Пример #1
    def get_departure_data(self, relevant_stops, route_number, must_stop_at=None, direction=None):
        Fetch the JSON data from the TfL website, for a dictionary of relevant_stops (each a BusStop object)
        and a particular route_number, and returns a DepartureCollection containing Bus objects

        must_stop_at and direction are ignored; filtering by direction has already been done by process_individual_request()
        stop_directions = dict([(run, heading_to_direction(stop.heading)) for (run, stop) in relevant_stops.items()])
        departures = DepartureCollection()
        for (run, stop) in relevant_stops.items():
            tfl_url = self.urls.BUS_URL % stop.number
            bus_data = self.browser.fetch_json(tfl_url)
            departures[stop] = parse_bus_data(bus_data, route_number)
            if departures[stop]:
                logging.debug("Stop %s produced buses: %s", stop.get_clean_name(), ', '.join([str(bus) for bus in departures[stop]]))
                logging.debug("Stop %s produced no buses", stop.get_clean_name())

        # If the number of runs is 3 or more, get rid of any without buses shown
        if len(departures) > 2:
            logging.debug("Number of runs is %s, removing any non-existent entries", len(departures))
            for run in range(3, max(relevant_stops.keys()) + 1):
                if run in relevant_stops.keys() and not departures[relevant_stops[run]]:
                    del departures[relevant_stops[run]]

        null_constructor = lambda stop: NullDeparture(stop_directions[stop.run])
        return departures
Пример #2
    def test_geo(self):
        Unit test for geo conversion methods
        # Test co-ordinate conversions on the location of St James's Park Station
        wgs84 = (51.4995893, -0.1342974)
        osgb36 = (51.4990781, -0.1326920)
        easting_northing = (529600, 179500)
        gridref = "TQ2960079500"

        self.assertEqual(convertWGS84toOSGB36(*wgs84)[:2], osgb36)
        self.assertEqual(LatLongToOSGrid(*osgb36), easting_northing)
        self.assertEqual(convertWGS84toOSEastingNorthing(*wgs84), easting_northing)
        self.assertEqual(gridrefNumToLet(*easting_northing), gridref)

        # Test heading_to_direction with a series of preset values
        for (heading, direction) in ((0, "North"), (90, "East"), (135, "SE"), (225, "SW"),):
            self.assertEqual(heading_to_direction(heading), direction)