def prepare_data_loader(datapth, annpath, inputsize, imgs_per_gpu, gpu_count, scales, cropsize, anns_ignore=255, mode='train', distributed=False): if mode == 'train': transforms = TransformationTrain(scales, cropsize) batchsize = imgs_per_gpu * gpu_count shuffle = True drop_last = True elif mode == 'val': transforms = TransformationVal() batchsize = imgs_per_gpu * gpu_count shuffle = False drop_last = False elif mode == 'test': transforms = TransformationVal() batchsize = 1 shuffle = False drop_last = False else: assert mode is None, "mode should be defined" ds = Carla(datapth, annpath, inputsize, tar_ignore=anns_ignore, transforms=transforms, mode=mode) dl = DataLoader( ds, batch_size=batchsize, shuffle=shuffle, drop_last=drop_last, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True, ) return dl
def get_data_loader(datapth, annpath, ims_per_gpu, scales, cropsize, mode='train'): #, distributed=True): if mode == 'train': trans_func = TransformationTrain(scales, cropsize) batchsize = ims_per_gpu #batchsize = 8 shuffle = True drop_last = True elif mode == 'val': trans_func = TransformationVal() batchsize = ims_per_gpu shuffle = False drop_last = False dss = CityScapes(datapth, annpath, trans_func=trans_func, mode=mode) count = 0 dl = DataLoader(dss, batch_size=batchsize, shuffle=shuffle, drop_last=drop_last, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True) return dl
def get_data_loader(datapth, annpath, ims_per_gpu, scales, cropsize, max_iter=None, mode='train', distributed=True): if mode == 'train': trans_func = TransformationTrain(scales, cropsize) batchsize = ims_per_gpu shuffle = True drop_last = True elif mode == 'val': trans_func = TransformationVal(cropsize) batchsize = ims_per_gpu shuffle = False drop_last = False ds = Coco(datapth, annpath, trans_func=trans_func, mode=mode) if distributed: assert dist.is_available(), "dist should be initialzed" if mode == 'train': assert not max_iter is None n_train_imgs = ims_per_gpu * dist.get_world_size() * max_iter sampler = RepeatedDistSampler(ds, n_train_imgs, shuffle=shuffle) else: sampler = ds, shuffle=shuffle) batchsampler = sampler, batchsize, drop_last=drop_last) dl = DataLoader( ds, batch_sampler=batchsampler, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True, ) else: dl = DataLoader( ds, batch_size=batchsize, shuffle=shuffle, drop_last=drop_last, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True, ) return dl