Пример #1
def process_batch(network, frames, box_centers, box_angles, box_size):
    logging.info(f"   exporting boxes.")
    boxes, fly_id, fly_frame = export_boxes(frames,
    logging.info(f"   predicting confidence maps for {boxes.shape[0]} boxes.")
    confmaps = predict_confmaps(network, normalize_boxes(boxes))
    logging.info(f"   processing confidence maps.")
    positions, confidence = process_confmaps_simple(confmaps)

    logging.info(f"   recalculating box angles.")
    # TODO: make positions self-documenting (named_list), make these args
    head_idx = 0
    tail_idx = 11
    nb_flies = box_angles.shape[1]

    newbox_angles, bad_boxes = detect_bad_boxes_by_angle(
        unflatten(positions[:, head_idx, :], nb_flies),
        unflatten(positions[:, tail_idx, :], nb_flies),
    bad_frame_idx = np.any(bad_boxes,
                           axis=1)[:, 0]  # for addressing bad boxes by frame
    bad_box_idx = np.repeat(bad_frame_idx,
                            nb_flies)  # for addressing bad boxes by box
    fixed_angles = box_angles
    if np.sum(bad_boxes) > 0:
            f"   found {np.sum(bad_boxes)} cases of boxes with angles above threshold."
        logging.info(f"      re-exporting the bad boxes.")

                     ...] = box_angles[bad_frame_idx,
                                       ...] + newbox_angles[bad_frame_idx, ...]
        boxes[bad_box_idx, ...], *_ = export_boxes(
            [frames[int(idx)] for idx in np.where(bad_frame_idx)[0]],
            box_centers[bad_frame_idx, ...],
            box_size=np.array([120, 120]),
            box_angles=fixed_angles[bad_frame_idx, ...])
        logging.info(f"      re-doing predictions.")
        confmaps[bad_box_idx, ...] = predict_confmaps(
            network, normalize_boxes(boxes[bad_box_idx, ...]))
        logging.info(f"      re-processing confidence maps.")
        positions[bad_box_idx, ...], confidence[bad_box_idx,
                                                ...] = process_confmaps_simple(
                                                    confmaps[bad_box_idx, ...])
    # all results should be in nb_boxes format
    fixed_angles = flatten(fixed_angles)
    bad_boxes = flatten(bad_boxes)
    return positions, confidence, confmaps, bad_boxes, fly_id, fly_frame, boxes, fixed_angles
def test_process_confmaps_simple():
    X = np.zeros((4, 10, 10, 4))
    X[0, 2, 4, 0] = 2.0
    positions, confidence = process_confmaps_simple(X)
    assert positions.shape == (4, 4, 2)
    assert confidence.shape == (4, 4, 1)
    assert confidence[0, 0, 0] == 1
Пример #3
def evaluate_network(network, boxes, positions, batch_size: int = 100):
    """Evaluate LEAP network on boxes and positions.

        boxes: [nb_boxes, width, height, color-channels]
        positions: [nb_boxes, nb_parts, x/y]
        mean_map_error: MSE between predicted and actual confmaps
        mean_position_error: MSE between prediction and actual positions
        position_error: MSE between prediction and actual positions

    box_size = boxes.shape[1:3]
    confmaps = make_masks(positions, size=box_size)
    confmaps_predicted = predict_confmaps(network, boxes, batch_size)
    mean_map_error = np.sum(np.square(confmaps - confmaps_predicted))

    positions_predicted, confidence = process_confmaps_simple(confmaps)
    position_error = np.square(positions - positions_predicted)
    mean_position_error = np.mean(position_error)

    return mean_map_error, mean_position_error, position_error
Пример #4
def process_batch(network, frames, box_centers, box_angles, box_size, priors):
    logging.info(f"   exporting boxes.")
    boxes, fly_id, fly_frame = export_boxes(frames,
    logging.info(f"   predicting confidence maps for {boxes.shape[0]} boxes.")
    confmaps = predict_confmaps(network, normalize_boxes(boxes))
    logging.info(f"   processing confidence maps.")
    positions, confidence = process_confmaps_simple(confmaps)

    logging.info(f"   recalculating box angles.")
    # TODO: make positions self-documenting (named_list), make these args
    head_idx = 0
    tail_idx = 11
    nb_flies = box_angles.shape[1]

    newbox_angles, bad_boxes = detect_bad_boxes_by_angle(
        unflatten(positions[:, head_idx, :], nb_flies),
        unflatten(positions[:, tail_idx, :], nb_flies),
    bad_frame_idx = np.any(bad_boxes,
                           axis=1)[:, 0]  # for addressing bad boxes by frame
    bad_box_idx = np.repeat(bad_frame_idx,
                            nb_flies)  # for addressing bad boxes by box
    fixed_angles = box_angles
    if np.sum(bad_boxes) > 0:
            f"   found {np.sum(bad_boxes)} cases of boxes with angles above threshold."
        logging.info(f"      re-exporting the bad boxes.")

                     ...] = box_angles[bad_frame_idx,
                                       ...] + newbox_angles[bad_frame_idx, ...]
        boxes[bad_box_idx, ...], *_ = export_boxes(
            [frames[int(idx)] for idx in np.where(bad_frame_idx)[0]],
            box_centers[bad_frame_idx, ...],
            box_size=np.array([120, 120]),
            box_angles=fixed_angles[bad_frame_idx, ...])
        logging.info(f"      re-doing predictions.")
        confmaps[bad_box_idx, ...] = predict_confmaps(
            network, normalize_boxes(boxes[bad_box_idx, ...]))
        logging.info(f"      re-processing confidence maps.")
        positions[bad_box_idx, ...], confidence[bad_box_idx,
                                                ...] = process_confmaps_simple(
                                                    confmaps[bad_box_idx, ...])
    # all results should be in nb_boxes format
    fixed_angles = flatten(fixed_angles)
    bad_boxes = flatten(bad_boxes)

    # Detection of errors for prior, according to position thresholds
    error_matrix = detect_prior_cases(positions)
    priorcase_idx = np.where(np.any(error_matrix, axis=1))[0]
        f"   number of boxes to process with priors: {priorcase_idx.shape[0]}")
    # Try to fix positions applying priors
              ...] = priors_processing(positions[priorcase_idx, ...],
                                       error_matrix[priorcase_idx, ...],
                                             ...], confmaps[priorcase_idx,
                                                            ...], priors)
    # Re-evaluate error matrix
    new_error_matrix = detect_prior_cases(positions)
    new_idxs = np.where(np.any(new_error_matrix, axis=1))[0]
        f"   number of boxes still unfixed after priors: {new_idxs.shape[0]}")

    return positions, confidence, confmaps, bad_boxes, fly_id, fly_frame, boxes, fixed_angles, np.any(
        error_matrix, axis=1)
Пример #5
def main(expID: str = 'localhost-20180720_182837',
         frame_start: int = 1000,
         frame_stop: int = 2000,
         frame_step: int = 100):

    ## Fix tracks
    # Paths
    trackPath = f"{resPath}\{expID}\{expID}_tracks.h5"
    videoPath = f"{dataPath}\{expID}\{expID}.mp4"
    trackfixedPath = f"{resPath}\{expID}\\{expID}_tracks_fixed.h5"
    savingPath = f"{resPath}\{expID}"
    posePath = f"{savingPath}\{expID}_pose.h5"
    fixedBoxesPath = f"{savingPath}\{expID}_fixedBoxes.h5"

    # Do not fix if they are already fixed
    if not os.path.exists(trackfixedPath):
        logging.info(f"   doing adrian_fix_tracks")
        adrian_fix_tracks(trackPath, trackfixedPath)
        logging.info(f"   fixed tracks already exist")

    ## Load video
    logging.info(f"   loading video from {videoPath}.")
    vr = VideoReader(videoPath)
    ## Load track
    logging.info(f"   loading tracks from {trackfixedPath}.")
    has_tracks = False
        data = dd.io.load(trackfixedPath)
        centers = data['centers'][:]  # nframe, channel, fly id, coordinates
        tracks = data['lines']
        chbb = data['chambers_bounding_box'][:]
        heads = tracks[:, 0, :, 0, ::-1]  # nframe, fly id, coordinates
        tails = tracks[:, 0, :, 1, ::-1]  # nframe, fly id, coordinates
        heads = heads + chbb[1][0][:]  # nframe, fly id, coordinates
        tails = tails + chbb[1][0][:]  # nframe, fly id, coordinates
        has_tracks = True
        box_centers = centers[:, 0, :, :]  # nframe, fly id, coordinates
        box_centers = box_centers + chbb[1][0][:]
        nb_flies = box_centers.shape[1]
        logging.info(f"   nflies: {nb_flies}.")
    except OSError as e:
        logging.error(f'   could not load tracks.')

    ## Specifications for boxes
    if frame_stop == 0:
        frame_stop = data['frame_count']
        logging.info(f'   Setting frame_stop: {0}.'.format(frame_stop))
    frame_range = range(frame_start, frame_stop, frame_step)
    logging.info(f"   frame range: {frame_start}:{frame_stop}:{frame_step}.")

    ## Create list of frames
    logging.info(f"   getting frames from video.")
    frames = list(vr[frame_start:frame_stop:frame_step])
    nb_frames = len(frames)

    ## Calculate angle for export boxes
    logging.info(f"   calculating box angles.")
    box_angles = get_angles(heads[frame_range, ...], tails[frame_range, ...])

    ## Export boxes function
    logging.info(f"   exporting boxes of {expID}.")
    boxes, fly_id, fly_frame = export_boxes(frames,
                                            box_centers[frame_range, ...],
                                            box_size=np.array([120, 120]),
    boxes = normalize_boxes(boxes)
    # boxes = np.rot90(boxes,2,(1,2))   # Flips boxes, in case network expected fly images in the other direction

    ## Predictions
    logging.info(f"   doing predictions.")
    confmaps = predict_confmaps(networkPath, boxes[:, :, :, :1])
    logging.info(f"   processing confidence maps.")
    positions, confidence = process_confmaps_simple(confmaps)

    ## Recalculation of angles for further orientation fix
    logging.info(f"   recalculating box angles.")
    newbox_angles, bad_boxes = detect_bad_boxes_byAngle(positions)
        f"   found {np.sum(bad_boxes)} cases of boxes with angles above threshold."
    box_angles = box_angles + newbox_angles
    logging.info(f"   re-exporting boxes of {expID}.")
    boxes, fly_id, fly_frame = export_boxes(frames,
                                            box_centers[frame_range, ...],
                                            box_size=np.array([120, 120]),
    boxes = normalize_boxes(boxes)

    ## Final predictions
    logging.info(f"   re-doing predictions.")
    confmaps = predict_confmaps(networkPath, boxes[:, :, :, :1])
    logging.info(f"   re-processing confidence maps.")
    positions, confidence = process_confmaps_simple(confmaps)

    ## Saving data
    logging.info(f"   saving pose predictions to: {posePath}.")
    posedata = {
        'positions': positions,
        'confidence': confidence,
        'confmaps': confmaps,
        'expID': expID,
        'frame_range': frame_range,
        'fly_id': fly_id,
        'fly_frame': fly_frame,
        'bad_boxes': bad_boxes
    dd.io.save(posePath, posedata)
    logging.info(f"   saving fixed boxes to: {fixedBoxesPath}.")
    fixedBoxesdata = {'boxes': boxes, 'fly_id': fly_id, 'fly_frame': fly_frame}
    dd.io.save(fixedBoxesPath, fixedBoxesdata)

    ## Play movie of the exported boxes
    if play_boxes:
        logging.info(f"   playing video of boxes.")
        vplay(boxes[fly_id == 0, ...])