def output(partId):
    # Random Test Cases
    X = np.vstack([
        np.sin(np.arange(1, 15, 1.5)),
        np.cos(np.arange(1, 15, 1.5))
    y = np.sin(np.arange(1, 31, 3))
    Xval = np.vstack([
        np.sin(np.arange(0, 14, 1.5)),
        np.cos(np.arange(0, 14, 1.5))
    yval = np.sin(np.arange(1, 11))
    if partId == '1':
        J, _ = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]), 0.5)
        out = formatter('%0.5f ', J)
    elif partId == '2':
        J, grad = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]), 0.5)
        out = formatter('%0.5f ', grad)
    elif partId == '3':
        error_train, error_val = learningCurve(X, y, Xval, yval, 1)
        out = formatter(
            '%0.5f ', np.concatenate([error_train.ravel(),
    elif partId == '4':
        X_poly = polyFeatures(X[1, :].T, 8)
        out = formatter('%0.5f ', X_poly)
    elif partId == '5':
        lambda_vec, error_train, error_val = validationCurve(X, y, Xval, yval)
        out = formatter(
            '%0.5f ',
    return out
Пример #2
def output(partId):
    # Random Test Cases
    X = column_stack([ones(10), sin(arange(1,15,1.5)), cos(arange(1,15,1.5))])
    y = sin(arange(1,30,3))
    Xval = column_stack([ones(10), sin(arange(0,14,1.5)), cos(arange(0,14,1.5))])
    yval = sin(arange(1,11))
    if partId == '1':
        J, _ = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, hstack([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]), 0.5)
        return sprintf('%0.5f ', J)
    elif partId == '2':
        J, grad = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, hstack([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]), 0.5)
        return sprintf('%0.5f ', grad)
    elif partId == '3':
        error_train, error_val = \
            learningCurve(X, y, Xval, yval, 1);
        return sprintf('%0.5f ', vstack([error_train, error_val]))
    elif partId == '4':
        X_poly = polyFeatures(X[1,:], 8)
        return sprintf('%0.5f ', X_poly)
    elif partId == '5':
        lambda_vec, error_train, error_val = \
                validationCurve(X, y, Xval, yval)
        return sprintf('%0.5f ', \
            vstack([lambda_vec, error_train, error_val]))
Пример #3
    #  Plot fit over the data
    plt.plot(X, np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)).dot(theta).T, '-', linewidth=2)

    input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    # =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
    #  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
    #  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
    #                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

    lmbda = 0
    error_train, error_val = learningCurve(
        np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)), y,
        np.hstack((np.ones((Xval.shape[0], 1)), Xval)), yval, lmbda)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(np.arange(m), error_train, label='Train')
    ax.plot(np.arange(m), error_val, label='Cross Validation')
    ax.set_title('Learning curve for linear regression')
    ax.set_xlabel('Number of training examples')
    ax.axis([0, 13, 0, 150])

    print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
    for i in range(m):
        print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f' % (i + 1, error_train[i], error_val[i]))
Пример #4
    theta = trainLinearReg(np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)), y, lmbda)

    #  Plot fit over the data
    plt.plot(X, np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)).dot(theta).T, '-', linewidth=2)

    input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    # =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
    #  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
    #  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
    #                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

    lmbda = 0
    error_train, error_val = learningCurve(np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)), y,
                                           np.hstack((np.ones((Xval.shape[0], 1)), Xval)), yval, lmbda)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(np.arange(m), error_train, label='Train')
    ax.plot(np.arange(m), error_val, label='Cross Validation')
    ax.set_title('Learning curve for linear regression')
    ax.set_xlabel('Number of training examples')
    ax.axis([0, 13, 0, 150])

    print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
    for i in range(m):
        print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f' % (i + 1, error_train[i], error_val[i]))

    input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')
Пример #5
lamda = 0
theta = trainLinearReg(X_ones, y, lamda)

plt.scatter(X, y, marker='x', c='r', s=60)
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')

# =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
# Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
# Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf
lamda = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(X_ones, y, Xval_ones, yval, lamda)

plt.plot(range(1, m + 1), error_train, label='Train')
plt.plot(range(1, m + 1), error_val, label='Cross Validation')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
for i in range(m):
    print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f' % (i + 1, error_train[i], error_val[i]))

# =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============
# One solution to this is to use polynomial regression. You should now
# complete polyFeatures to map each example into its powers
Пример #6
plt.plot(X, y, 'rx', markersize=10, linewidth=1.5)
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')
plt.plot(X,,1)), X)), theta), '--', linewidth=2)
raw_input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')

## =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============

lambda_val = 0
error_train, error_val = lc.learningCurve(np.column_stack((np.ones((m,1)), X)), y, np.column_stack((np.ones((Xval.shape[0], 1)), Xval)), yval, lambda_val)

# resets plot

p1, p2 = plt.plot(range(m), error_train, range(m), error_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.legend((p1, p2), ('Train', 'Cross Validation'), numpoints=1, handlelength=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
Пример #7
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')            # Set the y-axis label
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')     # Set the x-axis label
plt.plot(X, np.column_stack((np.ones(m), X)).dot(theta), '--', lw=2.0)

raw_input("Program paused. Press Enter to continue...") 

## =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function. 
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf 

Lambda = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(np.column_stack((np.ones(m), X)), y,
                                       np.column_stack((np.ones(Xval.shape[0]), Xval)), yval, Lambda)
plt.plot(range(m), error_train, color='b', lw=0.5, label='Train')
plt.plot(range(m), error_val, color='r', lw=0.5, label='Cross Validation')
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

plt.xlim(0, 13)
plt.ylim(0, 150)
plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='x-large', numpoints=1)

print 'Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error'
for i in range(m):
    print '  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f' % (i, error_train[i], error_val[i])
Пример #8
    degree = 1 # degree of the polynomial
    theta = initialize(degree)

    # checking code by printing values of cost, derivatives and plotting
    # the linear regression
    # we expect 303.951 for cost
    # then [ -15.30, 598.250 ] for gradient
    print "Cost for initial theta = [1,1]: ", \
    print "Gradient for initial theta = [1,1]: ", \
    theta = regression(theta,X,y,lam)

    # Computing the learning curve for linear regression
    (error_train,error_cv) = learningCurve(theta,X,y,Xcv,ycv,lam)

    # Unregularized polynomial regression for a degree 8 polynomial
    degree = 8
    theta = initialize(degree)
    X_poly = polyFeatures(X,degree)
    (X_norm,mu,sigma) = featureNormalization(X_poly)
    theta = regression(theta,X_norm,y,lam)
    # Learning curve for a degree 8 polynomial
    Xcv_norm = polyFeatures(Xcv,degree)
    for ii in range(degree):
        Xcv_norm[:,ii] -= mu[ii]
        Xcv_norm[:,ii] /= sigma[ii]
    (error_train,error_cv) = learningCurve(theta,X_norm,y,Xcv_norm,ycv,lam)
Пример #9
plt.plot(X, pred, '--r', lw=2.0)

# %% =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

Lambda = 0
X_stack = np.column_stack((np.ones(m), X))
Xval_stack = np.column_stack((np.ones(Xval.shape[0]), Xval))

error_train, error_val = learningCurve(X_stack, y, Xval_stack, yval, Lambda)

# display
plt.plot(range(m), error_train, color='b', lw=2, label='Train')
plt.plot(range(m), error_val, color='r', lw=2, label='Cross Validation')
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
plt.xlim(0, 13)
plt.ylim(0, 150)
plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='x-large', numpoints=1)

print('Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
Пример #10
n = X.shape[1]
m = X.shape[0]
# fmin输出的theta是(n,)要正确运算,需reshpe 成(n,1)
theta = line_trainLinearReg(theta_init, X, y, lmda)
theta = theta.reshape(n, 1)
a = [-50, 40]
b = [theta[0] - 50 * theta[1], theta[0] + 40 * theta[1]]
plt.plot(a, b, 'b-', lw=1)  # 绘制直线图
plt.scatter(X1, y, c='red', marker='x', s=20)
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')
J_train, J_val = learningCurve(X, Xval, y, yval, theta_init, lmda)
plt.plot(range(m), J_train, range(m), J_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
X1_pol = polyFeatures(X1, 8)
Xtest1_pol = polyFeatures(Xtest, 8)
Xval1_pol = polyFeatures(Xval1, 8)
X2_pol, X_pol_mean, X_pol_std = feature_normalize(X1_pol)
# X2test_pol, Xtest_pol_mean, Xtest_pol_std = feature_normalize(Xtest1_pol)
# X2val_pol, Xval_pol_mean, Xval_pol_std = feature_normalize(Xval1_pol)
Пример #11
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')

input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')

# =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.

#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- Figure 3 in ex5.pdf

lambda_par = 0

error_train, error_val = \
    learningCurve(np.concatenate((np.ones(m).reshape(m, 1), X), axis=1), y,
                      (np.ones(Xval.shape[0]).reshape(Xval.shape[0], 1), Xval), axis=1), yval,

plt.plot(range(1, m+1), error_train, range(1, m+1), error_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.legend(['Train', 'Cross Validation'])
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
plt.axis([0, 13, 0, 150])

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n')
for i in range(m):
    print('  \t{}\t\t{:.6f}\t{:.6f}\n'.format(
        i, float(error_train[i]), float(error_val[i])))
Пример #12
theta = trainLinearReg(_X, y, _lambda)

#  Plot fit over the data
plt.plot(X,, theta), '--', linewidth=2)

input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')

# # =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

_lambda = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(_X, y, _Xval, yval, _lambda)

plt.plot(np.arange(m), error_train, np.arange(m), error_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.legend(['Train', 'Cross Validation'])
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n')
for i in range(m):
    print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f\n' % (i, error_train[i], error_val[i]))

input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')

# # =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============
Пример #13
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')
y_new =
plt.plot(X, y_new, '--')

%% =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
%  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
%  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
%                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf
lambda_ = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(ones_X, y, ones_Xval, yval, lambda_)

plt.plot(range(0,m), error_train, range(0,m), error_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
#plt.legend('Train', 'Cross Validation')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n')
for i in range(0,m):
    print(error_train[i], error_val[i])
%% =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============
Пример #14
#  Train linear regression with lambda = 0
xlambda = 0
theta = tLR.trainLinearReg(np.c_[(np.ones([m,1]),X)],y,xlambda)

#  Plot fit over the data
plt = plot.plotNormal(X,y)
y_pred =[(np.ones([m, 1]),X)],theta)
plt.plot(X, y_pred, color='b')

# =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to see a graph with "high bias" -- Figure 3 in ex5.pdf

xlambda = 0
error_train,error_val = lC.learningCurve(np.c_[(np.ones([m,1]),X)],y,np.c_[np.ones([Xval.shape[0],1]),Xval],yval,xlambda)

# plot the learning curve
plt = plot.plotLC(np.arange(1,m+1), error_train, np.arange(1,m+1), error_val)

# print the contrast between training error and CV error
print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
for i in range(0,m):
    print(' \t%d\t\t%.4f\t%.4f'%(i,error_train[i],error_val[i]))
input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')

## =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============
#  One solution to this is to use polynomial regression. You should now
#  complete polyFeatures to map each example into its powers

""" =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function. 

  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
                 see a graph with "high bias" -- Figure 3 in ex5.pdf 

reg_lambda = 0
new__training_input = np.c_[np.ones((m, 1)), X]
new__validation_input = np.c_[np.ones((Xval.shape[0], 1)), Xval]

error_train, error_val = learningCurve(new__training_input, y, new__validation_input, yval, reg_lambda)

plt.figure(2) #new window
train_plot, = plt.plot(np.arange(1, m), error_train[1:m], linestyle='solid', color='blue',label="Train")
val_plot, = plt.plot(np.arange(1, m), error_val[1:m], linestyle='solid', color='red', label='Cross Validation')
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
plt.legend(handles=[train_plot, val_plot])
plt.axis([0, 13, 0, 150])
plt.draw() = False)

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n');
for i in range(m):
    print('  \t{}\t\t{}\t{}\n'.format(i, error_train[i], error_val[i]))
Пример #16

print 'Program paused. Press enter to continue.'

## =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

lambda_ = 0.
error_train, error_val = \
    learningCurve(addOnes(X), y, addOnes(Xval), yval, lambda_)

fig = figure()
plot(arange(m)+1, error_train, arange(m)+1, error_val);
title('Learning curve for linear regression')
legend(('Train', 'Cross Validation'))
xlabel('Number of training examples')
axis([0, 13, 0, 150])

print '# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error'
for i in range(m):
    print '  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f' % (i+1, error_train[i], error_val[i])

print 'Program paused. Press enter to continue.'
Пример #17
plt.plot(X, y, 'rx')
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')
y_new =
plt.plot(X, y_new, '--')
%% =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
%  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
%  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
%                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf
lambda_ = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(ones_X, y, ones_Xval, yval, lambda_)

plt.plot(range(0, m), error_train, range(0, m), error_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
#plt.legend('Train', 'Cross Validation')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
plt.axis([1, 13, 1, 150])

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n')
for i in range(0, m):
    print(error_train[i], error_val[i])
%% =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============
%  One solution to this is to use polynomial regression. You should now
Пример #18
Xpoly, mu, sigma = featureNormalize(Xpoly)
Xpoly = np.hstack((ones, Xpoly))

mtest = len(ytest)
ones = np.ones((mtest,1))
Xtest = np.hstack((ones, Xtest))
X_poly_test = polyFeatures(Xtest,p)
X_poly_test -= mu
X_poly_test /= sigma
X_poly_test = np.hstack((ones, X_poly_test))

mval = len(yval )
ones = np.ones((mval,1))
Xval  = np.hstack((ones, Xval ))
X_poly_val  = polyFeatures(Xval,p)
X_poly_val -= mu
X_poly_val /= sigma
X_poly_val  = np.hstack((ones, X_poly_val ))

lam = 0
thetaOpt = trainLinearReg(Xpoly,y,lam)

polyfit(np.min(Xpoly),np.max(Xpoly),mu, sigma, thetaOpt, p)

lam =0
learningCurve(Xpoly, y, X_poly_val, yval, lam)
Пример #19
from learningCurve import learningCurve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as spio

mat = spio.loadmat('ex5data1.mat', squeeze_me=True)

X = mat['X']
y = mat['y']

Xtest = mat['Xtest']
ytest = mat['ytest']

Xval = mat['Xval']
yval = mat['yval']

X_ones = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
Xval_ones = np.c_[np.ones(Xval.shape[0]), Xval]

erro_treino, erro_validacao = learningCurve(X_ones, y, Xval_ones, yval, 0)

plt.plot(np.arange(1, 13), erro_treino, label='Train', color='purple')
plt.plot(np.arange(1, 13),
         label='Cross Validation',
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
Пример #20
def ex5():
    ## Machine Learning Online Class
    #  Exercise 5 | Regularized Linear Regression and Bias-Variance
    #  Instructions
    #  ------------
    #  This file contains code that helps you get started on the
    #  exercise. You will need to complete the following functions:
    #     linearRegCostFunction.m
    #     learningCurve.m
    #     validationCurve.m
    #  For this exercise, you will not need to change any code in this file,
    #  or any other files other than those mentioned above.

    ## Initialization
    #clear ; close all; clc

    ## =========== Part 1: Loading and Visualizing Data =============
    #  We start the exercise by first loading and visualizing the dataset.
    #  The following code will load the dataset into your environment and plot
    #  the data.

    # Load Training Data
    print('Loading and Visualizing Data ...')

    # Load from ex5data1:
    # You will have X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest in your environment
    mat ='ex5data1.mat')
    X = mat['X']
    y = mat['y'].ravel()
    Xval = mat['Xval']
    yval = mat['yval'].ravel()
    Xtest = mat['Xtest']
    ytest = mat['ytest'].ravel()

    # m = Number of examples
    m = X.shape[0]

    # Plot training data
    plt.plot(X, y, marker='x', linestyle='None', ms=10, lw=1.5)
    plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
    plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')

    print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    ## =========== Part 2: Regularized Linear Regression Cost =============
    #  You should now implement the cost function for regularized linear
    #  regression.

    theta = np.array([1, 1])
    J, _ = linearRegCostFunction(np.concatenate([np.ones((m, 1)), X], axis=1),
                                 y, theta, 1)

        'Cost at theta = [1 ; 1]: %f \n(this value should be about 303.993192)'
        % J)

    print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    ## =========== Part 3: Regularized Linear Regression Gradient =============
    #  You should now implement the gradient for regularized linear
    #  regression.

    theta = np.array([1, 1])
    J, grad = linearRegCostFunction(
        np.concatenate([np.ones((m, 1)), X], axis=1), y, theta, 1)

        'Gradient at theta = [1 ; 1]:  [%f; %f] \n(this value should be about [-15.303016; 598.250744])'
        % (grad[0], grad[1]))

    print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    ## =========== Part 4: Train Linear Regression =============
    #  Once you have implemented the cost and gradient correctly, the
    #  trainLinearReg function will use your cost function to train
    #  regularized linear regression.
    #  Write Up Note: The data is non-linear, so this will not give a great
    #                 fit.

    fig = plt.figure()

    #  Train linear regression with lambda = 0
    lambda_value = 0
    theta = trainLinearReg(np.concatenate([np.ones((m, 1)), X], axis=1), y,

    #  Plot fit over the data
    plt.plot(X, y, marker='x', linestyle='None', ms=10, lw=1.5)
    plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
    plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')
   [np.ones((m, 1)), X], axis=1), theta),

    print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    ## =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
    #  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
    #  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
    #                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

    fig = plt.figure()

    lambda_value = 0
    error_train, error_val = learningCurve(
        np.concatenate([np.ones((m, 1)), X], axis=1), y,
        np.concatenate([np.ones((yval.size, 1)), Xval], axis=1), yval,

    plt.plot(np.arange(1, m + 1), error_train, np.arange(1, m + 1), error_val)
    plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
    plt.legend(['Train', 'Cross Validation'])
    plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
    plt.axis([0, 13, 0, 150])

    print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
    for i in range(m):
        print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f' % (i, error_train[i], error_val[i]))

    print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    ## =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============
    #  One solution to this is to use polynomial regression. You should now
    #  complete polyFeatures to map each example into its powers

    p = 8

    # Map X onto Polynomial Features and Normalize
    X_poly = polyFeatures(X, p)
    X_poly, mu, sigma = featureNormalize(X_poly)  # Normalize
    X_poly = np.concatenate([np.ones((m, 1)), X_poly], axis=1)  # Add Ones

    # Map X_poly_test and normalize (using mu and sigma)
    X_poly_test = polyFeatures(Xtest, p)
    X_poly_test -= mu
    X_poly_test /= sigma
    X_poly_test = np.concatenate(
        [np.ones((X_poly_test.shape[0], 1)), X_poly_test], axis=1)  # Add Ones

    # Map X_poly_val and normalize (using mu and sigma)
    X_poly_val = polyFeatures(Xval, p)
    X_poly_val -= mu
    X_poly_val /= sigma
    X_poly_val = np.concatenate(
        [np.ones((X_poly_val.shape[0], 1)), X_poly_val], axis=1)  # Add Ones

    print('Normalized Training Example 1:')
    print(formatter('  %f  \n', X_poly[0, :]))

    print('\nProgram paused. Press enter to continue.')

    ## =========== Part 7: Learning Curve for Polynomial Regression =============
    #  Now, you will get to experiment with polynomial regression with multiple
    #  values of lambda. The code below runs polynomial regression with
    #  lambda = 0. You should try running the code with different values of
    #  lambda to see how the fit and learning curve change.

    fig = plt.figure()

    lambda_value = 0
    theta = trainLinearReg(X_poly, y, lambda_value)

    # Plot training data and fit
    plt.plot(X, y, marker='x', ms=10, lw=1.5)
    plotFit(np.min(X), np.max(X), mu, sigma, theta, p)
    plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
    plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')
    plt.title('Polynomial Regression Fit (lambda = %f)' % lambda_value)

    error_train, error_val = learningCurve(X_poly, y, X_poly_val, yval,
    plt.plot(np.arange(1, 1 + m), error_train, np.arange(1, 1 + m), error_val)

    plt.title('Polynomial Regression Learning Curve (lambda = %f)' %
    plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
    plt.axis([0, 13, 0, 100])
    plt.legend(['Train', 'Cross Validation'])

    print('Polynomial Regression (lambda = %f)\n' % lambda_value)
    print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
    for i in range(m):
        print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f' % (i, error_train[i], error_val[i]))

    print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')

    ## =========== Part 8: Validation for Selecting Lambda =============
    #  You will now implement validationCurve to test various values of
    #  lambda on a validation set. You will then use this to select the
    #  "best" lambda value.

    fig = plt.figure()

    lambda_vec, error_train, error_val = validationCurve(
        X_poly, y, X_poly_val, yval)

    plt.plot(lambda_vec, error_train, lambda_vec, error_val)
    plt.legend(['Train', 'Cross Validation'])

    print('lambda\t\tTrain Error\tValidation Error')
    for i in range(lambda_vec.size):
        print(' %f\t%f\t%f' % (lambda_vec[i], error_train[i], error_val[i]))

    print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')
Пример #21
    'Gradient at theta = [1 ; 1] - (this value should be about [-15.303016; 598.250744])\n',

# =========== Part 4: Train Linear Regression =============
_lambda = 0
result = trainLinearReg(np.column_stack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)), y, _lambda)
plt.plot(X, y, marker='x', linestyle='None')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.xticks(np.arange(-50, 50, 10.0))
plt.plot(X,, 1)), X)), result.x))

# =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
_lambda = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(np.column_stack((np.ones((m,1)), X)), y, \
                            np.column_stack((np.ones((Xval.shape[0],1)), Xval)), yval, _lambda)
plt.plot(range(0, m), error_train, label="Training Error")
plt.plot(range(0, m), error_val, label="Validation Error")
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
print('Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n')
for i in range(0, m):
    print('{:d}\t\t{:f}\t{:f}\n'.format(i + 1, float(error_train[i]),

# =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============
p = 8
x_poly = polyFeatures(X, p)
x_poly, mu, sigma = featureNormalize(x_poly)
Пример #22
fit = trainLinearReg(X_train, y_train, 0)
regr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), y_train.ravel())

plt.plot(np.linspace(-50,40), (fit.x[0]+ (fit.x[1]*np.linspace(-50,40))), label='Scipy optimize')
plt.plot(np.linspace(-50,40), (regr.coef_[0]+ (regr.coef_[1]*np.linspace(-50,40))), label='Scikit-learn')
plt.scatter(X_train[:,1], y_train, s=50, c='r', marker='x', linewidths=1)
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')

t_error, v_error = learningCurve(X_train, y_train, Xval, yval, 0)

plt.plot(np.arange(1,13), t_error, label='Training error')
plt.plot(np.arange(1,13), v_error, label='Validation error')
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=8)
X_train_poly = poly.fit_transform(X_train[:,1].reshape(-1,1))

regr2 = LinearRegression()
Пример #23
pred = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)).dot(theta)

plt.plot(X, y, linestyle='', marker='x', color='r')
plt.plot(X, pred, linestyle='--', marker='', color='b')
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')

# ===================== 2. Bias-variance ==============================
# ===================== 2.1 Learning curves ===========================

l = 0.0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X)), y,
                                       np.hstack((np.ones((m_val, 1)), X_val)),
                                       y_val, l)

plt.plot(range(1, m + 1), error_train, color='b', label='Train')
plt.plot(range(1, m + 1), error_val, color='r', label='Cross Validation')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

print('# Training Examples / Train Error / Cross Validation Error')
for i in range(m):
    print('  {0:<19} {1:<13.8f} {2:<.8f}'.format(i + 1, error_train[i],
Пример #24
plt.plot(X, np.c_[np.ones(m), X] @ theta.T, '--', lw=2.0)

input('Program paused. Press Enter to continue...')

#  =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

lambda_ = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(np.c_[np.ones(m), X], y,
                                       np.c_[np.ones(np.size(Xval, 0)),
                                             Xval], yval, lambda_)

plt.plot(range(m), error_train, color='b', lw=0.5)
plt.plot(range(m), error_val, color='g', lw=0.5)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.legend(['Train', 'Cross Validation'], loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
plt.xlim(0, 13)
plt.ylim(0, 150)

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
for i in range(m):
lamda = 0
theta = trainLinearReg(X, y, lamda)

#  Plot fit over the data
pred = X @ theta
plt.plot(X[:, 1:], pred, 'b--')

## =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- Figure 3 in ex5.pdf

error_train, error_val = learningCurve(X, y, np.insert(Xval, 0, 1, axis=1),
                                       yval, 0)

plt.plot(np.arange(1, m + 1), error_train, np.arange(1, m + 1), error_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
plt.xlim((0, 13))
plt.ylim((0, 150))

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n')
for i in range(m):
    print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f\n' % (i, error_train[i], error_val[i]))

Пример #26
print('Часть 4. Кривые обучения для регуляризованной линейной регрессии')

# Формирование проверочных данных
X_val = data['Xval']
y_val = data['yval']

m_val = X_val.shape[0]

# Нормализация и добавление единичного признака
X_val_norm = np.divide(X_val - repmat(mu, X_val.shape[0], 1),
                       repmat(sigma, X_val.shape[0], 1))
X_val_norm = np.concatenate((np.ones((m_val, 1)), X_val_norm), axis=1)

# Вычисление ошибок на обучающем и проверочном множествах
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(X_norm, y, X_val_norm, y_val, alpha,
                                       iterations, lam)

# Визуализация кривых обучения
plt.plot(range(1, m + 1), error_train, 'r-', label='Ошибка обучения')
plt.plot(range(1, m + 1), error_val, 'b-', label='Ошибка проверки')
plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize=12, numpoints=1)
plt.xlabel('Число тренировочных примеров')

input('Программа остановлена. Нажмите Enter для продолжения ... \n')

# ==== Часть 5. Создание свойств для полиномиальной регрессии ====
Пример #27
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)')  # Set the y-axis label
plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)')  # Set the x-axis label
plt.plot(X, np.column_stack((np.ones(m), X)).dot(theta), '--', lw=2.0)

input("Program paused. Press Enter to continue...")

## =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function.
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf

Lambda = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(
    np.column_stack((np.ones(m), X)), y,
    np.column_stack((np.ones(Xval.shape[0]), Xval)), yval, Lambda)
plt.plot(range(m), error_train, color='b', lw=0.5, label='Train')
plt.plot(range(m), error_val, color='r', lw=0.5, label='Cross Validation')
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

plt.xlim(0, 13)
plt.ylim(0, 150)
plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, fontsize='x-large', numpoints=1)

print('Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error')
for i in range(m):
Пример #28
#  Plot fit over the data
plt.plot(X,, theta), '--', linewidth=2)

input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')

## =========== Part 5: Learning Curve for Linear Regression =============
#  Next, you should implement the learningCurve function. 
#  Write Up Note: Since the model is underfitting the data, we expect to
#                 see a graph with "high bias" -- slide 8 in ML-advice.pdf 

_lambda = 0
error_train, error_val = learningCurve(_X, y, _Xval, yval, _lambda)

plt.plot(np.arange(m), error_train, np.arange(m), error_val)
plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression')
plt.legend(['Train', 'Cross Validation'])
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')

print('# Training Examples\tTrain Error\tCross Validation Error\n')
for i in range(m):
    print('  \t%d\t\t%f\t%f\n'%(i, error_train[i], error_val[i]))

input('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')

## =========== Part 6: Feature Mapping for Polynomial Regression =============