def get_file(self, src_path, dest_path): ''' :param src_path: 远端目录 :param dest_path: 本地目录 :return: ''' if src_path[-1] == '/': src_path = src_path[:-1] if dest_path[-1] == '/': dest_path = dest_path[:-1] src_path = src_path.replace('\\', '/') dest_path = dest_path.replace('\\', '/') self.__makedirs_if_not_exist(dest_path) try: transport = paramiko.Transport((self.server_ip_address, self.server_port)) transport.connect(username=self.server_username, password=self.server_password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) all_files = self.__get_all_files_in_remote_dir(sftp, src_path) for full_file_path in all_files: # filename = os.path.split(full_file_path)[1] # filepath = os.path.split(full_file_path)[0] prefix_dir_path = os.path.dirname(src_path) relative_path = self.__trunc_prefix_path(prefix_dir_path, full_file_path) dest_full_path = dest_path + '/' + relative_path dest_dir_path = os.path.dirname(dest_full_path) self.__makedirs_if_not_exist(dest_dir_path) # dest_full_path = dest_full_path.replace('\\', '/')'[{}] get: {} to [Local]: {}'.format(self.server_ip_address, src_path, dest_full_path)) # print( # '[{}] get: {} to [Local]: {}'.format(self.server_ip_address,src_path,dest_full_path) # ) sftp.get(full_file_path, dest_full_path) except Exception as error: logger.error("Get File ERR: [{}] [{}]".format(self.server_ip_address, error))
def make_single_awr(self, db, dbid, inst_num, bid, eid, filename): one_awr_report_html_sql = self.awr_sql['awr_report_html'] awr_report_html_sql = one_awr_report_html_sql.format( dbid, inst_num, bid, eid) filepath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'logs', 'awr', filename)) dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath) if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath)'make awr report: {}'.format(filepath)) res = db.select_db(awr_report_html_sql) for oneline in res: newline = oneline[0] if newline is None: newline = '\n' try: fh = open(filepath, 'ab+') newline = newline.encode('utf-8') fh.write(newline) except Exception as err: print("err:", oneline) print(err) finally: fh.close()
def exec_multi_commands(self, cmd_list, recv_bytes=1024): shell_cmd = self.ssh.invoke_shell() for one_cmd in cmd_list:'[{}] run: {}'.format(self.server_ip_address, one_cmd)) # print ('[{}] run: {}'.format(self.server_ip_address,one_cmd)) shell_cmd.send(one_cmd + '\n') receive_buf = '' while True: sleep(0.5) # print (shell_cmd.recv(recv_bytes)) result = shell_cmd.recv(recv_bytes).decode('utf-8') receive_buf += result if len(result) != recv_bytes: receive_buf = self.format_output(receive_buf, one_cmd) logger.debug(receive_buf)'[{}] status: {}'.format(self.server_ip_address, 'cmd executed')) # print (receive_buf) break
def connect_server(self): while True: try: self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh.connect(hostname=self.server_ip_address, port=self.server_port, username=self.server_username, password=self.server_password)'Connect server :{} Success'.format(self.server_ip_address)) # print('Connect server :{} Success'.format(self.server_ip_address)) return except Exception as err: if self.try_times != 0: logger.warn('Connect failed, Begin to retry [{}]...'.format(4 - self.try_times)) # print('Connect failed, Begin to retry ...') self.try_times -= 1 else: logger.error( 'Retry {0} times, Catch an error {1}, Skip connect to {2} !'.format(self.try_times, err, self.server_ip_address)) # print('Retry {0} times, Catch an error {1}, Skip connect to {2} !'.format(self.try_times, err, # self.server_ip_address)) break
def exec_commands(self, cmd_str): ''' :param exec_cmd: 需要执行的命令(单个命令) :return: ''' if not isinstance(cmd_str, str): logger.error("Only suppoort commands in one string") # print("Only suppoort commands in one string") exit() # ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # ssh.connect(hostname=self.server_ip_address, port=self.server_port, username=self.server_username, # password=self.server_password) exec_cmd = 'source .bash_profile || source .profile;' + cmd_str'run cmd: {}'.format(cmd_str)) stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(exec_cmd) res, err =, result = res if res else err logger.debug("[%s]".center(50, "-") % self.server_ip_address) # print("[%s]".center(50, "-") % self.server_ip_address)'[{}] status: {}'.format(self.server_ip_address, 'cmd executed')) # print('run cmd: {}'.format(cmd_str)) logger.debug(result.decode())
def search(self): all_list = self.list_all_files(self.src_path) for one_file in all_list: fh = open(one_file, mode='r+t', encoding='utf-8') try: text_lines = fh.readlines() row = 1 for one_line in text_lines: for match_key in self.match_keys: if, one_line): 'file: [{}], lines: [{}] match the key: {} '. format(one_file, row, match_key)) logger.debug( 'match row content: [{}]'.format(one_line)) # print('file: [{}], lines: [{}] match the key: {} '.format(match_key, one_file, row)) row += 1 except Exception as err: logger.error('skip file: {}, \n error: {}'.format( one_file, err)) # print('[Warning]skip file: {}, error: {}'.format(err, one_file)) finally: fh.close()
def main_process(self, collect_date): rescode = self.isVaildDate(collect_date) if not rescode: logger.error('invaild date: {}'.format(collect_date)) exit() for onekey in self.db_config: onerow = self.db_config[onekey] (host, listen_port, service_name, db_username, db_password) = self.get_single_db_info(onerow) ora = OracleExecFactory(host, listen_port, service_name, db_username, db_password) col_date = self.format_date(collect_date) start_date = col_date end_date = col_date flag = True while start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") == end_date.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d") and flag: cur_date = + datetime.timedelta( hours=-1) start_date = end_date end_date = end_date + datetime.timedelta( hours=self.awr_interval_time) start_str = start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") end_str = end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") if end_date < cur_date: (db_id, inst_num, bid, eid) = self.get_awr_element(ora, start_str, end_str) filename = 'awrrpt_{}_{}_{}_{}-{}.html'.format( host, service_name, start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), start_str, end_str) 'db_id: {}, inst_num: {}, bid: {}, eid: {}'.format( db_id, inst_num, bid, eid)) self.make_single_awr(ora, db_id, inst_num, bid, eid, filename) else: end_str = cur_date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") flag = False if start_str != end_str: (db_id, inst_num, bid, eid) = self.get_awr_element(ora, start_str, end_str) filename = 'awrrpt_{}_{}_{}_{}-{}.html'.format( host, service_name, start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), start_str, end_str) 'db_id: {}, inst_num: {}, bid: {}, eid: {}'.format( db_id, inst_num, bid, eid)) self.make_single_awr(ora, db_id, inst_num, bid, eid, filename) else: break
def close_server(self):'disconnect from [{}]'.format(self.server_ip_address)) self.ssh.close()