def test_version(args, attempt, tag): global tag_names # get the OS specific installer asset = None while len(tag_names) > 0 and not asset: print('\nattempt ' + str(attempt) + '] getting installer for "' + tag + '" (release id ' + str(releases[tag]['id']) + ')') asset = get_release_asset(tag) if not asset: return False if not args.demo_mode: download_dir = tempdir('build-bisect_') download_path = os.path.join(download_dir, asset['name']) print('- downloading to ' + download_path) download(tag, asset['browser_download_url'], download_path) install_path = install(download_dir, download_path) profile_dir = setup_profile_directory(args) print('- running binary') run_cmd = get_run_cmd(install_path, profile_dir) execute(run_cmd) first = True while True: if not first: print('please type either `y` for yes or `n` for no!') answer = raw_input('Did this version work?: y/n\n') first = False if answer == 'y' or answer == 'n': break return answer == 'y'
def setup_profile_directory(args): global is_mac_os if is_mac_os: print('- processing changes for profile directory') if args.real_profile: print('-> using real profile (`--real-profile` passed in)') return None profile_dir = tempdir('build-bisect-profile_') if args.use_profile: print('-> downloading profile: "' + args.use_profile + '"') try: filename = os.path.basename(args.use_profile) query_string_index = filename.find('?') if query_string_index > -1: filename = filename[0:query_string_index] download_path = os.path.join(profile_dir, filename) download('profile', args.use_profile, download_path) if filename.endswith('.zip'): print('-> unzipping to ' + profile_dir) extract_zip(download_path, profile_dir) except Exception as e: print('whoops- ' + str(e)) print('-> using profile directory: "' + profile_dir + '"') return profile_dir
def download_framework(framework): filename = framework + '.zip' url = FRAMEWORKS_URL + '/' + filename download_dir = tempdir(prefix='electron-') path = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) download('Download ' + framework, url, path) return path
def download_framework(framework): filename = framework + ".zip" url = FRAMEWORKS_URL + "/" + filename download_dir = tempdir(prefix="atom-shell-") path = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) download("Download " + framework, url, path) return path
def download_framework(framework): framework_path = os.path.join('frameworks', framework) + '.framework' if os.path.exists(framework_path): return filename = framework + '' url = FRAMEWORKS_URL + '/' + filename download_dir = tempdir(prefix='atom-shell-') path = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) download('Download ' + framework, url, path) return path
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--output', help='Path to output archive.') parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to input archive.') parser.add_argument('--target_dir', help='If provided, the paths in the archive will be ' 'relative to this directory', default='.') args = parser.parse_args() temp_dir = tempdir('brave_archive') lzma_exec = GetLZMAExec() cmd = [lzma_exec, 'x', args.input, '-y', '-o' + temp_dir] subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) with scoped_cwd(os.path.join(temp_dir, args.target_dir)): make_zip(args.output, [], ['.'])
def download_to_temp_dir(url, filename, sha): download_dir = tempdir(prefix='electron-') file_path = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) download(text='Download ' + filename, url=url, path=file_path) validate_sha(file_path, sha) return file_path
def download_to_temp_dir(url, filename): download_dir = tempdir(prefix='electron-') file_path = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) download(text='Download ' + filename, url=url, path=file_path) return file_path