Пример #1
    def loadYearSummary(self):
        load amounts for each transaction type,

        can we use the yearView directly? -- Yes!

        When we try to load year amount from doctest, we alway got 
        ConnectionStateError from method searchTransactions.  The error is 
        raised when we try to get the physical path for the bkfolder.  We 
        need test this in a functional doctest text file.

        #>>> self.yearView.loadYearSummary()
        #>>> len(self.yearView.yearSummary)


        for trxType in self.bkfolder.transactionTypes():
            typeSummary = {}
            # the summary for business business percentage.
            typeSummaryBp = {}
            # go throught each category under this type.
            for category in self.bkfolder.getCategories(trxType):
                # set the initial value here to hold the spot for no 
                # transaction catetories.
                categorySummary = {'subtotal' : 0.0, 'gst' : 0.0, 'pst' : 0.0}
                categoryBp = self.getCategoryBuzPercent(trxType, category)

                # search for all transaction under this category.
                query = {
                    'transactionDate' : getYearQuery(int(self.year)),
                    'transactionType' : trxType,
                    'transactionCategory' : category
                trxs = self.bkfolder.searchTransactions(query)
                # calculate the summary.
                for trx in trxs:
                    transaction = trx.getObject()
                    categorySummary['subtotal'] += transaction.subtotal()
                    categorySummary['gst'] += transaction.gst()
                    categorySummary['pst'] += transaction.pst()

                # add to type summary.
                typeSummary[category] = categorySummary
                # preparing the BP summary.
                categorySummaryBp = {}
                categorySummaryBp['subtotal'] = categorySummary['subtotal'] * categoryBp / 100
                categorySummaryBp['gst'] = categorySummary['gst'] * categoryBp / 100
                categorySummaryBp['pst'] = categorySummary['pst'] * categoryBp / 100
                typeSummaryBp[category] = categorySummaryBp
            # add to year summary.
            self.yearSummary[trxType] = typeSummary
            self.yearSummary[trxType + 'bp'] = typeSummaryBp
Пример #2
    def getAmounts(self, trxType, year):
        the smount for sutotal, gst, pst as tuple

        query = {
            'transactionDate' : getYearQuery(year),
            'transactionType' : trxType
        trxs = self.bkfolder.searchTransactions(query)
        subtotal = 0
        gst = 0
        pst = 0
        for trx in trxs:
            obj = trx.getObject()
            subtotal += obj.subtotal()
            gst += obj.gst()
            pst += obj.pst()

        return (subtotal, gst, pst)
Пример #3
    def getTransactions(self):

        query = {
            'transactionDate' : getYearQuery(int(self.year)),
            'transactionType' : self.trxType,
            'transactionCategory' : self.category
        transactions = []

        trxs = self.bkfolder.searchTransactions(query)
        for trx in trxs:
            transaction = {}
            obj = trx.getObject()
            transaction['id'] = obj.id
            transaction['title'] = obj.title
            transaction['date'] = obj.transactionDate().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            transaction['description'] = obj.description
            transaction['editUrl'] = '/'.join(obj.getPhysicalPath()) + '/edit'
            summary = {
                'subtotal' : obj.subtotal(), 
                'gst' : obj.gst(),
                'pst' : obj.pst()}
            transaction['summary'] = summary

            self.categoryTotal['subtotal'] += obj.subtotal()
            self.categoryTotal['gst'] += obj.gst()
            self.categoryTotal['pst'] += obj.pst()
            # calculate BP total.
            self.categoryBpTotal['subtotal'] = self.categoryTotal['subtotal'] * self.categoryBp / 100
            self.categoryBpTotal['gst'] = self.categoryTotal['gst'] * self.categoryBp / 100
            self.categoryBpTotal['pst'] = self.categoryTotal['pst'] * self.categoryBp / 100

            # add to transactions.

        return transactions