Пример #1
def findMacbyIp(addr, host):
	# Find what the MAC address is associated with the provided IP address
	# If client IP address is on a vlan hosted on a firewall, pull MAC from firewall
	# Currently not fully implemented yet
	'''if (
			"10.x.x." in ipAddr or
			"10.x.x." in ipAddr or
			"10.x.x." in ipAddr
		# Below 2 lines not used; left for future ASA support
		showArp = "show arp | include "
		host = hostCoreASA
		asaClient = True
	# If client IP address is not on a firewall-hosted vlan, pull MAC from Core
		showArp = "show ip arp | include "
		asaClient = False'''

	showArp = "show ip arp | include "
	asaClient = False
	# Set command to run for ARP table lookup
	command = showArp + addr + "\n"
	# Run command, save output to 'result'
	if asaClient:
		result = sfn.runSSHCommandASA(command, host, creds)
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
			print "Client IP address is not found on the core switch or the ASA.  Error #301.  Please try again"
		# Split result into list split by newlines
		result = result.splitlines()
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result[-3])
		result = sfn.runSSHCommand(command, host, creds)
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
			print "Client IP address is not found in the core network.  Error #302.  Please try again"
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result)
	# Split result by individual spaces
	result = result.split(" ")
	# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
	if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result[2]):
		print "Client MAC address is not found.  Please try again"
	# Otherwise, return MAC address found from ARP table
		if result[2] == "arp":
			print "Client IP address is identified as on the firewall but cannot be found on it.  Error #303.  Please try again"
			return result[2]
Пример #2
def findIpByMac(addr, host):
	# Find what the IP address is associated with the provided MAC address
	showArp = "show ip arp | include "
	command = showArp + addr
	# Run command, save output to 'result'
	result = sfn.runSSHCommand(command, host, creds)

	# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, check a firewall to see if its hosted there
	if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
		# Currently not fully implemented yet
		'''showArp = "show arp | include "
		command = showArp + addr
		host = hostCoreASA
		asaClient = True'''

		if asaClient:
			result = sfn.runSSHCommandASA(command, host, creds)
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
			print "Client MAC address is not found on the core switch or internal ASA.  Error #201.  Please try again"

		# Split result into list split by newlines
		result = result.splitlines()
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result[-3])

		# Split result by individual spaces
		result = result.split(" ")
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result[2]):
			print "Client MAC address is not found.  Error #202.  Please try again"
		# Otherwise, return MAC address found from ARP table
			if result[2] == "arp":
				print "Client IP address is identified as as on the firewall but cannot be found on it.  Error #203.  Please try again"
				return result[1]
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result)
		# Split result by individual spaces
		clientIPAddr = result.split(" ")
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(clientIPAddr[0]):
			print "Client IP address is not found.  Please try again"
		# Otherwise, return IP address found from ARP table
			return clientIPAddr[0]
# Script variables
### /Variables ###

# Get credentials from user if not already set
user, pw = ufn.getUserCredentials(user, pw)
# Store user credentials in creds class
creds = fn.setUserCredentials(user, pw)

host = raw_input("What switch is the interface on? ")
iface = raw_input("What interface do you want to configure? ")

print "\n\nConfig settings for interface %s on %s:" % (iface, host)

command = "show run int %s | ex configuration|!" % (iface)
# Print existing configuration settings for interface
print sfn.runSSHCommand(command, host, creds)
print "\n"

# Loop menu in case invalid option is selected
while True:
    # Loop menu in case incorrect option is selected, and user declines confirming menu option
    while True:
        print "\n"
        print "Troubleshooting Menu for interface %s\n" % (iface)
        print "1) Bounce port"
        print "2) Shutdown port"
        print "3) Enable port"
        print "4) Change data vlan on port"
        print "5) Change voice vlan on port"
        print "6) Clear authentication sessions on port"
        print "7) Erase port config"
# Get current time for later calculations on how long script took to run
startTime = fn.getCurrentTime()

# Make new directory for the current date

# Loop for each listed item imported into fileLines array
for line in fileLines:
	# Strip newlines from imported devices
	line = fn.stripNewline(line)
	# Split each line on whitespace
	line = line.split(',')

	# Get running config from network device - line[1] is IP address
	commandRunConfig = sfn.runSSHCommand("show run", line[1], creds)

	# Save pulled running-config to file as a backup - line[0] is hostname
	backupFileName = "%s/%s_%s.txt" % (outputDirectory, line[0], currentTime)
	fn.writeCommandToFile(commandRunConfig, backupFileName)

	# Increment progress bar counter
	i += 1
	# Progress bar for user on device count
	fn.printProgress(i, deviceCount, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete')

# Print elapsed time for running script
print "\nTotal elapsed time to complete script:"
print fn.getScriptRunTime(startTime)
print "\n"
Пример #5
	# Find MAC address assigned to provided IP address
	macAddr = findMacbyIp(ipAddr, host)

	# This should never trigger

# Find what switch the given MAC address is on
while True:
	# Set to run twice.  If first MAC address lookup fails, script will ping the IP to force the MAC address to
	#  populate in the MAC table, then rechecks MAC table
	for a in range(0,2):
		showMac = "show mac address-table | include %s" % (macAddr)

		# Run 1st command, save output to 'result'
		result = sfn.runSSHCommand(showMac, host, creds)
		# If outputList is empty, ping IP address from switch and recheck MAC address table (to force it to populate)
		if not result:
			commandPing = "ping " + ipAddr
			sfn.runSSHCommand(commandPing, host, creds)
			a += 1
			# Break from 'for' loop
	# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
	result1 = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result)
	# Split result by individual spaces
	outputList = result1.split(" ")

	# Set last index for outputList to 2nd from last if last index is empty