Пример #1
def rotate_endpoint_remove_cert(self, endpoint_id, certificate_id):
    function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}"
    logger = logging.getLogger(function)

    if self.request.retries > 0:
            f"Retrying rotate_endpoint_remove_cert task as it failed before (retry {self.request.retries} of {self.max_retries})"

    endpoint = endpoint_service.get(endpoint_id)
    certificate = certificate_service.get(certificate_id)

    if not endpoint:
        # note: this can happen if this is scheduled twice
            "Could not detach cert because endpoint does not exist - maybe this task was scheduled twice."

    if not certificate:
            "Could not detach cert because certificate does not exist - maybe this task was scheduled twice."

    with red.lock(endpoint.name.rsplit("/", 1)[0], blocking_timeout=10):
        endpoint.source.plugin.remove_certificate(endpoint, certificate.name)

    # sync source
    if not is_task_scheduled(sync_source, (endpoint.source.label, )):
Пример #2
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/creator

           Get a certificate's creator

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/creator HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                  "id": 1,
                  "active": false,
                  "email": "*****@*****.**",
                  "username": "******",
                  "profileImage": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
        return certificate_service.get(certificate_id).user
Пример #3
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/creator

           Get a certificate's creator

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/creator HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                  "id": 1,
                  "active": false,
                  "email": "*****@*****.**",
                  "username": "******",
                  "profileImage": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
        return certificate_service.get(certificate_id).user
Пример #4
def revoke(path, reason, commit):
    Revokes given certificate.
    if commit:
        print("[!] Running in COMMIT mode.")

    print("[+] Starting certificate revocation.")

    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        for c in f.readlines()[2:]:
            parts = c.split(' ')
                cert = get(int(parts[0].strip()))
                plugin = plugins.get(cert.authority.plugin_name)

                print('[+] Revoking certificate. Id: {0} Name: {1}'.format(
                    cert.id, cert.name))
                if commit:
                    plugin.revoke_certificate(cert, reason)

            except Exception as e:
                metrics.send('certificate_revoke_failure', 'counter', 1)
                    "[!] Failed to revoke certificates. Reason: {}".format(e))
Пример #5
def worker(data, commit, reason):
    parts = [x for x in data.split(" ") if x]
        cert = get(int(parts[0].strip()))
        plugin = plugins.get(cert.authority.plugin_name)

        print("[+] Revoking certificate. Id: {0} Name: {1}".format(
            cert.id, cert.name))
        if commit:
            plugin.revoke_certificate(cert, reason)

            metric_tags={"status": SUCCESS_METRIC_STATUS},

    except Exception as e:
            metric_tags={"status": FAILURE_METRIC_STATUS},
        print("[!] Failed to revoke certificates. Reason: {}".format(e))
Пример #6
def test_delete_cert(session):
    from lemur.certificates.service import delete, get
    from lemur.tests.factories import CertificateFactory

    delete_this = CertificateFactory(name='DELETEME')

    cert_exists = get(delete_this.id)

    # it needs to exist first
    assert cert_exists

    cert_exists = get(delete_this.id)

    # then not exist after delete
    assert not cert_exists
Пример #7
def test_delete_cert(session):
    from lemur.certificates.service import delete, get
    from lemur.tests.factories import CertificateFactory

    delete_this = CertificateFactory(name='DELETEME')

    cert_exists = get(delete_this.id)

    # it needs to exist first
    assert cert_exists

    cert_exists = get(delete_this.id)

    # then not exist after delete
    assert not cert_exists
Пример #8
    def put(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1/revoke

           Revoke a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /certificates/1/revoke HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                'id': 1

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(message='You are not authorized to revoke this certificate.'), 403

        if not cert.external_id:
            return dict(message='Cannot revoke certificate. No external id found.'), 400

        if cert.endpoints:
            return dict(message='Cannot revoke certificate. Endpoints are deployed with the given certificate.'), 403

        plugin = plugins.get(cert.authority.plugin_name)
        plugin.revoke_certificate(cert, data)
        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'revoke_cert', certificate=cert)
        return dict(id=cert.id)
Пример #9
    def put(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1/revoke

           Revoke a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /certificates/1/revoke HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                'id': 1

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(message='You are not authorized to revoke this certificate.'), 403

        if not cert.external_id:
            return dict(message='Cannot revoke certificate. No external id found.'), 400

        if cert.endpoints:
            return dict(message='Cannot revoke certificate. Endpoints are deployed with the given certificate.'), 403

        plugin = plugins.get(cert.authority.plugin_name)
        plugin.revoke_certificate(cert, data)
        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'revoke_cert', certificate=cert)
        return dict(id=cert.id)
Пример #10
    def delete(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:delete:: /certificates/1

           Delete a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              DELETE /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 204 OK

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 204: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
           :statuscode 404: certificate not found
           :statuscode 405: certificate deletion is disabled

        if not current_app.config.get("ALLOW_CERT_DELETION", False):
            return dict(message="Certificate deletion is disabled"), 405

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        if cert.deleted:
            return dict(message="Certificate is already deleted"), 412

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role,
                                               [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return (
                         "You are not authorized to delete this certificate"),

        service.update(certificate_id, deleted=True)
        log_service.create(g.current_user, "delete_cert", certificate=cert)
        return "Certificate deleted", 204
Пример #11
def test_cleanup_after_revoke(session, issuer_plugin, crypto_authority):
    from lemur.certificates.service import cleanup_after_revoke, get
    from lemur.tests.factories import CertificateFactory

    revoke_this = CertificateFactory(name="REVOKEME")

    to_be_revoked = get(revoke_this.id)
    assert to_be_revoked
    to_be_revoked.notify = True
    to_be_revoked.rotation = True

    # Assuming the cert is revoked by corresponding issuer, update the records in lemur
    revoked_cert = get(to_be_revoked.id)

    # then not exist after delete
    assert revoked_cert
    assert revoked_cert.status == "revoked"
    assert not revoked_cert.notify
    assert not revoked_cert.rotation
    assert not revoked_cert.destinations
Пример #12
def create_certificate(pending_certificate, certificate, user):
    Create and store a certificate with pending certificate's info
        pending_certificate: PendingCertificate which will populate the certificate
        certificate: dict from Authority, which contains the body, chain and external id
        user: User that called this function, used as 'creator' of the certificate if it does
              not have an owner
    # check if the pending_certificate already has been resolved, in that case return
    # existing certificate
    maybe_resolved_cert = get(pending_certificate.id)
    if maybe_resolved_cert and maybe_resolved_cert.resolved and maybe_resolved_cert.resolved_cert_id:
            "Trying to resolve an already resolved certificate, returning existing resolved certificate"
        return certificate_service.get(maybe_resolved_cert.resolved_cert_id)

    certificate["owner"] = pending_certificate.owner
    data, errors = CertificateUploadInputSchema().load(certificate)
    if errors:
        raise Exception(
            "Unable to create certificate: {reasons}".format(reasons=errors))

    # Copy relationships, vars doesn't copy this without explicit fields
    data["notifications"] = list(pending_certificate.notifications)
    data["destinations"] = list(pending_certificate.destinations)
    data["sources"] = list(pending_certificate.sources)
    data["roles"] = list(pending_certificate.roles)
    data["replaces"] = list(pending_certificate.replaces)
    data["rotation_policy"] = pending_certificate.rotation_policy
    data["authority"] = pending_certificate.authority

    # Replace external id and chain with the one fetched from source
    data["external_id"] = certificate["external_id"]
    data["chain"] = certificate["chain"]
    creator = user_service.get_by_email(pending_certificate.owner)
    if not creator:
        # Owner of the pending certificate is not the creator, so use the current user who called
        # this as the creator (usually lemur)
        creator = user

    if pending_certificate.rename:
        # If generating name from certificate, remove the one from pending certificate
        del data["name"]
    data["creator"] = creator

    cert = certificate_service.import_certificate(**data)
    return cert
Пример #13
    def delete(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:delete:: /certificates/1

           Delete a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              DELETE /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 204: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
           :statusoode 404: certificate not found

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role,
                                               [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(
                    message='You are not authorized to delete this certificate'
                ), 403

        if arrow.get(cert.not_after) > arrow.utcnow():
            return dict(
                'Certificate is still valid, only expired certificates can be deleted'
            ), 412

        service.update(certificate_id, deleted=True)
        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'delete_cert', certificate=cert)
        return '', 204
Пример #14
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/key

           Retrieves the private key for a given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/key HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "key": "-----BEGIN ...",

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role,
                                               [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(
                    message='You are not authorized to view this key'), 403

        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'key_view', certificate=cert)
        response = make_response(jsonify(key=cert.private_key), 200)
            'cache-control'] = 'private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
        response.headers['pragma'] = 'no-cache'
        return response
Пример #15
    def delete(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:delete:: /certificates/1

           Delete a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              DELETE /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 204 OK

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 204: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
           :statuscode 404: certificate not found
           :statuscode 405: certificate deletion is disabled

        if not current_app.config.get('ALLOW_CERT_DELETION', False):
            return dict(message="Certificate deletion is disabled"), 405

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        if cert.deleted:
            return dict(message="Certificate is already deleted"), 412

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(message='You are not authorized to delete this certificate'), 403

        service.update(certificate_id, deleted=True)
        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'delete_cert', certificate=cert)
        return 'Certificate deleted', 204
Пример #16
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/key

           Retrieves the private key for a given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/key HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "key": "----Begin ...",

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)

        permission = ViewKeyPermission(certificate_id,
                                       getattr(role, 'name', None))

        if permission.can():
            response = make_response(jsonify(key=cert.private_key), 200)
                'cache-control'] = 'private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
            response.headers['pragma'] = 'no-cache'
            return response

        return dict(message='You are not authorized to view this key'), 403
Пример #17
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/replacements

           One certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/replacements HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "id": 1,
                "name": "cert1",
                "description": "this is cert1",
                "bits": 2048,
                "deleted": false,
                "issuer": "ExampeInc.",
                "serial": "123450",
                "chain": "-----Begin ...",
                "body": "-----Begin ...",
                "san": true,
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "active": true,
                "notBefore": "2015-06-05T17:09:39",
                "notAfter": "2015-06-10T17:09:39",
                "signingAlgorithm": "sha2",
                "cn": "example.com",
                "status": "unknown"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        return service.get(certificate_id).replaces
Пример #18
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/replacements

           One certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/replacements HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "id": 1,
                "name": "cert1",
                "description": "this is cert1",
                "bits": 2048,
                "deleted": false,
                "issuer": "ExampeInc.",
                "serial": "123450",
                "chain": "-----Begin ...",
                "body": "-----Begin ...",
                "san": true,
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "active": true,
                "notBefore": "2015-06-05T17:09:39",
                "notAfter": "2015-06-10T17:09:39",
                "signingAlgorithm": "sha2",
                "cn": "example.com",
                "status": "unknown"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        return service.get(certificate_id).replaces
Пример #19
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/key

           Retrieves the private key for a given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/key HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "key": "-----BEGIN ..."

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(message='You are not authorized to view this key'), 403

        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'key_view', certificate=cert)
        response = make_response(jsonify(key=cert.private_key), 200)
        response.headers['cache-control'] = 'private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
        response.headers['pragma'] = 'no-cache'
        return response
Пример #20
def certificate_check_destination(cert_id, dest_id):
    This celery task checks a certificate, destination pair
    to verify that the certficate has been uploaded and uploads
    it if it hasn't
    function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}"
    logger = logging.getLogger(function)
    task_id = None
    if celery.current_task:
        task_id = celery.current_task.request.id

    log_data = {
        "task_id": task_id,

    if task_id and is_task_active(function, task_id, None):
        logger.debug("Skipping task: Task is already active", extra=log_data)
        return log_data

    cert = certificate_service.get(cert_id)
    dest = destinations_service.get(dest_id)

    if not cert:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"certificate (id={cert_id}) does not exist in database")

    # populate log data
    log_data["certificate"] = cert.name
    log_data["destination"] = str(dest)

    logger.debug("verifying certificate/destination pair", extra=log_data)
    uploaded = dest.plugin.verify(cert.name, dest.options)
    if not uploaded:
        logger.info("uploading certificate to destination", extra=log_data)
        dest.plugin.upload(cert.name, cert.body, cert.private_key, cert.chain,
        logger.info("certificate uploaded to destination", extra=log_data)
                     "counter", 1)

    # at this point, the certificate MUST exist on the destination
    logger.debug("certificate/destination pair valid", extra=log_data)
    metrics.send(f"{function}.destination_certificate_valid", "counter", 1)

    return log_data
Пример #21
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/key

           Retrieves the private key for a given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/key HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "key": "----Begin ...",

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)

        permission = ViewKeyPermission(certificate_id, getattr(role, 'name', None))

        if permission.can():
            response = make_response(jsonify(key=cert.private_key), 200)
            response.headers['cache-control'] = 'private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
            response.headers['pragma'] = 'no-cache'
            return response

        return dict(message='You are not authorized to view this key'), 403
Пример #22
def worker(data, commit, reason):
    parts = [x for x in data.split(' ') if x]
        cert = get(int(parts[0].strip()))
        plugin = plugins.get(cert.authority.plugin_name)

        print('[+] Revoking certificate. Id: {0} Name: {1}'.format(cert.id, cert.name))
        if commit:
            plugin.revoke_certificate(cert, reason)

    except Exception as e:
        metrics.send('certificate_revoke_failure', 'counter', 1)
            "[!] Failed to revoke certificates. Reason: {}".format(
Пример #23
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/authority

           One authority for given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/authority HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "id": 1,
                "name": "authority1",
                "description": "this is authority1",
                "pluginName": null,
                "chain": "-----Begin ...",
                "body": "-----Begin ...",
                "active": true,
                "notBefore": "2015-06-05T17:09:39",
                "notAfter": "2015-06-10T17:09:39"
                "options": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = certificate_service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Certificate not found"), 404

        return cert.authority
Пример #24
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/authority

           One authority for given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/authority HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "id": 1,
                "name": "authority1",
                "description": "this is authority1",
                "pluginName": null,
                "chain": "-----Begin ...",
                "body": "-----Begin ...",
                "active": true,
                "notBefore": "2015-06-05T17:09:39",
                "notAfter": "2015-06-10T17:09:39"
                "options": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = certificate_service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Certificate not found"), 404

        return cert.authority
Пример #25
def worker(data, commit, reason):
    parts = [x for x in data.split(' ') if x]
        cert = get(int(parts[0].strip()))
        plugin = plugins.get(cert.authority.plugin_name)

        print('[+] Revoking certificate. Id: {0} Name: {1}'.format(cert.id, cert.name))
        if commit:
            plugin.revoke_certificate(cert, reason)

        metrics.send('certificate_revoke', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'status': SUCCESS_METRIC_STATUS})

    except Exception as e:
        metrics.send('certificate_revoke', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'status': FAILURE_METRIC_STATUS})
            "[!] Failed to revoke certificates. Reason: {}".format(
Пример #26
    def post(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:post:: /certificates/1/export

           Export a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1/export HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                "export": {
                    "plugin": {
                        "pluginOptions": [{
                            "available": ["Java Key Store (JKS)"],
                            "required": true,
                            "type": "select",
                            "name": "type",
                            "helpMessage": "Choose the format you wish to export",
                            "value": "Java Key Store (JKS)"
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "passphrase",
                            "validation": "^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[$@$!%*#?&])[A-Za-z\\d$@$!%*#?&]{8,}$",
                            "helpMessage": "If no passphrase is given one will be generated for you, we highly recommend this. Minimum length is 8."
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "alias",
                            "helpMessage": "Enter the alias you wish to use for the keystore."
                        "version": "unknown",
                        "description": "Attempts to generate a JKS keystore or truststore",
                        "title": "Java",
                        "author": "Kevin Glisson",
                        "type": "export",
                        "slug": "java-export"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "data": "base64encodedstring",
                "passphrase": "UAWOHW#&@_%!tnwmxh832025",
                "extension": "jks"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        plugin = data['plugin']['plugin_object']

        if plugin.requires_key:
            if not cert.private_key:
                return dict(
                    'Unable to export certificate, plugin: {0} requires a private key but no key was found.'
                    .format(plugin.slug)), 400

                # allow creators
                if g.current_user != cert.user:
                    owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
                    permission = CertificatePermission(
                        owner_role, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

                    if not permission.can():
                        return dict(
                            'You are not authorized to export this certificate.'
                        ), 403

        options = data['plugin']['plugin_options']

        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'key_view', certificate=cert)
        extension, passphrase, data = plugin.export(cert.body, cert.chain,
                                                    cert.private_key, options)

        # we take a hit in message size when b64 encoding
        return dict(extension=extension,
Пример #27
    def post(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:post:: /certificates/1/export

           Export a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1/export HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                "export": {
                    "plugin": {
                        "pluginOptions": [{
                            "available": ["Java Key Store (JKS)"],
                            "required": true,
                            "type": "select",
                            "name": "type",
                            "helpMessage": "Choose the format you wish to export",
                            "value": "Java Key Store (JKS)"
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "passphrase",
                            "validation": "^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[$@$!%*#?&])[A-Za-z\\d$@$!%*#?&]{8,}$",
                            "helpMessage": "If no passphrase is given one will be generated for you, we highly recommend this. Minimum length is 8."
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "alias",
                            "helpMessage": "Enter the alias you wish to use for the keystore."
                        "version": "unknown",
                        "description": "Attempts to generate a JKS keystore or truststore",
                        "title": "Java",
                        "author": "Kevin Glisson",
                        "type": "export",
                        "slug": "java-export"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "data": "base64encodedstring",
                "passphrase": "UAWOHW#&@_%!tnwmxh832025",
                "extension": "jks"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        plugin = data['plugin']['plugin_object']

        if plugin.requires_key:
            if not cert.private_key:
                return dict(
                    message='Unable to export certificate, plugin: {0} requires a private key but no key was found.'.format(
                        plugin.slug)), 400

                # allow creators
                if g.current_user != cert.user:
                    owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
                    permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

                    if not permission.can():
                        return dict(message='You are not authorized to export this certificate.'), 403

        options = data['plugin']['plugin_options']

        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'key_view', certificate=cert)
        extension, passphrase, data = plugin.export(cert.body, cert.chain, cert.private_key, options)

        # we take a hit in message size when b64 encoding
        return dict(extension=extension, passphrase=passphrase, data=base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf-8'))
Пример #28
    def put(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1

           Update a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                 "active": false
                 "notifications": [],
                 "destinations": [],
                 "replacements": []

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "status": null,
                "cn": "*.test.example.net",
                "chain": "",
                "authority": {
                    "active": true,
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 1,
                    "description": "verisign test authority",
                    "name": "verisign"
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "serial": "82311058732025924142789179368889309156",
                "id": 2288,
                "issuer": "SymantecCorporation",
                "notBefore": "2016-06-03T00:00:00+00:00",
                "notAfter": "2018-01-12T23:59:59+00:00",
                "destinations": [],
                "bits": 2048,
                "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
                "description": null,
                "deleted": null,
                "notifications": [{
                    "id": 1
                "signingAlgorithm": "sha256",
                "user": {
                    "username": "******",
                    "active": true,
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 2
                "active": true,
                "domains": [{
                    "sensitive": false,
                    "id": 1090,
                    "name": "*.test.example.net"
                "replaces": [],
                "name": "WILDCARD.test.example.net-SymantecCorporation-20160603-20180112",
                "roles": [{
                    "id": 464,
                    "description": "This is a google group based role created by Lemur",
                    "name": "*****@*****.**"
                "rotation": True,
                "rotationPolicy": {"name": "default"},
                "san": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role,
                                               [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(
                    message='You are not authorized to update this certificate'
                ), 403

        for destination in data['destinations']:
            if destination.plugin.requires_key:
                if not cert.private_key:
                    return dict(
                        'Unable to add destination: {0}. Certificate does not have required private key.'
                        .format(destination.label)), 400

        cert = service.update(certificate_id, **data)
        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'update_cert', certificate=cert)
        return cert
Пример #29
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/replacements

           One certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/replacements HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "items": [{
                    "status": null,
                    "cn": "*.test.example.net",
                    "chain": "",
                    "authority": {
                        "active": true,
                        "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                        "id": 1,
                        "description": "verisign test authority",
                        "name": "verisign"
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "serial": "82311058732025924142789179368889309156",
                    "id": 2288,
                    "issuer": "SymantecCorporation",
                    "notBefore": "2016-06-03T00:00:00+00:00",
                    "notAfter": "2018-01-12T23:59:59+00:00",
                    "destinations": [],
                    "bits": 2048,
                    "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
                    "description": null,
                    "deleted": null,
                    "notifications": [{
                        "id": 1
                    "signingAlgorithm": "sha256",
                    "user": {
                        "username": "******",
                        "active": true,
                        "email": "*****@*****.**",
                        "id": 2
                    "active": true,
                    "domains": [{
                        "sensitive": false,
                        "id": 1090,
                        "name": "*.test.example.net"
                    "replaces": [],
                    "replaced": [],
                    "rotation": True,
                    "rotationPolicy": {"name": "default"},
                    "name": "WILDCARD.test.example.net-SymantecCorporation-20160603-20180112",
                    "roles": [{
                        "id": 464,
                        "description": "This is a google group based role created by Lemur",
                        "name": "*****@*****.**"
                    "san": null
                "total": 1

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        return service.get(certificate_id).replaces
Пример #30
    def put(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1

           Update a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                 "active": false
                 "notifications": [],
                 "destinations": [],
                 "replacements": []

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "id": 1,
                "name": "cert1",
                "description": "this is cert1",
                "bits": 2048,
                "deleted": false,
                "issuer": "ExampeInc.",
                "serial": "123450",
                "chain": "-----Begin ...",
                "body": "-----Begin ...",
                "san": true,
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "active": false,
                "notBefore": "2015-06-05T17:09:39",
                "notAfter": "2015-06-10T17:09:39",
                "cn": "example.com",
                "status": "unknown",

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        self.reqparse.add_argument('active', type=bool, location='json')
        self.reqparse.add_argument('owner', type=str, location='json')
        self.reqparse.add_argument('description', type=str, location='json')
        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)

        permission = UpdateCertificatePermission(certificate_id,
                                                 getattr(role, 'name', None))

        if permission.can():
            return service.update(certificate_id, args['owner'],
                                  args['description'], args['active'],
                                  args['destinations'], args['notifications'],

        return dict(
            message='You are not authorized to update this certificate'), 403
Пример #31
    def put(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1

           Update a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                 "active": false
                 "notifications": [],
                 "destinations": [],
                 "replacements": []

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "status": null,
                "cn": "*.test.example.net",
                "chain": "",
                "authority": {
                    "active": true,
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 1,
                    "description": "verisign test authority",
                    "name": "verisign"
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "serial": "82311058732025924142789179368889309156",
                "id": 2288,
                "issuer": "SymantecCorporation",
                "dateCreated": "2016-06-03T06:09:42.133769+00:00",
                "notBefore": "2016-06-03T00:00:00+00:00",
                "notAfter": "2018-01-12T23:59:59+00:00",
                "destinations": [],
                "bits": 2048,
                "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
                "description": null,
                "deleted": null,
                "notifications": [{
                    "id": 1
                "signingAlgorithm": "sha256",
                "user": {
                    "username": "******",
                    "active": true,
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 2
                "active": true,
                "domains": [{
                    "sensitive": false,
                    "id": 1090,
                    "name": "*.test.example.net"
                "replaces": [],
                "name": "WILDCARD.test.example.net-SymantecCorporation-20160603-20180112",
                "roles": [{
                    "id": 464,
                    "description": "This is a google group based role created by Lemur",
                    "name": "*****@*****.**"
                "rotation": true,
                "rotationPolicy": {"name": "default"},
                "san": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Cannot find specified certificate"), 404

        # allow creators
        if g.current_user != cert.user:
            owner_role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)
            permission = CertificatePermission(owner_role, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

            if not permission.can():
                return dict(message='You are not authorized to update this certificate'), 403

        for destination in data['destinations']:
            if destination.plugin.requires_key:
                if not cert.private_key:
                    return dict(
                        message='Unable to add destination: {0}. Certificate does not have required private key.'.format(
                    ), 400

        cert = service.update(certificate_id, **data)
        log_service.create(g.current_user, 'update_cert', certificate=cert)
        return cert
Пример #32
    def put(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1

           Update a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                 "active": false
                 "notifications": [],
                 "destinations": [],
                 "replacements": []

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "status": null,
                "cn": "*.test.example.net",
                "chain": "",
                "authority": {
                    "active": true,
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 1,
                    "description": "verisign test authority",
                    "name": "verisign"
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "serial": "82311058732025924142789179368889309156",
                "id": 2288,
                "issuer": "SymantecCorporation",
                "notBefore": "2016-06-03T00:00:00+00:00",
                "notAfter": "2018-01-12T23:59:59+00:00",
                "destinations": [],
                "bits": 2048,
                "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
                "description": null,
                "deleted": null,
                "notifications": [{
                    "id": 1
                "signingAlgorithm": "sha256",
                "user": {
                    "username": "******",
                    "active": true,
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 2
                "active": true,
                "domains": [{
                    "sensitive": false,
                    "id": 1090,
                    "name": "*.test.example.net"
                "replaces": [],
                "name": "WILDCARD.test.example.net-SymantecCorporation-20160603-20180112",
                "roles": [{
                    "id": 464,
                    "description": "This is a google group based role created by Lemur",
                    "name": "*****@*****.**"
                "san": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        permission = CertificatePermission(cert.id, [x.name for x in cert.roles])

        if permission.can():
            return service.update(

        return dict(message='You are not authorized to update this certificate'), 403
Пример #33
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/authority

           One authority for given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/authority HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "name": "TestAuthority",
                "roles": [{
                    "id": 123,
                    "name": "*****@*****.**"
                }, {
                    "id": 564,
                    "name": "TestAuthority_admin"
                }, {
                    "id": 565,
                    "name": "TestAuthority_operator"
                "options": null,
                "active": true,
                "authorityCertificate": {
                    "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----IyMzU5MTVaMHk...",
                    "status": true,
                    "cn": "AcommonName",
                    "description": "This is the ROOT certificate for the TestAuthority certificate authority.",
                    "chain": "",
                    "notBefore": "2016-06-02T00:00:15+00:00",
                    "notAfter": "2023-06-02T23:59:15+00:00",
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "user": {
                        "username": "******",
                        "active": true,
                        "email": "*****@*****.**",
                        "id": 3
                    "active": true,
                    "bits": 2048,
                    "id": 2235,
                    "name": "TestAuthority"
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "id": 43,
                "description": "This is the ROOT certificate for the TestAuthority certificate authority."

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = certificate_service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Certificate not found."), 404

        return cert.authority
Пример #34
def fetch_acme_cert(id, notify_reissue_cert_id=None):
    Attempt to get the full certificate for the pending certificate listed.

        id: an id of a PendingCertificate
        notify_reissue_cert_id: ID of existing Certificate to use for reissue notifications, if supplied
    task_id = None
    if celery.current_task:
        task_id = celery.current_task.request.id

    function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}"
    log_data = {
        "function": function,
        "message": "Resolving pending certificate {}".format(id),
        "task_id": task_id,
        "id": id,


    if task_id and is_task_active(log_data["function"], task_id, (id, )):
        log_data["message"] = "Skipping task: Task is already active"

    pending_certs = pending_certificate_service.get_pending_certs([id])
    new = 0
    failed = 0
    wrong_issuer = 0
    acme_certs = []

    # We only care about certs using the acme-issuer plugin
    for cert in pending_certs:
        cert_authority = get_authority(cert.authority_id)
        if cert_authority.plugin_name == "acme-issuer":
            wrong_issuer += 1

    authority = plugins.get("acme-issuer")
    resolved_certs = authority.get_ordered_certificates(acme_certs)

    for cert in resolved_certs:
        real_cert = cert.get("cert")
        # It's necessary to reload the pending cert due to detached instance: http://sqlalche.me/e/bhk3
        pending_cert = pending_certificate_service.get(
        if not pending_cert or pending_cert.resolved:
            # pending_cert is cleared or it was resolved by another process
                "message"] = "Pending certificate doesn't exist anymore. Was it resolved by another process?"
        if real_cert:
            # If a real certificate was returned from issuer, then create it in Lemur and mark
            # the pending certificate as resolved
            final_cert = pending_certificate_service.create_certificate(
                pending_cert, real_cert, pending_cert.user)
            if notify_reissue_cert_id is not None:
                notify_reissue_cert = certificate_service.get(
            # add metrics to metrics extension
            new += 1
            failed += 1
            error_log = copy.deepcopy(log_data)
            error_log["message"] = "Pending certificate creation failure"
            error_log["pending_cert_id"] = pending_cert.id
            error_log["last_error"] = cert.get("last_error")
            error_log["cn"] = pending_cert.cn

            if pending_cert.number_attempts > ACME_ADDITIONAL_ATTEMPTS:
                error_log["message"] = "Deleting pending certificate"
                    pending_cert, notify_owner=pending_cert.notify)
                if notify_reissue_cert_id is not None:
                # Mark the pending cert as resolved
                # Add failed pending cert task back to queue
                fetch_acme_cert.delay(id, notify_reissue_cert_id)
    log_data["message"] = "Complete"
    log_data["new"] = new
    log_data["failed"] = failed
    log_data["wrong_issuer"] = wrong_issuer
    metrics.send(f"{function}.resolved", "gauge", new)
    metrics.send(f"{function}.failed", "gauge", failed)
    metrics.send(f"{function}.wrong_issuer", "gauge", wrong_issuer)
        "[+] Certificates: New: {new} Failed: {failed} Not using ACME: {wrong_issuer}"
        .format(new=new, failed=failed, wrong_issuer=wrong_issuer))
    return log_data
Пример #35
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/replacements

           One certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/replacements HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "items": [{
                    "status": null,
                    "cn": "*.test.example.net",
                    "chain": "",
                    "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----",
                    "authority": {
                        "active": true,
                        "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                        "id": 1,
                        "description": "verisign test authority",
                        "name": "verisign"
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "serial": "82311058732025924142789179368889309156",
                    "id": 2288,
                    "issuer": "SymantecCorporation",
                    "dateCreated": "2016-06-03T06:09:42.133769+00:00",
                    "notBefore": "2016-06-03T00:00:00+00:00",
                    "notAfter": "2018-01-12T23:59:59+00:00",
                    "destinations": [],
                    "bits": 2048,
                    "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
                    "description": null,
                    "deleted": null,
                    "notifications": [{
                        "id": 1
                    "signingAlgorithm": "sha256",
                    "user": {
                        "username": "******",
                        "active": true,
                        "email": "*****@*****.**",
                        "id": 2
                    "active": true,
                    "domains": [{
                        "sensitive": false,
                        "id": 1090,
                        "name": "*.test.example.net"
                    "replaces": [],
                    "replaced": [],
                    "rotation": true,
                    "rotationPolicy": {"name": "default"},
                    "name": "WILDCARD.test.example.net-SymantecCorporation-20160603-20180112",
                    "roles": [{
                        "id": 464,
                        "description": "This is a google group based role created by Lemur",
                        "name": "*****@*****.**"
                    "san": null
                "total": 1

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        return service.get(certificate_id).replaces
Пример #36
    def post(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:post:: /certificates/1/export

           Export a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1/export HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                "export": {
                    "plugin": {
                        "pluginOptions": [{
                            "available": ["Java Key Store (JKS)"],
                            "required": true,
                            "type": "select",
                            "name": "type",
                            "helpMessage": "Choose the format you wish to export",
                            "value": "Java Key Store (JKS)"
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "passphrase",
                            "validation": "^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[$@$!%*#?&])[A-Za-z\\d$@$!%*#?&]{8,}$",
                            "helpMessage": "If no passphrase is given one will be generated for you, we highly recommend this. Minimum length is 8."
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "alias",
                            "helpMessage": "Enter the alias you wish to use for the keystore."
                        "version": "unknown",
                        "description": "Attempts to generate a JKS keystore or truststore",
                        "title": "Java",
                        "author": "Kevin Glisson",
                        "type": "export",
                        "slug": "java-export"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "data": "base64encodedstring",
                "passphrase": "UAWOHW#&@_%!tnwmxh832025",
                "extension": "jks"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        self.reqparse.add_argument('export', type=dict, required=True, location='json')
        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)

        permission = UpdateCertificatePermission(certificate_id, getattr(role, 'name', None))

        if permission.can():
            extension, passphrase, data = service.export(cert, args['export']['plugin'])
            # we take a hit in message size when b64 encoding
            return dict(extension=extension, passphrase=passphrase, data=base64.b64encode(data))

        return dict(message='You are not authorized to export this certificate'), 403
Пример #37
    def put(self, certificate_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1

           Update a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                 "active": false
                 "notifications": [],
                 "destinations": [],
                 "replacements": []

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "status": null,
                "cn": "*.test.example.net",
                "chain": "",
                "authority": {
                    "active": true,
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 1,
                    "description": "verisign test authority",
                    "name": "verisign"
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "serial": "82311058732025924142789179368889309156",
                "id": 2288,
                "issuer": "SymantecCorporation",
                "notBefore": "2016-06-03T00:00:00+00:00",
                "notAfter": "2018-01-12T23:59:59+00:00",
                "destinations": [],
                "bits": 2048,
                "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
                "description": null,
                "deleted": null,
                "notifications": [{
                    "id": 1
                "signingAlgorithm": "sha256",
                "user": {
                    "username": "******",
                    "active": true,
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "id": 2
                "active": true,
                "domains": [{
                    "sensitive": false,
                    "id": 1090,
                    "name": "*.test.example.net"
                "replaces": [],
                "name": "WILDCARD.test.example.net-SymantecCorporation-20160603-20180112",
                "roles": [{
                    "id": 464,
                    "description": "This is a google group based role created by Lemur",
                    "name": "*****@*****.**"
                "san": null

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)

        permission = CertificatePermission(cert.id,
                                           [x.name for x in cert.roles])

        if permission.can():
            return service.update(certificate_id, data['owner'],
                                  data['description'], data['active'],
                                  data['destinations'], data['notifications'],
                                  data['replacements'], data['roles'])

        return dict(
            message='You are not authorized to update this certificate'), 403
Пример #38
    def put(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:put:: /certificates/1

           Update a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                 "active": false
                 "notifications": [],
                 "destinations": [],
                 "replacements": []

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "id": 1,
                "name": "cert1",
                "description": "this is cert1",
                "bits": 2048,
                "deleted": false,
                "issuer": "ExampeInc.",
                "serial": "123450",
                "chain": "-----Begin ...",
                "body": "-----Begin ...",
                "san": true,
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "active": false,
                "notBefore": "2015-06-05T17:09:39",
                "notAfter": "2015-06-10T17:09:39",
                "cn": "example.com",
                "status": "unknown",

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        self.reqparse.add_argument('active', type=bool, location='json')
        self.reqparse.add_argument('owner', type=str, location='json')
        self.reqparse.add_argument('description', type=str, location='json')
        self.reqparse.add_argument('destinations', type=list, default=[], location='json')
        self.reqparse.add_argument('notifications', type=notification_list, default=[], location='json')
        self.reqparse.add_argument('replacements', type=list, default=[], location='json')
        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)

        permission = UpdateCertificatePermission(certificate_id, getattr(role, 'name', None))

        if permission.can():
            return service.update(

        return dict(message='You are not authorized to update this certificate'), 403
Пример #39
    def post(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:post:: /certificates/1/export

           Export a certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /certificates/1/export HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                "export": {
                    "plugin": {
                        "pluginOptions": [{
                            "available": ["Java Key Store (JKS)"],
                            "required": true,
                            "type": "select",
                            "name": "type",
                            "helpMessage": "Choose the format you wish to export",
                            "value": "Java Key Store (JKS)"
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "passphrase",
                            "validation": "^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[$@$!%*#?&])[A-Za-z\\d$@$!%*#?&]{8,}$",
                            "helpMessage": "If no passphrase is given one will be generated for you, we highly recommend this. Minimum length is 8."
                        }, {
                            "required": false,
                            "type": "str",
                            "name": "alias",
                            "helpMessage": "Enter the alias you wish to use for the keystore."
                        "version": "unknown",
                        "description": "Attempts to generate a JKS keystore or truststore",
                        "title": "Java",
                        "author": "Kevin Glisson",
                        "type": "export",
                        "slug": "java-export"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "data": "base64encodedstring",
                "passphrase": "UAWOHW#&@_%!tnwmxh832025",
                "extension": "jks"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()

        cert = service.get(certificate_id)
        role = role_service.get_by_name(cert.owner)

        permission = UpdateCertificatePermission(certificate_id,
                                                 getattr(role, 'name', None))

        plugin = plugins.get(args['export']['plugin']['slug'])
        if plugin.requires_key:
            if permission.can():
                extension, passphrase, data = plugin.export(
                    cert.body, cert.chain, cert.private_key,
                return dict(
                    message='You are not authorized to export this certificate'
                ), 403
            extension, passphrase, data = plugin.export(
                cert.body, cert.chain, cert.private_key,

        # we take a hit in message size when b64 encoding
        return dict(extension=extension,
Пример #40
    def get(self, certificate_id):
        .. http:get:: /certificates/1/authority

           One authority for given certificate

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /certificates/1/authority HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                "name": "TestAuthority",
                "roles": [{
                    "id": 123,
                    "name": "*****@*****.**"
                }, {
                    "id": 564,
                    "name": "TestAuthority_admin"
                }, {
                    "id": 565,
                    "name": "TestAuthority_operator"
                "options": null,
                "active": true,
                "authorityCertificate": {
                    "body": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----IyMzU5MTVaMHk...",
                    "status": true,
                    "cn": "AcommonName",
                    "description": "This is the ROOT certificate for the TestAuthority certificate authority.",
                    "chain": "",
                    "notBefore": "2016-06-02T00:00:15+00:00",
                    "notAfter": "2023-06-02T23:59:15+00:00",
                    "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                    "user": {
                        "username": "******",
                        "active": true,
                        "email": "*****@*****.**",
                        "id": 3
                    "active": true,
                    "bits": 2048,
                    "id": 2235,
                    "name": "TestAuthority"
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "id": 43,
                "description": "This is the ROOT certificate for the TestAuthority certificate authority."

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        cert = certificate_service.get(certificate_id)
        if not cert:
            return dict(message="Certificate not found."), 404

        return cert.authority