Пример #1
def find_requests_and_send_mail(config):
    db = DB.connect(db_file='../db/main.db')
    now = time.time()
    what_we_be_done_with = db['c'].execute(
        'select * from reminders where end_time < %d' % now).fetchall()

    for row in DB.map(what_we_be_done_with, 'reminders', db=db):
        row['link'] = "http://indycast.net/%s/slices/%s_%d" % (
                          time.gmtime(row['start_time'] - row['offset'] * 60)),
            (row['end_time'] - row['start_time']) / 60)

        if len(row['notes']):
            row['link'] += '/%s_on_%s' % (re.sub(
                '[^\w]', '_', row['notes']).strip('_'), row['station'])

        row['link'] += '.mp3'

        email = do_template(template_file='email_reminder_template.txt',
        res = misc.send_email(config=config,
        db['c'].execute('delete from reminders where id = %d' % row['id'])

    return None
Пример #2
def find_requests_and_send_mail(config):
  db = DB.connect(db_file='../db/main.db')
  now = time.time()
  what_we_be_done_with = db['c'].execute('select * from reminders where end_time < %d' % now).fetchall()

  for row in DB.map(what_we_be_done_with, 'reminders', db=db):
    row['link'] = "http://indycast.net/%s/slices/%s_%d" % ( row['station'], time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", time.gmtime(row['start_time'] - row['offset'] * 60)), (row['end_time'] - row['start_time']) / 60)

    if len(row['notes']):
      row['link'] += '/%s_on_%s' % (re.sub('[^\w]', '_', row['notes']).strip('_'), row['station'])

    row['link'] += '.mp3'

    email = do_template(template_file='email_reminder_template.txt', settings=row)
    res = misc.send_email(config=config, who=row['email'], subject=email['subject'], body=email['body'])
    db['c'].execute('delete from reminders where id = %d' % row['id'])

  return None
Пример #3
def find_streams(start_list, duration_min):
  import lib.misc as misc 
  # Given a start week minute this looks for streams in the storage 
  # directory that match it - regardless of duration ... so it may return
  # partial shows results.
  stream_list = []

  if type(start_list) is int:
    start_list = [start_list]

  # Sort nominally - since we have unix time in the name, this should come out
  # as sorted by time for us for free.
  stitch_list = []
  episode_list = []

  # So we have a start list, we are about to query our database using the start_minute
  # and end_minute field ... to get end_minue we need to make use of our duration.
  # timeline ->
  #          ###################           << Region we want
  # start_sea#ch    end_search #           << Search
  #          V                 V
  # |     |     |     |     |     |     |  << Minute
  #          a     b     b     c
  # so we want 
  #     (a) start_minute < start_search and end_minute >= start_search  ||
  #     (b) start_minute > start_search and end_minute <= end_search  ||
  #     (c) start_minute < end_search and end_minute >= end_search
  condition_list = []
  for start in start_list:
    end_search = (start + duration_min) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
    # print start, duration_min, end_search
    condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' % (start, start))
    condition_list.append('start_minute >= %d and end_minute >= %d and end_minute <= %d' % (start, start, end_search))
    condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' % (end_search, end_search))

  condition_query = "((%s))" % ') or ('.join(condition_list)

  # see https://github.com/kristopolous/DRR/issues/50 - nah this shit is buggy
  condition_query += " and start_unix < datetime(%d, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')" % (TS.sec_now() - misc.config['cascade_time'] + 3)

  full_query = "select * from streams where {} order by strftime('%Y', start_unix) * 524160 + week_number * 10080 + start_minute asc".format(condition_query)

  entry_list = DB.map(DB.run(full_query).fetchall(), 'streams')

  # print full_query, len(entry_list)
  # We want to make sure that we break down the stream_list into days.  We can't JUST look at the week
  # number since we permit feed requests for shows which may have multiple days.  Since this is leaky
  # data that we don't keep via our separation of concerns, we use a little hack to figure this out.
  by_episode = []
  episode = []
  cutoff_minute = 0
  current_week = 0

  for entry in entry_list:
    # look at start minute, if it's > 12 * cascade time (by default 3 hours), then we presume this is a new episode.
    if entry['start_minute'] > cutoff_minute or entry['week_number'] != current_week:
      if len(episode):

      episode = []

    cutoff_minute = entry['start_minute'] + (12 * misc.config['cascade_time']) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
    current_week = entry['week_number']

    # We know by definition that every entry in our stream_list is a valid thing we need
    # to look at.  We just need to make sure we break them down by episode

  if len(episode):

  #print len(by_episode), condition_query
  # Start the creation of the audio files.
  for episode in by_episode:

    # We blur the test start to a bigger window
    test_start = (episode[0]['start_minute'] / (60 * 4))

    for week_start in start_list:
      # Blur the query start to the same window
      query_start = week_start / (60 * 4)

      # This shouldn't be necessary but let's do it anyway
      if abs(query_start - test_start) <= 1:
        # Under these conditions we can say that this episode
        # can be associated with this particular start time

        # The start_minute is based on the week
        offset_start = week_start - episode[0]['start_minute']
        fname = audio.stream_name(episode, week_start, duration_min)
        # print '--name',episode[0]['name'], fname

        # We get the name that it will be and then append that

        # print offset_start, duration_min, episode
        episode_list.append((episode, offset_start, duration_min))

  # print stream_list, "\nbreak\n", episode_list, "\nasfdasdf\n"
  return stream_list, episode_list
Пример #4
def find_streams(start_list, duration_min):
    import lib.misc as misc
    # Given a start week minute this looks for streams in the storage
    # directory that match it - regardless of duration ... so it may return
    # partial shows results.
    stream_list = []

    if type(start_list) is int:
        start_list = [start_list]

    # Sort nominally - since we have unix time in the name, this should come out
    # as sorted by time for us for free.
    stitch_list = []
    episode_list = []

    # So we have a start list, we are about to query our database using the start_minute
    # and end_minute field ... to get end_minue we need to make use of our duration.
    # timeline ->
    #          ###################           << Region we want
    # start_sea#ch    end_search #           << Search
    #          V                 V
    # |     |     |     |     |     |     |  << Minute
    #          a     b     b     c
    # so we want
    #     (a) start_minute < start_search and end_minute >= start_search  ||
    #     (b) start_minute > start_search and end_minute <= end_search  ||
    #     (c) start_minute < end_search and end_minute >= end_search
    condition_list = []
    for start in start_list:
        end_search = (start + duration_min) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
        # print start, duration_min, end_search
        condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' %
                              (start, start))
            'start_minute >= %d and end_minute >= %d and end_minute <= %d' %
            (start, start, end_search))
        condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' %
                              (end_search, end_search))

    condition_query = "((%s))" % ') or ('.join(condition_list)

    # see https://github.com/kristopolous/DRR/issues/50 - nah this shit is buggy
    condition_query += " and start_unix < datetime(%d, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')" % (
        TS.sec_now() - misc.config['cascade_time'] + 3)

    full_query = "select * from streams where %s order by week_number * 10080 + start_minute asc" % condition_query

    entry_list = DB.map(DB.run(full_query).fetchall(), 'streams')

    # print full_query, len(entry_list)
    # We want to make sure that we break down the stream_list into days.  We can't JUST look at the week
    # number since we permit feed requests for shows which may have multiple days.  Since this is leaky
    # data that we don't keep via our separation of concerns, we use a little hack to figure this out.
    by_episode = []
    episode = []
    cutoff_minute = 0
    current_week = 0

    for entry in entry_list:
        # look at start minute, if it's > 12 * cascade time (by default 3 hours), then we presume this is a new episode.
        if entry['start_minute'] > cutoff_minute or entry[
                'week_number'] != current_week:
            if len(episode):

            episode = []

        cutoff_minute = entry['start_minute'] + (
            12 * misc.config['cascade_time']) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
        current_week = entry['week_number']

        # We know by definition that every entry in our stream_list is a valid thing we need
        # to look at.  We just need to make sure we break them down by episode

    if len(episode):

    #print len(by_episode), condition_query
    # Start the creation of the audio files.
    for episode in by_episode:

        # We blur the test start to a bigger window
        test_start = (episode[0]['start_minute'] / (60 * 4))

        for week_start in start_list:
            # Blur the query start to the same window
            query_start = week_start / (60 * 4)

            # This shouldn't be necessary but let's do it anyway
            if abs(query_start - test_start) <= 1:
                # Under these conditions we can say that this episode
                # can be associated with this particular start time

                # The start_minute is based on the week
                offset_start = week_start - episode[0]['start_minute']
                fname = audio.stream_name(episode, week_start, duration_min)
                # print '--name',episode[0]['name'], fname

                # We get the name that it will be and then append that

                # print offset_start, duration_min, episode
                episode_list.append((episode, offset_start, duration_min))

    # print stream_list, "\nbreak\n", episode_list, "\nasfdasdf\n"
    return stream_list, episode_list