Пример #1
def importHostsToDB(csvImport):
    # For each line in csvImport, run validation checks
    for x in csvImport.split('\n'):
        if x:
            # Split array by comma's
            xArray = x.split(',')
            # 0 is hostname, 1 is IP address, 2 is device type, 3 is ios type
            if not validateIPAddress(xArray[1]):
                return False, "Invalid IP address for host %s - value entered: %s" % (xArray[0], xArray[1])

            if xArray[2].lower() not in ("switch", "router", "firewall"):
                return False, "Invalid device type for host %s - value entered: %s" % (xArray[0], xArray[2])

            if stripNewline(xArray[3].lower()) not in ("ios", "ios-xe", "nx-os", "asa"):
                return False, "Invalid IOS type for host %s - value entered: %s" % (xArray[0], xArray[3])

    # Each line has been validated, so import all lines into DB
    for x in csvImport.split('\n'):
        if x:
            # Split array by comma's
            xArray = x.split(',')
            # 0 is hostname, 1 is IP address, 2 is device type, 3 is ios type
            hostname = xArray[0]
            ipv4_addr = xArray[1]

            if xArray[2].lower() == 'switch':
            elif xArray[2].lower() == 'router':
            elif xArray[2].lower() == 'firewall':

            if stripNewline(xArray[3].lower()) == 'ios':
                ios_type = "cisco_ios"
            elif stripNewline(xArray[3].lower()) == 'ios-xe':
                ios_type = "cisco_xe"
            elif stripNewline(xArray[3].lower()) == 'nx-os':
                ios_type = "cisco_nxos"
            elif stripNewline(xArray[3].lower()) == 'asa':
                ios_type = "cisco_asa"
                ios_type = "Error"

                host = models.Host(hostname=hostname, ipv4_addr=ipv4_addr, type=type, ios_type=ios_type)
                # This enables pulling ID for newly inserted host
                return False, "Error during import of devices into database"
    return True, "Successfully added all %s devices" % (len(csvImport))
def validatePortProtocolUserInput(input):
    # Loop for each inputted port number and protocol
    for x in input:
        # Reduce all spacing to just a single space per section
        x = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(x)
        # Strip any new lines from the input
        x = fn.stripNewline(x)
        # Split string by spaces.  The 1st field is the port, the 2nd field is the protocol
        xList = x.split(" ")
        # Port is xList[0], protocol is xList[1]
        if not ifn.validatePortNumber(
                xList[0]) or not ifn.validatePortProtocol(xList[1]):
            # Port number and protocol isn't valid, return False
            return False
    # All port number and protocol are valid, return True
    return True
def validateIPMaskUserInput(input):
    # Loop for each inputted source IP address and subnet mask
    for x in input:
        # Reduce all spacing to just a single space per section
        x = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(x)
        # Strip any new lines from the input
        x = fn.stripNewline(x)
        # Split string by spaces.  The 1st field is the IP address, the 2nd field is the subnet mask
        xList = x.split(" ")
        # IP address is xList[0], subnet mask is xList[1]
        if not ifn.validateIPAddress(xList[0]) or not ifn.validateSubnetMask(
            # IP address or subnet mask isn't valid, return False
            return False
    # All IP addresses and subnet masks are valid, return True
    return True
creds = fn.setUserCredentials(user, pw)

# Save SSH username as userInitials for now, until implemented later
#userInitials = creds.un

# Set up the SSH session now, prints an error and closes the script if the SSH connection fails
ssh = nfn.getSSHSession(deviceType, hostFW, creds)

# If outputFileName not predefined, ask user for filename
outputFileName = outputDirectory + ufn.userGetOutputFileName(outputFileName)

# Get change ticket number from user
changeTicket = raw_input(
    "What is the change ticket associated with this firewall change? ")
# Strip new lines from user input
changeTicket = fn.stripNewline(changeTicket)

# Ask user for description on the above IP addresses
print "\nDescribe this ticket and the source/dest IP addresses in 1 or 2 words only."
srcDesc = raw_input(
    "This will be used for naming the different ACL groupings for this change: "
# Strip any new lines from the input
srcDesc = fn.stripNewline(srcDesc)
# Replace any white space the user entered with underscores
srcDesc = fn.replaceSpacesWithUnderscore(srcDesc)

# Loop to validate user input
while True:
    # Text to tell user what type of input we are looking for
    typeOfInput = "All source IP addresses and their subnet mask, separated by space (ex:"
Пример #5
startTime = fn.getCurrentTime()

# Counter for progress bar
i = 0
# Progress bar for each email address listed in file
fn.printProgress(i, emailCount, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete')

# For each line extracted from the file, loop
for line in fileLines:
    # Split each line on whitespace
    line = line.split(',')
    # Set email address and recipient name
    emailAddr = line[0]
    emailRecipient = line[1]
    # Strip new lines from email address and recipient name, if any
    emailAddr = fn.stripNewline(emailAddr)
    emailRecipient = fn.stripNewline(emailRecipient)

    # Set the email address as the recipient
    # Set the email subject
    m.setSubject('Email script test %s' % (i + 1))

    # Set the body of text here
    m.setBody("""Dear %s,\n
This is an example of a generic email being sent out.\n
This is the whole email #%s.\n
%s""" % (emailRecipient, i + 1, creds.un))
    # Send the message
# Count how many switches are in the import file
switchCount = fn.file_len(switchFileName)

# Counter for progress bar
i = 0

# Progress bar for each switch listed in file
fn.printProgress(i, switchCount, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete')

# For each line extracted from the file, loop
for line in fileLines:
	# Split each line on whitespace
	line = line.split(',')
	# Set switch name and IP variables
	switchName = fn.stripNewline(line[0])
	switchIP = fn.stripNewline(line[1])
	# Dictionary to store results in; instantiate as empty
	resultList = {}
	# If 'line' is empty/all whitespace, this will fail
		# Connect to device; return unique list of STP blocked ports on host
		# Index 0 is device hostname, index 1 is device IP address

		# Initiate an SSH session
		ssh = sfn.connectToSSH(switchIP, creds)
		# Verify ssh connection established and didn't return an error
		if sfn.sshSkipCheck(ssh):
			# Set variable to True if switch was skipped
			switchSkipped = True
		# Establish SSH interactive session
# Get current time in format that can be appended to file name
currentDate = time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")
currentTime = time.strftime("%H%M")
outputDirectory = "%s/%s" % (outputDirectory, currentDate)

# Get current time for later calculations on how long script took to run
startTime = fn.getCurrentTime()

# Make new directory for the current date

# Loop for each listed item imported into fileLines array
for line in fileLines:
	# Strip newlines from imported devices
	line = fn.stripNewline(line)
	# Split each line on whitespace
	line = line.split(',')

	# Get running config from network device - line[1] is IP address
	commandRunConfig = sfn.runSSHCommand("show run", line[1], creds)

	# Save pulled running-config to file as a backup - line[0] is hostname
	backupFileName = "%s/%s_%s.txt" % (outputDirectory, line[0], currentTime)
	fn.writeCommandToFile(commandRunConfig, backupFileName)

	# Increment progress bar counter
	i += 1
	# Progress bar for user on device count
	fn.printProgress(i, deviceCount, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete')
Пример #8
		if fn.isHostIOSorNXOS(host) == "NXOS":
			command3 = "show cdp neighbors interface %s detail | inc \"IPv4 Address\"" % (portChannelInt)
		elif fn.isHostIOSorNXOS(host) == "IOS":
			command3 = "show cdp neighbors %s detail | inc IP address" % (portChannelInt)
			fn.debugErrorOut('Command3 NXOS vs IOS')

		# Run 3rd command, save output to 'result'
		result = sfn.runSSHCommand(command3, host, creds)

		# Reduce all spacing to just a single space per section
		result3 = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result)
		# Split string by spaces.  We are looking for the 4th field
		ipAddressList = result3.split(" ")
		# Strip any newlines from the string, store as new host
		host = fn.stripNewline(ipAddressList[3])

	# If device shows up as on a TenGigabitEthernet interface, assume it's on another switch
	elif ("Te" in iface):
		# Device is on another switch by MAC address table

		# teAbbrev is "Te5/1" for the TenGigabitEthernet interface
		teAbbrev = iface.replace("nGigabitEthernet", "")

		# Find IP address for switch where MAC address can be found off of
		# Different commands if NX-OS vs IOS/IOS-XE
		if fn.isHostIOSorNXOS(host) == "NXOS":
			command2 = "show cdp neighbors interface %s detail | inc \"IPv4 Address\"" % (teAbbrev)
		elif fn.isHostIOSorNXOS(host) == "IOS":
			command2 = "show cdp neighbors %s detail | inc IP address" % (teAbbrev)