def fit_shape( model, bcid, hists, name, crange ): fitmethod = lambda pdf, data: pdf.fitTo( data, RooFit.Save(), RooFit.PrintLevel(1), RooFit.Verbose(0) ) result, modfuncs, datahist = fit(model, hists, fitmethod) hdata = data_hist(model.xvar(), model.yvar(), datahist) hmodel = model_hist(model.xvar(), model.yvar(), modfuncs) chisqs, dofs = compute_chisq(hmodel, hdata) __, __, scRes = residual_hist(hdata, hmodel, 1.0, crange=crange) return result, scRes, chisqs, dofs
def compare_binning(filename): scans = ('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2') with BareRootFile(filename) as f: oldres = [f.get('residualHist{0}'.format(scan)) for scan in scans] oldchi = [f.get_val('chisq{0}'.format(scan)) for scan in scans] olddof = [f.get_val('dof{0}'.format(scan)) for scan in scans] name = f.get_val('name') bcidpos = name.find('bcid') dataname = name[16:name.rfind('_', 0, bcidpos - 1)] fitname = name[name.rfind('_', 0, bcidpos - 1) + 1:bcidpos - 1] bcid = int(name[bcidpos + 4:]) model = { 'SG': SingleGauss, 'DG': DoubleGaussFit, 'TG': TripleGaussFit }[fitname]() model.load_root(filename) modfuncs = model.model_functions() with open('res/hist/{0}.json'.format(dataname)) as f: json = load(f) nbins = json['nbins'] scaling = json['scaling'] datafile = '{0}/{1}.root'.format(json['datapath'], json['name']) hists = [] with BareRootFile(datafile) as f: for histname in [ 'hist_Beam2MoveX_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam2MoveY_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam1MoveX_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam1MoveY_bunch{0}Add' ]: hist = f.get(histname.format(bcid)) hists.append(hist) datahist = [ RooDataHist('scan{0}Beam{1}RestDataHist'.format(c, i), 'scan{0}Beam{1}RestDataHist'.format(c, i), RooArgList(model.xvar(), model.yvar()), hists[j]) for j, (i, c) in enumerate([('1', 'X'), ('1', 'Y'), ('2', 'X'), ('2', 'Y')]) ] chisq, dof, hdata, hmodel = compute_chisq(model, modfuncs, datahist, nbins) scDat, scMod, scRes = residual_hist(hdata, hmodel, scaling) for i, scan in enumerate(scans): oldval = oldchi[i] / olddof[i] newval = chisq[i] / dof[i] print '{0}: {1:.4f} {2:.4f}'.format(scan, oldval, newval) return scRes, oldres
def do_closureTest( suffix, toymodel, fitmodel, vtxresx, vtxresy=None, n=1, eachtoy=None, eachfit=None ): if vtxresy is None: vtxresy = vtxresx if eachtoy is None: eachtoy = lambda toy, r: toy.overlap_func() if eachfit is None: eachfit = lambda fit: fit name = 'ClosureTest_v1_{0}_{1}_{2}' \ .format(,, suffix) rand = TRandom3() rand.SetSeed(0) fitmodel.set_vtxres(vtxresx, vtxresy) for par in ['x011', 'x012', 'x021', 'x022', 'y011', 'y012', 'y021', 'y022']: fitmodel.parameter(par).setConstant() fitmethod = lambda pdf, data: pdf.fitTo( data, RooFit.Save(), RooFit.PrintLevel(1), RooFit.Verbose(0) ) tree = RootTree('closureTest', 'Closure Test') for par in toymodel.fit_parameters: tree.branch_f('toy_{0}'.format(par)) for par in fitmodel.fit_parameters: tree.branch_f('fit_{0}'.format(par)) tree.branch_f('toy_overlapTrue') tree.branch_f('toy_overlapDiff') tree.branch_f('toy_overlapDiff_error') tree.branch_f('fit_overlapTrue') tree.branch_f('fit_overlapDiff') tree.branch_f('fit_overlapDiff_error') tree.branch_f('fit_chisq') tree.branch_i('fit_dof') tree.branch_f('fit_minNll') tree.branch_f('nEntries', 4) for i in range(n): print '<<< {0}: Generate toy model ({1})'.format(i, Timestamp()) overlap = eachtoy(toymodel, rand) hists, nevents = generate_toys( overlap, vtxresx, vtxresy=vtxresy, rand=rand, nbins=760#, verbose=True ) for par in toymodel.fit_parameters: tree.set('toy_{0}'.format(par), toymodel.parameter(par).val()) for j, value in enumerate(nevents): tree.set('nEntries', value, j) print '<<< {0}: Compute correction for toy model ({1})' \ .format(i, Timestamp()) toy_tru, toy_fit, toy_dif = \ compute_correction(overlap, rand=rand, extended=False) tree.set('toy_overlapTrue', toy_tru) mean = sum(toy_dif)/len(toy_dif) error = (sum([(d-mean)**2 for d in toy_dif])/len(toy_dif))**0.5 tree.set('toy_overlapDiff', mean) tree.set('toy_overlapDiff_error', error) print '<<< {0}: Fit toy model ({1})'.format(i, Timestamp()) fitmodel = eachfit(fitmodel) result, modfuncs, datahist = fit(fitmodel, hists, fitmethod) print '<<< {0}: Create model histogram for fit ({1})' \ .format(i, Timestamp()) hmodel = model_hist(fitmodel.xvar(), fitmodel.yvar(), modfuncs) print '<<< {0}: Create data histogram for fit ({1})' \ .format(i, Timestamp()) hdata = data_hist(fitmodel.xvar(), fitmodel.yvar(), datahist) print '<<< {0}: Compute chisquare of fit ({1})'.format(i, Timestamp()) chisqs, dofs = compute_chisq(hmodel, hdata) for par in fitmodel.fit_parameters: tree.set('fit_{0}'.format(par), fitmodel.parameter(par).val()) tree.set('fit_minNll', result.minNll()) tree.set('fit_chisq', sum(chisqs)) tree.set('fit_dof', sum(dofs)) print '<<< {0}: Compute correction for fit model ({1})' \ .format(i, Timestamp()) overlap = fitmodel.overlap_func() fit_tru, fit_fit, fit_dif = \ compute_correction(overlap, rand=rand, extended=False) tree.set('fit_overlapTrue', fit_tru) mean = sum(fit_dif)/len(fit_dif) error = (sum([(d-mean)**2 for d in fit_dif])/len(fit_dif))**0.5 tree.set('fit_overlapDiff', mean) tree.set('fit_overlapDiff_error', error) print '<<< {0}: Fill tree ({1})'.format(i, Timestamp()) tree.Fill() output = RootFile(name, 'RECREATE') tree.Write() Timestamp().Write() output.Write() return output.close()
def fit_shape(model, bcid, datafile, inputfile, name, nbins, vtxresx, vtxresy=None, scaling=1.0, heavyion=False): if heavyion: parameters = model.load_json( parameterfile='res/shapes/{}hi.json'.format( crange = (-20.0, 20.0) else: parameters = model.load_json() crange = (-10.0, 10.0) supermod = bool( not in ('SG', 'DG', 'TG')) with RootFile(inputfile) as f: for par in model.parameters(): if par.is_formula(): continue parname = par.GetName() if match('^[xy]0[12][12]$', parname): value = f.get_val('final/{0}'.format(parname)) par.setVal(value) par.setConstant(True) parameters.append( NamedFloat('{0}_const'.format(parname), value)) continue if supermod and match('^rho[MW][12]$', parname): value = f.get_val('final/rho{0}{1}'.format({ 'M': 'N', 'W': 'M' }[parname[3]], parname[4])) lo, hi = max(value - 0.1, -0.9), min(value + 0.1, 0.9) elif supermod and match('^[xy]WidthM[12]$', parname): value = f.get_val('final/{0}WidthN{1}'.format( parname[0], parname[7])) lo, hi = value * 0.9, value * 1.1 elif supermod and match('^[xy]WidthW[12]Diff$', parname): value = f.get_val('final/{0}WidthM{1}Diff'.format( parname[0], parname[7])) lo, hi = max(value * 0.9, 0.001), value * 1.1 elif supermod and match('^w[12]MFraction$', parname): value = f.get_val('final/w{0}N'.format(parname[1])) lo, hi = max(value - 0.01, 0.0), min(value + 0.01, 1.0) elif not supermod and match('^[xy]Width[NM][12]$', parname): try: value = f.get_val('final/{0}'.format(parname)) lo, hi = value * 0.8, value * 1.2 except: continue elif (not supermod and match('^rho[NMW][12]$', parname) and not == 'SG'): value = f.get_val('final/rhoN{0}'.format(parname[4])) lo, hi = max(value - 0.1, -0.9), min(value + 0.1, 0.9) else: continue par.setRange(lo, hi) par.setVal(value) for p in parameters: if p.GetName() == '{0}_min'.format(parname): p.SetVal(lo) if p.GetName() == '{0}_max'.format(parname): p.SetVal(hi) if p.GetName() == '{0}_ini'.format(parname): p.SetVal(value) if vtxresy is None: vtxresy = vtxresx model.set_vtxres(vtxresx / scaling, vtxresy / scaling) hists = [] with BareRootFile(datafile) as f: for histname in [ 'hist_Beam2MoveX_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam2MoveY_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam1MoveX_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam1MoveY_bunch{0}Add' ]: hist = f.Get(histname.format(bcid)) hist.SetDirectory(0) hists.append(hist) fitmethod = lambda pdf, data: pdf.fitTo(data, RooFit.Save( ), RooFit.PrintLevel(1), RooFit.Verbose(0)) result, modfuncs, datahist = fit(model, hists, fitmethod) hdata = data_hist(model.xvar(), model.yvar(), datahist) hmodel = model_hist(model.xvar(), model.yvar(), modfuncs) chisqs, dofs = compute_chisq(hmodel, hdata) true, avg, rms = overlap_variations(model) scDat, scMod, scRes = residual_hist(hdata, hmodel, scaling, crange=crange) model.factor = 100.0 corrTree = compute_correction(model.overlap_func()) outputname = 'BeamImaging_v2_{0}_{1}_bcid{2}' \ .format(name,, bcid) with RootFile(outputname, 'RECREATE') as f: result.Write('fitResult') for hist in scDat + scMod + scRes: hist.Write() corrTree.Write() for i, scan in enumerate(('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2')): NamedFloat('chisq{0}'.format(scan), chisqs[i]).Write() NamedFloat('dof{0}'.format(scan), dofs[i]).Write() NamedFloat('overlap_true', true).Write() NamedFloat('overlap_average', avg).Write() NamedFloat('overlap_rms', rms).Write() NamedFloat('scaling', scaling).Write() Timestamp().Write() NamedString('name', outputname).Write() f.mkdir('initial').cd() for par in parameters: par.Write() f.mkdir('final').cd() for par in model.parameters(): NamedFloat(par.GetName(), par.val()).Write() NamedFloat('{0}_error'.format(par.GetName()), par.err(model.parameter)).Write()
def do_closureTest( suffix, toymodel, tempmodel, fitmodel, inputfile, vtxresx, vtxresy=None ): toyparameters = toymodel.load_json(inputfile) tempparameters = tempmodel.load_json() fitparameters = fitmodel.load_json() if vtxresy is None: vtxresy = vtxresx toymodel.set_vtxres(vtxresx, vtxresy) tempmodel.set_vtxres(vtxresx, vtxresy) fitmodel.set_vtxres(vtxresx, vtxresy) fitmethod = lambda pdf, data: pdf.fitTo( data, RooFit.Save(), RooFit.PrintLevel(1), RooFit.Verbose(0) ) name = 'ClosureTest_v3_{0}_{1}_{2}' \ .format(,, suffix) rand = TRandom3() rand.SetSeed(0) overlap = toymodel.overlap_func() hists, nevents = generate_toys( overlap, vtxresx, vtxresy=vtxresy, rand=rand, nbins=760#, verbose=True ) toy_tru, toy_fit, toy_dif = \ compute_correction(overlap, rand=rand, extended=False) mean = sum(toy_dif)/len(toy_dif) error = (sum([(d-mean)**2 for d in toy_dif])/len(toy_dif))**0.5 tresult, tmodfuncs, tdatahist = fit(tempmodel, hists, fitmethod) tresult.SetName('temp_fitResult') tmodel = model_hist(tempmodel.xvar(), tempmodel.yvar(), tmodfuncs) tdata = data_hist(tempmodel.xvar(), tempmodel.yvar(), tdatahist) for hist in tmodel + tdata: hist.SetName('temp_{0}'.format(hist.GetName())) tchisqs, tdofs = compute_chisq(tmodel, tdata) for par in fitmodel.parameters(): if par.is_formula(): continue parname = par.GetName() if match('^[xy]0[12][12]$', parname): value = tempmodel.parameter(parname).val() par.setVal(value) par.setConstant(True) continue if match('^rho[MW][12]$', parname): value = tempmodel.parameter('rho{0}{1}'.format( {'M': 'N', 'W': 'M'}[parname[3]], parname[4]) ).val() lo, hi = value-0.1, value+0.1 if lo < -0.9: lo = -0.9 if hi > 0.9: hi = 0.9 elif match('^[xy]WidthM[12]$', parname): value = tempmodel.parameter('{0}WidthN{1}'.format( parname[0], parname[7] )).val() lo, hi = value*0.9, value*1.1 elif match('^[xy]WidthW[12]Diff$', parname): value = tempmodel.parameter('{0}WidthM{1}Diff'.format( parname[0], parname[7] )).val() lo, hi = value*0.9, value*1.1 if lo < 0.001: lo = 0.001 elif match('^w[12]MFraction$', parname): value = tempmodel.parameter('w{0}N'.format(parname[1])).val() lo, hi = value-0.01, value+0.01 if lo < 0.0: lo = 0.0 if hi > 1.0: hi = 1.0 else: continue par.setRange(lo, hi) par.setVal(value) result, modfuncs, datahist = fit(fitmodel, hists, fitmethod) result.SetName('fit_fitResult') hmodel = model_hist(fitmodel.xvar(), fitmodel.yvar(), modfuncs) hdata = data_hist(fitmodel.xvar(), fitmodel.yvar(), datahist) for hist in hmodel + hdata: hist.SetName('fit_{0}'.format(hist.GetName())) chisqs, dofs = compute_chisq(hmodel, hdata) ttrue, tavg, trms = overlap_variations(tempmodel) true, avg, rms = overlap_variations(fitmodel) crange = (-10.0, 10.0) stDat, stMod, stRes = residual_hist(tdata, tmodel, 1.0, crange=crange) for hist in stDat + stMod + stRes: hist.SetName('temp_{0}'.format(hist.GetName())) scDat, scMod, scRes = residual_hist(hdata, hmodel, 1.0, crange=crange) for hist in scDat + scMod + scRes: hist.SetName('fit_{0}'.format(hist.GetName())) tempmodel.factor = 100.0 tempTree = compute_correction(tempmodel.overlap_func(), rand=rand) tempTree.SetName('temp_corrTree') fitmodel.factor = 100.0 corrTree = compute_correction(fitmodel.overlap_func(), rand=rand) corrTree.SetName('fit_corrTree') with RootFile(name, 'RECREATE') as f: for obj in stDat + stMod + stRes + scDat + scMod + scRes + [ tresult, result, tempTree, corrTree, NamedFloat('temp_overlap_true', ttrue), NamedFloat('temp_overlap_average', tavg), NamedFloat('temp_overlap_rms', trms), NamedFloat('fit_overlap_true', true), NamedFloat('fit_overlap_average', avg), NamedFloat('fit_overlap_rms', rms), Timestamp(), NamedString('name', name) ]: obj.Write() for i, scan in enumerate(('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2')): NamedFloat('temp_chisq{0}'.format(scan), tchisqs[i]).Write() NamedFloat('temp_dof{0}'.format(scan), tdofs[i]).Write() NamedFloat('fit_chisq{0}'.format(scan), chisqs[i]).Write() NamedFloat('fit_dof{0}'.format(scan), dofs[i]).Write() f.mkdir('toyparameters').cd() for par in toyparameters: par.Write() f.mkdir('temp_initial').cd() for par in tempparameters: par.Write() f.mkdir('fit_initial').cd() for par in fitparameters: par.Write() f.mkdir('temp_final').cd() for par in tempmodel.parameters(): NamedFloat(par.GetName(), par.val()).Write() NamedFloat( '{0}_error'.format(par.GetName()), par.err(tempmodel.parameter) ) f.mkdir('fit_final').cd() for par in fitmodel.parameters(): NamedFloat(par.GetName(), par.val()).Write() NamedFloat( '{0}_error'.format(par.GetName()), par.err(fitmodel.parameter) )
def integrate_residuals(model, bcid, datafile, outputname, nbins, scaling=1.0, crange=None): model.load_root(outputname) hists = [] with BareRootFile(datafile) as f: for histname in [ 'hist_Beam2MoveX_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam2MoveY_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam1MoveX_bunch{0}Add', 'hist_Beam1MoveY_bunch{0}Add' ]: hist = f.Get(histname.format(bcid)) hist.SetDirectory(0) hists.append(hist) modfuncs = model.model_functions() datahist = [ RooDataHist('scan{0}Beam{1}RestDataHist'.format(c, i), 'scan{0}Beam{1}RestDataHist'.format(c, i), RooArgList(model.xvar(), model.yvar()), hists[j]) for j, (i, c) in enumerate(ic) ] hdata = data_hist(model.xvar(), model.yvar(), datahist, nbins=nbins) hmodel = model_hist(model.xvar(), model.yvar(), modfuncs, nbins=nbins, crange=crange) chisqs, dofs = compute_chisq(hmodel, hdata, nbins=nbins) scDat, scMod, scRes = residual_hist(hdata, hmodel, scaling, crange=crange) with RootFile(outputname) as old, RootFile(outputname, 'RECREATE') as new: condition = lambda key: key.GetName() not in [ 'dataHistX1', 'dataHistY1', 'dataHistX2', 'dataHistY2', 'modelHistX1', 'modelHistY1', 'modelHistX2', 'modelHistY2', 'residualHistX1', 'residualHistY1', 'residualHistX2', 'residualHistY2', 'chisqX1', 'chisqY1', 'chisqX2', 'chisqY2', 'dofX1', 'dofY1', 'dofX2', 'dofY2', ] copy_directory(new, old, condition=condition) for hist in scDat + scMod + scRes: hist.Write() for i, scan in enumerate(('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2')): NamedFloat('chisq{0}'.format(scan), chisqs[i]).Write() NamedFloat('dof{0}'.format(scan), dofs[i]).Write() Timestamp('resTimestamp').Write()