Пример #1
class SPEMD(object):
    class for smooth power law ellipse mass density profile
    param_names = ['theta_E', 'gamma', 'e1', 'e2', 'center_x', 'center_y']
    lower_limit_default = {'theta_E': 0, 'gamma': 0, 'e1': -0.5, 'e2': -0.5, 'center_x': -100, 'center_y': -100}
    upper_limit_default = {'theta_E': 100, 'gamma': 100, 'e1': 0.5, 'e2': 0.5, 'center_x': 100, 'center_y': 100}

    def __init__(self):
        self.s2 = 0.00000001
        self.spp = SPP()
        self.spemd_smooth = SPEMD_SMOOTH()

    def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        return self.spemd_smooth.function(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, self.s2, center_x, center_y)

    def derivatives(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        return self.spemd_smooth.derivatives(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, self.s2, center_x, center_y)

    def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        return self.spemd_smooth.hessian(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, self.s2, center_x, center_y)

    def mass_3d_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2):
        computes the spherical power-law mass enclosed (with SPP routiune)
        :param r:
        :param theta_E:
        :param gamma:
        :param q:
        :param phi_G:
        return self.spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)
Пример #2
class SPEMD(object):
    class for smooth power law ellipse mass density profile
    def __init__(self):
        self.s2 = 0.00000001
        self.spp = SPP()
        self.spemd_smooth = SPEMD_SMOOTH()

    def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        return self.spemd_smooth.function(x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, self.s2, center_x, center_y)

    def derivatives(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        return self.spemd_smooth.derivatives(x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, self.s2, center_x, center_y)

    def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        return self.spemd_smooth.hessian(x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, self.s2, center_x, center_y)

    def mass_3d_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G):
        computes the spherical power-law mass enclosed (with SPP routiune)
        :param r:
        :param theta_E:
        :param gamma:
        :param q:
        :param phi_G:
        return self.spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)

    def convert_params(self, theta_E, gamma, q):

        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power law slope
        :param q: axis ratio
        :return:   prefactor to SPEMP profile for FASTELL
        return self.spemd_smooth.convert_params(theta_E, gamma, q)
Пример #3
class SPEP(LensProfileBase):
    class for Softened power-law elliptical potential (SPEP)
    param_names = ['theta_E', 'gamma', 'e1', 'e2', 'center_x', 'center_y']
    lower_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 0,
        'gamma': 0,
        'e1': -0.5,
        'e2': -0.5,
        'center_x': -100,
        'center_y': -100
    upper_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 100,
        'gamma': 100,
        'e1': 0.5,
        'e2': 0.5,
        'center_x': 100,
        'center_y': 100

    def __init__(self):
        self.spp = SPP()
        super(SPEP, self).__init__()

    def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        :param x: set of x-coordinates
        :type x: array of size (n)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius of lense
        :type theta_E: float.
        :param gamma: power law slope of mass profifle
        :type gamma: <2 float
        :param e1: eccentricity
        :type e1: -1<e1<1
        :param e2: eccentricity
        :type e2: -1<e1<1
        :returns:  function
        :raises: AttributeError, KeyError
        phi_G, q = param_util.ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2)
        gamma, q = self._param_bounds(gamma, q)
        theta_E *= q
        x_shift = x - center_x
        y_shift = y - center_y
        E = theta_E / (((3 - gamma) / 2.)**(1. / (1 - gamma)) * np.sqrt(q))
        #E = phi_E
        eta = -gamma + 3
        xt1 = np.cos(phi_G) * x_shift + np.sin(phi_G) * y_shift
        xt2 = -np.sin(phi_G) * x_shift + np.cos(phi_G) * y_shift
        p2 = xt1**2 + xt2**2 / q**2
        s2 = 0.  # softening
        return 2 * E**2 / eta**2 * ((p2 + s2) / E**2)**(eta / 2)

    def derivatives(self,

        phi_G, q = param_util.ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2)
        gamma, q = self._param_bounds(gamma, q)
        phi_E_new = theta_E * q
        x_shift = x - center_x
        y_shift = y - center_y
        E = phi_E_new / (((3 - gamma) / 2.)**(1. / (1 - gamma)) * np.sqrt(q))
        # E = phi_E
        eta = float(-gamma + 3)
        cos_phi = np.cos(phi_G)
        sin_phi = np.sin(phi_G)

        xt1 = cos_phi * x_shift + sin_phi * y_shift
        xt2 = -sin_phi * x_shift + cos_phi * y_shift
        xt2difq2 = xt2 / (q * q)
        P2 = xt1 * xt1 + xt2 * xt2difq2
        if isinstance(P2, int) or isinstance(P2, float):
            a = max(0.000001, P2)
            a = np.empty_like(P2)
            p2 = P2[P2 > 0]  #in the SIS regime
            a[P2 == 0] = 0.000001
            a[P2 > 0] = p2
        fac = 1. / eta * (a / (E * E))**(eta / 2 - 1) * 2
        f_x_prim = fac * xt1
        f_y_prim = fac * xt2difq2

        f_x = cos_phi * f_x_prim - sin_phi * f_y_prim
        f_y = sin_phi * f_x_prim + cos_phi * f_y_prim
        return f_x, f_y

    def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        phi_G, q = param_util.ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2)
        gamma, q = self._param_bounds(gamma, q)
        phi_E_new = theta_E * q
        #x_shift = x - center_x
        #y_shift = y - center_y

        # shift
        x_ = x - center_x
        y_ = y - center_y
        # rotate
        x__, y__ = util.rotate(x_, y_, phi_G)

        E = phi_E_new / (((3 - gamma) / 2.)**(1. / (1 - gamma)) * np.sqrt(q))
        if E <= 0:
            return np.zeros_like(x), np.zeros_like(x), np.zeros_like(
                x), np.zeros_like(x)
        # E = phi_E
        eta = float(-gamma + 3)
        #xt1 = np.cos(phi_G)*x_shift+np.sin(phi_G)*y_shift
        #xt2 = -np.sin(phi_G)*x_shift+np.cos(phi_G)*y_shift
        xt1, xt2 = x__, y__
        P2 = xt1**2 + xt2**2 / q**2

        if isinstance(P2, int) or isinstance(P2, float):
            a = max(0.000001, P2)
            a = np.empty_like(P2)
            p2 = P2[P2 > 0]  #in the SIS regime
            a[P2 == 0] = 0.000001
            a[P2 > 0] = p2
        s2 = 0.  # softening

        kappa = 1. / eta * (a / E**2)**(eta / 2 - 1) * (
            (eta - 2) * (xt1**2 + xt2**2 / q**4) / a + (1 + 1 / q**2))
        gamma1_value = 1. / eta * (a / E**2)**(
            eta / 2 - 1) * (1 - 1 / q**2 + (eta / 2 - 1) *
                            (2 * xt1**2 - 2 * xt2**2 / q**4) / a)
        gamma2_value = 4 * xt1 * xt2 / q**2 * (1. / 2 - 1 / eta) * (
            a / E**2)**(eta / 2 - 2) / E**2

        gamma1 = np.cos(2 * phi_G) * gamma1_value - np.sin(
            2 * phi_G) * gamma2_value
        gamma2 = +np.sin(2 * phi_G) * gamma1_value + np.cos(
            2 * phi_G) * gamma2_value

        f_xx = kappa + gamma1
        f_yy = kappa - gamma1
        f_xy = gamma2
        return f_xx, f_xy, f_xy, f_yy

    def mass_3d_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the spherical power-law mass enclosed (with SPP routine)

        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)

    def density_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the density at 3d radius r given lens model parameterization.
        The integral in the LOS projection of this quantity results in the convergence quantity.

        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.density_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)

    def _param_bounds(gamma, q):
        bounds parameters

        :param gamma:
        :param q:
        if gamma < 1.4:
            gamma = 1.4
        if gamma > 2.9:
            gamma = 2.9
        if q < 0.01:
            q = 0.01
        return float(gamma), q
Пример #4
class PEMD(LensProfileBase):
    class for power law ellipse mass density profile.
    This class effectively calls the class SPEMD_SMOOTH with a fixed and very small central smoothing scale
    to perform the numerical integral using the FASTELL code by Renan Barkana.

    .. math::
        \\kappa(x, y) = \\frac{3-\\gamma}{2} \\left(\\frac{\\theta_{E}}{\\sqrt{q x^2 + y^2/q}} \\right)^{\\gamma-1}

    with :math:`\\theta_{E}` is the (circularized) Einstein radius,
    :math:`\\gamma` is the negative power-law slope of the 3D mass distributions,
    :math:`q` is the minor/major axis ratio,
    and :math:`x` and :math:`y` are defined in a coordinate system aligned with the major and minor axis of the lens.

    In terms of eccentricities, this profile is defined as

    .. math::
        \\kappa(r) = \\frac{3-\\gamma}{2} \\left(\\frac{\\theta'_{E}}{r \\sqrt{1 − e*\\cos(2*\\phi)}} \\right)^{\\gamma-1}

    with :math:`\\epsilon` is the ellipticity defined as

    .. math::
        \\epsilon = \\frac{1-q^2}{1+q^2}

    And an Einstein radius :math:`\\theta'_{\\rm E}` related to the definition used is

    .. math::
        \\left(\\frac{\\theta'_{\\rm E}}{\\theta_{\\rm E}}\\right)^{2} = \\frac{2q}{1+q^2}.

    param_names = ['theta_E', 'gamma', 'e1', 'e2', 'center_x', 'center_y']
    lower_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 0,
        'gamma': 1.5,
        'e1': -0.5,
        'e2': -0.5,
        'center_x': -100,
        'center_y': -100
    upper_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 100,
        'gamma': 2.5,
        'e1': 0.5,
        'e2': 0.5,
        'center_x': 100,
        'center_y': 100

    def __init__(self, suppress_fastell=False):

        :param suppress_fastell: bool, if True, does not raise if fastell4py is not installed
        self._s_scale = 0.0000001  # smoothing scale as used to numerically compute a power-law profile
        self.spp = SPP()
        self.spemd_smooth = SPEMD(suppress_fastell=suppress_fastell)
        super(PEMD, self).__init__()

    def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):

        :param x: x-coordinate (angle)
        :param y: y-coordinate (angle)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition!
        :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: x-position of lens center
        :param center_y: y-position of lens center
        :return: lensing potential
        return self.spemd_smooth.function(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2,
                                          self._s_scale, center_x, center_y)

    def derivatives(self,

        :param x: x-coordinate (angle)
        :param y: y-coordinate (angle)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition!
        :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: x-position of lens center
        :param center_y: y-position of lens center
        :return: deflection angles alpha_x, alpha_y
        return self.spemd_smooth.derivatives(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2,
                                             self._s_scale, center_x, center_y)

    def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):

        :param x: x-coordinate (angle)
        :param y: y-coordinate (angle)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition!
        :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: x-position of lens center
        :param center_y: y-position of lens center
        :return: Hessian components f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy
        return self.spemd_smooth.hessian(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2,
                                         self._s_scale, center_x, center_y)

    def mass_3d_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the spherical power-law mass enclosed (with SPP routine)
        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)

    def density_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the density at 3d radius r given lens model parameterization.
        The integral in the LOS projection of this quantity results in the convergence quantity.

        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.density_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)
Пример #5
class AnalyticKinematics(Anisotropy):
    class to compute eqn 20 in Suyu+2010 with a Monte-Carlo from rendering from the
    light profile distribution and displacing them with a Gaussian seeing convolution.

    This class assumes spherical symmetry in light and mass distribution and
        - a Hernquist light profile (parameterised by the half-light radius)
        - a power-law mass profile (parameterized by the Einstein radius and logarithmic slop)

    The analytic equations for the kinematics in this approximation are presented e.g. in Suyu et al. 2010 and
    the spectral rendering approach to compute the seeing convolved slit measurement is presented in Birrer et al. 2016.
    The stellar anisotropy is parameterised based on Osipkov 1979; Merritt 1985.

    All units are meant to be in angular arc seconds. The physical units are fold in through the angular diameter

    def __init__(self,

        :param kwargs_cosmo: keyword argument with angular diameter distances

        self._interp_grid_num = interpol_grid_num
        self._log_int = log_integration
        self._max_integrate = max_integrate  # maximal integration (and interpolation) in units of arcsecs
        self._min_integrate = min_integrate  # min integration (and interpolation) in units of arcsecs
        self._max_interpolate = max_integrate  # we chose to set the interpolation range to the integration range
        self._min_interpolate = min_integrate  # we chose to set the interpolation range to the integration range

        self._cosmo = Cosmo(**kwargs_cosmo)
        self._spp = SPP()
        Anisotropy.__init__(self, anisotropy_type='OM')

    def _rho0_r0_gamma(self, theta_E, gamma):
        # equation (14) in Suyu+ 2010
        return -1 * math.gamma(gamma/2) / (np.sqrt(np.pi)*math.gamma((gamma-3)/2.)) * theta_E ** gamma / \
               self._cosmo.arcsec2phys_lens(theta_E) * self._cosmo.epsilon_crit * const.M_sun / const.Mpc ** 3

    def draw_light(kwargs_light):

        :param kwargs_light: keyword argument (list) of the light model
        :return: 3d radius (if possible), 2d projected radius, x-projected coordinate, y-projected coordinate
        if 'a' not in kwargs_light:
            kwargs_light['a'] = 0.551 * kwargs_light['r_eff']
        a = kwargs_light['a']
        r = vel_util.draw_hernquist(a)
        R, x, y = vel_util.project2d_random(r)
        return r, R, x, y

    def _sigma_s2(self, r, R, r_ani, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma):
        projected velocity dispersion
        :param r: 3d radius of the light tracer particle
        :param R: 2d projected radius of the light tracer particle
        :param r_ani: anisotropy radius
        :param a: scale of the Hernquist light profile
        :param gamma: power-law slope of the mass profile
        :param rho0_r0_gamma: combination of Einstein radius and power-law slope as equation (14) in Suyu+ 2010
        :return: projected velocity dispersion
        beta = self.beta_r(r, **{'r_ani': r_ani})
        return (1 - beta * R**2 / r**2) * self._sigma_r2_interp(
            r, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani)

    def sigma_s2(self, r, R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy):
        returns unweighted los velocity dispersion for a specified projected radius, with weight 1

        :param r: 3d radius (not needed for this calculation)
        :param R: 2d projected radius (in angular units of arcsec)
        :param kwargs_mass: mass model parameters (following lenstronomy lens model conventions)
        :param kwargs_light: deflector light parameters (following lenstronomy light model conventions)
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy parameters, may vary according to anisotropy type chosen.
            We refer to the Anisotropy() class for details on the parameters.
        :return: line-of-sight projected velocity dispersion at projected radius R from 3d radius r
        a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani = self._read_out_params(
            kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy)
        return self._sigma_s2(r, R, r_ani, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma), 1

    def sigma_r2(self, r, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy):
        equation (19) in Suyu+ 2010

        :param r: 3d radius
        :param kwargs_mass: mass profile keyword arguments
        :param kwargs_light: light profile keyword arguments
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy keyword arguments
        :return: velocity dispersion in [m/s]
        a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani = self._read_out_params(
            kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy)
        return self._sigma_r2(r, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani)

    def _read_out_params(self, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy):
        reads the relevant parameters out of the keyword arguments and transforms them to the conventions used in this

        :param kwargs_mass: mass profile keyword arguments
        :param kwargs_light: light profile keyword arguments
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy keyword arguments
        :return: a (Rs of Hernquist profile), gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani
        if 'a' not in kwargs_light:
            kwargs_light['a'] = 0.551 * kwargs_light['r_eff']
        if 'rho0_r0_gamma' not in kwargs_mass:
            kwargs_mass['rho0_r0_gamma'] = self._rho0_r0_gamma(
                kwargs_mass['theta_E'], kwargs_mass['gamma'])
        a = kwargs_light['a']
        gamma = kwargs_mass['gamma']
        rho0_r0_gamma = kwargs_mass['rho0_r0_gamma']
        r_ani = kwargs_anisotropy['r_ani']
        return a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani

    def _sigma_r2(self, r, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani):
        equation (19) in Suyu+ 2010
        # first term
        prefac1 = 4 * np.pi * const.G * a**(-gamma) * rho0_r0_gamma / (3 -
        prefac2 = r * (r + a)**3 / (r**2 + r_ani**2)
        # TODO check whether interpolation functions can speed this up
        hyp1 = vel_util.hyp_2F1(a=2 + gamma,
                                c=3 + gamma,
                                z=1. / (1 + r / a))
        hyp2 = vel_util.hyp_2F1(a=3, b=gamma, c=1 + gamma, z=-a / r)
        fac = r_ani**2 / a**2 * hyp1 / (
            (2 + gamma) * (r / a + 1)**(2 + gamma)) + hyp2 / (gamma *
                                                              (r / a)**gamma)
        return prefac1 * prefac2 * fac * (const.arcsec * self._cosmo.dd *

    def _sigma_r2_interp(self, r, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani):

        :param r:
        :param a:
        :param gamma:
        :param rho0_r0_gamma:
        :param r_ani:
        if not hasattr(self, '_interp_sigma_r2'):
            min_log = np.log10(self._min_integrate)
            max_log = np.log10(self._max_integrate)
            r_array = np.logspace(min_log, max_log, self._interp_grid_num)
            I_R_sigma2_array = []
            for r_i in r_array:
                    self._sigma_r2(r_i, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani))
            self._interp_sigma_r2 = interp1d(np.log(r_array),
        return self._interp_sigma_r2(np.log(r))

    def grav_potential(self, r, kwargs_mass):
        Gravitational potential in SI units

        :param r: radius (arc seconds)
        :param kwargs_mass:
        :return: gravitational potential
        theta_E = kwargs_mass['theta_E']
        gamma = kwargs_mass['gamma']
        mass_dimless = self._spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)
        mass_dim = mass_dimless * const.arcsec ** 2 * self._cosmo.dd * self._cosmo.ds / self._cosmo.dds * const.Mpc * \
                    const.c ** 2 / (4 * np.pi * const.G)
        grav_pot = -const.G * mass_dim / (r * const.arcsec * self._cosmo.dd *
        return grav_pot

    def delete_cache(self):
        deletes temporary cache tight to a specific model

        if hasattr(self, '_interp_sigma_r2'):
            del self._interp_sigma_r2
Пример #6
class PEMD(LensProfileBase):
    class for power law ellipse mass density profile.
    This class effectively calls the class SPEMD_SMOOTH with a fixed and very small central smoothing scale
    to perform the numerical integral using the FASTELL code by Renan Barkana.

    The Einstein ring parameter converts to the definition used by GRAVLENS as follow:
    (theta_E / theta_E_gravlens) = sqrt[ (1+q^2) / (2 q) ]
    param_names = ['theta_E', 'gamma', 'e1', 'e2', 'center_x', 'center_y']
    lower_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 0,
        'gamma': 1.5,
        'e1': -0.5,
        'e2': -0.5,
        'center_x': -100,
        'center_y': -100
    upper_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 100,
        'gamma': 2.5,
        'e1': 0.5,
        'e2': 0.5,
        'center_x': 100,
        'center_y': 100

    def __init__(self, suppress_fastell=False):

        :param suppress_fastell: bool, if True, does not raise if fastell4py is not installed
        self._s_scale = 0.0001  # smoothing scale as used to numerically compute a power-law profile
        self.spp = SPP()
        self.spemd_smooth = SPEMD(suppress_fastell=suppress_fastell)
        super(PEMD, self).__init__()

    def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):

        :param x: x-coordinate (angle)
        :param y: y-coordinate (angle)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition!
        :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: x-position of lens center
        :param center_y: y-position of lens center
        :return: lensing potential
        return self.spemd_smooth.function(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2,
                                          self._s_scale, center_x, center_y)

    def derivatives(self,

        :param x: x-coordinate (angle)
        :param y: y-coordinate (angle)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition!
        :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: x-position of lens center
        :param center_y: y-position of lens center
        :return: deflection angles alpha_x, alpha_y
        return self.spemd_smooth.derivatives(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2,
                                             self._s_scale, center_x, center_y)

    def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):

        :param x: x-coordinate (angle)
        :param y: y-coordinate (angle)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition!
        :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: x-position of lens center
        :param center_y: y-position of lens center
        :return: Hessian components f_xx, f_yy, f_xy
        return self.spemd_smooth.hessian(x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2,
                                         self._s_scale, center_x, center_y)

    def mass_3d_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the spherical power-law mass enclosed (with SPP routine)
        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)

    def density_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the density at 3d radius r given lens model parameterization.
        The integral in the LOS projection of this quantity results in the convergence quantity.

        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.density_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)
Пример #7
class SPEP(object):
    class for Softened power-law elliptical potential (SPEP)
    def __init__(self):
        from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.spp import SPP
        self.spp = SPP()

    def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        :param x: set of x-coordinates
        :type x: array of size (n)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius of lense
        :type theta_E: float.
        :param gamma: power law slope of mass profifle
        :type gamma: <2 float
        :param q: Axis ratio
        :type q: 0<q<1
        :param phi_G: position angel of SES
        :type q: 0<phi_G<pi/2
        :returns:  function
        :raises: AttributeError, KeyError
        gamma, q = self._param_bounds(gamma, q)
        theta_E *= q
        x_shift = x - center_x
        y_shift = y - center_y
        E = theta_E / (((3 - gamma) / 2.)**(1. / (1 - gamma)) * np.sqrt(q))
        #E = phi_E
        eta = -gamma + 3
        xt1 = np.cos(phi_G) * x_shift + np.sin(phi_G) * y_shift
        xt2 = -np.sin(phi_G) * x_shift + np.cos(phi_G) * y_shift
        p2 = xt1**2 + xt2**2 / q**2
        s2 = 0.  # softening
        return 2 * E**2 / eta**2 * ((p2 + s2) / E**2)**(eta / 2)

    def derivatives(self,

        # # @hope.jit
        # def xy_prime(dx, dy, eta, a, E, xt1, xt2, q):
        #     fac = 1./eta*(a/(E*E))**(eta/2-1)*2
        #     dx[:] = fac*xt1
        #     dy[:] = fac*xt2/(q*q)
        gamma, q = self._param_bounds(gamma, q)
        phi_E_new = theta_E * q
        x_shift = x - center_x
        y_shift = y - center_y
        E = phi_E_new / (((3 - gamma) / 2.)**(1. / (1 - gamma)) * np.sqrt(q))
        # E = phi_E
        eta = float(-gamma + 3)
        cos_phi = np.cos(phi_G)
        sin_phi = np.sin(phi_G)

        xt1 = cos_phi * x_shift + sin_phi * y_shift
        xt2 = -sin_phi * x_shift + cos_phi * y_shift
        xt2difq2 = xt2 / (q * q)
        P2 = xt1 * xt1 + xt2 * xt2difq2
        if isinstance(P2, int) or isinstance(P2, float):
            a = max(0.000001, P2)
            a = np.empty_like(P2)
            p2 = P2[P2 > 0]  #in the SIS regime
            a[P2 == 0] = 0.000001
            a[P2 > 0] = p2
        fac = 1. / eta * (a / (E * E))**(eta / 2 - 1) * 2
        f_x_prim = fac * xt1
        f_y_prim = fac * xt2difq2

        f_x = cos_phi * f_x_prim - sin_phi * f_y_prim
        f_y = sin_phi * f_x_prim + cos_phi * f_y_prim
        return f_x, f_y

    def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G, center_x=0, center_y=0):
        gamma, q = self._param_bounds(gamma, q)
        phi_E_new = theta_E * q
        x_shift = x - center_x
        y_shift = y - center_y
        E = phi_E_new / (((3 - gamma) / 2.)**(1. / (1 - gamma)) * np.sqrt(q))
        # E = phi_E
        eta = float(-gamma + 3)
        xt1 = np.cos(phi_G) * x_shift + np.sin(phi_G) * y_shift
        xt2 = -np.sin(phi_G) * x_shift + np.cos(phi_G) * y_shift
        P2 = xt1**2 + xt2**2 / q**2
        if isinstance(P2, int) or isinstance(P2, float):
            a = max(0.000001, P2)
            a = np.empty_like(P2)
            p2 = P2[P2 > 0]  #in the SIS regime
            a[P2 == 0] = 0.000001
            a[P2 > 0] = p2
        s2 = 0.  # softening

        kappa = 1. / eta * (a / E**2)**(eta / 2 - 1) * (
            (eta - 2) * (xt1**2 + xt2**2 / q**4) / a + (1 + 1 / q**2))
        gamma1_value = 1. / eta * (a / E**2)**(
            eta / 2 - 1) * (1 - 1 / q**2 + (eta / 2 - 1) *
                            (2 * xt1**2 - 2 * xt2**2 / q**4) / a)
        gamma2_value = 4 * xt1 * xt2 / q**2 * (1. / 2 - 1 / eta) * (
            a / E**2)**(eta / 2 - 2) / E**2

        gamma1 = np.cos(2 * phi_G) * gamma1_value - np.sin(
            2 * phi_G) * gamma2_value
        gamma2 = +np.sin(2 * phi_G) * gamma1_value + np.cos(
            2 * phi_G) * gamma2_value
        f_xx = kappa + gamma1
        f_yy = kappa - gamma1
        f_xy = gamma2
        return f_xx, f_yy, f_xy

    def mass_3d_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, q, phi_G):
        computes the spherical power-law mass enclosed (with SPP routiune)
        :param r:
        :param theta_E:
        :param gamma:
        :param q:
        :param phi_G:
        return self.spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)

    def _param_bounds(self, gamma, q):
        bounds parameters

        :param gamma:
        :param q:
        if gamma < 1.4:
            gamma = 1.4
        if gamma > 2.9:
            gamma = 2.9
        if q < 0.3:
            q = 0.3
        return float(gamma), q
Пример #8
class EPL(LensProfileBase):
    Elliptical Power Law mass profile

    .. math::
        \\kappa(x, y) = \\frac{3-\\gamma}{2} \\left(\\frac{\\theta_{E}}{\\sqrt{q x^2 + y^2/q}} \\right)^{\\gamma-1}

    with :math:`\\theta_{E}` is the (circularized) Einstein radius,
    :math:`\\gamma` is the negative power-law slope of the 3D mass distributions,
    :math:`q` is the minor/major axis ratio,
    and :math:`x` and :math:`y` are defined in a coordinate sys- tem aligned with the major and minor axis of the lens.

    In terms of eccentricities, this profile is defined as

    .. math::
        \\kappa(r) = \\frac{3-\\gamma}{2} \\left(\\frac{\\theta'_{E}}{r \\sqrt{1 − e*\\cos(2*\\phi)}} \\right)^{\\gamma-1}

    with :math:`\\epsilon` is the ellipticity defined as

    .. math::
        \\epsilon = \\frac{1-q^2}{1+q^2}

    And an Einstein radius :math:`\\theta'_{\\rm E}` related to the definition used is

    .. math::
        \\left(\\frac{\\theta'_{\\rm E}}{\\theta_{\\rm E}}\\right)^{2} = \\frac{2q}{1+q^2}.

    The mathematical form of the calculation is presented by Tessore & Metcalf (2015), https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.01819.
    The current implementation is using hyperbolic functions. The paper presents an iterative calculation scheme,
    converging in few iterations to high precision and accuracy.

    A (faster) implementation of the same model using numba is accessible as 'EPL_NUMBA' with the iterative calculation
    param_names = ['theta_E', 'gamma', 'e1', 'e2', 'center_x', 'center_y']
    lower_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 0,
        'gamma': 1.5,
        'e1': -0.5,
        'e2': -0.5,
        'center_x': -100,
        'center_y': -100
    upper_limit_default = {
        'theta_E': 100,
        'gamma': 2.5,
        'e1': 0.5,
        'e2': 0.5,
        'center_x': 100,
        'center_y': 100

    def __init__(self):
        self.epl_major_axis = EPLMajorAxis()
        self.spp = SPP()
        super(EPL, self).__init__()

    def param_conv(self, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2):
        converts parameters as defined in this class to the parameters used in the EPLMajorAxis() class

        :param theta_E: Einstein radius as defined in the profile class
        :param gamma: negative power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity modulus
        :param e2: eccentricity modulus

        :return: b, t, q, phi_G
        if self._static is True:
            return self._b_static, self._t_static, self._q_static, self._phi_G_static
        return self._param_conv(theta_E, gamma, e1, e2)

    def _param_conv(theta_E, gamma, e1, e2):
        convert parameters from :math:`R = \\sqrt{q x^2 + y^2/q}` to
        :math:`R = \\sqrt{q^2 x^2 + y^2}`

        :param gamma: power law slope
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :return: critical radius b, slope t, axis ratio q, orientation angle phi_G
        t = gamma - 1
        phi_G, q = param_util.ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2)
        b = theta_E * np.sqrt(q)
        return b, t, q, phi_G

    def set_static(self, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):

        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: profile center
        :param center_y: profile center
        :return: self variables set
        self._static = True
        self._b_static, self._t_static, self._q_static, self._phi_G_static = self._param_conv(
            theta_E, gamma, e1, e2)

    def set_dynamic(self):

        self._static = False
        if hasattr(self, '_b_static'):
            del self._b_static
        if hasattr(self, '_t_static'):
            del self._t_static
        if hasattr(self, '_phi_G_static'):
            del self._phi_G_static
        if hasattr(self, '_q_static'):
            del self._q_static

    def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):

        :param x: x-coordinate in image plane
        :param y: y-coordinate in image plane
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: profile center
        :param center_y: profile center
        :return: lensing potential
        b, t, q, phi_G = self.param_conv(theta_E, gamma, e1, e2)
        # shift
        x_ = x - center_x
        y_ = y - center_y
        # rotate
        x__, y__ = util.rotate(x_, y_, phi_G)
        # evaluate
        f_ = self.epl_major_axis.function(x__, y__, b, t, q)
        # rotate back
        return f_

    def derivatives(self,

        :param x: x-coordinate in image plane
        :param y: y-coordinate in image plane
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: profile center
        :param center_y: profile center
        :return: alpha_x, alpha_y
        b, t, q, phi_G = self.param_conv(theta_E, gamma, e1, e2)
        # shift
        x_ = x - center_x
        y_ = y - center_y
        # rotate
        x__, y__ = util.rotate(x_, y_, phi_G)
        # evaluate
        f__x, f__y = self.epl_major_axis.derivatives(x__, y__, b, t, q)
        # rotate back
        f_x, f_y = util.rotate(f__x, f__y, -phi_G)
        return f_x, f_y

    def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, center_x=0, center_y=0):

        :param x: x-coordinate in image plane
        :param y: y-coordinate in image plane
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component
        :param e2: eccentricity component
        :param center_x: profile center
        :param center_y: profile center
        :return: f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy

        b, t, q, phi_G = self.param_conv(theta_E, gamma, e1, e2)
        # shift
        x_ = x - center_x
        y_ = y - center_y
        # rotate
        x__, y__ = util.rotate(x_, y_, phi_G)
        # evaluate
        f__xx, f__xy, f__yx, f__yy = self.epl_major_axis.hessian(
            x__, y__, b, t, q)
        # rotate back
        kappa = 1. / 2 * (f__xx + f__yy)
        gamma1__ = 1. / 2 * (f__xx - f__yy)
        gamma2__ = f__xy
        gamma1 = np.cos(2 * phi_G) * gamma1__ - np.sin(2 * phi_G) * gamma2__
        gamma2 = +np.sin(2 * phi_G) * gamma1__ + np.cos(2 * phi_G) * gamma2__
        f_xx = kappa + gamma1
        f_yy = kappa - gamma1
        f_xy = gamma2
        return f_xx, f_xy, f_xy, f_yy

    def mass_3d_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the spherical power-law mass enclosed (with SPP routine)
        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.mass_3d_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)

    def density_lens(self, r, theta_E, gamma, e1=None, e2=None):
        computes the density at 3d radius r given lens model parameterization.
        The integral in the LOS projection of this quantity results in the convergence quantity.

        :param r: radius within the mass is computed
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius
        :param gamma: power-law slope
        :param e1: eccentricity component (not used)
        :param e2: eccentricity component (not used)
        :return: mass enclosed a 3D radius r
        return self.spp.density_lens(r, theta_E, gamma)