Пример #1
 def test_integrated(self):
     z = IRWLS(self.x, self.y, self.update_func, 2)
     assert_array_equal(z.est.shape, (1, 1))
     assert_array_almost_equal(z.est, 1)
Пример #2
	def __init__(self, y, x, w, N, M, n_blocks, intercept=None, slow=False, step1_ii=None, old_weights=False):
		for i in [y, x, w, M, N]:
				if len(i.shape) != 2:
					raise TypeError('Arguments must be 2D arrays.')
			except AttributeError:
				raise TypeError('Arguments must be arrays.')

		n_snp, self.n_annot = x.shape
		if any(i.shape != (n_snp, 1) for i in [y, w, N]):
			raise ValueError(
				'N, weights and response (z1z2 or chisq) must have shape (n_snp, 1).')
		if M.shape != (1, self.n_annot):
			raise ValueError('M must have shape (1, n_annot).')

		M_tot = float(np.sum(M))
		x_tot = np.sum(x, axis=1).reshape((n_snp, 1))
		self.constrain_intercept = intercept is not None
		self.intercept = intercept
		self.n_blocks = n_blocks
		tot_agg = self.aggregate(y, x_tot, N, M_tot, intercept)
		initial_w = self._update_weights(
			x_tot, w, N, M_tot, tot_agg, intercept)
		Nbar = np.mean(N)  # keep condition number low
		x = np.multiply(N, x) / Nbar
		if not self.constrain_intercept:
			x, x_tot = append_intercept(x), append_intercept(x_tot)
			yp = y
			yp = y - intercept
			self.intercept_se = 'NA'
		del y
		self.twostep_filtered = None
		if step1_ii is not None and self.constrain_intercept:
			raise ValueError(
				'twostep is not compatible with constrain_intercept.')
		elif step1_ii is not None and self.n_annot > 1:
			raise ValueError(
				'twostep not compatible with partitioned LD Score yet.')
		elif step1_ii is not None:
			n1 = np.sum(step1_ii)
			self.twostep_filtered = n_snp - n1
			x1 = x[np.squeeze(step1_ii), :]
			yp1, w1, N1, initial_w1 = map(
				lambda a: a[step1_ii].reshape((n1, 1)), (yp, w, N, initial_w))

			def update_func1(a): return self._update_func(
				a, x1, w1, N1, M_tot, Nbar, ii=step1_ii)
			step1_jknife = IRWLS(
				x1, yp1, update_func1, n_blocks, slow=slow, w=initial_w1)
			step1_int, _ = self._intercept(step1_jknife)
			yp = yp - step1_int
			x = remove_intercept(x)
			x_tot = remove_intercept(x_tot)

			def update_func2(a): return self._update_func(
				a, x_tot, w, N, M_tot, Nbar, step1_int)
			s = update_separators(step1_jknife.separators, step1_ii)
			step2_jknife = IRWLS(
				x, yp, update_func2, n_blocks, slow=slow, w=initial_w, separators=s)
			c = np.sum(np.multiply(initial_w, x)) / \
				np.sum(np.multiply(initial_w, np.square(x)))
			jknife = self._combine_twostep_jknives(
				step1_jknife, step2_jknife, M_tot, c, Nbar)
		elif old_weights:
			initial_w = np.sqrt(initial_w)
			x = IRWLS._weight(x, initial_w)
			y = IRWLS._weight(yp, initial_w)
			jknife = jk.LstsqJackknifeFast(x, y, n_blocks)
			def update_func(a): return self._update_func(
				a, x_tot, w, N, M_tot, Nbar, intercept)
			jknife = IRWLS(
				x, yp, update_func, n_blocks, slow=slow, w=initial_w)

		self.coef, self.coef_cov, self.coef_se = self._coef(jknife, Nbar)
		self.cat, self.cat_cov, self.cat_se =\
			self._cat(jknife, M, Nbar, self.coef, self.coef_cov)

		self.tot, self.tot_cov, self.tot_se = self._tot(self.cat, self.cat_cov)
		self.prop, self.prop_cov, self.prop_se =\
			self._prop(jknife, M, Nbar, self.cat, self.tot)

		self.enrichment, self.M_prop = self._enrichment(
			M, M_tot, self.cat, self.tot)
		if not self.constrain_intercept:
			self.intercept, self.intercept_se = self._intercept(jknife)

		self.jknife = jknife
		self.tot_delete_values = self._delete_vals_tot(jknife, Nbar, M)
		self.part_delete_values = self._delete_vals_part(jknife, Nbar, M)
		if not self.constrain_intercept:
			self.intercept_delete_values = jknife.delete_values[
				:, self.n_annot]

		self.M = M