Пример #1
def list_searchable_parameters():
    print('here', file=sys.stdout)
    inputs = REC_DATA.list_input_keys_values()
    print('inputs', inputs, file=sys.stdout)
    targets = look_up_table.LOOK_UP_TABLE['campaign_objective']
    print('targets', targets, file=sys.stdout)
    return json_response({"inputs": inputs, "targets": targets})
Пример #2
def list_searchable_parameters():
    """ returns a plain text of charset='utf-8'
        with inputs and target as a key:value pair
    # output 'here' with the help of file=sys.stdout
    print('here', file=sys.stdout)
    # saved all searchable parameters into inputs in a key : value format (json)
    inputs = REC_DATA.list_input_keys_values()
    # output 'inputs' with the aid of file=sys.stdout
    print('inputs', inputs, file=sys.stdout)
    # save a portion of the searchable parameter by specifying the key name 'campaign_objective'
    targets = look_up_table.LOOK_UP_TABLE['campaign_objective']
    print('targets', targets, file=sys.stdout)
    # return a text file with inputs as key to searchable parameters and targets key to targets
    return json_response({"inputs": inputs, "targets": targets})
Пример #3
def get_feature_output():
    """Returns a dictionary with all data used in the rec ending and their metadata."""

    res = {"game_features": REC_DATA.game_features}
    return json_response(res)
Пример #4
def make_recommendation():
    """Based on the user's objective, this function selects matches and returns scores and meta data
    event_rates = ['click-through-event', 'first_dropped', 'impression']

    # Load the input
    json_dict = load_input(request)
    #json_dict = ast.literal_eval(json_str)
    if VERBOSE:
        print('json_dict', json_dict, file=sys.stdout)

    # beware campaign_objective also sent in
    slice_parameters = json_dict  #[{i: json_dict[i]} for i in json_dict if i != 'campaign_objective']

    # set default objects if none given
    objectives = json_dict.get(

    if isinstance(objectives, list) is False:
        objectives = [objectives]
    print('objectives', objectives, file=sys.stdout)
    # assure the objectives are reasonable
    for obj in objectives:
        assert obj in look_up_table.LOOK_UP_TABLE['campaign_objective']

    # identify rows matching the input query params
    matching_rows = REC_DATA.extract_data_slice(slice_parameters)

    # summ all events for each line_item_id matching above results
    gm_kys_view = REC_DATA.sum_events(matching_rows, ['first_key'],

    # get a list of unique game ids
    uniq_games = list(gm_kys_view.keys())
    for game_id in uniq_games:
        # calculate rates, and scores
        gm_kys_view[game_id]['click_through_rate'] = REC_DATA.calculates_rates(

        gm_kys_view[game_id]['engagement_rate'] = REC_DATA.calculates_rates(

        # calculate the specific score for this game
        gm_kys_view[game_id]['rec_scores'] = REC_DATA.calculate_score(
            [gm_kys_view[game_id][obj] for obj in objectives])

    # sort the games based on 'decreasing' score
    ind_sort = np.argsort(
        [gm_kys_view[game_id]['rec_scores'] for game_id in uniq_games])[::-1]

    # generate a results list of score and games
    rec_score = []
    for i in ind_sort:
        game_id = uniq_games[i]
        # get all the additional feautures for this game
        game_features = REC_DATA.extract_game_features(game_id=game_id)
            'game_id': game_id,
            'score': gm_kys_view[game_id]['rec_scores'],
            'game_features': game_features

    if VERBOSE:
        print('rec_score', rec_score, file=sys.stdout)
    return json_response(rec_score)