Пример #1
def conv_len_conv_refr_time(log_dict, nicks, nick_same_list, rt_cutoff_time, cutoff_percentile):

	""" Calculates the conversation length (CL) that is the length of time for which two users communicate 
	i.e. if a message is not replied to within Response Time(RT), 
	then it is considered as a part of another conversation.
	This function also calculates the conversation refresh time(CRT)
	For a pair of users, this is the time when one conversation ends and another one starts.
		log_dict (str): Dictionary of logs data created using reader.py
		nicks(List) : list of nickname created using nickTracker.py
		nick_same_list :List of same_nick names created using nickTracker.py
		rt_cutoff_time (int) : Response Time (RT) cutoff to be used for CL and CRT calculations
		row_cl(zip List): Conversation Length
		row_crt(zip List) :Conversation Refresh time
	conv = []
	conv_diff = []  

	G = util.to_graph(nick_same_list)
	conn_comp_list = list(connected_components(G))


	# We use connected components algorithm to group all those nick clusters that have atleast one nick common in their clusters. So e.g.
	#Cluster 1- nick1,nick2,nick3,nick4(some nicks of a user) #Cluster 2 -nick5,nick6,nick2,nick7. Then we would get - nick1,nick2,nick3,nick4,nick5,nick6,nick7 and we can safely assume they belong to the same user.

	conversations=[[] for i in range(config.MAX_CONVERSATIONS)] #This might need to be incremented from 10000 if we have more users. Same logic as the above 7000 one. Applies to all the other codes too.
											 ## I would advice on using a different data structure which does not have an upper bound like we do in arrays.

	def build_conversation(rec_list, nick, send_time, nick_to_search,
						   nick_receiver, nick_sender, dateadd,
						   conversations, conn_comp_list, line):
		for names in rec_list:
			conversations, nick_receiver, send_time = \
				conv_helper(names, nick, send_time, nick_to_search,
							nick_receiver, nick_sender, dateadd,
							conversations, conn_comp_list, line)
		return  conversations, nick_receiver, send_time

	def conv_helper(rec, nick, send_time, nick_to_search, nick_receiver,
					nick_sender, dateadd, conversations, conn_comp_list, line):
		if(rec == nick):
			if(nick_to_search != nick):
				nick_receiver = util.get_nick_sen_rec(len(nicks), nick, conn_comp_list, nick_receiver)
				for i in range(config.MAX_CONVERSATIONS):
					if (nick_sender in conversations[i] and nick_receiver in conversations[i]):
						conversations = conv_append(conversations, i, dateadd, line)
					if(len(conversations[i]) == 0):
						conversations = conv_append(conversations, i, dateadd, line)
		return  conversations, nick_receiver, send_time

	def conv_mat_diff(i,j,conversations):
		i(int): matrix index for row
		j(int): matrix index for column
		return (conversations[i][j]-conversations[i][j-1])

	def conv_append(conversations, index, dateadd, line):
		conversations[index].append(config.HOURS_PER_DAY*config.MINS_PER_HOUR*dateadd + int(line[1:6][0:2])*config.MINS_PER_HOUR + int(line[1:6][3:5]))
		return conversations

	def parse_log_lines_for_conv(log_dict, nicks, conn_comp_list, conversations):
		dateadd = -1 #Variable used for response time calculation. Varies from 0-365.
		for day_content_all_channels in log_dict.values():
			for day_content in day_content_all_channels:
				day_log = day_content["log_data"]

				dateadd = dateadd + 1
				send_time = [] #list of all the times a user sends a message to another user
				#code for making relation map between clients
				for line in day_log:
					flag_comma = 0
					if(util.check_if_msg_line (line)):
						nick_sender = ""
						nick_receiver = ""
						m = re.search(r"\<(.*?)\>", line)
						nick_to_search = util.correctLastCharCR(m.group(0)[1:-1])
						nick_sender = util.get_nick_sen_rec(len(nicks), nick_to_search, conn_comp_list, nick_sender)

						for nick in nicks:
							rec_list = [e.strip() for e in line.split(':')]
							if not rec_list[2]:
							rec_list = util.correct_last_char_list(rec_list)
							conversations, nick_receiver, send_time = \
								build_conversation(rec_list, nick, send_time,
												   nick_to_search, nick_receiver, nick_sender,
												   dateadd, conversations, conn_comp_list, line)

							if "," in rec_list[2]:
								flag_comma = 1
								rec_list_2 = [e.strip() for e in rec_list[2].split(',')]
								rec_list_2 = util.correct_last_char_list(rec_list_2)
								conversations, nick_receiver, send_time = \
									build_conversation(rec_list_2, nick, send_time,
													   nick_to_search, nick_receiver,
													   nick_sender, dateadd, conversations,
													   conn_comp_list, line)

							if(flag_comma == 0):
								rec = util.splice_find(line, ">", ", ", 1)
								conversations, nick_receiver, send_time	= \
									conv_helper(rec, nick, send_time, nick_to_search,
												nick_receiver, nick_sender, dateadd,
												conversations, conn_comp_list, line)

		return 	conversations, nick_receiver, send_time

	conversations, nick_receiver, send_time = parse_log_lines_for_conv(log_dict, nicks, conn_comp_list, conversations)

	# Consider all cases in which messages are addressed as - (nick1:nick2 or nick1,nick2
	# or nick1,nick2:) and stores their response times in conversations.
	# conversations[i] contains all the response times between userA and userB
	# throughout a chosen time period.

	for i in range(len(conversations)):
		#remove the first two elements from every conversations[i]
		# as they are the UIDS of sender and receiver respectively(and not RTs)
		if(len(conversations[i]) != 0):
			del conversations[i][0:2]

	for i in range(len(conversations)):
		if(len(conversations[i]) != 0):
			first = conversations[i][0]
			# response times are calculated starting from index 2.
			# So now we have all the response times in conversations.
			for j in range(1, len(conversations[i])):
					# We are recording the conversation length in conv and CRT in conv_diff.
					if(conv_mat_diff(i, j, conversations) > rt_cutoff_time):
						conv.append(conversations[i][j-1] - first)

						conv_diff.append(conv_mat_diff(i, j, conversations))
						first = conversations[i][j]
					if(j == (len(conversations[i]) - 1)):
						conv.append(conversations[i][j] - first)
	#To plot CDF we store the CL and CRT values and their number of occurences
	row_cl = build_stat_dist(conv)
	row_crt = build_stat_dist(conv_diff)
	truncated_cl, cl_cutoff_time = truncate_table(row_cl, cutoff_percentile)
	truncated_crt, crt_cutoff_time = truncate_table(row_crt, cutoff_percentile)

	return truncated_cl, truncated_crt
Пример #2
def response_time(log_dict, nicks, nick_same_list, cutoff_percentile):

	""" finds the response time of a message 
	i.e. the best guess for the time at which one can expect a reply for his/her message.

		log_dict (str): Dictionary of logs data created using reader.py
		nicks(List) : List of nickname created using nickTracker.py
		nick_same_list :List of same_nick names created using nickTracker.py
		cutoff_percentile (int): Cutoff percentile indicating statistical significance
	   rows_RT(zip List): Response Time (This refers to the response
		time of a message i.e. the best guess for the time at
		which one can expect a reply for his/her message)

	G = util.to_graph(nick_same_list)
	conn_comp_list = list(connected_components(G))

	graph_cumulative = []
	graph_x_axis = []
	graph_y_axis = []

	def build_mean_list(conversations, index, mean_list):
		for j in range(2, len(conversations[index])):
		return mean_list

	def resp_helper(rec, nick, send_time, nick_to_search, nick_receiver, nick_sender, conversations, conn_comp_list):
		if(rec == nick):
			if(nick_to_search != nick):
				nick_receiver = util.get_nick_sen_rec(len(nicks), nick, conn_comp_list, nick_receiver)								
				for i in range(config.MAX_RESPONSE_CONVERSATIONS):
					if (nick_sender in conversations[i] and nick_receiver in conversations[i]): 
					if(len(conversations[i]) == 0):
		return conversations, nick_receiver, send_time				

	for day_content_all_channels in log_dict.values():
		for day_content in day_content_all_channels:
			day_log = day_content["log_data"]

			send_time = []  #list of all the times a user sends a message to another user
			meanstd_list = []
			totalmeanstd_list = []
			x_axis = []
			y_axis = []
			real_y_axis = []             
			conversations = [[] for i in range(config.MAX_RESPONSE_CONVERSATIONS)]

			#code for making relation map between clients       
			for line in day_log:
				flag_comma = 0
				if(util.check_if_msg_line (line)):
					nick_sender = ""
					nick_receiver = ""
					m = re.search(r"\<(.*?)\>", line)
					nick_to_search = util.correctLastCharCR(m.group(0)[1:-1])
					nick_sender = util.get_nick_sen_rec(len(nicks), nick_to_search, conn_comp_list, nick_sender)					         
					for nick in nicks:
						rec_list = [e.strip() for e in line.split(':')]

						if not rec_list[2]:
						rec_list = util.correct_last_char_list(rec_list)		
						for name in rec_list:
							conversations, nick_receiver, send_time = resp_helper(name, nick, send_time, nick_to_search, nick_receiver, nick_sender, conversations, conn_comp_list)							
						if "," in rec_list[2]: 
							flag_comma = 1
							rec_list_2 = [e.strip() for e in rec_list[2].split(',')]							
							rec_list_2 = util.correct_last_char_list(rec_list_2)		
							for name in rec_list_2:
								conversations, nick_receiver, send_time = resp_helper(name, nick, send_time, nick_to_search, nick_receiver, nick_sender, conversations, conn_comp_list)								

						if(flag_comma == 0):
							rec = util.splice_find(line, ">", ", ",1)							
							conversations, nick_receiver, send_time = resp_helper(rec, nick, send_time, nick_to_search, nick_receiver, nick_sender, conversations, conn_comp_list)						
			for i in range(config.MAX_RESPONSE_CONVERSATIONS):
				if(len(conversations[i]) != 0):  
					for j in range(2, len(conversations[i]) - 1):
						conversations[i][j]=(int(conversations[i][j+1][0:2])*config.MINS_PER_HOUR+int(conversations[i][j+1][3:5])) - (int(conversations[i][j][0:2])*config.MINS_PER_HOUR+int(conversations[i][j][3:5]))
			for i in range(config.MAX_RESPONSE_CONVERSATIONS):
				if(len(conversations[i]) != 0): 
					if(len(conversations[i]) == 3):
						conversations[i][2] = int(conversations[i][2][0:2])*config.MINS_PER_HOUR+int(conversations[i][2][3:5])     
						del conversations[i][-1]

		#Explanation provided in parser-CL+CRT.py
			for i in range(config.MAX_RESPONSE_CONVERSATIONS):
				if(len(conversations[i]) != 0):					
					totalmeanstd_list = build_mean_list(conversations, i, totalmeanstd_list)

			if(len(totalmeanstd_list) != 0):
				for i in range(max(totalmeanstd_list) + 1):

				for i in x_axis:
					y_axis.append(float(totalmeanstd_list.count(i)) / float(len(totalmeanstd_list)))
				#finding the probability of each RT to occur=No. of occurence/total occurences.
				for i in range(len(y_axis)):
					real_y_axis.append(float(real_y_axis[i-1]) + float(y_axis[i]))
			#to find cumulative just go on adding the current value to previously cumulated value till sum becomes 1 for last entry.
			for i in range(len(totalmeanstd_list)):

			if len(totalmeanstd_list) > 0:
			for i in range(config.MAX_RESPONSE_CONVERSATIONS):
				if(len(conversations[i]) != 0):					
					meanstd_list = build_mean_list(conversations, i, meanstd_list)					
					meanstd_list[:] = []


	truncated_rt = None
	rt_cutoff_time = None
	if graph_cumulative:
		for i in range(graph_cumulative[len(graph_cumulative)-1] + 1):
			graph_y_axis.append(graph_cumulative.count(i))     # problem when ti=0 count is unexpectedly large

		#Finally storing the RT values along with their frequencies in a csv file; no need to invoke build_stat_dist() function
		rows_rt = zip(graph_x_axis, graph_y_axis)
		truncated_rt, rt_cutoff_time = truncate_table(rows_rt, cutoff_percentile)

			resp_time, resp_frequency_tuple = zip(*truncated_rt)
			resp_frequency = list(resp_frequency_tuple)
			rt_cutoff_time_frac = numpy.mean(resp_frequency) + 2*numpy.std(resp_frequency)
			rt_cutoff_time = int(numpy.ceil(rt_cutoff_time_frac))

			# nothing further to do; truncate_table() already gives rt_cutoff_time
			# based on percentile

	return truncated_rt, rt_cutoff_time
Пример #3
def message_number_graph(log_dict, nicks, nick_same_list, DAY_BY_DAY_ANALYSIS=False):
    Creates a directed graph
    with each node representing an IRC user
    and each directed edge has a weight which 
    mentions the number messages sent and recieved by that user 
    in the selected time frame.
        log_dict (dict): with key as dateTime.date object and value as {"data":datalist,"channel_name":channels name}
        nicks(list): list of all the nicks
        nick_same_list(list): list of lists mentioning nicks which belong to same users
       message_number_graph (nx graph object)
    message_number_day_list = []
    conversations=[[0] for i in range(config.MAX_EXPECTED_DIFF_NICKS)]
    aggregate_message_number_graph = nx.DiGraph()  #graph with multiple directed edges between clients used

    G = util.to_graph(nick_same_list)
    conn_comp_list = list(connected_components(G))

    conn_comp_list = util.create_connected_nick_list(conn_comp_list)

    def msg_no_analysis_helper(rec_list, nick_sender, nick, conn_comp_list,conversations,today_conversation):
        for receiver in rec_list:
            if(receiver == nick):
                if(nick_sender != nick):                                 
                    nick_receiver = ''
                    nick_receiver = util.get_nick_sen_rec(config.MAX_EXPECTED_DIFF_NICKS, nick, conn_comp_list, nick_receiver)    

                    if DAY_BY_DAY_ANALYSIS:
                        today_conversation = util.extend_conversation_list(nick_sender, nick_receiver, today_conversation)
                        conversations = util.extend_conversation_list(nick_sender, nick_receiver, conversations)

    def message_no_add_egde(message_graph, conversation):
        for index in xrange(config.MAX_EXPECTED_DIFF_NICKS):
            if(len(conversation[index]) == 3 and conversation[index][0] >= config.THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_NUMBER_GRAPH):
                if len(conversation[index][1]) >= config.MINIMUM_NICK_LENGTH and len(conversation[index][2]) >= config.MINIMUM_NICK_LENGTH:
                    message_graph.add_edge(util.get_nick_representative(nicks, nick_same_list, conversation[index][1]), util.get_nick_representative(nicks, nick_same_list, conversation[index][2]), weight=conversation[index][0])
        return message_graph

    for day_content_all_channels in log_dict.values():
        for day_content in day_content_all_channels:
            day_log = day_content["log_data"]
            today_conversation = [[0] for i in range(config.MAX_EXPECTED_DIFF_NICKS)]
            for line in day_log:
                flag_comma = 0

                if(util.check_if_msg_line (line)):
                    parsed_nick = re.search(r"\<(.*?)\>", line)
                    nick_sender = util.correctLastCharCR(parsed_nick.group(0)[1:-1])
                    nick_receiver = ""      

                    for nick in nicks:
                        rec_list = [e.strip() for e in line.split(':')]
                        rec_list = util.rec_list_splice(rec_list)
                        if not rec_list[2]:
                        rec_list = util.correct_last_char_list(rec_list)       
                        msg_no_analysis_helper(rec_list, nick_sender, nick, conn_comp_list, conversations,today_conversation)

                        if "," in rec_list[1]:
                            flag_comma = 1
                            rec_list_2=[e.strip() for e in rec_list[1].split(',')]
                            for i in xrange(0,len(rec_list_2)):
                                    rec_list_2[i] = util.correctLastCharCR(rec_list_2[i])                            
                            msg_no_analysis_helper(rec_list_2, nick_sender, nick, conn_comp_list, conversations, today_conversation)                

                        if(flag_comma == 0):
                            rec = line[line.find(">")+1:line.find(", ")]
                            rec = rec[1:]
                            rec = util.correctLastCharCR(rec)
                            if(rec == nick):
                                if(nick_sender != nick):                                   
                                    nick_receiver = nick_receiver_from_conn_comp(nick, conn_comp_list)        

            if DAY_BY_DAY_ANALYSIS:
                today_message_number_graph = nx.DiGraph()
                today_message_number_graph = message_no_add_egde(today_message_number_graph, today_conversation)                
                year, month, day = util.get_year_month_day(day_content)
                message_number_day_list.append([today_message_number_graph, year+'-'+month+'-'+day])

    print "\nBuilding graph object with EDGE WEIGHT THRESHOLD:", config.THRESHOLD_MESSAGE_NUMBER_GRAPH

        aggregate_message_number_graph = message_no_add_egde(aggregate_message_number_graph, conversations)

    if config.DEBUGGER:
        print "========> 30 on " + str(len(conversations)) + " conversations"
        print conversations[:30]

        return message_number_day_list
        return aggregate_message_number_graph
Пример #4
def message_time_graph(log_dict, nicks, nick_same_list, DAY_BY_DAY_ANALYSIS=False):
    """ creates a directed graph where each edge denotes a message sent from a user to another user
    with the stamp denoting the time at which the message was sent

        log_dict (dictionary): Dictionary of logs data created using reader.py
        nicks(List) : List of nickname created using nickTracker.py
        nick_same_list(List) :List of same_nick names created using nickTracker.py

       msg_time_graph_list(List): List of message time graphs for different days
       msg_time_aggr_graph: aggregate message time graph where edges are date + time when sender sends a message to receiver
    msg_time_graph_list = []
    msg_time_aggr_graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()
    G = util.to_graph(nick_same_list)
    conn_comp_list = list(connected_components(G))

    def compare_spliced_nick(nick_to_compare, spliced_nick, nick_name, line):
        if(nick_to_compare == nick_name):
            if(spliced_nick != nick_name):
                nick_receiver = nick_receiver_from_conn_comp(nick_name, conn_comp_list)        
                util.build_graphs(nick_sender, nick_receiver, line[1:6], year, month, day, graph_conversation, msg_time_aggr_graph)             
    conn_comp_list = util.create_connected_nick_list(conn_comp_list)

    for day_content_all_channels in log_dict.values():
        for day_content in day_content_all_channels:
            day_log = day_content["log_data"]
            year, month, day = util.get_year_month_day(day_content)
            graph_conversation = nx.MultiDiGraph()  #graph with multiple directed edges between clients used
            for line in day_log:
                flag_comma = 0
                if(util.check_if_msg_line (line)):
                    m = re.search(r"\<(.*?)\>", line)         
                    spliced_nick = util.correctLastCharCR(m.group(0)[1:-1])
                    nick_sender = ""                          
                    nick_sender = util.get_nick_sen_rec(config.MAX_EXPECTED_DIFF_NICKS, spliced_nick, conn_comp_list, nick_sender)

                    for nick_name in nicks:
                        rec_list = [e.strip() for e in line.split(':')]  #receiver list splited about :
                        rec_list = util.rec_list_splice(rec_list)
                        if not rec_list[2]:  #index 0 will contain time 14:02
                        rec_list = util.correct_last_char_list(rec_list)        
                        for nick_to_search in rec_list:
                            if(nick_to_search == nick_name):
                                if(spliced_nick != nick_name):                                    
                                    nick_receiver = ""                                         
                                    nick_receiver = util.get_nick_sen_rec(config.MAX_EXPECTED_DIFF_NICKS, nick_name, conn_comp_list, nick_receiver)                                            
                                    util.build_graphs(nick_sender, nick_receiver, line[1:6], year, month, day, graph_conversation, msg_time_aggr_graph)

                        if "," in rec_list[2]:  #receiver list may of the form <Dhruv> Rohan, Ram :
                            flag_comma = 1
                            rec_list_2 = [e.strip() for e in rec_list[2].split(',')]
                            rec_list_2 = util.correct_last_char_list(rec_list_2)        
                            for nick_to_search in rec_list_2:                              
                                compare_spliced_nick(nick_to_search, spliced_nick, nick_name, line)   

                        if(flag_comma == 0):  #receiver list can be <Dhruv> Rohan, Hi!
                            rec = line[line.find(">") + 1:line.find(", ")]
                            rec = util.correctLastCharCR(rec[1:])                           
                            compare_spliced_nick(rec, spliced_nick, nick_name, line)    


        return msg_time_graph_list
        return msg_time_aggr_graph
Пример #5
 def test_create_connected_nick_list(self, conn_comp_list,
     # sorted has to be uses as set to list conversion leads to change in ordering
     self.assertEqual((sorted(conn_comp_list[0]), sorted(conn_comp_list[1])), \
                      (sorted(expected_conn_comp_list[0]), sorted(expected_conn_comp_list[1])))