Пример #1
    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'instrument_%s' % name, replace=True)

        self._name = name
        self._initialized = False
        self._locked = False

        self._changed = {}
        self._changed_hid = None

        self._options = kwargs
        if 'tags' not in self._options:
            self._options['tags'] = []

        self._parameters = {}
        self._parameter_groups = {}
        self._functions = {}
        self._added_methods = []
        self._probe_ids = []

        self._default_read_var = None
        self._default_write_var = None

        self._lock_class = kwargs.get('lockclass', name)
        if self._lock_class in Instrument._lock_classes:
            self._access_lock = Instrument._lock_classes[self._lock_class]
            self._access_lock = calltimer.TimedLock(2.0)
            self._lock_classes[self._lock_class] = self._access_lock
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'instruments%d' % Instruments.__id)
        Instruments.__id += 1

        self._instruments = {}
        self._instruments_info = {}
        self._tags = []
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'instruments%d' % Instruments.__id)
        Instruments.__id += 1

        self._instruments = {}
        self._instruments_info = {}
        self._tags = []
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'instrument_%s' % name, replace=True)

        self._name = name
        self._initialized = False
        self._locked = False

        self._changed = {}
        self._changed_hid = None

        self._options = kwargs
        if 'tags' not in self._options:
            self._options['tags'] = []

        self._parameters = {}
        self._parameter_groups = {}
        self._functions = {}
        self._added_methods = []
        self._probe_ids = []

        self._default_read_var = None
        self._default_write_var = None

        self._lock_class = kwargs.get('lockclass', name)
        if self._lock_class in Instrument._lock_classes:
            self._access_lock = Instrument._lock_classes[self._lock_class]
            self._access_lock = calltimer.TimedLock(2.0)
            self._lock_classes[self._lock_class] = self._access_lock
Пример #5
 def __init__(self):
     SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'flow')
     self._status = 'starting'
     self._measurements_running = 0
     self._abort = False
     self._pause = False
     self._exit_handlers = []
     self._callbacks = {}
Пример #6
 def __init__(self):
     SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'flow')
     self._status = 'starting'
     self._measurements_running = 0
     self._abort = False
     self._pause = False
     self._exit_handlers = []
     self._callbacks = {}
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a plot object.

        args input:
            data objects (Data)
            filenames (string)

        kwargs input:
            name (string), default will be 'plot<n>'
            maxpoints (int), maximum number of points to show, default 10000
            maxtraces (int), maximum number of traces to show, default 5
            mintime (int, seconds), default 1
            autoupdate (bool), default None, which means listen to global
            needtempfile (bool), default False. Whether the plot needs data
            in a temporary file.
            supportbin (bool), default False. Whether the temporary file can
            be in binary format.
            refreshrate (int), minimum elapsed time in second during two updates
            of a graph being plotting without file. Default 1 second.

        maxpoints = kwargs.get('maxpoints', 10000)
        maxtraces = kwargs.get('maxtraces', 5)
        mintime = kwargs.get('mintime', 1)
        autoupdate = kwargs.get('autoupdate', None)
        needtempfile = kwargs.get('needtempfile', False)
        supportbin = kwargs.get('supportbin', False)
        refreshrate = kwargs.get('refreshrate', 1)
        name = kwargs.get('name', '')
        self._name = Plot._plot_list.new_item_name(self, name)
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'plot_%s' % self._name, replace=True)

        self._data = []

        # Plot properties, things such as maxpoints might be migrated here.
        self._properties = {}

        self._maxpoints = maxpoints
        self._maxtraces = maxtraces
        self._mintime = mintime
        self._autoupdate = autoupdate
        self._needtempfile = needtempfile
        self._supportbin = supportbin
        self._refreshrate = refreshrate

        self._last_update = 0
        self._update_hid = None

        data_args = get_dict_keys(kwargs,
                                  ('coorddim', 'coorddims', 'valdim', 'title',
                                   'offset', 'ofs', 'traceofs', 'surfofs'))
        data_args['update'] = False
        data_args['setlabels'] = False
        self.add(*args, **data_args)

        Plot._plot_list.add(self._name, self)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a plot object.

        args input:
            data objects (Data)
            filenames (string)

        kwargs input:
            name (string), default will be 'plot<n>'
            maxpoints (int), maximum number of points to show, default 10000
            maxtraces (int), maximum number of traces to show, default 5
            mintime (int, seconds), default 1
            autoupdate (bool), default None, which means listen to global
            needtempfile (bool), default False. Whether the plot needs data
            in a temporary file.
            supportbin (bool), default False. Whether the temporary file can
            be in binary format.
            refreshrate (int), minimum elapsed time in second during two updates
            of a graph being plotting without file. Default 1 second.

        maxpoints = kwargs.get('maxpoints', 10000)
        maxtraces = kwargs.get('maxtraces', 5)
        mintime = kwargs.get('mintime', 1)
        autoupdate = kwargs.get('autoupdate', None)
        needtempfile = kwargs.get('needtempfile', False)
        supportbin = kwargs.get('supportbin', False)
        refreshrate = kwargs.get('refreshrate', 1)
        name = kwargs.get('name', '')
        self._name = Plot._plot_list.new_item_name(self, name)
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'plot_%s' % self._name, replace=True)

        self._data = []

        # Plot properties, things such as maxpoints might be migrated here.
        self._properties = {}

        self._maxpoints = maxpoints
        self._maxtraces = maxtraces
        self._mintime = mintime
        self._autoupdate = autoupdate
        self._needtempfile = needtempfile
        self._supportbin = supportbin
        self._refreshrate = refreshrate

        self._last_update = 0
        self._update_hid = None

        data_args = get_dict_keys(kwargs, ('coorddim', 'coorddims', 'valdim',
            'title', 'offset', 'ofs', 'traceofs', 'surfofs'))
        data_args['update'] = False
        data_args['setlabels'] = False
        self.add(*args, **data_args)

        Plot._plot_list.add(self._name, self)
Пример #9
    def __init__(self,
        Create a plot wrapper for plotting qt.Data objects.

        args input:
            data objects (Data)

        kwargs input:
            name (string)           --- default 'plot<n>'
            mintime (int, seconds)  --- min time between autoupdates, default 1
            autoupdate (bool)       --- update the plot when data points added, default True
            template (string)       --- default 'gnuplot_2d'
            output_dir (string)     --- directory for storing the plot. default '.'
            run (bool)              --- whether the plot script should be immediately ran (opened)
                                        (But a window may not pop up until data is added.)

        self._name = name if name else ''
        self._name = Plot._plot_list.new_item_name(self, self._name)

        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'plot_%s' % self._name, replace=True)

        self._data = []

        self._mintime = mintime
        self._autoupdate = autoupdate

        self._last_update = 0
        self._update_hid = None

        self._pltbr = plotbridge_plot(name=self._name,

        Plot._plot_list.add(self._name, self)

        if run:
Пример #10
    def __init__(self,
        Create a plot wrapper for plotting qt.Data objects.

        args input:
            data objects (Data)

        kwargs input:
            name (string)           --- default 'plot<n>'
            mintime (int, seconds)  --- min time between autoupdates, default 1
            autoupdate (bool)       --- update the plot when data points added, default True
            template (string)       --- default 'gnuplot_2d'
            output_dir (string)     --- directory for storing the plot. default '.'
            run (bool)              --- whether the plot script should be immediately ran (opened)
                                        (But a window may not pop up until data is added.)

        self._name = name if name else ''
        self._name = Plot._plot_list.new_item_name(self, self._name)

        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'plot_%s' % self._name, replace=True)

        self._data = []

        self._mintime = mintime
        self._autoupdate = autoupdate

        self._last_update = 0
        self._update_hid = None

        self._pltbr = plotbridge_plot(name=self._name, template=template,
                                          output_dir=output_dir, overwrite=True)

        Plot._plot_list.add(self._name, self)

        if run:
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, base_name='item', **kwargs):
        Construct new named list object.

            base_name (string): the base name for new items
            type (constant): TYPE_ACTIVE or TYPE_PASSIVE.
                Active lists make sure that an item always exists, so if an
                item is requested that does not exist a new one will be
                created on the fly by calling the create() function
                Passive lists simply return None if an item does not exist.
        shared_name = kwargs.get('shared_name', 'namedlist_%s' % base_name)
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, shared_name)

        self._list = {}
        self._last_item = None
        self._auto_counter = 0
        self._base_name = base_name

        type = kwargs.get('type', NamedList.TYPE_PASSIVE)
        self._type = type
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, base_name='item', **kwargs):
        Construct new named list object.

            base_name (string): the base name for new items
            type (constant): TYPE_ACTIVE or TYPE_PASSIVE.
                Active lists make sure that an item always exists, so if an
                item is requested that does not exist a new one will be
                created on the fly by calling the create() function
                Passive lists simply return None if an item does not exist.
        shared_name = kwargs.get('shared_name', 'namedlist_%s' % base_name)
        SharedGObject.__init__(self, shared_name)
        self._list = {}
        self._last_item = None
        self._auto_counter = 0
        self._base_name = base_name

        type = kwargs.get('type', NamedList.TYPE_PASSIVE)
        self._type = type
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create data object. There are three different uses:
        1) create an empty data object for use in a measurement
        2) create a data object and fill immediately with a numpy array
        3) create a data object from an existing data file

        All inputs are optional.
        The 'name' input is used in an internal list (accessable through
        qt.data). If omitted, a name will be auto generated.
        This 'name' will also be used later to auto generate a filename
        when calling 'create_file()' (if that is called without options).
        The input 'filename' here is only used for loading an existing file.

        args input:
            filename (string), set the filename to load.
            data (numpy.array), array to construct data object for

        kwargs input:
            name (string), default will be 'data<n>'
            infile (bool), default True
            inmem (bool), default False if no file specified, True otherwise
            tempfile (bool), default False. If True create a temporary file
                for the data.
            binary (bool), default True. Whether tempfile should be binary.

        # Init SharedGObject a bit lower

        name = kwargs.get('name', '')
        infile = kwargs.get('infile', True)
        inmem = kwargs.get('inmem', False)

        self._inmem = inmem
        self._tempfile = kwargs.get('tempfile', False)
        self._temp_binary = kwargs.get('binary', True)
        self._options = kwargs
        self._file = None
        self._stop_req_hid = None

        # Dimension info
        self._dimensions = []
        self._block_sizes = []
        self._loopdims = None
        self._loopshape = None
        self._complete = False
        self._reshaped_data = None

        # Number of coordinate dimensions
        self._ncoordinates = 0

        # Number of value dimensions
        self._nvalues = 0

        # Number of data points
        self._npoints = 0
        self._npoints_last_block = 0
        self._npoints_max_block = 0

        self._comment = []
        self._localtime = time.localtime()
        self._timestamp = time.asctime(self._localtime)
        self._timemark = time.strftime('%H%M%S', self._localtime)
        self._datemark = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', self._localtime)

        # FIXME: the name generation here is a bit nasty
        name = Data._data_list.new_item_name(self, name)
        self._name = name

                               'data_%s' % name,

        data = get_arg_type(args, kwargs, (numpy.ndarray, list, tuple), 'data')
        if data is not None:
            self._data = numpy.array([])
            self._infile = infile

        filepath = get_arg_type(args, kwargs, types.StringType, 'filepath')
        if self._tempfile:
        elif filepath is not None and filepath != '':
            if 'inmem' not in kwargs:
                inmem = True
            self.set_filepath(filepath, inmem)
            self._infile = True
            self._dir = ''
            self._filename = ''
            self._infile = infile

        # Don't hold references to temporary data files
        if not self._tempfile:
            Data._data_list.add(name, self)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create data object. There are three different uses:
        1) create an empty data object for use in a measurement
        2) create a data object and fill immediately with a numpy array
        3) create a data object from an existing data file

        All inputs are optional.
        The 'name' input is used in an internal list (accessable through
        qt.data). If omitted, a name will be auto generated.
        This 'name' will also be used later to auto generate a filename
        when calling 'create_file()' (if that is called without options).
        The input 'filename' here is only used for loading an existing file.

        args input:
            filename (string), set the filename to load.
            data (numpy.array), array to construct data object for

        kwargs input:
            name (string), default will be 'data<n>'
            infile (bool), default True
            inmem (bool), default False if no file specified, True otherwise
            tempfile (bool), default False. If True create a temporary file
                for the data.
            binary (bool), default True. Whether tempfile should be binary.

        # Init SharedGObject a bit lower

        name = kwargs.get('name', '')
        infile = kwargs.get('infile', True)
        inmem = kwargs.get('inmem', False)

        self._inmem = inmem
        self._tempfile = kwargs.get('tempfile', False)
        self._temp_binary = kwargs.get('binary', True)
        self._options = kwargs
        self._file = None
        self._stop_req_hid = None

        # Dimension info
        self._dimensions = []
        self._block_sizes = []
        self._loopdims = None
        self._loopshape = None
        self._complete = False
        self._reshaped_data = None

        # Number of coordinate dimensions
        self._ncoordinates = 0

        # Number of value dimensions
        self._nvalues = 0

        # Number of data points
        self._npoints = 0
        self._npoints_last_block = 0
        self._npoints_max_block = 0

        self._comment = []
        self._localtime = time.localtime()
        self._timestamp = time.asctime(self._localtime)
        self._timemark = time.strftime('%H%M%S', self._localtime)
        self._datemark = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', self._localtime)

        # FIXME: the name generation here is a bit nasty
        name = Data._data_list.new_item_name(self, name)
        self._name = name

        SharedGObject.__init__(self, 'data_%s' % name,
            replace=True, idle_emit=True)

        data = get_arg_type(args, kwargs,
                (numpy.ndarray, list, tuple),
        if data is not None:
            self._data = numpy.array([])
            self._infile = infile

        filepath = get_arg_type(args, kwargs, types.StringType, 'filepath')
        if self._tempfile:
        elif filepath is not None and filepath != '':
            if 'inmem' not in kwargs:
                inmem = True
            self.set_filepath(filepath, inmem)
            self._infile = True
            self._dir = ''
            self._filename = ''
            self._infile = infile

        # Don't hold references to temporary data files
        if not self._tempfile:
            Data._data_list.add(name, self)