Пример #1
 def get_last_pm(self, datei):
     (pnf_joints, pnf_indexes, pnf_pmmask) = self.get_pnf_joints()
     (indexes, dates, open, high, low, close, volume) = self.data
     last_idx = -1
     for i in range(len(pnf_joints)):
         if pnf_indexes[i] >= datei:
             if i > 1:
                 last_idx = i-1
     if last_idx < 0:
         return (0, last_idx, -1)
     last_peak = pnf_joints[last_idx]
     last_pm = pnf_pmmask[last_idx]
     last_d_idx = pnf_indexes[last_idx]
     max_p = max(high[last_d_idx:datei+1])
     min_p = min(low[last_d_idx:datei+1])
     price = close[datei]
     boxsize = kf.get_boxsize(price)
     if ((last_peak - price) >= boxsize*3 and last_pm == 1 and max_p <= last_peak) \
     or ((price - last_peak) >= boxsize*3 and last_pm == -1 and min_p >= last_peak):
         return (pnf_pmmask[last_idx], last_idx, pnf_indexes[last_idx])
         if (last_peak - min_p) >= boxsize*3 and (price - min_p) >= boxsize*3 and last_pm == 1:
             return (-1, -1, -1)
         if (max_p - last_peak) >= boxsize*3 and (max_p - price) >= boxsize*3 and last_pm == -1:
             return (1, -1, -1)
         return (0, last_idx, -1)
Пример #2
 def _get_trend_lines(self, joints, indexes, pmmask):
     j = 5
     up_trend_lines = {}
     down_trend_lines = {}
     for i in range(5, len(indexes)):
         if pmmask[i] != pmmask[i-2] or pmmask[i] != pmmask[i-4]:
         df = indexes[i]-indexes[i-4]
         if df < 12:
         if df != 0:
             slope = (joints[i]-joints[i-4])*1.0/df
             slope = 0
         const = joints[i-4]-slope*indexes[i-4]
         midrp = joints[i-2]
         midlp = self._eq(indexes[i-2], slope, const)
         #boxsize = kf.get_bollinger_boxsize(midrp)
         boxsize = kf.get_boxsize(midrp)
         if midlp - boxsize <= midrp and midlp + boxsize >= midrp:
             for d in range(indexes[i]+1, indexes[i] + indexes[i]-indexes[i-4]+1):
                 if pmmask[i] == 1:
                     if up_trend_lines.has_key(d) == False:
                         up_trend_lines[d] = []
                     up_trend_lines[d].append(self._eq(d, slope, const))
                 if pmmask[i] == -1:
                     if down_trend_lines.has_key(d) == False:
                         down_trend_lines[d] = []
                     down_trend_lines[d].append(self._eq(d, slope, const))
         j += 1
     self.trend_lines["up"] = up_trend_lines
     self.trend_lines["down"] = down_trend_lines
Пример #3
    def _judge_enter_proc(self, datei):
        datei -= 1
        (open, high, low, close, volume) = self._get_prices(datei, 1)
        price = (high + low + close) / 3
        msg = ""
        boxsize = kf.get_boxsize(price)
        ret = (NO_ENTER, msg)
        if high - low > boxsize:
            return ret

        if len(self.enter_prices) > 0:
            if price + boxsize >= self.enter_prices[-1] and price - boxsize <= self.enter_prices[-1]:
                return ret

        direction = 0

        # ichimoku
        tmp_direction = self._judge_ichimoku_points(datei)
        if tmp_direction != 0:
            msg = f.joinstr("Ichimoku", msg)
        direction += tmp_direction

        # bollinger
        tmp_direction = self._judge_bollinger_points(datei)
        if tmp_direction != 0:
            msg = f.joinstr("Bollinger", msg)
        direction += tmp_direction

        # base lines
        tmp_direction = self._judge_base_points(datei)
        if tmp_direction != 0:
            msg = f.joinstr("Base lines", msg)
        direction += tmp_direction

        # dow lines
        tmp_direction = self._judge_dow_points(datei)
        if tmp_direction != 0:
            msg = f.joinstr("Dow", msg)
        direction += tmp_direction

        # trend lines
        tmp_direction = self._judge_trend_points(datei)
        if tmp_direction != 0:
            msg = f.joinstr("Trend lines", msg)
        direction += tmp_direction

        if abs(direction) > self.min_action_score:
            if direction > 0:
                return (YES_ENTER_BUY, msg)
            elif direction < 0:
                return (YES_ENTER_SELL, msg)
        return ret
Пример #4
 def _get_last_pm(self, datei):
     (pnf_joints, pnf_indexes, pnf_pmmask) = self.kl.get_pnf_joints()
     (indexes, dates, open, high, low, close, volume) = self.data
     last_idx = -1
     for i in range(len(pnf_joints)):
         if pnf_indexes[i] >= datei:
             if i > 1:
                 last_idx = i-1
     if last_idx < 0:
         return (0, last_idx, -1)
     last_peak = pnf_joints[last_idx]
     price = close[datei]
     boxsize = kf.get_boxsize(price)
     if abs(last_peak - price) >= boxsize*3:
         return (pnf_pmmask[last_idx], last_idx, pnf_indexes[last_idx])
         return (0, last_idx, -1)
Пример #5
    def old_judge_release(self, datei):
        (open, high, low, close, volume) = self._get_prices(datei, 1)
        price = (high + low + close) / 3
        ret = (NO_RELEASE, 0, "")

        if self.curr_trade_mode == MODE_BUY:
            pm = 1
            limit_price = low
        elif self.curr_trade_mode == MODE_SELL:
            pm = -1
            limit_price = high
            return ret

        # if self.curr_holding_n <= 0:
        if len(self.enter_cnts) == 0:
            return ret

        start_price = self.enter_prices[0]
        if len(self.enter_prices) > 2:
            bottom_price = self.enter_prices[-2]
            bottom_price = start_price
        if self.bottom_price != bottom_price or self.bottom_price == 0:
            self.bottom_price = bottom_price
            self.days_after_bottom_price = 0
            self.days_after_bottom_price += 1

        pos_price = self.enter_prices[-1]

        # losscut rate
        if self.losscut_reduce_interval > 0:
            curr_losscut_rate = self.losscut_rate - (self.days_after_bottom_price / self.losscut_reduce_interval) * 0.01

        loss_rate = (self.bottom_price - limit_price) * 1.0 * pm / self.bottom_price
        border_price = self.bottom_price * (1.0 - pm * self.losscut_rate)
        if loss_rate > self.losscut_rate:
            msg = "Loss cut"
            release_price = close
            if pm * limit_price <= pm * border_price * (1.0 - pm * 0.01):
                release_price = border_price * (1.0 - pm * 0.01)
                release_price = limit_price
            return (MUST_RELEASE, release_price, msg)

        loss_rate = (pos_price - price) * 1.0 * pm / pos_price
        if loss_rate > self.losscut_rate:
            msg = "Line loss cut"
            return (YES_RELEASE, close, msg)

        # stop order
        boxsize = kf.get_boxsize(price)
        if self.base_price == 0:
            self.base_price = price
        if self.base_price * pm < (price - boxsize) * pm:
            self.base_price = price
        stop_rate = (self.base_price - price) * 1.0 * pm / self.base_price
        if stop_rate > self.stoporder_rate:
            msg = "Stop order"
            return (YES_RELEASE, close, msg)

        # enough std
        if self.spent >= self.std_span:
            (eopen, ehigh, elow, eclose, evolume) = self._get_prices(datei, self.std_span)
            cmean = np.mean(eclose)
            if cmean > 0:
                std = np.std(close / cmean)
                if std < self.min_std_rate:
                    msg = "Not enough slope"
                return (YES_RELEASE, close, msg)

        return ret