wanted_status:
                                status = results['Status']
                            status = "Skipped"

                        controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                        newValueDict = {
                            "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                            "BookID": bookid,
                            "NZBdate": nzbdate,
                            "NZBtitle": nzbtitle,
                            "AuxInfo": newdatish,
                            "Status": status,
                            "NZBsize": nzbsize
                        myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                        #print nzbtitle_formatted
                        #print newdatish

                        if control_date is None:
                            myDB.upsert("magazines", {
                                "LastAcquired": nzbdate,
                                "IssueDate": newdatish
                            }, {"Title": bookid})
                                'bookid': bookid,
                                'nzbprov': nzbprov,
                                'nzbtitle': nzbtitle,
                                'nzburl': nzburl
                            new_date = new_date + 1
                            comp_date = formatter.datecompare(
                                newdatish, control_date)
                            if comp_date > 0:
                                    "magazines", {
                                        "LastAcquired": nzbdate,
                                        "IssueDate": newdatish
                                    }, {"Title": bookid})
                                    'bookid': bookid,
                                    'nzbprov': nzbprov,
                                    'nzbtitle': nzbtitle,
                                    'nzburl': nzburl
                                new_date = new_date + 1
                                    'This issue of %s is old; skipping.' %
                                old_date = old_date + 1
                            'NZB [%s] does not completely match search term [%s].'
                            % (nzbtitle, bookid))
                        bad_regex = bad_regex + 1

                'Found %s NZBs for %s.  %s are new, %s are old, and %s have bad date formatting'
                % (total_nzbs, bookid, new_date, old_date, bad_regex))
    return maglist
Пример #54
def search_tor_book(books=None, reset=False):
    if not lazylibrarian.USE_TOR():
        logger.warn('No Torrent providers set, check config')
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHTORBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select(
            'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname, BookAdded from books WHERE Status="Wanted" order by BookAdded desc'
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        for book in books:
            searchbook = myDB.select(
                'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID="%s" \
                                     AND Status="Wanted"' % book['bookid'])
            for terms in searchbook:

    if len(searchbooks) == 0:
        logger.debug("TOR search requested for no books or invalid BookID")
    elif len(searchbooks) == 1:
        logger.info('TOR Searching for one book')
        logger.info('TOR Searching for %i books' % len(searchbooks))

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook['BookID']
        author = searchbook['AuthorName']
        book = searchbook['BookName']

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            '.': ' ',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': '',
            ':': '',
            ';': ''
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.': ' +', ' + ': ' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(
            formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ",
                            searchterm)  # strip any double white space
            "bookid": bookid,
            "bookName": searchbook[2],
            "authorName": searchbook[1],
            "searchterm": searchterm.strip()

    tor_count = 0
    for book in searchlist:

        resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(
            book, 'book')
        if not nproviders:
            logger.warn('No torrent providers are set, check config')
            return  # No point in continuing

        found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "book")

        # if you can't find the book, try author/title without any "(extended details, series etc)"
        if not found and '(' in book['bookName']:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(
                book, 'shortbook')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "shortbook")

        # if you can't find the book under "books", you might find under general search
        if not found:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(
                book, 'general')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "general")

        # if you still can't find the book, try with author only
        if not found:
            resultlist, nproviders = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(
                book, 'author')
            found = processResultList(resultlist, book, "author")

        if not found:
                "Searches returned no results. Adding book %s to queue." %
            tor_count = tor_count + 1

    if tor_count == 1:
        logger.info("TORSearch for Wanted items complete, found %s book" %
        logger.info("TORSearch for Wanted items complete, found %s books" %

    if reset:
        common.schedule_job(action='Restart', target='search_tor_book')