Пример #1
    def start(self, path):
        iexplore = self.get_path("Internet Explorer")
        # pass the URL instead of a filename in this case
        self.execute(iexplore, '"about:blank"', "about:blank")

        args = self.options.get("arguments")
        appdata = self.options.get("appdata")
        runasx86 = self.options.get("runasx86")

        # If the file doesn't have an extension, add .exe
        # See CWinApp::SetCurrentHandles(), it will throw
        # an exception that will crash the app if it does
        # not find an extension on the main exe's filename
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".exe")

        if appdata:
            # run the executable from the APPDATA directory, required for some malware
            basepath = os.getenv("APPDATA")
            newpath = os.path.join(basepath, os.path.basename(path))
            shutil.copy(path, newpath)
            path = newpath
        if runasx86:
            # ignore the return value, user must have CorFlags.exe installed in the guest VM
            call(["CorFlags.exe", path, "/32bit+"])
        return self.execute(path, args, path)
Пример #2
    def start(self, path):
        rundll32 = self.get_path("rundll32.exe")
        function = self.options.get("function", "#1")
        arguments = self.options.get("arguments", "")
        dllloader = self.options.get("dllloader")

        # If the file doesn't have the proper .dll extension force it
        # and rename it. This is needed for rundll32 to execute correctly.
        # See ticket #354 for details.
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".dll")

        if dllloader:
            newname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rundll32), dllloader)
            shutil.copy(rundll32, newname)
            rundll32 = newname

            start, end = (int(_.lstrip("#"))
                          for _ in function.replace("..", "-").split("-", 1))
            assert start < end
            args = '/c for /l %i in ({start},1,{end}) do @{rundll32} "{path}",#%i {arguments}'.format(
            # if there are multiple functions launch them by their ordinal number in a for loop via cmd.exe calling rundll32.exe
            return self.execute("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", args.strip(),
        except (ValueError, AssertionError):

        args = f'"{path}",{function}'
        if arguments:
            args += f" {arguments}"

        return self.execute(rundll32, args, path)
Пример #3
 def start(self, path):
         servicename = self.options.get("servicename", "CAPEService")
         servicedesc = self.options.get("servicedesc", "CAPE Service")
         arguments = self.options.get("arguments")
         path = check_file_extension(path, ".exe")
         binPath = f'"{path}"'
         if arguments:
             binPath += f" {arguments}"
         scm_handle = ADVAPI32.OpenSCManagerA(None, None,
         if scm_handle == 0:
             log.info("Failed to open SCManager")
         service_handle = ADVAPI32.CreateServiceA(
         if service_handle == 0:
             log.info("Failed to create service")
         log.info("Created service (handle: 0x%x)", service_handle)
         servproc = Process(options=self.options,
         filepath = servproc.get_filepath()
         service_launched = ADVAPI32.StartServiceA(service_handle, 0, None)
         if service_launched:
             log.info("Successfully started service")
             log.info("Failed to start service")
     except Exception as e:
Пример #4
    def start(self, path):
        arguments = self.options.get("arguments")

        # If the file doesn't have an extension, add .exe
        # See CWinApp::SetCurrentHandles(), it will throw
        # an exception that will crash the app if it does
        # not find an extension on the main exe's filename
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".exe")
        return self.execute(path, arguments, path)
Пример #5
    def start(self, path):
        password = self.options.get("password", "")
        appdata = self.options.get("appdata")
        root = os.environ["APPDATA"] if appdata else os.environ["TEMP"]
        exe_regex = re.compile(r"(\.exe|\.dll|\.scr|\.msi|\.bat|\.lnk|\.js|\.jse|\.vbs|\.vbe|\.wsf)$", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
        zipinfos = self.get_infos(path)
        self.extract_zip(path, root, password, 0)

        file_name = self.options.get("file")
        # If no file name is provided via option, take the first file.
        if file_name is None:
            # No name provided try to find a better name.
            if not len(zipinfos):
                raise CuckooPackageError("Empty ZIP archive")

            # Attempt to find a valid exe extension in the archive
            for f in zipinfos:
                if exe_regex.search(f.filename):
                    file_name = f.filename
            # Default to the first one if none found
            file_name = file_name or zipinfos[0].filename
            log.debug("Missing file option, auto executing: %s", file_name)
        file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
        log.debug('file_name: "%s"', file_name)
        if file_name.lower().endswith(".lnk"):
            cmd_path = self.get_path("cmd.exe")
            cmd_args = f'/c start /wait "" "{file_path}"'
            return self.execute(cmd_path, cmd_args, file_path)
        elif file_name.lower().endswith(".msi"):
            msi_path = self.get_path("msiexec.exe")
            msi_args = f'/I "{file_path}"'
            return self.execute(msi_path, msi_args, file_path)
        elif file_name.lower().endswith((".js", ".jse", ".vbs", ".vbe", ".wsf")):
            wscript = self.get_path_app_in_path("wscript.exe")
            wscript_args = f'"{file_path}"'
            return self.execute(wscript, wscript_args, file_path)
        elif file_name.lower().endswith(".dll"):
            rundll32 = self.get_path_app_in_path("rundll32.exe")
            function = self.options.get("function", "#1")
            arguments = self.options.get("arguments")
            dllloader = self.options.get("dllloader")
            dll_args = f'"{file_path}",{function}'
            if arguments:
                dll_args += f" {arguments}"
            if dllloader:
                newname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rundll32), dllloader)
                shutil.copy(rundll32, newname)
                rundll32 = newname
            return self.execute(rundll32, dll_args, file_path)
        elif file_name.lower().endswith(".ps1"):
            powershell = self.get_path_app_in_path("powershell.exe")
            args = f'-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File "{path}"'
            return self.execute(powershell, args, file_path)
            path = check_file_extension(path, ".exe")
            return self.execute(file_path, self.options.get("arguments"), file_path)
Пример #6
    def start(self, path):
        iexplore = self.get_path("browser")

        # Travelling inside malware universe you should bring a towel with you.
        # If a file detected as HTML is submitted without a proper extension,
        # or without an extension at all (are you used to name samples with hash?),
        # IE is going to open it as a text file, so your precious sample will not
        # be executed.
        # We help you sample to execute renaming it with a proper extension.
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".mht")
        return self.execute(iexplore, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #7
    def start(self, path):
        arguments = self.options.get("arguments")
        appdata = self.options.get("appdata")

        path = check_file_extension(path, ".exe")
        if appdata:
            # run the executable from the APPDATA directory, required for some malware
            basepath = os.getenv("APPDATA")
            newpath = os.path.join(basepath, os.path.basename(path))
            shutil.copy(path, newpath)
            path = newpath

        return self.execute(path, arguments, path)
Пример #8
    def start(self, path):
        regsvr32 = self.get_path("regsvr32.exe")
        arguments = self.options.get("arguments")

        # If the file doesn't have the proper .dll extension force it
        # and rename it. This is needed for rundll32 to execute correctly.
        # See ticket #354 for details.
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".dll")

        args = path
        if arguments:
            args += f" {arguments}"

        return self.execute(regsvr32, args, path)
Пример #9
    def start(self, path):
        rundll32 = self.get_path("rundll32.exe")
        function = self.options.get("function", "#1")
        arguments = self.options.get("arguments")
        dllloader = self.options.get("dllloader")

        path = check_file_extension(path, ".dll")

        args = f"{path},{function}"
        if arguments:
            args += f" {arguments}"

        if dllloader:
            newname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rundll32), dllloader)
            shutil.copy(rundll32, newname)
            rundll32 = newname

        return self.execute(rundll32, args, path)
Пример #10
    def start(self, path):
        rundll32 = self.get_path("rundll32.exe")
        function = self.options.get("function", "#1")
        arguments = self.options.get("arguments")
        dllloader = self.options.get("dllloader")

        # If the file doesn't have the proper .dll extension force it
        # and rename it. This is needed for rundll32 to execute correctly.
        # See ticket #354 for details.
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".dll")

        args = f"{path},{function}"
        if arguments:
            args += f" {arguments}"

        if dllloader:
            newname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rundll32), dllloader)
            shutil.copy(rundll32, newname)
            rundll32 = newname

        return self.execute(rundll32, args, path)
Пример #11
    def start(self, path):
        if not HAS_RARFILE:
            raise CuckooPackageError(
                "rarfile Python module not installed in guest")

        # Check file extension.
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".rar")

        root = os.environ["TEMP"]
        password = self.options.get("password")
        exe_regex = re.compile(r"(\.exe|\.scr|\.msi|\.bat|\.lnk)$",

        rarinfos = self.get_infos(path)
        self.extract_rar(path, root, password)

        file_name = self.options.get("file")
        # If no file name is provided via option, take the first file.
        if file_name is None:
            # No name provided try to find a better name.
            if len(rarinfos):
                # Attempt to find a valid exe extension in the archive
                for f in rarinfos:
                    if exe_regex.search(f.filename):
                        file_name = f.filename
                # Default to the first one if none found
                file_name = file_name or rarinfos[0].filename
                log.debug("Missing file option, auto executing: %s", file_name)
                raise CuckooPackageError("Empty RAR archive")

        file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
        if file_name.lower().endswith(".lnk"):
            cmd_path = self.get_path("cmd.exe")
            cmd_args = f'/c start /wait "" "{file_path}"'
            return self.execute(cmd_path, cmd_args, file_path)
            return self.execute(file_path, self.options.get("arguments"),
Пример #12
 def start(self, path):
     word = self.get_path_glob("Microsoft Office Word")
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".doc")
     return self.execute(word, f'"{path}" /q', path)
Пример #13
 def start(self, path):
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".lnk")
     cmd_path = self.get_path("cmd.exe")
     cmd_args = f'/c start /wait "" "{path}"'
     return self.execute(cmd_path, cmd_args, path)
Пример #14
 def start(self, path):
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".xls")
     excel = self.get_path_glob("Microsoft Office Excel")
     return self.execute(excel, f'"{path}" /dde', path)
Пример #15
 def start(self, path):
     powershell = self.get_path_glob("PowerShell")
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".ps1")
     args = f'-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File "{path}"'
     return self.execute(powershell, args, path)
Пример #16
 def start(self, path):
     wmic = self.get_path("wmic.exe")
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".xsl")
     return self.execute(wmic, f'process LIST /FORMAT:"{path}"', path)
Пример #17
 def start(self, path):
     mshta = self.get_path("mshta.exe")
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".hta")
     return self.execute(mshta, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #18
 def start(self, path):
     inp = self.get_path("Inpage.exe")
     # Rename file to file.inp so it can open properly.
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".inp")
     return self.execute(inp, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #19
 def start(self, path):
     wscript = self.get_path("WScript")
     # Enforce the .wsf file extension as is required by wscript.
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".wsf")
     return self.execute(wscript, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #20
 def start(self, path):
     hh = self.get_path_glob("hh.exe")
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".chm")
     return self.execute(hh, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #21
 def start(self, path):
     publisher = self.get_path_glob("Microsoft Office Publisher")
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".pub")
     return self.execute(publisher, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #22
 def start(self, path):
     access = self.get_path_glob("Microsoft Office Access")
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".accdr")
     return self.execute(access, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #23
 def start(self, path):
     ichitaro = self.get_path("TAROVIEW.EXE")
     # Rename file to file.jtd so it can open properly.
     path = check_file_extension(path, ".jtd")
     return self.execute(ichitaro, f'"{path}"', path)
Пример #24
    def start(self, path):
        rundll32 = self.get_path("rundll32.exe")
        arguments = self.options.get("arguments", "")
        dllloader = self.options.get("dllloader")

        # If the file doesn't have the proper .dll extension force it
        # and rename it. This is needed for rundll32 to execute correctly.
        # See ticket #354 for details.
        path = check_file_extension(path, ".dll")

        if dllloader:
            newname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rundll32), dllloader)
            shutil.copy(rundll32, newname)
            rundll32 = newname

        # If user has requested we use something (function, functions, ordinal, ordinal range)
        function = self.options.get("function")

        # Does the user want us to run multiple exports that are available?
        enable_multi = self.options.get("enable_multi", "")
        if enable_multi.lower() in ["on", "yes", "true"]:
            enable_multi = True
            enable_multi = False

        # Does the user want us to run multiple exports by name?
        use_export_name = self.options.get("use_export_name", "")
        if use_export_name.lower() in ["on", "yes", "true"]:
            use_export_name = True
            use_export_name = False

        run_ordinal_range = False
        run_multiple_functions = False

        if function:
            # If user has requested we use functions (by name or by ordinal number), separated by commas
            if enable_multi and "," in function:
                function = function.split(",")
                run_multiple_functions = True

            # If user has requested we use an ordinal range, separated by a hyphen or by ..
            elif enable_multi and ("-" in function or ".." in function):
                run_ordinal_range = True

            # If the user has not enabled multi, but requested multiple functions, log it and default to #1
            elif not enable_multi and ("," in function or "-" in function or ".." in function):
                log.warning("You need to enable the `enable_multi` option if you want to run multiple functions.")
                # Setting function to the first ordinal number since the user does not want use to run multiple functions.
                function = "#1"

        # If user has not requested that we use a function(s), we should default to running main export entry or
        # all available exports, up to a limit, if enabled
            # If the user does not want us to run multiple exports that are available, set function to default
            if not enable_multi:
                if not use_export_name:
                    function = "#1"
                    function = "DllMain"

            # The user does want us to run multiple functions if we can find them
                available_exports = list(filter(None, self.config.exports.split(",")))

                # If there are no available exports, default
                if not available_exports:
                    if use_export_name:
                        function = ["DllMain", "DllRegisterServer"]
                        run_multiple_functions = True
                        function = "#1"

                # If there are available exports, set limit and determine if we are to use name or number
                    max_dll_exports = int(self.options.get("max_dll_exports", MAX_DLL_EXPORTS_DEFAULT))
                    if max_dll_exports <= 0:
                        max_dll_exports = MAX_DLL_EXPORTS_DEFAULT
                    dll_exports_num = min(len(available_exports), max_dll_exports)

                    if use_export_name:
                        function = available_exports[:dll_exports_num]
                        run_multiple_functions = True
                        function = f"#1-{dll_exports_num}"
                        run_ordinal_range = True

        # To get to this stage, the user has enabled `enable_multi`, and has either specified an ordinal
        # range or requested that we use available exports by ordinal number, up to a limit
        if run_ordinal_range:
            with contextlib.suppress(ValueError, AssertionError):
                start, end = (int(_.lstrip("#")) for _ in function.replace("..", "-").split("-", 1))
                assert start < end
                args = '/c for /l %i in ({start},1,{end}) do @{rundll32} "{path}",#%i {arguments}'.format(**locals())
                # if there are multiple functions launch them by their ordinal number in a for loop via cmd.exe calling rundll32.exe
                return self.execute("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", args.strip(), path)

        # To get to this stage, the user has enabled `enable_multi`, and has either specified a list of function names
        # or requested that we use available exports by name, up to a limit
        elif run_multiple_functions:
            ret_list = []
            for function_name in function:
                args = f'"{path}"' if dllloader == "regsvcs.exe" else f'"{path}",{function_name}'
                if arguments:
                    args += f" {arguments}"

                ret_list.append(self.execute(rundll32, args, path))
            return ret_list

        # To get to this stage, the user has either:
        # - enabled `enable_multi`, did not provide a function, and does not want to use export names (default to #1)
        # - specified a single function, either by name or by ordinal number
        # - specified multiple functions, but did not enable `enable_multi`
            args = f'"{path}"' if dllloader == "regsvcs.exe" else f'"{path}",{function}'
            if arguments:
                args += f" {arguments}"

            return self.execute(rundll32, args, path)