def Main(): try: #Création d'une instance pour gérer la lecture du fichier d'accès fichier = access_file.AccessFile() #Initialisation des entrées/sorties du raspberry InitGpio() #Initialisation de l'afficheur afficheur = lcd_display.lcd() #Obtention de l'adresse IP time.sleep(2) addip = fichier.GetIpAddress('eth0') print "Adresse IP (eth0) : %s" % addip Debug("GetIpAddresse : %s" % addip) #On récupère l'adresse ip du fichier de config ip_borne = ReadConfigFile() print "Adresse IP (ini) : %s" % ip_borne Debug("ReadConfigFile : %s" % ip_borne) #Affichage de l'ip if str(addip) == ip_borne: GPIO.PWM(LED_BLUE, 10) GPIO.output(LED_BLUE, True) #Boucle de lecture while True: cardId = ReadNFC() Debug("ReadNFC : lecture carte, uid (" + cardId + ")") test = fichier.SearchCardId(cardId) if test == True: print "Accès Autorisé" Debug("Borne : carte autorisée, uid (" + cardId + ")") LedBlink('green') afficheur.lcd_string("PASS : AUTORISE", 2) else: print "Non autorisé" Debug("Borne : carte non autorisée/inconnue, uid (" + cardId + ")") LedBlink('red') afficheur.lcd_string("PASS : INTERDIT", 2) time.sleep(1) afficheur.lcd_clear() except KeyboardInterrupt: Debug("KeyboardInterrupt : arrêt ctrl+c") #GPIO.cleanup() pass GPIO.cleanup() Debug("GPIO.cleanup : réinitialisation du GPIO")
from lcd_display import lcd import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import dht11 import os file = open("id.txt", "r") id = id = id[:-1] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.cleanup() cidlo = dht11.DHT11(pin = 11) displej = lcd() displej.display_string("Nacitam data", 1) while (1): data = if data.is_valid(): teplota = data.temperature vlhkost = data.humidity adresa = "" + str(id) + "&temperature=" + str(teplota) + "&humidity=" + str(vlhkost) os.system('curl "' + adresa + '"') displej.display_string("Teplota je: %d C " % teplota, 1) displej.display_string("Vlhkost je: %d %%" % vlhkost, 2)
#!/usr/bin/python ### # Kerkradio versie 2.0 # Kees Nobel # Twitter: @keesnobel import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import threading from time import sleep import lcd_display lcd = lcd_display.lcd() from urllib2 import urlopen import commands from datetime import datetime import pyspeedtest import psutil from subprocess import check_output import logging #Button config POWER = 24 LINKS = 18 RECHTS = 17 NEER = 4 OP = 10 LED = 27 RELAIS = 23
import sys import time import signal import lcd_display as ld from datetime import datetime def signal_handler(signum, frame): print('Turning display off...') mylcd.lcd_clear() mylcd.backlight(0) sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) mylcd = ld.lcd() mylcd.lcd_clear() mylcd.lcd_display_string('Hello, World!', 1) mylcd.lcd_display_string('Parth\'s Raspberry Pi', 4) while True: mylcd.lcd_display_string('%I:%M %p'), 2) time.sleep(0.001)
#!/usr/bin/python import bluetooth import time from lcd_display import lcd d = lcd() d.clear() d.display_string("Who's Home?", 1) sleep_time = 600 while True: string = '' result = bluetooth.lookup_name('1C:66:AA:CF:DD:35', timeout=5) if (result != None): string = string + ' Dad' d.display_string(string, 2) result = bluetooth.lookup_name('94:3A:F0:63:2D:99', timeout=5) if (result != None): string = string + ' Mum' d.display_string(string, 2) result = bluetooth.lookup_name('34:BB:1F:39:DE:12', timeout=5) if (result != None): string = string + ' Sophie' d.display_string(string, 2) f = open('whoshome.log', 'a')
from lcd_display import lcd from time import sleep a = lcd() a.clear() while 1: a.display_string(" ------ ***", 1) a.display_string(" ---- **", 2) a.display_string(" @ ", 3) a.display_string("--------------------", 4) a.display_string(" @ +", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ + ", 3) a.display_string(" @ ---- **", 2) a.display_string(" + ", 3) a.display_string(" + ", 3)
time.sleep(d) GPIO.output(11, True) time.sleep(d) # use Pi board pin numbers with GPIO.BOARD GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # see # see # initialise the lcd display lcd1 = lcd() lcd1.clear() lcd1.display_string("Picture Taker", 1) flash(0.2) flash(0.2) while True: # Check camera is present while not os.path.exists('/dev/video0'): lcd1.display_string("No Camera", 2) time.sleep(1.0) lcd1.display_string("ready", 2)
""" This is the script that will be run on the Pi to fetch the message being displayed. """ import requests import time from lcd_display import lcd my_lcd = lcd() my_lcd.backlight(0) def update_lcd(): """ Updates lcd screen to show most recently submitted message from web app. * Remember to change the URL after web app goes live. * """ while True: message = requests.get('').text my_lcd.lcd_display_string(message, 2) time.sleep(3) if __name__ == '__main__': update_lcd()
teplota = " " vlhkost = " " temp_c = " " currentMode = "inTemp" #Nacteni teplomeru z 1Wire os.system('modprobe w1-gpio') os.system('modprobe w1-therm') base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/' device_folder = glob.glob(base_dir + '28*')[0] device_file = device_folder + '/w1_slave' #Nacteni DHT11 a displeje cidlo = dht11.DHT11(pin=11) displej = lcd() displej.display_string("Nacitam data", 1) #Cteni teploty z DHT11 a odeslani na soutezni server def read_inside(): data = if data.is_valid(): global teplota global vlhkost teplota = data.temperature vlhkost = data.humidity adresa = "" + str( id) + "&temperature=" + str(teplota) + "&humidity=" + str(vlhkost)
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # see # see def flash(d): GPIO.output(11, False) sleep(d) GPIO.output(11, True) sleep(d) disp = lcd() disp.display_string("Raspi Dice ", 1) disp.display_string(" ", 2) flash(0.2) flash(0.2) while True: go = not (GPIO.input(7)) stop = not (GPIO.input(12)) if go: # wait for button release while go:
# use Pi board pin numbers with GPIO.BOARD GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # see # see def flash(d): GPIO.output(11, False) sleep(d) GPIO.output(11, True) sleep(d) disp = lcd() disp.display_string("Raspi Dice 4 ", 1) disp.display_string(" ", 2) flash(0.2) flash(0.2) n = 0 while True: go = not(GPIO.input(7)) stop = not(GPIO.input(12)) if go:
AnzSender = subprocess.check_output( [AnzSenderBASH], shell=True) # Anzahl Sender ermitteln mit AWK Befehl AnzSender = AnzSender.strip("\n") # Umbruch raus AnzSender = int(AnzSender) # Umwandeln in int #################### # Beim Systemstart # #################### a = 0 # Einmalige Initialisierung für Zeile C Startindex der Ausgabe z = 20 # Einmalige Initialisierung für Zeile C Endindex der Ausgabe fav1 = 1 # Vorbelegung Favoritsender1 beim Boot fav2 = 2 # Vorbelegung Favoritsender2 beim Boot AnzSender = 0 # Senderanzahl als GLOBAL Variable da Interrupt-Aufrufe keine Rückgabe liefern, 0 als Vorbelegung sender = 1 # Aktuelle Sendernummer als GLOBAL Variable da Interrupt-Aufrufe keine Rückgabe liefern, 1 als erster Sender nach Start my_lcd = lcd() # LCD initialisieren wlan_konf() # ggf. W-LAN konfigurieren if modus == 90: RUMode() # RunUp sobald ZeilenABCD_RUMode(version) # RunUp Anzeige mit Übergabe der Versionsnummer RAMode() # Radio nach RunUp ohne Interrupt starten ###################################### # TastenInerrupts mit Multithreading # ###################################### # Taste A Event Senderwechsel hoch GPIO.add_event_detect(TasteHoch, GPIO.FALLING, callback=SWH, bouncetime=200) # Taste B Event Senderwechsel runter GPIO.add_event_detect(TasteRunter, GPIO.FALLING, callback=SWR, bouncetime=200) # Taste C Event Eigene Musik Zufallswiedergabe GPIO.add_event_detect(TasteModus,
class test(): #lcd顯示 my_lcd = lcd() #照相機 pir = 22 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(pir, GPIO.IN) vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True).start() time.sleep(1) print("Start camera") child = Popen( "./darknet detector test cfg/yolov4-Icantest-tiny.cfg yolov4-Icantrain-tiny_best.weights -dont_show -save_labels -thresh 0.5 ", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True, shell=True) while True: input_state = GPIO.input(pir) frame = if input_state == 0: img = frame print("get") time.sleep(1) print("take a picture") cv2.imwrite("test.jpg", img) print("test.jpg", file=child.stdin) time.sleep(8) f = open("test.txt", "r") word = if word == 0 or word == '': my_lcd.display_string("This is", 1) my_lcd.display_string("Trash", 2) print(word + ' :Trash') else: my_lcd.display_string("This is", 1) my_lcd.display_string("Recyclable", 2) print(word + ' :Recyclable') if word == "1": type1 = "recycle" type2 = "bottle" elif word == "2": type1 = "recycle" type2 = "can" elif word == "3": type1 = "recycle" type2 = "battery" elif word == "4": type1 = "recycle" type2 = "paper" elif word == "0": type1 = "normal" type2 = "trash" else: type1 = "normal" type2 = "trash" #mongodb= id time type classes dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) dicts = {"time": dt, "type": type1, "class": type2} print(dicts) conn = MongoClient("mongodb://") #pi 連結成功 db = conn["ican"] coll = db["trash"] coll.insert_one(dicts) print("Connect success!")
rom = sys.argv[3].split('/')[-1].replace('.rom', '').replace('.zip', '') lcd.display_string(title, 1) lcd.display_string(rom, 2) lcd.display_string(system, 3) lcd.display_string(emulator, 4) def screen_home(): lcd.clear i = 0 bar = '' for i in range(0, 20): bar = bar + unichr(255) lcd.display_string(bar, 1) i += 1 lcd.display_string(title, 1) lcd.display_string("", 2) lcd.display_string("CHOOSE A GAME", 3) lcd.display_string("", 4) lcd = lcd() if (len(sys.argv) > 1): screen_game() else: screen_home()
from lcd_display import lcd import sys line1=(sys.argv[1]) line2=(sys.argv[2]) my_lcd = lcd() my_lcd.display_string(line1, 1) my_lcd.display_string(line2, 2)
# Libraries import gi from lcd_display import lcd gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk # Variables screen = lcd() # Code class MyWindow(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Puzzle 2") self.set_border_width(8) self.set_default_size(200, 50) # CSS css = b'* {background-color: #000000; color: #ffff00} button {color: #ffffff; }' css_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() css_provider.load_from_data(css) context = Gtk.StyleContext() screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default() context.add_provider_for_screen(screen, css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION) # Widgets self.grid = Gtk.Box(orientation="vertical", spacing=4) self.add(self.grid) self.textView = Gtk.TextView() self.button = Gtk.Button(label="Display Text") self.button.connect("clicked", self.button_clicked) # Grid pack self.grid.pack_start(self.textView, True, True, 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python #from lcd_display import lcd import lcd_display import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from subprocess import * from time import sleep, strftime from datetime import datetime #pin number for switch SW1=11 mode=1 myLCD = lcd_display.lcd() def setup(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(SW1, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.add_event_detect(SW1, GPIO.RISING, callback=changeMode, bouncetime=300) def run_cmd(cmd): p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0] return output IPCMD = "ip addr show wlan0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1" ipaddr = run_cmd(IPCMD).rstrip('\n') WEATHCMD="wget -qO-*\&unit=m | grep tmp | sed 's/[^-0-9]*//g'" temper = run_cmd(WEATHCMD).rstrip('\n')
def __init__(self, master): #firebase_init #firebase global register cred = credentials.Certificate( '../raspberryfirebase-firebase-adminsdk-q4ht6-296b3b1772.json') firebase_admin.initialize_app( cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) self.lcdRef = db.reference('raspberrypi/LCD') self.firestoreClient = firestore.client() #buzzer init = Buzzer(16) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(36, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setwarnings(False) self.p = GPIO.PWM(36, 50) #Tkinter #for buzzer buzzerFrame = Frame(master) Button(buzzerFrame, text="Buzzer Control", command=self.userClickBuzzer, padx=10, pady=10).pack(padx=30, pady=10, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) buzzerFrame.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) #for lcd lcdFrame = Frame(master) self.entryString1 = StringVar() self.entryString2 = StringVar() entry1Frame = Frame(lcdFrame) Label(entry1Frame, text="name").pack(side=LEFT) Entry(entry1Frame, textvariable=self.entryString1, width=50).pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) self.entryString1.set("tfirst line") entry1Frame.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH, padx=10, pady=10) entry2Frame = Frame(lcdFrame) Label(entry2Frame, text="pwd").pack(side=LEFT) Entry(entry2Frame, textvariable=self.entryString2, width=50).pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH, padx=10) self.entryString2.set("second line") entry2Frame.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH, padx=10, pady=10) Button(lcdFrame, text="Entry Send", command=self.userClickSend, padx=10, pady=10).pack(padx=30, pady=10, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) lcdFrame.pack() #lcd self.my_lcd = lcd() #firebase register try: register = self.lcdRef.listen(self.lcdCallBack) except ApiCallError as error: print("apiCallError") #checked uid self.uid = [] self.preUid0 = 0 self.preUid1 = 0 self.preUid2 = 0 self.preUid3 = 0 self.MIFAREReader = MFRC522.MFRC522() self.rfidHandler()
GPIO.output(11, False) time.sleep(d) GPIO.output(11, True) time.sleep(d) # use Pi board pin numbers with GPIO.BOARD GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # see # see # initialise the lcd display lcd1 = lcd() lcd1.clear() lcd1.display_string("Picture Taker", 1) flash(0.2) flash(0.2) while True: # Check camera is present while not os.path.exists('/dev/video0'): lcd1.display_string("No Camera", 2) time.sleep(1.0) lcd1.display_string("ready", 2)