Пример #1
def calc_seg_cost(seg_name, xyz_new_ds, dists_new):
    candidate_demo = demos[seg_name]
    xyz_demo_ds = np.squeeze(candidate_demo["cloud_xyz_ds"])
    dists_demo = candidate_demo["geodesic_dists"]
  #  cost = recognition.calc_match_score(xyz_new_ds, xyz_demo_ds, dists0 = dists_new, dists1 = dists_demo)
    cost = recognition.calc_match_score(xyz_demo_ds, xyz_new_ds, dists0 = dists_demo, dists1 = dists_new)
    print "seg_name: %s. cost: %s"%(seg_name, cost)
    return cost, seg_name
Пример #2
def calc_seg_cost(seg_name, xyz_new_ds, dists_new):
  candidate_demo = Globals.demos[seg_name]
  xyz_demo_ds = np.squeeze(candidate_demo["cloud_xyz_ds"])
  dists_demo = candidate_demo["geodesic_dists"]
  cost = recognition.calc_match_score(xyz_demo_ds, xyz_new_ds, dists0 = dists_demo, dists1 = dists_new)
  #cost = recognition.calc_match_score(xyz_new_ds, xyz_demo_ds, dists0 = dists_new, dists1 = dists_demo)
  print "seg_name: %s. cost: %s"%(seg_name, cost)
  return cost, seg_name
for i0 in xrange(6):
    rope0 = ropes[i0]
    n0 = len(rope0)
    # pairs = zip(xrange(n0), np.random.randint(0,n0,n0))
    dists0 = dists[i0]

    for i1 in xrange(6):
        rope1 = ropes[i1]

        dists1 = dists[i1]

        n1 = len(rope1)

        print colorize("comparing %s to %s" % (seg_names[i0], seg_names[i1]), "red")
        cost = recognition.calc_match_score(rope0, rope1, dists0, dists1, plotting=1)

        results.append((i0, i1, cost))
        print i0, i1, cost

distmat = np.zeros((6, 6))
for (i0, i1, cost) in results:
    distmat[i0, i1] = cost
distmat[xrange(6), xrange(6)] = np.nan
print distmat.argmin(axis=0)

a, b = np.meshgrid([0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5], [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5])
distmat_rearr = distmat[a, b]
distmat_rearr[range(6), range(6)] = np.nan
plt.imshow(distmat_rearr, interpolation="nearest", cmap="gray")
Пример #4
    def execute(self,userdata):
        - lookup closest trajectory from database
        - if it's a terminal state, we're done
        - warp it based on the current rope
        returns: done, not_done, failure
        - show all library states
        - warping visualization from matlab
        xyz_new = np.squeeze(np.asarray(userdata.points))
        if args.obj == "cloth": xyz_new = voxel_downsample(xyz_new, .025)
        xyz_new_ds, ds_inds = downsample(xyz_new)
        dists_new = recognition.calc_geodesic_distances_downsampled(xyz_new,xyz_new_ds, ds_inds)
            seg_name = trajectory_library.interactive_select_demo(self.library)
            best_demo = self.library.root[seg_name]         
            pts0,_ = downsample(np.asarray(best_demo["cloud_xyz"]))
            pts1,_ = downsample(xyz_new)
            self.f = registration.tps_rpm(pts0, pts1, 
                                     plotting = 4, reg_init=1,reg_final=.025,n_iter=40)                
            best_f = None
            best_cost = np.inf
            best_name = None
            for (seg_name,candidate_demo) in self.library.root.items():
                xyz_demo = np.squeeze(np.asarray(candidate_demo["cloud_xyz"]))
                if args.obj == "cloth": xyz_demo = voxel_downsample(xyz_demo, .025)
                xyz_demo_ds, ds_inds = downsample(xyz_demo)#voxel_downsample(xyz_demo, DS_LENGTH, return_inds = True)
                dists_demo = recognition.calc_geodesic_distances_downsampled(xyz_demo, xyz_demo_ds, ds_inds)
                cost = recognition.calc_match_score(xyz_new_ds, xyz_demo_ds, dists0 = dists_new, dists1 = dists_demo)
                print "seg_name: %s. cost: %s"%(seg_name, cost)
                if cost < best_cost:
                    best_cost = cost
                    best_name = seg_name

            #if best_name.startswith("done"): return "done"
            best_demo = self.library.root[best_name]
            xyz_demo_ds,_ = downsample(np.asarray(best_demo["cloud_xyz"][0]))
            self.f = registration.tps_rpm(xyz_demo_ds, xyz_new_ds, 
                            plotting = 10, reg_init=1,reg_final=.01,n_iter=200,verbose=True)                

            print "best segment:", best_name


        orig_pose_array = conversions.array_to_pose_array(best_demo["cloud_xyz"][0], "base_footprint")
        warped_pose_array = conversions.array_to_pose_array(self.f.transform_points(best_demo["cloud_xyz"][0]), "base_footprint")

        mins = best_demo["cloud_xyz"][0].min(axis=0)
        maxes = best_demo["cloud_xyz"][0].max(axis=0)
        mins[2] -= .1
        maxes[2] += .1
        grid_handle = warping.draw_grid(Globals.rviz, self.f.transform_points, mins, maxes, 'base_footprint')
        #self.f = fit_tps(demo["rope"][0], userdata.points)
        userdata.left_used = left_used = best_demo["arms_used"].value in "lb"
        userdata.right_used = right_used = best_demo["arms_used"].value in "rb"
        print "left_used", left_used
        print "right_used", right_used
        warped_demo = warping.transform_demo_with_fingertips(self.f, best_demo, left=left_used, right=right_used)
        trajectory = np.zeros(len(best_demo["times"]), dtype=trajectories.BodyState)                        
        if left_used:            
            l_arm_traj, feas_inds = trajectories.make_joint_traj(warped_demo["l_gripper_xyzs"], warped_demo["l_gripper_quats"], Globals.pr2.robot.GetManipulator("leftarm"),"base_footprint","l_gripper_tool_frame",1+16)            
            if len(feas_inds) == 0: return "failure"
            trajectory["l_arm"] = l_arm_traj
            rospy.loginfo("left arm: %i of %i points feasible", len(feas_inds), len(trajectory))
            trajectory["l_gripper"] = fix_gripper(warped_demo["l_gripper_angles"])
                width=.001, rgba = (1,0,1,.4),type=Marker.LINE_LIST))
        if right_used:
            r_arm_traj,feas_inds = trajectories.make_joint_traj(warped_demo["r_gripper_xyzs"], warped_demo["r_gripper_quats"], Globals.pr2.robot.GetManipulator("rightarm"),"base_footprint","r_gripper_tool_frame",1+16)            
            if len(feas_inds) == 0: return "failure"
            trajectory["r_arm"] = r_arm_traj
            rospy.loginfo("right arm: %i of %i points feasible", len(feas_inds), len(trajectory))            
            trajectory["r_gripper"] = fix_gripper(warped_demo["r_gripper_angles"])
                width=.001, rgba = (1,0,1,.4),type=Marker.LINE_LIST))
        userdata.trajectory = trajectory
        #userdata.base_xya = (x,y,0)
        # todo: draw pr2        
        # consent = yes_or_no("trajectory ok?")
        consent = True
        if consent: return "not_done"
        else: return "failure"
Пример #5
for i0 in xrange(6):
    rope0 = ropes[i0]
    n0 = len(rope0)
    #pairs = zip(xrange(n0), np.random.randint(0,n0,n0))
    dists0 = dists[i0]

    for i1 in xrange(6):
        rope1 = ropes[i1]

        dists1 = dists[i1]

        n1 = len(rope1)

        print colorize("comparing %s to %s" % (seg_names[i0], seg_names[i1]),
        cost = recognition.calc_match_score(rope0, rope1, dists0, dists1)

        results.append((i0, i1, cost))
        print i0, i1, cost

distmat = np.zeros((6, 6))
for (i0, i1, cost) in results:
    distmat[i0, i1] = cost
distmat[xrange(6), xrange(6)] = np.nan
print distmat.argmin(axis=0)

a, b = np.meshgrid([0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5], [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5])
distmat_rearr = distmat[a, b]
distmat_rearr[range(6), range(6)] = np.nan
plt.imshow(distmat_rearr, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')
    n0 = len(rope0)
    #pairs = zip(xrange(n0), np.random.randint(0,n0,n0))
    dists0 = dists[i0]

    for i1 in xrange(6):
        rope1 = ropes[i1]

        dists1 = dists[i1]

        n1 = len(rope1)

        print colorize("comparing %s to %s" % (seg_names[i0], seg_names[i1]),
        cost = recognition.calc_match_score(rope0,

        results.append((i0, i1, cost))
        print i0, i1, cost

distmat = np.zeros((6, 6))
for (i0, i1, cost) in results:
    distmat[i0, i1] = cost
distmat[xrange(6), xrange(6)] = np.nan
print distmat.argmin(axis=0)

a, b = np.meshgrid([0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5], [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5])
distmat_rearr = distmat[a, b]
distmat_rearr[range(6), range(6)] = np.nan
Пример #7
for i0 in xrange(6):
    rope0 = ropes[i0]
    n0 = len(rope0)
    #pairs = zip(xrange(n0), np.random.randint(0,n0,n0))
    dists0 = dists[i0]

    for i1 in xrange(6):
        rope1 = ropes[i1]

        dists1 = dists[i1]
        n1 = len(rope1)
        print colorize("comparing %s to %s"%(seg_names[i0], seg_names[i1]), "red")
        cost = recognition.calc_match_score(rope0, rope1, dists0, dists1)
        results.append((i0, i1, cost))
        print i0, i1, cost
distmat = np.zeros((6,6))
for (i0, i1, cost) in results:
    distmat[i0, i1] = cost
distmat[xrange(6),xrange(6)] = np.nan
print distmat.argmin(axis=0)

a,b = np.meshgrid([0,3,1,4,2,5],[0,3,1,4,2,5])
distmat_rearr = distmat[a,b]
distmat_rearr[range(6), range(6)] = np.nan