class Application(object): def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.datasource = DataSource(options) def run(self): from import Generator if self.options.dump_isa or self.options.dump_arch: if self.options.dump_isa: self.dump_isa() if self.options.dump_arch: self.dump_arch() else: gen = Generator(self.options, self.datasource) generated_files = gen.generate() if self.options.deb_dir is not None: create_deb_files(self.options, self.datasource) if self.options.rpm_spec_dir: create_spec_file(self.options, self.datasource, generated_files) def dump_isa(self): instr_db = self.datasource.get_instructions() text = "List of ISAs defined in %s: %s." % \ (self.options.instructions_xml, fmtset(instr_db.get_cpuids())) print '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(text)) def dump_arch(self): from lib.uops import architecture_name arch_db = self.datasource.get_architecture_details() print "List of architectures defined in %s" % self.options.uops_xml for symbol in sorted(arch_db.get_architectures()): name = architecture_name(symbol) if name != symbol: print '* %s (%s)' % (name, symbol) else: print '* %s' % symbol
def preload_data(data): symbol, start_date, end_date = data[0], data[1].start_date, data[1].end_date dataset = ds.loadFeaturedData(symbol, start_date, end_date) # time.sleep(0.1) # 观察数据 with counter.get_lock(): counter.value +=1 progress = counter.value / total time_elapsed = - start_ts time_eta = (time_elapsed/progress) * (1 - progress) bar_width = 25 print("\rProgress: {:>5.2f}% ({:04d}/{:04d}) Symbol: {:s}\t[{}{}]\tElapsed Time: {} ETA: {}".format( round(progress*100,2), counter.value, total, symbol, "#"*int(progress*bar_width),"."*(bar_width-int(progress*bar_width)), str(time_elapsed).split(".")[0], str(time_eta).split(".")[0] ), end="") return
def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.datasource = DataSource(options)
default=3, type=int, help='Stop learning if N batch of improving the result') parser.add_argument( '--random', '-r', default=1, type=int, help='By default using random data samples for learning') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) if args['random'] != 1: np.random.seed(0) securities = ds.loadSecuirtyList() # 设置训练的指标模块 if args['all'] is not None: strategies = indicators.values() else: strategies = [indicators[args['indicator']]] for i in range(args['batch_size']): #skip batch logic if i < args['skip_batch']: continue print("Learning batch :{}".format(i)) print("Preloading datasets: {}".format(args['training_set_size'] * 2)) processed_counter = mp.Value('i', 0)
print( "\rProgress: {:>5.2f}% ({:04d}/{:04d}) Symbol: {:s}\t[{}{}]\tElapsed Time: {} ETA: {}" .format(round(progress * 100, 2), counter.value, total, symbol, "#" * int(progress * bar_width), "." * (bar_width - int(progress * bar_width)), str(time_elapsed).split(".")[0], str(time_eta).split(".")[0]), end="") return if __name__ == "__main__": mp.freeze_support() np.random.seed(5) # set output pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) securities = ds.loadSecuirtyList() days = ds.loadTradeDays() print("Max processes: {}".format(MAX_PROCESSES)) processed_counter = mp.Value('i', 0) pool = mp.Pool(min(MAX_PROCESSES, mp.cpu_count()), initializer=init_globals, initargs=(processed_counter, len(securities))) res =, securities.iterrows()) pool.close() print("")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' 从最原始的数据中提取出交易日和股票代码信息 这是最初级别的数据预处理 ''' import pandas as pd import warnings import multiprocessing as mp from lib.datasource import DataSource as ds warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) if __name__ == "__main__": mp.freeze_support() # set output pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) ds.preload()