Пример #1
	def __init__ (self, game, size, font):
		width, height = size
		self.game = game
		self.mainwindow = PygcurseWindow(width, height, font = font)
		self.mainwindow.autoupdate = False
		self.aw = 0 # Active window index
		self.windows = list()
		self.debug = True
		self.debug_message = {}
		self.mainwindow.setscreencolors('white', 'blue', clear=True)
Пример #2
class GameWindowManager():
	"""Manages the windows inside the main window."""
	def __init__ (self, game, size, font):
		width, height = size
		self.game = game
		self.mainwindow = PygcurseWindow(width, height, font = font)
		self.mainwindow.autoupdate = False
		self.aw = 0 # Active window index
		self.windows = list()
		self.debug = True
		self.debug_message = {}
		self.mainwindow.setscreencolors('white', 'blue', clear=True)
	def input(self, event, modkeys = 0):
		if event.type == keys.KeyDown:
			if event.key == keys.NextWindow:
				if modkeys & mods.LeftShift:
				self.active_window.input(event, modkeys)
	def register_window(self, name, window, position, draw = True):
		"""Register a window with the window manager. Assigns a properties attribute to the window."""
		window._properties = WindowProperties(name, position, draw)
	def get_window(self, name):
		for window in self.windows:
			if window._properties.name == name:
				return window
		return False
	def next_window(self, move = 1):
		self.active_window._properties.active, self.active_window._properties.clean = False, False
		self.aw += move
		if self.aw >= len(self.windows):
			self.aw = 0
		self.active_window._properties.active, self.active_window._properties.clean = True, False
		return self.aw
	def print_debug_info(self):
		self.debug_message['awn'] = self.active_window_name
		self.mainwindow.putchars(str(self.debug_message), x=3, y= self.mainwindow.height-3, fgcolor = 'green')
	def update(self):
		"""Update the window."""
		for window in self.windows:
			if not window._properties.clean:
				self.draw_window( window )		
		if self.debug:
	def draw_window(self, window):
		"""Draw one of the child windows."""
		x,y = window._properties.position
		window.paste((0, 0, None, None), self.mainwindow, (x, y, None, None))
		window._properties.clean = True
	"""Active window properties."""
	def active_window(self):
		return self.windows[self.aw]
	def active_window_name(self):
			return self.windows[self.aw]._properties.name
		except IndexError:
			return str(None)
	"""Returns size of availible drawing space."""
	def size(self): return self.width, self.height
	def width(self): return self.mainwindow.size[0]
	def height(self): return self.mainwindow.size[1]