def choose_package(file_type, file_name, exports, target): """Choose analysis package due to file type and file extension. @param file_type: file type. @param file_name: file name. @return: package name or None. """ if not file_type: return None file_name = file_name.lower() file_content = open(target, "rb").read() if "Nullsoft Installer" in file_type: return "nsis" elif "DLL" in file_type: if file_name.endswith(".cpl"): return "cpl" else: if exports: explist = exports.split(",") if "DllRegisterServer" in explist: return "regsvr" return "dll" elif "PE32" in file_type or "MS-DOS" in file_type: return "exe" elif file_name.endswith( (".msi", ".msp", ".appx")) or "MSI Installer" in file_type: return "msi" elif file_name.endswith(".pub"): return "pub" elif ("Rich Text Format" in file_type or "Microsoft Word" in file_type or "Microsoft Office Word" in file_type or "Microsoft OOXML" in file_type or "MIME entity" in file_type or file_name.endswith( (".doc", ".dot", ".docx", ".dotx", ".docm", ".dotm", ".docb", ".rtf", ".mht", ".mso", ".wbk"))): return "doc" elif ("Microsoft Office Excel" in file_type or "Microsoft Excel" in file_type or file_name.endswith( (".xls", ".xlt", ".xlm", ".xlsx", ".xltx", ".xlsm", ".xltm", ".xlsb", ".xla", ".xlam", ".xll", ".xlw", ".slk"))): return "xls" elif "PowerPoint" in file_type or file_name.endswith( (".ppt", ".pot", ".pps", ".pptx", ".pptm", ".potx", ".potm", ".ppam", ".ppsx", ".ppsm", ".sldx", ".sldm")): return "ppt" elif "Java Jar" in file_type or "Java archive" in file_type or file_name.endswith( ".jar"): return "jar" elif "Zip" in file_type: return "zip" elif "RAR archive" in file_type or file_name.endswith(".rar"): return "rar" elif "Macromedia Flash" in file_type or file_name.endswith( ".swf") or file_name.endswith(".fws"): return "swf" elif file_name.endswith((".py", ".pyc")) or "Python script" in file_type: return "python" elif file_name.endswith(".ps1"): return "ps1" elif file_name.endswith(".msg"): return "msg" elif file_name.endswith(".eml") or file_name.endswith( ".ics") or "vCalendar calendar" in file_type: return "eml" elif file_name.endswith(".js") or file_name.endswith(".jse"): return "js" elif file_name.endswith((".htm", ".html")): return "html" elif file_name.endswith(".hta"): return "hta" elif file_name.endswith(".xps"): return "xps" elif "HTML" in file_type: return "html" elif file_name.endswith(".mht"): return "mht" elif file_name.endswith( ".url" ) or "MS Windows 95 Internet shortcut" in file_type or "Windows URL shortcut" in file_type: return "html" elif b"mso-application" in file_content and b"Word.Document" in file_content: return "doc" elif file_name.endswith(".lnk") or "MS Windows shortcut" in file_type: return "lnk" elif file_name.endswith(".chm") or "MS Windows HtmlHelp Data" in file_type: return "chm" elif file_name.endswith( (".hwp", ".hwpx", ".hwt", ".hml")) or "Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File" in file_type: return "hwp" elif file_name.endswith( (".inp", ".int")) or b"InPage Arabic Document" in file_content: return "inp" elif file_name.endswith(".xsl") or file_name.endswith( ".xslt") or "XSL stylesheet" in file_type: return "xslt" elif file_name.endswith(".sct"): if"(?is)<\?XML.*?<scriptlet.*?<registration", file_content): return "sct" else: return "hta" elif file_name.endswith(".wsf") or file_type == "XML document text": return "wsf" elif "PDF" in file_type or file_name.endswith(".pdf"): return "pdf" elif"<script\\s+language=\"(J|VB|Perl)Script\"", file_content, re.I): return "wsf" elif file_name.endswith(".vbs") or file_name.endswith( ".vbe") or re.findall(br"\s?Dim\s", file_content, re.I): return "vbs" elif b"Set-StrictMode" in file_content[:100]: return "ps1" elif file_name.endswith(".csproj") or b"msbuild" in file_content: return "msbuild" elif b"#@~^" in file_content[:100]: data = DecodeVBEJSE(file_content, "") if data: if re.findall(br"\s?Dim\s", data, re.I): return "vbs" else: return "js" else: return "vbejse" else: return "generic"
def choose_package(file_type, file_name, exports, target): """Choose analysis package due to file type and file extension. @param file_type: file type. @param file_name: file name. @return: package name or None. """ if not file_type: return None file_name = file_name.lower() file_content = open(target, "rb").read() if "Nullsoft Installer" in file_type: return "nsis" elif "DLL" in file_type: if file_name.endswith(".cpl"): return "cpl" else: if exports: explist = exports.split(",") if "DllRegisterServer" in explist: return "regsvr" return "dll" elif "PE32" in file_type or "MS-DOS" in file_type: return "exe" elif "PDF" in file_type or file_name.endswith(".pdf"): return "pdf" elif file_name.endswith(".pub"): return "pub" elif "Rich Text Format" in file_type or \ "Microsoft Word" in file_type or \ "Microsoft Office Word" in file_type or \ "Microsoft OOXML" in file_type or \ "MIME entity" in file_type or \ file_name.endswith((".doc", ".dot", ".docx", ".dotx", ".docm", ".dotm", ".docb", ".rtf", ".mht", ".mso")): return "doc" elif "Microsoft Office Excel" in file_type or \ "Microsoft Excel" in file_type or \ file_name.endswith((".xls", ".xlt", ".xlm", ".xlsx", ".xltx", ".xlsm", ".xltm", ".xlsb", ".xla", ".xlam", ".xll", ".xlw")): return "xls" elif "Microsoft PowerPoint" in file_type or \ file_name.endswith((".ppt", ".pot", ".pps", ".pptx", ".pptm", ".potx", ".potm", ".ppam", ".ppsx", ".ppsm", ".sldx", ".sldm")): return "ppt" elif "Java Jar" in file_type or "Java archive" in file_type or file_name.endswith( ".jar"): return "jar" elif "Zip" in file_type: return "zip" elif "RAR archive" in file_type or file_name.endswith(".rar"): return "rar" elif "Macromedia Flash" in file_type or file_name.endswith(".swf"): return "swf" elif file_name.endswith((".py", ".pyc")) or "Python script" in file_type: return "python" elif file_name.endswith(".msi"): return "msi" elif file_name.endswith(".ps1"): return "ps1" elif file_name.endswith(".msg"): return "msg" elif file_name.endswith(".eml"): return "eml" elif file_name.endswith(".js") or file_name.endswith(".jse"): return "js" elif file_name.endswith((".htm", ".html")): return "html" elif file_name.endswith(".hta"): return "hta" elif file_name.endswith(".xps"): return "xps" elif file_name.endswith(".wsf") or file_type == "XML document text": return "wsf" elif "HTML" in file_type: return "html" elif file_name.endswith(".mht"): return "mht" elif b'mso-application' in file_content and b'Word.Document' in file_content: return "doc" elif file_name.endswith(".lnk") or "MS Windows shortcut" in file_type: return "lnk" elif file_name.endswith(".vbs") or file_name.endswith( ".vbe") or re.findall(br"\s?Dim\s", file_content, re.I): return "vbs" elif b"#@~^" in file_content[:100]: data = DecodeVBEJSE(file_content, "") if data: if re.findall(br"\s?Dim\s", data, re.I): return "vbs" else: return "js" else: return "vbejse" else: return "generic"