def bispectrumplot(self, plotcand={}, show=1, save=0): """ Produces plot of bispectrum for given candidate. """ if len(plotcand) != 1: print 'plotcands should have exactly one beam.' return 0 # collect candidate params (ra, dec) = plotcand.keys()[0] cand = plotcand[(ra,dec)][0] startint = self.startints[0] print 'Producing bispectrum plot for beam', ra, dec, ', candidate, ', cand self.obs = tpipe.pipe_msdisp2(file=self.datafile, nints=self.nints, nskip=startint, profile='default', selectpol=self.selectpol, scan=self.scan, spw=self.spw, chans=self.chans, dmarr=self.dmarr, datacol='corrected_data') # select data for candidate self.obs.time_filter(cand[0], self.filtershape, bgwindow=self.bgwindow) noiseperbl = # measure single noise for input to detect_bispectra l1 = n.radians(ra); m1 = n.radians(dec) if ( (l1 != self.obs.l0[0]) | (m1 != self.obs.m0[0]) ): dl = l1 - self.obs.l0[0]; dm = m1 - self.obs.m0[0] # find phase shift for new location self.obs.phaseshift(dl, dm) # find candidates self.obs.make_bispectra(stokes=self.stokes) (candsnr, candstd, cands) = self.obs.detect_bispectra(sigma=self.sigma, Q=noiseperbl, show=show, save=save)
def candplot2(self, plotcands={}, save=0): """ Builds summary plots, including phased beam and imaging for each plot candidate. This is a "tier 2" plot, since it only uses all interferometric info for a given candidate data location. Candidate should be dictionary with keys of beam location and value of a list of 3-element lists (dt, int, dmbin). Note: this starts from scratch by reading data to produce a set of plots tailored to each candidate. No requirement for do_search and find_candidates to be run first. """ print 'Building Tier 2 candidate plot.' if n.array([len(plotcands[beam]) for beam in plotcands.keys()]).sum() == 0: print 'No candidates available...' return # twindow = 128 # number of integrations to read for plots figi = 1 for beam in plotcands.keys(): if len(plotcands[beam]) == 0: continue if (n.ndim(plotcands[beam]) != 2) | (n.shape(plotcands[beam])[1] != 3): print 'Candidate does not seem to be in proper format. Skipping.' continue (ra, dec) = beam print 'Generating plots for candidate with delaycenter: (%s, %s)' % (str(ra), str(dec)) for cand in plotcands[beam]: (dtind, ii, dmind) = cand print 'Candidate at (dtind, ii, dmind) = (%d, %d, %d)' % (dtind, ii, dmind) if self.datatype == 'mir': # older version centered pulse plot in time # obs = tpipe.pipe_mirdisp2(file=self.datafile, nints=twindow, nskip=self.startints[0]+ii-twindow/2, profile='default', dmarr=self.dmarr, chans=self.chans) self.obs = tpipe.pipe_mirdisp2(file=self.datafile, nints=self.nints, nskip=self.startints[0], profile='default', dmarr=self.dmarr, chans=self.chans) elif self.datatype == 'ms': # obs = tpipe.pipe_msdisp2(file=self.datafile, nints=twindow, nskip=self.startints[0]+ii-twindow/2, profile='default', selectpol=self.selectpol, scan=self.scan, spw=self.spw, chans=self.chans, dmarr=self.dmarr, datacol='corrected_data') self.obs = tpipe.pipe_msdisp2(file=self.datafile, nints=self.nints, nskip=self.startints[0], profile='default', selectpol=self.selectpol, scan=self.scan, spw=self.spw, chans=self.chans, dmarr=self.dmarr, datacol='corrected_data') elif self.datatype == 'sim': print 'For datatype=\'sim\', we have no original data.' # obs = tpipe.pipe_simdisp2(array='vla_d', nints=twindow, profile='default', dmarr=self.dmarr) # obs.add_transient(0., 0., 1., twindow/2) self.obs = tpipe.pipe_simdisp2(array='vla_d', nints=self.nints, profile='default', dmarr=self.dmarr) self.obs.add_transient(0., 0., 1., ii) self.obs.time_filter(self.timescales[dtind], self.filtershape, bgwindow=self.bgwindow) # tophat filter (bgwindow not used) noiseperbl = # measure single noise for input to detect_bispectra # shift phase center to candidate l1 = n.radians(ra); m1 = n.radians(dec) if ( (l1 != self.obs.l0[0]) | (m1 != self.obs.m0[0]) ): dl = l1 - self.obs.l0[0]; dm = m1 - self.obs.m0[0] # find phase shift for new location (in degrees) self.obs.phaseshift(dl, dm) # reproduce bisp candidates self.obs.make_bispectra(stokes=self.stokes) (candsnr, candstd, cands) = self.obs.detect_bispectra(sigma=self.sigma, Q=noiseperbl, save=0) print 'Reproduced bispectrum candidate, ', cands # make image of field # im = obs.imagetrack(obs.tracksub(dmind, twindow/2), i=twindow/2, pol='i', size=self.size, res=self.res, clean=1, show=0) im = self.obs.imagetrack(self.obs.tracksub(dmind, ii), i=ii, pol='i', size=self.size, res=self.res, clean=1, show=0) imsize = float(self.size)/self.res pixelscale = 1./self.size peakm, peakl = n.where(im == im.max()) dm = -(imsize/2. - peakm[0])*pixelscale # indexed starting at top... dl = -(peakl[0] - imsize/2.)*pixelscale # indexed starting at left. # phase shift to center for spectral analysis self.obs.phaseshift(dl, dm) # specmod = obs.specmod(dmind, twindow/2) specmod = self.obs.specmod(dmind, ii) # now plot p.figure(figi) # text description of candidate p.subplot(221, axisbg='white') p.title('Candidate @ Tier 2') p.xticks([]) p.yticks([]) p.text(0.1, 0.8, self.datafile, fontname='sans-serif') beamra = n.round(beam, 3)[0] beamdec = n.round(beam, 3)[1] p.text(0.1, 0.6, 'Beam: ' + str(beamra) + ', ' + str(beamdec) + ', dt: ' + str(self.timescales[cand[0]]), fontname='sans-serif') p.text(0.1, 0.4, 'Integration: ' + str(cand[1]) + ', DM: ' + str(self.dmarr[cand[2]]), fontname='sans-serif') # ww = n.where([n.all(mastercand == cand) for mastercand in self.masterloc[beam]])[0][0] p.text(0.1, 0.2, 'SNR: ' + str(n.round(candsnr, 1)), fontname='sans-serif') # image of dispersed visibilities for candidate p.subplot(222) fov = n.degrees(1./self.res)*3600. # field of view in arcseconds p.imshow(im, aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=[fov/2, -fov/2, -fov/2, fov/2]) p.colorbar() p.xlabel('RA/l Offset (arcsec)') p.ylabel('Dec/m Offset (arcsec)') p.subplot(223) # spec = obs.dedisperse(dmind).mean(axis=3).mean(axis=1).real[twindow/2] # stokes I spec = self.obs.dedisperse(dmind).mean(axis=3).mean(axis=1).real[ii] # stokes I p.plot(self.obs.freq, spec, '.') p.text(0.1, 0.1, 'specmod =' + str(specmod)) p.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') p.ylabel('Flux density (Jy)') p.subplot(224) dataph = n.rot90(self.obs.dataph) sh = dataph.shape im = p.imshow(dataph, aspect='auto', origin='upper', interpolation='nearest', extent=(0, sh[1], 0, sh[0])) p.colorbar() p.plot(self.obs.dmtrack0[dmind][0], self.obs.dmtrack0[dmind][1],'k.') # reference dispersed track p.xlabel('Integration') p.ylabel('Channel') if self.datatype == 'mir': # casapy doesn't get along with recent matplotlib stuff p.tight_layout() if save: p.savefig(self.fileroot + '_sc' + str(self.scan) + 'sp' + str(self.spw[0]) + 'i' + str(self.startints[0]) + '_tier1_' + str(figi) + '.png') figi += 1
def do_search(self): """ Bispectrum transient search over all delay beams. """ self.masterloc = {} # "location" of candidate: dt, integration (over all data in pipe), dmbin self.masterprop = {} # properties of candidate: snr and std of bispectra for dedispersed trial self.masterdata = {} # data around the candidate: bisp lightcurve and spectrogram self.masternoise = {} # noise per bl as measured by detect_bispectra for (ra,dec) in self.delaycenters: self.masterloc[(ra,dec)] = [] self.masterprop[(ra,dec)] = [] self.masterdata[(ra,dec)] = [] self.masternoise[(ra,dec)] = [] for startint in self.startints: if self.datatype == 'mir': self.obs = tpipe.pipe_mirdisp2(file=self.datafile, nints=self.nints, nskip=startint, profile='default', dmarr=self.dmarr, chans=self.chans) elif self.datatype == 'ms': self.obs = tpipe.pipe_msdisp2(file=self.datafile, nints=self.nints, nskip=startint, profile='default', selectpol=self.selectpol, scan=self.scan, spw=self.spw, chans=self.chans, dmarr=self.dmarr, datacol='corrected_data') elif self.datatype == 'sim': self.obs = tpipe.pipe_simdisp2(array='vla_a', nints=self.nints, profile='default', dmarr=self.dmarr, chans=range(64)) # self.obs.add_transient(0., 0., 1., n.random.randint(self.nints)) else: print 'Unknown datatype!' return # accumulate running reltime if startint == self.startints[0]: self.tarr = self.obs.reltime else: self.tarr = n.append(self.tarr, self.obs.reltime + self.tarr[-1] + self.obs.inttime) for dtind in range(len(self.timescales)): # after first pass, need to reset the working data so effect of time_filter is as expected # if self.timescales.index(dt) > 0: if dtind > 0: print 'Resetting data to unfiltered version...' self.obs.prep() self.obs.time_filter(self.timescales[dtind], self.filtershape, bgwindow=self.bgwindow) for (ra,dec) in self.delaycenters: print print 'Searching int %d, dt %d, and delay beam (ra, dec) = %.3f, %.3f' % (startint, self.timescales[dtind], ra, dec) l1 = n.radians(ra); m1 = n.radians(dec) if ( (l1 != self.obs.l0[0]) | (m1 != self.obs.m0[0]) ): dl = l1 - self.obs.l0[0]; dm = m1 - self.obs.m0[0] # find phase shift for new location self.obs.phaseshift(dl, dm) # measure single noise for input to detect_bispectra noiseperbl = # find candidates self.obs.make_bispectra(stokes=self.stokes) # add a way to cut candidates near edges (due to time_filter)? (candsnr, candstd, cands) = self.obs.detect_bispectra(sigma=self.sigma, Q=noiseperbl, save=0) # build master list of candidate location from bispectrum search loclist = self.masterloc[(ra,dec)] proplist = self.masterprop[(ra,dec)] datalist = self.masterdata[(ra,dec)] for i in range(len(cands)): loclist.append( [dtind, (startint-self.startints[0])+cands[i][0], cands[i][1]] ) # candidate location proplist.append( [candsnr[i], candstd[i]] ) # candidate bisp properties intmin = max(0, cands[i][0] - 64) # candidate lightcuve and spectrogram intmax = min(cands[i][0] + 64, self.nints) bamean = self.obs.bispectra.real.mean(axis=2)[cands[i][1], intmin:intmax] # trim in time to save space bastd = self.obs.bispectra.real.std(axis=2)[cands[i][1], intmin:intmax] spec = self.obs.dataph[intmin:intmax] datalist.append( (bamean, bastd, spec) ) self.masterloc[(ra,dec)] = loclist self.masterprop[(ra,dec)] = proplist self.masterdata[(ra,dec)] = datalist self.masternoise[(ra,dec)] = (dtind, self.obs.Q) print '%d candidates found in beam of %s at int %d' % (len(loclist), self.datafile, startint)