def test_copy_from_and_mutate_does_not_influence_another_condition( self, cfg): """ Verify that not just reference to Condition copied (changing which will change the original - definitily not original C++ code did). """ # given s = * 0.5 # less then MU b = 1 - (1 - * 0.5 # more then MU operation_time = 123 original_cl = Classifier(condition='1###1011', cfg=cfg) copied_cl = Classifier.copy_from(original_cl, operation_time) # when mutate(copied_cl,, RandomMock([s, b, b, b, b])) # then assert Condition('####1011') == copied_cl.condition assert Condition('1###1011') == original_cl.condition # when mutate(original_cl,, RandomMock([b, s, b, b, b])) # then assert Condition('1####011') == original_cl.condition assert Condition('####1011') == copied_cl.condition
def test_should_match_perception(self, _c, _p, _result): # given c = Condition(_c) p = Perception(_p) # then assert c.does_match(p) is _result
def test_should_initialize_two_times_the_same_way(self): # given c1 = Condition("#1O##O##") c2 = Condition(['#', '1', 'O', '#', '#', 'O', '#', '#']) # then assert c1 == c2
def test_should_match_condition(self, _c, _other, _result): # given c = Condition(_c) other = Condition(_other) # then assert c.does_match(other) is _result
def test_generalize_decrements_specificity(self): # given condition = Condition('#11#####') assert 2 == condition.specificity # when condition.generalize(1) # then assert 1 == condition.specificity
def test_should_generalize(self): # given s = "#1O##O##" cond = Condition(s) # when cond.generalize(position=1) # then assert Condition("##O##O##") == cond
def test_crossover_allows_to_change_last_element(self, cfg): # given cl1 = Classifier(condition='0##10###', cfg=cfg) cl2 = Classifier(condition='#10##011', cfg=cfg) # when two_point_crossover(cl1, cl2, samplefunc=SampleMock([5, 8])) # then assert Condition('0##10011') == cl1.condition assert Condition('#10#####') == cl2.condition
def test_mutate_2(self, cfg): # given cl = Classifier(Condition('##011###'), cfg=cfg) s = * 0.5 # less then MU b = 1 - (1 - * 0.5 # more then MU # when mutate(cl,, randomfunc=RandomMock([b, b, s])) # then assert Condition('##01####') == cl.condition
def test_crossover(self, cfg): # given cl1 = Classifier(condition='0##10###', cfg=cfg) cl2 = Classifier(condition='#10##0##', cfg=cfg) # when two_point_crossover(cl1, cl2, samplefunc=SampleMock([1, 4])) # then assert Condition('010#0###') == cl1.condition assert Condition('###1#0##') == cl2.condition
def test_should_generalize_specific_attributes_randomly( self, _condition, _spec_before, _spec_after): # given condition = Condition(_condition) assert condition.specificity == _spec_before # when condition.generalize_specific_attribute_randomly() # then assert condition.specificity == _spec_after
def test_should_specialize(self, _p0, _p1, _init_cond, _init_effect, _res_cond, _res_effect, cfg): # given cls = Classifier(condition=Condition(_init_cond), effect=Effect(_init_effect), cfg=cfg) p0 = Perception(_p0) p1 = Perception(_p1) # when cls.specialize(p0, p1, leave_specialized=False) # then assert cls.condition == Condition(_res_cond) assert cls.effect == Effect(_res_effect)
def test_should_handle_unexpected_case_2(self, cfg): # given cls = Classifier(condition='#######0', action=4, quality=0.4, cfg=cfg) cls.mark[0].update([0, 1]) cls.mark[1].update([0, 1]) cls.mark[2].update([0, 1]) cls.mark[3].update([0, 1]) cls.mark[4].update([1]) cls.mark[5].update([0, 1]) cls.mark[6].update([0, 1]) p0 = Perception('11101010') p1 = Perception('10011101') time = 94 # when new_cl = unexpected_case(cls, p0, p1, time) # then assert new_cl.condition == Condition('#110#010') assert new_cl.effect == Effect('#001#101') assert new_cl.is_marked() is False assert time == new_cl.tga assert time == new_cl.talp assert abs(cls.q - 0.38) < 0.01
def test_should_return_number_of_specified_elements(self): # given condition = Condition.empty(8) assert 0 == condition.specificity # when condition[2] = '1' condition[5] = '0' # then assert condition.specificity == 2
def test_should_get_differences_1(self, _p0, cfg): # given generic_condition = Condition.empty(length=cfg.classifier_length) p0 = Perception(_p0) mark = PMark(cfg) # when diff = mark.get_differences(p0) # then assert diff == generic_condition
def test_should_generalize_second_unchanging_attribute(self, cfg): # given cls = Classifier(condition='#####0#0', effect='########', cfg=cfg) assert len(cls.specified_unchanging_attributes) == 2 # when generalized = cls.generalize_unchanging_condition_attribute( lambda x: 7) # then assert generalized is True assert len(cls.specified_unchanging_attributes) == 1 assert Condition('#####0##') == cls.condition
def test_should_specialize_with_condition(self, _condition, _diff, _result): # given cond = Condition(_condition) diff = Condition(_diff) # when cond.specialize_with_condition(diff) # then assert cond == Condition(_result)
def test_should_handle_unexpected_case_1(self, cfg): # given cls = Classifier(action=2, cfg=cfg) p0 = Perception('01100000') p1 = Perception('10100010') time = 14 new_cls = unexpected_case(cls, p0, p1, time) # Quality should be decreased assert 0.475 == cls.q # Should be marked with previous perception for mark_attrib in cls.mark: assert 1 == len(mark_attrib) assert '0' in cls.mark[0] assert '1' in cls.mark[1] assert '1' in cls.mark[2] assert '0' in cls.mark[3] assert '0' in cls.mark[4] assert '0' in cls.mark[5] assert '0' in cls.mark[6] assert '0' in cls.mark[7] # New classifier should not be the same object assert cls is not new_cls # Check attributes of a new classifier assert Condition('01####0#') == new_cls.condition assert 2 == new_cls.action assert Effect('10####1#') == new_cls.effect # There should be no mark for mark_attrib in new_cls.mark: assert 0 == len(mark_attrib) assert 0.5 == new_cls.q assert cls.r == new_cls.r assert time == new_cls.tga assert time == new_cls.talp
def test_add_ga_classifier_increase_numerosity(self, cfg): # given cl_1 = Classifier(action=2, condition='1#######', cfg=cfg) cl_2 = Classifier(action=2, condition='1#######', cfg=cfg) cl_3 = Classifier(action=3, cfg=cfg) cl_4 = Classifier(action=4, cfg=cfg) action_set = ClassifiersList(*[cl_1], cfg=cfg) match_set = ClassifiersList(*[cl_1], cfg=cfg) population = ClassifiersList(*[cl_1, cl_3, cl_4], cfg=cfg) # when action_set.add_ga_classifier(cl_2, match_set, population) new_classifier = Classifier(action=2, condition=Condition('1#######'), numerosity=2, cfg=cfg) # then assert ClassifiersList(*[new_classifier, cl_3, cl_4], cfg=cfg) == population
def test_should_create_new_classifier_using_covering(self, cfg): # given action = random.randint(0, cfg.number_of_possible_actions) time = random.randint(0, 1000) p0 = Perception('01001101') p1 = Perception('00011111') # when new_cl = cover(p0, action, p1, time, cfg) # then assert new_cl.condition == Condition('#1#0##0#') assert new_cl.action == action assert new_cl.effect == Effect('#0#1##1#') assert new_cl.q == .5 assert new_cl.r == 0 assert == 0 assert new_cl.tav == 0 assert new_cl.tga == time assert new_cl.talp == time assert new_cl.num == 1 assert new_cl.exp == 0
def test_should_handle_unexpected_case_6(self, cfg): # given cls = Classifier(condition='0#1####1', action=2, effect='1#0####0', quality=0.38505, reward=1.20898, immediate_reward=0, experience=11, tga=95, talp=873, tav=71.3967, cfg=cfg) cls.mark[1].update(['1']) cls.mark[3].update(['1']) cls.mark[4].update(['0', '1']) cls.mark[5].update(['1']) cls.mark[6].update(['0', '1']) p0 = Perception('01111101') p1 = Perception('11011110') time = 873 # when new_cls = unexpected_case(cls, p0, p1, time) # then assert new_cls is not None assert Condition('0#1###01') == new_cls.condition assert Effect('1#0###10') == new_cls.effect assert abs(0.5 - new_cls.q) < 0.1 assert abs(1.20898 - new_cls.r) < 0.1 assert abs(0 - < 0.1 assert abs(71.3967 - new_cls.tav) < 0.1 assert 1 == new_cls.exp assert 1 == new_cls.num assert time == new_cls.tga assert time == new_cls.talp
def test_should_handle_unexpected_case_5(self, cfg): # given cls = Classifier(condition='00####1#', action=2, effect='########', quality=0.129, reward=341.967, immediate_reward=130.369, experience=201, tga=129, talp=9628, tav=25.08, cfg=cfg) cls.mark[2].add('2') cls.mark[3].add('1') cls.mark[4].add('1') cls.mark[5].add('0') cls.mark[7].add('0') p0 = Perception('00211010') p1 = Perception('00001110') time = 9628 # when new_cls = unexpected_case(cls, p0, p1, time) # then assert new_cls is not None assert Condition('0021#01#') == new_cls.condition assert Effect('##00#1##') == new_cls.effect assert abs(0.5 - new_cls.q) < 0.1 assert abs(341.967 - new_cls.r) < 0.1 assert abs(130.369 - < 0.1 assert abs(25.08 - new_cls.tav) < 0.1 assert 1 == new_cls.exp assert 1 == new_cls.num assert time == new_cls.tga assert time == new_cls.talp
def test_equal(self): assert Condition('########') == Condition('########') assert Condition('1#######') != Condition('########') assert Condition('########') != Condition('#######1') assert Condition('1111####') == Condition('1111####') assert Condition('1111####') != Condition('1011####') assert Condition('1101####') != Condition('1111####') assert Condition('00001###') == Condition('00001###')
def test_should_only_accept_strings(self): condition = Condition([]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): # Try to store an integer condition[0] = 1
def test_should_calculate_specificity(self, _condition, _specificity, cfg): cls = Classifier(Condition(_condition), cfg=cfg) assert cls.specificity == _specificity
def test_should_get_initialized_with_str(self): # given condition = Condition("#1O##O##") # then assert len(condition) == 8