Пример #1
def getSingleDC(row):
    output = []  # [tokeep t/f, breakdown T/F, deadhead or date, cost or run]
    busRun = schedule[(schedule["ServiceDate"] == row[1].ServiceDate) & (schedule["Run"] == row[1].Run)]
    totalPass = sum(busRun.NumOn)
    if 8 in busRun.Activity.unique():
        output = [False, True, row[1].Run, row[1].ServiceDate]
    elif totalPass <= 0:
        output = [False, False, None, None]
        time = float(runTime(busRun["ETA"]))
        if time < 14400:  # 4 hours
            time = 14400.0
        cost = time / totalPass
        deadhead = deadheadPct(busRun[["ETA", "TotalPass"]])
        output = [True, False, deadhead, cost]
Пример #2
def getSingleDC(row):
    output = []  # [tokeep t/f, breakdown T/F, deadhead or date, cost or run]
    busRun = schedule[(schedule['ServiceDate'] == row[1].ServiceDate)
                      & (schedule['Run'] == row[1].Run)]
    totalPass = sum(busRun.NumOn)
    if 8 in busRun.Activity.unique():
        output = [False, True, row[1].Run, row[1].ServiceDate]
    elif totalPass <= 0:
        output = [False, False, None, None]
        time = float(runTime(busRun['ETA']))
        if time < 14400:  # 4 hours
            time = 14400.0
        cost = time / totalPass
        deadhead = deadheadPct(busRun[['ETA', 'TotalPass']])
        output = [True, False, deadhead, cost]
Пример #3
def getSingleDC(row, schedule,results,pnum,total):
    output = []
    busRun = schedule[(schedule['ServiceDate'] == row[1].ServiceDate) & 
             (schedule['Run'] == row[1].Run)]
    totalPass = sum(busRun.NumOn)
    if 8 in busRun.Activity.unique():
        output = [row[1].ServiceDate, row[1].Run, False, True, None, None]
    elif totalPass <= 0:
        output = [row[1].ServiceDate, row[1].Run, False, False, None, None]
        time = float(runTime(busRun['ETA']))
        if time < 14400: # 4 hours
            time = 14400.0
        cost = time / totalPass
        deadhead = deadheadPct(busRun[['ETA', 'TotalPass']])
        output = [row[1].ServiceDate, row[1].Run, True, False, deadhead, cost]
    results[pnum] = output
    print(str(len(results)/float(total)) + '%' + ' done.')
Пример #4
def deadheadVsCost(schedule):
    schedule: a full schedule 
    with columns [ServiceDate, Run, Activity, ETA, NumOn, TotalPass,]
    uniqueDR = schedule[["ServiceDate", "Run"]].drop_duplicates()
    toKeep = []
    print (uniqueDR)
    numOfRuns = len(uniqueDR)
    deadhead = []
    cost = []
    breakdownDate = []
    breakdownRun = []
    loopcount = 0
    numDropped = 0

    # get deadhead pct for each Date/Run pair
    for row in uniqueDR.iterrows():
        busRun = schedule[(schedule["ServiceDate"] == row[1].ServiceDate) & (schedule["Run"] == row[1].Run)]

        totalPass = sum(busRun.NumOn)
        if 8 in busRun.Activity.unique():
            print "warning! run " + str(row[1].Run) + " on " + str(row[1].ServiceDate) + " breaks down."
        elif totalPass > 0:
            # approximates average cost per boarding
            time = float(runTime(busRun["ETA"]))
            if time < 14400:  # 4 hours
                time = 14400.0
            icost = time / totalPass
            deadhead.append(deadheadPct(busRun[["ETA", "TotalPass"]]))
            print "warning! run " + str(row[1].Run) + " on " + str(row[1].ServiceDate) + " has no passengers."
            numDropped = numDropped + 1

        loopcount = loopcount + 1
        os.system(["clear", "cls"][os.name == "nt"])
        print row[1].Run
        print row[1].ServiceDate
        print str(float(loopcount) / numOfRuns * 100) + "%" + " done\n"

    print cost
    print deadhead
    print ("")
    print ('Number "dropped": ' + str(numDropped))
    uniqueDRLen = len(uniqueDR)
    print ("Number needed: " + str(uniqueDRLen - len(cost)))
    if False in toKeep:
        print ("Drop in toKeep found.")

    # remove rows with bad data
    uniqueDR = uniqueDR[toKeep]
    print ("Number dropped: " + str(uniqueDRLen - len(uniqueDR)))

    # write breakdowns to file
    # pd.DataFrame({'ServiceDate' : breakdownDate,
    #'Run' : breakdownRun}).to_csv('../../data/4mo_broken_buses.csv')

    # write results to file
    cost = np.asarray(cost)
    deadhead = np.asarray(deadhead)
    uniqueDR["CostProxy"] = cost
    uniqueDR["PctDeadhead"] = deadhead
    # IMPORTANT: change file name if not 4mo
    uniqueDR.to_csv("../../data/4mo_deadhead_cost_nptest.csv", index=False)

    # regressions
    results = smf.ols("cost ~ deadhead", data=uniqueDR).fit()
    print results.summary()
    results = smf.ols("np.log(cost) ~ deadhead", data=uniqueDR).fit()
    print results.summary()
Пример #5
def deadheadVsCost(schedule):
    schedule: a full schedule 
    with columns [ServiceDate, Run, Activity, ETA, NumOn, TotalPass,]
    uniqueDR = schedule[['ServiceDate', 'Run']].drop_duplicates()
    toKeep = []
    numOfRuns = len(uniqueDR)
    deadhead = []
    cost = []
    breakdownDate = []
    breakdownRun = []
    loopcount = 0
    numDropped = 0

    # get deadhead pct for each Date/Run pair
    for row in uniqueDR.iterrows():
        busRun = schedule[(schedule['ServiceDate'] == row[1].ServiceDate)
                          & (schedule['Run'] == row[1].Run)]

        totalPass = sum(busRun.NumOn)
        if 8 in busRun.Activity.unique():
            print 'warning! run ' + str(row[1].Run) + ' on ' + str(
                row[1].ServiceDate) + ' breaks down.'
        elif totalPass > 0:
            # approximates average cost per boarding
            time = float(runTime(busRun['ETA']))
            if time < 14400:  # 4 hours
                time = 14400.0
            icost = time / totalPass
            deadhead.append(deadheadPct(busRun[['ETA', 'TotalPass']]))
            print 'warning! run ' + str(row[1].Run) + ' on ' + str(
                row[1].ServiceDate) + ' has no passengers.'
            numDropped = numDropped + 1

        loopcount = loopcount + 1
        os.system(['clear', 'cls'][os.name == 'nt'])
        print row[1].Run
        print row[1].ServiceDate
        print str(float(loopcount) / numOfRuns * 100) + '%' + ' done\n'

    print cost
    print deadhead
    print('Number "dropped": ' + str(numDropped))
    uniqueDRLen = len(uniqueDR)
    print('Number needed: ' + str(uniqueDRLen - len(cost)))
    if False in toKeep:
        print('Drop in toKeep found.')

    # remove rows with bad data
    uniqueDR = uniqueDR[toKeep]
    print('Number dropped: ' + str(uniqueDRLen - len(uniqueDR)))

    # write breakdowns to file
    #pd.DataFrame({'ServiceDate' : breakdownDate,
    #'Run' : breakdownRun}).to_csv('../../data/4mo_broken_buses.csv')

    # write results to file
    cost = np.asarray(cost)
    deadhead = np.asarray(deadhead)
    uniqueDR['CostProxy'] = cost
    uniqueDR['PctDeadhead'] = deadhead
    # IMPORTANT: change file name if not 4mo
    uniqueDR.to_csv('../../data/4mo_deadhead_cost_nptest.csv', index=False)

    # regressions
    results = smf.ols('cost ~ deadhead', data=uniqueDR).fit()
    print results.summary()
    results = smf.ols('np.log(cost) ~ deadhead', data=uniqueDR).fit()
    print results.summary()