Пример #1
# To calculate:
#  - Ae
#  - Thrust

# Solution:
energy_in = energy(T1, V1, m=m_rate)

# Applying the conservation of energy equation
def eqn_energy(Te):
    energy_out = energy(Te, Ve, m=m_rate)
    return energy_in + q - energy_out

Te = num.solve_nr(eqn_energy, init=T1)

rhoe = eos.rho(pe, Te)

# Applying conservation of mass equation
def eqn_mass(Ae):
    return mass(rhoe, Ae, Ve) - m_rate

Ae = num.solve_nr(eqn_mass, init=1.0)

momentum_in = m_rate * V1
momentum_out = m_rate * Ve
pressure_thrust = (pe - p_amb) * Ae
Пример #2
# ------------------------------------
A1 = Ae = A = 1  # m^2, assumed = 1 as mass flow rate needs to be calculated per unit area

# To calculate:
#  - heat added per unit mass
#  - mass flow rate per unit area

# Solution:
molar_mass = 12 * 1 + 16 * 2
R = prop.R(molar_mass)
cp = prop.cp(R, gamma)

energy_in = energy(T1, V1, cp, m=1)
energy_out = energy(Te, Ve, cp, m=1)

# Conservation of energy equation
def eqn_energy(q):
    return energy_in + q - energy_out

q = num.solve_nr(eqn_energy)

# Using the ideal gas equation of state at the inlet
rho1 = eos.rho(p1, T1, R)

m = mass(rho1, A1, V1)

print("The amount of heat being added to the carbon dioxide per unit mass of gas is %f J/kg." % q)
print("The mass flow rate through the duct per unit cross-sectional area of the duct is %f kg/s-m^2." % m)
Пример #3
# To calculate: mass flow rate

# Solution:
molar_mass = 2.016  # kg/kmol
R = prop.R(molar_mass)

cp = prop.cp(R, gamma)
Te = isen.T2(T1, pe / p1, gamma)

# Conservation of energy equation
def eqn_energy(Ve):
    return energy(T0, 0, cp) - energy(Te, Ve, cp)

Ve = num.solve_nr(eqn_energy, init=100.0)  # +ve initial guess

# Conservation of momentum
momentum_in = 0
pressure_thrust = (pe - p_amb) * Aexit

def eqn_momentum(me):
    momentum_out = me * Ve
    return thrust - momentum_out + momentum_in - pressure_thrust

me = num.solve_nr(eqn_momentum, init=0.0)

    "If the required thrust is %f MN, the required hydrogen mass flow rate is %f kg/s."
Пример #4
D3 = 9e-2  # m
# ------------------------------------

# To calculate: V3

# Solution:
rho1 = eos.rho(p1, T1)
rho2 = eos.rho(p2, T2)
rho3 = eos.rho(p3, T3)

A1 = area_circle(D1)
A2 = area_circle(D2)
A3 = area_circle(D3)

m1 = mass(rho1, A1, V1)
m2 = mass(rho2, A2, V2)

# mass conservation equation
def eqn(V3):
    m3 = mass(rho3, A3, V3)
    return m1 + m2 - m3

V3 = num.solve_nr(eqn, V1)
print("The velocity in the exit pipe is %f m/s." % V3)

Пример #5
T2 = -50 + 273  # K
# ------------------------------------

# To calculate: T3

# Solution:
# assume m1 = m2 = 1
m1 = 1  # kg/s
m2 = m1
m3 = m1 + m2

# conservation of energy
e1 = energy(T1, V1, m=m1)
e2 = energy(T2, V2, m=m2)

# e1 + e2 - e3 = 0
def eqn(T3):
    V3 = 0
    return e1 + e2 - energy(T3, V3, m=m3)

T3 = num.solve_nr(eqn, init=T1)

print("The temperature of the air in the large chamber is %f K or %f deg. C." %
      (T3, T3 - 273))

Пример #6
Ve = 30  # m/s
Te = 80 + 273  # K
pe = 2.45e6  # Pa
# ------------------------------------

# To calculate:
# - Heat added/removed per kilogram of air
# - density of air at inlet of heat exchanger
# - density of air at exit of heat exchanger

# Solution:
energy_in = energy(T1, V1)
energy_out = energy(Te, Ve)

# Conservation of energy equation
def eqn_energy(q):
    return energy_in + q - energy_out

q = num.solve_nr(eqn_energy)  # sign of q indicates whether heat is added or removed
qdir = "heat added"
if q < 0: qdir = "heat removed"

rho1 = eos.rho(p1, T1)
rhoe = eos.rho(pe, Te)

print("The %s per kilogram of air flowing through the heat exchanger is %f J/kg." % (qdir, abs(q)))
print("The density of the air at the inlet of the heat exchanger is %f kg/m^3." % rho1)
print("The density of the air at the exit of the heat exchanger is %f kg/m^3." % rhoe)