def add(self, node: Machine): if verbose: node.toggle_verbose() new_addr = len(self.__nodes) self.__nodes.append({'machine': node, 'message_queue': deque()})
class Bot: NORTH = 'north' SOUTH = 'south' WEST = 'west' EAST = 'east' def __init__(self, m): self.__m = m self.__cpu = Machine(self.__m[:]) self.__history = [] self.__move_count = 0 self.__safe_items = { 'asterisk', 'polygon', 'tambourine', 'mug', 'cake', 'jam', 'easter egg', 'klein bottle' } if verbose: self.__cpu.toggle_verbose() def map(self, _display=True): history = self.__history p = 0 move = self.NORTH tries = {} inventory = set() seen_items = set() safe_items = self.__safe_items checkpoint_map = [] disable_pickups = False o = ''.join(list(map(chr, self.__cpu.dump_output(clear=True)))) print('MAIN OUTPUT:', o) while True and not self.__cpu.halted(): sleep(0.2) ''' here, we will use (D)epth (F)irst (S)earch algo to traverse the entire map, collect all items and find our way to the checkpoint. ''' p = self.location(o) if p not in tries: tries[p] = set(self.moves(o)) if tries[p]: print(f'AVAILABLE TRIES FOR [ {p.upper()} ]:', tries[p]) backtrack = False prev = move move = tries[p].pop() if tries[p] and prev == self.reverse(move): prev = move move = tries[p].pop() tries[p].add(prev) else: backtrack = True if not history: ''' no where to backtrack to. this will happen when we've explored every other path and are forced to backtrack all the back to the beginning. END PROGRAM ''' print('NO HISTORY') if checkpoint_map and len(seen_items) == len(safe_items): print('ALL SET: NAVIGATE TO CHECKPOINT') print('SEEN ITEMS:', seen_items) print('Hit enter to continue >_') sys.stdin.readline() path = checkpoint_map[::-1] while path: self.instruct(path.pop()) move = self.EAST else: print('MISSING ITEMS OR NO CHECKPOINT PATH') print('PATH:', checkpoint_map) print('SEEN ITEMS:', seen_items) break else: move = self.reverse(history.pop()) o = self.instruct(move) for item in self.items(o): if item not in 'molten lava escape pod giant electromagnet photons infinite loop' and ( not disable_pickups or item not in seen_items): self.instruct(f'take {item}') inventory.add(item) seen_items.add(item) else: pass # print('SKIPPED:', item) if 'checkpoint' in o: print('CHECKPOINT') ''' Save path to checkpoint for later ''' checkpoint_map = history.copy() ''' Make sure ALL safe items are collected before initiating brute force. ''' if len(seen_items) != len(safe_items): continue else: print('============ ALL SET ================') self.instruct('inv') print('=====================================') print('Hit enter to continue >_') sys.stdin.readline() self.brute() break if "You can't go that way" not in o: if not backtrack: history.append(move) def brute(self): ''' try all possible combinations of items at the checkpoint. ''' for i in range(3, 6): print(f'TRYING SETS OF {i}') print('-------------------------------------') print('Hit enter to continue >_') sys.stdin.readline() item_combinations = set(combinations(self.__safe_items, i)) while item_combinations: current_set = item_combinations.pop() print('TRYING WITH FOLLOWING INVENTORY:', current_set) _o = self.items(self.instruct('inv', silent=True)) for item in [x for x in _o if x not in current_set]: self.instruct(f'drop {item}', silent=True) for item in [x for x in current_set if x not in _o]: self.instruct(f'take {item}', silent=True) _o = self.instruct('inv') ''' TRY ''' _o = self.instruct('east') if not'(heavier|lighter) than', _o): print('YAYYYY (?):', _o) return sleep(0.2) print('SECURITY BREACH FAILED. TRY AGAIN.') def instruct(self, command: str, join: bool = True, silent: bool = False): ''' - convert text command to ASCII and feed to computer. - return output ''' if not silent: print('INSTR:', command) cpu = self.__cpu for c in map(ord, command): # return o = list(map(chr, cpu.dump_output(clear=True))) if not silent: print('OUTPUT:', ''.join(o)) return ''.join(o) if join else o def moves(self, o): ''' extract available moves from output ''' res = re.findall(r'- (north|south|east|west)', ''.join(o)) if res: pass # print('MOVES:', res) return res def items(self, o): ''' extract items from output ''' res = re.findall(r'- ([ a-z]+)', o) if res: res = [ x for x in res if x not in {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'} ] # if res: print('ITEMS:', res) return res def location(self, o): ''' extract location from output ''' res = re.findall(r'== ([ a-z]+) ==', o.lower()) return res[0] def reverse(self, direction=None): if direction == None: direction = self.__history[-1] return { self.NORTH: self.SOUTH, self.SOUTH: self.NORTH, self.WEST: self.EAST, self.EAST: self.WEST }[direction]
class Arcade9000Turbo: def __init__(self, m): self.__cpu = Machine(m) self.__minx = self.__miny = self.__maxx = self.__maxy = 0 ''' we only need to track (x) ''' self.__player_x = 0 self.__ball_x = 0 self.__canvas = defaultdict(lambda: ' ') self.__scores = 0 self.__tiles = {0: ' ', 1: '|', 2: '⬜', 3: '➖', 4: '⚪'} if verbose: self.__cpu.toggle_verbose() def play(self, auto: bool = False): while not self.__cpu.halted() or self.__cpu.has_output(): x = self.__cpu.output() y = self.__cpu.output() if x == -1 and y == 0: ''' player's current score ''' self.__scores = self.__cpu.output() self.display() elif x != None and y != None: ''' draw a tile to the screen ''' self.draw(x, y, self.__cpu.output()) self.display() elif auto and self.__cpu.waiting(): m = 0 if self.__ball_x > self.__player_x: m = 1 print('_/_ >') elif self.__ball_x < self.__player_x: m = -1 print('_\\_ >') else: print('_|_ >') elif self.__cpu.waiting(): print('_|_ >') self.input() def input(self): try: except ValueError: print('Invalid input (hint: enter -1, 0, or 1 ):') self.input() def display(self): grid = [[' '] * (self.__maxx + 1) for _ in range(self.__maxy + 1)] count = 0 for (x, y), v in self.__canvas.items(): if x < 0 or y < 0: break if v == self.__tiles[2]: count += 1 grid[y][x] = v"clear") for l in grid: print(''.join(l)) print('\n') print('.' * (self.__maxx + 1)) print('Score: {0}, Blocks: {1}'.format(self.__scores, count)) def draw(self, x, y, tile_id): self.__canvas[(x, y)] = self.__tiles[tile_id] self.__minx = min(self.__minx, x) self.__maxx = max(self.__maxx, x) self.__miny = min(self.__miny, y) self.__maxy = max(self.__maxy, y) if tile_id == 4: ''' track ball displacement ''' self.__ball_x = x elif tile_id == 3: ''' track player position ''' self.__player_x = x
class Robot: def __init__(self, m): self.__cpu = Machine(m) ''' {current, min, max} ''' self.__x, self.__y = (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0) self.__panels = defaultdict(lambda: '.') self.__color = 0 ''' < : 0 ^ : 1 > : 2 v : 3 ''' self.__direction = 1 if verbose: self.__cpu.toggle_verbose() def start(self, start_color): if start_color: self.__panels[(0, 0)] = '#' while not self.__cpu.halted(): if self.__panels[(self.__x[0], self.__y[0])] == '#' else 0) self.paint(self.__cpu.output()) self.turn(self.__cpu.output()) self.move() def display(self): _, minx, maxx = self.__x _, miny, maxy = self.__y grid = [[' ']*(maxx+1) for _ in range(maxy+1)] for (x, y), v in self.__panels.items(): if x < 0 or y < 0: break if v == '#': grid[y][x] = v for l in grid: print(''.join(l)) print('\n', '--------------------------------------\n', 'COUNT', len(self.__panels), '\n\n') def turn(self, lr): if verbose: print('FROM ', ['<', '^', '>', 'v'][self.__direction]*4, lr) if lr == 0: self.left() else: self.right() if verbose: print('TURNED ', ['<', '^', '>', 'v'][self.__direction]*4) def left(self): self.__direction += (3 if self.__direction == 0 else -1) return self.__direction def right(self): self.__direction += (-3 if self.__direction == 3 else 1) return self.__direction def move(self): x, minx, maxx = self.__x y, miny, maxy = self.__y # <- left if self.__direction == 0: if verbose: print('MOV <----', x) x -= 1 minx = min(minx, x) if verbose: print('x:', x) # -> right elif self.__direction == 2: if verbose: print('MOV ---->', x) x += 1 maxx = max(maxx, x) if verbose: print('x:', x) # -> up elif self.__direction == 1: if verbose: print('MOV ^^^^^^', y) y -= 1 miny = min(miny, y) if verbose: print('y:', y) # -> down elif self.__direction == 3: if verbose: print('MOV vvvvvv', y) y += 1 maxy = max(maxy, y) if verbose: print('y:', y) self.__x, self.__y = (x, minx, maxx), (y, miny, maxy) def paint(self, color = None): if color != None: self.__color = color self.__panels[(self.__x[0], self.__y[0])] = ('.' if self.__color == 0 else '#')