Пример #1
def test1():
	input = "LET foobar = 123"
	lexer = Lexer(input)

	while lexer.peek() != '\0':
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, prog):
     self.lexer = Lexer(prog)
     self.tokens = self.lexer.lex()
     self.peeked = False
     self.prev = None
     self.tok = self.next_token()
     self.eof = False
     self.parsing_declr = False
Пример #3
def test2():
    input = "+- */"
    lexer = Lexer(input)

    token = lexer.getToken()
    while token.kind != TokenType.EOF:
        token = lexer.getToken()
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, source_code, productions, actions, gotos):
        self.productions = productions
        self.actions = actions
        self.gotos = gotos

        self.stack = Stack()
        self.lexer = Lexer(source_code)
        self.trees = []

        self._is_accepted = False
Пример #5
def main():
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate an AST DOT file.")
    argparser.add_argument("fname", help="Pascal source file")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    fname = args.fname
    text = open(fname, "r").read()

    lexer = Lexer(text)
    parser = Parser(lexer)
    viz = ASTVisualizer(parser)
    content = viz.gendot()
Пример #6
def main():
    print("Teeny tiny compiler")

    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        sys.exit("Error: Compiler needs source file as argument")
    with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as inputFile:
        input = inputFile.read()

    # Initialize lexer and parser
    lexer = Lexer(input)
    parser = Parser(lexer)

    parser.program()  # Start the parser

    print('Parsing completed')
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, fileName, cFile):
        self.e = Error(fileName)
        self.nodeStack = []
        self.fileName = fileName
        self.grammar = Grammar(open(fileName).read())
        self.dfa = DFA(self.grammar)
        self.stack = [("DummySymbol", self.dfa.startState)]
        self.lexer = Lexer(cFile, cFile + ".lex")
        This bit's going to go away soon
        self.lexed = self.lexer.lexed
        self.lexed = [x for x in self.lexed.split("\n") if x != '']
        self.lexed = [eval(x) for x in self.lexed]
        self.lexed = self.lexer.lexedList
        self.action = []
        self.terminals = self.grammar.terminals
        self.actions = {}
        # construct action table
        for state in self.dfa.transitionTable:
            self.actions[state] = {}
            for on in self.dfa.transitionTable[state]:
                self.actions[state][on] = ("error")
            self.actions[state]["$"] = ("error")
        for state in self.dfa.transitionTable:
            if "DummyStart -> " + self.grammar.startSymbol + " " + itemSeparator in state:
                if state not in self.actions:
                    self.actions[state] = {"$" : ("accept")}
                    self.actions[state]["$"] = ("accept")

            for transition in self.dfa.transitionTable[state]:
                actionState = self.dfa.goto(state, transition)
                if any([itemSeparator + " " + transition in x for x in state]) and actionState is not None:
                    if state not in self.actions:
                        self.actions[state] = {transition : ("shift", actionState)}
                        self.actions[state][transition] = ("shift", actionState)
                if any([x[-1] == itemSeparator for x in state]):
                    matches = [x for x in state if x[-1] == itemSeparator]
                    matches = [x for x in matches if transition in self.grammar.getFollowSet(x.partition(" ")[0])]
                    for match in matches:
                        if match.partition(" ")[0] != "DummyStart":
                            reduceNum = len([x for x in match.partition(" -> ")[2].split(" ") if x != itemSeparator])
                            if state not in self.actions:
                                self.actions[state] = {transition : ("reduce", match.partition(" ")[0], transition, reduceNum)}
                                self.actions[state][transition] = ("reduce", match.partition(" ")[0], transition, reduceNum)
Пример #8
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="SPI - Simple Pascal Interpreter")
    parser.add_argument("inputfile", help="Pascal source file")
        help="Print scope information",
        help="Print call stack",
    args = parser.parse_args()

    _SHOULD_LOG_SCOPE, _SHOULD_LOG_STACK = args.scope, args.stack

    text = open(args.inputfile, "r").read()
    # print(text)

    lexer = Lexer(text)

        parser = Parser(lexer)
        tree = parser.parse()
    except (LexerError, ParserError) as e:

    semantic_analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer(_SHOULD_LOG_SCOPE)
    except SemanticError as e:

    interpreter = Interpreter()
Пример #9
def main():
    print("Mini Java Compiler")

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        sys.exit("Error: Compiler needs source file as argument.")

    with pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1]).resolve().open(mode="r") as f:
        buffer = f.read()

    target_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("../dumps")
    target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    print(f"{'':-<50}\nLexer Test")

    lexer = Lexer(buffer)

    with target_dir.joinpath("./tokens.txt").open("w") as f:
        print(f"{'Position':10}{'Stream':<10}{'Token name':20}{'Value':20}", file=f)
        for token in lexer.tokens():
            print(token, file=f)
    print("Lexing completed.")

    print(f"{'':-<50}\nSymbol Table Test")
    symtable = SymbolTable(lexer)
    with target_dir.joinpath("./symtable.json").open("w") as f:
        json.dump(symtable.data, f, indent=4)
    print("Symbol table completed.")

    print(f"{'':-<50}\nParser Test")
    parser = Parser(lexer)
    ast = parser.program()
    print("Parsing completed.")

    print(f"{'':-<50}\nCode Generator Test")
    code_gen = CodeGen(ast)
    code = code_gen.generate_code()
    with target_dir.joinpath("./output.c").open("w") as f:
        print(code, file=f)
    print("Code generation completed.")
Пример #10
        dot.edge(p_name, name)
        for n in node.params:
            see_node(name, n, dot)
        see_node(name, node.body, dot)
        for n in node.localvars:
            see_node(name, n, dot)
    elif type(node) == CompoundStmtNode:
        dot.node(name, str(node.kind))
        dot.edge(p_name, name)
        for n in node.stmts:
            see_node(name, n, dot)
    elif type(node) == IfStmtNode:
        dot.node(name, str(node.kind))
        dot.edge(p_name, name)
        see_node(name, node.cond, dot)
        see_node(name, node.then, dot)
        if not node.els is None:
            see_node(name, node.els, dot)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = './t1.c'
    l = Lexer(filename(path), read_file(path))

    p = Parser(l.tokens)


Пример #11
from lex import Lexer
from parse import Parser
from codegen import CodeGen

fname = "input.toy"
with open(fname) as f:
    text_input = f.read()

lexer = Lexer().get_lexer()
tokens = lexer.lex(text_input)

codegen = CodeGen()

module = codegen.module
builder = codegen.builder
printf = codegen.printf

#~ pg = Parser(module, builder, printf)
pg1 = Parser()
parser = pg1.get_parser()

#~ codegen.save_ir("output.ll")
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self.file = open(filename)
     self.pending = None
     self.lexer = Lexer(self.file)
Пример #13
def scanner(file):
    lexer = Lexer(file)
    pending = lexer.lex()
    while (pending.ltype != "END_OF_INPUT"):
        pending = lexer.lex()
Пример #14
import sys

import ply.yacc as yacc
from lex import Lexer

tokens = Lexer().tokens
replacement = ['JZERO', 'JNEG', 'JPOS', 'JUMP']
variables = {}  # contains var name and address
arrays = {}  # contains array name and its address
initialized_variables = set()  # contains already initialized vars
current_instruction = 0
temp_vars = set()
register_number = 1  # memory counter

# Declaring 10 temporary registers
# program -> DECLARE declarations BEGIN commands END
# 2 | BEGIN commands END
def p_program_with_libs(p):
    'program : DECLARE declarations BEGIN commands END'
    p[0] = str(p[4][0]) + '\nHALT'

def p_program_without_libs(p):
    'program : BEGIN commands END'
    p[0] = p[2][0] + '\nHALT'

Пример #15
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.totalLines = 0
     self.result = True
     self.lexer = Lexer()
     self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
Пример #16
||| A simple lexical analyzer that uses an external,
||| simple-format, file for definitions and the respective
||| tokens. Input file can then be specified for checking
||| language against language definition. Output can be
||| presented via print() method or write(filename) method.

from lex import Lexer
yesAnswers = ["y", "yes", "YES", "Yes"]

# Run loop by default
while True:
	# Let user choose file for rule definitions
	ruleDef = input("Enter rules file for definitions: ")
	lex = Lexer(ruleDef)

	# Let user choose input file to be analyzed
	inputFile = input("Choose code file to read: ")
	# User response to prompt for output type
	answer = input("Enter 'print' to output to console, otherwise enter output file name: ")
	if answer == "print":

	# Break loop if user does not wish to read another file
	answer = input("Analyze another file? ")
Пример #17
def main():
    print("JCOSIM: Java Compiler Simulator")
        if len(argv) < 2:
            raise GetoptError('ERROR: Input file must be specified')
        options, remainder = getopt(argv[1:], 'i:o:stuapgc:vh', [

        source = None
        exe = None
        symtable = False
        token = False
        parsetree = False
        analyzedtree = False
        gencode = False
        clean = False
        clean_path = '.'
        cc = False

        for opt, arg in options:
            if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
                raise GetoptError('')
            elif opt in ('-c', '--clean'):
                clean = True
                clean_path = arg
            elif opt in ('-i', '--input'):
                source = arg
            elif opt in ('-u', '--use-gcc'):
                cc = True
            elif opt in ('-o', '--output'):
                exe = arg
            elif opt in ('-s', '--symtable'):
                symtable = True
            elif opt in ('-t', '--token'):
                token = True
            elif opt in ('-p', '--parsetree'):
                parsetree = True
            elif opt in ('-a', '--analyzedtree'):
                analyzedtree = True
            elif opt in ('-g', '--gencode'):
                gencode = True
            elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
                symtable = True
                token = True
                parsetree = True
                analyzedtree = True
                gencode = True

        # clean and exit
        if clean:
            if source:
                # Smartly get exe file name
                if not exe: exe = Path(source).stem
                exe = 'Main'

            files = [
                'tokens.txt', 'parsetree.png', 'analyzedtree.png',
                'symtable.json', f'{exe}.c', f'{exe}.exe', f'{exe}',
                f'{exe}.o', f'{exe}.obj'

            for file in files:
                _path = Path(clean_path).joinpath(file).resolve()
                if Path(_path).exists():

        # No source no life
        if not source:
            raise GetoptError('ERROR: Input file must be specified')

        # Smartly get exe file name
        if not exe:
            exe = Path(source).stem

        # Read Java source file
        with open(source, 'r') as f:
            buffer = f.read()

        # Lexing
        lexer = Lexer(buffer)

        # Parsing
        parser = Parser(lexer)
        program_tree = parser.program()

        # Generate symbol table
        stb = SymbolTable(lexer)

        # Semantic
        semantic = Semantic(program_tree, stb)
        analyzed_tree = semantic.analyze()

        # Generate C code
        code_gen = CodeGen(analyzed_tree, stb)
        code = code_gen.generate_code()

        # Compile the code and output native binary
        section(*native_compile_display(code, exe, cc))

        # do things based on flags
        if token:
        if symtable:
        if parsetree:
            section(*parsetree_display(program_tree, 'parsetree.png'))
        if analyzedtree:
            section(*parsetree_display(analyzed_tree, 'analyzedtree.png'))
        if gencode:
            section(*gencode_display(code, exe))

    except GetoptError as e:
Пример #18
    try:  # check that SLR table can be read
        with open("slr_table.csv", "rt") as f:
            actions, gotos = loadTable(f)
            # printActions(actions)
    except IOError:
        raise ERROR[5]  # Couldn’t open SLR table file.

    # in the beginning we will write the input...
    # as a sequence of terminal symbols, ending by $
    # the input will be the output of the lexical analyzer

    output = []

        lexer = Lexer(input_)
        tokens = {
            key: result[1].name.lower()  # result = (lexeme, token)
            for key, result in lexer.output.items()
        raise ERROR[3]  # Lexical error

    tree = parse(tokens, grammar, actions, gotos)

    if tree:
        print("Input is syntactically correct!")
        print("Code has syntax errors!")
Пример #19
import re
from lex import Lexer
from parse_qr import Parser
if __name__ == '__main__':

    lexer = Lexer().build()
    file = open('test.txt')
    text_input = file.read()
    # while True:
    #     tok = lexer.token()
    #     if not tok: break
    #     print(tok)
    parser = Parser()
    parser.build().parse(text_input, lexer, False)
Пример #20

precedence = {
    '||': 5,
    '&&': 5,
    '>': 6,
    '>=': 6,
    '<=': 6,
    '<': 6,
    '==': 6,
    '!=': 6,
    '+': 7,
    '-': 7,
    '*': 8,
    '/': 8,
    'UMINUS': 9
tokens = list(Lexer('1+-10*123').lex())
precs = {'UMINUS': ['E', '-', 'E'], 'POSITIVE': ['E', '+', 'E']}
# for t in tokens:
#     print(t)
# print(sm.productions())
# parser = Parser(productions, terminal, nonterminal)
parser = Parser(sm.productions,
parser.parse(tokens, sm.sdmap)
Пример #21
class Parser:

    tokens = Lexer().tokens

    def __init__(self):

    def p_program(self, p):
        """program : declist MAIN LRB RRB block"""
        print("program : declist MAIN LRB RRB block"
              )  #dghighan mesle fili ke gozashtin

    def p_decli_version1(self, p):
        """declist : dec"""
        print("declist : dec ")  # type1

    def p_decli_version2(self, p):
        """declist : declist dec"""
        print("declist : declist ")  # type2

    def p_decli_version3(self, p):
        """declist : empty"""
        print("declist : empty ")  # type3

    def p_decversion1(self, p):
        """dec : vardec """
        print("""dec : vardec """)

    def p_decversion2(self, p):
        """dec : funcdec """
        print("""dec : funcdec """)

    def p_type1(self, p):
        """type : INTEGER"""

        print("""type : INTEGERNUMBER""")

    def p_type2(self, p):
        """type :  FLOAT"""
        print("""type :  FLOAT""")

    def p_type3(self, p):
        """type :  BOOLEAN"""
        print("""type : BOOLEAN""")

    def p_iddec_version1(self, p):
        """iddec : ID"""
        print("""iddec : ID""")

    def p_iddec1_version2(self, p):
        """iddec :  ID LSB exp RSB"""
        print("""ID LSB exp RSB""")

    def p_iddec1_version3(self, p):
        """iddec :  ID ASSIGN exp"""
        print("""iddec :  ID ASSIGN exp""")

    def p_idlist_version1(self, p):
        """idlist : iddec"""
        print("""idlist : iddec""")

    def p_idlist_version2(self, p):
        """idlist :  idlist COMMA iddec"""
        print("""idlist :  idlist COMMA iddec""")

    def p_vardec(self, p):
        """vardec : type idlist SEMICOLON"""
        print("""vardec : type idlist SEMICOLON""")  #semicolen ham dashterror

    def p_funcdec_vesrion1(self, p):
        """funcdec : type ID LRB paramdecs RRB block"""
        print("""funcdec : type ID LRB paramdecs RRB block""")

    def p_funcdec_version2(self, p):
        """funcdec :  VOID ID LRB paramdecs RRB block"""
        print("""funcdec :  VOID ID LRB paramdecs RRB block""")

    def p_paramdecs_vesrion1(self, p):
        """paramdecs : paramdecslist"""
        print("""paramdecs : paramdecslist""")

    def p_paramdecs_version2(self, p):
        """paramdecs : empty"""
        print("""paramdecs :  empty""")

    def p_paramdecslist_vesrion1(self, p):
        """paramdecslist : paramdec"""
        print("""paramdecslist : paramdec""")

    def p_paramdecslist_vesrion2(self, p):
        """paramdecslist : paramdecslist COMMA paramdec"""
        print("""paramdecslist : paramdecslist COMMA paramdec""")

    def p_paramdec_vesrion1(self, p):
        """paramdec : type ID"""
        print("""paramdec : type ID""")

    def p_paramdec_version2(self, p):
        """paramdec : type ID LSB RSB"""
        print("""paramdec : type ID LSB RSB""")

    def p_varlist_version1(self, p):
        """varlist : vardec"""
        print("""varlist : vardec""")

    def p_varlist_version2(self, p):
        """varlist :  varlist vardec"""
        print("""varlist :  varlist vardec """)

    def p_varlist_version3(self, p):
        """varlist : empty"""
        print("""varlist : empty""")

    def p_block(self, p):
        """block : LCB varlist stmtlist RCB"""
        print("block : LCB varlist stmtlist RCB")

    def p_stmtlist_version1(self, p):
        """stmtlist : stmt"""
        print("""stmtlist : stmt""")

    def p_stmtlist_version2(self, p):
        """stmtlist : stmtlist stmt"""
        print("""stmtlist : stmtlist stmt""")

    def p_stmtlist_version3(self, p):
        """stmtlist :  empty"""
        print("""stmtlist : empty""")

    def p_lvalue_version1(self, p):
        """lvalue : ID"""
        print("""lvalue : ID""")

    def p_lvalue_version2(self, p):
        """lvalue : ID LSB exp RSB"""
        print("""lvalue : ID LSB exp RSB""")

    def p_stmt_version1(self, p):
        """stmt : matched_stmt"""
        print("""stmt : matched_stmt"""
              )  #shyd mohemtrin bakhsh taghsim kedn be match va unmached bshe

    def p_stmt_version2(self, p):
        """stmt : unmatched_stmt"""
        print("""stmt : unmatched_stmt""")

    def p_stmt_matched_version1(self, p):
        """matched_stmt : IF LRB exp RRB matched_stmt elseiflist ELSE matched_stmt %prec IF_D"""
            """matched_stmt : IF LRB exp RRB matched_stmt elseiflist ELSE matched_stmt"""
        )  #if ghbol nmird

    def p_stmt_matched_version2(self, p):
        """matched_stmt : everythingthatcanhappen"""
        print("""matched_stmt : everythingthatcanhappen(other)""")

    def p_stmt_unmatched_version1(self, p):
        """unmatched_stmt : IF LRB exp RRB matched_stmt elseiflist %prec IF_D"""
        print("""unmatched_stmt : IF LRB exp RRB stmt elseiflist""")

    def p_stmt_unmatched_version2(self, p):
        """unmatched_stmt : IF LRB exp RRB matched_stmt elseiflist ELSE unmatched_stmt %prec IF_D"""
            """unmatched_stmt :  IF LRB exp RRB matched_stmt elseiflist ELSE unmatched_stmt"""

    def p_stmt_others_version1(self, p):
        """everythingthatcanhappen : RETURN exp SEMICOLON"""
        print("""everythingthatcanhappen : RETURN exp SEMICOLON""")

    def p_stmt_others_version2(self, p):
        """everythingthatcanhappen : exp SEMICOLON"""
        print("""everythingthatcanhappen : exp SEMICOLON""")

    def p_stmt_others_version3(self, p):
        """everythingthatcanhappen : block"""
        print("""everythingthatcanhappen : block""")

    def p_stmt_others_version4(self, p):
        """everythingthatcanhappen : WHILE LRB exp RRB stmt"""
        print(""" WHILE LRB exp RRB stmt""")

    def p_stmt_others_version5(self, p):
        """everythingthatcanhappen : FOR LRB exp SEMICOLON exp SEMICOLON exp RRB stmt"""
            """everythingthatcanhappen : FOR LRB exp SEMICOLON exp SEMICOLON exp RRB stmt"""

    def p_stmt_others_version6(self, p):
        """everythingthatcanhappen : PRINT LRB ID RRB SEMICOLON"""
        print("""everythingthatcanhappen : PRINT LRB ID RRB SEMICOLON""")

    def p_elseiflist_version1(self, p):
        """elseiflist : ELIF LRB exp RRB stmt"""
        print("""elseiflist : ELIF LRB exp RRB stmt""")

    def p_elseiflist_version2(self, p):
        """elseiflist : elseiflist ELIF LRB exp RRB stmt"""
        print("""elseiflist : elseiflist ELIF LRB exp RRB stmt""")

    def p_elseiflist_version3(self, p):
        """elseiflist : empty"""
        print("""elseiflist : empty""")

    def p_exp_version1(self, p):
        """exp : lvalue ASSIGN exp"""
        print("""exp : lvalue ASSIGN exp""")

    def p_exp_version2(self, p):
        """exp : exp operator exp %prec OP"""
        print("""exp : exp operator exp""")

    def p_exp_version3(self, p):
        """exp : exp relop exp %prec RELOP"""
        print("""exp : exp relop exp""")

    def p_exp_version5(self, p):
        """exp : const"""
        print("""exp : const""")

    def p_exp_version6(self, p):
        """exp : lvalue"""
        print("""exp : lvalue """)

    def p_exp_version7(self, p):
        """exp : ID LRB explist RRB"""
        print("""exp : ID LRB explist RRB""")

    def p_exp_version8(self, p):
        """exp : LRB exp RRB"""
        print("""exp : LRB exp RRB""")

    def p_exp_version9(self, p):
        """exp : ID LRB RRB"""
        print("""exp : ID LRB RRB""")

    def p_exp_version10(self, p):
        """exp : SUB exp %prec UMINUS"""
        print("""exp : SUB exp""")

    def p_exp_version11(self, p):
        """exp : NOT exp"""
        print("""exp : NOT exp""")

    def p_operator_version1(self, p):
        """operator : OR"""
        print("""operator : OR""")

    def p_operator_version2(self, p):
        """operator : AND"""
        print("""operator : AND""")

    def p_operator_version3(self, p):
        """operator : SUM"""
        print("""operator : SUM""")

    def p_operator_version4(self, p):
        """operator : SUB"""
        print("""operator : SUB""")

    # def p_operator_version5(self, p):
    #     """operator : MUL"""
    #     print("""operator : MUL""")
    def p_operator_version6(self, p):
        """operator : MUL"""
        print("""operator : MUL""")

    def p_operator_version7(self, p):
        """operator : DIV"""
        print("""operator : DIV""")

    def p_operator_version8(self, p):
        """operator : MOD"""
        print("""operator : MOD""")

    def p_const_version1(self, p):
        """const : INTEGERNUMBER"""
        print("""const : INTEGERNUMBER""")

    def p_const_version2(self, p):
        """const : FLOATNUMBER"""
        print("""const : FLOATNUMBER""")

    def p_const_version3(self, p):
        """const : TRUE"""
        print("""const : TRUE""")

    def p_const_version4(self, p):
        """const : FALSE"""
        print("""const : FALSE""")

    def p_relop_version1(self, p):
        """relop : GT"""
        print("""relop : GT""")

    def p_relop_version2(self, p):
        """relop : LT"""
        print("""relop : LT""")

    def p_relop_version3(self, p):
        """relop : NE"""
        print("""relop : NE""")

    def p_relop_version4(self, p):
        """relop : EQ"""
        print("""relop : EQ""")

    def p_relop_version5(self, p):
        """relop : LE"""
        print("""relop : LE""")

    def p_relop_version6(self, p):
        """relop : GE"""
        print("""relop : GE""")

    def p_explist_version1(self, p):
        """explist : exp"""
        print("""explist : exp""")

    def p_explist_version2(self, p):
        """explist : explist COMMA exp"""
        print("""explist: explist COMMA exp""")

    def p_empty(self, p):
        """empty : %prec EMPTY"""

    precedence = (
        ('nonassoc', 'EMPTY'),  #olaviate bala akhrin olaviuat
        ('nonassoc', 'IF_D'),
        ('nonassoc', 'ELIF'),
        ('nonassoc', 'ELSE'),
        ('nonassoc', 'RELOP'),
        ('nonassoc', 'OP'),
        ('left', 'COMMA'),
        ('right', 'ASSIGN'),
        ('left', 'OR'),
        ('left', 'AND'),
        ('left', 'EQ', 'NE'),
        ('left', 'GT', 'LT', 'GE', 'LE'),
        ('left', 'SUM', 'SUB'),
        ('left', 'MUL', 'DIV', 'MOD'),
        ('right', 'NOT'),
        ('right', 'UMINUS'))

    def p_error(self, p):
        raise Exception('ParsingError: invalid grammar at ', p)

    def build(self, **kwargs):
        """build the parser"""
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
        return self.parser