def smbcmdlist(): parse_list_file(conf.smbcmdlist) targets_tuple = () for target in targets: if len(target.getValidCredentials()) == 0: continue else: first_credentials = target.getValidCredentials()[0]'Executing SMB commands on %s with user %s' % (target.getIdentity(), first_credentials.getUser())) shell = InteractiveShell(target, first_credentials, if len(commands) > 0:'Executing SMB commands from provided file') for command in commands: print 'SMB command \'%s\' output:' % command try: shell.onecmd(command) except SessionError, e: #traceback.print_exc() logger.error('SMB error: %s' % (e.getErrorString(), )) except NetBIOSTimeout, e: logger.error('SMB connection timed out') except keimpxError, e: logger.error(e) except KeyboardInterrupt, _: print'User aborted') shell.do_exit('')
def smbcmdlist(): parse_list_file(conf.smbcmdlist) targets_tuple = () for target in targets: if len(target.getValidCredentials()) == 0: continue else: admin_credentials = get_admin_credentials(target) if admin_credentials is False: admin_credentials = target.getValidCredentials()[0] logger.warn("No admin user identified for target %s, some commands will not work" % target.getIdentity())"Executing SMB commands on %s with user %s" % (target.getIdentity(), admin_credentials.getUser())) shell = InteractiveShell(target, admin_credentials, if len(commands) > 0:"Executing SMB commands from provided file") for command in commands: print "SMB command '%s' output:" % command try: shell.onecmd(command) except SessionError, e: # traceback.print_exc() logger.error("SMB error: %s" % (e.getErrorString(),)) except NetBIOSTimeout, e: logger.error("SMB connection timed out") except keimpxError, e: logger.error(e) except KeyboardInterrupt, _: print"User aborted") shell.do_exit("")
def smb_cmd_list(targets): commands = parse_list_file(conf.smbcmdlist) targets_tuple = () for target in targets: if len(target.get_valid_credentials()) == 0: continue else: admin_credentials = get_admin_credentials(target) if admin_credentials is False: admin_credentials = target.get_valid_credentials()[0] logger.warn( 'No admin user identified for target %s, some commands will not work' % target.get_identity())'Executing SMB commands on %s with user %s' % (target.get_identity(), admin_credentials.getUser())) shell = InteractiveShell(target, admin_credentials, if len(commands) > 0:'Executing SMB commands from provided file') for command in commands: print('SMB command \'%s\' output:' % command) try: shell.onecmd(command) except SessionError as e: # traceback.print_exc() logger.error('SMB error: %s' % (e.getErrorString(), )) except NetBIOSTimeout as e: logger.error('SMB connection timed out') except keimpxError as e: logger.error(e) except KeyboardInterrupt as _: print()'User aborted') shell.do_exit('') except Exception as e: # traceback.print_exc() logger.error(str(e)) print('----------8<----------')
def main(): global conf global credentials global domains global have_readline global pool_thread banner() conf = cmdline_parser() check_conf() pool_thread = threading.BoundedSemaphore(conf.threads) try: for target in targets: pool_thread.acquire() current = test_login(target) current.daemon = True current.start() while threading.activeCount() > 1: a = 'Caughtit' pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print try: logger.warn('Test interrupted') a = 'Caughtit' stop_threads[0] = True except KeyboardInterrupt: print'User aborted') exit(1) if successes == 0: print '\nNo credentials worked on any target\n' exit(0) print '\nThe credentials worked in total %d times\n' % successes print 'TARGET SORTED RESULTS:\n' for target in targets: valid_credentials = target.get_valid_credentials() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: print target.get_identity() for valid_credential in valid_credentials: print ' %s' % valid_credential.get_identity() print print '\nUSER SORTED RESULTS:\n' for credential in credentials: valid_credentials = credential.get_valid_targets() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: print credential.get_identity() for valid_credential in valid_credentials: print ' %s' % valid_credential.get_identity() print if conf.smbcmdlist is not None: smb_cmd_list() if conf.oscmdlist is not None: os_cmd_list() if conf.batch or conf.smbcmdlist or conf.oscmdlist: return while True: msg = 'Do you want to establish a SMB shell from any of the targets? [Y/n] ' choice = raw_input(msg) if choice and choice[0].lower() != 'y': return counter = 0 targets_dict = {} msg = 'Which target do you want to connect to?' for target in targets: valid_credentials = target.get_valid_credentials() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: counter += 1 msg += '\n[%d] %s%s' % (counter, target.get_identity(), ' (default)' if counter == 1 else '') targets_dict[counter] = (target, valid_credentials) msg += '\n> ' choice = read_input(msg, counter) user_target, valid_credentials = targets_dict[int(choice)] counter = 0 credentials_dict = {} msg = 'Which credentials do you want to use to connect?' for credential in valid_credentials: counter += 1 msg += '\n[%d] %s%s' % (counter, credential.get_identity(), ' (default)' if counter == 1 else '') credentials_dict[counter] = credential msg += '\n> ' choice = read_input(msg, counter) user_credentials = credentials_dict[int(choice)] if sys.platform.lower() == 'win32' and have_readline: try: _outputfile = readline.GetOutputFile() except AttributeError: logger.debug('Failed GetOutputFile when using platform\'s readline library') have_readline = False uses_libedit = False if sys.platform.lower() == 'darwin' and have_readline: import commands (status, result) = commands.getstatusoutput('otool -L %s | grep libedit' % readline.__file__) if status == 0 and len(result) > 0: readline.parse_and_bind('bind ^I rl_complete') debugMsg = 'Leopard libedit detected when using platform\'s ' debugMsg += 'readline library' logger.debug(debugMsg) uses_libedit = True try: shell = InteractiveShell(user_target, user_credentials, shell.cmdloop() except RuntimeError, e: logger.error('Runtime error: %s' % str(e)) except Exception, _: # traceback.print_exc() pass
def main(): global conf global credentials global domains global have_readline global pool_thread banner() conf = cmdline_parser() check_conf() pool_thread = threading.BoundedSemaphore(conf.threads) try: for target in targets: pool_thread.acquire() current = test_login(target) current.start() while (threading.activeCount() > 1): a = 'Caughtit' pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print try: logger.warn('Test interrupted, waiting for threads to finish') while (threading.activeCount() > 1): a = 'Caughtit' pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print'User aborted') sys.exit(1) if successes == 0: print '\nNo credentials worked on any target\n' sys.exit(1) print '\nThe credentials worked in total %d times\n' % successes print 'TARGET SORTED RESULTS:\n' for target in targets: valid_credentials = target.getValidCredentials() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: print target.getIdentity() for valid_credential in valid_credentials: print ' %s' % valid_credential.getIdentity() print print '\nUSER SORTED RESULTS:\n' for credential in credentials: valid_credentials = credential.getValidTargets() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: print credential.getIdentity() for valid_credential in valid_credentials: print ' %s' % valid_credential.getIdentity() print if conf.smbcmdlist is not None: smbcmdlist() if conf.oscmdlist is not None: oscmdlist() if conf.batch or conf.smbcmdlist or conf.oscmdlist: return msg = 'Do you want to establish a SMB shell from any of the targets? [Y/n] ' choice = raw_input(msg) if choice and choice[0].lower() != 'y': return counter = 0 targets_dict = {} msg = 'Which target do you want to connect to?' for target in targets: valid_credentials = target.getValidCredentials() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: counter += 1 msg += '\n[%d] %s%s' % (counter, target.getIdentity(), ' (default)' if counter == 1 else '') targets_dict[counter] = (target, valid_credentials) msg += '\n> ' choice = read_input(msg, counter) user_target, valid_credentials = targets_dict[int(choice)] counter = 0 credentials_dict = {} msg = 'Which credentials do you want to use to connect?' for credential in valid_credentials: counter += 1 msg += '\n[%d] %s%s' % (counter, credential.getIdentity(), ' (default)' if counter == 1 else '') credentials_dict[counter] = credential msg += '\n> ' choice = read_input(msg, counter) user_credentials = credentials_dict[int(choice)] if mswindows is True and have_readline: try: _outputfile = readline.GetOutputFile() except AttributeError: logger.debug('Failed GetOutputFile when using platform\'s readline library') have_readline = False uses_libedit = False if sys.platform.lower() == 'darwin' and have_readline: import commands (status, result) = commands.getstatusoutput('otool -L %s | grep libedit' % readline.__file__) if status == 0 and len(result) > 0: readline.parse_and_bind('bind ^I rl_complete') debugMsg = 'Leopard libedit detected when using platform\'s ' debugMsg += 'readline library' logger.debug(debugMsg) uses_libedit = True try: shell = InteractiveShell(user_target, user_credentials, shell.cmdloop() except RuntimeError: sys.exit(255)
def main(): global conf global credentials global domains global have_readline global pool_thread banner() conf = cmdline_parser() check_conf() pool_thread = threading.BoundedSemaphore(conf.threads) try: for target in targets: pool_thread.acquire() current = test_login(target) current.daemon = True current.start() while threading.activeCount() > 1: a = "Caughtit" pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print try: logger.warn("Test interrupted") a = "Caughtit" stop_threads[0] = True except KeyboardInterrupt: print"User aborted") os._exit(1) if successes == 0: print "\nNo credentials worked on any target\n" os._exit(0) print "\nThe credentials worked in total %d times\n" % successes print "TARGET SORTED RESULTS:\n" for target in targets: valid_credentials = target.getValidCredentials() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: print target.getIdentity() for valid_credential in valid_credentials: print " %s" % valid_credential.getIdentity() print print "\nUSER SORTED RESULTS:\n" for credential in credentials: valid_credentials = credential.getValidTargets() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: print credential.getIdentity() for valid_credential in valid_credentials: print " %s" % valid_credential.getIdentity() print if conf.smbcmdlist is not None: smbcmdlist() if conf.oscmdlist is not None: oscmdlist() if conf.batch or conf.smbcmdlist or conf.oscmdlist: return while True: msg = "Do you want to establish a SMB shell from any of the targets? [Y/n] " choice = raw_input(msg) if choice and choice[0].lower() != "y": return counter = 0 targets_dict = {} msg = "Which target do you want to connect to?" for target in targets: valid_credentials = target.getValidCredentials() if len(valid_credentials) > 0: counter += 1 msg += "\n[%d] %s%s" % (counter, target.getIdentity(), " (default)" if counter == 1 else "") targets_dict[counter] = (target, valid_credentials) msg += "\n> " choice = read_input(msg, counter) user_target, valid_credentials = targets_dict[int(choice)] counter = 0 credentials_dict = {} msg = "Which credentials do you want to use to connect?" for credential in valid_credentials: counter += 1 msg += "\n[%d] %s%s" % (counter, credential.getIdentity(), " (default)" if counter == 1 else "") credentials_dict[counter] = credential msg += "\n> " choice = read_input(msg, counter) user_credentials = credentials_dict[int(choice)] if mswindows is True and have_readline: try: _outputfile = readline.GetOutputFile() except AttributeError: logger.debug("Failed GetOutputFile when using platform's readline library") have_readline = False uses_libedit = False if sys.platform.lower() == "darwin" and have_readline: import commands (status, result) = commands.getstatusoutput("otool -L %s | grep libedit" % readline.__file__) if status == 0 and len(result) > 0: readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") debugMsg = "Leopard libedit detected when using platform's " debugMsg += "readline library" logger.debug(debugMsg) uses_libedit = True try: shell = InteractiveShell(user_target, user_credentials, shell.cmdloop() except RuntimeError, e: logger.error("Runtime error: %s" % str(e)) except Exception, _: # traceback.print_exc() pass