def flattened_potential_energy(xy): # We convert xy to a 2D array here. xy = xy.reshape((-1, 2)) bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL) # print 'bL = ', bL bU = 0.5 * sum(kL * (bL - bo)**2) return bU
def data2stills_2Dgyros(datadir, simoutdir, params, framedir_name='stills', init_skip=10, climv=0.1, numbering='adopt', rough=False, roughmov=True, exaggerate=1.0, rm_stills=True, resolution=150, figsize='auto', color_particles='k', DOSexcite=None, lp=None, framerate=10, mov_exten='', title='', dos_meshfn_dir=None, movname=None, lw=2, **kwargs): """Converts a list of data into a stack of png images of gyroscopic lattice using timestep_plot for each timestep. Parameters ---------- simoutdir : string The output directory for the simulation (contains subdirs for xyv, KL) params : dict Parameters dictionary framedir_name : string Subdirectory of simoutdir in which to save movie images vsaved : bool whether the velocites are recorded (vsaved = False for Nash gyros, True for gHST, for example) init_skip : int One out of every init_skip frames will be written first, then the intermittent frames will be written, to see briefly what happens climv : float or tuple Color limit for coloring bonds by bond strain numbering : 'natural' or 'adopt' (default = 'adopt') Use indexing '0','1','2','3',... or adopt the index of the input file. rough : boolean Plot every init_skip files ONLY? (if False, writes every init_skip files first, then does the rest) exaggerate : float (default 1.0 --> in which case it is ignored) Exaggerate the displacements of each particle from its initial position by this factor. Ignored if == 1.0 rm_stills : bool Whether or not to delete the stills after making them. DOSexcite : tuple of floats or None (excitation frequency, stdev time), or else None if DOS plot is not desired lp : dict Lattice parameters. If not None, then if eigval is not found in main dir, attempts to load eigval from gyro network, but will not compute it framerate : int or float (optional, default=10) framerate for movie mov_exten : str (optional) additional description to append to movie name, if movname is None movname : str or None Name or full path with name of movie to output of the simulation **kwargs : keyword arguments for leplt.timestep_plot() such as bgcolor, cmap (the strain colormap), color_particles, mimic_expt Returns ---------- """ plt.close('all') print 'Running data2stills_2Dgyros with DOSexcite = ', DOSexcite # get dirs # vsaved denotes whether the velocites are recorded # vsaved = False for Nash gyros, True for gHST, for example print 'simoutdir = ', simoutdir try: xypath = sorted(glob.glob(simoutdir + 'xyv/'))[0] vsaved = True except IndexError: xypath = sorted(glob.glob(simoutdir + 'xy/'))[0] vsaved = False # list files xyfiles = sorted(glob.glob(xypath + '*.txt')) # load setup NLfile = sorted(glob.glob(datadir + 'NL.txt'))[0] NL = np.loadtxt(NLfile, dtype='int', delimiter=',') xy0file = sorted(glob.glob(datadir + 'xy.txt'))[0] xy0 = np.loadtxt(xy0file, delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 1)) if 'deform' in params: if params['deform']: deform_xy0 = True xy0path = sorted(glob.glob(simoutdir + 'xy0/'))[0] xy0files = sorted(glob.glob(xy0path + '*.txt')) else: deform_xy0 = False xy0files = [] try: KLpath = sorted(glob.glob(simoutdir + 'KL/'))[0] KLfiles = sorted(glob.glob(KLpath + '*.txt')) if KLfiles: print 'found KLfiles --> update KL each timestep' update_KL_each_timestep = True KL = np.loadtxt(KLfiles[0], delimiter=',') else: print 'KLfiles =', KLfiles, '\n --> do not update KL' update_KL_each_timestep = False KL = np.loadtxt(datadir + 'KL.txt', dtype='int', delimiter=',') BM0 = le.NL2BM(xy0, NL, KL) except IndexError: print 'no KLfiles --> do not update KL' update_KL_each_timestep = False KL = np.loadtxt(datadir + 'KL.txt', dtype='int', delimiter=',') BM0 = le.NL2BM(xy0, NL, KL) if 'h' in params: hh = params['h'] elif 'hh' in params: hh = params['hh'] else: hfile = sorted(glob.glob(datadir + 'h.txt'))[0] hh = np.loadtxt(hfile) # get base name from xyfile name = 'still' if vsaved: # name = (xyfiles[0].split('/')[-1]).split('xyv')[0] try: x, y, vx, vy = np.loadtxt(xyfiles[0], delimiter=',', unpack=True) except: x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = np.loadtxt(xyfiles[0], delimiter=',', unpack=True) else: # name = (xyfiles[0].split('/')[-1]).split('xy')[0] try: '''Data is 2D''' x, y = np.loadtxt(xyfiles[0], delimiter=',', unpack=True) except: try: '''Data is 3D''' x, y, z = np.loadtxt(xyfiles[0], delimiter=',', unpack=True) except: '''Data is X,Y,dX,dY''' X, Y, dX, dY = np.loadtxt(xyfiles[0], delimiter=',', unpack=True) # get length of index string from xyfile index_sz = str(len((xyfiles[0].split('_')[-1]).split('.')[0])) # make output dir outdir = simoutdir + framedir_name + '/' dio.ensure_dir(outdir) # set range of window from first values xlimv = np.ceil(max(x) * 5. / 4.) ylimv = np.ceil(max(y) * 5. / 4.) # Initial bond list and # count initial bonds (double counted) # nzcount = np.count_nonzero(KL) BL0 = le.NL2BL(NL, KL) bo = le.bond_length_list(xy0, BL0) # make list of indices to plot-- first sparse then dense do1 = [0] + range(0, len(xyfiles), init_skip) # Set up figure if figsize == 'auto': fig = plt.gcf() plt.clf() else: plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) print 'DOSexcite = ', DOSexcite if DOSexcite is not None: # Load DOS eigvals: eigvalpklglob = glob.glob(datadir + 'eigval.pkl') if eigvalpklglob: with open(datadir + 'eigval.pkl', "rb") as input_file: eigval = cPickle.load(input_file) eval_loaded = True else: print 'Did not find eigval in simulation dir (datadir), attempting to load based on supplied meshfn...' # If you want to load eigvals from a lattice other than the one being simulated, put a "pointer file" # txt file with the path to that meshfn in your simulation directory: for ex, put 'meshfn_eigvals.txt' # in the simdir, with contents '/Users/username/...path.../hexagonal_square_delta0p667_...000010_x_000010/' if dos_meshfn_dir is None or dos_meshfn_dir == 'none': dos_meshfn_dir = datadir meshfn_specfn = glob.glob( dio.prepdir(dos_meshfn_dir) + 'meshfn_eig*.txt') print 'dos_meshfn_dir = ', dos_meshfn_dir print 'meshfn_specfn = ', meshfn_specfn if meshfn_specfn: with open(meshfn_specfn[0], 'r') as myfile: meshfn ='\n', '') if lp is not None: # Build correct eigval to load based on lp (gyro lattice parameters) by grabbing lp[meshfn_exten] import lepm.lattice_class import lepm.gyro_lattice_class # lp = {'LatticeTop': params['LatticeTop'], 'meshfn': params['meshfn']} lat = lepm.lattice_class.Lattice(lp=lp) lat.load() mlat = lepm.magnetic_gyro_lattice_class.MagneticGyroLattice( lat, lp) eigvalfn = dio.prepdir( meshfn) + 'eigval' + mlat.lp['meshfn_exten'] + '.pkl' else: print 'since no lp supplied, assuming eigval is default in datadir...' eigvalfn = dio.prepdir(meshfn) + 'eigval_magnetic.pkl' with open(eigvalfn, "rb") as fn: eigval = cPickle.load(fn) eval_loaded = True else: print 'plotting.time_domain_magnetic: Did not find eigval or eigval pointer file in datadir, ' + \ 'attempting to load based on lp...' if lp is not None: print 'Loading based on lp...' # No eigval saved in lattice GyroLattice's meshfn, seeking alternative import lepm.lattice_class import lepm.gyro_lattice_class # lp = {'LatticeTop': params['LatticeTop'], 'meshfn': params['meshfn']} lat = lepm.lattice_class.Lattice(lp=lp) lat.load() print 'lp = ', lp print 'lp[Omk] = ', lp['Omk'] mlat = lepm.magnetic_gyro_lattice_class.MagneticGyroLattice( lat, lp) eigval = mlat.load_eigval() if eigval is None: eigval = mlat.get_eigval() print 'Calculated eigval based on supplied GyroLattice instance, using lp dictionary.' else: print 'Loaded eigval from disk, from a location determined by the lp dictionary.' eval_loaded = True else: eval_loaded = False raise RuntimeError( 'Did not supply lp and eigval is not in datadir!') if eval_loaded: # Attempt to load ipr for network iprglob = glob.glob(datadir + 'ipr.pkl') if iprglob: with open(datadir + 'ipr.pkl', "rb") as input_file: ipr = cPickle.load(input_file) colorV = 1. / ipr linewidth = 0 cax_label = r'$p$' colormap = 'viridis_r' vmin_hdr = None vmax_hdr = None cbar_ticklabels = None cbar_nticks = 4 else: locglob = glob.glob(datadir + 'localization*.txt') if locglob: localization = np.loadtxt(locglob[0], delimiter=',') ill = localization[:, 2] ill_full = np.zeros(len(eigval), dtype=float) ill_full[0:int(len(eigval) * 0.5)] = ill[::-1] ill_full[int(len(eigval) * 0.5):len(eigval)] = ill colorV = ill_full linewidth = 0 cax_label = r'$\lambda^{-1}$' colormap = 'viridis' vmin_hdr = 0.0 vmax_hdr = 1. / (np.max(np.abs(xy0.ravel()))) cbar_ticklabels = ['0', r'$1/L$', r'$2/L$'] cbar_nticks = 3 else: print 'plotting.time_domain_magnetic: Did not find ipr in simulation dir (datadir), ' +\ 'attempting to load based on supplied meshfn...' # First seek directly supplied files in the simulation datadir meshfn_specfn = glob.glob(datadir + 'meshfn_*ipr.txt') if meshfn_specfn: with open(meshfn_specfn[0], 'r') as myfile: meshfn ='\n', '') with open( dio.prepdir(meshfn) + 'ipr' + lp['meshfn_exten'] + '.pkl', "rb") as fn: ipr = cPickle.load(fn) colorV = 1. / ipr cax_label = r'$p$' colormap = 'viridis_r' linewidth = 0 vmin_hdr = None vmax_hdr = None cbar_ticklabels = None cbar_nticks = 4 else: print '\n\n\nComputing localization from supplied meshfn\n\n\n' if dos_meshfn_dir is None or dos_meshfn_dir == 'none': dos_meshfn_dir = datadir meshfn_specfn = glob.glob( dio.prepdir(dos_meshfn_dir) + 'meshfn_*localization.txt') print 'meshfn_specfn = ', meshfn_specfn if meshfn_specfn: with open(meshfn_specfn[0], 'r') as myfile: meshfn ='\n', '') if lp is not None: print 'Loading based on lp...' import lepm.lattice_class import lepm.gyro_lattice_class # lp = {'LatticeTop': params['LatticeTop'], 'meshfn': params['meshfn']} lat = lepm.lattice_class.Lattice(lp=lp) lat.load() mlat = lepm.magnetic_gyro_lattice_class.MagneticGyroLattice( lat, lp) loczfn = dio.prepdir( meshfn) + 'localization' + mlat.lp[ 'meshfn_exten'] + '.txt' specmeshfn_xy = lat.xy else: print 'plotting.time_domain_magnetic: no lp supplied, assuming default lattice ' +\ 'params to load localization in attempt to load localization...' loczfn = dio.prepdir( meshfn) + 'localization_magnetic.txt' try: specmeshfn_xy = np.loadtxt(meshfn + '_xy.txt') except: specmeshfn_xy = np.loadtxt(meshfn + '_xy.txt', delimiter=',') localization = np.loadtxt(loczfn, delimiter=',') ill = localization[:, 2] ill_full = np.zeros(len(eigval), dtype=float) ill_full[0:int(len(eigval) * 0.5)] = ill[::-1] ill_full[int(len(eigval) * 0.5):len(eigval)] = ill colorV = ill_full linewidth = 0 cax_label = r'$\lambda^{-1}$' colormap = 'viridis' vmin_hdr = 0.0 vmax_hdr = 1. / (np.max( np.abs(specmeshfn_xy.ravel()))) cbar_ticklabels = ['0', r'$1/L$', r'$2/L$'] cbar_nticks = 3 else: print 'plotting.time_domain_magnetic: Did not find ipr or localization in datadirs,' +\ ' attempting to load based on lp...' if lp is not None: print 'Loading based on lp...' import lepm.lattice_class import lepm.gyro_lattice_class # lp = {'LatticeTop': params['LatticeTop'], 'meshfn': params['meshfn']} lat = lepm.lattice_class.Lattice(lp=lp) lat.load() mlat = lepm.magnetic_gyro_lattice_class.MagneticGyroLattice( lat, lp) if mlat.lp['periodicBC']: localization = mlat.get_localization() ill = localization[:, 2] ill_full = np.zeros(len(eigval), dtype=float) ill_full[0:int(len(eigval) * 0.5)] = ill[::-1] ill_full[int(len(eigval) * 0.5):len(eigval)] = ill colorV = ill_full cax_label = r'$\lambda^{-1}$' vmin_hdr = 0.0 vmax_hdr = 1. / (np.max(np.abs( xy0.ravel()))) else: ipr = mlat.get_ipr() colorV = 1. / ipr cax_label = r'$p$' colormap = 'viridis_r' vmin_hdr = None vmax_hdr = None cbar_ticklabels = None cbar_nticks = 4 linewidth = 0 else: print 'Did not supply lp and neither ipr nor localization are in datadir!' colorV = None linewidth = 1 cax_label = '' colormap = 'viridis' vmin_hdr = None vmax_hdr = None cbar_ticklabels = None cbar_nticks = 4 plt.close('all') if np.max(xy0[:, 0]) - np.min( xy0[:, 0]) > 2.0 * (np.max(xy0[:, 1]) - np.min(xy0[:, 1])): # Plot will be very wide, so initialize a wide plot (landscape 16:9) orientation = 'landscape' # Note: header axis is [0.30, 0.80, 0.45, 0.18] if title == '' or title is None: ax_pos = [0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.54] cbar_pos = [0.79, 0.80, 0.012, 0.15] else: ax_pos = [0.1, 0.03, 0.8, 0.50] cbar_pos = [0.79, 0.70, 0.012, 0.15] else: # Plot will be roughly square or tall, so initialize a portfolio-style plot orientation = 'portrait' if title == '' or title is None: ax_pos = [0.1, 0.10, 0.8, 0.60] cbar_pos = [0.79, 0.80, 0.012, 0.15] else: ax_pos = [0.1, 0.03, 0.8, 0.60] cbar_pos = [0.79, 0.75, 0.012, 0.15] # Determine line width if len(xy0) > 2000: lw = 1 else: lw = 2 if cax_label == r'$\lambda^{-1}$': if 'penrose' in lp['LatticeTop']: dos_ylabel = 'Density of states, ' + r'$D(\omega)$' + '\nfor periodic approximant' else: dos_ylabel = 'Density of states, ' + r'$D(\omega)$' + '\nfor periodic system' ylabel_pad = 30 ylabel_rot = 90 else: dos_ylabel = r'$D(\omega)$' ylabel_pad = 20 ylabel_rot = 0 print 'plt.get_fignums() = ', plt.get_fignums() fig, DOS_ax, ax = \ leplt.initialize_eigvect_DOS_header_plot(eigval, xy0, sim_type='gyro', page_orientation=orientation, ax_pos=ax_pos, cbar_pos=cbar_pos, colorV=colorV, vmin=vmin_hdr, vmax=vmax_hdr, DOSexcite=DOSexcite, linewidth=linewidth, cax_label=cax_label, colormap=colormap, cbar_nticks=cbar_nticks, cbar_tickfmt='%0.2f', cbar_ticklabels=cbar_ticklabels, cbar_labelpad=17, yaxis_ticks=[], ylabel=dos_ylabel, ylabel_rot=ylabel_rot, ylabel_pad=ylabel_pad, nbins=120, xlabel_pad=15) # DOSexcite = (frequency, sigma_time) # amp(x) = exp[- acoeff * time**2] # amp(k) = sqrt(pi/acoeff) * exp[- pi**2 * k**2 / acoeff] # So 1/(2 * sigma_freq**2) = pi**2 /acoeff # So sqrt(acoeff/(2 * pi**2)) = sigma_freq # sigmak = 1./DOSexcite[1] # xlims = DOS_ax.get_xlim() # ktmp = np.linspace(xlims[0], xlims[1], 300) # gaussk = 0.8 * DOS_ax.get_ylim()[1] * np.exp(-(ktmp - DOSexcite[0])**2 / (2. * sigmak)) # DOS_ax.plot(ktmp, gaussk, 'r-') # else: print 'Could not find eigval.pkl to load for DOS portion of data2stills plots!' ax = plt.gca() else: ax = plt.gca() # Check for evolving rest lengths in params if 'prestrain' in params: prestrain = params['prestrain'] else: prestrain = 0. if 'shrinkrate' in params: shrinkrate = params['shrinkrate'] else: shrinkrate = 0.0 if roughmov: print 'creating rough gyro movie...' tdgyros.stills2mov_gyro(fig, ax, do1, xyfiles, KLfiles, xy0files, xy0, NL, KL, BM0, params, hh, numbering, index_sz, outdir, name, simoutdir, update_KL_each_timestep, deform_xy0, exaggerate, xlimv, ylimv, climv, resolution, color_particles, shrinkrate, prestrain, framerate=float(framerate) / 5., mov_exten='_rough', linewidth=lw, startind=0, title=title, show_bonds=False, **kwargs) # Now do detailed movie if rough is False if not rough: print 'creating fine gyro movie (not skipping any frames)...' doall = [0] + range(0, len(xyfiles)) # do2 = list(set(doall)-set(do1)) # ftodo = do1 + do2 print 'tdmagnetic: exiting here since it is broken here' # sys.exit() tdgyros.stills2mov_gyro(fig, ax, doall, xyfiles, KLfiles, xy0files, xy0, NL, KL, BM0, params, hh, numbering, index_sz, outdir, name, simoutdir, update_KL_each_timestep, deform_xy0, exaggerate, xlimv, ylimv, climv, resolution, color_particles, shrinkrate, prestrain, framerate=framerate, mov_exten=mov_exten, linewidth=lw, startind=0, title=title, movname=movname, show_bonds=False, **kwargs) if rm_stills: # Delete the original images print 'Deleting folder ' + simoutdir + 'stills/'['rm', '-r', simoutdir + 'stills/'])
def build_accordionkag_isocent(lp): """Create an accordion-bonded kagomized amorphous network from a loaded jammed point set. Parameters ---------- lp Returns ------- """ shape = lp['shape'] check = lp['check'] NH = lp['NH'] NV = lp['NV'] print('Loading isostatic to build kagome-decorated lattice...') import as build_jammed use_hexner = (lp['source'] == 'hexner') if use_hexner: # Use Daniel Hexner's lattices points, BL, LLv, numberstr, sizestr, lp = build_jammed.load_hexner_jammed( lp, BL_load=False) LL = (LLv, LLv) else: number = '{0:03d}'.format(int(lp['loadlattice_number'])) zindex = '{0:03d}'.format(int(lp['loadlattice_z'])) points = np.loadtxt(lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/' + 'isostatic_source/isostatic_homog_z' + zindex + '_conf' + number + '_nodes.txt') # LL = NH points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) # Separate procedure if not using entire lattice if lp['NP_load'] == 0: # Do initial (generous) cropping if not using entire lattice if check: plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set before initial cutting') xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape, NH * 1.2 + 8, NV * 1.2 + 8, points, [], eps=0.) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) if check: plt.plot(xytmp[:, 0], xytmp[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set after initial cutting') xy, NL, KL, BL = le.delaunay_centroid_lattice_from_pts( xytmp, polygon=polygon, trimbound=False, check=lp['check']) ################################################################# # nzag controlled by lp['intparam'] below xyacc, BLacc, LVUC, UC, xyvertices, lattice_exten_add = \ blf.accordionize_network(xy, BL, lp, PVxydict=None, PVx=None, PVy=None, PV=None) print 'BL = ', BL # need indices of xy that correspond to xyvertices # note that xyvertices gives the positions of the vertices, not their indices inRx = np.in1d(xyacc[:, 0], xyvertices[:, 0]) inRy = np.in1d(xyacc[:, 1], xyvertices[:, 1]) vxind = np.where(np.logical_and(inRx, inRy))[0] print 'vxind = ', vxind # Note: beware, do not provide NL and KL to decorate_bondneighbors_elements() since NL,KL need # to be recalculated xy, BL = blf.decorate_bondneighbors_elements(xyacc, BLacc, vxind, PVxydict=None, viewmethod=False, check=lp['check']) NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL, NP=len(xy)) ################################################################# LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] periodicBCstr = '' else: polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = blf.kagomecentroid_periodic_network_from_pts( points, LL, BBox='auto', check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) periodicBCstr = '_periodic' # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['periodicBC']: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) lattice_exten = 'accordionkag_isocent_' + shape + periodicBCstr + '_d{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['conf'])) + \ lattice_exten_add if use_hexner: lattice_exten = 'accordionkag_isocent_' + shape + periodicBCstr + '_hexner_size' + sizestr + '_conf' + \ numberstr + lattice_exten_add else: lattice_exten = 'accordionkag_isocent_' + shape + periodicBCstr + '_ulrich_homog_zindex' + zindex + \ lattice_exten_add LV = 'none' LVUC = 'none' UC = 'none' BBox = polygon return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten
def build_iscentroid(lp): """Build centroidal (honeycomb-like) network from isostatic point set generated by Daniel Hexner. """ NH = lp['NH'] NV = lp['NV'] # First check that if periodic, NP_load is defined as nonzero if lp['periodicBC']: if lp['NP_load'] == 0: RuntimeError( 'For iscentroid lattices, if periodicBC, then must specify NP_load instead of NH, NV.' ) use_hexner = (lp['source'] == 'hexner') if use_hexner: # Use Daniel Hexner's lattices points, BL, LLv, numberstr, sizestr, lp = build_jammed.load_hexner_jammed( lp, BL_load=False) LL = (LLv, LLv) else: # Use Stephan Ulrich's lattices if lp['periodicBC']: RuntimeError('Not sure if Stephan Ulrich lattices are periodic!') number = '{0:03d}'.format(int(lp['loadlattice_number'])) zindex = '{0:03d}'.format(int(lp['loadlattice_z'])) points = np.loadtxt(lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/' + 'isostatic_source/isostatic_homog_z' + zindex + '_conf' + number + '_nodes.txt') LL = (NH, NV) points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) # Do initial (generous) cropping if not using entire lattice if lp['NP_load'] == 0: if lp['check']: plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set before initial cutting') xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = \ blf.mask_with_polygon(lp['shape'], NH * 2. + 5, NV * 2. + 5, points, [], eps=0.00) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(lp['shape'], NH, NV, eps=0.00) if lp['check']: plt.plot(xytmp[:, 0], xytmp[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set after initial cutting') xy, NL, KL, BL = le.delaunay_centroid_lattice_from_pts( xytmp, polygon=polygon, trimbound=False, check=lp['check']) LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] periodicBCstr = '' else: polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = le.delaunay_centroid_rect_periodic_network_from_pts( points, LL, BBox='auto', check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) periodicBCstr = '_periodic' if lp['check']: plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set after decoration and cropping') # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['NP_load'] != 0: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) if use_hexner: lattice_exten = 'iscentroid_' + lp[ 'shape'] + periodicBCstr + '_hexner_size' + sizestr + '_conf' + numberstr else: lattice_exten = 'iscentroid_' + lp[ 'shape'] + periodicBCstr + '_homog_zindex' + zindex + '_conf' + number[ 1:] BBox = polygon LV = 'none' LVUC = 'none' UC = 'none' return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten
def build_kagome_isocent(lp): """ Parameters ---------- lp Returns ------- """ shape = lp['shape'] check = lp['check'] NH = lp['NH'] NV = lp['NV'] print('Loading isostatic to build kagome-decorated lattice...') import as build_jammed use_hexner = (lp['source'] == 'hexner') if use_hexner: # Use Daniel Hexner's lattices points, BL, LLv, numberstr, sizestr, lp = build_jammed.load_hexner_jammed( lp, BL_load=False) LL = (LLv, LLv) else: number = '{0:03d}'.format(int(lp['loadlattice_number'])) zindex = '{0:03d}'.format(int(lp['loadlattice_z'])) points = np.loadtxt(lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/' + 'isostatic_source/isostatic_homog_z' + zindex + '_conf' + number + '_nodes.txt') # LL = NH points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) # Separate procedure if not using entire lattice if lp['NP_load'] == 0: # Do initial (generous) cropping if not using entire lattice if check: plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set before initial cutting') xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape, NH * 1.2 + 8, NV * 1.2 + 8, points, [], eps=0.) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) if check: plt.plot(xytmp[:, 0], xytmp[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set after initial cutting') xy, NL, KL, BL = blf.kagomecentroid_lattice_from_pts(xytmp, polygon=polygon, trimbound=False, thres=2.0, check=lp['check']) LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] periodicBCstr = '' else: polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = blf.kagomecentroid_periodic_network_from_pts( points, LL, BBox='auto', check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) periodicBCstr = '_periodic' if check: plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set after decoration and cropping') # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['NP_load'] != 0: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) if use_hexner: lattice_exten = 'kagome_isocent_' + shape + periodicBCstr + '_hexner_size' + sizestr + '_conf' + numberstr else: lattice_exten = 'kagome_isocent_' + shape + periodicBCstr + '_ulrich_homog_zindex' + zindex +\ '_conf' + number[1:] BBox = polygon LV = 'none' UC = 'none' LVUC = 'none' return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten
def build_lattice(lattice): """Build the lattice based on the values stored in the lp dictionary attribute of supplied lattice instance. Returns ------- lattice : lattice_class lattice instance The instance of the lattice class, with the following attributes populated: lattice.xy = xy lattice.NL = NL lattice.KL = KL lattice.BL = BL lattice.PVx = PVx lattice.PVy = PVy lattice.PVxydict = PVxydict lattice.PV = PV lattice.lp['BBox'] : #vertices x 2 float array BBox is the polygon used to crop the lattice or defining the extent of the lattice; could be hexagonal, for instance. lattice.lp['LL'] : tuple of 2 floats LL are the linear extent in each dimension of the lattice. For ex: ( np.max(xy[:,0])-np.min(xy[:,0]), np.max(xy[:,1])-np.min(xy[:,1]) ) lattice.lp['LV'] = LV lattice.lp['UC'] = UC lattice.lp['lattice_exten'] : str A string specifier for the lattice built lattice.lp['slit_exten'] = slit_exten """ # Define some shortcut variables lattice_type = lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] shape = lattice.lp['shape'] NH = lattice.lp['NH'] NV = lattice.lp['NV'] lp = lattice.lp networkdir = lattice.lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/' check = lattice.lp['check'] if lattice_type == 'hexagonal': from build_hexagonal import build_hexagonal xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hexagonal( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hexmeanfield': from build_hexagonal import build_hexmeanfield xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hexmeanfield( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hexmeanfield3gyro': from build_hexagonal import build_hexmeanfield3gyro xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hexmeanfield3gyro( lp) elif 'selregion' in lattice_type: # amorphregion_isocent or amorphregion_kagome_isocent, for ex # Example usage: python ./build/ -LT selregion_randorg_gammakick1p60_cent -spreadt 0.8 -NP 225 # python ./build/ -LT selregion_iscentroid -N 30 # python ./build/ -LT selregion_hyperuniform -N 80 from import build_select_region xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_select_region( lp) elif lattice_type == 'frame1dhex': from build_hexagonal import build_frame1dhex # keep only the boundary of the lattice, eliminate the bulk xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_frame1dhex( lp) elif lattice_type == 'square': import as bs print '\nCreating square lattice...' xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten = bs.generate_square_lattice( shape, NH, NV, lp['eta'], lp['theta']) print 'lattice_exten = ', lattice_exten PVx = [] PVy = [] PVxydict = {} LL = (NH + 1, NV + 1) LVUC = 'none' UC = 'none' LV = 'none' BBox = np.array([[-LL[0] * 0.5, -LL[1] * 0.5], [LL[0] * 0.5, -LL[1] * 0.5], [LL[0] * 0.5, LL[1] * 0.5], [-LL[0] * 0.5, LL[1] * 0.5]]) elif lattice_type == 'triangular': import as bt xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = bt.build_triangular_lattice( lp) elif lattice_type == 'linear': from import build_zigzag_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_zigzag_lattice( lp) lp['NV'] = 1 elif lattice_type == 'deformed_kagome': from import generate_deformed_kagome xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = generate_deformed_kagome( lp) elif lattice_type == 'deformed_martini': from import build_deformed_martini xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_deformed_martini( lp) elif lattice_type == 'twisted_kagome': from import build_twisted_kagome xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_twisted_kagome( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hyperuniform': from import build_hyperuniform xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hyperuniform( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hyperuniform_annulus': from import build_hyperuniform_annulus xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hyperuniform_annulus( lp) lp['shape'] = 'annulus' elif lattice_type == 'isostatic': from import build_isostatic # Manually tune coordination of jammed packing (lets you tune through isostatic point) xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_isostatic( lp) elif lattice_type == 'jammed': from import build_jammed xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_jammed( lp) elif lattice_type == 'triangularz': from import build_triangularz xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_triangularz( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hucentroid': from import build_hucentroid xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hucentroid( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hucentroid_annulus': from import build_hucentroid_annulus xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hucentroid_annulus( lp) lp['shape'] = 'annulus' elif lattice_type == 'huvoronoi': from import build_huvoronoi xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = build_huvoronoi( lp) LVUC = 'none' LV = 'none' UC = 'none' elif lattice_type == 'kagome_hucent': from import build_kagome_hucent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_hucent( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagome_hucent_annulus': from import build_kagome_hucent_annulus xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_hucent_annulus( lp) lp['shape'] = 'annulus' elif lattice_type == 'kagome_huvor': from import build_kagome_huvor print('Loading hyperuniform to build lattice...') xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_huvor( lp) LV, LVUC, UC = 'none', 'none', 'none' elif lattice_type == 'iscentroid': from import build_iscentroid print('Loading isostatic to build lattice...') xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = build_iscentroid( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagome_isocent': from import build_kagome_isocent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = build_kagome_isocent( lp) elif lattice_type == 'overcoordinated1': from import generate_overcoordinated1_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, SBL, LV, UC, LVUC, lattice_exten = generate_overcoordinated1_lattice( NH, NV) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] if lp['check']: le.display_lattice_2D(xy, BL) elif lattice_type == 'circlebonds': from import generate_circle_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, LV, UC, LVUC, lattice_exten = generate_circle_lattice( NH) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] lp['NV'] = 1 minx = np.min(xy[:, 0]) maxx = np.max(xy[:, 0]) miny = np.min(xy[:, 1]) maxy = np.max(xy[:, 1]) BBox = np.array([[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy], [maxx, miny]]) LL = (maxx - minx, maxy - miny) elif lattice_type == 'dislocatedRand': from import build_dislocated_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = build_dislocated_lattice( lp) elif lattice_type == 'dislocated': if lp['dislocation_xy'] != 'none': dislocX = lp['dislocation_xy'].split('/')[0] dislocY = lp['dislocation_xy'].split('/')[1] dislocxy_exten = '_dislocxy_' + dislocX + '_' + dislocY pt = np.array([[float(dislocX), float(dislocY)]]) else: pt = np.array([[0., 0.]]) dislocxy_exten = '' if lp['Bvec'] == 'random': Bvecs = 'W' else: Bvecs = lp['Bvec'] xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten = generate_dislocated_hexagonal_lattice( shape, NH, NV, pt, Bvecs=Bvecs, check=lp['check']) lattice_exten += dislocxy_exten PVx = [] PVy = [] PVxydict = {} LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) BBox = np.array([[np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.min(xy[:, 1])], [np.max(xy[:, 0]), np.min(xy[:, 1])], [np.max(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1])], [np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1])]]) LV = 'none' UC = 'none' LVUC = 'none' elif lattice_type == 'penroserhombTri': if lp['periodicBC']: from import generate_periodic_penrose_rhombic xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, BBox, PV, lattice_exten = generate_periodic_penrose_rhombic( lp) LL = (PV[0, 0], PV[1, 1]) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) else: from import generate_penrose_rhombic_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten, Num_sub = generate_penrose_rhombic_lattice( shape, NH, NV, check=lp['check']) LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) BBox = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) PVx = [] PVy = [] PVxydict = {} LVUC = 'none' LV = 'none' UC = 'none' elif lattice_type == 'penroserhombTricent': from import generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PV, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice( lp) # deepcopy PVxydict to generate new pointers PVxydict = copy.deepcopy(PVxydict) if lp['periodicBC']: PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) else: PVx, PVy = [], [] # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale PV *= scale print 'PV = ', PV BBox *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) print 'after updating other things: PVxydict = ', PVxydict if lp['periodicBC']: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update( (key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) else: PVx = [] PVy = [] LVUC = 'none' LV = 'none' UC = 'none' elif lattice_type == 'kagome_penroserhombTricent': from build.build_quasicrystal import generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten = generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice( shape, NH + 5, NV + 5, check=lp['check']) # Decorate lattice as kagome print('Decorating lattice as kagome...') xy, BL, PVxydict = blf.decorate_as_kagome(xy, BL) lattice_exten = 'kagome_' + lattice_exten xy, NL, KL, BL = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape, NH, NV, xy, BL, eps=0.00, check=False) # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL) xy *= 1. / np.median(bL) minx = np.min(xy[:, 0]) miny = np.min(xy[:, 1]) maxx = np.max(xy[:, 0]) maxy = np.max(xy[:, 1]) BBox = np.array([[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy], [maxx, miny]]) LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVx = [] PVy = [] PVxydict = {} LVUC = 'none' LV = 'none' UC = 'none' elif lattice_type == 'random': xx = np.random.uniform(low=-NH * 0.5 - 10, high=NH * 0.5 + 10, size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20)) yy = np.random.uniform(low=-NV * 0.5 - 10, high=NV * 0.5 + 10, size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20)) xy = np.dstack((xx, yy))[0] Dtri = Delaunay(xy) TRI = Dtri.vertices BL = le.Tri2BL(TRI) NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL, NN='min') # Crop to polygon (instead of trimming boundaries) # NL, KL, BL, TRI = le.delaunay_cut_unnatural_boundary(xy, NL, KL, BL, TRI, thres=lp['trimbound_thres']) shapedict = {shape: [NH, NV]} keep = blf.argcrop_lattice_to_polygon(shapedict, xy, check=check) xy, NL, KL, BL = le.remove_pts(keep, xy, BL, NN='min') lattice_exten = lattice_type + '_square_thres' + sf.float2pstr( lp['trimbound_thres']) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) BBox = polygon LL = (np.max(BBox[:, 0]) - np.min(BBox[:, 0]), np.max(BBox[:, 1]) - np.min(BBox[:, 1])) PVx = [] PVy = [] PVxydict = {} LVUC = 'none' LV = 'none' UC = 'none' elif lattice_type == 'randomcent': from import build_randomcent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_randomcent( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagome_randomcent': from import build_kagome_randomcent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_randomcent( lp) elif lattice_type == 'randomspreadcent': from import build_randomspreadcent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_randomspreadcent( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagome_randomspread': from import build_kagome_randomspread xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_randomspread( lp) elif 'randorg_gammakick' in lattice_type and 'kaghi' not in lattice_type: # lattice_type is like 'randorg_gamma0p20_cent' and uses Hexner pointsets # NH is width, NV is height, NP_load is total number of points. This is different than other conventions. from build_randorg_gamma import build_randorg_gamma_spread xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_randorg_gamma_spread( lp) elif 'randorg_gamma' in lattice_type and 'kaghi' not in lattice_type: # lattice_type is like 'randorg_gamma0p20_cent' and uses Hexner pointsets from build_randorg_gamma import build_randorg_gamma_spread_hexner xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = \ build_randorg_gamma_spread_hexner(lp) elif 'random_organization' in lattice_type: try: if isinstance(lp['relax_timesteps'], str): relax_tag = lp['relax_timesteps'] else: relax_tag = '{0:02d}'.format(lp['relax_timesteps']) except: raise RuntimeError( 'lattice parameters dictionary lp needs key relax_timesteps') points = np.loadtxt( networkdir + 'random_organization_source/random_organization/random/' + 'random_kick_' + relax_tag + 'relax/out_d' + '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape, NH, NV, points, [], eps=0.00) xy, NL, KL, BL = le.delaunay_centroid_lattice_from_pts(xytmp, polygon='auto', check=check) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) if check: le.display_lattice_2D(xy, BL) # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) xy *= 1. / np.median(bL) polygon *= 1. / np.median(bL) lattice_exten = lattice_type + '_relax' + relax_tag + '_' + shape + '_d' + \ '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['loadlattice_number'])) LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] BBox = polygon elif lattice_type == 'flattenedhexagonal': from import generate_flattened_honeycomb_lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, LVUC, LV, UC, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, lattice_exten = \ generate_flattened_honeycomb_lattice(shape, NH, NV, lp['aratio'], lp['delta'], lp['phi'], eta=0., rot=0., periodicBC=False, check=check) elif lattice_type == 'cairo': from import build_cairo xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_cairo( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagper_hucent': from import build_kagper_hucent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagper_hucent( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hex_kagframe': from import build_hex_kagframe # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hexagonal lattice xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hex_kagframe( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hex_kagcframe': from import build_hex_kagcframe # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hexagonal lattice # as circlular annulus xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hex_kagcframe( lp) elif lattice_type in ['hucent_kagframe', 'hucent_kagcframe']: from import build_hucent_kagframe # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hucentroid decoration xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hucent_kagframe( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kaghu_centframe': from import build_kaghu_centframe # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the centroid frame, surrounding kagomized decoration xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kaghu_centframe( lp) elif lattice_type in ['isocent_kagframe', 'isocent_kagcframe']: from import build_isocent_kagframe # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hucentroid decoration xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_isocent_kagframe( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagsplit_hex': from import build_kagsplit_hex # Use lp['alph'] to determine what fraction (on the right) is kagomized xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagsplit_hex( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagper_hex': from import build_kagper_hex # Use lp['alph'] to determine what fraction of the radius/width (in the center) is kagomized xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagper_hex( lp) elif lattice_type == 'hex_kagperframe': from import build_hex_kagperframe # Use lp['alph'] to determine what fraction of the radius/width (in the center) is partially kagomized xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hex_kagperframe( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagome': from import build_kagome # lets you make a square kagome xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, PV, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagome( lp) elif 'uofc' in lattice_type: from import build_uofc # ['uofc_hucent', 'uofc_kaglow_hucent', 'uofc_kaghi_hucent', 'uofc_kaglow_isocent']: xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_uofc( lp) elif 'chicago' in lattice_type: from import build_chicago xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_chicago( lp) elif 'chern' in lattice_type: from import build_kagcentchern xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentchern( lp) elif 'csmf' in lattice_type: from import build_kagcentcsmf xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentcsmf( lp) elif 'thanks' in lattice_type: # example: # python ./build/ -LT kaghi_isocent_thanks -skip_gyroDOS -NH 300 -NV 70 -thres 5.5 -skip_polygons from import build_kagcentthanks xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentthanks( lp) elif 'curvys' in lattice_type: # for lattice_type in ['kaghi_isocent_curvys', 'kaglow_isocent_curvys', # 'kaghi_hucent_curvys', 'kaglow_hucent_curvys', kaghi_randorg_gammakick1p60_cent_curvys', # 'kaghi_randorg_gammakick0p50_cent_curvys', ... ] # example usage: # python ./build/ -LT kaghi_isocent_curvys -NH 100 -NV 70 -thres 5.5 -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS from import build_kagcentcurvys xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentcurvys( lp) elif 'hexannulus' in lattice_type: from import build_hexannulus xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten, lp = build_hexannulus(lp) LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] UC = np.array([0, 0]) LV = 'none' LVUC = 'none' minx = np.min(xy[:, 0]) miny = np.min(xy[:, 1]) maxx = np.max(xy[:, 0]) maxy = np.max(xy[:, 1]) BBox = np.array([[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy], [maxx, miny]]) elif 'accordion' in lattice_type: # accordionhex accordiony accordionkagy # Example usage: # python ./build/ -LT accordionkag -alph 0.9 -intparam 2 -N 6 -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS # nzag controlled by lp['intparam'], and the rotation of the kagome element is controlled by lp['alph'] if lattice_type == 'accordionhex': from import build_accordionhex xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp, xyvx = build_accordionhex( lp) elif lattice_type == 'accordionkag': from import build_accordionkag xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, PV, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_accordionkag( lp) elif lattice_type == 'accordionkag_hucent': from import build_accordionkag_hucent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = \ build_accordionkag_hucent(lp) elif lattice_type == 'accordionkag_isocent': from import build_accordionkag_isocent xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = \ build_accordionkag_isocent(lp) elif 'spindle' in lattice_type: if lattice_type == 'spindle': from import build_spindle xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_spindle( lp) elif lattice_type == 'stackedrhombic': from import build_stacked_rhombic xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_stacked_rhombic( lp) elif 'junction' in lattice_type: # accordionhex accordiony accordionkagy if lattice_type == 'hexjunction': from import build_hexjunction xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp, xyvx = build_hexjunction( lp) elif lattice_type == 'kagjunction': from import build_kagjunction xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagjunction( lp) ########### # For reference: this is how to change z # le.cut_bonds_z(BL,lp['target_z']) # ##cut N bonds for z # N2cut = int(round((z_start-target_z)*len(BL)/z_start)) # allrows = range(len(BL)) # inds = random.sample(allrows, N2cut) # keep = np.setdiff1d(allrows,inds) # bnd_z = BL[keep] # Cut slit if lp['make_slit']: print('Cuting notch or slit...') L = max(xy[:, 0]) - min(xy[:, 0]) cutL = L * lp['cutLfrac'] x0 = -L * 0. + cutL * 0.5 - 1. # 0.25*L+0.5 BL, xy = blf.cut_slit(BL, xy, cutL + 1e-3, x0, y0=0.2) slit_exten = '_cutL' + str(cutL / L) + 'L_x0_' + str(x0) print('Rebuilding NL,KL...') NP = len(xy) if latticetop == 'deformed_kagome': nn = 4 elif lattice_type == 'linear': if NP == 1: nn = 0 else: nn = 2 else: nn = 'min' NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL, NP=NP, NN=nn) # remake BL too BL = le.NL2BL(NL, KL) else: slit_exten = '' NP = len(xy) if lp['check']: print 'make_lattice: Showing lattice before saving...' # print 'PVx = ', PVx # print 'PVy = ', PVy le.display_lattice_2D(xy, BL, PVxydict=PVxydict) ################ lattice.xy = xy lattice.NL = NL lattice.KL = KL lattice.BL = BL lattice.PVx = PVx lattice.PVy = PVy lattice.PVxydict = PVxydict lattice.LVUC = LVUC lattice.lp = lp lattice.lp['BBox'] = BBox lattice.lp['LL'] = LL lattice.lp['LV'] = LV lattice.lp['UC'] = UC lattice.lp['lattice_exten'] = lattice_exten lattice.lp['slit_exten'] = slit_exten lattice.lp['Nparticles'] = NP return lattice
def build_huvoronoi(lp): if lp['NP_load'] == 0: points = np.loadtxt( lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N400/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) + lp['origin'] keep = np.logical_and( abs(points[:, 0]) < (8 + lp['NH'] * 0.5), abs(points[:, 1]) < (8 + lp['NV'] * 0.5)) xytmp = points[keep] if lp['check']: plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set before initial cutting') polygon = blf.auto_polygon(lp['shape'], lp['NH'], lp['NV'], eps=0.00) xy, NL, KL, BL = le.voronoi_lattice_from_pts(xytmp, polygon=polygon, NN=3, kill_outliers=True, check=lp['check']) if lp['check']: le.display_lattice_2D( xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, title='Cropped centroid lattice, before dilation') # Form output bounding box and extent measurement LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] BBox = polygon # make string from origin values print 'lp[origin] = ', lp['origin'] print 'type(lp[origin]) = ', type(lp['origin']) if (np.abs(lp['origin']) < 1e-7).all(): originstr = '' else: originstr = '_originX' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][0]).replace('.', 'p') + \ 'Y' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][1]).replace('.', 'p') periodicstr = '' else: lp['periodicBC'] = True sizestr = '{0:03d}'.format(lp['NP_load']) print 'sizestr = ', sizestr points = np.loadtxt(lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N' + sizestr + '/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') print 'points = ', points points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) # Ensuring that origin param is centered (since using entire lattice) lp['origin'] = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) LL = (lp['NP_load'], lp['NP_load']) polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) BBox = polygon xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = le.voronoi_rect_periodic_from_pts( points, LL, BBox='auto', check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) originstr = '' periodicstr = '_periodic' # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale BBox *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['NP_load'] != 0: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) lattice_exten = 'huvoronoi_' + lp[ 'shape'] + periodicstr + '_d' + '{0:02d}'.format(int( lp['conf'])) + originstr return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten
def build_kagome_randomcent(lp): """Build uniformly random point set, and construct voronoized network from that. lp : dict lattice parameters dictionary """ NH = lp['NH'] NV = lp['NV'] LL = (NH, NV) if lp['periodicBC']: xx = np.random.uniform(low=-NH * 0.5, high=NH * 0.5, size=NH * NV) yy = np.random.uniform(low=-NV * 0.5, high=NV * 0.5, size=NH * NV) xy = np.dstack((xx, yy))[0] xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = \ kagomecentroid_periodic_network_from_pts(xy, LL, BBox='auto', check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) # check that all points are inside BBox shapedict = {lp['shape']: [NH, NV]} keep = argcrop_lattice_to_polygon(shapedict, xy, check=lp['check']) if len(np.where(keep)[0]) != len(xy): raise RuntimeError('Some points were spuriously outside the allowed BBox.') polygon = auto_polygon(lp['shape'], NH, NV, eps=0.00) perstr = '_periodic' else: xx = np.random.uniform(low=-NH * 0.5 - 10, high=NH * 0.5 + 10, size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20)) yy = np.random.uniform(low=-NV * 0.5 - 10, high=NV * 0.5 + 10, size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20)) xy = np.dstack((xx, yy))[0] xy, NL, KL, BL = kagomecentroid_lattice_from_pts(xy, polygon=None, trimbound=False, check=lp['check']) # Crop to polygon shapedict = {lp['shape']: [NH, NV]} keep = argcrop_lattice_to_polygon(shapedict, xy, check=lp['check']) xy, NL, KL, BL = le.remove_pts(keep, xy, BL, NN='min') polygon = auto_polygon(lp['shape'], NH, NV, eps=0.00) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] perstr = '' # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization? mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0]) print 'mfok = ', mfok while mfok: lp['conf'] += 1 mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0]) lattice_exten = lp['LatticeTop'] + '_' + lp['shape'] + perstr + '_r' + '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['conf'])) # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['periodicBC']: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) LVUC = 'none' LV = 'none' UC = 'none' BBox = polygon PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten
def build_kagome_huvor(lp): """Construct a kagomized network from hyperuniform point set and voronoize it with Wigner-Seitz Parameters ---------- lp : dict Lattice parameters dictionary, with keys: rootdir, conf, origin, shape, NH, NV, check, NP_load (if periodic) """ if lp['NP_load'] == 0: points = np.loadtxt( dio.prepdir(lp['rootdir']) + 'networks/hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N400/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) + lp['origin'] addpc = .05 xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = \ blf.mask_with_polygon(lp['shape'], lp['NH'] + 7, lp['NV'] + 7, points, [], eps=addpc) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(lp['shape'], lp['NH'], lp['NV'], eps=0.00) xy, NL, KL, BL = blf.kagomevoronoi_network_from_pts(xytmp, polygon=polygon, kill_outliers=True, check=lp['check']) LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict, PVx, PVy = {}, [], [] BBox = polygon if lp['check']: le.display_lattice_2D( xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, title='Cropped centroid lattice, before dilation') # make string from origin values print 'lp[origin] = ', lp['origin'] print 'type(lp[origin]) = ', type(lp['origin']) if (np.abs(lp['origin']) < 1e-7).all(): originstr = '' else: originstr = '_originX' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][0]).replace('.', 'p') + \ 'Y' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][1]).replace('.', 'p') periodicBCstr = '' else: # Ensuring that origin param is centered (since using entire lattice) lp['origin'] = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) LL = (lp['NP_load'], lp['NP_load']) polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) BBox = polygon lp['periodicBC'] = True sizestr = '{0:03d}'.format(lp['NP_load']) points = np.loadtxt( dio.prepdir(lp['rootdir']) + 'networks/hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N' + sizestr + '/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = blf.kagomevoronoi_periodic_network_from_pts( points, LL, BBox=BBox, check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) originstr = '' periodicBCstr = '_periodic' # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale BBox *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['periodicBC']: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) lattice_exten = 'kagome_huvor_' + lp[ 'shape'] + periodicBCstr + '_d{0:02d}'.format(int( lp['conf'])) + originstr return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten
def stills2mov_util(todo, xyfiles, KLfiles, params, h, numbering, index_sz, framedir_name, name, update_KL_each_timestep, exaggerate, xlimv, ylimv, climv, framerate=10, mov_exten=''): """Make a sequence of images and save it as a movie. This funciton is a utility function called by data2stills_2D() Parameters ---------- todo : int array or list The indices of the stills to plot and save in a movie xyfiles : list of strings paths of xy data to load KLfiles : list of strings paths of connectivity files to load, if connectivity changes during sequence params : dict parameters for the simulation h : float timestep numbering : string specifier ('natural' or other) Whether to place the index of the frame as the index of the output timestep or of the frame index index_sz : int How many digits in the index (with leading zeros) framedir_name : str path for the frames name : str non-index part of the frame names update_KL_each_timestep : bool Whether connectivity is changing during simulation exaggerate : float Exaggeration of the displacement xlimv : tuple of floats limits for x axis ylimv : tuple of floats limits for y axis climv : tuple of floats limits for color axis mov_exten : str (optional, default is '') an extension to the movie name describing the movie """ # Go through data and save as stills for i in todo: if np.mod(i, 50) == 0: print 'Saving still:' + str(i) + '/' + str(len(todo)) xy = np.loadtxt(xyfiles[i], delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 1)) iterind = (xyfiles[i].split('_')[-1]).split('.')[0] if numbering == 'natural': index = ('{0:0' + index_sz + 'd}').format(i) else: index = iterind outname = datadir + framedir_name + '/' + name + index + '.png' # Recalculate bo for each timestep if KL is evolving if update_KL_each_timestep: KL = np.loadtxt(KLfiles[i], delimiter=',') BL = le.NL2BL(NL, KL) # Calc rest bond lengths # --> have to do this if bonds are cut so that BL and bo are same size # --> can't do if statement if rough is False # if np.count_nonzero(KL)!=nzcount: #can only do this is rough is true (or if in order) bo = le.bond_length_list(xy0, BL) if 'prestrain' in params: prestrain = params['prestrain'] else: prestrain = 0. if 'shrinkrate' in params: shrinkrate = params['shrinkrate'] title = 't = ' + '%09.4f' % (float(iterind) * h) + ' a = ' + \ '%07.5f' % (1. - shrinkrate * float(iterind) * h - prestrain) elif 'prestrain' in params: shrinkrate = 0.0 title = 't = ' + '%09.4f' % ( float(iterind) * h) + ' a = ' + '%07.5f' % (1. - prestrain) else: shrinkrate = 0.0 title = 't = ' + '%09.4f' % (float(iterind) * h) print 'Calculating bond strain... ' # calculate strain bs = le.bond_strain_list( xy, BL, bo * (1. - shrinkrate * (float(iterind) * h) - prestrain)) # if bond lengths are all unity, then simple: # bs = bond_strain_list(xy,BL, np.ones_like(BL[:,0])) if exaggerate == 1.0: movie_plot_2D(xy, BL, bs, outname, title, xlimv=xlimv, ylimv=ylimv, climv=climv) else: print 'making frame in movie plot' xye = xy0 + (xy - xy0) * exaggerate movie_plot_2D(xye, BL, bs, outname, title, xlimv=xlimv, ylimv=ylimv, climv=climv) # MAKE MOVIE hostdir = datadir + 'stills/' fname, index_sz = dio.get_fname_and_index_size(hostdir) print 'index_sz = ', index_sz print 'hostdir = ', hostdir fps = 15 imgname = hostdir + fname paths = datadir.split('/') datedir = '' for ii in range(len(paths) - 2): pn = paths[ii] datedir += pn + '/' movname = datedir + datadir.split('/')[-2][ './ffmpeg', '-framerate', str(framerate), '-i', imgname + '%' + str(index_sz) + 'd.png', movname + mov_exten + '.mov', '-vcodec', 'libx264', '-profile:v', 'main', '-crf', '12', '-threads', '0', '-r', '30', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p' ])
def build_accordionkag_hucent(lp): """Create an accordion-bonded kagomized amorphous network from a loaded hyperuniform point set. Parameters ---------- lp Returns ------- """ print('Loading hyperuniform to build lattice...') networkdir = lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/' shape = lp['shape'] NH = lp['NH'] NV = lp['NV'] check = lp['check'] if lp['NP_load'] == 0: points = np.loadtxt(networkdir + 'hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N400/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) + lp['origin'] addpc = .05 xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape, NH + 4, NV + 4, points, [], eps=addpc) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) xy, NL, KL, BL = le.delaunay_centroid_lattice_from_pts( xytmp, polygon=polygon, trimbound=False) # check=check) ################################################################# # nzag controlled by lp['intparam'] below xyacc, BLacc, LVUC, UC, xyvertices, lattice_exten_add = \ blf.accordionize_network(xy, BL, lp, PVxydict=None, PVx=None, PVy=None, PV=None) print 'BL = ', BL # need indices of xy that correspond to xyvertices # note that xyvertices gives the positions of the vertices, not their indices inRx = np.in1d(xyacc[:, 0], xyvertices[:, 0]) inRy = np.in1d(xyacc[:, 1], xyvertices[:, 1]) vxind = np.where(np.logical_and(inRx, inRy))[0] print 'vxind = ', vxind # Note: beware, do not provide NL and KL to decorate_bondneighbors_elements() since NL,KL need # to be recalculated xy, BL = blf.decorate_bondneighbors_elements(xyacc, BLacc, vxind, PVxydict=None, viewmethod=False, check=lp['check']) NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL, NP=len(xy)) ################################################################# polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) if check: le.display_lattice_2D( xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, title='Cropped centroid lattice, before dilation') # Form output bounding box and extent measurement LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] BBox = polygon # make string from origin values print 'lp[origin] = ', lp['origin'] print 'type(lp[origin]) = ', type(lp['origin']) if (np.abs(lp['origin']) < 1e-7).all(): originstr = '' else: originstr = '_originX' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][0]).replace('.', 'p') + \ 'Y' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][1]).replace('.', 'p') periodicBCstr = '' else: # Ensuring that origin param is centered (since using entire lattice) lp['origin'] = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) LL = (lp['NP_load'], lp['NP_load']) polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) BBox = polygon lp['periodicBC'] = True sizestr = '{0:03d}'.format(lp['NP_load']) points = np.loadtxt(networkdir + 'hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N' + sizestr + '/out_d' + \ str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = blf.kagomecentroid_periodic_network_from_pts( points, LL, BBox=BBox, check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) originstr = '' periodicBCstr = '_periodic' # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale BBox *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['periodicBC']: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) lattice_exten = 'accordionkag_hucent_' + shape + periodicBCstr + '_d{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['conf'])) + originstr + \ lattice_exten_add LV = 'none' LVUC = 'none' UC = 'none' return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten
def build_kagome_hucent(lp): print('Loading hyperuniform to build lattice...') networkdir = lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/' shape = lp['shape'] NH = lp['NH'] NV = lp['NV'] check = lp['check'] if lp['NP_load'] == 0: points = np.loadtxt(networkdir + 'hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N400/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) + lp['origin'] addpc = .05 xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape, NH + 4, NV + 4, points, [], eps=addpc) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) xy, NL, KL, BL = blf.kagomecentroid_lattice_from_pts(xytmp, polygon=polygon, trimbound=False, check=check) polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00) if check: le.display_lattice_2D( xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, title='Cropped centroid lattice, before dilation') # Form output bounding box and extent measurement LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] BBox = polygon # make string from origin values print 'lp[origin] = ', lp['origin'] print 'type(lp[origin]) = ', type(lp['origin']) if (np.abs(lp['origin']) < 1e-7).all(): originstr = '' else: originstr = '_originX' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][0]).replace('.', 'p') + \ 'Y' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][1]).replace('.', 'p') periodicBCstr = '' else: # Ensuring that origin param is centered (since using entire lattice) lp['origin'] = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) LL = (lp['NP_load'], lp['NP_load']) polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) BBox = polygon lp['periodicBC'] = True sizestr = '{0:03d}'.format(lp['NP_load']) points = np.loadtxt(networkdir + 'hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N' + sizestr + '/out_d' + \ str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = blf.kagomecentroid_periodic_network_from_pts( points, LL, BBox=BBox, check=lp['check']) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) originstr = '' periodicBCstr = '_periodic' # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale BBox *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['periodicBC']: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) lattice_exten = 'kagome_hucent_' + shape + periodicBCstr + '_d{0:02d}'.format( int(lp['conf'])) + originstr LV = 'none' LVUC = 'none' UC = 'none' return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten
def build_hucentroid(lp): """Load the proper hyperuniform point set, given the parameters in dict lp Parameters ---------- lp : dict lattice parameters dictionary Returns ------- xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten """ check = lp['check'] networkdir = lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/' print('Loading hyperuniform to build lattice...') if lp['NP_load'] == 0: points = np.loadtxt(networkdir + 'hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N400/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) + lp['origin'] addpc = .05 # Note: below we crop a large region so that if the network has shape==circle, we dont cut off the sides if lp['shape'] == 'circle': keep = np.logical_and( abs(points[:, 0]) < (10 + lp['NH'] * (1 + addpc)), abs(points[:, 1]) < (10 + lp['NV'] * (1 + addpc))) else: # it will speed things up to crop more, so do so if the shape is not a circle keep = np.logical_and( abs(points[:, 0]) < (5 + lp['NH'] * (1 + addpc) * 0.5), abs(points[:, 1]) < (5 + lp['NV'] * (1 + addpc)) * 0.5) xytmp = points[keep] if check: plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'b.') plt.title('Point set before initial cutting') polygon = blf.auto_polygon(lp['shape'], lp['NH'], lp['NV'], eps=0.00) xy, NL, KL, BL = le.delaunay_centroid_lattice_from_pts(xytmp, polygon=polygon, trimbound=False, check=check) if check: le.display_lattice_2D( xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, title='Cropped centroid lattice, before dilation') # Form output bounding box and extent measurement LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1])) PVxydict = {} PVx = [] PVy = [] BBox = polygon # make string from origin values print 'lp[origin] = ', lp['origin'] print 'type(lp[origin]) = ', type(lp['origin']) if (np.abs(lp['origin']) < 1e-7).all(): originstr = '' else: originstr = '_originX' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][0]).replace('.', 'p') + \ 'Y' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['origin'][1]).replace('.', 'p') periodicstr = '' stripstr = '' else: if lp['periodic_strip']: lp['periodicBC'] = True sizestr = '{0:03d}'.format(lp['NP_load']) print 'sizestr = ', sizestr points = np.loadtxt(networkdir + 'hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N' + sizestr + '/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') print 'points = ', points points -= 0.5 * np.array([lp['NH'], lp['NV']]) # Ensuring that origin param is centered (since using entire lattice) lp['origin'] = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) if lp['NH'] != lp['NP_load']: raise RuntimeError( 'NP_load should be equal to NH for a periodicstrip geometry!' ) LL = (lp['NH'], lp['NV']) polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) BBox = polygon keep = dh.inds_in_polygon(points, polygon) points = points[keep] xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = le.delaunay_centroid_periodicstrip_from_pts( points, LL, BBox='auto', check=check) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) originstr = '' periodicstr = '_periodicstrip' stripstr = '_NH{0:06d}'.format(lp['NH']) + '_NV{0:06d}'.format( lp['NV']) else: lp['periodicBC'] = True sizestr = '{0:03d}'.format(lp['NP_load']) print 'sizestr = ', sizestr points = np.loadtxt(networkdir + 'hyperuniform_source/hyperuniform_N' + sizestr + '/out_d' + str(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt') print 'points = ', points points -= np.mean(points, axis=0) # Ensuring that origin param is centered (since using entire lattice) lp['origin'] = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) LL = (lp['NP_load'], lp['NP_load']) polygon = 0.5 * np.array([[-LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]], [LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], LL[1]]]) BBox = polygon xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = le.delaunay_centroid_rect_periodic_network_from_pts( points, LL, BBox='auto', check=check) PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL) originstr = '' periodicstr = '_periodic' stripstr = '' # Rescale so that median bond length is unity bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy) scale = 1. / np.median(bL) xy *= scale polygon *= scale BBox *= scale LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale) if lp['NP_load'] != 0: PVx *= scale PVy *= scale PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items()) lattice_exten = 'hucentroid_' + lp['shape'] + periodicstr + '_d' +\ '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['conf'])) + stripstr + originstr LVUC = 'none' LV = 'none' UC = 'none' return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten